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» Dream interpretation coffin flies. If you dream about the Coffin? In the Dream Book of the Yellow Emperor. Why do you dream about a child in a coffin?

Dream interpretation coffin flies. If you dream about the Coffin? In the Dream Book of the Yellow Emperor. Why do you dream about a child in a coffin?

If you happened to see a coffin in a dream, in reality you will have to experience heavy losses, premature death of a close beloved relative, family member. If in a dream the coffin is in a church and it is strewn with flowers, it means that your marriage may turn out to be an unsuccessful enterprise. In general, such a dream is considered bad. For example, if a peasant dreams of something similar, in reality he may face crop failure or livestock diseases. For business people, such a dream means the onset of bad times. If unmarried or unmarried people dream of a coffin, their marriage will be happy. Seeing a moving coffin or hearse in a dream promises similar meanings and interpretations: such a dream can serve as a harbinger of illness, and then marriage, which, however, will be overshadowed by previous events. If in your dream you are in a coffin or sitting on it, then in reality there is a chance of quarreling with someone, getting seriously ill, and repenting of your actions and deeds.

Khamidova's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of a coffin that stands in a church and is decorated with flowers, then this is an unpleasant omen: your marriage will be unsuccessful. If lovers dreamed of a coffin, most likely they will be separated.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

An open coffin dreams of a successful course of affairs. If you dreamed that your friend was in a coffin, you will hear news or news related to his success. For young people, a dream about a coffin foreshadows an imminent marriage and marriage. For people family sleep, in which the coffin appears, is favorable: it promises profit, monetary success. If you see a dream in which you yourself find yourself in a coffin, it means that in reality you will be able to complete your business.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

If you dreamed of a coffin, there will be an obstacle for you. If you lie in a coffin in a dream, your life will be long. If there are ropes around the coffin, such a dream foreshadows the likelihood of death. If during a dream you watch a coffin being carried, in reality be prepared for sad circumstances and bad news. If you take part in digging a hole intended for a coffin, real life you will enter into a reasonable marriage. If you dreamed of a buried coffin, it means illness. If the coffin in the dream is open, you will take part in a fun ceremonial event ahead.

Dream Interpretation of Semenova

A moving coffin, a funeral procession and other mourning scenes are a sad symbol in a dream. So, if a coffin appears in a dream, in reality you may face heavy losses, the early death of someone close to you, family members, relatives. The appearance of a coffin strewn with flowers in a church predicts the fact that your wedding will not bring the desired happiness. If you saw a coffin that turned out to be empty, in reality you will have to experience a feeling of inner emptiness and mental anxieties that will weigh on you. If during a dream you find yourself in a coffin or sit on top of it, be prepared for quarrels, serious illnesses, and repentance for your actions. If in a dream you saw a truly terrible dream: you are participating in a funeral procession that is dedicated to you, and you see a coffin with your name on it, then you should listen to the inner voice that sends you subconscious signals in a dream. You need to build your life differently, changing not only your habits, but also your life treasure itself. If in a dream you happen to participate in a funeral procession, carrying a coffin, in real life there is a chance to commit an unseemly act that will negatively affect the life of the person you love, bringing him troubles and troubles. A dream in which you are making serious efforts to hammer nails into the coffin means that in reality you will take all the necessary actions that depend on you to overcome your weaknesses and overcome your shortcomings.

English dream book

Dreaming about a coffin is a bad sign. It is a harbinger of the death of a person you love and who is very close to you. For a long time you will not be able to come to terms with this loss. In addition to a misfortune that is of an individual, private nature, such a dream can portend a great misfortune that will claim many lives.

Azar's Dream Book

If young people dream of a coffin, it foretells a long life. If he appears in a dream to people who have a family, it means that in reality they will have stability in material terms. For elderly people, such a dream promises a quick death.

Chinese dream book

Seeing an open coffin in a dream means success in business matters. If in a dream a dead man in a coffin is your friend, you will receive news about his achievements and successes. If young people saw a coffin in a dream, a wedding awaits them in reality. For family people, a coffin in a dream promises profit and material well-being. Finding yourself in a coffin in a dream means finishing your business.

Lunar dream book

If young people dream of coffins, then this indicates the approach wedding celebration. If people who have already created their own family had such a dream, they are destined to make a big profit.

Correct dream book

A coffin seen in a dream in reality serves as an omen of an unhappy time in life. Such a dream warns business people not to get into large-scale debts, since paying them off will be very difficult. Did you dream about your own coffin? Fate will not be very favorable to you: you will not have any luck professionally. Not in matters of the heart. If, according to the plot of the dream, you yourself find yourself in a coffin, it means that your endeavors will end in failure. Seeing a hearse in a dream, which is moving, and in which, according to the plot of the dream, you find yourself, serves as a sign of a serious illness. Seeing a moving coffin means getting sick and having an unsuccessful marriage.

Vanga's Dream Book

If, according to the plot of the dream, you take part in a funeral procession and see a coffin and suddenly realize that your name is engraved on it, it means that your subconscious is sending you a certain signal: it’s time to make serious changes in your life. It is necessary to change not only the habits that have developed over the years, but also the way of life, since over time a person must somehow change, transform, improve.

If you dreamed of a coffin that turns out to be empty, it means that such a dream personifies the emptiness of the inner character, as well as mental hardships. If in the process of a dream you, together with other people, make a funeral journey, and you even happen to carry a coffin, it means that in real life you will act ugly in the fall, and this action of yours will cause troubles and troubles for people who are close to you. If in a dream you are driving nails into the lid of a coffin, and doing it with effort, it means that in reality you will do everything possible and impossible to overcome your weaknesses and get rid of possible vices. If you dreamed of a fallen coffin, this good sign. He reports that your guardian angel will do everything to protect you from a dangerous catastrophe. If in a dream the coffin turns out to be covered with earth, you should be vigilant in real life, since there is a terrible, incomparable evil in your life.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing an open coffin means experiencing a death in the family. Did you see a coffin in a dream? Your life will be long, and happiness will accompany you throughout your life. life path. It is believed that if in a dream you dreamed of coffins that were in a cemetery, this is a bad dream. If you dreamed of a coffin, then it foreshadows a collision with obstacles and obstacles. If, according to the plot of the dream, you are lying in a coffin, in reality you will participate in a cheerful celebration. If in a dream they try to hide you in a coffin, in reality a wedding will happen, and this event will happen unexpectedly. An empty coffin symbolizes a long life filled with happiness. A coffin with a corpse in a dream predicts changes in weather conditions.

Let's talk about one mysterious and frightening object that can be found in the kingdom of sleep. Let's try to find out the true reason for what is happening and find out why the coffin is dreamed of.

If you dreamed of a story on the theme of death, you should not immediately fall into hysterics and despair because of the possible troubles that this dream promises. After all, even such images as one’s own grave or seeing oneself lying in it do not predict death in the physical plane.

Many dream books generally put forward the opposite opinion on this matter, considering such dreams to be a harbinger of a happy fate and longevity for the dreamer.

What does he look like in a dream?

A burial box decorated with , symbolizes an unsuccessful marriage or relationship with a loved one. Perhaps it's time to change your partner or try to revive feelings that have lost color.

Red color means caution. Seeing a red burial box can mean illness. In interpretation Ukrainian dream book it means longevity. IN esoteric dream book The red sarcophagus is a symbol of success.

A black coffin in a dream will become a melancholy in the life of the person who dreamed about it. A black burial box foreshadows disappointments that will boil down to a feeling of melancholy. You can get rid of a sad mood if you don’t expect too much from people.

The white coffin will allow any of your most cherished desires to come true in real life. With elation and high spirits, you will be able to implement all your plans.

Many may be interested in why they dream of a closed coffin, nailed shut. Lying in a sarcophagus with the lid closed means illness or the danger of falling into a psychological trap. A dream in which you saw the lid of a coffin - the sleeper is trying to forget disturbing memories.

Funeral chest emerging from foretells happy life. A person who, in his dream, falls into it on his own, in reality lacks the necessary knowledge or new impressions. Lying in a sarcophagus signifies a search for novelty in everyday life.

There are several interpretations of why a dead man in a coffin dreams. If the burial box is empty, real estate acquisition awaits. An open sarcophagus in which the deceased is located indicates a successful completion of affairs. If you saw a dream in which a dead man rises from a sarcophagus, expect many guests.

In a dream, you can attend and dig a grave. This dream suggests that the secret that a person keeps will come true. There will be people who will expose these plans.

Burying this irreplaceable attribute of a funeral in the ground means a desire to get rid of some thoughts. You need to take a break from memories of the past and care more about the present.

Decoding famous dream books

The following interpretations of dreams with a coffin are indicated in famous dream books. Coffins in a dream different dream books interpreted differently, the same image can mean happiness and good luck in one dream book, and misfortune or illness in another.

Almost every dream book coffin in different situations interprets in both a positive and negative sense. And, despite the abundance of bad omens regarding what was seen, almost all of them indicate changes in life. What will happen in the real future is not completely known; a lot depends on the efforts of the person himself.

In the traditional sense, this burial item does not always predict sadness and adversity. For example, a dream of a burial box or a grave in water promises the acquisition of wealth in the near future.

According to Vanga’s dream book, seeing yourself on, being present near the sarcophagus on which you find your initials means the need to change your views and lifestyle in reality.

An empty coffin in a dream symbolizes spiritual emptiness. Red – predicts emotional experience. A sarcophagus covered with soil means the presence of sadness in a person’s fate.

A person participating in a funeral ritual and helping in the transfer of the deceased will commit a wrong act in the future. As a result, someone close to him may suffer. If a person hammers the lid in a dream, it means that in reality he will soon be able to get rid of bad habits and overcome vices.

It is a good sign to see a falling burial box in a dream. Why do you dream of a coffin that fell? A guardian angel will come to the rescue in Hard time the dreamer’s life and will save him from a terrible incident.

S. Karatov’s dream book says that if you have dreams where you see this object, the feeling of fear that comes to the dreamer in moments of loneliness is groundless.

  • A young couple dreams of a funeral attribute.
  • Buying a coffin in a dream symbolizes increasing your own importance.
  • Why dream of making a coffin - for honor and more money.
  • An open coffin in a dream is a successful development of events.
  • See your friend, how he is inside him - wait for news about the successes of your friend.
  • Dreaming of a coffin floating with the flow - this promises a lot of money in the future.

The dream book interprets the coffin, according to Hasse, as an obstacle. Lying or being in it - life promises to be long. Dreams of ropes on which the sarcophagus is lowered are harbingers of unpleasant situations. Seeing a coffin in a dream and watching the transfer of a dead person is sad news.

Digging a grave means a reasonable marriage. Seeing a coffin that is already buried in a dream is a disease. The dream book interprets an open coffin as being at a fun holiday.

And here’s how the dream book “Meridian” interprets the symbol: to see yourself alive in a coffin - it’s time to change yourself in better side, you need to quit bad habits. Seeing another person alive in him is a sign of longevity; the dream promises you to see great-grandchildren in the future.

A friend who is in this object for burial in a dream: a dream promises a change in affairs for the better for a friend; in the future he will be able to help the dreamer. If in a dream you suddenly suddenly find out that the person in the sarcophagus is familiar to you, then in reality you need to meet this acquaintance and solve all the accumulated problems, and not hide from them.

In general, dreams with a person in this box are a warning that a need has arisen in the dreamer’s life to change his social circle. It is likely that the time has come to break ties with someone from your environment.

According to the dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite, elderly people dream of a coffin as a reflection of fears for their health. If a family man dreams of a coffin, then this means making a profit. Why do young people dream of a coffin? Such a dream foreshadows a wedding. Why do you dream of a buried coffin? To illness. An open sarcophagus means a fun time.

Seeing a coffin in a dream means obstacles, and lying inside means a long life. If you dream of ropes for moving the sarcophagus, this means an event related to death. Seeing a funeral procession means sadness and bad news.

Did you dream of a coffin, a dead person or a grave? Yes, all this is creepy and unpleasant, especially in the first minutes after waking up, when goosebumps run all over your body. But all dreams, both bad and good, come to an end. The night fog clears, and everything falls into place. A person creates his own life, and a dream book can tell him an approximate direction.

Seeing a coffin in a dream foretells obstacles; for the elderly - the imminent death or loss of a dear relative; for family people - profit and prosperity; for the young - a wedding and a long, comfortable life.

A coffin seen in a church means an unsuccessful marriage. An open coffin is a sign of a cheerful celebration. Strewn with flowers - to failures and illnesses. Seeing a friend in a coffin means receiving important news. Lying in a coffin means acquiring a calm occupation and a long life. Carrying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of illness that will darken the upcoming celebration. Seeing others carry him is a sign of sad circumstances and bad news.

Lowering the coffin into the grave is a tragic death. Digging a hole for a coffin is a happy marriage. Burying a coffin is a chronic disease. To nail up a coffin means to be very frightened.

Seeing yourself sitting on a coffin means quarrels followed by repentance and mutual forgiveness. Buying a coffin means incurring large expenses.

Seeing a tomb in a dream means receiving protection in reality, and through it finding good luck. Being locked in a tomb in a dream means disappointment and withdrawal from business.

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Thanks to this page you will learn why do you dream of a coffin in a dream according to the dream book.

A dream in which a coffin appears somehow always serves as a harbinger of misfortune and great losses. For business people, such a dream is an important warning that you should not get into debt. You will not have the opportunity to give them away.

A dream in which you see your own coffin promises you to suffer major, irreparable losses, both in business and in your personal life. If in your dream you are lying in a coffin, then all your endeavors will turn into dust.

A dream in which you are being transported in a hearse, and you yourself are sitting in a coffin, portends experiencing a serious and protracted illness. A moving coffin is always a harbinger of illness and disappointment in love.

Why do you dream of a coffin according to Miller?

According to Miller, what the coffin is dreaming of cannot give you many positive points. So you need to be very careful with such dreams. If you just look at this item, you may soon lose someone from your family. Moreover, the person will leave while still young. It is unusual if you walk into a church and near the altar you see a coffin, which is decorated on all sides with different flowers. Such pictures hint at a future wedding. But do not rush to rejoice, as your union will not last long and will end rather sadly. For people associated with work on the land (garden, garden, fields), this bad sign, since the land this year will not bring big harvest, and farm animals can catch serious illness. The same goes for business people. There is no need to get involved in new projects. It's better to cover your rear. The box on the hearse also speaks of the wedding. But everything will turn out badly here too. Of course, the celebration will be successful, but before it you will have time to get very sick and perhaps even quarrel. So there will be a heavy aftertaste in my soul. You can have a big row with your family or get seriously ill (and with complications) if you decide to lie down on the lid.

Why do you dream about Vanga’s coffin?

Vanga also didn’t see anything good in what the coffin meant in dreams. If you approach a lid or monument and notice that your name is written on it, then this is an important turn in fate. You are given a second chance, and now it is up to you how much you can delay the terrible moment of your death. And Vanga calls the reason none other than yours bad habits. Change your lifestyle and you can change the scenario. Otherwise, the picture will come true very soon. An empty grave speaks about your inner experiences. You are filled with torment, and you cannot get rid of some kind of moral emptiness. It's a bad sign if you want to take part. If you are burying someone or carrying a dead person, you will soon commit a very bad act. And the consequences will affect someone close to him and bring him a lot of trouble. But it’s very good if you suddenly decide to help drive in nails. Then all is not lost. You know that you have significant shortcomings that cause pain to you and others. And you decided to fight them. If you hammered nails, then in reality you will cope with your essence. You have a very good angel, and the coffin suddenly fell to the ground. Then at the most dangerous moment it will protect you from imminent death.

Why do you dream of a coffin according to Freud?

Freud did not see the dream of the coffin as any omens of sudden death. He did not at all connect such dreams with the image of an old woman with a braid, which everyone is so afraid of. Since the psychoanalyst specialized in the sexual side of our lives, he offers a rather original approach to such scenes. But this will be of interest primarily to the female half, since for Freud the coffin personified the female genital organs. First of all, the uterus. To understand what he meant, it is important to remember appearance dreamed box. If it looks luxurious, they spent a lot of money on it, and you like it, then you're good. You are not sick with anything, and you should not have any problems if you want to continue the family. But a broken one, with rotten boards, holes, or shabby will always hint at infertility. Self-esteem can be judged by its high cost. If it seems cheap to you, without painting or upholstery on the inside, then you don’t have a very high opinion of yourself. It's bad to see a coffin made of zinc. This promises various dangerous diseases, but the main blow will be on sexual life. So schedule a visit to your gynecologist.

Why do you dream about the coffin according to Nostradamus?

Nostradamus reassures those who do not understand why the coffin is dreamed of. Such dreams may talk about the end, but not in terms of life cycle. Often this means that you are ready to complete some task that is significant to you. And don't expect the worst. Because on the contrary, you will experience joy when you say goodbye to this task, and it will be like liberation. Moreover, after this there will be a number of serious changes in fate that will bring you only joy. But, sometimes it can be an indicator of your condition. It may be that you have begun to feel fear of this world. Or you have lost trust in your work colleagues and friends. Do not be alarmed when you see yourself in the place of the deceased. This is not a hint of death, but just a signal for future changes. But if you fell asleep inside at all, then soon there will be a reason for wild fun. It’s bad if you see such pictures when you are sick. This is a hint that your illness will take root even deeper, and it will be more difficult for you to rid your body of it. But if you do get out of it, you will be able to cope with everything. And it’s also bad if you decide to sit in it. Then your relatives will start arguing a lot. And everything will happen because you did something in a hurry, without thinking.

Creepy dreams with coffins always frighten sleeping people. Interestingly, dreams with such a plot often turn out to be positive harbingers. Hints from experienced interpreters will help you understand why you dream of a coffin.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a coffin?

In Miller's dream book, quite a lot is written about the coffin. If an object is decorated with fresh flowers, this is an important warning for the dreamer who has decided to get married. Family life will turn out to be unlucky. Therefore, you should think several times before tying the knot with your chosen person. This may lead to a serious error. But a moving coffin becomes a harbinger of an imminent illness. The disease will be severe and will bother the dreamer for a long time.

According to Freud, the coffin for a girl is a symbol of her genitals. If the item is beautiful and expensive, then everything is fine with her women’s health. The sleeping person is ready for pregnancy and childbirth. A rotten, falling apart coffin suggests that the young lady has health problems. There is a possibility of infertility. For a man, the coffin turns out to be a symbol of his self-esteem. If the item is cheap, he is worried about numerous complexes.

Vanga’s work notes that the most negative sign is the name of the sleeping person written on the coffin. After such a dream, a person urgently needs to change his habits and overall lifestyle. An empty coffin, according to the Bulgarian clairvoyant, signifies the dreamer’s spiritual emptiness. Perhaps the man or woman is on the verge of depression.

Seeing an open and closed coffin in a dream

In a dream, an open empty coffin appeared that did not frighten the sleeping person? This is a good sign. All worries and worries will disappear from a person’s life.

If the dreamer is afraid to look into an empty open coffin in a vision, it means that in reality he is afraid of his future. It cannot be said that a person stands firmly on his feet. A falling open coffin is a hint that the dreamer has a very strong guardian angel who is always nearby and will not leave him alone with his problems.