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» Miller's Dream Book. Meaning and interpretation of dreams. Dream Interpretation Miller: distinctive features and characteristic features

Miller's Dream Book. Meaning and interpretation of dreams. Dream Interpretation Miller: distinctive features and characteristic features

Miller is a successful businessman who solves dreams. Gustav Hindman Miller is a famous American entrepreneur, farmer, writer, financier and company owner. He was respected for his intelligence and subtlety of thought in commercial circles, revered as a writer of picturesque stories, however, it was innate ability Conduct in-depth analysis of dreams.

Miller, by nature, was distinguished by his desire for psychological analysis of facts, understanding the circumstances of situations, the root cause of consequences and identifying the nature of dreams - such abilities, coupled with decency, apparently helped him achieve a worthy position in society, as well as become the most famous author of a dream book in the world .

Rock and fortune

Difficult childhood

Gustav was born in the Texas frontier in 1857, under the roof of small house at the ranch. His father died when he was not yet five, and his mother had another one year old child, his brother Frank. She married a second time, and the children were raised in her father's house. Soon the grandmother died, and the grandfather married a young widow with two children, who subsequently bore him four more. This is how Gustav grew up in a crowded house, during the years civil war, in deprivation and gloomy living conditions. However, his grandfather was distinguished by high morality and a tough character; he despised deception in trade, and treated many merchants with disdain, because he considered them “unclean.” His grandfather's credo left its mark on the way Miller conducted his affairs in life.

The beginning of the way

As soon as Gustav received his secondary education, he decided to improve his life, and, having received the position of a clerk, began working in a store. At the age of 21, Miller married a beautiful girl from a wealthy family, and a year after the wedding, he opened his first grocery store with his brother, and they called their business Miller Brothers and Company. The Millers began to succeed in the store business. They sold essential goods, but unfortunately the store burned down, leaving behind only ashes. Unshakable will and faith in success helped the brothers open new shop, and then the biggest one in all south coast Ohio River department store, which very quickly was able to gain popularity, and the business of the merchant brothers began to flourish.

Recognition and career

Miller's fame as a businessman grew every year, he succeeded in many things, and was known as a respected citizen in America. Over the years, Gustav Miller became president of the Hamilton National Bank, founder and president of the Mills (hosiery) company, co-owner, president and director of the Miller Brothers & Co. department store, and owner of a controlling interest in the investment firm Ross-Hindman Miller.


Calm family life The Millers were undermined by the misfortunes associated with their children. In total, the Millers had seven children, but the first three died when they were still babies, the fourth died at 21, and only the last three lived to an old age.


In Gustav’s busy life, there was also room for creativity. He devoted his evenings to literary pursuits; several books were published from his pen and received the reader’s favor, including “Lucy Dalton”, “Is Marriage a Mistake”, “The Jew” .

Miller's famous dream book

The acuity of perception of the outside world, genius in psychoanalysis, the ability to see the background of facts and the ability to unravel signals of the subconscious helped Miller to compile a dream book, which even today surpasses all known ones in popularity. More than 1,500 objects were interpreted in the dream book, which Miller analyzed not only on the basis of his own dreams, but he also used in his creation the knowledge gained from mastered ancient teachings about the providence of dreams. His theory about an unconscious journey into the world of dreams is based on the belief that the human subconscious remembers everything that happens in reality, analyzes the past and present, and then in a dream sends an encrypted message to consciousness, which, if interpreted correctly, can predict many events in one’s life and prevent trouble , abandon the planned risky business in time, or, on the contrary, expect success in your endeavors.

Dreams are a reflection of reality. In them we can see not only our past and present, but also our future. Surely, almost each of you has a dream book at home. And if there is no dream book in printed form, then you can always use its analogue - online interpretation dreams.

There are many various dream books: French, Assyrian, author's dream books. Moreover, the meanings of the same dreams may differ in them. Most a good option will take advantage of the works of the American psychologist Miller, who described about 10 thousand elements and symbols of dreams.

Miller's Dream Book It is interesting in that its author does not directly quote his predecessors, although, of course, when writing the dream book, he read many works, including very ancient ones. In this book you can find the meaning of any dream. Of course, what is now offered to you on the Internet and in printed publications, this is not the original. The fact is that if you read the original, you would hardly be able to use the descriptions in practice. They are too “lag behind” the modern state of affairs, our everyday life, because this dream book was written back in late XIX century. But modern “versions” are by no means bad. There you can even find what it means to make love in a dream. This was definitely not the case in the original dream book. Meanwhile, thousands of people see similar dreams every night...

Let's look at the most common signs that come to us in a dream, based on Gustav Miller's dream book. One of the most common dreams among women 20-40 years old is their own pregnancy. See the description in modern version dream book It turns out that this bad dream, which means an unhappy marriage and the birth of ugly children. This description of the dream clearly cannot be trusted. Otherwise, a good half of women would be unhappy in marriage. This is an all too common dream. It is very often seen by women planning pregnancy, future and real mothers. And there is an adequate psychological explanation for this. Our thoughts are reflected in dreams...

More interesting is the dream in which we see our own hair. It can be interpreted in different ways. For example, if a woman combs her beautiful hair in a dream, long hair, then this prophesies her frivolous actions in real life, which she will later regret. Seeing multi-colored (dark and light) hair on your head in a dream means big doubts. And see on your head White hair for a young man or girl - not a good sign. It symbolizes troubles and possibly losses.

Seeing yourself as a guest at someone else's wedding is a sign of a decision complex problem and relief from anxiety. A dream in which the image of a snake appears can be interpreted differently. Killing a snake in a dream (as you probably already guessed) means victory over your enemies, triumph. If you see in a dream how a snake stings you, then this may mean that in real life ill-wishers can harm your work and interfere with your career growth. If a snake coils around your body, then this is an omen that your enemies will gain the upper hand over you, as well as illness. Thus, a snake in a dream is always an image of an ill-wisher. And the dream itself is interpreted depending on the behavior of this mammal.

Dreams with children are very contradictory. If you dream of contented, happy children, then this promises a joyful event. If children (or a child) cry, then this is a sign of illness. And if a woman has a dream in which she lulls a child, then this is a sign of deception loved one.

Unpleasant dreams and even nightmares sometimes also signify good events. For example, horrible dream about the funeral of a loved one (or a deceased person), most often, is an omen of a happy turn in fate.

Traditionally, a dream about fish is interpreted as a sign of a woman’s imminent pregnancy. If you look at the interpretation of dreams in Miller’s dream book, you can see a slightly different interpretation (however, not excluding the first). Fish in clean water- to a significant event, perhaps to marriage. Dead fish are a bad dream.

The dream in which a dog came to you also needs to be interpreted depending on some nuances. If a dog cuddles up to you, then this is a sign of strong friendship. If a dog barks or bites, then this is the machinations of enemies. Barking dogs in a dream means receiving bad news in reality.

If you had a “bad” dream, then do not despair. Just take note and be more careful. It is not a fact that this sign will actually come true. Don't set yourself up for bad things.

Miller's Dream Book: interpretation of dreams free online.

Dreams are perhaps the most mysterious part of human reality. People have been trying to unravel the meaning of their dreams since ancient times. In the courts of kings, kings and emperors, the role of dream interpreters was performed by magicians and sorcerers. Today everything is much simpler: just go to our website and open the dream book - Miller's dream interpreter.

Biography of Gustav Miller

However, we hope that our users will be interested not only in Miller’s dream book itself, but also in some facts from the life of its creator. Gustav Miller was born back in 1857. His place of birth is the United States of America, Texas. The parents of the future creator of the most popular dream book were very poor. In addition, Gustavus’s father passed away early, and therefore the child was raised by his grandfather. He was not the most loved child. However, it was precisely this circumstance that played a key role in strengthening Miller’s character.

Few people know that Miller was a businessman: immediately after training, he and his brother opened their own store in the center hometown. However, business was not the only interest of the talented young man: Gustavus Miller was very interested in literature and travel. Several books and publications appeared from the pen of the writer and financier, but only Miller’s dream book became famous throughout the world. The interpretation of dreams in this work is striking in its depth, and the number of interpretations is striking in its volume.

Miller's dream book is presented online on our website. The peculiarity of this dream book is that each interpretation is a deep analysis of a dozen or more dreams that Miller’s contemporaries saw. Miller's dream book online for free will help you ward off trouble and improve your life for the better.

The creator of the dream interpreter himself believed that every dreamed thing or object represents a code that needs to be deciphered. You can find out how successful Gustavus Miller was in his task by checking the meaning of the dream you read on our website with real events that will happen to you in the future.

There are others famous dream books. In addition to Miller’s dream book, we also have the dream book of Vanga, the greatest fortuneteller of the 20th century. Miller's free dream book, Vanga is the key to your future!

What are dreams? Where do they come from? What do amazing fantasy images mean? Until now, neither scientists nor masters of esotericism have given an indisputable and unambiguous answer to these questions. And although attitudes to the issue change over time, dreams remain the most mysterious part of a person’s life.

In ancient times, people were sure: night visions are news from the spirits of the family, gods or ancestors, in this way mysterious forces communicate with those living today. Local sages, sorcerers and shamans had to decipher these messages. When, over time, primitive beliefs gave way to religious systems, the interpretation of dreams became the task of priests of various cults. At that time, night visions were taken more than seriously. As is known, in Ancient Greece special temples were even built where visitors came to sleep if they wanted to see prophetic dream, and the clergy helped with the interpretation. The first dream book that has come down to us also appeared there - a five-volume book written by Artemidorus of Daldian.

If you have a nightmare, you need to look out the window and say three times:
“Wherever there is night, there comes sleep”

In the era of Christianity, dreams continued to be treated with great reverence. They looked for a secret meaning in them, trying to figure out what clues they gave higher power. And this is not surprising: even the Bible describes prophetic dreams.

At a later time, with the development of science, attitudes towards dreams began to change. Sigmund Freud created his own concept of their interpretation, discarding everything strange and mystical. From the point of view of the famous psychologist and his followers, dreams are a storehouse of information about personality, valuable material for psychoanalysis.

But interest in the mystical side of night visions, despite the popularity of the scientific approach, has not faded away. The services of magicians and fortune tellers, seers and dream interpreters have always been in demand, although they were not cheap.

So, in what worlds does the soul wander while you are quietly snoring in your bed, what experience does it gain from these wanderings and what can what it sees mean? If all these questions concern you, if you are worried about a strange dream, if you want to know what it is for, our online dream book will become an excellent interpretative consultant. Moreover, here you can get all the answers completely free of charge.

Miller's famous dream book, interpretations from the legendary soothsayer Vanga, apt author's interpretations from Nostradamus, Loff, Yuri Long, Tsvetkov, as well as amazing ethnic collections: Old Russian, Muslim, Persian, Ukrainian, Chinese - you will find all this with us. To make the interpretation of dreams as accurate as possible, use our recommendations.

The combined dream book of various authors presented on the site will help you find the most Full description every event or object seen in a dream. Gustav Miller - American psychologist became known to a wide audience thanks to his book “Dream Book or Interpretation of Dreams.”

Miller's dream book turned out to be so good that it is still one of the main sources of dream interpretation throughout the world. Many of our predecessors used Miller's dream book as the main source of information about dreams. Gustav Miller created his dream book based on a painstaking, long-term study of the influence of plots and images from dreams on a person’s fate. Miller spent many years analyzing the relationship between similar dreams different people and further events that took place in their lives. On the basis of this work, Miller's interpretation of dreams appeared and became universally known.

According to Gustav Miller, the set of images, objects and symbols that we see in dreams is far from accidental. It represents encrypted messages, by unraveling which one can unravel some events awaiting the dreamer in the future. Having analyzed and combined into one system various combinations objects, phenomena and events seen in dreams by various people, Miller compiled general scheme interpretation, which allows you to look into the future and explain some things that are happening in reality.

Miller compiled his dream book based on knowledge of human psychology, as well as using many years of analysis of the dreams of tens of thousands of people.
Miller's dream book differs from other dream books in a significant amount of information - in the original Miller's dream book contains about 10,000 interpretations of dreams and explanations of their meaning. None of the other popular dream books offer such a list of dreams as Miller’s dream book. Perhaps that is why today he is considered the most authoritative among other dream interpreters.

Biography of the dream book compiler Gustav Miller

Gustav Miller was born on September 4, 1857 in Texas, on a ranch. The parents were among the first settlers in this area. Miller received his education at Correll County Schools.

Miller began working at the age of twenty as a clerk in a village store, and two years later he opened own store in Barestone County, Tennessee. In 1889, after moving to Chattanunga, he founded a department store with his brother. In 1895, G. Miller became one of the founders of the factory and corporation. As president, he led them until he retired in 1923.

A sharp mind, the ability to analyze, inexhaustible vital energy and business qualities made Miller not only a rich man, but also a famous individual in human society.

In addition to the interpreter of dreams, G. Miller wrote several more books: Lucy Dalton, Thisparia, The Jew, etc. But the greatest fame for this person was brought by the dream book, popular all over the world, which many still use in our time. Died: Gustav Hindman Miller in 1929.