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» Dream interpretation of dreams: why do you dream about swans? Why do you dream of white and black swans?

Dream interpretation of dreams: why do you dream about swans? Why do you dream of white and black swans?

Many people speak with delight about such a graceful and beautiful bird like a swan. These creatures certainly inspire admiration just by their appearance. But what if these luxurious birds appeared in a dream? What does such an image promise? Today we invite you to find out together why swans dream. And several of the most complete and trustworthy sources will help us with this.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

Let's find out how the vision in which the swan appears is interpreted by a famous esotericist from the United States. So, if you dreamed of this luxurious bird on clean water, then dubious pleasures await you in the near future. A dead bird promises disappointment and a feeling of satiety. Why do you dream of white swans? If these birds swim peacefully in calm water, then in the near future, magnificent prospects will open up for you in reality. This vision also promises pleasant experiences and

Freud's Dream Book

Now let’s find out how the founder of psychoanalysis interprets the appearance of a swan in a night dream. Thus, according to Freud, this bird symbolizes a harmoniously developed person who does not have any deviations in the intimate sphere. But this is only if a swan in a dream swims across a lake or pond or flies in the sky. The vision in which you shoot this bird will have a completely different interpretation. Such a dream suggests that, even despite a good upbringing, you are very aggressive towards the opposite sex. Moreover, you cannot take control in any way.

Ancient French dream book

In general, this bird is considered by the compilers of this collection as a symbol of the acquisition of wealth, some kind of property. And the swan? Such a vision is considered a bad sign. So, it suggests that there is a possibility of serious problems and difficulties arising in your affairs. But the singing swan is a harbinger of extremely sad events in the life of the sleeper.

Islamic dream book

This source considers the swan as good sign. Thus, a dreaming bird promises the acquisition of wealth for the sleeping person. However, he can achieve this only through honest work.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations, if you dreamed of a tame swan, then this is a good sign. So, he promises the sleeping person happiness in family life and healthy children. But wild birds are seen as a symbol of power and wealth. A black swan promises disagreements with your spouse. However, after some time, disputes will be replaced by violent passion and reconciliation. If you see these birds in a zoo, then in the foreseeable future you will desperately want peace, quiet and comfort. Why do you dream of swans swimming in the lake? Such a vision promises excellent prospects and success, which, of course, will have an extremely positive effect on your mood. If you dreamed of swans on the shore, then perhaps you will find yourself in a very diverse company and indulge in dubious pleasures.

Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras

Why do you dream of swans in a couple? This vision according to information from of this dream book promises happy events and changes for the better in the house. If you are currently in a quarrel with someone, then within two months you will definitely make peace. Also, after this period, you will earn respect at work both among your colleagues and your superiors. In addition, success in financial matters awaits you. However, it is strongly recommended not to abuse alcohol during this period, as there is a high probability of developing a stomach ulcer or problems with the pancreas. If in your dream the swans picturesquely bent their necks, becoming like the number 2, then in exactly 47 days you will be able to return to solving the issue that was previously postponed until better times. Moreover, you will be able to resolve the situation in the best possible way.

Dream book for lovers

Why do you dream of white swans? If in your vision these birds are swimming on bright, clean water, then in real life your relationship with your loved one will be harmonious and bring only joy. A black swan in a dream predicts a situation in which you will indulge in some dubious pleasures. Your partner will find out about this, which will put your relationship in jeopardy. Therefore, you should be more careful about your actions and not get involved with bad company.

Esoteric dream book

This source considers the swan as a symbol of fidelity. If there was a bird in your dream white, then this is for the wedding. But the black swan promises to bring you only torment and suffering. A wounded bird indicates that some event will leave a mark on your soul for life.

Aesop's Dream Book

According to information from this collection, the swan is a symbol of purity, greatness, innocence and grace. Therefore, the image of this bird, seen at night, may hint that in real life you have already met or are about to meet a person who has all the listed qualities. Why do you dream of swans in the sky? The dream book claims that such a vision promises cold weather and the first snow. The collection also contains a reminder of the famous popular expression “swan song”. It came to us from the depths of centuries. Our ancestors believed that a swan sings only once in its life - on the eve of death. Therefore, along with positive interpretations, this bird can be a harbinger of a serious illness or even death.

Why do you dream of swans on the water? Such a vision suggests that the sleeper will soon earn the respect of many people. Perhaps you will be offered a leadership position, which you will successfully handle. A dream in which you see a swan with snow-white plumage promises a meeting with an innocent, pure girl who will make you look at the world in a new way. A black bird means that something bad awaits you. It is quite possible that you will be shocked by the hypocrisy on the part of loved one.

A vision in which a swan is trying to pick up something from the ground indicates that in the foreseeable future you will have some task that you cannot cope with alone. Therefore, do not refuse help. Why do you dream of a flock of swans? If you look at these birds with fascination and admire their grace, then great joy and success in business await you. A vision in which you feed these birds indicates that you are very lucky. After all, you have reliable and devoted friends on whom you can always rely and who are ready to come to your aid at the first call. We can only envy you, because these days this is a great luxury. Therefore, appreciate your friends and never question their attitude towards you.

A dream in which swan chicks appear promises untold joy that your own children will bring you. This will make you very proud of them. If you dreamed of a swan surrounded by several ducks, then in reality you probably seriously underestimate the person from your environment. Moreover, in the future you will regret it, since he is from ugly duckling will turn into a beautiful swan. See in a dream wounded bird considered a bad sign. So, the dream in which she appears indicates that you will soon receive news of a serious illness or even the death of someone close to you.

Swan - beautiful creature, symbolizing fidelity, purity and innocence. There is probably not a single person who would remain indifferent to these huge waterfowl. Light and shadow, yin and yang, day and night, power and grace - you can endlessly go through epithets, select comparisons - the swan will still remain the most majestic bird. We can also say with confidence that when a swan comes to us in a dream, almost all interpretations carry good and happy omens. But let's not guess the “what” and “how”! I suggest you look into the dream book and find out what you dream about, for example, a white swan!

Swimming swan

See someone floating white swan- to a calm and prosperous life.

I dreamed of a couple: a white swan and a black one – a happy combination, the dream book makes us happy. For single people, such a dream is a harbinger of soon meeting your soul mate, for engaged people - for a wedding, for married people - for a new “honeymoon”. If the birds are the same color, it doesn’t matter - happiness is already close, wait no more than a month.

She dreams that several adult females with chicks are sitting on the water - a new addition to the family. Perhaps these will be children, grandchildren, brothers, nephews, etc.

I dreamed of dancing white swans on clear water - to romance, sex and pleasure. But if the water is cloudy, be careful in love affairs, they may turn out to be dubious, the dream book warns us.

You dream that you throw bread crumbs onto the water and majestic white birds swim close to you, and some even take food from your hands - in real life, a period of wish fulfillment begins. Don't miss the moment, the dream book advises.

If you dreamed that a swan was swimming and flapping its wings, as if it wanted to fly up, and at the same time spray was flying in all directions - you will soon hear some news. A white swan means good news, a black swan means not very good news.

Watch the flight

You dream that you are watching the flight of swans - towards the fast road. Snow-white birds are flying - for vacation, black birds - for a business trip.

If you dreamed that a white mute bird was circling very low above you - you will get rich in the near future, the dream book promises.

To dream of white swans hovering low over the water, about to land, means you are valued and respected in your team.

If you dreamed that you were watching a large white-winged bird flying above you, obscuring the sky, this is a very good sign: you will find a very strong patron. Don’t neglect new acquaintances, the dream book advises.

Flying in a dream with a white swan means a fun and carefree party with a friend awaits you.

Seeing a white swan falling like a stone, its wings folded, means a quarrel or a scandal; if near the ground it opens its wings and flies, the quarrel will be petty and insignificant.

Dead bird

It's a bad sign to see dead person's sleep white male - to separation from loved ones and close people. A bird of a different color means getting rid of enemies and ill-wishers.

Killing a white bird that was attacking you in a dream means getting rid of your complexes. The dream does not predict anything bad, the dream book reassures, but you are guaranteed an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul after such a dream.

Seeing a dead pair of white mute cats means a serious quarrel or disagreement with a loved one, perhaps even separation. In reality, do not be very strict with your lovers, otherwise you will regret what you said or did.

The meaning of sleep according to the Children's Dream Book

If you had a dream at night in which you saw a swan, this means that a new relationship with a member of the opposite sex will soon begin. The swan that you dream about is a symbol of love and fidelity among many peoples. And therefore the romance that you will have will last a long time. Not for the rest of your life, but it will be long lasting and will leave the best memories.

Why does a woman dream of a Swan (according to the dream book of Natalya Stepanova)

To better understand the meaning of the dream in which you saw a swan, remember what it was like. A white swan floating on calm water predicts only good and pleasant events for you. The swan symbolizes opening prospects that need to be exploited. If you have any experiences ahead, they will only be joyful. But if the swan was black, this warns that your pleasures will be of a dubious nature. Try to be prudent so as not to regret possible consequences. A dead swan in a dream predicts annoyance and satiety. You are already burdened by your relationship with your current chosen one, and soon you will decide to end it.

Swan according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

If you see a swan in a dream, this is a good sign. When you dream of a swan, you expect good and pleasant events in life. The swan is a symbol of success in love, happiness in personal life, peace and tranquility in the family. When a lonely dreamer sees a swan in a dream, it predicts that he will soon meet his destiny, true bright love. The Swan often says that success in business, good profits, prosperity, and wealth awaits you. But if you dream that a swan is swimming away on calm water into the distance, this is a sad warning about the upcoming separation from your loved one.

The meaning of the dream about a pair of swans (Russian folk dream book)

A swan in a dream is a symbol of purity, greatness, grace and fidelity in love. Therefore, if you dream of a swan, this predicts sincere and faithful love, which will last an extremely long time, and if you’re lucky, a lifetime. You and your chosen one will treasure each other extremely. A swan in a dream also predicts good luck in business, making a profit, gaining wealth. The Swan also says that you will get the last chance to succeed, to make a breakthrough in some enterprise - remember the expression “swan song”.

I dreamed of a Swan (interpretation according to the Ancient Russian Dream Book)

According to traditional Russian beliefs, the swan is the personification of strength and wealth. If there is a swan in a dream, this promises success in business, victory over rivals, making a profit, gaining wealth. A swan is also a symbol of family and fidelity, and therefore, if someone dreams of a swan, the dream predicts a happy family life, fidelity and love of the other half. But a black swan in night dreams is a negative sign and warns of impending conflicts with household members. Hearing a swan singing in a dream means inevitable death.

Everyday interpretation of the dream about Swans (according to the writer Aesop)

The swan represents purity, grandeur, grace and innocence. So the image of a swan that appeared in a dream is caused by the fact that in reality you met a person with the above-mentioned qualities. There is a famous folk sign: “A swan flies to the snow,” which indicates that if you saw a swan flying, then frost will soon come and the first snow will fall. The following popular expression is widespread and known to every person: “Swan song”. This expression comes from time immemorial, because according to ancient legend Swans sing only once before they die. For this reason, along with its wonderful qualities, a swan can also symbolize the end of life. Seeing a swan with white plumage means that fate will soon bring you together with a pure, innocent girl who will make your life much better and purer. If in a dream you dreamed of a swan with black plumage, then in reality you will have to face something bad. You will be amazed at the hypocrisy of your loved one. Despite the white plumage, the swan has a black body. Seeing a swan in a dream trying to pick up something from the ground means that in reality there will be a task ahead that you are unlikely to be able to cope with. Hearing a swan song in a dream is a dream that does not bode well. You are facing a serious loss.

To dream about a Swan, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

Why do you dream about a swan? A swan is not only a bird. It belongs to the White Goddess, Mother of the universe. I dreamed of a pair of swans; the lonely dreamer predicts a quick meeting with his chosen one, faithful and pure love to the grave. For those who are already married, the dream promises family happiness, well-being, complete understanding with your other half. A lonely sailing swan is not a very good omen of future loneliness, melancholy, sad thoughts, and contemplation. Seeing a black swan means in reality you will have to face a deep mystery, which you will not be able to solve.

Seeing a Swan, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Seeing a swan - If a swan sings, it means a terrible and terrible disease. If a swan swims - to a beautiful lover. Flying swan - you need a break from your friend or husband. If you had a dream in the first half of the week, remember the saying “he who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne.” Don't be afraid, nothing threatens you. A dream that you had in the second half of the week means that your painful illness or that of one of your relatives will soon recede.

Why do you dream about the Swan (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

If you see a dream at night in which two swans are swimming peacefully on the waves side by side, expect peace and prosperity in your personal relationships. You and your partner or significant other will go through your life path until the end. But if you dreamed of a lonely swan, this is a sad sign. The dream warns that for now you will remain alone, or you will be separated from your loved one.

Analysis of the dream in which the Swan dreamed (interpretation by psychologist Z. Freud)

Swan - This is a good symbol; it characterizes a harmoniously developed person who does not have any deviations in the sexual sphere. Another meaning is the dream in which you see yourself shooting at this bird. The dream means that, despite all your upbringing, you experience obvious aggression towards the opposite sex and cannot suppress this feeling within yourself.

The meaning of the dream about the Bird of Fidelity (from the Kopalinsky encyclopedia)

Have you seen a swan? different meanings. A swan, majestically floating on the surface of the water, is a sign of luck; the dream says that good luck awaits you. A black swan is a sad sign that predicts some kind of loss, both material and loss of people, for example. Separation from a loved one or loss of a friend. The black swan symbolizes upcoming troubles or regrets. But a white swan is a sign of some happy events that await you.

Why do you dream about the Swan ( Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

Swan is good dream, saying that everything will be fine with you. If a person dreams of a swan, it indicates that everything is going well in your family. You and your soulmate are full of love and respect for each other, no adversity or difficulty can separate you or somehow disrupt your mutual happiness. But if you dreamed of a swan swimming away from you into the distance, this is a sad prediction of the separation awaiting you. Seeing a lake full of swans means a very fragile marriage or family feuds. A dead swan symbolizes loneliness and the collapse of hopes for reciprocity in your feelings.

Swan - why do you dream in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

Swans in a dream turn out to be a very good sign. Swans dream of a promotion, concluding a successful deal, making a profit and other successes in business. A swan often dreams of a significant improvement in one’s financial situation and the acquisition of wealth. If you dreamed of a beautiful pair of swans swimming side by side, this means that reciprocity in love, happiness with your chosen one, and prosperity in family life await you. Dreaming of a swan also has a negative meaning. So, if you dream of a black swan, it predicts quarrels between spouses and mutual abuse. Hearing the cry of a swan in a dream means trouble in the home and family. Family discord is also predicted by a dream in which you saw a whole lake of swans. A dead swan warns that your hopes for the reciprocity of your chosen one will be in vain; in the near future only loneliness awaits you.

Interpretation of Swans from the Wanderer's dream dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

The swan you see is a multi-valued symbol, so understanding its meaning correctly is not always easy. A lonely swimming swan personifies sadness, sadness, melancholy. If you dream of a lonely swan, this predicts separation from a loved one, spiritual suffering and purification through them. However, the swan also symbolizes tenderness, new hopes, love and fidelity. It’s wonderful when you see a pair of swans in a dream - the dream predicts pure, strong and long-lasting love, peace and tranquility in family life. But a sulfur-colored swan is a negative sign, warning of the possible death of a loved one.

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

If you dreamed of a swan in a dream, this is a good sign; you will rise one more step on the social ladder. However, if you dreamed of a black swan, then the dream is a sad prediction about failure in business and decline in your personal life. Sometimes it foreshadows poverty and other problems. It’s even worse if you saw a singing swan in a dream - it often symbolizes future tragic events for the dreamer. This is how the dream you had is interpreted.

Why do you dream of a Swan in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

If a person sees in a dream a white swan calmly floating in clear water, the dream promises the dreamer excellent life prospects. Expect only good events and pleasant experiences. You have nothing to worry about. I dreamed of a black swan swimming through clear water - this dream also predicts the pleasures of life, but they will be of a dubious nature. But seeing a dead swan is a sad sign. You will have to experience some kind of disappointment, annoyance, satiety. The relationship with your current partner no longer suits you for some reason, and you are thinking about how to break up with him painlessly.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

Seeing a pair of swans calmly swimming side by side on the surface of the water predicts a happy marriage and the birth of children for the dreamer. If you dream of swans, this is an excellent prediction, indicating that everything will be peaceful and calm in the family, only joyful events await you. But a lonely swan is often a sad omen. If you haven't found your match yet, it won't happen any time soon. For those who are married or in a relationship, a lonely swan, especially a black one, predicts separation or separation from their significant other.

Swan in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

A swan in a dream is a symbol of tender love, devotion, and fidelity. If a lonely dreamer dreams of a white swan, this often predicts a quick wedding and a happy marriage. But the black swan, on the contrary, warns that your feelings will not meet with understanding from your chosen one or chosen one, your love will remain unrequited, unrequited. Seeing a wounded swan means love hurts you very deeply, the scar will remain for life. This is the meaning of the dream that I had last night.

The meaning of the dream about Swans (Moon dream book)

Swans are birds that cannot stand loneliness and form permanent pairs for life. Therefore, if in a dream you see two swans side by side, that is, if you dream of a pair of swans, this predicts that you will soon conclude a marriage and happiness in family life. But for those who dreamed of a lonely swan floating on the surface of the water, this is sad news. You have to break up with your current partner. Or separation awaits you.

We analyze the vision in which the Bird dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

The swan is a creature of rare beauty, but does not bring any benefit to humans. A creature that is stupider than even geese - with a shrill voice, quacking, bulging insensitive, unblinking eyes that resemble a mask. The human “in se” associates this image with hopes or expectations of a miracle, which is justified logically. But an image that symbolizes a result that is detrimental to vital energy. This is a symbol of the primary seizure of power, brutal retention, carried out through external beauty. Leda and Jupiter in the guise of a swan - a myth about a stranger who appropriates for himself the erotically affective essence of female charm. For a man, the image of a swan represents a mother or a beloved woman who has a negative impact

The meaning of a dream about a couple in love (Numerological dream book)

Swans - It’s good to see a pair of swans - this is a sign of future happiness and happy changes in the house. If you were in a quarrel with someone, that within two months you will make peace with everyone, money matters will flow smoothly, an atmosphere of love and trust will reign in the house, you will be respected at work. However, do not abuse alcohol during this period, so that after this period you do not suffer from stomach ulcers or inflammation of the pancreas. If the swans curved in a picturesque manner and began to look like two deuces, then after 47 days you will return to the question that you postponed “until better times” two months ago. A successful resolution of any problem is guaranteed to you.

What does it mean to dream with a Swan (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream of a swan in a dream - to the nascent love.

In the summer, dreaming of a swan floating on water means that everything in our life will be wonderful.

In the fall, why did you dream of a swan and throwing bread crumbs at it - to the loyalty of a loved one.

In winter, why do you dream of a swan - an unstable marriage.

Beautiful white swans, according to the dream book, portend a good career, the solution of a difficult matter, the beginning of a favorable time, mutual feelings. But sometimes these birds in a dream warn of regrets and losses. Our dream interpreter will explain why they dream.

Labor and personal success

These beautiful white birds promise happiness in love relationships and successful career development. If they swam in clear water, this is a great sign.

In a dream, did they swim majestically across a calm pond or lake, reflected in its mirror-like surface? In reality you will find inner harmony and peace.

Solve a difficult case, reach new heights

Why do you dream of white swans, smoothly bending their necks like two deuces? The dream book is encouraging: you will be able to resolve a difficult issue that was postponed a couple of months ago.

Dreamed snow-white beauties represent inner freedom, movement towards new achievements.

What they were doing?

Remember what they did in the dream:

  • flew - you will be able to reach great heights;
  • glided on the water together - happy times will come;
  • walked with the chicks - you can make a mistake when assessing the qualities of a person;
  • took a treat from you - fulfillment of a wish.

Well-being, prosperity, harmony

Did you dream about white swans? This symbol promises family well-being, joy, prosperity - explains the dream book.

A pair of noble birds promises happy changes in family life, harmony, and mutual understanding between household members.

After such a vision in a dream, your affairs will improve, your financial difficulties will be successfully resolved. If you quarrel with someone, make peace very soon.

Love relationships

Why does a girl dream of them as a couple? The dream book suggests: her relationship with her lover will reach new level. Perhaps he will propose soon.

For a lonely girl or guy, such a dream predicts a meeting with someone who will become the chosen one, and true mutual feelings.

Friendly family, pride in children

White swans in a dream, together with swans, foreshadow a large, friendly family, trust between its members, and the deep love of children.

A vision of chicks just mastering the art of flight, foreshadows, according to the dream book, pride in their offspring, joy in their achievements and emerging opportunities.

Talk to your partner to resolve misunderstandings

Did you pet them? In reality you miss affection. Talk to your partner, explain that you need his attention.

Why do you dream that you called and lured a handsome white man, but he didn’t want to come to you? You will encounter difficulties in communication, misunderstanding of your spouse. Be patient and clarify issues on which there are differences.

Birds on the river - remember the transience of life

White birds swimming peacefully in a pond in a dream promise the onset of a prosperous period. During this stage given by fate, you should do as much as possible. Don't waste your energy on trifles - concentrate on important tasks.

Did you dream about white swans on the river? This is a reminder of the rapid passage of time. Enjoy your happiness, because it is unknown when this period will end. Please your significant other, children, minimize conflicts.

Good deal

Did they go ashore and eat grass? According to the dream book, a successful deal is ahead. Did you peck the grain? You will always have abundance at home.

Why do you dream that they are building a nest? A housewarming party awaits you soon - you will move to new apartment or your own home.

Flying high - good luck, wonderful prospects

According to the dream book, white swans fly high in the sky in a dream - the success of various endeavors, the fulfillment of desires.

Swans in the sky can promise pleasant experiences and excellent prospects ahead. Successful, rapid career advancement is possible.

Success in your endeavors, new acquaintances

Has the man seen many of these white birds? In reality, he will have success in all enterprises, good luck in business, and profitable contracts.

The dream of a white swan promises an acquaintance with a reliable person with whom friendships will begin, says the dream book. A friend will always support you in case of difficulties and problems.

Black - hidden aggression, unrequited feelings

Why do you dream of white and black swans? The plot points to hidden aggression disguised by good manners. This is most often a rejection of members of the opposite sex.

Black birds in a dream are symbols of some secret that the dreamer cannot penetrate. This image warns of unrequited love.

Black and white swans predict troubles and losses

As the dream book explains, black and white swans are the personification of losses, regrets, and troubles. A rather difficult period will soon begin; you will have to think through everything carefully in order to make the right decisions.

Did they have two-tone plumage? You rely too much on the gifts of fate. But waiting for a favorable combination of circumstances seriously interferes with the implementation of plans. You should soberly assess your capabilities and situation in order to achieve your goals on your own.

Strong friendship, great friend

Have you seen several swans on a pond at once in a dream? The dream symbolizes strong friendship, reliable friends who are always ready to help.

They represent purity, innocence, grace and grandeur. That's why night dream suggests: you have already met or are about to meet a person with such qualities.

Why do you dream about a black swan? The dream book believes that your feelings will be subjected to the most serious tests. The final interpretation depends on minor details of what happened in the dream.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book is convinced that the black swan symbolizes dubious pleasures, indulging in which you risk losing a loved one.

Get ready!

Why else do you dream about a bird with coal plumage? The dream book believes that there will be a collision with something very unpleasant and even evil. The image warns that a close acquaintance may turn out to be a lying hypocrite.

In addition, a black swan in a dream symbolically conveys a deep, unknowable secret. Seeing him is a chance to comprehend something forbidden.

For a man, this bird reflects separation from his beloved, for a woman - endless household chores and everyday routine.

Make peace!

If you dreamed of two handsome men, then quarrels and scandals will be replaced by stormy reconciliation. One black swan marks a period of solitude, contemplation and spiritual seeking.

Why do you dream about a chick? The dream book suspects that new love will turn out to be unrequited and will bring a lot of suffering.

Did you have to see a wounded bird? This means that you will be saddened to learn about the tragic incident.

The worst thing is to hear the so-called “swan song” in a dream. This cry is a clear indication of someone's death.

Use your intuition!

Did you dream about white and black birds at the same time? The dream book advises interpreting the dream, taking into account the meaning of both images.

So wild swans, white and black, promise power and wealth in the future. They also represent the harmony of opposites.

Why else do you dream of white and black birds? Snow white symbolizes freedom and prospects, black swan - intuition. Their combination literally means that you need to use your gut feeling to achieve your goal.

A miracle won't happen...

Why do you dream of black and white swans? This is a harbinger of losses, troubles and regrets. In addition, this image in a dream is associated with the expectation of a miracle.

But, alas, the dream book believes that your plans are not destined to come true, and your dreams are just fruitless illusions that prevent you from looking at life soberly.

Did you dream about black and white birds? There is a possibility that your will is more subordinated strong man, pursuing not the most noble goals under the guise of friendliness.

You can do it!

Did you dream of a black swan on the water? Soon you will earn the respect of others. Perhaps you will be offered a responsible position, which you will do well.

Seeing graceful handsome men on the water is a sign of fateful events and serious prospects.

Did you have to run away from an aggressively attacking bird? You will be disappointed in friends and loved ones. If in a dream a bird is attacked and even bitten, then communicating with an arrogant person will cause a lot of inconvenience.

What have you done?

The dream book offers a detailed look at the deciphering of the dreamer’s personal actions in a dream.