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» How, what and when to treat the brownie so that he is kind? What should you say when you treat a brownie? What does the brownie love. Ways to appease a brownie How to get along with a brownie in a new apartment

How, what and when to treat the brownie so that he is kind? What should you say when you treat a brownie? What does the brownie love. Ways to appease a brownie How to get along with a brownie in a new apartment

Brownies are mysterious creatures that live in every house, apartment and yard. He is often called the keeper, hostess or old master. In ancient Russia, they believed that family well-being, material wealth and harmony depended on the correct appeal to the brownie. When moving to a new home, the custodian must be taken with them. He was moved on a broom, in birch bark bast shoes or on a bread shovel, calling in a whisper: “Here’s a good sleigh for you, go our dear brownie with us!” If the old owner falls in love with the head of the house, he feeds and cherishes his cattle, takes care of everything, helps. Whose house he does not like, he does dirty tricks, contributes to thefts, disturbs at night and survives family members beyond the threshold of the house. To be friends with a brownie, to receive help and gifts from him, you need to know special secrets on how to appease him.

How to appease a brownie - cleanliness

It is not without reason that the brownie has a second nickname - a homely hostess. He loves to be in a tidy house, where every thing has its place, and the owners strive for cleanliness and order. To please him, you need to carry out regular wet cleaning, take out old things and garbage on time, and also make sure that cobwebs and dust do not accumulate in the corners. When a brownie sees scattered things, unwashed dishes and dirty floors, he gets very upset and starts to “shuhar” – turn off the light, scatter things, disable equipment.

How to appease a brownie - healthy energy

Also, mysterious creatures do not like to live and help families in which scandals, fights constantly occur, obscenities and screams are heard. At first, they will try to get rid of the owners’ house, and if it doesn’t work out, they leave on their own, which should never be allowed. It has long been believed that the brownie is the soul and heart of the house, without which the walls and the family will fall apart. To avoid this, understanding, love, care and peace must reign in the family.

How to appease a brownie - attention

Those who have seen the keeper with their own eyes describe him as an old man with gray hair and a long beard. And like all older people, he requires attention, respect and reverence. And of course, he loves when he is asked for advice, help and thanks.

If the clatter of feet is heard at night, doors open and forks constantly fall, the brownie requires attention.

To correct the situation, at least once a week, you need to say aloud: “Our brownie, our keeper, thank you for your help, for understanding, if I offended you, I’m sorry.” When a long-lost thing is in the house or dust suddenly disappears, the keeper must be thanked. The brownie is also greeted, congratulated on the holidays and asked to guard the house upon departure. When you need his help, ask him to help in exchange for sweets, just be sure to keep your promise, otherwise he may be offended.

How to appease a brownie - toys

Brownies love games, and when they get bored, they begin to hide the master's things. Spiritual beings prefer sequins, buttons, jewelry, and pretty coins. To please the old owner, give him a small box or an old chest, in which you put “toys” for him. Put them in a dark, quiet place and say out loud who they are for. After these actions, things in the house cease to disappear, because the fidget now has something to entertain himself with.

How to appease a brownie - sweets

The fact that the keeper of the house is a terrible sweet tooth is probably known to many. But how many people have ever spoiled their housemates? But all you need is exactly at midnight to put a saucer with fresh or store-bought milk, put chocolates, cookies or a sweet bun next to it, after which you affectionately call 3 times: “Grandfather-housewife, accept a treat from me, I present you with great respect !” Especially the custodian should not be forgotten to congratulate and treat on Brownie Day - January 28. If in the morning the dishes shine, the dust disappears, and your soul becomes warm and cozy - consider that the brownie accepted your treats and thanked you!

Even our ancestors believed that in every dwelling there is an invisible owner who keeps order and protects from adversity. Despite the fact that many traditions of our ancestors have been forgotten, some people continue to believe in the existence of a brownie and even know how to appease him. The behavior of the invisible spirit has a direct connection with the owners of the dwelling, and if they behave in an inappropriate way, then he can punish.

How to appease the brownie?

To protect your home from problems and live in harmony, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. It is important to appease the brownie when moving, as he may simply not move into the house. To do this, it is necessary that the cat enters the new home first. It is believed that with its energy it clears the space of negativity. If you are moving, be sure to take the brownie. Stand in the center of the room, open your bag and invite him along. You can also use a broom for this. In the old days, when changing their place of residence, they called the invisible spirit with the help of bread and salt and said the following words: “Come, master, live with us.”
  2. Do not litter your home, clean regularly. The brownie does not like dust and he often punishes sloppy owners, for example, by hiding things.
  3. If you have children, then make a bed for the brownie with them. For example, take a small box, put a rag and a pillow and a blanket made by yourself. Place the finished crib in a secluded place and call the invisible owner.
  4. To appease the brownie in the apartment, treat cats well, as often an invisible spirit reincarnates in them.
  5. The invisible owner does not like scandals either, since negative energy becomes a magnet for attracting various evil spirits.
  6. If you notice that things began to disappear, and then you find them in unexpected places, then the brownie is naughty. In order for him to return the stolen, say these words: "Brownie, brownie, play and give it back".

There are a couple that will help appease and make friends with the invisible owner of the house.

Option number 1. On the third day of the full moon, you need to thoroughly clean up and at exactly midnight stand in the center of the house with a lit candle, and bow to all 4 sides, and then say:

“Hostess-sir, let’s go to my house, to a rich courtyard, to live, to be, to wealth!”

Option number 2. Exactly at 12 o'clock at night from Sunday to Monday, it is necessary in the kitchen to put a piece of rye bread on the edge of the table and sprinkle it well with salt with a piece of meat or boiled potatoes. After that, say the following words 3 times: “The owner, dear, invisible to the eyes! Accept the treat, I offer it with respect. Protect us with your strength and zeal, so as not to be flooded with water, so as not to be scorched by fire, so as not to lose wealth..

Come to the kitchen early in the morning and eat leftover treats.

By the way, before the advent of Christianity, everyone celebrated the birthday of the brownie, and it was on April 1st. People believed that at this time he wakes up after hibernation. Some sources also have information according to which the name day of the brownie is celebrated on February 7th. It is on these days that it is recommended to treat and appease the brownie in the house, as this is a big holiday for him. To do this, pour vodka into a glass and put a piece of pie or some other pastry next to it, while saying:

“Father brownie, guardian and zealot of my family. Return from wide roads, from foreign outskirts to the father's doorstep, to his own corner. Batiushka brownie, sit down side by side, let's talk amicably. Amen".

After that, cross yourself and bow. Leave the treats in a secluded corner of the house, where the brownie can eat them with pleasure. The invisible owner will certainly appreciate this and will keep peace and happiness in the house.

In order to successfully conclude a deal for the sale of an apartment, it is necessary to appease the brownie, since, otherwise, he may not accept new owners. To do this, stand at the door, turn to the far corner and, bowing, say:

“Grandfather brownie, take the new owners into the house, not spend the night for an hour, but spend the whole century. They won't hurt you, and don't hurt them."

At night, leave a saucer with a small amount of porridge as a treat.

Brownie - a good spirit, the keeper of the house and everything that is in it. The brownie looks like a little old man (20–30 centimeters tall) with a big beard. It is believed that the older the brownie, the younger he looks, since they are born old and die as babies. The god Veles patronizes the brownies, from whom the spirits got several abilities, for example, the ability to predict the future, but the main thing, of course, is wisdom and the ability to heal people and animals.

The brownie lives in almost every house, choosing secluded places for living: behind the stove, under the threshold, in the attic, behind the chest, in the corner, or even in the chimney.

The brownie in every possible way monitors his house and the family that lives in it, protects them from evil spirits and misfortunes. If the family keeps animals, then the brownie will look after them, especially the good spirit loves horses, but if the brownie does not like the beast, then he can beat him to death.

The brownie is very fond of cleanliness and order in the house, and does not like it when the inhabitants of the house are lazy. But the spirit does not like much more when the inhabitants of the house begin to quarrel with each other or treat him disrespectfully. An angry brownie begins to let you know that the person is wrong: he knocks on doors, windows; interferes with sleep at night, making terrible sounds or screams, sometimes even wakes up a person, pinching him painfully, after which large and painful bruises remain on the body, which hurt the more, the more angry the brownie is; and in extreme cases, the spirit is capable of throwing dishes, writing bad graffiti on the walls, and starting small fires. However, the brownie will not cause serious harm to a person, and sometimes the spirit that lives in the house plays pranks for no particular reason.

The brownie is rarely seen by a person, although children and animals can see him, often he even plays with them, but the spirit can be heard quite often, usually it is an unusual knock or an incomprehensible grunt, sometimes a brownie howls - this portends trouble in the house. When moving, it is customary to call the brownie with you, for this they put a basket in which they put bread and salt or a cup of porridge and say: “Grandfather brownie, come out. Let's go live with us! ”, And in a new place they again put a basket in the center of the room and say:“ Grandfather brownie, come home. Come live with us!"


The brownie lives in the red corner, on the stove behind the chimney, in the oven and under the oven, at the threshold, on the golbets (hence the nickname in some regions of Russia - golbeshnik), in the attic, in the corner of the cage, in the underground. “The golbeshnik lives in a hut under the stove, in the wooden frame of the stove from the underground” (Dal). He is often seen in a barn (especially on the north side), in a manger, a stable, a hay barn, an attic. In some Russian regions, it was believed that the brownie lives in a pine or spruce branch specially suspended for him in the yard with overgrown needles, called the “womb”. The place chosen by the brownies cannot be occupied - you can get sick.

In the 19th century, in some rural parishes of the Kaluga diocese, a peasant, moving to a new hut, transferred burning coals from the old stove to a new one and invited the brownie to the built housing, addressing him with greetings: “You are welcome, grandfather, to a new home”. In the old estate, they opened a gate or a hole from the underground, put a bast shoe in front of it and called a brownie, then things were transferred to a new house, and the bast shoe was dragged all the way on a rope, where the brownie allegedly rode. The first slice of bread, cut off at dinner in a new house, was buried in the right corner under the hut and again called the brownie to the settlement. Or the owner, with a bow to the east with a freshly baked carpet, invited the brownie to a housewarming party and left the carpet on the stove - if in the morning the carpet turned out to be bitten, then the brownie had come.

When they were building a new house, they put a coin in the basement, or even four - at the four corners of the log house - for the brownie. When the first loaf was baked in the new oven, the crust was cut off, salted and thrown under the oven - for the brownie. It was believed that the first resident of the house, or whoever first crossed the threshold of a new house, would later become a brownie.

How to find out if there is a good brownie in the house - common signs

The presence of a good brownie in an apartment is always noticeable if you listen to yourself. Their habits are usually very similar. If you don't have pets, but you hear footsteps at night that sound like a medium-sized dog, it's most likely a brownie. One should not be afraid of these sounds, they only mean that the spirit guarding the house checks whether everything is safe in the territory subject to it, and is engaged in its other duties.

If you are interested in how to find out if there is a brownie in the house, watch your pet. Cats may begin to purr for no apparent reason, which means that the brownie scratches them behind the ear. Sometimes they play together, because brownies, like young cats, love to play very much. From the outside, it looks like a cat is chasing and playing with someone invisible. If the cat behaves strangely, and at the same time he is not scared, and does not show aggression, there is definitely a kind brownie in your house. Dogs play with good spirits much less often than cats. Usually they just look at something invisible, without reacting to the owners.

Notice if you have a premonition before a knock on the door or a phone call. In an apartment in which a good spirit lives, it is pleasant not only to sleep at night, but also to be. You are happy to return to your home, your family has good relations, and even if a quarrel flares up, everyone quickly calms down and adequately resolves the dispute. You should be friends with a good brownie, leave him treats and toys, thank him for his help and care. Sometimes they show discontent, but it will still be different from the manifestation of evil spirits.

How to find out that there is an evil house spirit in the apartment

In principle, it is impossible to call an evil creature a brownie, but they are very often confused, so this classification is considered correct at the present time. If such

the creature is in your apartment, it will be uncomfortable to sleep without light. Even adults in such conditions may be afraid to be alone in an apartment, especially after dark, which adds strength to dark creatures.

Quarrels and scandals, excessive drinking and other sources of negative energy are present in the living room only simultaneously with an evil spirit, which is often confused with a brownie. Sometimes, if people live “wrongly”, a good brownie is offended and leaves, and evil spirits come to replace him.

Frequent illnesses of all family members are another sign of the presence of something bad in the house. It is unpleasant to be in an apartment in which evil lives. Perhaps you don't feel like going home after a day at work? Try to clear the apartment of negativity. It also affects the desire of friends and neighbors to come to visit you. It is uncomfortable to be in an apartment whose residents are adjacent to evil spirits, usually people want to quickly leave for their native walls. Any evil entity that lives in your house should be driven away and a real brownie should be called, which will protect it from further attacks of evil forces.

In what cases should Domovoy be appeased?

Brownies are not very fastidious creatures, content with little. He behaves quietly and will never specifically reveal himself, but, on the contrary, hides from people. But if something does not suit him, then he will be angry and indignant. How does such anger manifest itself?

  • You started losing things.
  • Some items often show up in the wrong place where you put them.
  • You often find open closet doors or wrinkled laundry.
  • There are crumbs scattered in the kitchen.
  • Sounds heard: rumbling, rustling.
  • You often feel uncomfortable in your own home (brownies can affect the atmosphere).

What to do in order not to get angry?

So that the brownie is not angry, you need to provide him with the most comfortable living conditions. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Brownies do not tolerate scandals and screams, so do not swear, do not utter swear words, try to raise your voice as little as possible. Such creatures also feel emotions, so drive negative ones away.
  • Don't be lazy, brownies can't stand lazy people.
  • Tobacco smoke is not liked by the keepers of the hearth, so do not smoke in the apartment. And, in general, get rid of this bad habit.
  • And all brownies love order and cleanliness. So if your sink is always full of unwashed dishes, then don't be surprised that something strange has started to happen in the house.

How to appease Domovoy? 5 ways

  1. Brownie is not simply called the hostess of the house. He loves cleanliness and order. To appease the brownie, it is enough just to keep the house clean: periodically clean, take out the trash, make sure that dust does not accumulate. If all things are in a mess, the brownie will start to get upset and angry, he may even start doing strange things, but more on that below.
  2. Brownie is a spirit, a creature that is always depicted and presented as an elderly man, grandfather. Like any person of age, he loves a respectful attitude towards himself. And of course, he loves to be talked to. It is important to make it clear to the brownie that you are referring to him. He cannot read thoughts, but you are always welcome to listen and understand. If you want to appease your brownie, address him politely, with respect (Father Brownie or Boss Father). He will also be happy if you turn to your home with warmth and tenderness - thank him for keeping peace and comfort in the apartment.
  3. To appease the brownie, you can treat him. Brownie's favorite treats are milk and pastries that you made with your own hands. Pour some milk and put some buns or porridge on a saucer and put it all on the highest kitchen cabinet farthest away. It must be said that this gift is intended for the brownie, because he will not touch someone else's. It is not for nothing that brownies do not eat from pet bowls. Don't be surprised if it turns out that nothing has been eaten. The brownie is a spirit, so it feeds only on the "spirit" or the smell of food. That is why, by the way, the brownie does not like dirt and rubbish lying around - a bad spirit, unkind energy emanates from them.
  4. To appease the brownie, you can put small toys on him. Although he is an old man, he likes to play all the same. For example, it is good to use small beads that can be folded into a box (it is better to make a homemade one - brownies love owners who do a lot of things with their own hands). A box of beads should be put in a secluded corner in the apartment so that the brownie can safely play with them when he pleases.
  5. As mentioned earlier, brownies also monitor the energy cleanliness of the house. Therefore, there should be fewer quarrels in the house, the brownie really does not like it if a bad energy charge accumulates. This happens if you carry grievances in yourself for a long time and do not express them. Brownie loves spiritual purity, openness and goodwill. Therefore, if you want to appease the brownie, be sure to quarrel less with your family and be kind and open with them.

How to pick up Domovoy when moving?

When moving to a new apartment, you can take your faithful assistant with you. To do this, you need to sweep, then lightly scatter the garbage and invite the brownie to come with you three times. Then the garbage is collected and transported to a new place together with a broom. There you should again scatter garbage and invite the brownie to settle with you three times. After a day, garbage can be collected and thrown away in the usual manner, and a treat can be served to the brownie. It is better to take a new broom for this, however, then you can use it. It would be nice to be the first to let a cat into a new apartment, it is believed that she is able to remove negative and alien energy to you. If there is no cat, just bring in a new broom - the result will be the same.

How to force Domovoy to give things away?

Brownies come in completely different characters. Some are strict and important, others are funny and mischievous, there are also angry and hostile.

Sometimes it happens that a prankster brownie pulls off small things. It would seem that a minute ago it lay here before my eyes, and then suddenly disappeared. In such cases, you need to move to the corner of the room and say: “Brownie, brownie, play and give back”. If not a thing was found, you can scold him: “Such an adult grandfather and you play pranks. Oh no no no!" He will be ashamed, and he will definitely return the “loss”. Or at night before moving, put him a treat in the form of a slice of rye bread with a mug of milk and say the words: “Father, my master, my good brownie. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, without you there will be no happiness.

In the morning, you need to put an awl or coal in a bag or bag, invite the brownie to move with you again in the manner described above and carefully transfer the brownie.

How to drive away the evil brownie?

If the brownie does not calm down in any way and constantly harms everyone, try to drive him away. To do this, every day (start on Monday and skip Friday) sweep the floors with a broom, paying particular attention to the corners. At the same time, say the following words: “I sweep you out, a stranger, a harmful brownie, I drive you out.” Do this until you feel that the brownie has left. Be friends with your brownie, and he will always help you in everything. Peace and blessings to your family!

Brownie Day

In Russia, the name day of the brownie is considered to be April 1st. On this day, take a closer look at the brownie, and along with the treat, say: “Congratulations, grandfather, happy birthday!”. It is advisable to choose a treat so that it does not deteriorate, and you need to update it on the 1st of each month. But the most important rule for communicating with brownies is a peaceful atmosphere in the house. Do not allow swearing, screaming, violent showdown. From constant quarrels, the brownie will first become nervous, and then angry. There will still be no great harm from him, but he will deprive you of his patronage and protection. Therefore, if you want to keep peace and comfort in your home, resolve all issues in a friendly and gentle tone. And then your "housekeeper" will help you in everything, protect and fill the house with goodness and prosperity.


A brownie, or rather, a brownie spirit, is a being, to say the least, non-public, and completely invisible. He takes care of the house on the sly, looks after the house and plays pranks when the owners annoy him with something.

But in the world of the undead, the brownie is a respected figure. He is the only one who is not even afraid of the holy image, and some say that the spirit lives somewhere near the ceiling in the corner. But according to Slavic beliefs, those who seek to settle next to a man of Navia, the spirits of the evil undead dead, and other cemetery ghouls, are afraid of him. The house wall stands up to protect its home and patronizes many generations of its owners. Therefore, the ancestors had a special ritual dedicated to the house spirit. In a secluded place of the hut, they put a bowl of porridge, hung a pebble with a hole in the chicken coop, which still retains the name "chicken god", and call the brownie for a treat.

Today, not only in a city, but even in a village house, it is no longer always possible to meet horses and chickens beloved by brownies. There is no chicken coop to hang a stone, but where have the home defenders gone?

Signs of a brownie in an apartment

The brownies didn't go anywhere. And to check whether it is in a particular apartment or house, everyone can do it.

First of all, this can be done knowing brownie signs and habits, by which one can judge the presence of this entity.

These are external manifestations. But house spirits affect the state of mind of people and even animals. And someone can inadvertently notice the spirit.

If, however, family members began to get sick often, and quarrels, flaring up on nothing, last for hours. If an incomprehensible fear has settled in the soul, and even sleeping without light is uncomfortable. If guests bypass the house, and the owners, with all their desire to create coziness, do not find a place for themselves, it is worth considering the fact that in the apartment, in the absence of a brownie, a completely unfriendly entity could start up.

You will have to get rid of the uninvited guest by calling for help either a clergyman or another knowledgeable person, and so that the ghostly villain does not return, it is good to lure a real brownie.

How to appease a brownie?

In the old days, it was a custom to feed the brownie as a sign of respect. For this, milk was poured into a cup or sweet milk porridge was boiled, and all kinds of sweets were poured onto a plate: candies or pieces of gingerbread. The treat was placed in a corner behind the stove, where the brownie was supposed to live. To please the spirit, to make peace with it or to force it back into the house, milk or porridge was changed every morning, and sweets were changed once a month.

The ceremony is not complicated, and it can be done today. But if the brownie completely left the house, then there is another way to lure the spirit into your home.

To do this, you will have to find a left shoe worn by the owner of the house with a long lace, go outside at night and carry a shoe by the lace from the outskirts to the very door. They say that a homeless spirit will definitely want to ride on a boot, which will be indicated by the weight of the makeshift sledge on which the spirit jumped. And if you don’t frighten him off and don’t turn around, then the brownie, satisfied with the fun, will get into the house like that, and will remain in it for a long time.

And when moving to a new apartment, you need to call the brownie with you: “Grandfather, our owner, let's go to the new mansions! Without you, there will be no happiness for us, do not leave your family without care! The invitation should again be accompanied by a treat for the brownie, and the spirit can be transported in a canvas bag, where an ember or an awl is placed in advance.

These objects symbolize the brownie, like a cat or a cat, which the spirit likes to pretend to be. Therefore, it is these animals that are trusted to be the first to enter a new home, saying: “Good life to you, master, in a new place!”

But in order not to have to look for a brownie and negotiate friendship with him, it is better not to quarrel with the spirit at all. An angry entity can do harm to the offenders for a long time and very unpleasantly, bringing confusion into the family and making it difficult to live in peace.

What does the brownie not like

The brownie sincerely considers himself the owner of the dwelling, therefore he is jealous of the order and peace in the house.

In order not to cause indignation of the spirit, one should, first of all, keep housing clean. And cleaning on a quick hand will not work, the brownie will obviously not like the deposits of dirt behind the refrigerator or cabinets, dusty shelves or baseboards.

A brownie in a modern apartment is not allowed into the bathroom. This is due to the fact that in the old days a special spirit, a bannik, was responsible for the bathhouse, a separate building. The bathroom spirit has not appeared since then, and the room has remained ownerless. Only now, because of the natural scrupulousness of the brownie, he still cannot bear to look at the mess. So regular wet cleaning in this room will be pleasant for the little keeper of the house.

Can't stand brownie the smell of tobacco and tobacco smoke, which eats into the upholstery of furniture, settles on all surfaces and prevents the spirit from living.

In all homes there are things that have expired, become small, broken or out of fashion. Don't store junk, accumulated over the years, do not be afraid to part with unnecessary things and make the house more spacious and cleaner.

If it is a pity to take your good clothes or toys of your child to a landfill, you can give them to a church for low-income families.

You should also get rid of gifts from people with whom there is no sincere good relationship. Such things will not bring good to the house, and it will not be easy for the spirit to restrain the negative energy coming from these objects.

Angry or tired of fighting sloppy owners, the brownie can make life in the house unbearable. But he can help a zealous owner, and suggest where to look for the loss, and remind you of the included iron or gas.

Brownies cannot stand loud shouting and quarrels. Regular showdowns in raised tones irritate the spirits, they experience everything that people feel at that moment, they also suffer and, unable to stop the scandal, begin to harm.

In order not to incur the wrath of the brownie, you need stop all the pointless squabbling and apologize to all family members and brownies.

How to make friends with brownies?

The brownie is pleased when they see him as the head of the house and respectfully call him the Master or Father, and lovingly call him Grandfather or Homemaker.

By nature, the brownie cannot be called sociable, but the silent, only occasionally grunting, spirit loves very much when he is consulted, greeted, entering the house, or sharing feelings.

A delicious treat, carefully placed near the battery or near the refrigerator, will not go unnoticed. And even better, if a good spirit arranges its own cozy corner, in the manner of a children's dollhouse.

With no less joy, the brownie will accept not only care for himself, but also gratitude to his own home. Don't be afraid to show love for your home. It is not difficult to stroke the walls, pat the sofa on the elastic back and thank the house for the happiness of the family that it cherishes. And let such naive tenderness not seem strange. The manifestation of the deepest feelings does not harm anyone.

Toys for brownie

Although the brownie is not a child at all, he loves to play. Most of all, the spirit likes beads that have long gone out of fashion, assorted buttons, shiny glass pieces and small coins. A motley trifle should be folded into an open bright box and hidden in a secluded place where the brownie can safely enjoy the treasures.

You can make a gift box with your own hands and involve children in such creativity. The spirit that keeps the house will surely like such a sincere attitude and offering.

The brownie will not mind if he leaves a coin behind a plinth or in some crack with a sincere persuasion: “Here, grandfather, a penny for boots! Here, father, money for a gingerbread!

You can believe in brownies or not trust the ancient beliefs. But, if you listen to all the advice and start living not only at the behest of the mind, but also of the soul, you can soon notice how everyday life will change. And relations in the family will improve, mutual understanding and peace will appear. And luck will come by itself, out of nowhere, by itself, as if by magic...

Or maybe the reason for this is not a miracle, but a brave spirit that protects the house from small and big troubles, sitting somewhere under the ceiling and quietly smiling into his beard.

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Brownie - a good spirit, the keeper of the house and everything that is in it. The brownie looks like a little old man (20–30 centimeters tall) with a big beard. It is believed that the older the brownie, the younger he looks, since they are born old and die as babies. The god Veles patronizes the brownies, from whom the spirits got several abilities, for example, the ability to predict the future, but the main thing, of course, is wisdom and the ability to heal people and animals.

The brownie lives in almost every house, choosing secluded places for living: behind the stove, under the threshold, in the attic, behind the chest, in the corner, or even in the chimney.

The brownie in every possible way monitors his house and the family that lives in it, protects them from evil spirits and misfortunes. If the family keeps animals, then the brownie will look after them, especially the good spirit loves horses, but if the brownie does not like the beast, then he can beat him to death.

The brownie is very fond of cleanliness and order in the house, and does not like it when the inhabitants of the house are lazy. But the spirit does not like much more when the inhabitants of the house begin to quarrel with each other or treat him disrespectfully. An angry brownie begins to let you know that the person is wrong: he knocks on doors, windows; interferes with sleep at night, making terrible sounds or screams, sometimes even wakes up a person, pinching him painfully, after which large and painful bruises remain on the body, which hurt the more, the more angry the brownie is; and in extreme cases, the spirit is capable of throwing dishes, writing bad graffiti on the walls, and starting small fires. However, the brownie will not cause serious harm to a person, and sometimes the spirit that lives in the house plays pranks for no particular reason.

The brownie is rarely seen by a person, although children and animals can see him, often he even plays with them, but the spirit can be heard quite often, usually it is an unusual knock or an incomprehensible grunt, sometimes a brownie howls - this portends trouble in the house. When moving, it is customary to call the brownie with you, for this they put a basket in which they put bread and salt or a cup of porridge and say: “Grandfather brownie, come out. Let's go live with us! ”, And in a new place they again put a basket in the center of the room and say:“ Grandfather brownie, come home. Come live with us!"


The brownie lives in the red corner, on the stove behind the chimney, in the oven and under the oven, at the threshold, on the golbets (hence the nickname in some regions of Russia - golbeshnik), in the attic, in the corner of the cage, in the underground. “The golbeshnik lives in a hut under the stove, in the wooden frame of the stove from the underground” (Dal). He is often seen in a barn (especially on the north side), in a manger, a stable, a hay barn, an attic. In some Russian regions, it was believed that the brownie lives in a pine or spruce branch specially suspended for him in the yard with overgrown needles, called the “womb”. The place chosen by the brownies cannot be occupied - you can get sick.

In the 19th century, in some rural parishes of the Kaluga diocese, a peasant, moving to a new hut, transferred burning coals from the old stove to a new one and invited the brownie to the built housing, addressing him with greetings: “You are welcome, grandfather, to a new home”. In the old estate, they opened a gate or a hole from the underground, put a bast shoe in front of it and called a brownie, then things were transferred to a new house, and the bast shoe was dragged all the way on a rope, where the brownie allegedly rode. The first slice of bread, cut off at dinner in a new house, was buried in the right corner under the hut and again called the brownie to the settlement. Or the owner, with a bow to the east with a freshly baked carpet, invited the brownie to a housewarming party and left the carpet on the stove - if in the morning the carpet turned out to be bitten, then the brownie had come.

When they were building a new house, they put a coin in the basement, or even four - at the four corners of the log house - for the brownie. When the first loaf was baked in the new oven, the crust was cut off, salted and thrown under the oven - for the brownie. It was believed that the first resident of the house, or whoever first crossed the threshold of a new house, would later become a brownie.

How to find out if there is a good brownie in the house - common signs

The presence of a good brownie in an apartment is always noticeable if you listen to yourself. Their habits are usually very similar. If you don't have pets, but you hear footsteps at night that sound like a medium-sized dog, it's most likely a brownie. One should not be afraid of these sounds, they only mean that the spirit guarding the house checks whether everything is safe in the territory subject to it, and is engaged in its other duties.

If you are interested in how to find out if there is a brownie in the house, watch your pet. Cats may begin to purr for no apparent reason, which means that the brownie scratches them behind the ear. Sometimes they play together, because brownies, like young cats, love to play very much. From the outside, it looks like a cat is chasing and playing with someone invisible. If the cat behaves strangely, and at the same time he is not scared, and does not show aggression, there is definitely a kind brownie in your house. Dogs play with good spirits much less often than cats. Usually they just look at something invisible, without reacting to the owners.

Notice if you have a premonition before a knock on the door or a phone call. In an apartment in which a good spirit lives, it is pleasant not only to sleep at night, but also to be. You are happy to return to your home, your family has good relations, and even if a quarrel flares up, everyone quickly calms down and adequately resolves the dispute. You should be friends with a good brownie, leave him treats and toys, thank him for his help and care. Sometimes they show discontent, but it will still be different from the manifestation of evil spirits.

How to find out that there is an evil house spirit in the apartment

In principle, it is impossible to call an evil creature a brownie, but they are very often confused, so this classification is considered correct at the present time. If such

the creature is in your apartment, it will be uncomfortable to sleep without light. Even adults in such conditions may be afraid to be alone in an apartment, especially after dark, which adds strength to dark creatures.

Quarrels and scandals, excessive drinking and other sources of negative energy are present in the living room only simultaneously with an evil spirit, which is often confused with a brownie. Sometimes, if people live “wrongly”, a good brownie is offended and leaves, and evil spirits come to replace him.

Frequent illnesses of all family members are another sign of the presence of something bad in the house. It is unpleasant to be in an apartment in which evil lives. Perhaps you don't feel like going home after a day at work? Try to clear the apartment of negativity. It also affects the desire of friends and neighbors to come to visit you. It is uncomfortable to be in an apartment whose residents are adjacent to evil spirits, usually people want to quickly leave for their native walls. Any evil entity that lives in your house should be driven away and a real brownie should be called, which will protect it from further attacks of evil forces.

In what cases should Domovoy be appeased?

Brownies are not very fastidious creatures, content with little. He behaves quietly and will never specifically reveal himself, but, on the contrary, hides from people. But if something does not suit him, then he will be angry and indignant. How does such anger manifest itself?

  • You started losing things.
  • Some items often show up in the wrong place where you put them.
  • You often find open closet doors or wrinkled laundry.
  • There are crumbs scattered in the kitchen.
  • Sounds heard: rumbling, rustling.
  • You often feel uncomfortable in your own home (brownies can affect the atmosphere).

What to do in order not to get angry?

So that the brownie is not angry, you need to provide him with the most comfortable living conditions. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Brownies do not tolerate scandals and screams, so do not swear, do not utter swear words, try to raise your voice as little as possible. Such creatures also feel emotions, so drive negative ones away.
  • Don't be lazy, brownies can't stand lazy people.
  • Tobacco smoke is not liked by the keepers of the hearth, so do not smoke in the apartment. And, in general, get rid of this bad habit.
  • And all brownies love order and cleanliness. So if your sink is always full of unwashed dishes, then don't be surprised that something strange has started to happen in the house.

How to appease Domovoy? 5 ways

  1. Brownie is not simply called the hostess of the house. He loves cleanliness and order. To appease the brownie, it is enough just to keep the house clean: periodically clean, take out the trash, make sure that dust does not accumulate. If all things are in a mess, the brownie will start to get upset and angry, he may even start doing strange things, but more on that below.
  2. Brownie is a spirit, a creature that is always depicted and presented as an elderly man, grandfather. Like any person of age, he loves a respectful attitude towards himself. And of course, he loves to be talked to. It is important to make it clear to the brownie that you are referring to him. He cannot read thoughts, but you are always welcome to listen and understand. If you want to appease your brownie, address him politely, with respect (Father Brownie or Boss Father). He will also be happy if you turn to your home with warmth and tenderness - thank him for keeping peace and comfort in the apartment.
  3. To appease the brownie, you can treat him. Brownie's favorite treats are milk and pastries that you made with your own hands. Pour some milk and put some buns or porridge on a saucer and put it all on the highest kitchen cabinet farthest away. It must be said that this gift is intended for the brownie, because he will not touch someone else's. It is not for nothing that brownies do not eat from pet bowls. Don't be surprised if it turns out that nothing has been eaten. The brownie is a spirit, so it feeds only on the "spirit" or the smell of food. That is why, by the way, the brownie does not like dirt and rubbish lying around - a bad spirit, unkind energy emanates from them.
  4. To appease the brownie, you can put small toys on him. Although he is an old man, he likes to play all the same. For example, it is good to use small beads that can be folded into a box (it is better to make a homemade one - brownies love owners who do a lot of things with their own hands). A box of beads should be put in a secluded corner in the apartment so that the brownie can safely play with them when he pleases.
  5. As mentioned earlier, brownies also monitor the energy cleanliness of the house. Therefore, there should be fewer quarrels in the house, the brownie really does not like it if a bad energy charge accumulates. This happens if you carry grievances in yourself for a long time and do not express them. Brownie loves spiritual purity, openness and goodwill. Therefore, if you want to appease the brownie, be sure to quarrel less with your family and be kind and open with them.

How to pick up Domovoy when moving?

When moving to a new apartment, you can take your faithful assistant with you. To do this, you need to sweep, then lightly scatter the garbage and invite the brownie to come with you three times. Then the garbage is collected and transported to a new place together with a broom. There you should again scatter garbage and invite the brownie to settle with you three times. After a day, garbage can be collected and thrown away in the usual manner, and a treat can be served to the brownie. It is better to take a new broom for this, however, then you can use it. It would be nice to be the first to let a cat into a new apartment, it is believed that she is able to remove negative and alien energy to you. If there is no cat, just bring in a new broom - the result will be the same.

How to force Domovoy to give things away?

Brownies come in completely different characters. Some are strict and important, others are funny and mischievous, there are also angry and hostile.

Sometimes it happens that a prankster brownie pulls off small things. It would seem that a minute ago it lay here before my eyes, and then suddenly disappeared. In such cases, you need to move to the corner of the room and say: “Brownie, brownie, play and give back”. If not a thing was found, you can scold him: “Such an adult grandfather and you play pranks. Oh no no no!" He will be ashamed, and he will definitely return the “loss”. Or at night before moving, put him a treat in the form of a slice of rye bread with a mug of milk and say the words: “Father, my master, my good brownie. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, without you there will be no happiness.

In the morning, you need to put an awl or coal in a bag or bag, invite the brownie to move with you again in the manner described above and carefully transfer the brownie.

How to drive away the evil brownie?

If the brownie does not calm down in any way and constantly harms everyone, try to drive him away. To do this, every day (start on Monday and skip Friday) sweep the floors with a broom, paying particular attention to the corners. At the same time, say the following words: “I sweep you out, a stranger, a harmful brownie, I drive you out.” Do this until you feel that the brownie has left. Be friends with your brownie, and he will always help you in everything. Peace and blessings to your family!

Brownie Day

In Russia, the name day of the brownie is considered to be April 1st. On this day, take a closer look at the brownie, and along with the treat, say: “Congratulations, grandfather, happy birthday!”. It is advisable to choose a treat so that it does not deteriorate, and you need to update it on the 1st of each month. But the most important rule for communicating with brownies is a peaceful atmosphere in the house. Do not allow swearing, screaming, violent showdown. From constant quarrels, the brownie will first become nervous, and then angry. There will still be no great harm from him, but he will deprive you of his patronage and protection. Therefore, if you want to keep peace and comfort in your home, resolve all issues in a friendly and gentle tone. And then your "housekeeper" will help you in everything, protect and fill the house with goodness and prosperity.