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» Modern heating systems for industrial premises. Heating of industrial premises. Air heating calculation

Modern heating systems for industrial premises. Heating of industrial premises. Air heating calculation

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In cold weather conditions heating system production premises provides employees of the enterprise comfortable conditions for work. Normalization of temperature conditions also has a beneficial effect on the safety of buildings, machines and equipment. Heating systems, although they have the same task, have technological differences. Some use hot water boilers for heating industrial premises, while in others compact heaters are used. Let's consider the specifics of industrial heating and the effectiveness of using various systems.

Requirements for heating industrial premises

At low temperatures, heating of production premises, as required by labor protection, should be carried out in cases where the time workers spend there exceeds 2 hours. The only exceptions are premises in which permanent presence of people is not necessary (for example, rarely visited warehouses). Also, structures are not heated, being inside of which is equivalent to carrying out work outside the building. However, even here it is necessary to provide for the presence of special devices for heating workers.

Occupational safety imposes a number of sanitary and hygienic requirements for heating industrial premises:

  • heating indoor air to a comfortable temperature;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature due to the amount of heat generated;
  • inadmissibility of air pollution with harmful gases and unpleasant odors(especially for stove heating production premises);
  • the desirability of combining the heating process with ventilation;
  • ensuring fire and explosion safety;
  • reliability of the heating system during operation and ease of repair.

Heating calculation

To carry out a thermal calculation, before planning any industrial heating, you need to use the standard method.

Qt (kW/hour) =V*∆T *K/860

  • V- internal area premises requiring heating (W*D*H);
  • ∆ T - the value of the difference between the external and desired internal temperature;
  • K - heat loss coefficient;
  • 860 - recalculation per kW/hour.
  • The heat loss coefficient, which is included in the calculation of the heating system for industrial premises, varies depending on the type of building and the level of its thermal insulation. The less thermal insulation, the higher the coefficient value.

    Steam heating of industrial buildings

    Heating the production premises using steam allows you to maintain a high temperature of the environment (up to 100 degrees). When organizing the heating process, you do not need to take into account the number of floors. You can bring the temperature to the required value in a short time. This applies to both heating and cooling. All equipment, including communications, does not take up much space.

    The steam heating method is optimal if the production premises need to be heated or reduced in temperature periodically. The method is more effective than the water method.

    The following disadvantages are identified:

    • there is a lot of noise during operation;
    • it is difficult to regulate steam flow;
    • The steam method is not recommended for use in rooms with aerosols, flammable gases, or heavy dust.

    Water heating of industrial facilities

    Water heating is appropriate if you have your own boiler room nearby or operate central water supply. The main component in in this case there will be an industrial heating boiler that can run on gas, electricity or solid fuel.

    Water will be supplied under high pressure and temperature. Usually, it cannot be used to efficiently heat large workshops, which is why the method is called “on-duty”. But there are a number of advantages:

    • air circulates calmly throughout the room;
    • heat spreads evenly;
    • a person can work actively in conditions with water heating, it is absolutely safe.

    The heated air enters the room where it mixes with environment and the temperature is balanced. Sometimes you need to reduce energy costs. To do this, using filters, the air is purified and reused for heating. industrial buildings.

    Air heating

    Most enterprises during the existence of the Soviet Union used a convection heating system for industrial buildings. The difficulty in using this method is that warm air, according to the laws of physics, rises, while the part of the room located near the floor remains less heated.

    Today, more efficient heating is provided by the system air heating production premises.

    Operating principle

    Hot air, which is preheated in the heat generator through air ducts, is transferred to the heated part of the building. Distribution heads are used to distribute thermal energy throughout the space. In some cases, fans are installed, which can be replaced by portable equipment, including a heat gun.


    It is worth noting that such heating can be combined with various supply systems ventilation and air conditioning. This is what makes it possible to heat huge complexes, something that could not be achieved before.

    This method is widely used in heating warehouse complexes, as well as indoor sports facilities. In addition, such a method in most cases is the only possible one, since it has the highest level fire safety.


    Naturally, without some negative properties it didn't work out. For example, setting air heating will cost the owners of the enterprise a pretty penny.

    Not only do the fans required for normal operation cost quite a lot, but they also consume huge amounts of electricity, since their performance reaches about several thousand cubic meters at one o'clock.

    Infrared heating

    Not every company is ready to spend a lot of money on an air heating system, so many prefer to use a different method. Infrared industrial heating is becoming increasingly popular every day.

    Principle of operation

    An infrared burner operates on the principle of flameless combustion of air located on the porous part of the ceramic surface. The ceramic surface is distinguished by the fact that it is capable of emitting a whole spectrum of waves that are concentrated in the area infrared radiation.

    The peculiarity of these waves is their high degree of permeability, that is, they can freely pass through air currents in order to transfer their energy to a certain place. The stream of infrared radiation is directed to a predetermined area through various reflectors.

    Therefore, heating industrial premises using such a burner allows for maximum comfort. In addition, this heating method makes it possible to heat both individual work areas and entire buildings.

    Main advantages

    At the moment, the use of infrared heaters is considered the most modern and progressive method of heating industrial buildings due to the following positive characteristics:

    • quick heating of the room;
    • low energy intensity;
    • high efficiency;
    • compact equipment and easy installation.

    By performing the correct calculation, you can install a powerful, economical and independent heating system for your enterprise that does not require constant maintenance.

    Scope of application

    It is worth noting that such equipment is used, among other things, for heating poultry houses, greenhouses, cafe terraces, auditoriums, shopping and sports halls, as well as various bitumen coatings for technological purposes.

    The full effect of using an infrared burner can be felt in those rooms that have large volumes of cold air. The compactness and mobility of such equipment makes it possible to maintain the temperature at a certain level depending on the technological need and time of day.


    Many people are concerned about the issue of safety, since the word “radiation” is associated with radiation and its harmful effects on human health. In fact, the operation of infrared heaters is completely safe for both humans and equipment located in the room.

    SNiP standards for heating industrial premises

    Before you start designing a particular system, you need to study following rules and carry them out. It is imperative to take into account heat loss, because not only the air in the room heats up, but also equipment and objects. The maximum temperature of the coolant (water, steam) is 90 degrees, and the pressure is 1 MPa.

    Infrared space heating

    Increased competition for domestic market forces manufacturers to pay attention to all cost items. Not least on this list are the costs of heating industrial premises. With the increase in the cost of energy resources, their percentage in general structure production costs increased noticeably. The issues of choosing an economical option for heating industrial premises have moved from the category of “long-term” to the category of urgent ones. Air heating is often considered as a way out of the situation - one of the most economical and effective options.

    Operating principle

    Air heating consists of a heat generator and closed routes through which heated air masses are distributed throughout production workshops, warehouses, change houses and other premises. Naturally, the heated air is supplied under pressure. It is pumped by a fan, which is mounted in the circuit in front of the heat generator. Air is distributed along individual lines using mechanical dampers or automatic distribution mechanisms.

    Often, heating systems for industrial premises are presented in the form mobile devices. Portable heat guns are characterized by high performance and are able to very quickly warm up any room. All air heating options additionally solve the problem of recirculating air flows. This has a positive effect on the overall sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The air heating method has undeniable advantages:

    1. The efficiency reaches 93%. When organizing heating, the installation of intermediate heating devices is not required.
    2. Heating systems of this type can be fully integrated with ventilation systems. This allows you to constantly maintain an optimal microclimate inside production complexes.
    3. Very low level of inertia. Immediately after activating the equipment, the air temperature in the room begins to rise.
    4. High efficiency has a positive effect on the economic performance of production and reduction in production costs.

    Along with this, air heating also has obvious disadvantages:

    1. Constant technical maintenance of the active elements of the system is required. It is quite difficult to modernize already operating installations.
    2. To avoid interruptions in heat supply, a backup power source is required.

    System design

    To organize an air heating system, it is necessary to draw up project documentation. The development of the scheme and the execution of calculations should be entrusted to experienced specialists. It is desirable that they have practical skills in implementing such projects. Otherwise, an imbalance of temperature conditions or an increased noise level in production premises cannot be ruled out.

    An organization that undertakes to plan a heating scheme for industrial premises must effectively resolve many issues:

    1. Determine the expected level of heat loss in each individual room.
    2. Taking into account unproductive heat consumption, calculate the power of the heat generator.
    3. Calculate the amount of heated air and the expected temperature regime.
    4. Determine the diameter of the air-conducting channels and the pressure loss due to the negative aerodynamic characteristics of the pipeline.

    After drawing up the project, you can begin purchasing equipment.

    Air heating installation

    Heating of production workshops

    Having a clear plan for the location of system components and assemblies, it is very easy to carry out installation work by the company's employees. However, if you wish, you can contact specialized companies. When installing it yourself, first of all, you need to pay attention to the completeness of the delivery. Manufacturers supply air ducts, dampers, inserts and other standard elements to order.

    In addition, you can additionally purchase the following materials:

    • flexible lines
    • aluminum tape
    • insulation and mounting tape

    Insulating some areas is very important because it helps prevent condensation. For this purpose, a layer of foil insulation on a self-adhesive base is laid on top of the pipeline walls. Its thickness may vary. The most in demand are materials with a thickness of 3-5 millimeters.

    Depending on the geometry of the premises and design solution Rigid or flexible lines are installed. Individual sections are connected to each other using reinforced tape, plastic or metal clamps. All installation work boils down to performing the following set of actions:

    • installation of warm air supply lines
    • installation of distribution sockets
    • installation of a heat generating unit
    • laying a thermal insulation layer
    • installation of additional equipment

    Air heating in warehouses, production and utility rooms is a complete heating system. It is characterized by efficiency and high efficiency.

  • Section 2. Human factor in ensuring life safety Chapter 1. Classification and characteristics of the main forms of human activity
  • 1.1.Physical labor. The physical severity of labor. Optimal working conditions
  • 1.2. Brainwork
  • Chapter 2. Physiological characteristics of humans
  • 2.1. General characteristics of analyzers
  • 2.2. Characteristics of the visual analyzer
  • 2.3. Characteristics of the auditory analyzer
  • 2.4. Characteristics of the skin analyzer
  • 2.5. Kinesthetic and taste analyzer
  • 2.6. Psychophysical activity of a person
  • Section 3. Formation of hazards in the industrial environment Chapter 1. Industrial microclimate and its impact on the human body
  • 1.1. Microclimate of production premises
  • 1.2. The influence of microclimate parameters on human well-being
  • 1.3. Hygienic standardization of microclimate parameters of industrial premises
  • Chapter 2. The influence of chemicals on the human body
  • 2.1. Types of chemicals
  • 2.2. Chemical toxicity indicators
  • 2.3. Chemical Hazard Classes
  • Chapter 3. Acoustic vibrations and vibrations
  • 3.1. The influence of sound waves and their characteristics
  • 3.2. Types of sound waves and their hygienic standards
  • 3.4. Hygienic regulation of vibration
  • Chapter 4. Electromagnetic fields
  • 4.1. The influence of constant magnetic fields on the human body
  • 4.2. Radio frequency electromagnetic field
  • 4.3. Standardization of exposure to electromagnetic radiation of radio frequencies
  • Chapter 5. Infrared and ultraviolet radiation
  • 5.2. Biological effect of infrared radiation. Rationing iki
  • 5.4. Biological effect of ufi. Ufi rationing
  • Chapter 6. Visible region of electromagnetic radiation
  • 6.1. Components of the formation of the light environment
  • 6.3. Hygienic regulation of artificial and natural lighting
  • Chapter 7. Laser radiation
  • 7.1. The essence of laser radiation. Classification of lasers according to physical and technical parameters
  • 7.2. Biological effect of laser radiation
  • 7.3. Standardization of laser radiation
  • Chapter 8. Electrical hazards in the work environment
  • 8.1. Types of electric shock
  • 8.2. The nature and consequences of electric shock to a person
  • 8.3. Categories of industrial premises according to the danger of electric shock
  • 8.4. Danger of three-phase electrical circuits with isolated neutral
  • 8.5 Dangers of three-phase electrical networks with grounded neutral
  • 8.6. Danger of single-phase current networks
  • 8.7. Current spreading in the ground
  • Section 4. Technical methods and means of human protection at work Chapter 1. Industrial ventilation
  • 1.1. Prevention of adverse effects of microclimate
  • 1.2. Types of ventilation. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for ventilation systems
  • 1.3. Determining the required air exchange
  • 1.4. Calculation of natural general ventilation
  • 1.5. Calculation of artificial general ventilation
  • 1.6. Calculation of local ventilation
  • Chapter 2. Air conditioning and heating
  • 2.1. Air conditioning
  • 2.2. Monitoring the performance of ventilation systems
  • 2.3. Heating of industrial premises. (Local, central; specific heating characteristics)
  • Chapter 3. Industrial lighting
  • 3.1. Classification and sanitary and hygienic requirements for industrial lighting
  • 3.2. Standardization and calculation of natural lighting
  • 3.3. Artificial lighting, rationing and calculation
  • Chapter 4. Means and methods of protection against noise and vibration
  • 4.1. Methods and means of reducing the negative impact of noise
  • 4.2. Determining the effectiveness of some alternative noise reduction methods
  • 4.3. Methods and means of reducing the harmful effects of vibration
  • Chapter 5. Means and methods of protection against electromagnetic radiation
  • 5.1. Means and methods of protection from exposure to electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies
  • 5.2. Means of protection against exposure to infrared and ultraviolet radiation
  • 5.3. Laser protection
  • Chapter 6. Measures to protect against electric shock
  • 6.1. Organizational and technical protective measures
  • 6.2. Protective grounding
  • 6.3. Zeroing
  • 6.4. Safety shutdown
  • 6.5. Use of personal electrical protective equipment
  • Section 5. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for industrial enterprises. Organization of labor protection Chapter 1. Classification and rules for using protective equipment
  • 1.1. Classification and list of protective equipment for workers
  • 1.2. Design and rules for using respiratory protective equipment, protection of the head, eyes, face, hearing organs, hands, special protective clothing and footwear
  • Chapter 2. Organization of labor protection
  • 2.1. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for master plans of industrial enterprises
  • 2.2. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for industrial buildings and premises
  • 2.3. Organization of certification of workplaces for working conditions
  • Section 6. Occupational safety management at the enterprise Chapter 1. Occupational safety management scheme
  • 1.1. Goals of occupational safety management at an enterprise
  • 1.2. Schematic diagram of occupational safety management at an enterprise
  • Chapter 2. Main tasks of occupational safety management
  • 2.1. Tasks, functions and objects of occupational safety management
  • 2.2. Information in occupational safety management
  • Section 7. Legal issues of labor protection Chapter 1. Basic legislative acts on labor protection
  • 1.1. Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • 1.2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation
  • Chapter 2. By-laws on labor protection
  • 2.1. Regulatory legal acts on labor protection
  • 2.2. System of occupational safety standards. (ssbt)
  • Bibliography
  • 2.3. Heating of industrial premises. (Local, central; specific heating characteristics)

    Heating is designed to maintain normal air temperature in production premises during the cold season. In addition, it contributes to better preservation of buildings and equipment, since it simultaneously allows you to regulate air humidity. For this purpose, various heating systems are built.

    During the cold and transitional periods of the year, all buildings and structures in which people stay for more than 2 hours, as well as rooms in which temperature maintenance is necessary due to technological conditions, should be heated.

    The following sanitary and hygienic requirements are imposed on heating systems: uniform heating of the air in the rooms; the ability to regulate the amount of heat generated and combine heating and ventilation processes; absence of indoor air pollution with harmful emissions and unpleasant odors; fire and explosion safety; ease of operation and repair.

    Heating of industrial premises within the radius of action can be local or central.

    Local heating is installed in one or more adjacent rooms with an area of ​​less than 500 m2. In such heating systems, the heat generator, heating devices and heat-releasing surfaces are structurally combined in one device. The air in these systems is most often heated by using the heat of fuel burned in stoves (wood, coal, peat, etc.). Much less often, floors or wall panels with built-in electric heating elements, and sometimes electric radiators, are used as unique heating devices. There are also air (the main element is the heater) and gas (when gas is burned in heating devices) local heating systems.

    Depending on the type of coolant used, central heating can be water, steam, air or combined. Systems central heating include a heat generator, heating devices, means of coolant transmission (pipelines) and means of ensuring operability (shut-off valves, safety valves, pressure gauges, etc.). As a rule, in such systems heat is generated outside the heated premises.

    Heating systems must compensate for heat loss through construction fencing, heat consumption for heating the injected cold air coming from outside of raw materials, machines, equipment and for technological needs.

    In the absence of accurate data on building materials, fences, the thickness of layers of materials of enclosing structures and, as a result, the impossibility of determining the thermal resistance of walls, ceilings, floors, windows and other elements, heat consumption is approximately determined using specific characteristics.

    Heat consumption through the external enclosures of buildings, kW

    Where - specific heating characteristic of a building, which is the heat flow lost by 1 m 3 of the volume of the building according to external dimensions per unit of time with a temperature difference between the internal and external air of 1 K, W/(m 3 ∙K): depending on the volume and purpose of the building =0.105...0.7 W/(m 3 ∙K); V H - volume of the building without the basement according to external measurements, m 3; T B - average design temperature of the internal air of the main premises of the building, K; T Н – calculated winter temperature of outside air for designing heating systems, K: for Volgograd 248 K, Kirov 242 K, Moscow 247 K, St. Petersburg 249 K, Ulyanovsk 244 K, Chelyabinsk 241 K.

    Heat consumption for ventilation of industrial buildings, kW

    Where - specific ventilation characteristic, i.e. heat consumption for ventilation of 1 m 3 of a building with a difference in internal and external temperatures of 1 K, W/(m 3 ∙K): depending on the volume and purpose of the building =0.17...1.396 W/(m 3 ∙K);
    - the calculated value of the outside air temperature for the design of ventilation systems, K: for Volgograd 259 K, Vyatka 254 K, Moscow 258 K, St. Petersburg 261 K, Ulyanovsk 255 K, Chelyabinsk 252 K.

    The amount of heat absorbed by materials, machinery and equipment imported into the premises, kW


    Where - mass heat capacity of materials or equipment, kJ/(kg∙K): for water 4.19, grain 2.1...2.5, iron 0.48, brick 0.92, straw 2.3;
    - mass of raw materials or equipment imported into the premises, kg;
    - temperature of materials, raw materials or equipment imported into the premises, K: for metals
    =, for non-bulk materials
    =+10, bulk materials
    =+20;- time for heating materials, machines or equipment to room temperature, hours.

    The amount of heat consumed for technological needs, kW, is determined through the consumption of hot water or steam


    Where -consumption for technological needs of water or steam, kg/h: for repair shops 100...120, per cow 0.625, per calf 0.083, etc.; - heat content of water or steam at the boiler outlet, kJ/kg; - condensate or hot water return coefficient, varying within 0...0.7: in calculations it is usually taken =0,7;- heat content of condensate or water returned to the boiler, kJ/kg: in calculations can be taken equal to 270...295 kJ/kg.

    The thermal power of the boiler installation P k, taking into account the heat consumption for the boiler house’s own needs and losses in heating networks, is assumed to be 10...15% more than the total heat consumption

    Based on the obtained value of Pk, we select the type and brand of the boiler. It is recommended to install boiler units of the same type with the same thermal output. The number of steel units should be no less than two and no more than four, cast iron – no more than six. It should be taken into account that if one boiler fails, the remaining ones must provide at least 75-80% of the calculated thermal power of the boiler installation.

    Heating devices are used to directly heat rooms. various types and structures: radiators, cast iron finned pipes, convectors, etc.

    The total surface area of ​​heating devices, m2, is determined by the formula


    Where - heat transfer coefficient of the walls of heating devices, W/(m 2 ∙K): for cast iron 7.4, for steel 8.3; - temperature of water or steam at the inlet to the heating device, K; for low pressure water radiators 338…348, high pressure 393…398; for steam radiators 383…388; -water temperature at the outlet of the heating device, K: for low-pressure water radiators 338…348, for high-pressure steam and water radiators 368.

    Using the known value of F, the required number of sections of heating devices is found


    Where - area of ​​one section of the heating device, m 2, depending on its type: 0.254 for M-140 radiators; 0.299 for M-140-AO; 0.64 for M3-500-1; 0.73 for a plinth-type convector 15KP-1; 1 for a cast iron finned pipe with a diameter of 500 mm.

    Uninterrupted operation of boilers is only possible if there is a sufficient supply of fuel for them. In addition, knowing the required amount of alternative fuel materials, it is possible to determine using economic indicators optimal view fuel.

    The fuel requirement, kg, for the heating season of the year can be approximately calculated using the formula


    Where =1.1…1.2 - safety factor for unaccounted heat losses; - annual consumption of equivalent fuel to increase the temperature of 1 m 3 of air in a heated building by 1 K, kg/(m 3 ∙K): 0.32 for a building with
    m 3; 0.245 at
    ; 0.215 at 0.2 at >10000 m 3 .

    Conventional fuel is considered to be fuel whose calorific value of 1 kg is 29.3 MJ, or 7000 kcal. To convert standard fuel into natural fuel, correction factors are used: for anthracite 0.97, brown coal 2.33, average quality firewood 5.32, fuel oil 0.7, peat 2.6.

    Organizing a production process is a multifaceted task in which all factors must be taken into account. In addition to equipment and qualified workers, special attention should be paid to maintaining optimal temperature in room. To do this, you need to develop systems and heating schemes for workshops with your own hands: welding, carpentry, production.

    Selecting heating according to room characteristics

    Before you make the heating of the workshop with your own hands, you need to find out a few important characteristics. First of all, the optimal temperature in the room. The choice of heating system directly depends on this.

    When drawing up a heating scheme for a carpentry shop or other production areas, you need to take into account the following parameters:

    • Ceiling area and height. If the distance from the floor to the roof is more than 3 meters, then convection (water, air) systems will be ineffective. This is due to the large volume of the room;
    • Thermal insulation of walls and roof. Heat loss buildings are the first thing to consider when choosing. The heating system for the workshop must not only be efficient, but also economical. In this case, it is best to use zonal heat sources. They will maintain a comfortable temperature level in a certain area of ​​the room;
    • Technological requirements for optimal temperature in the workshop. For example, the heating of a woodworking shop must maintain air heating at a constant level. Otherwise, it will affect the quality of the products. If feedstock is metal, then comfortable temperature needed only for employees.

    To carry out this analysis, you will need to study the advantages and disadvantages of each type of heating. Let's consider the most efficient heating of a production workshop, which differs depending on the design and components used.

    Air heating of the workshop

    For large premises With high requirements temperature, it is recommended to use air heating of the workshop. This system is an extensive network of air channels through which flows of hot air move. It is heated using a special air conditioning unit or a gas boiler.

    Such do-it-yourself workshop heating systems and schemes are applicable for welding, carpentry, and industrial premises. Main structural elements of this system are:

    • Outside air intake device. It includes fans and cleaning filters;
    • Next, the air masses enter the heating zone through the channels.. It could be electrical devices(spiral element) or gas installation with air heat exchanger;
    • Air masses from high temperature move along channels that distribute heat to individual production rooms. To regulate the heating temperature level, a throttle valve is installed in each outlet pipe.

    Such a workshop air heating system has a number of significant advantages over the standard one. The main one is optimal heating of the room. Properly positioned air ducts can have guide elements that focus air flow to the desired area of ​​the workshop.

    Also when additional installation air conditioner, the same system can be used as a cooling system. However, such a workshop heating scheme is quite complex in terms of design. Before self-installation, you need to calculate the power of the fans, the shape and cross-section of the air ducts. Therefore, for the installation of air heating in a production workshop, it is recommended to use the services of specialized companies.

    Water heating of the workshop

    The use of traditional water heating is relevant for small industries whose workshop area does not exceed 250 m². It is necessary to constantly maintain the air temperature at the optimal level throughout the entire volume of the room. Woodworking shops are often heated using water.

    This is due to wood waste from production. To dispose of them, install a solid fuel boiler long burning. This scheme of work allows you not only to quickly but also effectively get rid of wood waste. They are subsequently used as fuel.

    However, this heating organization scheme has a number of nuances:

    • In order for the heating efficiency of the production workshop to be maximum, the area of ​​the heating devices must be significantly increased. Pipes are used for this large diameter, which are welded together into registers;
    • Inertia. It takes quite a long time to heat the air in the workshop from the coolant;
    • Inability to quickly change the water temperature in the pipes.

    However, along with this, when installing water heating in a welding shop, a heated floor system can be used. This scheme will help reduce the required area of ​​heating devices. At the same time, the inertia of the system will decrease - the air in the workshop will heat up faster.
    During heating design, it is possible to provide for the organization of hot water supply, which is important for many production processes. To do this, you need to purchase (or make) a heat exchange tank to heat the workshop with your own hands.

    In it, the coolant energy will be transferred through the coil to the water. This will make it possible to use hot water not only for domestic needs, but also for production processes.

    In addition to solid fuel boilers, you can install other types of heating equipment:

    • Gas boilers. Economically effective if there is no cheap solid fuel;
    • Electric heaters. It is preferable not to use them, since energy costs will be high;
    • Boilers running on liquid fuel - diesel or waste machine oil. Installed if there are no gas lines. They are economical, but inconvenient because they require special containers for storing fuel.

    To use water heating circuits for a workshop, you need to correctly calculate the power of the heating installation.

    The standard ratio of 1 kW of released thermal energy per 10 m² of area is only relevant for a workshop whose ceiling height does not exceed 3 meters. If they are higher, then each additional meter is +10% to the boiler power.

    Infrared heating of the workshop

    The operating principle of infrared heaters is to heat surfaces due to the effects of infrared radiation. If the heating system of the welding shop is designed for spot heating of certain zones, then it is best to use these devices. Effective heating with infrared heaters for workshops should begin with the selection of heating elements. Currently, two methods of generating IR radiation are used.

    Carbon heaters

    Its design consists of a bulb, inside of which there is a carbon spiral, and a reflective element. When current passes through the heating element, it glows due to high electrical resistance. As a result, IR radiation is released.

    To focus thermal energy, a reflector made of stainless iron or aluminum is provided.

    IR electric heaters can be used as additional heating for a carpentry shop. They are mounted above those work areas where a stable temperature regime is required. The advantages of electric infrared heaters include:

    • Easy installation;
    • The ability to regulate the heating temperature by changing the supplied current power;
    • Small overall dimensions.

    However, due to high energy consumption, heating with electric infrared heaters for workshops is rare. Instead they are mounted gas models.

    Gas IR heaters

    For large production workshops where zonal heating is required, it is recommended to use gas models of infrared heaters. Their operating principle is based on the so-called flameless combustion of a mixture of gas and air on a ceramic surface. As a result, IR radiation is formed, which is focused by the reflector.

    For efficient heating Infrared heaters in workshops often use ceiling-mounted heater models. It is important to correctly calculate the mounting height and required power. The heating area and temperature conditions in this part of the workshop will depend on these parameters.

    They are used as a heating system for a welding shop, where a comfortable temperature is needed only to ensure normal conditions for the working personnel. However, when planning this type of heating, you need to take into account a number of nuances:

    • An infrared heating system for a workshop cannot be used if the air in the entire room needs to be heated. Heaters are designed for local impact;
    • To minimize costs, you should use only natural gas from the mains. In addition to the additional purchase of exchange containers, a liquefied cylinder is inconvenient due to the periodic connection procedure.

    But despite these disadvantages, the use of infrared heating for woodworking shops and other areas of industry remains the best option. However, for installation gas heating The workshop itself only needs to carry out a number of coordination activities with the gas service in order to obtain all permits.

    How to choose the right heating system for a particular workshop? It is necessary to take into account its operational parameters, the cost of purchasing equipment and the price of energy. Remember that the cost of production will depend on the heating efficiency of any production workshop.

    If you need economical option organizing heating for a carpentry shop - in the video you can see non-standard methods of heating air using sawdust and wood shavings.

    “How to choose the optimal heating”? - this is the question asked by the owners of production facilities, workshops and warehouses. Big sizes buildings combined with harsh climatic conditions Russia scares young entrepreneurs. In this review we will talk about “optimal” heating. First, let’s figure out what is meant by the word “optimal.” Usually this word is understood as a suitable ratio for a building “cost/reliability/convenience”.

    Selecting and creating a heating scheme for large rooms is not an easy task. Each building is universal - size, height, purpose. Production equipment is often an obstacle to laying pipes. But without heating there is nowhere. Well built heating system protects equipment from hypothermia (often this factor leads to equipment breakdown), creates favorable conditions labor for workers. In addition, without the required temperature, some products will spoil much faster. This is why it is so important to choose a reliable heating system.

    Choosing a heating system for industrial buildings

    Almost every warehouse needs heating. Centralized heating systems are usually used. They are:

    • Water;
    • Air.

    When choosing heating, the following characteristics should be taken into account:

    • Area and height of the building;
    • The amount of heat energy required to maintain the desired temperature;
    • Lightness of heating equipment in technical terms, its wear resistance.

    Central water heating

    The main thermal resource is central system heating or boiler room. Water heating includes:

    The operating principle is simple. The liquid is heated in the boiler and goes through the pipes, giving off heat.

    Types of water heating:

    • Single-pipe (water temperature cannot be adjusted);
    • Two-pipe (temperature regulation is possible. It is carried out using thermostats on radiators).

    The central heating element is the boiler. Today there are quite a few types of boilers: liquid fuel, solid fuel, gas, electric and mixed. You should choose a boiler taking into account the possibilities. A gas boiler is convenient when you can connect to a gas source. It should be taken into account that the price of this resource increases every year. Gas supply interruptions will lead to dire consequences.

    Liquid fuel boilers require a separate room and container for storing fuel. In addition, it will be necessary to constantly replenish fuel reserves, which means extra hands for transportation and unloading. And these are additional costs.

    Solid fuel boilers are not suitable for heating large industrial premises. Caring for a solid fuel boiler is not an easy task (loading fuel, cleaning the chimney and firebox). On modern market You can find partially automated models with the possibility of automated fuel loading. Other components (firebox, chimney) require human care. Sawdust, pellets, wood chips, etc. act as fuel. Despite the fact that the operation of such boilers is labor-intensive process, but these models are the cheapest on the market.

    Electric boilers are not the best suitable option for heating large rooms (up to 70 sq. meters). The electricity used will cost the owner dearly. It is worth considering that planned and unscheduled power outages negatively affect the system.

    Combination boilers can be called universal models.

    A water heating system provides stable and efficient heating of the room. Despite the fact that combined boilers cost more than their counterparts, but with it you will not depend on external troubles (various interruptions in gas and electrical systems). Combined boiler samples have two or more heaters for different types of fuel. Thanks to the built-in types of burners, boilers are divided into:

    • Gas-wood - not afraid of interruptions in the gas supply system and rising fuel prices)
    • Gas-diesel - ideally heat a large room)
    • Gas-diesel-wood - a functional boiler with low efficiency and low power)
    • Gas-diesel-wood-electricity is an almost universal unit that is completely independent of external problems

    The situation with the boilers has been clarified. Now you need to find out whether the water type of heating meets the previously described criteria. It is worth noting that the heat capacity of water is thousands of times higher than the heat capacity of air. This means that you will need thousands of times less water than air. Another point: a water heating system will allow you to install desired temperature V different time. For example, during normal production heating the temperature will be +10 C, but during working hours you can set a higher temperature.

    Air heating

    People have been using air heating for a long time. The system is effective and popular. Has the following advantages:

    • Air ducts are installed instead of radiators and pipes.
    • Air heating has higher efficiency compared to a water system
    • The heated air is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the room
    • It is convenient to connect the air system with ventilation and air conditioning (you can get fresh air, instead of warm)
    • Constant change of air has positive effect on the well-being of workers; work efficiency increases.

    If you want to save money, it is better to choose mixed air industrial heating. It consists of natural and mechanical air stimulation.

    • The "natural" urge is to take warm air their atmosphere at any temperature.
    • Mechanical impulse is the intake of cold air by the air duct for its subsequent warming and supply to the room.

    It is believed that the air heating system is the best option heating large industrial premises.

    Infrared heating

    It is possible to heat an industrial premises using non-traditional methods. Infrared heaters - modern invention engineers. The principle of their operation is as follows: emitters produce energy above the heating zone and transfer heat to objects that heat the air. The functionality of such heaters is compared to the sun. It also heats the surface of the earth using infrared waves, and then the air is heated by heat exchange. Thanks to this principle, heated air will not accumulate under the ceiling, being evenly distributed over the area of ​​the room.

    There are many types of IR heaters, differing in the following characteristics:

    • Installation location (floor, portable floor, wall, ceiling);
    • Type of emitted waves (short-wave, medium-wave and light);
    • Type of energy consumed (diesel, gas, electric).

    The most profitable are gas and diesel infrared heater models. Their efficiency is often above 90%. But they are characterized by burning air and changing the characteristics of its humidity.

    • Type of heating element (halogen - not very durable models; carbon - fragile model, but consumes less energy; ceramic - heating device assembled from ceramic tiles. Inside it is a mixture that heats the environment).

    IR heaters are used for heating industrial buildings, various structures, work shops, greenhouses, greenhouses, farms and apartments.

    Benefits of infrared heating

    IR heating can carry out spot heating, that is, in different parts buildings may have different temperatures. Infrared heaters do not come into contact with air, heating surfaces, objects, and organisms. This means there will be fewer drafts in the room. IR heating is economical. High efficiency and low power consumption is just a dream. Long service life, ease of installation, light weight, local efficient heating- these are just the main ones positive sides IR heaters.

    In this extensive article, we looked at popular types of space heating. Which type is the most optimal is up to you to decide. We hope that this article was useful and complete information.