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» Modern interior style with ethnic elements. Types of ethnic styles. What does the ethnic interior tell you about?

Modern interior style with ethnic elements. Types of ethnic styles. What does the ethnic interior tell you about?

Originality and sophistication - distinctive features ethno style in the interior. Design in the best national traditions is always bright, original and recognizable. Whether it's a store, an apartment or Vacation home– correctly selected finishing materials, furniture and decorative items will guarantee impeccable design and comfort.

Room in ethnic style

The flavor of distant countries in your apartment - tempting offer, because it allows you to realize bold ideas, create comfort and coziness. Implying many directions, ethnic interior is the choice of people different professions and hobbies. Each style carries cultural traditions and mood. Restraint and tranquility are inherent in the Japanese style, a thirst for bright adventures - in the African style, ostentatious luxury - in the Indian style. To realize the ethno style in the interior you need to maintain color scheme, evaluate the available space and layout.

Living room in ethno style

The most a large room There is a living room in the house. This feature greatly increases possible options its design. When choosing an ethno style in living room design, you can pay attention to the following areas:

Kitchen in ethno style

Luxury and comfort are a rare combination, but many people dream of seeing their kitchen as such. Ethnic style allows you to make your dreams come true. Design in the best traditions does not tolerate restrictions, it is bright and attractive, and does not neglect comfort and practicality:

Bedroom interior design in ethno style

Psychologists say that bedroom interior design should set you in a positive mood, give comfort and peace. But since everyone has their own idea of ​​spiritual harmony, the ethno style in the bedroom interior is in great demand. Plunge into the world of travel, dream about distant countries before going to bed, or get inspired by the ideas of Eastern philosophy, what could be easier:

Ethno style is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions of other peoples. It is suitable not only for apartments and houses. This design is considered ideal solution for restaurants, travel agencies, beauty salons, entertainment centers. For example, the Scandinavian ethnic style in the interior captivates with its warmth and harmony. Wide range of monochrome calm shades, lack of contrasting transitions, use natural materials, maximum free space - ideal for decorating a country house or hotel.

It is important to consider that each direction of ethnic style is fraught with the history of the nation. Therefore, when choosing an ethnic style in an interior, designers often rely on associations. Thus, France is famous for its exquisite cuisine and is still considered a trendsetter. The corresponding design is found in restaurants and fashion boutiques. Greek style used in the design of beauty salons, and the reason for this is the legend about the beautiful goddess Aphrodite, whose homeland was Greece.

Wallpaper - ethno style

Considering the features and scale, it can be assumed that the finishing materials in ethnicity are completely diverse, and sometimes even opposite. So, when decorating a house in an ethno style, you can paste floral wallpaper, taking the leading direction French chic, or bright textured canvases with thematic patterns that have absorbed all the luxury of Indian originality. Wallpaper in African style is colorful bright patterns on a light background. Canvases in the Arabic style will display bright, intricate patterns: silhouettes of swords, arabesques, latticework, etc.

Furniture in ethno style

Decoration in ethno style is impossible without the use of furniture made from natural materials. , wood, stone, bamboo, roughness of textures, imitation of a raw surface are the constant attributes of each style. But for all its similarities, furniture design also demonstrates priorities:

When recreating the atmosphere of exotic corners of the world and the flavor of eastern civilizations indoors, it is important not to forget about such accessories as carpets and floor runners. So, a soft carpet decorated with ornaments and patterns will turn your bedroom into a real abode of an Arabian beauty. Monochrome products in pastel colors fit perfectly into the concept of Japanese minimalism. Carpets generously decorated with handmade national motifs will complement the ethnic interior design of the Indian style.

Paintings - ethno style

The ethnic interior of the apartment involves the active use of works of art. The paintings make the style recognizable and unique. The Japanese direction is not complete without images of hieroglyphs and natural landscapes; the Mediterranean style fascinates with marine compositions; the African ethno style in the interior is complemented by images of hunting scenes, weapons, and animals.

This finishing material used for background decoration and creating bright accents. It is used to frame walls in the kitchen, bathroom, as flooring. Traditionally, tiles for kitchens in ethnic style represent a background covering “stone-like”, “wood-like”, “clay-like”. The accents are ceramics with geometric patterns, ornate ornaments, and oriental motifs.

Chandeliers in ethno style

Impeccable interior design - ethnic style is so meticulous that it cannot be imagined without defining details. Ethnic chandeliers are considered the final, but important, design touches. Like other interior items, they reflect cultural heritage:

Lamps - ethno style

These interior items do an excellent job of their immediate task - illuminating the necessary surface, for example, a work area in the kitchen or a desk. And when making the right choice and skillful arrangement - they place emphasis on certain elements of the interior, emphasizing style and mood. Pendant lamps in ethno style are made of wood, metal, glass, and textiles.

Transferring the necessary energy in an ethnic style is impossible without various figurines, national household items and other decorative elements. If we're talking about about the African direction, then these are masks, floor vases, embroidered pillows. Japanese ethno style in the interior implies the presence of fans, vases, tea sets, ikebana, classic English - figurines, photographs, paintings, beautiful napkins. Kitchen decor includes ethnic style plates, spice jars, tablecloths, towels, etc.

Ethnic style in the interior at one time had more than one name: folk-ethno, exotic or simply ethnic. The ethno style originated hundreds of years ago, bringing its traditions and customs into modern interior design fashion.

Many travel lovers, admirers of the cultures of other countries, all those who are not alien to the exoticism of other nations - they all try to use the possibilities of ethnic style to embody their original ideas in the interior design of apartments and houses, decorating the premises with decorative items brought from one country or another.

Opportunity to travel around various reasons left its mark on the decor and interior of many apartments. Many people go to other countries to study or work, absorb other cultures and traditions and bring elements of ethnic style into the interior of their home.

How does ethnic style differ from other modern styles? What's so special about it? Why do many customers prefer to see it in their interiors? We will try to answer these and many other questions in our article today. Enjoy reading!


In ethnic-style interiors, it is customary to use household items, furnishings and furnishings that are characteristic of a particular nationality. The concept of ethnic is very broad and covers a huge range of types of styles, so in each specific interior it is worth talking about a certain style direction. For example, ethnic style in the interior can be divided into several sections:







And these are just the main sections; there can be many more such style directions. At the same time, it is very important to know and remember that the basis of the ethnic style is taken from the interiors characteristic of representatives of this ethnic group in ancient times. For example, the Egyptian style reflects culture and interiors Ancient Egypt, and has nothing in common with modern Egyptian culture.


Decorating the interior of a room in an ethno style is now more relevant than ever. It is loved by both travelers and connoisseurs of cultures of other countries. And even ordinary people love this style for its warmth and comfort. This direction allows you to decorate your home in an original and stylish way, and for this you need to use the flavor of other countries.

Different directions of ethnic style have their significant differences from each other. These differences have been formed for many hundreds of years, reflecting the way of life of people, cultural traditions, which in turn were formed on the basis of changes in climate, the position of the country on geographical map and many other nuances.

Today, the ethnic style has many fans and admirers; it is used for decoration and interior design of apartments, houses, as well as restaurants, shops, cafes and even nightclubs.

There are three directions of ethnic style.

Authentic ethnicity

The first direction is authentic ethnicity. Let's take a closer look at it. Authentic ethnics completely recreate the interior of the era, down to the smallest detail. Typically, this direction is used to decorate themed places, such as cafes.

Before creating such an interior, you need to carefully study the era of the desired country and find out the period in which it existed desired interior. You also need to familiarize yourself with what this interior looked like in the culture that you are going to recreate, how the walls and floors were treated, what the furniture and household items looked like.

IN modern houses There is no need to accurately recreate the entire repair technology: neutral, light-colored walls and properly selected parquet flooring will suit almost any ethnic interior.

Ethnic mix

An ethnic mix, as the name implies, is an interior that uses cultural motifs from various areas of ethnic style. But be careful, a combination of motifs from different cultures, peoples and countries, if used inappropriately, can turn your home into a flea market. Therefore, it is important to think through the interior design in advance and down to the smallest detail: what concept can combine various household items?

Be sure to ensure that there is no color disharmony. From the entire range, choose a light, dark tone, several muted and one bright. All interior items that you subsequently choose should be in this color scheme.

Ethnic mix

Come up with a theme and stick to it. It could be anything: sea, hunting, night, spring. Drawings and ornaments should represent the general style, and in this case it is better to choose one thing: oriental script, geometric patterns or plant motifs.

Ethnic style should have many decorative elements and pieces of furniture. To make the interior interesting and harmonious, it is necessary that small details combine perfectly with pieces of furniture and large objects.

Ethnic accents

This type of design is the most common and easiest to implement. Ethnic style in the interior, represented by the presence individual elements decor and furniture, can be created in the most ordinary typical apartment even without major renovations. And in order for a neutral room to acquire its own image and personality, it is necessary to add just a few minor details to the interior. The selection of details is done very carefully, because you need to choose exactly those decorative items and furniture that correspond to the chosen era or style.

For example, textiles: purchase several interior items that match the chosen style, these could be sofa cushions, bedspreads, blankets, curtains, carpets and tablecloths. Select items of various sizes for interior decor: floor vases, lamps, panels, figurines and a couple of souvenirs from your trips. These elements will be quite enough to create the desired interior without cluttering up extra space.

Use the basics of composition: take one large item and make it the focal point. For example, it could be a large carpet with an ethnic pattern, a bedspread or a tablecloth.

What does the ethnic interior tell us?

If you properly organize and create an interior in an ethnic style, the design of the room will simply radiate warmth and comfort. In such a room you can calmly relax from work and all the worries of life, and plunge into the flavor of the country that you have chosen as a style example. A tastefully decorated room in an ethno style will tell your guests that the owner of the home is an extraordinary and creative person, and also loves to travel and explore new heights.

One interesting nuance should be taken into account and remembered: national interior items, or items with symbols, can carry negative energy. Among such elements: objects of worship, masks, hieroglyphs and some symbol systems. Therefore, before purchasing any item, carefully study it and its history: what it was used for, what purposes it served and what it means.

Bright palette of ethnic style in the interior '

You can give the interior an ethnic atmosphere with the help of a couple of decorative elements.

Ethnic interior allows you to show the nationality of your owners. Also, with the help of this style, you can bring into your home elements of the interior of another country that is close to your heart, where a person feels comfortable. Create stylish interior, completely reconstructing the home is not necessary. Just add to big picture design decorative elements, important details style, natural materials and other style accents.

Important Style Elements

If you are implementing the idea of ​​an ethno style, first of all you need to think about space. This is usually an open plan, the center of which coincides with the center of the room.The lighting is dim, flickering, giving the room mystery. Fabric lampshades with a simple pattern are perfect for this role.

Dim lighting sets the right mood for the room

Ethnic style in the interior is characterized by restraint of colors and shades. A range of beige, olive, golden, terracotta, brown and other similar tones are welcome. The palette is selected in accordance with the characteristics of the country in whose style the design is created.

Don’t forget about ethnic ornaments

Finishing materials should be as close to natural as possible. For example, it is possible to imitate natural stone for walls and floors, and you can also put mats on the floor. Small decorative fountains fit organically into the interior.

Natural wood is somehow present in the ethno interior

Particular attention should be paid to furniture. Bulky, pretentious furniture is absolutely unacceptable. Simple and concise solutions made of bamboo or rattan will take their main places in the room.

Furniture should also be chosen from natural materials

To ensure a complete feeling of harmony between soul and design, decorative elements are introduced into the interior. These can be patterned national textiles, figurines from natural material, African masks and much more. However, masks require respectful treatment, as they can be part of religious cults. The key to the success of an ethno room is complete harmony of materials, furniture, accessories, colors and shades.

African masks can become the main decor of the room

Often, long before planning rooms in an ethno style, a person collects items that then do not fit into the overall concept of the room. These can be Gzhel plates, nesting dolls, toy soldiers and anything else. Don't give up your collection and move it to another room. For such cases, a special zone is allocated in the ethno-style space for things dear to the heart. Such a non-trivial solution will become a symbol of friendship between peoples, without violating the general style.

For these purposes, you can arrange a niche in the wall

Kitchen in a variety of ethnic designs

The kitchen is exactly the place where the housewife embodies her culinary fantasies, creates delicious masterpieces for the whole family. Ethnic style is just right for creative individuals, active travelers and collectors. Ethical romance inspires and allows fantasy to take another flight. A kitchen stylized in the colors of your favorite country will become an elegant highlight of the whole home.

For example, if you miss your grandmother’s village, you can always reproduce something similar at home

African interior

One of the most exotic. The facades of the sets are made from rare wood species (zebrawood, wenge, ebony). The walls are decorated with animal prints or skins. The space is decorated with figurines of black women and African masks. The style involves the presence of tall flowerpots and jugs. Utensils in the kitchen should be minimally simple. You can read more about African style in the interior.

Japanese style

Japan is a country of minimalism and simplicity. To create coziness, the kitchen space can be divided into working and dining areas using light partitions. The façade suite and all the furniture are made in light colors. The walls are decorated with colorful fans or paintings in Japanese style. All hieroglyphs that are planned to be added to the interior must be carefully checked and the translation clarified. You should not trust one unverified source.

India in the kitchen

Indian style is one of my favorites modern designers. The interior is replete with wooden and metal figurines of the many-armed goddess. The dishes should also be made of metal. Furniture in bright colors with characteristic carved patterns. To maintain the idea of ​​style, it is recommended to store seasonings in beautiful containers designed specifically for spices.

Sometimes a couple of decorative elements in Indian style are enough

Oriental flavor is the most calm and peaceful. Preference is given to ornate patterns, silk and details, which create a luxurious and rich interior.

English design

Britain is, first of all, a combination of noble wood species, its massive execution and comfort. In England they love a large number of shelves that are occupied by all kinds of figurines and family photos. A kitchen shrouded in soft diffused light will become as cozy as possible.

French romance

Exciting mood, luxury, sophistication, all these are subtle notes of the interior in french style. High ceilings, furniture with a touch of antiquity, delicate upholstery of chairs and matching decorative elements will make the kitchen the most sophisticated room in the whole house.

Fine cuisine in French style

The harsh spirit of Scandinavia

In the culture of the peoples of Scandinavia, cold shades predominate: the furniture is light, the walls and floors are always white. No bright elements or trinkets, a minimum of decorations. But decorations should not only add color to the kitchen, but also be used for their intended purpose.

Hippie - a style that preaches freedom

It may seem to many ordinary people that an interior designed in the hippie style is just a collection of random objects. However, this is absolutely not true. All things in the room are combined general idea. They are the embodiment of their owner's personality. One person can have many hobbies and interests, and all of them are visually reflected in the interior.

Shreds, planks, paintings - there can be a lot of all this in a hippie interior

The main rule of hippie style is no rules. Only an expression of universal freedom, love, optimism. Bright colors are often decorated in rainbow patterns, and there is tacky furniture, rugs, and handicrafts.

The hippie style interior is a real riot of bright colors

Create your own hippie style

The DIY “flower children” design looks unique and fantastic. By the way, many people prefer to express their individuality in this way, not trusting professional designers.

The most important thing is to make up your mind. You need to start by painting the walls in a bright color. Hippies prefer bright orange, rich green, bold purple and other bright colors. Happened large field for activities. Next, symbols, signs, geometric figures different colors.

If you know how to draw, you can draw some kind of ornament on the wall, for example, a mandala

You can weave macrame flowerpots with the addition of pearl beads, arrange fancy beaded figures, make candles, add funny animal figurines, hourglasses to the interior, musical instruments and much more. Decorating cabinet doors is very simple, you just need to tie colored scarves or ribbons on the handles, which hippies usually wear on their heads or around their waists.Hippie style in the interior can be complemented by living indoor plants, but exotic flowers will also come in handy.

Decorative elements typical of Indian style would be appropriate: embroidered pillows, lanterns, etc.

One of the fun things to do when creating a style is lighting. Real hippies love the most bizarre forms of lighting fixtures. And to give a special ambience, lamps are often placed under desks, covered with a tablecloth, under the bed, in several corners of the room. Interesting desk lamp, on the lampshade of which images of animals or butterflies are applied. Slowly rotating, these drawings are reflected on the ceiling and walls. A fascinating sight! You can show your irrepressible imagination by creating unusual designs from neon tubes.

Painting lamps is very exciting activity
Hippies were also very fond of lava lamps, so you can install a couple

Ethnic style in the interior is suitable for those who understand and subtly feel the characteristics of a particular country, who need to feel its originality and warmth. This style is also popular among those who only dream of being in another country, recreating a foreign atmosphere around themselves. Be that as it may, an ethno interior will help you break away from everyday affairs and plunge into the traditions, history, and customs of another people.

Ethnic styles (regional) are styles in the interior that carry national characteristics design of residential premises of a particular country. They are determined by cultural traditions, the way of life of people, which in turn are determined geographical location countries and climatic conditions. The very saturation of the color of the sky, the brightness of the sun, the greenness of the grass and trees, the color of water and soil vary somewhat depending on the climatic zones. And to a certain extent, a person’s interior preferences depend on what natural and social conditions surround a person in his homeland. In accordance with these characteristics, this or that ethno style is formed.

What is the reason for the popularity of the Ethno style?

Belongs to a certain people. The main conditions for its emergence are territory and language. Distinctive features - exotic masks and fabrics with ornaments, exotic curiosities and fetishes.

Decor modern interior in ethno style is gaining more and more popularity every day. Many people like its simplicity, elegance, functionality, as well as unusual solutions usual tasks. This style direction is called primitive, ethnic, exotic, colonial and folk. This style includes Chinese, Japanese, Afro, Arabic, Indian, Colonial or Mediterranean. The collection of interiors on the Art Workshop Replica website is a selection of unique and individual interiors in the Ethno style. Our portfolio projects will introduce you to decorative elements and demonstrate the full range of work associated with creating an interior. In addition to private interiors in the Ethno style, you can find professional solutions for cottages, comfortable houses in the Moscow region and apartment interiors.

Features of Chinese style

In China, the concept of space is of great importance. They not only live in space, but live “together with space,” giving even emptiness weight. Feng Shui is a skillful assistant in the skillful organization of space for the Chinese. The external simplicity of smooth lines carries with it the negation of straight and sharp lines in the interior of an apartment made in the Chinese spirit; in other words, there are no small details. Every detail of the interior is original and plays a certain role in the arrangement of the space, no matter whether it is a screen or a pillow with gold ornaments on the couch.

Features of Japanese style

A traditional Japanese house has no walls. The landscape is a natural continuation of the interior. From the inside, the house is divided not into rooms, but into “ functional areas"(using screens, curtains, due to differences in floor level). All this has been incorporated into the modern Japanese style. Screens make the apartment space light and transparent; By rearranging them, you can update the interior at least every day.

Japanese culture is guided by the principle: “everything unnecessary is ugly.” The basis of Japanese is emptiness, emphasizing the inner grace of what little there is in the house. Therefore, the fundamental feature Japanese style is minimalism. The house should contain only the most necessary pieces of furniture, household items and decor. All things and household utensils are hidden in built-in closets.

Items should be not only practical, but also beautiful. And only that which has a unique face is beautiful. Every thing in Japanese interior unique. At the same time, the beauty of a thing can only be understood by its owners.

Interior decisions are made based on one strong color or texture. Eastern colors are pure. Unlike the Western approach, where they mix colors and make the overall look more elegant, Eastern art is real. This means that the initial color or brush stroke is also the final result. Western art is often mixed and complex, while Eastern art is simple, strong and visual.

Furniture is a minimum, only the essentials. Furniture should be of a simple geometric shape, and also small in size. Materials are natural. Bamboo furniture is very often used.

In general, Japanese style can be called minimalist and decorative. It harmoniously combines emptiness and beauty. For a person living in a “Japanese” house, the main thing is harmony, unity with nature. The charm of the Japanese style is so great that its elements or “small Japanese” corners using individual objects can be found in almost any country.

Features of Afro style

Overflowing energy and a riot of colors distinguish the wild, bright and even slightly aggressive African style. It is expressed in color solutions- a combination of deep black and fiery red, terracotta and bright yellow. Preference in materials is given to natural ones - sandalwood, ebony and mahogany, Ivory, rosewood, tortoiseshell. The interior of a house in Afro would be incomplete without shamanic amulets, figurines of idols, ritual primitive masks, wooden chests and rough ceramic dishes. Also, imitation of African style is impossible without traditional accessories from the “dark continent” made of snake and crocodile skin, skins and fangs of wild animals and bird feathers.

Features of the Arabic style

The Arabic style palette is a superior combination of ocher earth tones, warm terracotta, sand, white with azure blue, violet, red and emerald green. Window shutters and door frames decorated with dark carved wood, decorated with national ornaments. Characteristic feature interior decor - arabesque, artsy geometric and floral ornament. The repetition of one and the same segment of the pattern, which underlies the ornament, reflects the idea of ​​timelessness and infinity. Persian carpets are often used to decorate Arabic homes, giving the walls a luxurious look.

Features of Indian style

The Indian-style interior is replete with colors - crimson, orange, rich turquoise and typical oriental colors - blue and red-brown, mixing warm and cool colors.

A striking feature of the interior is the easy transformation of details: chairs and low tables, openwork screens, doors and shutters often change roles. The center of furniture compositions is the sofa; Indians do not recognize any other furniture. Hidden by a translucent canopy, it rises above the room, surrounded by carved wooden chairs. In India, geometric ornamental motifs are loved, especially circles of any size. The circle symbolizes the sun, which has long been worshiped in this country and there are many interpretations of its decoration: bright spots on the walls and curtains, straight lines like Sun rays, archaic images of the luminary itself. All this brings an unusual comfort to the interior along with the traditional aromas of Indian incense.

Features of the Mediterranean style

Mediterranean style is warm and relaxed, sunny. Mediterranean interior is the best option for registration as individual country cottages, as well as any private houses and open-plan apartments in Moscow.

Historically and geographically, the Mediterranean style was formed from the cultures of countries located on the Mediterranean Sea: Greece, northern Egypt and Morocco, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, the Italian and French Riviera, Spain and others. What unites all this beauty is the abundance of sun, sea and beautiful vegetation - nature itself sets a certain flavor, determines the use of specific materials and accessories.

The main basis of the Mediterranean style in the interior is laconic accessibility and simplicity, the absence of deliberate luxury and pomp. The key to creating style is everyday simplicity. Mediterranean style is relatively cheap to implement and loves practical comfort. Of course, the Mediterranean is the territory of many countries and peoples, but the concept of style is set by ideas taken from Italy and Greece.

Wicker cane furniture will fit organically into a room decorated in a Mediterranean style; a coffee or console table with a tiled tabletop, cream or ivory lace textiles will add a colorful charm to the interior. Remember that it is the details and accessories that create the Mediterranean look. The main idea should be clearly stated: the sea, the sun, abundant vegetation, the siesta state - all this splendor is created by decorative elements and is the same for all interpretations.

Decorating with sea shells, shells, pebbles will create a feeling of proximity to the sea, a large amount of vegetation, and will bring a feeling of abundance lush garden, and thereby create the necessary mood.

Elements of interior decor in the Mediterranean style also include real ship treasures - steering wheels, tackle, brass flasks and clocks, as well as Greek painted dishes, sachets from Provence or olive oil V beautiful bottles from Italy, cypress frames, jars with Crimean rosemary or just mother-of-pearl shells.

Ethnic style in the interior is an orientation towards national color, customs and traditions. With its help, you can not only create a unique and original atmosphere in your home, but also tell about your roots with the help of characteristic elements of furniture, decor, and textiles. From this article you will learn about the features of the ethnic style, and we will also tell you how to independently recreate the ethnic flavor in your interior using.

Ethnics combine quite a lot of trends and look different in each design, be it a room in a Japanese or Indian theme. The ethnic direction has been and remains relevant in the interior due to its uniqueness, originality and fairly simple implementation. It is also one of the most eco-friendly styles in terms of materials used.

Bedroom in ethnic style

History of ethnic style

Ethno, ethnic, folklore, folk-ethno - all these are alternative names for the ethnic style, which has been formed over many centuries. This is one of the few trends in the interior that was not invented due to socio-economic trends in society. Its essence lies in the maximum imitation of everyday life, interior design dwellings of a certain people. At the same time, it is not taken as a basis modern design, but from distant antiquity, when furniture was made exclusively from natural materials, and instead of floor carpets, animal skins were used.

The first creators of the style can be considered sailors and travelers of the Middle Ages, who brought various memorable items (figurines, boxes, vases, curtains, etc.) to their country and placed them in their homes, conveying the spirit of distant lands. Transferring the culture, traditions and way of life of other peoples into the interior of your home is a manifestation of ethnic style.

Ethnic style with Scandinavian motifs

Under the influence of various tourist destinations, varieties of ethnic style in the interior have been formed. The main ones are:

  • ✔ Arabic (Eastern);
  • ✔ Japanese;
  • ✔ African;
  • ✔ Indian;
  • ✔ Moroccan;
  • ✔ Scandinavian;
  • ✔ Chinese;
  • ✔ Mexican, etc.

Now tourism is more developed than ever, so ethnicity takes on new features and makes it possible to realistically recreate the archaic way of life of entire peoples.

Design features in ethnic style

Ethnics in the design of an apartment or house is a mixed concept, since it unites different styles, which have preserved their originality through the centuries. Despite this, the ethnic style has unifying features:

  • ✔ characteristic textiles, furniture, household items;
  • ✔ national flavor;
  • ✔ typical colors, shades and decorative elements;
  • ✔ use of ornaments and patterns.

An abundance of colorful textiles - characteristic ethnics

If you visited, for example, Africa or America and brought some decorative items (African mask or Indian panel), they can be successfully used to create ethnic decor in the Moroccan or country style.

Finishing materials are given Special attention. Since in ancient times people did not yet know what plastic, wallpaper or centralized lighting were, minimal use was made in a themed interior. artificial materials and light sources. Preference is given natural wood and textiles, stone, iron, animal skins, etc. These materials are used in decoration, furniture and various accessories. Doors should also not be knocked out of general concept. They should be decorated to match the furniture or walls.

Wood is a favorite material in ethnic design

Finish options

Ethnic style decoration is determined mainly by the characteristics of the era and country that your interior will imitate. For example, for Scandinavian style characterized by massive beams on the ceiling, stone or wooden floors, while for Japanese, on the contrary, you need to observe minimalism - floor mats and painted White color ceiling.

Laconic but original finishing option in ethno style

To create a successful imitation of a wooden floor in an African style, you can use parquet board or laminate. When you need to decorate walls, a suitable texture and relief can be obtained using Venetian and textured plaster. Often the walls act only as a background, and the decorative elements placed on them (weapons, animal skins, African masks, Japanese open fans, etc.) are of greatest value.

Furniture in ethnic style

Furniture in ethno-style is one of the most characteristic elements indicating that the interior belongs to a particular culture. Most products must be made of wood (bamboo, oak, beech, walnut, alder, pine, cedar). Cushioned furniture may have metal carcass and upholstery made from coarse natural fabrics.

Iron is one of the first minerals discovered by man. Iron art forging can be found in many European styles(English, Scandinavian) - legs of tables, chairs, backs of chairs, mirror frames, etc.

Furniture in ethnic style has a certain style, character and expressiveness. For example, wicker furniture is associated with the East and Africa. These are armchairs, chairs, ottomans, coffee and coffee tables. Several centuries ago, of course, there was no coffee tables, but they have become one of the necessary pieces of furniture of our time. If such a table is made in ethno style, then it will fit well into the interior of the living room.

Lightweight wooden furniture - good decision for ethnic style

Decor in ethnic style

If you want an apartment in an ethnic style to be made in compliance with all the features, you must definitely use decor - the main tool that sets the tone for the entire interior. The amount of decor is determined mainly by the type of ethnicity:

  • ✔ authentic ethnicity;
  • ✔ ethno-mix;
  • ✔ ethnic decor in the interior.

Authentic ethnicity involves complete imitation of culture, especially with the help of decorative elements. They are used in the kitchen (utensils, dishes), bedroom (paintings, figurines), bathroom (wide wooden frames mirrors, wall lamps, boxes) and in other rooms.

Ethno-mix is ​​an opportunity to combine decor from cultures of different countries. For example, embroidery and ceramics with hand painted was widespread in Asia, Europe and Africa. These elements can be combined well within the space.

Rich ethnic style decor

When choosing ethnic decor In the interior of the apartment, focus on folk motifs. This design is easier to organize, because you don’t need to do it major renovation. Use decorative items(Arabic carpet, skin, African masks, Japanese vases, themed photo frames) is easier and cheaper than creating an interior with a deep imitation of ancient housing from scratch.

What colors to use

The color scheme is unique for each direction in the ethno style. For example, the Chinese interior is traditionally decorated in red and gold, while in the Egyptian one one can observe the dominance warm shades- sand, yellow, brown, and in Scandinavian - cooler, restrained colors. In addition, there is a certain connection between color and the purpose of the room.

Light children's room in ethnic style

Most peoples of the world associate the bathroom with joy and relaxation. This was facilitated by the use of natural materials and colors. But if you don't want to limit yourself to just one aspect of the ethnicity, choose finishes in ocher, umber, terracotta and blue shades.

To successfully select color palette To decorate a bathroom in an ethnic style, first study in detail what color the walls, bathroom accessories and decor should be.

Ethnic style cuisine is the choice of travelers, collectors and just creative people with unconventional views. It usually contains many shades of wood color, from beige to dark brown. Work zone and the dining room most often have different shades, for example, sand and dark brown, pale yellow and burgundy.


To create believable lighting in an ethnic style, you need to hide the wires and light bulbs as much as possible. Lighting around the perimeter of the room does not look very appropriate. If there is enough space, you can install several original wall lamps(better not glass). A massive chandelier will also look good in spacious rooms. unusual shape in hand-made style, for example, wicker or textile. For small rooms, you can choose lighting that imitates candles and candlesticks.

A wicker chandelier will perfectly complement an ethnic interior.

Ethnic style can be classified as average price category: if you use only decor in the interior, then such a home renovation will cost less than a complete imitation ancient building and its foundations. Ethnic style will suit:

  • creative individuals;
  • ✔ for beginners and experienced travelers;
  • ✔ ethnographers;
  • ✔ lovers of certain cultures;
  • ✔ for photographers.

There are no strict requirements for ethnic design; the main thing is to choose natural materials and maintain harmony between large and small decor - this is the only way you can create an atmospheric room for relaxation or work.

To better prepare for renovations, you can look at photos of ethnic style in the interior and study relevant literature, but using a special program will be more effective. It allows you to carry out redevelopment or create a design project for an apartment with your own hands. At your service are more than 450 types of finishes, standard and custom layouts, large lists of various furniture and interior items, a convenient Russian-language interface and the ability to calculate all costs associated with repairs.

Ethnic design in the program "Interior Design 3D"

With the help of "3D Interior Design" you can implement any non-standard ideas and print them in the required format. This is also a great opportunity to see how your interior will look in ethnic style and, if necessary, make timely changes and take into account all the little details.