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» Sleep with your head according to feng shui. The meaning of cardinal directions and head position during sleep. Unfavorable head positions

Sleep with your head according to feng shui. The meaning of cardinal directions and head position during sleep. Unfavorable head positions

Adequate sleep is the basis of human health. How to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui, where to put your head and others useful tips can be found in this teaching.

Feng Shui Teaching: A Brief Overview

The phrase “feng shui” literally translates as “wind and water”. This ancient Chinese philosophical doctrine studies the fundamentals proper organization space, location of the house and objects in it. Practice proceeds from the fact that different energy flows flow in separate directions. Therefore, a person’s task is to identify favorable waves and make the most of them for his physical and mental health.

main idea

The fundamental concept of Feng Shui is that space, incl. material objects, inanimate objects and living beings are penetrated by energy flows. They are constantly changing, interacting with each other and creating more or less harmonious combinations. This explains why it is necessary to properly organize the space in the house - for example, go to bed according to the orientation of the bedroom and bed to the cardinal points.

Each point in space has a unique energy pattern. Just as there are no two identical people, there are no two identical zones. At the same time, the teachings of Feng Shui proceed from the fact that there are no zones of love, family comfort, health or wealth as such. The calculation of a harmonious combination and the correct ratio is different in each case. But there are also general tips about how to sleep according to Feng Shui, where to lay your head, etc.

Thus, this philosophical practice studies the harmony of a person’s living space and proposes a system of specific rules for the orientation of houses, rooms in them, objects in rooms, as well as people relative to the cardinal directions and each other.

Energy of Qi and Shen Qi

The basic concepts of Feng Shui are two types of energy:

  1. Qi are flows that penetrate through the space of the house, individual rooms and areas. It should move freely through all objects and corners, so it is not recommended to clutter the apartment or create difficult-to-pass places.
  2. Shen Qi is a beneficial energy that helps you survive stress and life's challenges. This is the breath of life, which is calculated individually for each person, in accordance with his gua number.

Time and space

In the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that energy simultaneously moves:

  • in time (measured by calendar);
  • in space (oriented by compass).

In accordance with this, a classification has been developed environment for 5 elements:

  • fire;
  • Earth;
  • metal;
  • tree;
  • water.

Each element has its own energy, which must be taken into account when organizing design in the bedroom and throughout the house.

Harmonization of sleep according to Feng Shui

Advice on how to sleep according to Feng Shui is one of the most interesting aspects of philosophical teaching. Recommendations concern where to lay your head, how to orient the bedroom and bed so that the interaction of energy flows leads to harmonious combinations that have a positive effect on the mental and physical health person.

Sleeping area

Feng Shui states that not only the orientation of the head is important, but also the position of the bed:

  1. It is not advisable to rest with your feet forward towards the exit.
  2. Should not be placed sleeping area close to the wall in which the interior door is located.
  3. Shelves, beams, chandeliers, mezzanines and other objects should not hang over the bed.
  4. You should not place the bed along the door-window line.
  5. Sharp corners of furniture should not “look” in the direction of the bed.

Gua numbers

Another facet of the teaching is the division of people into categories, in accordance with gua numbers. The required calculation is very simple:

  1. All numbers of the year of birth are added up to form one digit. For example, 1986: 1+9+8+6 = 24; 2+4 = 6.
  2. Next, 10 should be subtracted from this figure for men: 10-6 = 4; for females - add 5 to the number: 6+5 = 11.

If you get two-digit numbers, all the digits are added to get a single-digit number. As a result, two options are possible.

Correct house layout

The house layout has great importance, since energy flows depend on it, where you should sleep with your head for normal rest. Therefore, it is important to know not only where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, but also where to optimally position the bedroom:

  1. The room should be located as far as possible from the entrance to the apartment or house.
  2. The location of the room in the southwest and northeast is unfavorable; you can safely choose the other cardinal directions.
  3. It is optimal if the room has a regular square or slightly elongated rectangular shape.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to place a bedroom next to a bathroom or toilet.

If this is not possible, it is better to place the bed as far as possible from the wall adjacent to these auxiliary rooms.

Bed position is another one important principle Feng Shui teachings, along with where to lay your head. To make your sleep as comfortable as possible, and for your sleep to become a full night's rest, you should correctly position the bed in accordance with the cardinal directions. It all depends on the characteristics of the person:

  1. It is undesirable for lonely people to sleep with their heads facing north, since such an orientation leads to an increased feeling of melancholy.
  2. Sleeping with your head to the north-west or south-east is recommended for those who currently have big life plans and strive for career development and personal development.
  3. Healthy people who lead an active lifestyle and do not suffer from any sleep disorders orient themselves towards the northeast. They are the ones who can lay their heads in this direction.
  4. Another tip on where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui concerns people with a romantic personality. It is better for them to orient themselves to the west.
  5. Southwestern orientation is not recommended for anyone. Because in this case, sleep will become restless, and self-confidence will begin to decline. In this case, you should not lay your head towards anyone in the southwest direction.
  6. But sleeping with your head facing east is a favorable position for all people, especially the elderly.
  7. The Southeast Recommendation is recommended for those who have been implementing an important plan for a long time, but have not yet been able to achieve reliable results. If you lay your head this way, you can bring your dreams closer to reality.
  8. People who would like to develop the qualities of communication and sociability can sleep with their heads in the south.

In any case, the head of the bed should not face the window - this is an unfavorable energy combination.

Organization of sleep directions in Hinduism

Hindu philosophy has its own unique ideas about how to sleep correctly, where to put your head so that night's rest is as beneficial as possible for human health.

The idea of ​​the teachings of yogis is that just like the Earth, so each person has his own electromagnetic field: north is on the head, and south is in the feet. Therefore, in the question of where to sleep with your head, the teaching gives a clear answer: you should focus on the northern or northeastern direction. If it is impossible to position the bed in this way, place it with the head of the bed facing east.

Vastu is an ancient Indian philosophy that, like Feng Shui, gives advice on the harmonious organization of living space, including where to sleep with your head. The main recommendation is to orient the head of the room to the east. Vastu Shastra indicates that such an arrangement is harmoniously combined with the movement of the Earth and other celestial bodies.


Along with vastu, there is also Vedic teaching, which suggests that a person should not go to bed with his head to the north, but it is always better to orient himself to the south. Then the energy of the Earth itself will be harmonized with the human body. This has a beneficial effect not only on sleep, but also on the health of the body as a whole.

Very often the realities of apartment planning do not allow one to comply with the teachings of Feng Shui, the Vedas and others. philosophical practices. Then it is necessary to take into account as much as possible the most important tips and do what you can at least do, for example:

  • do not place any objects above the bed;
  • do not place a mirror in front of the bed;
  • curtain the computer and TV at night or remove them from the bedroom;
  • place the bed as far as possible from both the door and the window.

Body position in sleep

Maintaining the correct position of the body while sleeping, as well as Feng Shui tips on where to sleep with your head, is very important. Each person, if desired, can verify this by his own example.

Correct energy flows largely depend on the orientation of the bed and body to the cardinal points - almost all eastern practices agree on this. The consequences of non-compliance are expressed in chronic sleep disorders, lack of sleep, and anxiety. Ultimately, this adversely affects the condition of the entire organism.

Taking a Critical Look at Teachings

Feng Shui is usually criticized as a pseudoscientific teaching that has no basis in material and scientific evidence. At the same time, the presence magnetic poles earth, electric fields and their influence on the human body have been proven. Therefore, everyone can independently choose whether to listen to the advice of practitioners or not. In such cases, it is important to pay attention to your own feelings and listen to your intuition.

The necessary tips on where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, how to orient the bed and properly organize the space, work only if there is a reasonable combination of each of them. If some advice cannot be followed, you should try as much as possible to implement the basic rules. IN special cases, when it is difficult to fall asleep and fully rest during sleep, they invite a Feng Shui specialist.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese system of harmonizing space and energy flows in a room. The teaching is designed to improve our lives, to put in order all external and interior spaces Houses And human soul, correctly direct the flow of “sha” and “qi” to attract well-being into the home.

How to go to bed and choose the direction for the head? Chinese sages advise paying attention to parts of the world! But first you need to calculate Personal Gua number, obtained from the added numbers of the year of birth. You will get a two-digit number, the digits of which must be added again.

After this, women need to add the number 5 to the resulting number, and men, on the contrary, subtract the resulting number from the number 10. Persons born in the new millennium need to add 6 and subtract from 9. The resulting single-digit number will become your passport to the world knowledge and power.

Let's look at an example. Let's say you were born in 1982. The sum of the last two digits is 10. Add the remaining digits again and get 1. If you're a girl, then we add 5 and get a Gua number equal to 6, and if a man, then we subtract the number 1 from 10 and get a Gua equal to 9.

Pay close attention to the fact that the personal number cannot be 5. If you end up with this figure, this means that for women the personal number is 8, and for males – 2.

Ones, Threes, Fours and Nines will find their happiness, if they lay their heads towards the north or south, east and southeast.

For Twos, Sixes, Sevens and Eights, all variations with the west, as well as the northeast, are suitable.

Respectively, opposite directions better to avoid!

How to go to bed using a compass

It's best if bedroom area or the children's room will be located in the south or east. These areas especially contribute to good sleep and a healthier body.

If place a bed headboard to the south, then you will be able to catch the vibrations of success in society, north - to put in order nervous system and strengthen spiritual processes, the east - to improve health, the west - to attract prosperity to the house.

For family people who prioritize the well-being of their home, it is better to lay their heads in the northwest, southwest or east. For those who are focused on their career and earnings, it is recommended to lay their heads to the north, south or southeast.

For creative and active people, we can recommend the western and southern directions, as well as the southeast. If your goal is health improvement or the acquisition of knowledge, then the northeast and east will help you.

Where to lay your head while sleeping?

The best thing go to bed with your head towards the wall. The wall is reliable protection, which will prevent energy from leaving your body during sleep. It is not good to sleep with your head directly towards the window, as this will weaken your body.

Most good option- put headboard to the wall according to your personal Gua direction. The head or feet should not “go out” into the street. The same goes for the door.

Do not place pictures with water, aquariums, fountains or anything related to the water element at the head of the room. Well-being will flow away through my fingers. You should also give up bedside tables with sharp corners, an acceptable option is a small bookcase with rounded edges. And you definitely shouldn’t hang portraits and paintings above your sofa.

In which direction to sleep with your feet according to Feng Shui?

It's best if you sleep with your feet towards the wall. As you have already noticed, experts advise avoiding the door-window line and strongly recommend placing a sofa between the walls. It’s very good if you can approach the sofa from both sides - this promotes correct energy circulation.

Never go to sleep with your feet facing the door. This can be extremely dangerous, because in this way you “carry” yourself out of the house with your own hands.

Never go to bed in front of a mirror. Perfect option, if the mirrors are located inside the dressing room or closet. An acceptable option if the mirror is positioned so that you are not reflected in it. The same goes for TV and computer. Try to position them so that their screen does not turn into a mirror at night opposite the bed.

The shape of the bed is the key to success!

So that positive energy does not flow away from you during sleep, avoid designs with slatted headboards. Beds with a large massive headboard are ideal.

To save love, choose beds with a single mattress so that no stripes separate you, either in the bedroom or in life! An original solution there will be a sleeping bed with a thick heart-shaped headboard.

Must be under the sofa free space. This will not only make the cleaning process easier, but will also allow energy flows to circulate freely.

A round sofa or, conversely, a bed with sharply sharpened corners are not the friendliest options. The circle will close your energy and will interfere with decision making and prosperity, and the corners will attract negativity to you. It is best to give preference to a sofa or bed of a standard shape, but with soft rounded backs.

Favorable colors for the bedroom

  • Green color will always cheer you up, psychologically set you up for unity with nature and will saturate you with positive energy. Green is also amazing because it attracts happiness and wealth.
  • Lovers can paint the walls terracotta, pink, brown tones. These energies will connect you to the Earth and “stake out” your relationships. Also, these colors, if you choose brighter shades, will connect you with Fire and support the flame of your love.
  • If you are used to working at home, you can focus your attention on calm pastel colors and white color.

Look for yourself, try and experiment in accordance with energy laws of the universe, and she will definitely respond to you!

There is one common opinion according to which the position of the body in a dream relative to the cardinal directions affects internal harmony, family happiness and human well-being. To some, this information seems unfounded, while others are trying to find out where to sleep with their heads - north or south, or maybe even to the west? Thus, we decided to consider several points of view, methods and teachings, some of which contradict each other.

Where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui?

Adhering to the principles of this teaching, some arrange furniture in the house, plan meetings and significant events. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you also need to sleep with your head in a certain direction, and for this you first need to find out the Gua number. So called magic number, which is calculated differently for men and women.

Men need to take the last two digits of the year of birth and add them. If the number is two-digit, add the two resulting digits again. The result will be one numeric value. If you were born before 2000, subtract this result from 10, and if after 2000, subtract it from 9. As a result, you will find out your Gua number and be able to sleep with your head correctly according to Feng Shui.

To determine the Gua number, women need to carry out the same calculations, and having received one digit, we do not subtract it, but add to it 5 (if born before 2000) or 6 (if born after). If you end up with a two-digit value, sum up its numbers.

Gua cannot be equal to five, therefore, when obtaining this value for men, Gua is equal to 2, and for women 8. And recall that according to Chinese calendar the year begins at the beginning of February, not in January, so if you were born between January 1 and February 4-5, calculate the Gua number for the previous year.

Based on the number obtained and personal preferences, choose the direction where to lay your head. We offer a detailed table that will help you understand everything. The cardinal directions are indicated by the first letters of their names: N - north, S - south, etc.

Gua Number

For success and prosperity

For good health

For love and relationship building

For personal growth and development

Please note that according to Feng Shui, other directions are unfavorable for a particular person and can lead to trouble. Decide for yourself whether you trust this teaching or not.

What do Indian yogis say?

Indian sages believe that the direction of the head during sleep must be chosen taking into account magnetic fields. According to this theory, it is better to go to bed with your head facing north or northeast.

True yogis from India are sure that every person has a special electric charge, so the north is in our heads, and the south is at our feet. Residents of this country strictly adhere to these rules for both night sleep and daytime rest. They are sure that if you put the bed in the right position, you will wake up in the morning with good spirits. If in the bedroom it is not possible to place the bed so that you can sleep with your head facing north, sit with your head facing east - this is also acceptable, according to yogis.

Eastern Vastu technique

According to the ancient Indian teachings of Vastu, every person must take into account where to sleep with their head - physical health and mental state depend on this. By placing the bed incorrectly, you will not fall into deep sleep and not get enough sleep, and the circulation of internal energy will be disrupted and this will lead to health problems.

So where should you sleep with your head according to Vastu? The teaching categorically does not recommend lying in the direction of the north, since magnetic field planets have a direction - from south to north. The human magnetic field is directed in the same way: energy enters through the head and exits from the feet. Therefore, when you go to bed with your head facing north, it is as if you are trying to bring two magnets together with equal poles, but they repel each other. Based on this logic, human body endures destructive influences.

According to the eastern teachings of Vastu, it is undesirable to lay your head towards the northeast and northwest, but the following directions are considered favorable:

  • Head east. When we go to bed with our heads in the direction of the Earth’s rotation, torsion fields act on the body and we recharge. Spirituality is strengthened, a connection with the deity is established, and positive qualities are developed.
  • Sleeping with your head facing south is also useful according to Vastu - this way you will receive a boost of energy and harmonize with the world around you. People sleeping in this direction have good health and are distinguished by longevity.

Where is it recommended to sleep with your head according to the Veda called Ayurveda? People who practice this ancient Indian teaching prolong their lives by uniting the mind, physical body, soul and sense organs. In general, the body turns into a single whole with space and the environment.

According to Ayurveda, any disease is a consequence of loss of harmony between body and soul. The teaching says that in dreams we are recharged with the energy of the cosmos, we replenish vitality and we become wiser, but without correct location beds cannot achieve this.

Proponents of this system of Indian medicine recommend sleeping with the body position facing north, as this ensures union with the deity. It is also useful to sleep with your head to the east, because it develops spiritual inclinations and intuitions. You can also place the head of the bed to the south, but in no case to the west, otherwise you will be deprived of strength and energy.

Where to sleep with your head in a Christian way

There are many religions in the world, radically different from each other, so each has its own positions regarding certain actions. Orthodoxy is more widespread in our country, so let’s find out where you should sleep with your head in a Christian way? The religion does not focus on this, but there is an opinion that according to the Orthodox it is better to sleep with your head in the following directions:

  • in the south for longevity;
  • in the east to strengthen the connection with God.

But the northern and western directions are not recommended. In many ways, this is not due to Orthodoxy, but to folk signs that came from the distant past. Over the years, they began to be associated specifically with Christianity, although they have no direct relationship to it.

According to signs, you can sleep with your head towards the door, but you cannot lie down with your feet towards it (this is how they carry the dead out of houses). You should not lie down with your head in front of the mirror, as this attracts illness and failure. It is also believed that you should not sleep with your head towards the window, but this is more likely due to the fact that it can blow through you. This has nothing to do with the cardinal directions, but decide for yourself whether all this can affect proper and healthy sleep.

What common sense says

Sometimes parents do not know where the child should sleep with his head, and begin to study different teachings and superstitions, many of which often diverge, and this only makes the choice more difficult. If you trust common sense or intuition, everything will not be so difficult.

Go to bed in random directions: today to the southeast, tomorrow to the northwest, if the room allows you to make the necessary rearrangements. After a few nights, you will understand which direction you sleep most comfortably. Correct result Only magnetic storms can distort them, so for the purity of the experiment they will have to be monitored and taken into account.

And further interesting information to think about the location of the bed and the cardinal directions. Russian scientists recently conducted a study in which participants had to sleep on the floor in a random direction. In the morning, the influence of well-being and mood on body position was checked. As a result, it turned out that overtired and tired volunteers intuitively lay down towards the east, and those in an excited state before going to bed lay down with their heads towards the north.

It becomes clear that there is no single and correct body direction for sleep for everyone. It is important that you have freedom to move at night and that your body is in a comfortable position so that you can get enough sleep and recovery.

Expert opinion on where to sleep with your head

Specialists called somnologists study sleep disorders, and there is even a branch of medicine called somnology. So, they note that to restore strength and wake up in the morning in good mood required comfortable bed, Fresh air indoors and the right pillow. Which way to sleep and how the bed will stand does not matter. For example, if you have insomnia or are not getting enough sleep, try lying on the other side or moving the bed, but often the reason is not the direction of your head, but physical or mental health, or many other factors.

We hope we have helped you figure out where to sleep with your head - north, east, south or west? And we also note that the opinion of somnologists applies to both an adult and a child, so sleep in a way that is comfortable for you, and put your child to bed according to the same principle!

Body position during sleep plays an important role in a person’s life and affects his health, inner harmony and even relationships with other people. If you sleep incorrectly, you will become irritable, drowsy, and aggressive. In addition, by changing the position of your head, you can change some aspects of your life and improve. Each side of the world in this case has its own meaning.

Where is the right place to sleep with your head?

Different teachings give different recommendations for head position during sleep. Yogis, for example, believe that the human body, like a compass, has a south and north pole. The head is considered to be south, and the legs to be north. The ideal body position, in their opinion, is the north-west or north direction. The side of the world is determined by looking at the head.

The meaning of cardinal directions and head position during sleep:

  • East– relief from insomnia and nightmares.
  • North– improvement of intuition and brain activity.
  • West– strengthening family life and approaching additions to the family.
  • South– attracting good luck and good reputation.

Which side of the world should you lie down in?

  • If you sleep with your head facing north, then you can improve your health, attract prosperity and good luck into your life, strengthen family relationships and find inner harmony (for active young people it is difficult to call this situation ideal; the northern direction is more suitable for married couples and adults).
  • If you sleep with your head to the west, then you can reveal your creative abilities, acquire a sense of satisfaction with life and receive a charge of positive energy (this position of the body during sleep is especially suitable for creative people - artists, musicians, as well as representatives of professions related to magic).
  • If you sleep with your head facing east, then you can get magic, become more purposeful and active, overcome the fear of starting a new business and enlist support higher powers(the position is especially suitable for those who have to work a lot, communicate and lead active image life).
  • Head position towards south ideal for those who seek to conquer career ladder(this situation gives confidence in own strength, charges with positive energy and attracts good luck).
  • Head position to the northeast during sleep, it is suitable for older people (it is believed that thanks to this position you can get energy during sleep, restore strength; during depression, the northeastern direction of the head will help you quickly find a way out of difficult situations).
  • Southeast head position helps overcome complexes and fears (if after the experiment it turns out that sleeping in this position is not comfortable, then it is better to choose another option; this recommendation is not suitable for everyone).

Calculate according to Feng Shui

The teachings of Feng Shui attach great importance not only to the position of a person during sleep, but correct placement furniture in the bedroom. These factors influence emotional condition, internal harmony and atmosphere in family life. The recommendations are different for each person.

The key factor in this case is the Gua number, depending on which it is necessary to install the bed in a certain area of ​​the bedroom and position the body during sleep towards a specific point of light.

Calculation of Gua number:

  1. To calculate you will need date of birth.
  2. Add the third and fourth numbers.
  3. The resulting number you need to break them down into numbers and add them up again.
  4. The procedure must be carried out until until you get a single digit number(calculation example: 1965, 6+5=11, 1+1=2, the required number is 2).
  5. For men, the resulting number must be subtracted from 10(if the year of birth is after 2000, then you need to subtract it from 9).
  6. Women need to add 5 to the resulting number(if the year of birth is after 2000, then it must be added to 6).
  7. The Gua number in this case is necessary to determine the category to which a person belongs (Western or Eastern). For each group there are individual recommendations for the location of the bed in. The numbers 1,3,4 and 9 belong to the Eastern category. The numbers 2,6,7 and 8 belong to the Western category.

    Favorable position of the head during sleep depending on the Gua number:

  • 1 - north, east, south, southeast
  • 2 - west, northeast, southwest and northwest
  • 3 – east, north, south and southeast
  • 4 – north, south, east and southeast
  • 6 – southwest, northeast, west, northwest
  • 7 – west, southwest, northeast and northwest
  • 8 – west, northeast, southwest and northwest
  • 9 – south, east, north and southeast

Please note that there is no Gua number equal to 5. If such a figure is obtained during calculations, then it is replaced by 8 for women and 2 for men. A situation may arise when spouses have different Gua numbers and finding a compromise becomes a difficult task.

In this case, it is better to give priority to those who contribute more to family life. For example, he earns more or is considered a leader.

Folk signs and Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy does not give specific recommendations on the question of how best to sleep in relation to the cardinal directions, but some advice can be determined based on signs. It is believed that you should not place your body with your head facing west while sleeping.. This factor can contribute to a change in character for the worse. Selfishness develops in a person and the connection with God is lost.

  • If you sleep with your head facing south, then you can attract longevity.
  • The ideal position for the body during sleep is considered to be east direction (head east).
  • If you sleep with your head facing north, then the connection with God is lost.

Folk signs about the position of the head during the process are due to some superstitions. Believing in them or not is an individual choice. It is believed, for example, that you should never sleep with your feet facing the door.. This warning is primarily due to the fact that the dead are carried out feet first.

Other folk signs:

  • Head during sleep under no circumstances should not be directed towards the mirror(the reflection of a sleeping person can attract failures and illnesses into his life).
  • Sleep with your head facing north– to health and long life.
  • Sleep with your head facing south– to aggressiveness and irritability.
  • If you sleep with your head facing west, then the person will get sick often.
  • Sleep with your head towards the door– ideal position, sleep does not take away vitality.

Common sense

Your own intuition can also tell you which position during sleep is most favorable. If for some reason you feel discomfort after sleep, then it is worth conducting several experiments. By changing the position of your head and assessing your feelings after waking up, you can determine the most comfortable conditions for body.

After sleep, a person should:

  • Don't feel sleepy(sleep should be complete).
  • Feel a surge of strength and vital energy.
  • Don't feel sick(headaches, joint discomfort, etc.).

Ideal for experimenting with search optimal option The position of the head during sleep is round, placing on which you can take any pose. The main difficulty in this case lies in the size of the room and financial capabilities.

When moving to new apartment or when rearranging furniture, you want all the necessary interior items to “flow” into the room and bring only benefits. The bed should occupy a special place in the bedroom, since a person spends most of his time in it. Approximately 40 hours a week are spent sleeping, another ten are spent relaxing, reading books or watching movies. Therefore, many people think about how to properly position their sleeping place.

The question of how and where to sleep with your head correctly can be considered from several angles. Experts in the popular direction of Feng Shui advise one thing, yogis approach the issue from a different angle, and there are also recommendations on Vastu Shastra and simple human nature and common sense.
What yogis advise
Yogis adhere to the “magnetic field” theory. In accordance with it, a person should place the bed with his head to the north or northeast. People, like planet Earth, have their own electromagnetic field. The north is in our heads, and the south is in our feet. To feel great after sleep, to be energetic and cheerful, it is necessary for the poles of man and the Earth to “attract”. And since the electromagnetic north of the Earth is located at the south geographic pole, and the magnetic south is at the north, we should sleep with our heads facing north.

We sleep according to Feng Shui
Specialists this direction they take this issue very seriously, because they believe that it is the “right” direction for a person that gives him vitality, health, success and love.

All four directions are favorable for sleep, but each person has his “own” direction, which is correct for him. For example, sleeping with your head to the north gives health and energy to one person, and love to another. To find out your “favorable” side, you need to calculate your Gua number:

  1. Write your year of birth on a piece of paper.
  2. Add the last two numbers. If the number remains in two digits, add it again (for example, 1982: 8+2= 10; 1+0= 1).
  3. Do one of the following operations with the resulting number:
    • if you are a man, subtract your number from 10;
    • a boy born since 2000 needs to be subtracted from 9;
    • if you are a representative of the fairer sex, then the resulting number should be added to 5;
    • A girl born in 2000 or later needs to add her number to 6.
  4. IMPORTANT! There is no Gua number equal to 5! If the result is 5, then for a man it will be 2, and for a representative of the fairer sex - 8.
  5. See your result. Western direction - 2,6,7,8. Eastern direction - 1,3,4,9.
Individual number
Favorable position
2 northeast, northwest, west and southwest
3 northern, southern, eastern, southeastern
4 northern, southern, eastern, southeastern
6 northeast, northwest, southwest, west
7 northeast, northwest, southwest and west
8 southwest, west, northwest, northeast
9 southeast, north, south, east

Adherents of the Feng Shui system also take into account the following rules:
  • You can’t sleep with your head and feet towards the door;
  • place the bed so that your head is not towards the window;
  • Do not place your bed in front of a mirror.
If the spouses’ individual directions do not agree, then it is necessary to look for a compromise solution to this “problem”: lie down diagonally!

Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra is a direction based on the harmony of the entire Universe, which manifests itself in solar, lunar and temporal influences on the human mind and physiology. Vastu, like Feng Shui, is based on Vedic astrology and is also associated with Ayurveda. All vastu advice is given so that a person can achieve his perfection, can understand God and his essence.

According to Vastu Shastra, you can sleep with your head in any direction except north and northeast. The explanation for this position is similar to the yogic theory.

  • you cannot sleep with your head to the north, since in this case it turns out that your legs are directed to the south, to the kingdom of the god of death, Yama;
  • if you sleep with your head to the south, then you will be rich: your feet themselves will lead you to the domain of Kuver, the lord of the north and the god of wealth;
  • sleeping with your head towards the east promotes spiritual growth and brings kindness into a person’s life, since the western direction is owned by the god of water, Varun;
  • Sleeping with your head to the west contributes to the emergence of material wealth and glory: the king of the gods, Indra, rules in the eastern direction.
Hello common sense and human nature
Man is such a unique creature in which everything is thought out and laid down by nature itself. Trust your body and inner self. You can choose a side intuitively. And if there is no intuition, or it is simply poorly developed, observe for a while how and where with your head it is better for you to sleep, when you get up cheerful and energetic, and when you are lethargic. You can even keep a “Sleep Diary”, based on which you can then determine your individual sleep direction.

Please note that sometimes we wake up across the bed, although we lay down normally. Here is the answer: the body itself chose the direction for rest. Moreover, it can be different every day. Listen to yourself.

Very often, in our small apartments with inconvenient layouts, it is not possible to place the bed with its head facing north or south, so we install the sleeping place where it fits best. Less prejudices, more positive emotions and feelings, and you will always wake up cheerful, energetic and in a good mood.