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» Methods for making a woodshed for a summer residence with your own hands. How to make a firewood rack with your own hands? Beautiful DIY woodcutter

Methods for making a woodshed for a summer residence with your own hands. How to make a firewood rack with your own hands? Beautiful DIY woodcutter

Most of our country is heated by wood stoves. If not at home, then at the dacha or in the bathhouse you definitely need firewood. But firewood is bought raw and needs to be dried somewhere. To do this, they are put in woodpiles or special sheds are built - woodsheds or woodsheds (they say differently in different regions). The design is simple and making a woodshed with your own hands is not a difficult task.

What are there

If you do not pay attention to the size, there are two types of sheds for firewood - attached to the wall of a building or standing separately. It is clear that it is easier and faster to install, but this is not always possible. Or rather, not with all buildings: to be attached to wooden walls dangerous. And not only from the point of view fire safety. With the firewood comes a whole army of wood-boring beetles, which will happily take on your home. Because to wooden buildings, even with wood treated with bioprotection, it is better not to build woodsheds, but if you really want to, then nail an iron sheet to the wall. As in the photo. It should be larger than the size of the woodcutter. Then all the bugs (most of them, for sure) will remain in the firewood.

Free-standing firewood sheds can be completely open - several pillars, a couple of lintels and a roof. The main thing is that the roof is large enough: it is advisable to make larger overhangs. And the rest will be completed by air and sun. They say that they dry no worse than in more closed structures. In regions with heavy snowfall, to prevent snow from getting inside for the winter, sheets of plywood are attached (attached) below. They are removed in the spring.

How are walls made?

More often, woodsheds are built with lattice or slotted walls. It is better if the boards are stuffed at some angle - like blinds. Then, even with oblique winds, little precipitation gets inside. But even if the boards are filled at some intervals, everything dries well.

Boards/slats are placed on the frame mostly horizontally, sometimes vertically; they also make lattices from thin planks or place them diagonally. In any case, there should be a lot of cracks for ventilation.

Does the drying speed depend on the method of installing the planks? No comparisons have been made, so it’s difficult to say for sure. But one owner claims that if you lay the boards diagonally (he has 10 cm with a 2 cm gap), with each wall in a different direction, it dries faster and faster: in a month.

About the size of the slots: they are made from 2 cm to 10 cm. But it also depends on the width of the board. If you leave the gaps very wide, snow will sweep in a lot. If there is little snow or you are not concerned about the amount of snow, you can fill the boards less often. It's also more economical.

Not all woodsheds have doors (those with doors are also called “woodsheds”), as in the version in the photo. Often there is not even a front wall: this allows for more active ventilation. The front wall and doors are needed if stealing occurs in your area, but in general you can do without them.

Log location

Now a little about the structure of the woodshed. If it is small and everything fits in one row, then there are no special problems - everything is accessible. But if large volumes are loaded, it is better to divide the area into sectors into which batches of firewood will be loaded. Thus, previously imported and already dried out ones will not be covered by fresh ones.

If the woodshed is square, arrange the sections so that you can reach inside to remove the driest logs. To do this, a passage is left in the middle. In terms of depth, it should not be up to the wall, but it is advisable that only one, or maximum two, rows of logs separate you from the wall (and in general it depends on the volume) - this way they will all be accessible. It’s easier with rectangular ones: they are simply separated by non-sectors by a partition. For example, as in the photo.

This is a large shed for firewood - each section fits one car - about 4 cubic meters. The back wall is not solid; if you look closely, there are holes there.

And a little about height. You don’t need a large woodcutter for a (seasonal) dacha. All you need is one or two cubes for heating in the fall/spring, and even then only for the weekend. But if you have to heat a house, and even a bathhouse, you will have to build something solid. Then, regardless of the layout - long or square, the height is about 2 meters. With average height, you can load it almost to the ceiling. but there should be a ventilation gap at the top.

We build a woodshed with our own hands

In this section we will describe how the woodshed was built near the house. The construction and painting took three days “without stress.” Built according to the type.


Internal dimensions are 1.8 * 3.7 m, the height of the front pillars is 2.45 m, the rear pillars are 2.2 m. The total volume is 13 cubic meters, but a maximum of two cars are loaded - no more than 10 cubic meters. Moreover, they leave paths inside - to make it easier to take, they don’t load it to the top - not everyone in the family is tall. If the load is full, it is advisable to install additional jibs so that the weight of the firewood does not squeeze out the sheathing boards.

The frame is made of timber - racks, the lower and upper trim are made of 100*100 mm timber. The timber is pre-impregnated with used machine oil. Everything was assembled end-to-end, with nails, and reinforced with corners on screws. For supports, standard small ones were purchased foundation blocks 200*200*600 mm in the amount of 6 pieces.

Construction step by step

The beginning of the construction of the firewood shed is standard - leveling the site and aligning the blocks. If the soils are viscous (clay loams, black soil), it is better to make a sand and gravel bed. Dig small pits 20-25 cm deep, pour and compact crushed stone, and place blocks on top.

Leveling the site is the first step in building a woodshed

Two layers of roofing material are laid on the blocks, timber is laid on top. The harness does not connect with the support in any way. If you wish, you can drill holes and hammer in the studs.

First, we laid out the beams of the lower frame and fastened them with nails (80*3 mm). Then screws were screwed into the corners. The next step is installing the racks. They are placed in the corners and above the intermediate support. The rear pillars are shorter than the front ones - so that there is a roof slope. They, too, were first placed vertically (checked with a plumb line), and hammered in obliquely with nails - two on each side. Then they secured them with corners on screws - two per rack. If there are concerns, you can also screw/nail the plates to each rack from the outside.

The entrance to the woodshed is located in the center. Because of this, the racks are offset and not installed above the support block. As a result, there is a slight deflection. To eliminate it, place four blocks in the first row, taking into account that the middle will be occupied by the entrance. Especially if there are doors: they place a significant load on the racks, so they need support.

Once the posts are in place, it's time to assemble the roof. First I nailed the side boards at the top. They are installed on the same level with the upper trim of the rear, shorter part (seen in the photo below). They and the rafters are made of 50*100 mm boards, the lathing is made of 30*100 mm boards.

Corrugated sheets were used as roofing material, and the boards were laid flat under it. The roof overhangs are about 35 cm, the side projections are about the same. The size of the roof was selected so that there were no scraps: exactly four sheets were used.

Roofing felt is laid under the corrugated sheet to prevent condensation from dripping onto the firewood: the costs are small, but there are benefits. Ruberoid began to be laid from below, laid along the overhang. The next one goes in 10 cm. It turns out that the drop that fell at the top simply flows down without getting inside.

This is what a woodshed with a finished roof looks like

The next step is to lay the floor. It was made from a 100*40 mm board. They were laid with gaps of 2-3 cm. Next, the wall sheathing was nailed. It was decided to make a gap equal to the width of the board (100 mm). The boards were nailed down, two on each edge. The structure turned out to be well ventilated, however, with a side wind it gets heavily clogged with snow.

Do-it-yourself woodcutter is almost ready

The last stage is painting. Here, take any composition for wood with bio-protective properties: so that the bugs eat less. In this version it is painted with BioTex, rosewood color.

That's it, the woodshed is built. You can repeat this: nothing complicated. Carpentry work Difficulty: at student level high school. The most complex components are the roof, but it is made very simply.

See the video for another construction option.

Homemade woodsheds: photo

There are many more similar buildings. The differences are small, the principle is the same: the frame is covered with boards with different gaps. There are several examples that were built by the owners of dachas or private houses themselves.

Woodshed attached to a barn at the dacha

To build it, only two pipes were needed, which were dug into the ground and concreted. Two beams were then attached to them. Similar beams were installed on the wall of the barn. Boards were stuffed between them and the roof was secured (cuts of corrugated sheets). To prevent the firewood from lying on the ground, they placed bricks and a sheet of old plywood on them. To make such a canopy, you can use leftovers from construction or buy pallets and disassemble them. Just the right size.

The second canopy was made of the same type. It is further divided into sectors in which firewood of different sizes is stored. The foundation for this structure was also not made, it was removed fertile layer, covered with sand, compacted. Paving slabs were laid. There are bars on it that serve as supports for the crossbars on which the firewood of the lower compartment lies. It turned out neat.

A small firewood shed for a summer house, divided into sectors

Standing separately

The slope of the roof is organized in an unusual way: the front pillars are made higher, there is nothing unusual about this. But there are grooves cut into them that hold the rafters of the pitched roof. That is, the roof does not rest on the top frame, as usual, but on the side pillars. With small snow load This design is quite viable; in case of heavy snow, the roof is unlikely to survive.

And this is what happened. The first serious construction is a woodshed with your own hands, and already it’s so good!

You might be interested in reading. It can be built in the same style as the woodshed, so everything looks cohesive.

How to fold a round woodpile

You have probably seen firewood stacked in a cylindrical woodpile (or photo) many times. They look good, and, more importantly, the wood dries quickly in them.

Everything is very simple, but without knowing the secret it’s impossible to do it well. Below is a photo report that shows step by step how to fold a round log from chopped firewood.

First, dig in and securely fasten a pole about 2 meters high. Place small diameter logs around. The distance to the center is twice the length of the firewood (if the firewood is 40 cm, the distance to the center is about 80 cm).

The first step of laying a round woodpile

Next you post chopped firewood. One end of them rests on the laid out logs, the other lies on the ground. Lay it so that everything lies almost end to end along the inner edge (with small gaps). There will be gaps on the outside. It's not scary - the second row will fit in them.

Place the second row on top of the first. Trying to fill in the gaps as much as possible. We begin to stack the firewood tightly around the pole while standing.

As soon as you notice that the outer edge of the firewood has begun to slope down, lay out a row in a circle that will raise it. Then you continue to stack the firewood in the same way: in a circle until half the height of the firewood (20 cm), then fill the middle. The second row in the middle is not just placed, but stuck into the cracks. Try to insert the pieces of wood tightly.

The same process can be repeated with more wood. Lay two or even three rows in a circle. The sizes of such firewood loggers can be enormous. The photo gallery shows an example of how to fold a large woodpile.

Let's start with the foundation. The foundation for the woodshed will be the foundation concrete blocks. Small holes were dug under them, sand was poured in (to level them) and the blocks themselves were installed. It turned out like this:

He laid a layer of roofing felt on the foundation and began laying out the bottom frame of the woodshed:

I used 100×100 mm timber. Fastening with metal corners and self-tapping screws. This is how the frame of the woodshed turned out:

The roof of the woodshed is pitched. First I installed the rafters (with a 330mm overhang):

Then I laid corrugated sheets on the roof:

The floor was covered with a 40mm board, leaving a gap between the boards of approximately 25-30mm.

It's time to sheathe the woodshed. The board is 100mm wide, leaving a gap of the same width between the boards:

Finally, I painted the walls and floor with an antiseptic (Biotex Rosewood). Here's what we ended up with:

And here is a photo of a woodshed filled with firewood (5 cubic meters):

The inside is quite spacious, you can easily reach any corner. If you fill it to capacity, I think it will fit 8 cubes. Let me remind you that the dimensions of the barn are 2 by 4 meters. The internal dimensions turned out to be 1.8 by 3.8 m. Height: 2.2 m (at the far wall), 2.45 m (at the entrance).

It took 3 days to build the woodshed myself. 10 thousand rubles were spent on materials.

Dachas, as well as country houses, need alternative fuel, which is most often used as firewood. They are necessary for lighting stoves, bathhouses and barbecues. To store firewood, special structures are used - woodsheds. In some cases, barns are converted for this purpose. Anyone can build a woodshed with their own hands, but to do this you need to study the work procedure and the rules that promote correct drafting drawings.

There are several options for simple structures that allow you to store firewood. In this case, it is very important to understand the terminology, since, for example, a woodshed may differ from a woodshed. In some regions of Russia, these terms mean the same concept, but there are still differences between these buildings.

A woodshed is a shed for firewood, which is made of wood and most often has a foundation. This building belongs to a group of detached buildings, and therefore is not adjacent to a residential building. In turn, a woodcutter is a simplified version of a woodcutter. Its main difference is that it has a canopy structure that is adjacent to a residential building.

Another structure for storing fuel is a firewood shed; its structure is the simplest. A firewood box is a small basket used to carry firewood. This term can also refer to a firewood stand.

Photos of firewood sheds and other structures allow us to more clearly understand their differences from each other. Despite their differences, each of these structures is used to store firewood. When assembling a woodpile, you need to familiarize yourself with its structural features, determined by purpose.

Features of storing firewood in a country house or country house

Firewood is an indispensable resource for heating suburban residential buildings. In places where there is no gasification, similar fuel is used. It is used not only to provide heating, but also to kindle a bath, and also if you need to cook meat on the grill. To prevent firewood from becoming damp, you need to pay attention to several nuances of storing it.

As a rule, firewood is stored for a long time, so the volumes of purchased or prepared batches are quite large. Such fuel can be stored in a barn, garage or any other building with a roof. In some cases, the owners of the site build a special woodpile (standing alone or adjacent to the wall of the house).

In order to do it yourself, you need to study the algorithm of work, which makes it possible to answer the question of how to build a woodshed in the country with your own hands step by step. Photo and video materials are also recommended for viewing.

Helpful information! Newly cut firewood needs to be thoroughly dried before use. It is very important to understand that if the logs are not dry enough, they will not be able to provide the required degree of heating of the room if they are used in a stove or fireplace. Wet firewood also produces much more smoke, which can clog the chimney.

An important point is not only the location of the firewood, but also the conditions for its storage. The logs should never get wet. Woodsheds or woodsheds for summer cottages allow you to provide the necessary conditions for storing fuel. There are several requirements for these structures that they must meet.

First of all, it is necessary that such a structure be located in convenient location. The dimensions of the woodshed are selected individually depending on the needs of the owners of the cottage or country house. However, the structure must be of sufficient size to accommodate a large supply of firewood.

When storing logs, it is necessary to ensure their ventilation. Firewood should be well ventilated so as not to become damp. One of the main rules is that outdoor firewood burning is always done with a canopy. It is needed to protect logs from exposure to precipitation.

The direct influence of sunlight on wooden logs negatively affects their structure. Such firewood dries out a lot and burns out very quickly when used, not having time to give off a sufficient amount of heat. Among other things, the firewood shed should fit harmoniously into the design of the site.

DIY woodcutter: how to choose the right place

When choosing a place for a structure in which firewood will be stored, you need to focus on several points. First of all, you should pay attention to the expected dimensions of the structure, which, in turn, are determined by individual needs.

If the need for firewood is limited to cooking shish kebab on the grill, then it is recommended to place the woodpile closer to the meat preparation area. In this case, the choice of construction location is explained by simple convenience. It is worth noting that the wooden firewood rack should not be placed too close to the grill. The distance must be sufficient to prevent the wood structure from catching fire from an accidental spark.

Experts do not recommend installing a woodpile in the center of the site. This is explained by the fact that this arrangement makes the woodshed the main architectural structure on which attention is focused. Most often, this structure is located in close proximity to a residential building.

Among other things, the place for the woodshed must be chosen taking into account the fact whether there is flower garden or a vegetable garden. The woodpile, as a rule, has quite large dimensions, providing significant shade, into the area of ​​​​which green spaces can fall.

When assembling a woodpile with your own hands, you need to ensure its maximum accessibility. You should not place it too close to other utility buildings on the site. It is advisable to pave a path to it. This will provide convenient access to the structure during the rains and winter season.

Firewood must be protected not only from precipitation, but also from moisture accumulating in the soil. It is recommended to place the woodpile on a hill. If it stands in a low area, then the firewood will quickly get wet, since water concentrates in such areas after rains. Do-it-yourself firewood racks for outdoor dachas are made in such a way that their lower part is located slightly above the soil level.

Helpful information! In order to simplify the selection of the most suitable location for such a structure, it is recommended to draw a simple site plan. It must indicate the house, outbuildings and all other used areas. This will allow you to assess the feasibility of placing a woodshed in a particular place.

Free-standing woodpiles are the most common variety. Quite often you can find a utility block with a firewood shed. In some cases, wall structures are installed that are adjacent to the home. Choosing a location is a very important event, on which the ease of use of the future structure for storing firewood depends.

Do-it-yourself woodcutter at the dacha: choosing the appropriate size of the structure

Before you start assembling the woodshed, you need to assess your personal needs for wood fuel. In case of irregular use of logs (for example, for cooking barbecue), you can get by with a small design. However, the level of firewood demand may be higher. For example, in winter period Fireplaces are used to heat cottages, so wood fuel is a daily necessity. In such a situation, it is best to install a large firewood burner with a good supply of logs.

As an example, it is recommended to pay attention to the photo of woodpiles for firewood that have different dimensions. Small structures accommodate a rather limited supply of wood, which, however, can be easily replenished. Larger structures, reminiscent of barns, are intended for the constant use of firewood.

In any case, the main thing you need to focus on when choosing the dimensions of a woodpile is individual needs. Before installation, it is recommended to carry out an approximate calculation of the size of the structure, and also study various photos Drovnikov Several varieties of these buildings are used for dachas, which can be verified visually. In this case, you should be guided by the value corresponding to the required volume of wood.

Types of structures for storing firewood

The next step (after calculating the dimensions and choosing a suitable location) is selecting the type of structure. First of all, you need to compare the budget with the desired result. In some cases, only available materials are used to build a woodpile.

Today, there are several types of woodpiles that are worth paying attention to. Each variety has its own characteristics depending on design. Let's consider which options for structures for storing logs are most common.

Canopy. This design is one of the most common. This is explained by the fact that it is easy to implement. Anyone can make a simple shed for firewood with their own hands. Firewood sheds for a summer residence, made in the form of a canopy, have only 3 walls, a floor, and a roof that protects the logs from exposure to precipitation.

Note! When choosing this type of woodpile, it is recommended to make the floor slightly raised. This will protect the firewood from getting wet from below. The canopy can be either free-standing or wall-mounted.

Gazebos. This design is the most attractive, so its construction will require more funds. Photos of woodsheds in the form of a gazebo allow you to appreciate their advantages. The design includes a door and can be free-standing. In addition, quite often there are structures of this type that, in addition to storing firewood, perform several other functions. In this case, the woodpile is classified as a utility block.

Open structures. This structure consists of 2 walls and a floor, which is raised to protect the firewood from getting wet. Classic version an open woodpile eliminates the presence of a roof. However, some owners still cover the firewood with a canopy. This design is quite easy to make with your own hands. How do photos of a woodcutter help you choose its type? Pictures allow you to visually assess the feasibility of a particular structure.

Sheds. It is not necessary to construct a special structure to store logs. Firewood can be stored in a regular shed. But it is worth remembering that this option is convenient when there is a small amount of logs, since the space in the shed is often occupied by tools, old furniture and other items.

What materials are suitable for building a woodshed or woodshed for a summer cottage?

The main material used to install woodpiles is wood. For the construction of these structures can be used as regular boards, and wooden beams. In the second case, the structure looks more presentable. Timber buildings are an excellent solution if the site area is decorated in a natural style.

Wooden pallets are often used for this purpose. Woodshed from pallets - simple, but efficient design. In addition, for the installation of such a structure, you can take other unnecessary materials, for example, metal pipes, chipboard sheets, etc.

The basic rules applied when constructing such a structure require the provision of good natural ventilation and a protective canopy. In addition to wood, other materials can be used to make such a structure. For example, polycarbonate sheets are very popular. This modern raw material has a lot of advantages and a fairly affordable cost.

Another material that is used when installing a woodpile is metal. Forged firewood racks have a presentable appearance, look stylish and elegant. Most often, small structures are made of metal. This is due to the large weight and also quite high cost material. The advantages of such woodpiles include their high strength.

Helpful information! To protect the material from rusting, metal products must be painted or treated with a special anti-corrosion compound.

Having certain skills in construction, if desired, you can assemble a woodshed from any material with your own hands. Photos of designs will help you decide on the choice of variety. The woodcutter is easy to make using available materials. Old boards and other unnecessary materials are suitable for this purpose. If you need to prepare a woodpile for storing firewood that will be used exclusively for lighting a barbecue, then the task is greatly simplified. A small cabinet can be adapted for this function.

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Do-it-yourself woodcutter: drawing up a drawing and preparing tools

Preparing a preliminary drawing is required if you decide to build a woodshed. This design is suitable not only for storing logs, but also for storing tools and other things. Drawing up a diagram simplifies the determination of the area of ​​the future structure. Video materials will help you correctly design a woodpile for firewood with your own hands. Photos of various installation stages also contribute to understanding the principles of assembly.

The supply of firewood is a value that is determined by the individual needs of the owners of the site. In order to provide heating for a residential building with an area of ​​100 m², approximately 1.9 m³ of dry wood will be required. It is important to remember that different tree species have different degrees of heat transfer. For example, if you use pine logs, they will need 0.2 m³ more, and birch logs, on the contrary, will need 0.2 m³ less.

If necessary, you can use it as a basis finished drawing do-it-yourself woodcutter at the dacha. It is recommended to choose the size with a slight margin, since it may always be necessary to prepare large quantity firewood The structure for storing freshly cut logs should be approximately 2 times more spacious than the structure for dry fuel, since the heat transfer of wet firewood is 50% lower.

When choosing the dimensions of the wood burner, you should also take into account the characteristics of the stove. The efficiency of these devices can vary greatly. For example, for high-tech modern units this figure reaches 80%. Such stoves process one batch of firewood in about 8-10 hours, which significantly reduces the need for wood fuel. After drawing up the drawing, you need to prepare all the necessary tools for assembling the woodpile:

  • drill (for columnar structure);
  • stepladder;
  • regular hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • plumb line;
  • pliers;
  • twine thread.

Helpful information! Dry firewood is logs whose moisture content does not exceed 20%.

Step-by-step instructions and video materials will help you answer the question of how to build a woodshed with your own hands. The purchase of the necessary raw materials is made after determining the type of woodshed and drawing up a drawing. The diagram must contain all the necessary dimensions and estimates, taking into account the amount of wood, polycarbonate or metal.

How to build a woodshedon a columnar foundation: instructions

This type of woodpile is called stationary. To assemble such a structure you will need to perform columnar foundation. This woodpile is reliable and has a long service life. In the process of organizing the foundation, a hole is prepared for each pillar. The depth of such holes is determined by the freezing line of the soil. Subsequently, they are concreted, which increases the reliability of the structure.

How to make a woodshed with a foundation? Concreting the pillars is not a necessary installation item. In some cases, holes are simply filled with sand and gravel. It is important to remember that installing the structure on top of the soil is strictly prohibited, since the structure will not have proper stability. Fixation is required in any case.

The supports can be made of bricks or foam blocks. Individual elements The pillars are treated with a solution, which ensures adhesion to subsequent products. For a compact firewood rack for a summer house on the street, it is not necessary to use many poles - four are enough (in the corners). However, for a utility block that includes not only a woodshed, but also other devices, more supports will be required.

After organizing the foundation, you can begin installing the frame of the future woodshed. The frame is the basis of the entire structure, therefore this stage is very important.

How to make a firewood shed at your dacha with your own hands(columnar): frame and cladding

For these purposes, ordinary beams with dimensions of 150x200 mm are suitable. The individual frame elements are fixed to each other using metal corners and self-tapping screws. If desired, you can use only self-tapping screws to join the beams, but they must be of sufficient length.

It is worth noting that it is recommended to treat the wooden frame parts with special impregnations, which increase the technical characteristics of the material. Compositions of this type provide resistance to moisture and prevent the penetration of insects. As waterproofing material roofing material is used, which must be folded in half. The installation of the frame is carried out taking into account a previously drawn up drawing for the manufacture of a woodshed at the dacha. It is not very difficult to assemble such a structure with your own hands, but you need to be careful.

Frame elements located in a vertical plane are installed using a construction angle. It is important to remember that there is a certain sequence for installing the frame racks. This process is carried out in the following order:

  • rear pillars;
  • lateral;
  • front

The next step is the top trim frame structure wooden elements. Photos of firewood sheds on the street for a summer residence will clearly help you understand the nuances of installation (on different stages assembly).

After installing the rafter system for the future roof, you can begin to form the doorway. To do this, you will need to fix two beams of the appropriate size at the required height.

Note! A door is not a necessary element of a columnar structure for storing firewood, but most often it is made for precautionary purposes.

How to make a firewood shedwith foundation: final stage

After assembling the frame structure, you can begin covering it. First of all, it is necessary to veneer the floorboard horizontal bars, which are the base of the floor. It is not necessary to precisely adjust the ends of the boards to each other. The presence of small cracks is not an installation error - this will not interfere with the operation of the woodpile. In addition, the cracks will help to ventilate the firewood.

When choosing the type of roof, it is best to choose the single-pitch option. This design is simple to implement and requires less materials. If desired, you can also make a gable roof. Photos of firewood sheds for the dacha will help you decide on the roofing option. It is recommended to create a small canopy over the entrance to the woodpile with your own hands. This will protect the firewood from rain falling at an angle.

To make a canopy, an end board is most often used. It is fixed to the front of the roof using special dies. The sequence of actions for organizing the canopy is as follows: the ends of the dies must be cut off (at an angle), after which the board must be joined to them. This operation requires additional fixation, which is provided by supports.

The cladding material is selected depending on the individual preferences of the owners, budget, and also taking into account the general concept of the site. The modern market provides big choice raw materials with which you can bring to life any designs of woodsheds in the country. Photos of designs made in different stylistic directions, will help you identify the pros and cons of each option.

Most often, home craftsmen choose the most budget-friendly and simple cladding option - boards. The woodpile frame is lined with this material using self-tapping screws. The pitch of the board should be such that there is a small gap between the individual wooden parts. If a wooden beam was chosen as the cladding, then wider gaps (2.5-3 cm) can be arranged.

If you follow the instructions and study photo and video materials, there should be no problems when constructing such a structure yourself. This will answer the question of how to build a woodshed with your own hands. The project drawn up before installation must include all the nuances.

Like wooden elements frame, facing boards must be treated with antiseptic substances and waterproofing impregnation. In order to prolong the service life of the structure in which firewood will be stored, it is recommended to paint or varnish it. This will protect the wood from rotting and the destructive effects of environmental factors.

Do-it-yourself wall-mounted woodshed for a summer residence: photo

A wall-mounted firewood shed is a building with a canopy that is adjacent to a residential building, utility block or bathhouse. This design has several advantages over the woodshed. The main advantage of the structure is that its installation allows you to save money. The simplicity of the construction is also considered an important advantage.

Note! Before you start assembling a wall-mounted woodpile for firewood with your own hands, it is recommended to choose a place where it will be adjacent to a residential building. Most suitable option in this case it is the north wall of the house. This can be explained quite simply: in this case, the firewood will be protected from direct sunlight.

The process of forming a wall structure is almost identical to the assembly procedure of a standard free-standing option. However, there is one important difference that is worth noting. The firewood shed adjacent to the wall is vulnerable to precipitation flowing from the roof of a residential building. This fact requires special attention to the design of the woodpile roof. It should have a sufficient slope so that water quickly flows down it.

The slope is done from the wall, which is very important. Moreover, this rule also applies to structures that are built close to the utility block or bathhouse. A firewood rack for storing logs of this type is quite easy to assemble. First of all, you need to understand the principles of visor design.

Roof installation consists of two stages. First, you should nail two boards to the top of the structure, which will be located in a horizontal plane. They perform a supporting function. At the second stage, the canopy is covered with slate or metal tiles.

Some people may find these steps too complicated, but assembling structures involving a frame, walls and roof requires some effort. Simpler options can be built in a matter of hours (for example, a do-it-yourself woodshed from pallets).

The installation of the frame and its covering are carried out in the same way as in the case of a free-standing structure. It is worth noting that a wall-mounted woodpile does not require a rear partition.

Building a simple portable firewood box with your own hands

Firewood racks are essentially stands for logs. The simplest version of such a construction can be completed in just a few hours. To assemble a simple structure, it is still recommended to draw up a drawing. The simplest diagram can be borrowed from any specialized site on the network. However, in this case it is necessary to pay attention to the dimensions indicated in the drawing. They must fully meet specific operational needs.

Helpful information! You can assemble a firewood rack for your dacha with your own hands using available materials. Old boards are perfect for this purpose. But it is still recommended to pay attention to their suitability. Rotten, crumbling material is not suitable for constructing a wooden stand.

To increase the strength characteristics of the structure, you should use not only fixing screws, but also aids(eg glue). As in the case of large storage facilities, it is advisable to treat a small stand with antiseptic and moisture-resistant impregnations.

On the Internet you can find many projects for do-it-yourself firewood sheds for your dacha. Photo diagrams most often include a drawing with all the necessary geometric parameters. To assemble such a structure, special tools and materials will be required.

To install the lower frame of the stand, you need to prepare 2 boards, the length of which should be 150 cm. You will also need 4 short boards of 34 cm each. The side racks are constructed using 6 bars (4 of 150 cm and 2 of 34 cm). In addition, you should prepare 2 boards measuring 145 cm. The following tools are used in the construction of this structure:

  • saw (end-face type);
  • drill;
  • set of drills;
  • jigsaw;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

The first stage of installation of such a structure is the assembly of the frame. In order to make a frame, you need to make several holes in the boards (for screws). Next, the screws are tightened into the middle support elements. To understand the principle of constructing such a stand for logs, it is recommended to study photos of do-it-yourself woodburners made of wood.

Then you will need to attach the side posts to the frame. After this, you need to drill through holes through the beams and screw them to the racks with screws. At the last stage, the upper crossbars are fixed to the structure, which need to be connected to the rear posts.

Do-it-yourself metal woodshed: drawings, list of building materials

Today, you can make firewood not only from wood or budget materials such as polycarbonate, but also from metal. Forged structures look the most impressive. However, it is very difficult to build such a structure with your own hands, since you need to have knowledge in the field of metal processing, as well as the ability to use welding equipment.

Note! The most common type of metal firewood involves the use of profile parts. Profile pipes can be rectangular, square, oval and multi-faceted. The most suitable option is to use rolled metal, the cross-section of which has a rectangular shape.

Profile pipes can be made of different alloys. Aluminum parts are most often used for firewood. If desired, such a firewood stand can be completed in just 2-3 hours. Before starting assembly, you must draw up a drawing with all dimensions.

The simplest metal firewood rack is quite simple to make. First you need to prepare the materials from which the individual parts of the structure’s frame will be made. For a small stand, it is enough to purchase an aluminum profile pipe 2.5 m long. In addition, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • brackets;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • paint (black).

The tools needed to install a metal woodpile are limited to an angle grinder and a tape measure. For assembly accuracy, it is recommended to purchase a building level, but it is not a required device.

Metal firewood rack for a summer residence: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

To install the structure, first of all, it is necessary to prepare parts of the required dimensions from an aluminum pipe. To do this, it is sawed in half. Then the bracket is cut in the shape of the Latin letter L. It must be divided into 4 parts (60 cm each). These parts will perform the function vertical racks. Then the second bracket is divided into 4 parts. The length of each of them is 30 cm. It is also used to make 4 brackets of 15 cm each and the same number of legs, the length of which should not exceed 5 cm.

Many people are interested in the question of how to build a cheap woodshed with their own hands. Videos and photos contribute to the realization of this goal. At the initial stage, it is necessary to mount the side supports. It is important to remember that the top of the horizontal bracket should be 5 cm long from the bottom of the support, which is installed vertically. In order to fix these two elements together, you should drill through holes in them. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening.

After assembling the side supports, you need to increase their rigidity. To do this, they are joined together with stiffening ribs, which are used as pieces of rolled aluminum metal. Woodcutter from profile pipe will last for many years if assembled correctly.

Next, you need to mount the supporting elements. After attaching the legs, you will need to attach the brackets to the posts lying in a vertical plane. The fixation angle of these elements is 45°. This is how the simplest metal firewood stand is assembled. After installation, you can begin painting the firewood in your dacha. Photos of such structures allow you to evaluate their advantages, which include presentability and compactness.

Note! Experts recommend preparing a place for the counter. Preparation includes two stages. First you need to level the soil. The second thing to do is to pour gravel into the place where the metal firewood rack is installed and compact it thoroughly. These simple steps will allow you to create a platform for a small metal woodpile.

Features of installing a firewood shed with your own hands: preparatory stage

The shed in which the firewood will be stored can be made with your own hands. All you need is a set suitable tools and materials, as well as desire. Before starting assembly, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the structure, and also, based on these dimensions, find the most suitable location for the location of a utility structure of this type.

The materials for building a woodshed with your own hands can be different. The most commonly used material is wood. In some cases, a combination is made metal frame and cladding made of wooden boards. In addition, the shed can be made entirely of metal, however, this option is the most expensive, and therefore is very rarely considered by home craftsmen.

Preparation for assembling this structure includes several important stages. First of all, you need to draw up a drawing of a woodshed for your dacha with your own hands. Photo ready-made schemes can be easily found on the Internet using the search bar of your browser. Of course, the best option is to create an individual plan. In this case, the design will best suit the characteristics of a particular site.

After drawing up a diagram containing information about the dimensions of the individual components of the log shed, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • lumber (timbers and boards);
  • 2 sheets of eighteen-millimeter plywood (2450x680 and 2500x1200 mm);
  • felt for the roof (approximately 2.5 m²);
  • tiles (2.5 m²);
  • screws.

Having drawn up a diagram and prepared everything necessary for self-design barn, you can proceed directly to installation. It also consists of several stages, which are recommended to be studied in detail.

How to make a woodshed at the dacha with your own hands-shed: work algorithm

Experts advise strictly following the sequence of actions when installing a log shed. The first stage of installing such a structure is assembling the floor frame. For these purposes they are used wooden blocks. They must be thick enough to withstand the load that will be placed on them by the wood supply.

Helpful information! After installing the floor, the corners are checked for evenness. To do this, you can use a construction corner. If the frame is uneven, this will affect the entire structure.

At the next stage to outside floor frames are attached vertically support pillars. Before you start fixing the support beams of the outdoor firewood for your summer house, you need to check whether the floor is horizontal.

Next you need to finish the floor wooden planks. For this purpose, it is recommended to use trimming material. The boards are attached to the support frame using galvanized screws. After this you will need to trim the ends of the rafters. The angle in this case is 15°. Then the rafters are fixed to the posts and common planks. The distance between the rafters should be approximately 60 cm. This will ensure proper load distribution.

The next stage of assembling a wooden firewood shed for a summer house with your own hands is to organize the roof. In order to make the roof, you will first need to make a deck from a smaller sheet of plywood. It is fixed to the rafters with screws. The pitch of the screws is approximately 15 cm. Then you should cover the plywood with special felt, after which you can begin installing the tiles. It is important to remember that attaching the finishing roofing material begins from the lower left edge of the roof.

The correct arrangement of firewood in the woodpile will significantly increase its capacity. Today, there are several options for storing wood fuel, which we recommend you pay attention to. If the woodpile is small in size, then there should be no problems with storing firewood. The same applies to a narrow design in which the logs are arranged in one row.

In turn, when laying out firewood in a woodshed or barn, certain problems may arise related to access to different rows. It is best to store a large amount of firewood in the following way: select several main sectors and stack the firewood in them, leaving a passage in the center. This eliminates the possibility of overlapping logs. Photos of woodpiles filled with firewood clearly demonstrate the advantages various methods storage.

Sectors in a square woodshed should not have more than 2 rows of firewood. Otherwise, getting to the logs will be much more difficult. Rectangular wall-mounted and free-standing options can be divided into several compartments using partitions. This will differentiate between dry and wetter wood.

How to stack firewood in a round woodpileRight

In some cases, the volume of stored firewood is too large. This can become a problem if the dimensions of the storage facility do not allow it to accommodate such a number of logs. In such a situation, you can store firewood in an open area. This option is very popular and is found everywhere in villages.

Note! The outer row of firewood in a round woodpile is sloping, which helps rainwater drain away.

Thus, this solution is a solution if the volume of fuel exceeds the capacity of the shed with a firewood shed. It is not recommended to make the open woodpile too large if such a manipulation is being done for the first time. It is very important that it is located in a place where people have access Sun rays.

This method allows you to store firewood outside the woodshed. How to make a round woodpile with your own hands? Before laying the first row, it is necessary to make a base on the ground. Gravel is used for these purposes. To ensure the correct storage radius, a cross made of wooden stakes is used.

The base of the round woodpile is laid out in a ring. There should be an empty space in the center of it. The result is a closed chain of logs. Next, the second row is laid. It is important to remember that the firewood of the second row should be located across the first layer (with a slight slope towards the middle). The empty center (as the woodpile is stored) forms a kind of core-pipe. It promotes good ventilation of the entire structure.

Stakes are placed between the rows. They must have a cross-shaped arrangement. These elements support the woodpile and prevent it from falling apart. When the structure becomes higher than 1 m, you can fill the core with firewood (optional). Then the subsequent rows are layered. To form the last row, it is recommended to choose the flattest logs. After storing the firewood, the structure is covered on top with bark or any other material that does not interfere with ventilation.

Firewood is most often used to heat a country house or cottage. There are certain rules for storing logs that must be followed. Having a woodshed will allow you to allocate a specific place for firewood and simplify their use. Before starting the construction of such a structure, it is necessary to draw up a diagram and select a convenient site for this structure.

Most of the population of our country heat their homes with wood stoves. And if not at home, then in a bathhouse or at the dacha you will always need a supply of fuel. Grill, fireplace, stove heating, potbelly stove - all this consumes firewood. Therefore, if you often like to invite friends over for a barbecue and sit by the fireplace on a cool evening, you need to take care of a supply of firewood in advance. Building a woodshed with your own hands will protect them from dampness. And if you also embellish this structure, it can become an element decorative design plot.

Building terminology

Woodshed, woodshed, woodshed - such similar names, but structurally different buildings. First, let's define what it is:

  1. A wood shed is a shed for storing firewood, which is built on a foundation some distance from the house. The design of this structure is equipped with a door.
  2. Woodshed - is a simplified woodshed. This structure is attached to the wall of the building. This method of constructing a structure is faster and simpler.
  3. A firewood box is a device for carrying firewood or a stand for loading fuel to the firebox. Often both of these functions are combined structurally in one product.

Requirements for woodsheds

Freshly cut trees are not suitable for burning. Therefore, it is necessary to have on the site not only a place to store firewood, but also a structure where the wood can dry well and become suitable for use in the stove. These specially erected buildings must meet the following requirements:

Choosing a construction site on the site

When choosing a place where you plan to build a firewood storage, you need to focus on its size and the purpose of using fuel. Here Some tips for building a woodshed with your own hands on the scale of a summer cottage:

To facilitate the construction of the woodshed, it is necessary to first level the area.

Making a drawing of the building

Of course, for such a simple construction there is no need to draw up a large project. After deciding on the location of the building, it will be enough to draw a drawing of the structure you like. It is on this basis that you can calculate the amount of material needed for construction.

And also by drawing up a drawing, you can accurately determine the area for the required supply of firewood, which will depend on several factors. So, to heat a house of 100 m2 you will need a little more than two cubic meters pine firewood or 1.7 m 3 birch.

The volume of fuel reserve is significantly influenced by the characteristics of the stove and the efficiency of the fireplace.

Features of woodshed construction

Freshly cut firewood must remain in storage for at least one year before being used as fuel. The construction of such a room is not particularly complex, so any owner who wants to work and has basic knowledge of construction can equip it. But there are also some peculiarities of construction at all stages, from foundation to roof.

Foundation structure

Building a strip foundation for a woodshed is not cost effective. A columnar base is sufficient. It is better to use concrete pillars, but you can also lay them out of brick. It is advisable to bury anchors in the supports, with the help of which the lower crown of the frame will be attached.

For the installation of supports, holes are dug with a depth of at least the freezing level of the soil, and a sand-crushed stone cushion is installed. For a small building, four columns along the edges of the perimeter are enough. But if a barn-type woodshed with doors is being built, then the number of supports needs to be increased. In this case, it is necessary to add at least two columns under the installation of the doorway.

Floor equipment

The opinion that it is better to make a floor in a woodshed with cracks is erroneous.

Wood debris, falling under such a covering, creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of pests, and its decay is accompanied by the release of heat, which increases the harmful greenhouse effect.

Therefore, it is better to lay the floor in the building with tongue-and-groove boards with a thickness of 40 mm or more along joists made of wooden beam section 150x75 mm. Such requirements are put forward not only to avoid littering, but also to create the necessary strength of the floor.

In order for the subfloor to be accessible for high-quality cleaning and well ventilated, the installation of a plinth is unacceptable.

An ideal, but rather labor-intensive, solution is a building without a floor, where firewood is stacked directly on monolithic foundation. In this case, the firewood will be able to age in just half a year, since such a surface is capable of retaining heat in the woodshed slightly above the outside temperature, long after the onset of cold weather.

Frame and walls of the building

The structures of woodsheds are often made of frames, like outbuildings and sheds, but simplified. The crown beams cut into half the tree only at the crosshairs and corners. All other parts of the frame are fastened roughly obliquely with nails, and then with steel corners using self-tapping screws. Sheathing boards are also nailed with grooved nails or large screws. For the lower crown, a 150x150 mm beam is used, and the top and racks are made of timber with a section of 100x200 mm.

To improve ventilation, the walls are made with lattice. The width of the slots starts from 5 cm, and if there is no theft of firewood, then it is better to increase the slots to 10 cm.

When the sheathing is positioned horizontally, the frame is more durable, but raindrops from the edge of the board fall directly on the firewood. But the vertical direction of the sheathing better protects the logs from moisture, but does not strengthen the frame, so it is reinforced with transverse planks. Diagonal cladding is considered ideal, but it requires the use of high-quality material and is more labor-intensive to manufacture.

Making a woodshed roof

In areas with average climatic conditions The roofs of the building are made pitched with a slight slope (15-25 degrees). An important condition protection from precipitation is the device of a large overhang of up to 350 mm.

It is better to make the roof deck from galvanized sheet metal or corrugated sheet metal. Heavy roofing materials such as slate, tiles, slate will put too much strain on the entire structure, but soft ones (bitumen shingles, ondulin) can sag on the sheathing. To prevent condensation from getting onto the logs, you can lay roofing felt under the corrugated sheet.

Sometimes, for aesthetic reasons, a gable roof is used to cover the woodshed. Only such gables devices cannot be tightly sewn, this impairs ventilation upper layers logs In such gables it is necessary to cut through unglazed windows or make them, just like lattice-type walls.

The nuances of building a firewood shed

In areas with a mild climate, where about 2-3 cubic meters of firewood are burned during the winter, it is more advisable to build a storage extension to the house or outbuilding. Do-it-yourself wooden woodsheds for a summer cottage are best erected near the northern wall of the building. The reason for this arrangement is bad influence sun rays for drying logs, they prefer natural ventilation.

The construction of a wood shed adjacent to the main house is not much different from the algorithm for constructing a separate building. But still some nuances will have to be taken into account:

  1. Since the structure is closely adjacent to the wall of the house, it is necessary to prevent water from entering from the roof of the main building.
  2. The convenience of the adjacent building is that the firewood will insulate the wall of the house.
  3. To prevent moisture from entering from the ground, it is imperative to install a floor.
  4. Additionally, closing shutter doors can protect against dampness, which also creates an attractive appearance for the entire building.
  5. It is convenient to equip a woodshed near the wall of the gazebo or terrace of the house.
  6. The durability and strength of the structure can be increased by treating wooden parts with antiseptic and protective compounds.
  7. To protect against bark beetles, mold and rot, a fire-resistant lining must be applied to the entire wall of the building.

The structure covered with climbing plants looks very beautiful and original.

Method of placing firewood under a canopy

The easiest access to logs, which are located next to each other in a small woodshed.

In the case of loading a large batch of firewood into a large building, it is recommended to divide the entire space into several parts. Then there will be no mixing of dried logs with damp logs.

For convenient access to dry firewood, a passage is made in the center of the square building, but not all the way to the wall. No more than two rows of firewood should be left in front of the wall. In the woodshed rectangular shape The area is divided into sectors using partitions.

The height of the firewood is made regardless of its shape and reaches about two meters. This indicator allows, with an average height of a person, to load logs to the ceiling, not forgetting to leave a ventilation gap.

Making firewood

There are many options on how to make a firewood rack at your dacha with your own hands. Basically, this task comes down to arranging a storage facility for a consumable batch of logs for the fireplace. Most often, such devices are made of metal, and their shape and design largely depend on the imagination and wishes of the owner.

There are also quite a lot of combined do-it-yourself firewood racks, projects of varying capacity, complexity and convenience. Among all these options, the device made from an old barrel especially stands out.

The procedure for making a firewood box from a wooden barrel:

IN winter time The firewood holder glides perfectly through the snow with metal hoops, which greatly facilitates the delivery of firewood to the fireplace.

Almost everyone who has Vacation home, they store firewood on the site to light the stove in the house, bathhouse, or just make a barbecue. Used for storing firewood various options Drovnikov Even if a dacha for someone is only a place for summer holiday and does not involve traveling there during the cold season; firewood is needed to heat the bathhouse or make barbecue. Of course, you can use coals in a bag or buy popular ones in summer season bundles of firewood, but this is very inconvenient if the dacha is located far from shops. That is why, as a rule, there is a small supply of firewood at any summer cottage.

If the dacha needs heating, then a wood-burning stove will be a real “salvation” for a country house. Agree, not all homes have sufficient electricity capacity. In addition, this is the simplest and cheapest type of heating. Finally, the stove is an indispensable attribute country holiday: It’s beautiful, creates comfort and atmosphere. Many people stock up on firewood for the entire season and store it in specially equipped firewood sheds. This allows you to protect the firewood from precipitation and dry the still damp wood. In this article we will talk about ways to make a firewood rack for your dacha with your own hands.


A woodshed is a structure made of wood or metal, which is used as a warehouse for firewood. Woodsheds for a summer residence can be completely different, the main thing is that they meet the basic requirements.

  • The device should be spacious and allow access to firewood without difficulty.
  • The woodshed should be open enough so that the firewood does not become damp and is ventilated. If there are fresh logs in the woodshed, they should have the opportunity to dry out.
  • The structure must have a roof that will protect the logs from rain and snow.
  • The firewood rack should be positioned so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation has a bad effect on wood and reduces its suitability for its intended use.
  • Of course, it is desirable that the woodshed be neat so as not to spoil the entire landscape of the site.

There are various design options for woodsheds depending on their location and type.

A woodshed that is leaning against a building (house, barn, bathhouse)

This is the most simple design, in which the wall of the building is back wall woodcutter But this design has a number of serious disadvantages:

  • Fire hazard. A large amount of dry wood near the house.
  • Wood is home to a large number of insects. This problem can be solved by treating the firewood shed with a special compound or separating the firewood from the building using a sheet of metal.

It is recommended to locate the woodshed near the building in the north or where the place is most open to the winds. Of course, a canopy against a wall is a very simple design, so it may not be very beautiful. It is better to hide such a canopy from the least visible part. The most simple circuit– these are 4 supports, a raised floor and 4 walls with a canopy.

Woodshed standing separately from buildings

This is a more beautiful and reliable building. Such a device involves a design and construction plan. Such a canopy can be built in suitable place and even decorate the landscape. The firewood maker will require time from you, but it will serve for a long time, and the firewood will be constantly blown from all directions.


Separately, it is worth mentioning about a portable firewood rack, which is necessary for storing a small amount of firewood. Such options are needed to keep firewood closer to the place of use. These are structures made of wood or metal that are easy to move along with firewood. Typically this is beautiful designs that complement the interior. A portable firewood must:

  • be light;
  • to be beautiful;
  • easy to carry.

Such firewood sheds are located indoors. You can see such structures next to fireplaces in the house.

How to choose material?

Sometimes the woodshed is hidden in the farthest or most inconspicuous corner of the site, and then it is built without thinking about its appearance. Any available materials, remnants of various boards and logs can be used. You can make a woodshed without walls and supports. Then the evenly stacked firewood is covered with any material that will protect it from precipitation.

The most common material for woodshedders is wood. Wooden firewood sheds are made from boards and beams. Metal elements are also used. For example, pipes covered with boards. The roof is made from any light but rigid material. For example, galvanized iron, corrugated sheets, slate (it is quite heavy), ondulin, roofing felt.

When choosing materials for a woodshed, it is important to pay attention to its design. If the style suits a simple wooden woodshed, then the structure will be made of boards and beams. If you plan to use metal not only for support, but also for the walls of the woodshed, then you can think about a forged woodshed. Often portable firewood burners are made of metal.

Here are the materials you will need to create a regular wooden firewood shed.

  • Floor board. This is necessary so that the logs do not lie on the ground. You should choose a thick board, no thinner than 2.5 cm, so that it can withstand firewood.

  • Concrete blocks instead of a foundation.

  • Beams, logs. For the base of the floor.

  • Boards for the frame.

  • Beam for the frame.

  • Roof boards.

  • Nails and screws.

Required tools:

  • electric drill;
  • shovel;
  • screwdriver;
  • plumb line;
  • axe;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • square


For the construction and construction of original firewood sheds, barrels, former rabbit pens and even pallets and rings for wells are also used. Such options do not require the creation of a drawing and are distinguished not only by their external originality, but also by the ease of creating the design.

How to do it yourself?

Below are instructions for creating firewood loggers. Let's start with the option of a free-standing woodshed. To build such a structure, it is necessary to make manufacturing drawings so that the firewood shed turns out to be of a given size and fits into the landscape. The base will be 6 logs. These are the supports that create the frame. Let's look at how to build a firewood shed step by step.

  • Determine and mark the construction area on the site. Dig 6 holes for supports - 3 each in the front and back. The dimensions of the depressions are no less than 30 cm by 30 cm, and the depth is up to 50 cm. Fill the holes with crushed stone to a depth of 15 cm and compact them. Make log holes.

  • The logs must be deepened at least 25 cm. Treat the log with an antiseptic. Wrap with roofing felt. Secure the supports with concrete or stone. Treat the ends of the logs too.

  • The length of the logs in the front and back should be different to create a roof slope. The back logs should be lower than the front ones by at least 3 cm.

  • Place cross beams and a base for the floor. Secure them by connecting them to the supports. Cross joists should be raised 10 cm above the ground to ensure ventilation.

  • Install the floor boards onto the joists. Leave the distance between the boards small, up to 2 cm, for ventilation from the floor. Use wood screws and a screwdriver for fastening. You can use nails.

  • Form the walls on three sides from boards. The step between the boards is about 15 cm. You can use a mesh. It's more cheap option, but less beautiful.

  • Place 3 rafters on the firewood frame to create a roof. Place 5 more logs across. Attach the roof to the frame. Use slate and roofing felt nails. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening corrugated sheets and ondulin.

  • It is possible to use shingles instead of 5 logs for the roof frame and cover it with roofing felt or other roofing material.

  • Coat the wood with varnish. You can paint the woodshed with paint and decorate it with decorative structures.

Please pay attention to the following details.

  1. Be sure to take into account the slope of the roof so that the snow falls down unhindered.
  2. The roof must be larger than the woodshed. The protrusion should be about 25 cm.
  3. It is necessary to have a floor that is raised 10 cm above the soil.
  4. There should be gaps in the walls and floors for free ventilation. These elements are made of wood.
  5. All wooden materials Before fastening, treat with an antiseptic.
  6. You can decorate the woodshed with carvings, plants, and sculptures.
  7. To protect firewood from moisture, create drainage.

To build a firewood shed that is adjacent to a building, no special instructions are needed. It is created in the same way as a separate woodshed. Such a woodshed should also be well ventilated, because one wall is solid, unlike the previous variation. The materials for the roof and frame are the same.

There are a number distinctive features for such a building.

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the woodshed is located close to the house. It is necessary to ensure that water from the roof of the building does not fall on the firewood.
  2. The woodshed located in the north will insulate the northern wall of the house. The house will shield the firewood from unwanted light.
  3. In this case, a floor is also needed. Firewood should not be stored directly on the ground.
  4. To add aesthetics, you can make doors that will close the firewood. If you place the firewood shed on a covered terrace, then leaving the house for logs will be more pleasant and easier.