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» Secondary education in England, private boarding schools. Cost of education in private schools in England. Features of living in private British boarding schools

Secondary education in England, private boarding schools. Cost of education in private schools in England. Features of living in private British boarding schools

Great Britain is a country where traditions are respected, honored and preserved. The history of education in the state has deep roots; the first universities appeared here in the 12th century, so no one doubts the fundamentality of British education. Cambridge and Oxford degrees are associated by people all over the world with the highest level of education, based on centuries-old traditions. It is no secret that UK schools are attracting more and more students from all over the world. Many parents strive to send their children to England in order to guarantee their children a high level of subject and professional knowledge, promising and high paying job, as well as career growth in the future.

England school system

To navigate UK schools in order to determine a suitable educational institution for yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with how the education system of this country works. There are several criteria by which the types of schools in the UK can be classified.

  1. Availability of tuition fees. Two sectors of education harmoniously coexist in the country: free (state) and paid (these are private schools in England, which are represented by boarding houses, they are well provided and have excellent equipment).
  2. Age of students.
  • Preschool education: nurseries and kindergartens for children 2-7 years old.
  • Primary School in England: Primary schools, where children aged 4-11 study and take exams after the second and sixth years of study, and Junior Schools - with a mandatory exam to move to the secondary level of education. The main subjects for study are English and mathematics, optional subjects include computer science, religion, music, history, natural Sciences, geography.
  • High school in England - at the age of 11, students, based on the results of the junior school exams, move to the next level. The main ones remain English, science and mathematics, the main ones include foreign language, physical education and technology, and history and geography are listed as elective subjects. Secondary school in England also has its own classification. Exist secondary schools, where the majority of children study, as well as schools with in-depth study of individual subjects and secondary specialized schools. The last two types of schools differ in the presence of a humanitarian and technical bias in the subjects studied.
  • Post-school level: teenagers aged 16-18 enter school to prepare for university. Here, 3-4 subjects are studied at an advanced level, passing exams for which can provide admission to British and some foreign universities.

  • mixed schools (co-education of boys and girls is designed to develop the ability to communicate with a person of any gender);
  • only for girls (strict discipline and order reign here);
  • only for boys (more outdoor games and competitions are arranged for them).

How to choose a school

If you want to find a school to educate your child, Russian schools in England are unlikely to help you. They are aimed primarily at immigrants from Russia permanently residing in the UK. They have a clear focus on Russian culture, subjects studied in our schools, all this so that the child does not forget about his belonging to Russia. Parents seeking to organize their son or daughter’s education in Britain are focused on learning English and obtaining a diploma that would be valued in any country in the world, so they must choose from purely English schools in England.

IN public Schools Only citizens of the country can enter the UK; foreigners have to rely on private schools. Studying abroad is often challenging. This is due not only to the lack of strong language skills, but also to a different approach to teaching in English schools. To have a high chance of getting into British universities, you need to start your studies as early as possible. To begin with, summer schools may be suitable, which will help the child adapt to the language environment and get used to the principles of learning. Next you can move on to permanent residence in a boarding house in the country.

A classic boarding school consists of several buildings on the territory of a private school, children live several people in a room, and have a strict, rigid routine. Boarding schools are very diverse. Although free schools in England they are not much inferior to private ones, the choice of educational programs in the latter is wider, and the groups of students in the class are not so numerous. Prestigious UK schools include the following:

  • Repton;
  • Eton;
  • Bolton Boys;
  • St.Vary & St.Anne;
  • Oakham;
  • Uppingham.

School rankings are published every year in well-known printed publications, it is calculated based on their percentage of school graduates who entered higher education institutions. It is not easy to get into such schools. For example, Eton School in England is only available to students who have passed the post-primary school examination at age eleven. A special course is provided for foreign students to help them prepare for such a test.

Price issue

Boarding schools in England are paid for any category of students. Their cost is twice as much as tuition in day schools, but this is understandable, because in a boarding school children are fully provided for. The price of a semester also depends on the school’s place in the national rankings; the higher the place, the more expensive training in an educational institution. Here it is worth paying attention to next nuance. If the goal of studying is not to enter a British university, but the student is driven by the desire to obtain a secondary education, then you can save about half the cost by choosing a “simpler” school for studying. When you plan to take an exam and study at a prestigious university, then you need to forget about saving money, we're talking about about 8-10 thousand pounds per semester (there are four semesters in the academic year). This must also include a visa fee, about 580 pounds for a guardian (the person who will help your child in England), a deposit of 1,500 pounds for the student’s current expenses. If the expected duration of study exceeds six months, medical care is provided free of charge.


If your child speaks English well and is ready to undergo special testing, you can choose a school. No less than a year before the intended study, you must register, send an application to the administration of the chosen school, you can prepare several requests at once to educational institutions of interest. An important step is to visit the school, where you will be told in detail about the regulations and given a tour, which will allow you to form a more complete picture of the institution. Each school provides special tests to control the level of knowledge (language and subject). After testing, the child will have to undergo an interview.

It may take some time before you receive a response from the school administration. If you refuse, do not expect any explanation. But after a positive answer, you can apply for a visa and resolve organizational issues. It is better if this issue is dealt with by professionals (special organizations) who know the intricacies of registration, translation of documents, and resolving issues related to enrollment in schools.

Schools in England are divided into public and private. Opportunities for studying in private boarding schools are open to foreign students only. These educational institutions differ more high level preparation for entering a university, there is more choice here extracurricular activities, and the number of students in classes is smaller, so teachers can devote maximum time to each student.

In England there are both mixed and single-sex schools. As ratings show, students in single-sex schools often achieve great success in academics, sports and creativity.

Advantages of studying in private schools in England

Receiving secondary education at a private school in the UK is the key to quality academic preparation and a great future. IN English school children do not just cram information, they learn to think freely, process information analytically, form their own opinions and defend them in discussions.

The task of teachers is to identify and develop the child’s abilities. Children independently conduct various experiments and learn to work in a team.

Schoolchildren devote a lot of time to sports and creative activities. These are serious training and competitions, classes in professionally equipped studios, participation in theatrical productions, with which the careers of many famous actors began.

Studying in a British school for a child is the fastest and most effective method master English. Immersion in the language environment can be supplemented with a special course for foreign students (ESL).

What educational programs are offered?

In an English private boarding school, foreign students usually begin their studies in middle or high school, where targeted preparation is conducted for entering a university. Without a diploma from a British high school or a special training program for foreign students, it is almost impossible to enter an English university.


  • Secondary School (Year 6-9)
    Training in high school, grades 6-9
    11-14 years old
  • GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)
    Preparation program for obtaining a certificate of secondary education 14-16 years old
  • IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education)
    Preparation program for obtaining a certificate of secondary education, adapted for foreign students 14-16 years old
  • A-Level
    National British program for high school and preparation for entering university 16-18 years old
  • IB (International Baccalaureate)
    International high school and university preparation program for 16-18 years old
  • International Foundation
    Preparation program for entering UK universities for foreign students aged 17-18

How to choose a school in England?

Choosing a school is a serious and responsible step. It is necessary to take into account many factors: the child’s academic performance, his interests and hobbies, character, age and plans for the future. The school is worth studying for its rating, student success and the percentage of their admission to top universities, living conditions, geographical location, enrollment creative activities and sports sections.

You should not always set your goal only to enter the top-rated English schools that show the best results in GCSE and A-Level exams in England. For many children, it is more comfortable to get comfortable at first in a small school, where they can calmly adapt to new learning conditions, the language environment and the international composition of students. Then you can transfer and finish high school in one of the top educational institutions.

If a future student shows great promise in sports or creativity, it is worth choosing an educational institution with professional infrastructure - for example, horse riding arenas, a theater stage or tennis courts. Students from the best schools in Great Britain show high results not only in exams, but also in competitions, festivals, exhibitions, debates, and competitions.

How to proceed?

Preparation for entering school in England must begin no later than a year before the start of studies:

  • conduct a knowledge assessment;
  • improve your language level;
  • prepare your child for exams;
  • introduce new system training.

Every school in the UK has unique admissions tests. As a rule, these are 3-4 tasks, which may include listening, reading, grammar, logic, writing, oral speech and testing knowledge of general education subjects. Elite schools in England additionally ask you to write an essay and undergo an oral interview with a representative of the educational institution.

Representatives of private schools in England come to Russia during special exhibitions of secondary education. Parents can personally ask questions, receive advice on admission and, if desired, visit the school on an introductory visit. This will allow you to make a choice based on personal impressions, communication with teachers and students. Besides, interesting option for a future student to “try out” education abroad - summer language programs that many boarding schools in England conduct within their walls. In two to three weeks, a child will be able to improve their level of English, feel like a student at their chosen school and understand whether they like it.

What do children get from studying in private schools in England?

In addition to gaining academic knowledge, studying abroad broadens your horizons, develops creative and athletic abilities, and helps you form a holistic, self-confident personality. Most parents note how independent and responsible their children become after a year of studying at a British school. The guys know what they want in life, what abilities they have and where they can be used, they know how to find mutual language with people and express your opinion.

Enrolling in schools in England is not only a way to get a prestigious secondary education at the European level, but also a necessary step towards studying at a British or international university. By the way, universities in England make up 18% of the best universities in the world - the prospects for studying there are worth starting your preparation in middle or high school.

Ambitious students in the second year of study in the A-Level or IB program are offered special courses preparation for admission to Oxford and Cambridge universities, as well as medical, law and business universities with traditionally high competition. The guys carefully prepare for several months to enroll in the chosen university, learn to write motivation letters and pass interviews, which is an important part when entering top British universities.

An extensive store of knowledge, the ability to think analytically and master large amounts of new information, as well as the notorious good manners allow students of private schools in the UK to subsequently build a serious career in any country in the world.

To help you find the right program and institution in the United Kingdom, we have created a directory so that you can enter the age you need in the search bar at the top of the page and click “search”, for example 12 or 13 years. Thus, the catalog will filter for you exactly those educational institutions that offer a program for a given age. Moreover, the required program will be displayed at the top under the school photo automatically. More detailed information You can learn about the curriculum and subjects by clicking “more details” to the right of the program name.

How to enroll in a private boarding school in the UK? What documents and knowledge does the applicant need?

In order to enroll in a private British boarding school, you will need not only a standard list of documents, but also certain language and academic knowledge.

Basic list of required documents for the submitting family:

  • copy of passport
  • school annual grades (report cards) for the last 2 academic years + quarter/trimester grades for the current academic year
  • certificates of language proficiency (preferably as new as possible so that they are relevant). Up to 17 years of age, any tests are suitable, including IELTS, Cambridge - Cambridge tests (KET, PET, FCE, CAE), TOEFL, Rearson, after 17 years of age (18+) - only IELTS UKVI
  • letters of recommendation from English and mathematics teachers, sometimes from the school principal
  • motivation letter (not always)
  • registration forms and school forms
  • Skype interview or personal visit to an educational institution

In addition to the above list, children are also required to pass internal school tests in mathematics and English language to determine whether children are sufficiently prepared at the time of admission to private school. A number of UK schools also require UKISET testing before applying.

Please note that, being official representatives Most British private boarding schools, we help with the free selection and organization of admission to the desired schools for our students and clients.

Private British boarding schools: educational features and advantages

Boarding schools in Britain are not just educational institutions: they represent a system aimed at the comprehensive development of children, offering their students not only academic disciplines. Art, sports and compulsory education in the best schools in England are organically combined, such a system has been tested by practice and time. Some boarding establishments, like , have centuries-old history, each of them is constantly being improved. For those who want to give their children secondary education, private boarding schools are a rational choice: in them, students are in a comfortable, safe environment, receive high-quality knowledge, and develop their abilities day after day. Closed private boarding schools will be an excellent choice if you are sending a younger student to study or a child is going to study abroad for the first time: a carefully guarded area guarantees complete safety of the student around the clock, throughout the entire period of study. Schoolchildren and teenagers go outside the campus (for example, on an excursion or walk) only with the accompaniment of a teacher or educator, and school staff constantly look after the children in the educational building and residences (in many boarding schools, teachers live with the students). The daily routine is regulated by supervisors and is strictly controlled.

Material resources of prestigious private British boarding schools and their types

All private boarding schools in England have modern technical and other teaching aids. They are distinguished by a high level of infrastructure development: cozy campuses, rich libraries, advanced computer equipment, and interactive learning technologies. Even (12-13 years old and even younger) already includes working with sources and electronic, multimedia resources: this makes the learning process easier for children in high school and universities.

Some elite boarding schools adhere to the tradition of separate education: for a long time in Britain there were separate educational institutions and. Today, both the separate and the type of education have their supporters, each has its own advantages and features - the choice is only yours.

Private boarding school in England: how much does tuition cost (primary and secondary education)

The cost of training varies depending on the private rating, graduate exam results, prestige, and history. On average, prices are as follows: £14,000 - £25,000 per year (day care - without accommodation), boarding house - £30,000 - 47,000 per year.

Our experts are ready to choose the best option for you: among the best schools in the United Kingdom you can find quite a few inexpensive options(about 17,500 - 19,000 pounds per year with tuition, accommodation and meals), the catalog of educational institutions is quite wide. Contact us - and school education in Britain will become closer!

A boarding school in England is a closed educational institution with a separate campus, where children both study and live (in residences) throughout the entire school year. UK boarding schools can be week-long or part-time (children go home at weekends) or full-time (students go home only on holidays). Full boarding is the most common form of education among British private schools, with over 500 boarding schools to be found in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales).

Such schools bring together both British citizens and foreigners. Sometimes you can find a scheme of joint education, when programs are simultaneously taught to both boarders and incoming full-time students: this only improves the atmosphere within the institution, making the composition of students more balanced and diverse.

There are mixed-education boarding schools, as well as separate male and female boarding schools: for example, one of the most famous schools in the world, Eton, is intended only for the education of young men. And separate education ( historical tradition UK), and mixed has its supporters - we will help you choose the most suitable option, explaining the features and benefits of both types of training.

Boarding schools are divided into private (independent) and public, there are some fundamental differences between them:

  • Prevalence and popularity: there are more than 450 private boarding schools and approximately 35 public schools in the UK
  • Accessibility for foreigners: independent boarding schools accept students from all over the world without any restrictions, and study in government agency British nationals and EU members can
  • Cost: private boarding schools will require quite significant investments, since the institution develops only through student fees. In state boarding houses, only accommodation is paid, and the training programs themselves are free (financed from the state treasury).

Due to enough high cost UK private boarding schools usually provide greater opportunities for recreation, education and extracurricular activities, more modern equipment and developed infrastructure. But there are also state boarding schools with high ratings and excellent reviews - we will help you choose the best option for you in all respects.

Structure of education in British boarding schools

Studying at a British boarding house is divided into three stages:

  • Primary school - primary school, infant school, junior school, pre-preparatory school and preparatory school (the latter names are most often used by private boarding schools in the UK) = from 4-5 to 11-13 years old
  • Middle classes - secondary school, high school and senior school (the latter term is more often used by private boarding schools) = from 11 to 13-16 years old
  • Senior, graduating classes - Sixth Form = 16-18 years old.

Typically, boarding school accommodation is provided to children from 7-11 years of age (the specific age must be clarified separately at each school); until this point, children can study full-time. As a rule, the main wave of foreign students enter English boarding schools at the age of 7, at 11-13 years old, at 14-16 years old - this parameter depends on the educational goals of the student.

Private boarding schools usually do not limit themselves to standard educational programs: they organize short-term courses, vacation programs throughout the year, summer camps. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with a priority school, try to live on a British campus, and prepare for studying abroad in a longer and more complex program.

Features and advantages of boarding schools in England

The best British boarding schools are not just schools: they are entire campuses with their own infrastructure, rules, history and way of life. This is a place where students grow into harmonious, well-rounded and educated individuals, become citizens of the world, and prepare to build a career and achieve high personal goals.

Boarding schools in England pay close attention not only to the academic program: development in the sports, creative, and social spheres here keeps pace with basic education. There are many electives, sections, clubs and communities of interest on campus; sports are always included in the curriculum of junior, middle and senior classes; interesting lectures, master classes and other educational and exciting events are held.

UK boarding school is an excellent choice for those who are sending their child to study abroad for the first time. The campus territory is always carefully guarded around the clock; students are prohibited from leaving it without permission and accompaniment of the teacher and teachers: this creates a safe, comfortable, cozy environment for living, learning and development. Educators and teachers usually live with students in campus residences: this way they can be responsible for the safety of their students around the clock, monitor cleanliness, order and discipline, and quickly come to the rescue to resolve any issues. Teachers also monitor adherence to the daily routine: it helps students not to overexert themselves, to keep up with their studies and extracurricular activities, and sets aside mandatory time for rest.

Equipment for British boarding schools

Separately, it is worth noting the excellent material and technical base of British boarding schools, especially private ones, which invest huge amounts of money in equipment and facilities. Children study in cozy, bright classrooms with modern interactive and computer technology, attend large libraries with paper and electronic sources, prepare homework on the latest PCs, conduct research in functional practical laboratories. From an early age, children learn to search for information among a variety of sources, work with electronic and multimedia tools: all this subsequently facilitates their studies at university and work in their specialty.

Cost of tuition at a private boarding school in the UK

The price paid by students of private British boarding houses can be different: it depends on the rating and prestige of the institution, its popularity and eliteness, location and historical significance. You can expect an amount from 30 to 47 thousand pounds sterling per academic year: this is full board tuition and accommodation, free use of the entire campus infrastructure, additional elective classes, clubs and sections.

There are more budget options, for example, with a cost of 17,500-19,000 pounds sterling per academic year, these are good, ranked schools with high graduate results. For each of our students we select optimal options individually, listening to all your requirements and wishes and adequately assessing the possibilities.

Another important criterion School grades in England are “value added”: an indicator reflecting how much a student’s actual academic progress during his time at school exceeded what was expected (this data is published in the reports of independent inspections OFSTED, etc.). However, some schools that recruit the most gifted and capable children upon admission find it very difficult to achieve “added value” due to the initially high bar for students. Therefore, “selective” schools do not always show high results, value added, even despite good work.

And finally, the most important thing is how suitable the chosen school is for your child. Each private school in the UK has its own personality and character. The school atmosphere consists of many components, not least determined by the director and teachers. It is advisable to visit several pre-selected schools, visiting all the main buildings and noting all the pros and cons. Look at how children behave, how they communicate with teachers and among themselves. If this is a boarding house, be sure to meet the head of the boarding house. Choose a school with your heart; your child should feel comfortable there. And don't forget to request Additional information from educational consultants who, by virtue of their duty and experience, know much more about the school than can be read in brochures and on the Internet.

Details about choosing a private school in the UK are in the sections “Secondary education”, “Publications”, “Ratings”, “Questions and answers”. This directory presents only a few of the British schools. Their choice is determined by the preferences of parents and employees of the Albion company; this is a kind of subjective list of the best schools in England, based on a set of parameters important for parents and their children. The list was formed, as they say, historically, and consists of those educational institutions where Albion students entered and studied over the twenty-odd years of our activity (see brief information about Albion students)

How to enroll in your chosen school

Private schools in England, occupying the first two hundred lines of national rankings, with all their differences and features, are deservedly among the best in the world in such parameters as: teaching staff (graduates of the most prestigious universities, including Oxford and Cambridge), graduation results exams, infrastructure (equipping of classrooms, scientific and applied centers, theater and music studios, sports grounds and halls, dormitories and creative workshops), a variety of extracurricular activities included in basic school training.

Obviously, the higher the school’s performance, the greater the chances of its graduates to enter a prestigious university, the more valuable their further education and diploma. But getting into such a school is more difficult. Distinctive feature elite schools in England - selectivity. They select students through entrance exams and interviews. Both the schools themselves and the children benefit from this. In practice, selectivity means that in a class there are students of approximately the same level, and therefore they master educational material faster and deeper, achieving best results and getting into the best universities.

You need to prepare for studying at an English school. Even the most brilliant Russian students often find it difficult to write an entrance test due to the fact that they did not cover certain topics at their school. Our experience shows that it is possible to enroll in even the best private boarding schools in the UK, but due to the difference in the curricula of Russian and British schools, it takes approximately 4 months to bridge this gap. And the entire process of admission to the best schools in the UK, from selection to actual admission, will take even longer. The standard procedure for admitting foreign students involves passing exams 10-11 months before the start of the school year. Some elite schools, due to the growing number of applications, begin the admission procedure 18-36 months in advance, and make the selection process in two stages.

The list, number and complexity of entrance exams are determined by the school itself and vary greatly. To enter a British junior private school (up to age 13), children usually take English, mathematics and non-verbal logic, but quite a few good schools it does without serious entrance exams at all when admitting foreign students. Traditional entrance tests for 9-10 years of study (14-15 years old) are English, mathematics and an interview. Some schools, for example, Charterhouse, add science and make the math test moderately difficult. Others, like Mill Hill School, on the contrary, complicate both Science and mathematics. One way or another, without additional classes with a teacher in specialized subjects, entering one of the best private schools in England today is very problematic. Although pre-exam preparation increases the applicant’s annual budget for studying in England by 6-10%, it guarantees that the student will be prepared for new conditions, adapt to them faster and be able to study successfully. This means that investments in his education will be justified.