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» Sagittarius family horoscope for the year

Sagittarius family horoscope for the year

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

The Sagittarius sign will be one of the luckiest in 2017. Sagittarius will be lucky in all areas of life, but they will have to focus on social contacts: establishing relationships with relatives and old acquaintances, making new friends and balancing the climate in the work team. The family will become the focus of Sagittarius - they will feel a surge of warm feelings and the need to provide care and attention to those closest to them. For those Sagittarius who have not yet found a life partner, it’s time to leave their usual indecisiveness and go in search of their other half - the year of the Fire Rooster will bring them only pleasant and lasting acquaintances.

2017 is the best year for Sagittarius to travel. This applies to both long vacations in distant countries and trips out of town for the weekend. Go to cultural events more often: festivals, exhibitions, open lectures. It will broaden your horizons, give you food for thought and introduce you to new people. Sagittarius may find it uncomfortable to leave their already warmed comfort zone and expand the circle of people with whom this representative of the sign has long been familiar. However, having overcome some unsociability, Sagittarius will feel satisfaction and personal growth. Such acquaintances can be useful both for the business sphere and develop into a strong friendly company.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will also be favorable for career growth. Sagittarius will receive tempting offers regarding a change of job or additional income, but due to indecision they may miss these offers. Don’t chase dubious successes: think carefully about everything, avoid potentially illegal sources of income. However, if the offer comes to you from reliable sources, then agree and do not deviate from decision taken. This is your chance to realize your potential - do not ignore the advice of astrologers to be courageous and take advantage of it.

Financial stability will allow Sagittarius to strengthen and expand their family unit by the end of 2017: if you have long wanted to purchase real estate, now is the time to do it. If you don’t have a need for this, consider upgrading your furniture or renovating it, or set aside money for relaxation and wellness. This year, frequent travel will work to your advantage, and medical services may be needed during the winter exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Money and career

In the field of finance, 2017 will be prosperous for Sagittarius. At work, everything will also generally turn out well, but the danger lies in the intrigues of colleagues and nervous overstrain. It’s not easy to deal with the first one - perhaps one of your envious people will play on your straightforwardness and will deliberately provoke you.

The Sagittarius sign is prone to openly expressing irritation and anger, which can make them look bad at its best in front of the authorities. Try to treat the troubles happening around you philosophically: your priority is quality work done, and not self-affirmation through conflicts.

With nervous overstrain, things are somewhat more complicated. The Oracle warns Sagittarius that additional work responsibilities may fall on this zodiac sign. To be prepared for this, pay special attention to planning your day: distribute the volume evenly upcoming work and, if possible, arrange for yourself a variety of leisure activities. Rest is not only sleeping and watching TV, although you can afford that sometimes. Take long walks or cultural leisure activities for yourself: then you can return to your duties refreshed and inspired to work.

In addition to the lurking dangers, there are also positive aspects. If you run your own business, then in 2017 there are high chances that it will finally be fairly valued and will bring Sagittarius a sufficient amount of money. This applies to ordinary employees equally: in the year of the Fire Rooster, those projects that have been dragging their tail behind you will finally find a worthy use. The astrologer's predictions for this zodiac sign are extremely encouraging: by reading the horoscope for 2017, Sagittarius can stop worrying about financial problems and pay attention to self-development and your loved ones.

Family and romantic relationships

As already mentioned, family will be the main cause of concern for Sagittarius in 2017. This is especially true for those representatives of the sign who have acquired their own life partner and children. Astrologers' predictions warn of possible problems from relatives of Sagittarius, so do not be surprised by their whims and scandals “out of nowhere.” Instead of responding aggressively to such attacks, sit down and talk frankly with your loved ones. Perhaps you have not noticed their difficulties for a long time and therefore seemed callous, so do not refuse to help them now.

For those Sagittarius who have not yet tied the knot or a serious relationship, a kaleidoscope of whirlwind romances will begin. The second half of 2017 promises to be especially rich in romantic adventures. Most likely it will be summer and autumn, when Sagittarius will go on a trip and start a holiday romance. Do not deny yourself the expression of feelings: such relationships will leave you with warm memories for a long time.

By the way, for those Sagittarius who are already in a relationship, it is also useful to take their other half to warm countries. This will strengthen your relationship and give you new unforgettable emotions. Even the longest journey will not seem tiring to you, and all the problems you encounter will be so ridiculous that they will remain in your memories only as a reason for a joke.

Sagittarius men, fed up with short-lived summer romances, can meet their true love. Your relationship may not last until death, but the person you meet will definitely stay with you for a long time. Long-term relationships will arise due to high compatibility: you will not annoy each other and will be able to more fully realize yourself as individuals. In turn, Sagittarius women in 2017 may be in danger of falling into the clutches of swindlers. The first ten days of spring are especially dangerous in this regard. However, you shouldn’t be too careful, because endless suspicions can cause you to miss the love of your life.

Rest and health

As mentioned above, the Oracle recommends Sagittarius to have a dynamic rest: traveling and walking. This zodiac sign needs a similar organization of pastime - without movement and change of views, Sagittarius slowly withers away. In addition, the Sagittarius sign is prone to vascular and heart diseases, so walks and light jogging will be good help for good health.

Sagittarius men need to pay close attention to their habits. Count the number of cigarettes you smoke and alcohol you drink in a week and take these numbers seriously. A frivolous attitude towards your own weaknesses is guaranteed to land you in a hospital bed, so free yourself from bad habits now, without waiting for frightening diagnoses.

Sagittarius women can go to the other extreme: strict diets, exhausting workouts, and the most dangerous thing - replacement drug treatment"non-traditional" means. Know the limits in your health concerns: the load should be adequate to your physical condition. And miracle doctors with a whole arsenal of magic pills or herbs can only convince you of the effectiveness of treatment, but not contribute to it. Approach the methods of unofficial medicine skeptically, otherwise you will miss a serious complication of the disease.


Sagittarius is practically the luckiest zodiac sign in 2017. For its representatives, no difficulties are expected either in finances or in relationships with people. All that the year of the Fire Rooster requires from Sagittarius is the desire for self-development and attention to their loved ones. Sagittarius should perceive the horoscope for 2017 as an impetus for active work - take a break from routine and immediate responsibilities and get down to those things that you have long wanted to do, but did not find time for. The same applies to purchases: if you have been hesitant to spend a large amount of money for a long time, now is the time to do it.

However, there are a few things that Sagittarius should avoid in 2017. First of all, this is dishonest business, promiscuous relationships and wasting money on trinkets. Some Sagittarians may take this lightly as a way to “relax,” but think about how your weaknesses will affect you later. Casual relationships can harm your moral character, and manic shopping will result in remorse and remorse.

Choose a more useful way to forget about the routine: sports, friendly communication and new experiences. In addition, the Fire Rooster favors those determined representatives of the sign who will find the strength to abandon the old bad habits and dubious acquaintances. Thus, Sagittarius has the power to make 2017 the most fruitful year in their lives, or to let everything take its course.

Date of birth: from 11/23 to 12/21

Women's zodiac horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

Horoscope 2017 Sagittarius, woman

Horoscope 2017 Sagittarius woman

If the previous year was not very successful for Sagittarius ladies, then 2017 will provide them with bright prospects. The path to wealth, universal recognition and love will be open. The main thing is to choose the right path!


Astrologers tend to believe that Sagittarians do not know how to devote themselves completely to work. Of course, because they, besides professional activity, there are so many interesting things! This is a loved one, friends, and an exciting hobby. But in the year of the Rooster everything will change. Work will become your second hobby. This will greatly increase your chances of success. Your authority in the team will increase, and your superiors will notice your zeal and focus on results.


The family idyll in the year of the Rooster can only be disrupted by you going to extremes. Your spouse and children will try to please you in everything. However, you will still sometimes be unhappy with their behavior. Understand that no one is perfect, including you. Don't find fault with your family over trifles. Understanding and patience are the key to a favorable atmosphere in your family nest.


Sagittarius women who cannot find a worthy candidate for the role of a spouse will continue their search in 2017. Astrologers explain this by saying that you place excessive demands on men. You need to change something in yourself and your attitude towards others. Reconsider your moral values, listen to the advice of people you trust. Perhaps after this everything will resolve itself, you will be able to find the ideal man for you and establish a strong relationship with him.


Thanks to the fact that in 2017 you will be active at work, your financial situation will begin to improve and your business successes will multiply. However, some unpleasant surprises may still occur. This is due to competitors who will want to appropriate your work for themselves. The stars do not recommend losing heart. We need to move forward! As for enemies, they can be easily neutralized by making their nefarious intentions public.


Women of this sign are energetic and passionate natures. Nature has endowed them with good health and creative thinking. However, these ladies, carried away by creativity or work, may not notice that their body has malfunctioned. This is especially true for the nervous system. Stress and any worries are taboo for Sagittarius. If you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor.

Zodiac horoscope for women for 2017

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In February, many Sagittarius can plan important meetings and negotiations - you can easily persuade the most distrustful partner and he will sign any contract that you slip him.

Also read: Horoscope for 2018 Sagittarius

Eloquence will also help in personal relationships - Sagittarius will conquer their fans with their wit, and suitors will lie at your feet not only from admiration, but also from laughter.

Spring will be remembered by Sagittarius for many interesting meetings. Success and recognition await you in any field, it all depends on your mood. Awards and honors will pour in from all sides, you will easily win the title the best teacher, or the most honest politician in the city.

But don’t think that all your victories are just the merit of the owner of 2017 - Cockerel just made sure that you were visible.
In April, Jupiter's wards can count on the favor of their superiors. Just convince your favorite guide The point is that cash incentives are preferable to you, and let the boss hang all kinds of certificates and medals in his office.
Single Sagittarius will have many romantic dates in mid-spring, but be afraid of Cupid - your free life is under threat, because Cockerel and his future chosen one have hatched a plan to lure you to the registry office.

In May, Sagittarius will need a lot of space; sitting in a stuffy city will be boring and cramped for you. Go on vacation, preferably away from home, somewhere in the mountains - Everest or Belukha in Altai are waiting, they can’t wait for you to conquer them.
In the summer, it’s a good idea to stretch yourself and start implementing long-standing plans. The business will go uphill, and Sagittarius just needs to gather a reliable company around them, friends will happily and enthusiastically work as posters, and your chosen one will gladly take on the role of financial director.

At the end of summer it is useful to relax more often; who said that vacation is only allowed once a year?! This time, cozy evenings await you at the dacha with a barbecue and fishing rods - it’s time to catch a goldfish.

Personal life in August will be like a fairy tale, and to prevent an evil sorcerer or an insidious wizard from appearing in your story, try to be more tolerant of your household. Pay more attention to distant relatives - even if relatives seem provincial and narrow-minded to you, try to be more delicate. It may turn out that your aunt, a milkmaid from Buryatia, plays the piano brilliantly, and your uncouth nephew from Chelyabinsk writes stories at night and has already outdone Dostoevsky.

In the fall, Sagittarius will want luxurious life- The cockerel will help you with this if you promise to shelter him and give the bird the most comfortable room. Housing conditions will allow you to receive crowds of guests; you will accommodate not only the Rooster, but also all other creatures from Chinese astrology. The financial situation will be great, so Sagittarius can build themselves at least a five-story mansion if they want.

Household members will happily take on the task of improving their new home, just try to hang beacons on everyone so that your relatives don’t get lost, because you won’t have time to do the repairs yourself - official issues will distract you from the hustle and bustle of your home.
Your boss will want to retire in mid-November, and since you can’t find a better candidate in the whole world, today you can slowly arrange your office to suit your taste - start with a safer safe.

December 2017 will be calm for Sagittarius. You don’t have to look for gifts for your household - your well-trained subordinates have already bought everything a long time ago and are just waiting for your order to present surprises. Don’t forget to thank the Fire Rooster for everything he has done for you - personally put a bag of delicious millet under his Christmas tree.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

The Cockerel likes your desire for a free and independent life, but try sometimes to think about those whose hearts you have already broken - maybe you need to be more careful with the feelings of fans?

Your impetuosity and sensuality will help charm anyone, so if your plans do not include a serious relationship, try to be more restrained. Do not make promises to your boyfriends - it is better to immediately explain that you are not averse to having fun without obligations, and enjoy life with your current chosen one, without thinking about the future.

You know better than others how to keep your partner close to you, and in the year of the Rooster, your seductive abilities will increase several times. Being a Casanova is not bad, but think about it - why do you personally need this? In addition, Cupid is tired of flying from one chosen one to another, and in 2017 he can make you fall in love once and for all.

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12). In the year of the Rooster, you will become unusually romantic and sentimental. The Rooster can help you in your search perfect love, but first convince the owner of the year that you are ready to become better. Start with yourself: lifestyle, social circle - it’s high time to change everything. And then the meeting with your long-awaited soul mate is just around the corner.

Business horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Sagittarius and Money are synonyms. You are inseparable and capital will pursue you, even if you decide to hide from them at the ends of the world.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12). The Rooster likes you and he will not leave you idle. In the desert, or in the ice, a crafty businessman will definitely jump out from somewhere towards Sagittarius and offer you a lucrative deal. Lawyers will also always be nearby, so buy more pens to always be able to sign a contract.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12). Check how many real friends you actually have - tell everyone you're broke. Half of your friends will definitely disappear, but don’t worry, because the number is not the main thing in this matter. In addition, the remaining comrades will help you more than once difficult situation, and in the year of the Rooster you can safely take them as your partners for a new enterprise.

Don't wait for others to decide for you what you want to do. Remember what you dreamed of a couple of years ago, and go ahead - make your desires come true, the more faithful the Cockerel will be on guard. You will become an excellent specialist in your field; Sagittarians will make excellent bar or store managers. And if you choose a creative field, you will have no equal, certainly in your city.

Family horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, you will easily find mutual understanding with all household members. Take on the bulk homework- in fact, all these troubles are not so difficult, and sometimes even pleasant.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12). Try yourself as the head of a family - you will easily cope with this task. The Cockerel will tell Sagittarius how to behave during family squabbles, of which there will not be so many in 2017. Win your partner's relatives over to your side - you will get along with them even better than with your blood relatives.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12). You will perform well in everything related to home improvement. You can add a couple of rooms, or try yourself as a designer - imagination plus finances and you can handle any task. If Sagittarius has a couple of extra acres at their dacha, then you will be able to turn around - the household will watch with affection and delight your attempts to build alpine slide, or grow new variety grapes

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12). In the Year of the Rooster, it is useful to deviate from strict rules and start pampering your household. It is advisable to give children more personal freedom, and older relatives will enjoy all the little things - holidays for no reason and gifts on ordinary days. Don’t forget about yourself either - your relatives won’t scold you if you show up drunk a couple of times a year in the company of your best friends.

Health horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, you may be overtired, so listen to the advice of the stars and try to rest more often. Prefer leisure, get the bike out of the balcony already, and it’s time to replace the ancient fishing rods.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12). Diets and other restrictions are not for you - you are already in excellent shape and not a single extra calorie will become attached to you. Keep up the good work - don't shy away from physical education, but in the year of the Rooster you can sometimes relax. You won't gain fat if one day you just want to lie on the couch.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12). Learn to relax, as insomnia may often visit you in the year of the Rooster. The cockerel has already written down a couple of recipes for soothing tea for you, but your household will introduce you to meditation and yoga. Why do you think your grandma is so cheerful and energetic?! - go unexpectedly into her room, just don’t faint when you see your grandmother standing on her head or doing the splits.

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12). Fresh air- Here best friend Sagittarius of the third decade for 2017. It doesn’t matter what’s outside the window - a rockfall, an avalanche or a flood, if you have a walk planned, then be kind enough to go outside. Water treatments won't hurt either - a river, a swimming pool, everything is at your discretion. Don’t forget about your relatives - your household members have already purchased bathing caps a long time ago and are looking forward to your invitation.

Children's horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, you will become ideal parents for your children, but try not to limit their freedom. Little fidgety Sagittarius wants to explore this world on their own, so worry in moderation.

Sagittarius children of the 1st decade (11/23-12/1). Your restless little ones will strive for independence in the year of the Rooster. Don’t be surprised if you go out to the store, and when you return, you find a whole crowd of noisy tomboys in your baby’s room - the baby just wanted company. Entertain the fidget puppet theaters, organize holidays - it is important that the baby plays the main role.

Sagittarius children 2 decades (2.12-12.12). Pranksters Sagittarius will not tolerate loneliness even for one minute. Therefore, be prepared to take little Sagittarius and visit important friends, and for serious business meeting. Don't worry - your baby knows perfectly well how to behave in society. And his judgment on this or that issue will touch the most strict boss, so you have a lot to learn from your mischief-maker.

Playful Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12). The nimble and fussy children of Sagittarius will not give you peace for 3 decades in the year of the Rooster. You can hire at least a dozen nannies for your fidget - he will wear them all out. Quiet activities are not for your child in 2017: running, climbing trees, swimming - this is where Sagittarius will be in his element. So be patient and try to keep yourself in shape - you will have to catch your imp often.

Horoscope for Sagittarius 2017 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Rat

Luck will knock on the door of your hole on the first day of the Rooster's reign. But this does not mean that you need to forget about attentiveness - act carefully and carefully, especially when choosing business partners. The cockerel, of course, will carry out the selection, but it is better to be safe. Caution will not hurt in your personal life - trust your intuition, and no one will decide to play with you not by the rules, because you will see right through people.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Ox

When celebrating the Year of the Rooster, don’t forget to write a wish on a piece of paper, maybe even several - it costs the Rooster nothing to make all your dreams come true. In 2017, all that will be required of you is hard work and perseverance, and everything else will follow. You can forget about financial difficulties - they simply won’t exist, but all sorts of winnings and other pleasures will increase for you.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Tiger

A menacing appearance and arrows in his hands - this, of course, is not a sight for the faint of heart. But you won’t need methods to intimidate your opponents - the enemies fled as soon as they saw the sharp beak of the Rooster. So you can curl up comfortably in the sun and just enjoy life, occasionally taking care of business over the phone. True, you yourself will soon get tired of idleness, and you will rush to the office, where a surprise awaits you - the red carpet and the orchestra have long been ready, and are waiting for your arrival.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Cat (Rabbit)

In the year of the Rooster, you can always catch a mouse, and, if necessary, switch to grass. The ability to adapt to any circumstances will help the Cats achieve an important goal this year - career growth is guaranteed. Prestige and high status can turn your head, so accept honors calmly and do not trust the flattering speeches of some colleagues - time will tell who is worth what.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Dragon

Your priceless and brilliant ideas Finally, they will be heard - management will believe in your professionalism and irreplaceability. So the Dragons can prepare for a new position with a luxurious salary. Personal life in the year of the Rooster will be rich in changes - bachelors can have bachelor parties and say goodbye to a fun and carefree life, and family Dragons can expect a new addition to the family.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Snake

The Cockerel persuaded all his acquaintances and influential friends, and they are ready to make you lucrative offers. Prepare a business plan and hurry to the bank - they have drawn up the necessary papers and are just waiting for your signature. Higher-ranking people have already made inquiries about Sagittarius-Snakes and were satisfied, and even if they meet you in person, they definitely won’t be able to resist your charm. So in 2017, Snakes only need to practice and remember math - you will be counting money all the time.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Horse

All the stars and planets bet on you in the year of the Rooster - after all, Horses will be winners in any area of ​​life. Lubricate your horseshoes and hurry - a laurel wreath and odes from admirers of your talents await you. Don't forget about your personal life - your household is sympathetic to your professional successes, but they also need your attention. Try to spend weekends and vacations with your beloved family - business partners will not break the contract in anger if suddenly you are unavailable for a couple of days.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Goat (Sheep)

Be prepared for constant surprises - the Cockerel just really likes you, and he will want to make you happy. The financial situation will be good, but it is undesirable to waste money often, although a couple of times a month it is not forbidden to feel like Rockefeller. Surrounded by lonely Goats, a secret admirer may appear, so do not be surprised by confessions online, or romantic inscriptions on the asphalt.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Monkey

In the year of the Rooster, you will be the soul of society and will be able to conquer both co-workers and business partners. Your sense of humor will be at its best, but when communicating with influential and important people It is advisable to restrain your wit, it is better to write down your jokes in a notebook - then share it on Comedy. Monkeys will find their happiness in love - relationships with your soulmate in 2017 will be wonderful, and you will learn to understand each other perfectly.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Rooster

The owner of 2017 will patronize you, so be prepared for all sorts of pleasant surprises. Money will fall into the beak without much difficulty, but you will have to look for profitable deals on your own. Everyone around you will be at the mercy of your charm, but try not to overdo it - charm only those you like. This is especially true for issues of personal relationships - after all, you don’t need fans you can’t stand?

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Dog

The cockerel has already looked at a new booth for you, and found a more interesting position, so hurry up to meet the owner of 2017. Your sense of duty and responsibility in 2017 will help you achieve success in business - the entire business world is just waiting for your call, because you will probably never find such honest and incorruptible companions as Sagittarius-Dogs. You won’t have to growl and show your teeth in the year of the Rooster - there will be positive and positive people in your environment. good people, so you can safely wag your tail and enjoy life.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Pig (Boar).

Take advantage of the chances that the Rooster will throw at you - there will be many opportunities to realize what you want. In 2017, it is advisable to go out into society more often - your good manners will drive many socialites crazy, and you will acquire useful connections. In the year of the Rooster, Sagittarius-Pigs can even believe in Santa Claus - miracles will happen often. But this is just the humble owner of the year pampering you with his surprises.

Horoscope for each month of 2017 for Sagittarius


Rating 5

Today, there is virtually no doubt that the stars have a huge influence on the life of every person. Astrologers from all over the world and former participants in the popular television project “Psychics Are Investigating on TNT” have compiled a forecast for people born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Read on to see what the horoscope promises for Sagittarius for 2017, the year of the Red Rooster. 1 ..

Summary 5.0 excellent

Today, there is virtually no doubt that the stars have a huge influence on the life of every person. Astrologers around the world and former participants in the popular television project "" made up forecast for people born under Read further what the horoscope promises for Sagittarius for 2017, the year of the Red Rooster.

General horoscope for Sagittarius in 2017

Many of the psychics who previously took part in the popular television project “,” argue that despite the fact that astrologers suggest using general horoscopes for 2017, personal ones should also be drawn up horoscopes, which will include a specific date of birth and other aspects that influence the life and destiny of a person. Astrological forecasts of a general nature can only give general information, no more.

However, for some specific individuals this horoscope will be as clear as possible. We read, listen and try not to make mistakes in the new 2017.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius expect a maximum of bright events. Everyone who belongs to this sign will want to prove themselves in literally everything. You will want to show what exactly Sagittarius is capable of, and a burning desire for self-affirmation will appear. Since the Sun will be located in the constellation Capricorn, this will direct Sagittarius to work. They will build their career, step by step, step by step. Also, a considerable number of representatives of this sign will try to invest their savings in real estate. This is how they will try to satisfy all their ambitions, growing throughout 2017.

During the year of the Fire Rooster, Sagittarius will devote a large amount of time to his own appearance and physical condition. He also spends a lot of time on healing the body. Playing sports will become almost a fixed idea for them. Sagittarius will strive for the ideal; in order to get their figure in order, they may even use special medications. Just don't get too carried away with them. Against the background of all of the above, we can state the fact that Sagittarius’ self-esteem will grow every day. They will desire power. They will want to feel like they are in control of the situation. Moreover, this desire extends to almost all areas of a person’s life: , , career and financial situation.

Attention! There is a high probability that many of the representatives of this zodiac sign will even begin to show authoritarianism and some kind of despotism in relation to loved ones. This will be especially evident at work.

Astrologers believe that those Sagittarians in whose individual horoscopes Jupiter and the Sun are in a weakened state or are affected will need to moderate their ardor.

It should also be noted that the vitality of those born under this star will significantly increase. The authority of the zodiac sign will also noticeably increase for others. Close relatives and friends will especially show respect for him.

Regarding the business issue, many of the Sagittarians this year will show their maximum:

  • excerpts;
  • persistence;
  • determination.

Just don't go too far. There must be moderation in everything. Otherwise, there is a huge probability that Pluto, stuck in the constellation Capricorn, ruled by the harsh Saturn, will unleash destructive force on them.

Money, work and career for Sagittarius in 2017

Regarding the issue of work in 2017, the stars promise people born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius many meetings, contacts and business trips. Traveling around the country cannot be avoided. There is even a high probability that you will have to go on business trips far abroad more than once.

Regarding the increase wages in 2017, then it should be known to those Sagittarius who are busy working in the following areas:

  • futurology;
  • innovative technologies;
  • programming and website building.

Also, work will be very successful for those representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius who are engaged in work in the state secret service, work in special services or in secret industries.

But despite the fact that Sagittarius’s ambitions will grow with the growth of earnings, it will still not be possible to achieve any great heights in their career, no matter how hard Sagittarius tries.

The most successful representatives of the zodiac Sagittarius will be those workers who hold modest positions in 2017. It will also be “good” for those who do work related to minor repairs:

  • tailors and cutters;
  • watchmakers;
  • as well as specialists who repair miniature equipment.

Promotions are still waiting for those who analyze information and systematize data. This especially applies to those involved in accounting, research scientific work, statistics and archives.

Despite the fact that people born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius will be very illogical, and even critical of their own colleagues, and will often even allow themselves to shout and raise their voices towards the employees of the company they work for; All this will not have much impact on relationships with colleagues, the atmosphere in the team will remain stable and normal.

Attention! In particular, the above point will apply to those representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius who occupy a leadership position.

There is also a high percentage of chances that some Sagittarians will want to return to their old place of work. In particular, this applies to those who previously worked for state-owned companies and medical institutions.

If we talk about everything else, then the horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius does not promise anything supernatural.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius in 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster brings sensual romantic relationships and sweet, tender love for the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. These meetings will bring both Sagittarius and their beloved millions of hours of pleasure. Sagittarius will be drawn as if by a magnet to that one and only beloved. He will pamper the lady with luxurious gifts and expensive jewelry.

At work, Sagittarius may have...

As for Sagittarius women, they will try to please their beloved man as much as possible with culinary delights.

Sex! Regarding intimacy, we can say that Sagittarius will have a lot of joy and happiness in this regard. He will be happy to try new and previously unknown things.

This year, Sagittarius man's interests in the opposite sex will not be limited to just Internet communication or romantic walks under the starry sky.

In the event that one of the most charming signs has not yet met his soulmate, the year 2017 will present it to him on a silver platter. In the year of the Red Rooster, acquaintance with the opposite sex will be like a storm at sea, as if thunder had broken out of a clear sky. Love will be like a lightning strike.

A completely unfamiliar, unusual girl, or a girlfriend, whom he will look at with completely new eyes, can become Sagittarius’s lover. She will open up to him as something new, tender and feminine... everything that he had not previously noticed in a beautiful and cheerful girl.

Modern astrologers and representatives of the popular television project “” claim that in 2017 Sagittarius will have an incredible number of chances to meet, the main thing is not to miss them.

Meeting your future crush can happen anywhere:

  • and on a short-term business trip;
  • and in your own entrance on the staircase;
  • and even on public transport.

Also, no matter how trivial it may sound, true love Sagittarians can be found simply going to the grocery store to buy bread. Maybe some will find a soul mate directly on .

Attention! The emergence of conflicts with family and friends is possible only on the basis of jealousy on the part of Sagittarius. But in most cases, such quarrels will all end in sweet and tender reconciliations.

Family and relationships of Sagittarius in 2017

They are also clairvoyant and confident that representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius will have many problems with children. Frequent arguments may arise and relationships may become tougher. The child will most likely separate from his parents and leave the “family nest.” Adult children who have reached the age of eighteen will strive to move to separate housing, to another city or country.

Attention! In addition to visiting the wedding palace, Sagittarius will also encounter a completely new phenomenon, previously unknown to them. It's about about the birth of a small miracle.

The second half of the year will be marked by progress in career ladder. And get a good place maybe not Sagittarius. The likelihood that his marriage partner will take a higher paid position is very high. Why? Because the energy of the zodiac Sagittarius will make him move forward, quickly and purposefully, without stopping to think.

Health status of Sagittarius in 2017

One of the winners of the project is confident that the stars can tell not only about careers and romantic encounters to upcoming people born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius in 2017. He is confident that if you have a star chart and an experienced astrologer in your hands, you can even make decisions regarding your psychological and physical health. All that remains is to read what is in store for Sagittarius.

Throughout 2017, Sagittarius' health does not foretell anything bad. It will be as stable as possible. We are confident that pathogenic microbes and viruses will not penetrate the protective energy system of the zodiac Sagittarius. It is for this reason that Sagittarians are not afraid of illness in 2017.

We should not forget that all diseases come from nerves and excessive fatigue. So you should not overtax your body. Many problems with the cardiovascular system can arise. For example, representatives zodiac sign Sagittarius may be seriously affected by arrhythmia or increased heart rate. There may still be many problems with nervous system. Long-term depression and short-term nervous breakdowns are possible. Ending up in the hospital can happen due to the carelessness of Sagittarius.

Advice from the Red Rooster: the ruler of 2017 wishes Sagittarius fewer illnesses due to nervousness. To avoid this, you can take a sedative for a while or avoid communicating with unpleasant people. It is also worth avoiding late walks under the Moon, as such short trips can lead to meeting street hooligans.

As for interaction with psychics and clairvoyants, it is recommended to carefully choose your assistant. You must try to refuse communication with warlocks and stay away from dark magicians and necromancers.

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The Fire Rooster will be filled with tenderness and romance for Sagittarius. In this regard, work issues and other everyday problems will fade into the background. Creation home comfort, interesting interior can be so captivating that some Sagittarius will even think about changing their profession or getting a special education.

2017 is an excellent period for learning and developing personal skills. Developing talents, pursuing goals, and working as a team are relevant throughout the year.

The horoscope indicates a large number of opportunities for positive changes in life. The trips will be successful. Moreover, even business trips will be enjoyable and easy to endure. The attention of the opposite sex can be pursued everywhere, which, of course, flatters the representatives of this zodiac sign.

The Year of the Rooster sees a surge in marriage proposals for single Sagittarius.

In the second half of the year, there may be a slight deterioration in your financial or career situation. These temporary phenomena will pass quickly, so you should continue to act as planned. Stars do not advise getting involved in other people's squabbles, wanting to act as an arbitrator. IN similar situation there is a risk of being extreme.

In the year of the Rooster, you should not miss the opportunity to acquire useful connections. At first, it may seem that such acquaintances only take up time. In fact, by the end of the year such new friends may receive tempting offer. The stars even indicate long-distance travel.

Sagittarius love horoscope

The desire to love and be loved will become very acute and will be noted by others. Speaking, listening, telling are important skills for those who strive to harmonious relationships. Moreover, this applies to communication with your partner and children. However, simple-minded and open-minded Sagittarius would benefit from a balanced approach to everything they say. An awkwardly spoken word or an incorrectly chosen phrase can become a cause for conflict.

Making acquaintances will be easier than usual. But you shouldn’t abuse them, especially for those who have family status. In pursuit of the desire to please the opposite sex, representatives of this sign are even capable of striving for external transformations. Just don’t take out loans to surprise your partner with an unusual surprise. Although thoughts about giving your other half a trip to Cote d'Azur, will visit many Sagittarius people.

The love horoscope guarantees that in the spring even lonely representatives of this zodiac constellation will find their happiness. You will want to endlessly dissolve in it, but you need to control yourself. The fact is that in the fall a lot of attention will have to be paid to the older generation of the family, so you will need to quickly mobilize.

If suddenly someone from a turbulent past decides to return to the life of friendly Sagittarius, this attempt should be stopped. They don't step into the same river twice. In addition, it may interfere with the development of existing connections.

Money horoscope for the year of the Rooster

Money has never been the main goal in the life of these Sagittarians. Therefore, accumulated funds are easily spent for the benefit of other people or for the soul. The year of the fiery Rooster is no exception. It is very important that the purchase is associated with positive emotions. And under no circumstances should you resort to borrowing.

In the last quarter of the year, you cannot agree to investment proposals or participation in financial projects.

Cash flow can go to those who invest in their own development in the first half of 2017. This will be associated either with obtaining a new position, or with the receipt of interesting orders. Particular success will be achieved by those who are involved in manual labor or work in the field of cosmetology and hairdressing services.

Everything will be smooth in relations with colleagues, because Sagittarius really likes to be friends with others. With the leadership, familiar relations will be unnecessary. During the spring period, management will be looking at candidates for the new position. Therefore, here it is worth showing your best qualities, and hide a small natural feeling of laziness away.

The horoscope describes the opportunities for receiving job offers abroad. You can calmly agree to them, because this will change better side and other areas of life. Sagittarius' work will be rewarded in the form of an additional bonus or salary increase.

Sagittarius Health in the Year of the Rooster

People born during this period often suffer from pulmonary diseases, which can worsen in the spring. If this is accompanied by the bad habit of smoking, then the most favorable time will come to get rid of it.

Those who can boast about their health should remember that the best remedy from diseases - prevention. That is why it is worth including regular workouts, exercises, and jogging in your schedule. Vitamin support should be organized in March-April. And by autumn you need to recharge solar energy. The worries that have piled up will quickly consume the resources received during the rest. Spa treatments or swimming in the pool will help you cope with stress. Even those who did not enjoy these types of leisure activities should consider them as an alternative to sedatives and pills.

For those involved in active sports, the stars recommend careful training and performances in June-July, as the risk of injury is high.

Sagittarius's health can also be strengthened by dietary nutrition. But vegetarianism will not be beneficial, because it will not compensate for energy costs.

Fans of strong alcoholic drinks in the autumn run the risk of encountering diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Even ulcers can make themselves known. If you have any doubts about this, then better in summer undergo a preventive examination. Naturally, you will have to give up alcohol.

Sagittarius woman and her year 2017

Despite the fact that the Year of the Rooster brings many opportunities for a woman of this sign, she will not take advantage of everything. Especially often refusals will be heard regarding new job, because Sagittarius ladies are not typical careerists. The stars ask you to carefully consider the proposals that will come in the spring. They carry a strong financial appeal.

During this same period, single women will be lucky to find a chance acquaintance, which will subsequently lead to an improvement in their financial situation. Perhaps this will be due to the patronage of a partner in personal relationships, perhaps with a different development of events.

These ladies definitely won’t need money. But constantly feeling that they lack warmth and romance can lead to unnecessary stress and melancholy. Instead of taking sedatives, the horoscope recommends turning your attention to creativity. If there are no discovered talents, it is even useful to observe the implementation of others artistic ideas. Galleries, art salons, and theaters can be excellent therapy.

Married women will pay more attention not to their spouse, but to their children. And this is not entirely true. In order to have harmony with your loved ones, you should create a new family tradition or go on a trip together. Even going to barbecue summer period can significantly strengthen family ties.

October will be full of emotional events. The sensitive Sagittarius woman must learn not to take everything “to heart” in order to maintain inner peace.

If a lady is employed in the field of IT technology or science, in November-December there is an opportunity to win a large grant or become a participant in a large project.

Horoscope for the year of the Rooster for a Sagittarius man

The most correct thing, according to the stars, is to learn new skills and knowledge or get an education abroad. Even internships abroad can change your living space by the month of July.

There will be less time for friendly gatherings or going to clubs. This will be a bit of a burden for Sagittarius, because communication is their main need. In fact, there is great benefit in this: the money saved on leisure time can be spent on summer vacations, and for family Sagittarius - on the needs of children.

Single Sagittarius should be more attentive to acquaintances that will occur outside the city of residence. Especially in March–April 2017. The horoscope indicates the possibility of getting a partner for a long time.

Those who already have a family should think about having children. The year is going very well in this regard. Joint holidays with grandchildren can also become useful tool strengthening family ties.

Flirting on the part of colleagues should be stopped immediately, because it will damage your reputation and can also affect the psychological well-being of your other half.

Those who own own business, must find a good deputy, because next year there will be rapid growth. A Sagittarius man will not be able to control all work processes alone. Throughout 2017, men of this sign will be accompanied by the feeling that this is a very calm and harmonious time. And this is a good sign.