Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Steps made of old brick on a slope. DIY concrete steps on a steep slope. Ideal stairs for home and porch. How to make a staircase from beams and planks

Steps made of old brick on a slope. DIY concrete steps on a steep slope. Ideal stairs for home and porch. How to make a staircase from beams and planks

For dachas, land unsuitable for cultivation is usually allocated Agriculture– steep slopes and steep banks of water bodies. In this regard, to develop the site, it is necessary to build on the slopes concrete stairs(concrete steps), allowing for construction on your own.

Where to start?

Before starting “earth” and “concrete” work, it is necessary to calculate the number of steps. In turn, in order to calculate the number of steps, it is necessary to determine the height of the slope using the following simple technology.

  • At the highest point of the slope, a small wooden or metal peg is driven in;
  • Below, at the base of the slope, a man stands with a long stick resting on the ground;
  • The peg and stick are connected with twine, which is pulled strictly horizontally. Horizontality is checked with a regular building level.

The distance from the ground to the place where the twine is attached to a long stick is the height of your slope - you can begin to calculate the number and size of steps. To make movement along the steps safe and comfortable, it is necessary to combine treads and under steps according to the attached table:

Tread width, mm Height under steps, mm
450 110
430 125-130
400 140
380 150
330 165-170

The number of steps is calculated as follows: divide the height of the slope in millimeters by the height of the steps in millimeters, and thus obtain the number of steps. If the calculation fails to obtain an integer number of steps, you will need to either increase the height of the slope or remove the soil at its base.

The width of the steps should be at least 300 mm, but it is better that the steps have a width of 600 mm (to allow two people to move).

Construction stages

Using pegs and string, mark the contours of the future flight of stairs. Next, using pegs and twine, the number of steps and the width of the treads are marked. Starting from the top step, we take out the soil and form the rough contours of the steps. On large flights of stairs (10 steps or more) it is recommended to fill concrete base. This is necessary to strengthen the lower riser and thus insure it from sliding and subsequent destruction.

To do this, a trench is opened under the first riser, which should be twice as wide as its width, 100 mm longer than the length of the step and 100 mm deeper. The trench is filled with crushed stone (broken brick, slag or other solid stone waste) and filled with concrete grade M200-M250. The base is leveled and left for two weeks to dry completely.

Next, the plank formwork is assembled at the prepared site. The formwork can be of two design options: for all shear steps or for each step separately. In the first option, the formwork design should exactly follow the contours of the future staircase. Using a hammer, the formwork is pushed slightly into the ground and the correct installation is checked.

Drainage is poured into the base of each step - a cushion of crushed stone, broken bricks or slag. In this case, the drains should not reach the formwork. To increase the strength of the steps, reinforcement with wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm is used. Concrete is prepared in the following proportion of components: 1 part M400 cement, three parts sifted sand, three parts crushed stone fraction 5-10 mm.

Pouring the structure with simultaneous operations: compaction by so-called “bayoneting” and leveling the surface until water appears on the surface of the filled steps and ironing. The formwork is dismantled 72 hours after pouring.

If the formwork option is used separately for each step, four boards are connected to each other (preferably with wood screws). The resulting “box” is installed on each step and, one by one, “from bottom to top”, each individual step is filled. Important! When pouring the structure, it is necessary to make a slight slope of the tread surface away from the slope to drain the water.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Often, a plot of land located in a country house or in close proximity to residential building, has a complex terrain. It is enough to make some efforts with a minimum cost of materials so that the result is a spectacular staircase in the garden - not only functional, but also capable of decorating any local area.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a staircase in the garden with your own hands

1. Initially, you should mark a place on the site for the future garden staircase, for which you can use wooden pegs up to 0.5 m long and twine. When breaking down a spot for the construction of stairs, you need to use a tape measure and a square to ensure the correct dimensions.

2. When arranging a staircase in a garden on a slope, using a level and a tape measure, it is necessary to determine the excess of the height of the top point of the staircase over the bottom. This is required to correctly calculate the height and length of future steps.

3. Using a shovel, carefully remove upper layer soil, clearing it from the grass carpet.

4. It’s easy to make steps in the garden with your own hands. You need to dig holes in the ground for the steps, which will require calculating the width and height of the steps. For this purpose, you can use the table of relationships between the height of the step and the width of the tread. On average, the height of the step should be 15-17 cm and the width 30-35 cm.

5. When making steps in the garden, be sure to check the horizontalness of the dug trenches using a level.

6. You need to prepare from crushed stone, sand and cement concrete mixture for laying the base under the steps, after which it should be laid using a trowel to level the surface and left for 24 hours to harden.

7. It is necessary to lay out the steps from brick or concrete blocks, rubbing the seams and checking the verticality and horizontality of the masonry with a level. For installation you need to use cement mortar or ready-made cement-based masonry mixtures.

8. The rest of the trenches should be filled in level with the masonry fine crushed stone with layer-by-layer compaction using a manual tamper.

9. Crushed stone must be laid with a slight rise from the surface brickwork. It is advisable to check this using a level.

10. Since the slabs for arranging treads are quite heavy, laying them alone is difficult. This stage needs to be done by two people. Together with an assistant, you should lay the slabs on the bed of mortar.

11. The edges of each slab should protrude 40 mm relative to the brick. The slab itself should have a downward slope of about 10 mm to allow water to drain.

12. When laying the next row of treads, you need to control the accepted height of the steps using a tape measure and level. All seams must be carefully filled with mortar.

13. Using a level, you need to make sure that the edges of all treads are on the same straight line.

Taking into account the above recommendations on how to make steps in the garden, as well as having familiarized yourself in detail with the photos of the corresponding stages of work presented on our website, you can arrange your own local area beautiful and functional staircase. Such a staircase will not only provide comfortable movement along the slope of the site, but will also delight you with its reliability and durability. Well, the neighbors will probably want to build something similar on their site, so there will always be an opportunity to give them sensible advice.

It is great luck to become the owner of a flat plot of land whose surface does not require leveling. But what if the relief on it rises and falls? There are two possible solutions to the problem: level the surface by filling up low spots and removing high places, or decorate it with all kinds of stairs and steps. Garden stairs are also interesting because, in addition to their direct purpose - providing convenience for moving around an area with a slope, they will help transform the architectural and decorative appearance of the garden.

By installing stairs, you can connect the landscape of the site into a single whole and transform the garden, giving it an aristocratic zest and noble charm. On almost any site there is a place where you need to rise from one level to another. To connect multi-level zones of the site, two steps may well be enough. And even on flat, even terrain, stairs will not be superfluous. Low descents and ascents will add dynamics to the surrounding space, making the flat area more diverse.

Processing of relief and transformation by artificially creating its forms is called geoplastics:

Stairs are installed when creating terraces on the slopes of the site, designing the central entrance to the house and the patio

Depending on the type of design, garden stairs are divided into mortise and free: the first option assumes the presence, and with the second, the steps are laid directly on the ground.

The materials for making stairs can be: wood, natural stone, brick, concrete. The main thing is that the material for finishing the steps matches the style of the site.

For the garden in rustic style staircases made from wood cuts and wooden structures, decorated with carvings

Admirers of the Art Nouveau style can use different shapes and colors to decorate stairs concrete plates, from which it is convenient to lay out fancy ornaments. In this case, planted along the edges of the stairs ornamental plants will cover the transition from the steps to the ground. And, the romantic style, for example, involves installing flowerpots with flowers along the staircase passages, which help create a lyrical atmosphere.

A harmonious addition landscape style there will be stone steps decorated with ferns, saxifrage and decorative ground covers

Constructive solution and architectural style the staircase largely depends on its location. Most often, stairs are equipped with railings, but for small transitional structures with gentle steps, the presence of railings is not at all necessary.

When designing stairs, the main thing is not to disturb the plasticity of the relief, because these multi-level transitions are designed to emphasize the advantages of the site, while successfully hiding its shortcomings.

When thinking about the arrangement of steps, it is important to correctly determine the proportions of both the entire structure and its individual elements. To calculate the required number of steps and their sizes, you need to take two slats, which are fastened together at right angles. We install the free end of the first rail in the place where the lower step is arranged, and the end of the second rail is placed in the place where the last upper step is installed. Then we determine the length of the steps: divide the length of the horizontal rail by the expected number of steps. Using the same principle, we calculate the height of the steps, taking the length of the vertical rail as a basis.

The standard dimensions of stairs are 30-40 cm treads and 10-12 cm risers, but garden options multi-level transitions are often made in large sizes

The width of the steps should be proportionate to the steepness of the climb. The overall width of the staircase is also determined by the width of the stairs leading to it. The wider the staircase, the greater the field for creativity: on the sides of the spacious steps you can install floor steps, and the railings can be braided with beautiful flowering vines and.

Traditionally, stairs have at least 3-4 steps. When planning to build a staircase for a steep slope, the number of steps in which will exceed 12-14 pieces, it is advisable to provide a landing.

You can even make a miniature recreation area out of a flight of stairs: place a table with a bench, install an umbrella, attach a small lantern

If there is a need to connect small differences, where even three steps would look somewhat cumbersome, you can simply level the area or build an additional embankment.

Whatever design option the site owners choose, a number of points should be taken into account when arranging the stairs:

  • Illumination. For safe movement around the site at night, it is necessary to provide street lighting. To illuminate steps, it is convenient to use lamps whose outgoing rays are directed downward, as well as. They don't dazzle, but provide enough light to walk confidently up the stairs.
  • Non-slip coating surface. As finishing coating It is better to use a material with a non-slip surface (textured natural stone, tiles with a corrugated surface).
  • Railing. When arranging a staircase to connect height differences of 70 cm or more, in order to increase safety, it is necessary to provide handrails. They are made from the same material as the steps.

Another tip - a slight slope of 1-2% of the tread depth in each step will prevent water from stagnating.

Owners dacha area with uneven terrain, material on strengthening walls and slopes on the site will also be useful:

Well placed garden lights in addition to its main purpose, they will help to make even the most ordinary staircase a real decoration of the site

Making your own garden stairs

The simplest option for arranging a staircase is made of bulk steps. To arrange them, risers are placed in an inclined recess between two levels of the site, and the voids between the boards are filled with earth.

As budget option stairs use wooden boards, which act as a riser and are installed between the terraces on the edge and secured on both sides with pegs

The function of stepping is performed by an already compacted dense layer of soil. To increase the rigidity of the structure, stringers are used - side longitudinal boards that are placed on the edge to secure the steps. You can prevent the board from deflecting by driving it into the backfill inside boards pegs.

Option #2 – from logs

To make a garden staircase from logs we will need:

  • Logs are the same length;
  • Metal or wooden pegs;
  • Crushed bark or gravel.

Along the entire length of the slope, at the site where the future staircase will be installed, we dig a trench and compact the soil. At the base of the slope, we drive two pegs into the ground on which the lower step will rest.

We lay the first log close to the pegs, and fill the space behind it with earth, leaving about 5 cm to the edge, and compact it thoroughly.

Using the same technology, we lay other logs, forming the next steps. We equip each step with a tread made of crushed bark or gravel.

Mosaics made from wooden rounds are very popular. They are made from the trunk and thick branches of a tree, cutting logs 10-15 cm high

To extend the service life, each wood cut is treated with special antiseptics or waste machine oil.

Option #3 – made of stone slabs

Stone - perfect option for the construction of steps. Round, diamond-shaped, rectangular stone slabs can be laid in any way: as a solid floor or with gaps filled with compacted earth.

The lateral displacement of the steps relative to each other emphasizes the effect of naturalness and makes the landscape more dynamic

Stone slabs, each of which has considerable weight, are laid on a 7-8 cm “cushion” of crushed stone or sand and fixed with cement mortar. The seams between the slabs can be sealed with the same mortar, or covered with sand, allowing ornamental grass to grow.

To avoid opening the ground and collapsing steps, it is necessary to build a retaining wall. It can be completely laid out from natural stone or built from concrete.

Stairs, skillfully integrated into the surrounding landscape and harmoniously combined with the overall design, can become a true decoration of the site.

Garden stairs not only make it easier to move around the site, but also give the garden a feeling of completeness and structure. If you are thinking about building your own garden stairs, there are a few things to consider. This will be discussed in this article.

Not every staircase can be built without knowledge and experience in this field. Certain structures require a serious foundation, the preparation of which only professionals can do. Therefore, to build garden stairs more than one meter high, it is recommended to either hire a specialist or buy finished staircase made of wood or metal, which only needs to be installed.

In general, when building a garden staircase, the following principle must be observed: steps are dug in the ground, a concrete foundation is poured inside, steps from the selected material are placed on it. The choice of material for a garden staircase depends on its purpose.

What materials are garden stairs made of?

Concrete, brick, paving stones, a natural stone- favorite and most durable materials for outdoor construction. Wood or wood is also used for the construction of garden stairs. metal constructions. Moreover, metal can be used to make the entire staircase, and it can also serve only as a frame to give stability, for example, to a wooden staircase.

The simplest version of a garden staircase

The simplest option for building a garden staircase, which does not require serious effort (including a foundation), is to drive planks into the ground as risers, filling the space between the risers with crushed stone. The crushed stone will serve as steps. Of course, this option is as simple as it is short-lived.

Construction of a garden staircase that will serve you faithfully for many years

The durable garden ladder consists of concrete foundation, stone steps and risers. The foundation plays a determining role in how stable and durable your staircase will be. Risers can be made of brick, concrete or paving stones, the space inside of which is filled with crushed stone. Steps made of sandstone, slate, etc. are placed on top. and fixed with cement.

Combining materials when building a garden staircase

When building a garden staircase, you can successfully combine various materials, and new technologies in construction provide us with various designs, with the help of which it is quite easy to independently build this work of construction art. However, knowledge and experience in this area can make your stairs more durable and, most importantly, safer. Before the beginning construction work consult a specialist who can give you some practical advice regarding your specific project.

DIY garden staircase options

Wooden garden stairs

Stone garden stairs

Concrete garden stairs

Garden stairs made of various materials

Metal garden stairs

Garden staircase made of paving stones

Wooden garden ladder

Garden staircase made of clinker bricks

Fired brick garden staircase

Garden staircase with gabion steps

Creative eco-design idea - garden staircase made from tires

Landscaping of a garden staircase

Not every one of you has a dacha plot located on flat ground. As a rule, previously plots were distributed on slopes, in ravines and lowlands, which reach several meters. In such cases, it is quite difficult to do without stairs or steps that will help you comfortably move around the tiers.

And sometimes, many gardeners deliberately make multi-level terraces in order to diversify the landscape of a direct area and make the garden more attractive and picturesque. Steps in a dacha should serve not only a decorative function, but also a practical one. We have selected several ideas for you that we hope will help you organize and implement your plans. We will tell you how to make steps at the dacha, and most importantly, what materials can be used for this.

Ideas of what can be made from

Consider the option of steps for the garden, which are suitable for steep slopes. There are quite wide steps here, which will be comfortable and safe to move around. The frame of such a staircase is made of massive wooden beams connected to each other using fasteners into a single whole structure. The voids in the resulting kind of wooden formwork are filled with pebbles or crushed stone.

Agree, such steps look large-scale and, at the same time, original. Here, water will never accumulate on the surface, since it seeps through the backfill without hindrance. If you lay geotextiles from below before filling the crushed stone, then in the future this will protect the backfill from the germination of various weeds. The disadvantages of such a staircase include the periodic addition of filler, since it always tends to spill out.
If you like the technology described above, but you need a simpler and more compact staircase, solid beams can be replaced with thinner boards, and the steps can be reduced in length, which will make it more curved.

But remember, wood is a short-lived material, so before building a wooden staircase in the garden, treat it thoroughly with antiseptic compounds.

If you are serious about building steps or stairs in the garden, pay attention to more reliable and durable materials - brick or concrete. There are several solutions here. The outer walls of the steps themselves can be laid out of solid brick, and the resulting cavities can also be filled with crushed stone. But concrete slabs or paving slabs are laid on top.

In another option, the steps are cast from concrete into pre-made formwork. For decoration, the edge is laid out along the front part. This staircase looks especially impressive if its steps are long enough. Do you have access to old used railway sleepers? Then this is for you.

Using old sleepers you can pave the original one. Filling the gaps with large crushed stone will emphasize its picturesqueness. It turns out very great! You can also use sleepers to fill concrete steps instead of formwork. It happens that after dismantling any old buildings or garden paths that have become unusable, many large pieces of concrete remain. Many people simply don’t know where to put it. Look how wonderful they are garden steps you can make it yourself from this trash. If money is not a big problem for you, then steps in the garden can be made from natural stone slabs.

But to make them yourself, you need to have special equipment and good construction skills. Here it is better to seek the help of professionals.

And, for the record,

If there is a slope on the site and you need to walk on it, it’s time to think about stairs. Buy ready product or you can hire craftsmen if you have free money.

But with the same success, a staircase in the garden can be built by the owners - from simple materials, using ordinary tools available in any household.

Below are several available options solutions to this problem. But first, calculate the dimensions of the staircase structure. It should be convenient for all members of the family, so we take average values.

What should be the height and width of stair steps?

The convenience of a staircase is largely determined by the height and width of its steps. It's not difficult to calculate.

Determining the height of the steps

It is convenient to go up and down if the step has a height equal to ¼ step. A smaller height provokes the desire to step up 2 steps, a larger one requires additional effort. Both are tiresome.

An adult covers 70-80 centimeters in 1 step. Dividing these indicators by 4, we get the height of the step to be approximately 17-20 centimeters.

Determining the width of the steps

Approximate calculation: the width of the stair steps should be equal to ½ of a person’s step. Now let's be more precise.

To walk comfortably on stairs, a person should place 80-90% of the length of the foot on the step. The length of an adult's foot is 25-30 centimeters. 90% of these indicators is 23-27 cm. We add a few centimeters so that the toe of the foot does not rest against the next step when stepping - we get 27-32 centimeters.

The degree of its inclination depends on the width and height of the steps of the staircase. It is optimal if the staircase has a slope of 25-35 degrees. Then it will be neither too steep nor too flat.

How to make a staircase from beams and planks

The main thing for such a staircase is to make even slots in the beams


  • 2 sections of beam - each the height of the stairs. They will act as stringers - the side parts of the staircase structure on which the steps will be attached.
  • Boards for steps.

We mark the elements of the staircase, focusing on the calculations given above.

We cut the board into steps.

We make slots in the beams.

We fix the steps in the slots. Simply inserting it is not enough - for reliability we use wood glue.

The finished ladder must be securely fixed to the surface. The lower ends of the stringers are best concreted into the ground.

How to make a ladder on a log

If you use two support logs, the staircase will be more reliable

  • The support is a thick log.
  • Steps are pieces of logs cut lengthwise.

In the log along the entire length of the stairs, we cut out recesses in which we fix the steps from the log halves. You can use 2 logs as supports - the staircase will be more traditional in appearance, but more reliable.

To secure such a ladder on a slope, you need to make a barrier for sliding, against which the lower end of the log(s) will rest. These can be plates of thick metal or powerful reinforcing rods concreted into the ground.

How to make a staircase from wood cuts

Laying wood cuts into a staircase structure is not difficult

Saw a smooth log into sections according to the height of the steps.

There are no particular difficulties in building such a staircase, except that you have to tinker with the base (under the bottom row).

We make a trench 25-30 cm deep.

We fill the trench with crushed stone and sand and compact it conscientiously.

Apply to the surface metal mesh(chain-link, etc.).

Fill it with concrete. The base must be level.

We lay rows of wood cuts on glue, preferably polyurethane. First, we fill the entire area with wooden cuts, then reduce the number of cuts, arranging steps of the required width.

How to make a staircase from timber on stones

Sturdy staircase made of thick timber supported on stones

We arrange the base for the stairs, as in the previous example.

We lay out the stone base in the shape of the steps on a cement-sand mortar.

We attach pieces of timber on top. It is possible with the same solution, but in this case the wood from below must be treated with bitumen or molten resin. How to do this, see here.

How to make a staircase from timber and small crushed stone

Low stairs of this type can be made without a foundation

In this case, the timber acts as a frame stair steps. Under such a staircase you also need to pour a foundation platform so that the structure does not sag and remains level.

We make the lower formwork from timber. We fill it with small crushed stone.

We repeat the process by the number of steps, reducing the area of ​​the tiers.

If the slope is steep and high or long and flat, we perform terracing (we remove the earth according to the shape of the steps).

We cut steps in the soil of the slope

A similar staircase on a slope can be made from building blocks.

For convenience, the upper part of the steps can be covered with wide boards.

Reliable, easy-to-manufacture ladder on a slope

Small garden staircase. Instead of crushed stone - decorative pebbles.

The steps of the staircase are covered with decorative pebbles inside

Reminder: all wood used for the construction of external stairs is pre-treated with a protective impregnation.

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It is great luck to become the owner of a flat plot of land whose surface does not require leveling. But what if the relief on it rises and falls? There are two possible solutions to the problem: level the surface by filling up low spots and removing high places, or decorate it with all kinds of stairs and steps. Garden stairs are also interesting because, in addition to their direct purpose - providing convenience for moving around an area with a slope, they will help transform the architectural and decorative appearance of the garden.

By installing stairs, you can connect the landscape of the site into a single whole and transform the garden, giving it an aristocratic zest and noble charm. On almost any site there is a place where you need to rise from one level to another. To connect multi-level zones of the site, two steps may well be enough. And even on flat, even terrain, stairs will not be superfluous. Low descents and ascents will add dynamics to the surrounding space, making the flat area more diverse.

Stairs are installed when creating terraces on the slopes of the site, designing the central entrance to the house and the patio

Depending on the type of design, garden stairs are divided into mortise and free: the first option assumes the presence, and with the second, the steps are laid directly on the ground.

The materials for making stairs can be: wood, natural stone, brick, concrete. The main thing is that the material for finishing the steps matches the style of the site.

For a garden in a rustic style, staircases made from wood cuts and wooden structures decorated with carvings are best suited.

Admirers of the Art Nouveau style can use concrete slabs of various shapes and colors to decorate stairs, from which it is convenient to lay out fancy ornaments. In this case, ornamental plants planted along the edges of the stairs will cover the transition from the steps to the ground. And, the romantic style, for example, involves installing flowerpots with flowers along the staircase passages, which help create a lyrical atmosphere.

Stone steps decorated with ferns, saxifrage and decorative ground covers will be a harmonious addition to the landscape style.

The constructive solution and architectural style of the staircase largely depends on its location. Most often, stairs are equipped with railings, but for small transitional structures with gentle steps, the presence of railings is not at all necessary.

When designing stairs, the main thing is not to disturb the plasticity of the relief, because these multi-level transitions are designed to emphasize the advantages of the site, while successfully hiding its shortcomings.

When thinking about the arrangement of steps, it is important to correctly determine the proportions of both the entire structure and its individual elements. To calculate the required number of steps and their sizes, you need to take two slats, which are fastened together at right angles. We install the free end of the first rail in the place where the lower step is arranged, and the end of the second rail is placed in the place where the last upper step is installed. Then we determine the length of the steps: divide the length of the horizontal rail by the expected number of steps. Using the same principle, we calculate the height of the steps, taking the length of the vertical rail as a basis.

The standard sizes of stairs are 30-40 cm treads and 10-12 cm risers, but garden options for multi-level transitions are often made in larger sizes

The width of the steps should be proportionate to the steepness of the climb. The overall width of the staircase is also determined by the width of the stairs leading to it. The wider the staircase, the greater the field for creativity: you can install floor steps on the sides of the spacious steps, and braid the railings with beautiful flowering vines, etc.

Traditionally, stairs have at least 3-4 steps. When planning to build a staircase for a steep slope, the number of steps in which will exceed 12-14 pieces, it is advisable to provide a landing.

You can even make a miniature recreation area out of a flight of stairs: place a table with a bench, install an umbrella, attach a small lantern

If there is a need to connect small differences, where even three steps would look somewhat cumbersome, you can simply level the area or build an additional embankment.

Whatever design option the site owners choose, a number of points should be taken into account when arranging the stairs:

  • Illumination. For safe movement around the site in the dark, it is necessary to provide street lighting. To illuminate steps, it is convenient to use lamps whose outgoing rays are directed downward, as well. They don't dazzle, but provide enough light to walk confidently up the stairs.
  • Non-slip coating surface. As a finishing coating, it is better to use a material with a non-slip surface (textured natural stone, tiles with a corrugated surface).
  • Railing. When arranging a staircase to connect height differences of 70 cm or more, in order to increase safety, it is necessary to provide handrails. They are made from the same material as the steps.

Another tip - a slight slope of 1-2% of the tread depth in each step will prevent water from stagnating.

Properly placed garden lights, in addition to their main purpose, will help make even the most ordinary staircase a real decoration of the site

Making your own garden stairs

The simplest option for arranging a staircase is made of bulk steps. To arrange them, risers are placed in an inclined recess between two levels of the site, and the voids between the boards are filled with earth.

As a budget option for stairs, wooden boards are used, which, as risers, are installed between the terraces on the edge and secured on both sides with pegs

The function of stepping is performed by an already compacted dense layer of soil. To increase the rigidity of the structure, stringers are used - side longitudinal boards that are placed on the edge to secure the steps. You can prevent the board from sagging by driving pegs from the inside of the board that are filled in.

Option #2 - from logs

To make a garden staircase from logs we will need:

  • Logs are the same length;
  • Metal or wooden pegs;
  • Crushed bark or gravel.

Along the entire length of the slope, at the site where the future staircase will be installed, we dig a trench and compact the soil. At the base of the slope, we drive two pegs into the ground on which the lower step will rest.

We lay the first log close to the pegs, and fill the space behind it with earth, leaving about 5 cm to the edge, and compact it thoroughly.

Using the same technology, we lay other logs, forming the next steps. We equip each step with a tread made of crushed bark or gravel.

Mosaics made from wooden rounds are very popular. They are made from the trunk and thick branches of a tree, cutting logs 10-15 cm high

To extend the service life, each wood cut is treated with special antiseptics or waste machine oil.

Option #3 - from stone slabs

Stone is an ideal option for constructing steps. Round, diamond-shaped, rectangular stone slabs can be laid in any way: as a solid floor or with gaps filled with compacted earth.

The lateral displacement of the steps relative to each other emphasizes the effect of naturalness and makes the landscape more dynamic

Stone slabs, each of which has considerable weight, are laid on a 7-8 cm “cushion” of crushed stone or sand and fixed with cement mortar. The seams between the slabs can be sealed with the same mortar, or covered with sand, allowing ornamental grass to grow.

To avoid opening the ground and collapsing steps, it is necessary to build a retaining wall. It can be completely laid out from natural stone or built from concrete. Or build floating steps, like in this video:

Video with other design options and ideas

Stairs, skillfully integrated into the surrounding landscape and harmoniously combined with the overall design, can become a true decoration of the site.

Not everyone can boast of a perfectly flat dacha plot without differences in height. And sometimes gardeners deliberately create multi-level gardens to make the landscape more interesting and the garden picturesque. In this case, it is quite difficult to do without steps that will help you move between tiers. Such steps can perform not only a practical, but also a decorative function. If you decide to organize steps in your garden, we offer you a selection of ideas that will help you achieve your plan.

Let's consider the first option of steps, which are suitable for large gentle slopes, since each step is quite wide.

The staircase frame is made from large wooden beams, which are assembled into a solid structure using appropriate fasteners. Emptiness inside wooden formwork can be filled with pebbles or crushed stone.

Such steps look original; water does not accumulate on their surface, since it seeps through the backfill. The disadvantages include the need to periodically add crushed stone, as it can spill over the sides.

If you liked the technology described above, but need a more compact and simpler staircase, the beams can be replaced with boards and the length of the steps can be reduced. A staircase made using this technology can be made curved more easily.

If you want to approach the construction of stairs in the garden thoroughly, pay attention to stronger and more durable materials, brick and concrete.

There are several approaches here. For example, the outer walls of the steps can be made of brick, the cavities can be filled with crushed stone, and concrete slabs can be laid on top.

There is another option. The steps are cast in concrete and the front edge is lined with brick. In this case, you will have to use formwork. It makes sense to use this approach if each step is long enough.

If you want to be original, you can use railroad sleepers to make steps. You can also use sleepers to pave a garden path. Fill the gaps between them with mortar or fill with large crushed stone. It turns out quite interesting

Sleepers can also be used instead of formwork for pouring concrete steps. The option is not much different from the first, but such steps will look more original, especially if the sleepers are old.

IN Lately gardeners refuse to use concrete garden paths in favor of paving slabs. When dismantling old paths, you may be left with many large pieces of concrete, which can also be used to create original garden steps.

Often, a plot of land located in a country house or in close proximity to a residential building has a complex topography. It is enough to make some efforts with a minimum cost of materials so that the result is a spectacular staircase in the garden - not only functional, but also capable of decorating any local area.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a staircase in the garden with your own hands

1. Initially, you should mark a place on the site for the future garden staircase, for which you can use wooden pegs up to 0.5 m long and twine. When breaking down a spot for the construction of stairs, you need to use a tape measure and a square to ensure the correct dimensions.

2. When arranging a staircase in a garden on a slope, using a level and a tape measure, it is necessary to determine the excess of the height of the top point of the staircase over the bottom. This is required to correctly calculate the height and length of future steps.

3. Using a shovel, carefully remove the top layer of soil, clearing it from the grass carpet.

4. It’s easy to make steps in the garden with your own hands. You need to dig holes in the ground for the steps, which will require calculating the width and height of the steps. For this purpose, you can use the table of relationships between the height of the step and the width of the tread. On average, the height of the step should be 15-17 cm and the width 30-35 cm.

5. When making steps in the garden, be sure to check the horizontalness of the dug trenches using a level.

6. From crushed stone, sand and cement, you need to prepare a concrete mixture for laying the base under the steps, after which it should be laid using a trowel to level the surface and left for 24 hours to harden.

7. It is necessary to lay out the steps from brick or concrete blocks, rubbing the seams and checking the verticality and horizontality of the masonry with a level. For installation, you need to use cement mortar or ready-made cement-based masonry mixtures.

8. The rest of the trenches at the level with the masonry should be filled with small crushed stone with layer-by-layer compaction using a manual tamper.

9. Crushed stone must be laid with a slight rise from the surface of the brickwork. It is advisable to check this using a level.

10. Since the slabs for arranging treads are quite heavy, laying them alone is difficult. This step must be performed by two people. Together with an assistant, you should lay the slabs on the bed of mortar.

11. The edges of each slab should protrude 40 mm relative to the brick. The slab itself should have a downward slope of about 10 mm to allow water to drain.

12. When laying the next row of treads, you need to control the accepted height of the steps using a tape measure and level. All seams must be carefully filled with mortar.

13. Using a level, you need to make sure that the edges of all treads are on the same straight line.

By taking into account the above recommendations on how to make steps in the garden, as well as having familiarized yourself in detail with the photos of the corresponding stages of work presented on our website, you can arrange a beautiful and functional staircase in your local area. Such a staircase will not only provide comfortable movement along the slope of the site, but will also delight you with its reliability and durability. Well, the neighbors will probably want to build something similar on their site, so there will always be an opportunity to give them sensible advice.