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» Finishing wall covering. How to cover the walls in the apartment. Wall decoration is the key moment of repair

Finishing wall covering. How to cover the walls in the apartment. Wall decoration is the key moment of repair

For wall decoration, there is a huge variety of materials from simple wallpaper to granite tiles. Read all about how to decorate your wall below.

This list highlights the types of materials that are popular among consumers. most used and beautiful finishes We will take a closer look and tell you about the installation. In addition, they are because of their practicality, cheapness and ease of installation, so that you yourself, with your own hands, can do everything without additional spending on workers. If you wish, you can use the rest from our TOP, but installing them on the wall is difficult and takes a lot of time. The description of the installation of such materials requires a separate article.

What is this article about


Let's start with wallpaper. Such material is familiar to residents of apartment buildings, but such a design solution is often found even in summer cottages. In this connection, we can conclude that the wallpaper is a universal finishing material that fits any interior, because at the moment there are thousands of types of wallpaper with completely different prints, there are 3D wallpapers on the market.

Diversity is observed among the types of this material. So, you can choose different types of wallpapers for each room that would be most suitable for it.

For example, the kitchen needs washable wallpaper. Vinyl wallpaper - the most The best decision in this case. But this does not mean that they are moisture resistant, with prolonged soaking or regular exposure to moisture, they can absorb water into themselves, due to which the wallpaper can simply peel off the wall. So vinyl wallpapers they are not suitable for the bathroom at all, it is better to glue moisture-resistant ones, in the production of which all the nuances are taken into account.

The walls in the children's room can be covered with washable or plain paper wallpaper. Vinyl ones will cost more and will have to be changed in the future, because after cleaning the numerous pranks of the kids, the surface will wear out a lot.

Plain wallpapers are much cheaper than washable ones, but after they are glued, you will have to change them much more often than vinyl ones.

But for the living room there are much more options than two, because there should be the most beautiful room throughout the house, which will not be ashamed to show guests. For living rooms more often choose: liquid, textile, photo and 3D wallpaper. The style of such wallpapers should be chosen in accordance with the design of the room itself, so that they blend well with each other.

How to paste wallpaper?

This simple gluing process begins with unwinding the rolls of your chosen wallpaper. After that, you should lay them out against the wall in such an order that the pattern on them exactly matches, otherwise the wallpaper will not produce the desired effect and will simply look ugly. Then we apply glue to the back of the wallpaper, after which we carefully glue the wallpaper on the wall, preferably from top to bottom. Be sure to keep an eye on the absence of air bubbles under the wallpaper and, if possible, squeeze them out. Naturally, brushes, etc. will be needed for these works.


If you have at your disposal a room with a plastered wall and a good imagination, then this room can be great to decorate with an original pattern using paint. The main advantage of this solution is that you will never get tired of this drawing, because you did it yourself. Remember to thoroughly ventilate freshly painted rooms, as paint fumes can cause chemical poisoning, and sometimes dizziness and hallucinations.

How to paint?

The paint is able to perfectly decorate any interior, because today the production of paint and varnish products has mastered the most modern technologies and is capable of producing even pearlescent shades that change their color depending on the sun's rays.

Paint should be applied to absolutely flat surface, so before painting the walls you need to putty. This is done using special solutions and a spatula. On a smooth surface, the paint lays down better, which means it will not peel off the wall for many more years. The paint itself must be applied in wide strokes with a construction brush or roller. The paint tray will make it easier to access it.

Decorative plaster

Plastering is the process of leveling the wall surface for its further processing with any other materials, putty, for example. But modern designers have managed to turn it into a decorative element that looks good in combination with discreet furniture and a modest carpet. All this will turn your room into a modest and cozy place to relax or receive guests. Decorative plaster can fit into any interior of any apartment or private house, the main thing is to use it correctly different colors plasters. With a good imagination, you can turn a wall into a vivid picture.

Decorative plastic

Next in line plastic inserts. Such material looks good on the ceiling, but it can be used for wall decor. Most people are accustomed to using this material for the bathroom, but with the skillful selection of a pattern and the correct design of the room, you can make a “candy”. If you need to cheaply finish the walls, then plastic - best option for this. But you should be careful when using plastic for wall decoration in the nursery, because some children are allergic to this material.

Installation of decorative plastic

The installation of such material is somewhat similar to the drywall finishing process, because the same guides and profiles are involved, but only from metal.

Generally, plastic panels are produced in long strips that can be shortened to fit your wall. In addition to the usual materials, they join here decorative skirting boards for plastic, they serve as a frame.

First you need to make a frame that will hold all the panels. Then we set the frame along the contour. Next, insert the plastic panels in turn. They are connected due to their design, so they do not need to be fixed with screws, like drywall. In the end, you should get a nice little wall with a nice pattern or pattern.


It will cost a little more to finish the walls with plasterboard, which is better to keep away from the kitchen and bathroom, because it cannot be wetted, otherwise, the gypsum can go into a plastic state and deform the wall. But drywall wall the good thing is that you can glue and paint the wallpaper on top of it after puttying. But the strength of such a wall leaves much to be desired, as is the case with plastic. Unlike plastic, there is no allergy to drywall, no one at all. Therefore, you can safely use it in the nursery.

How to finish a wall with plasterboard?

For a stable construction of such material, guides and profile boards are used. Instead of wooden ones, you can buy ready-made metal ones.

First, the frame of the future wall is assembled. The contour of the frame is completely made from the guide, after which profile boards are inserted into it with a step of 40 cm. On the floor or on the ceiling, you need to mark the places where we put them so that you can determine where the screws will be screwed. Next, we put wall drywall, with a standard width of 120 cm and a height of 250 cm, remember the profile marks, so now we need them. Continuing them from floor to ceiling, we get a line, following which we will never miss on profile board. With a wall height of more than 250 cm, you need to put a jumper exactly with this step.

After complete installation drywall on the wall, it can be painted or wallpapered. The main thing is not to forget about leveling the surface with putty.

Flexible and natural stone

Flexible stone is another way to qualitatively and reliably cover the wall, and in terms of quality and strength, it is in no way inferior natural stone. Incidentally, this view decorative material was invented quite recently in Germany and was conceived as a cheap replacement for natural stone, which is very expensive. Flexible stone is sold in the form of wallpaper and stone slabs. The latter have high ductility and are easily attached to the wall with a mortar or construction adhesive. In large and spacious apartments, it is possible to use such material, but for 1-2-3-room apartments this option is not recommended, because the walls are too small.

A real stone costs much more, but in quality it will give odds to its fake. Natural stone will give each room a pleasant and beautiful look, and the walls in the living room, lined with stone slabs, will be especially chic. They don't require big care, they can be washed, but should not be painted or coated with any other material, as this will spoil the natural beauty of natural stone tiles. An artificial waterfall goes well with stone tiles, but it is better to install such a tandem in a private house.

wood finish

Wood trim will be very expensive and capricious, which looks very beautiful in a country interior. With frequent contact with water on such a finishing material, it can swell, and after drying, bend, deforming the entire wall decoration. Therefore, in order to avoid such cases, it is recommended to varnish all wooden products, especially doors and windows. This method is impractical in apartments with small walls, because what larger size finishing, the more beautiful it is.

wall tiles

Another expensive way to cover the walls of your rooms is with wall tiles. Such material is expensive, but it looks status and emphasizes wealth. Most often, this finish is used on outer walls. But modern designer can do everything, so your tiles can move into the house as well. The main thing is to choose the right furniture for such a wall. Private house or cottage is ideal places for wall decoration in this way, but it is absolutely pointless to do it inside a small apartment.

A certain TOP-10 of the most popular materials for wall decoration in houses and apartments was presented to your attention. Always remember that the choice is up to the consumer and it is up to you to decide how to decorate the boring walls of your home.

Various types of coatings are applied to the walls to decorate the room. AT construction stores there is a large selection of them. Wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster - this is what the walls in the apartment are most often decorated with. In addition to the decorative function, the design helps to hide surface defects, zone the space, and achieve a visual change in the size of the room. Often materials contribute to additional heat and sound insulation. They are also able to protect the base from negative external influences(For example, high humidity). When choosing, not only beauty is taken into account, but also the practicality of the decor. Often different materials are combined, for example, as the photo below shows a combination of soft panels with Venetian plaster.

Wallpaper - a versatile finish

Wallpaper on the walls is the most popular way to decorate rooms. Due to the huge variety of textures, colors and patterns, as well as affordability, they remain relevant.

A wide range of wallpapers are presented on modern market. Product types vary:

  • materials used for their production;
  • appearance;
  • appointment;
  • features of care;
  • the weight of the canvases.

Wallpaper is a good option for decorating the walls yourself. They are divided into the following groups:

  • paper (simplex, duplex);
  • vinyl
  • non-woven
  • cullet;
  • jute;
  • textile (fabric);
  • canvases with a 3D effect are divided into single (standard), panoramic, LED, fluorescent varieties;
  • liquid wallpaper;
  • beaded products;
  • wallpaper.

The photo above shows a wallpaper with a floral ornament.

The material is glued to different types surfaces: wooden, concrete, stone, brick, drywall, but the base for the canvas must be prepared. The scheme of work with wallpaper is as follows:

  • remove surface defects;
  • level the walls with plaster;
  • putty is applied and, after drying, the formed coating is polished;
  • treat the work area with a primer;
  • stick wallpaper strips.

When decorating walls instead of wallpaper with other facing materials, all work is performed in a similar way: prepare the base, fix the decorative coating. At the same time, the required level of surface quality and installation methods differ.

The considered wallpaper options differ in addition to their appearance, price, and also in their strength (wear resistance), environmental friendliness, durability, resistance to moisture and ultraviolet rays.

Thick canvases prevent heat loss through the walls, increase the level of sound insulation.

Glass fiber is a non-combustible product that increases the level fire safety in the premises.

3D materials make it possible to obtain three-dimensional images enhanced by the glow of diodes. The latter can be controlled using the remote control, creating various paintings.

The original way of pasting is a combination different types canvases, allowing you to achieve a number of visual effects.

The use of wallpaper allows you to decorate the wall surfaces in the room in the best possible way in terms of price and the required functionality of the created coating. A huge selection allows you to choose canvases for any design project and decorate the interior in a unique way.

wall painting

Painting is one of the most common ways to cover walls in an apartment instead of wallpaper. A huge selection of various coloring compositions allows you to cover the bases with them in an original way, to embody various design solutions.

In practice, the following paint compositions are used:

  • water-based: water-based, acrylic and silicone water-dispersion, textured decorative dyes;
  • silicate paints made from "liquid glass";
  • alkyd dyes, their main component is alkyd resins;
  • oil paints made from artificial or natural drying oil;
  • enamels - their basis is varnishes.

Each type of paint has its own characteristic features, For example, alkyd compounds Not recommended for residential use. The general benefits of painting are as follows:

  • painted surfaces are not afraid of moisture, they can be washed;
  • walls can be easily repainted if desired;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • the presence of various compositions.

The disadvantages of staining are:

  • perfect alignment of work surfaces is required;
  • over time, the formed coating cracks;
  • to create drawings or patterns with paint, you need to have artistic skills.

In terms of prevalence, coloring competes with wallpaper, and prices for materials are approximately in the same range. They depend on the quality of the product.

Interior decoration with decorative plaster

Plaster is a building material that allows you to both finish the wall for other materials, and is top coat. its variants compete with wallpaper and paint. They allow you to veneer surfaces in a unique way.

According to the binding component, the following types of plaster are distinguished:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • mineral;
  • silicate;
  • relief;
  • Venetian.

Various samples of plastered surfaces are shown in the photo below.

These varieties differ in their performance. The advantages and disadvantages of decorative plaster compositions are presented in the table below.

1 decorative plaster is used to simulate various materials: granite, marble, leather, wood, wallpaper and othershigher price compared to wallpaper
2 an extensive range of textures and colors, while the coating is "not afraid" of moisture, has no seamsdifferent mixtures require the use of different application technologies
3 the finishing layer will well cover the defects of the base, even preliminary perfect alignment is not requiredthe problematic dismantling of the created coating
4 can be used for a much longer period than wallpaper (more than 50 years)

Decorative plaster - that's what else you can finish the walls with, except for wallpaper and paint. With its help, you can give the room a luxurious look and hide the existing irregularities of the base. Due to its properties and environmental safety, the material is suitable for use in any room.

Alternative finishes

In addition to painting and applying decorative plaster, there are many more ways than to replace the design of rooms with wallpaper. These options are able to bring variety to any interior. in the apartment you can still, presented in the table below.

Finishing materialDescription
1 decorative panels this is a modern material for walls instead of wallpaper, which does not require special preparation of the base when laying
2 the clothwalls are “sheathed” with it, while it requires certain skills and careful preparation of surfaces
3 cork "wallpaper"environmentally friendly products with high performance
4 ceramic tile strong, durable, but requiring special skills during installation products

Not all rooms are decorated with wall panels instead of wallpaper, but you can make them yourself.

Do-it-yourself walls are quite problematic in the absence of experience. Laying out decorative stone and tiles beautifully is also not a task for beginners.

Woodworking is also best left to the professionals. The photo below shows beautiful example such a finish.

Products alternative to wallpaper are more difficult to install and often cost more. The better to finish an apartment (house), it is necessary to select in each case according to the properties of materials and financial capabilities.

After considering all the listed materials, everyone will be able to choose what can best replace the wallpaper, based on their needs and capabilities. Subject to the installation technology, each finishing coating can create a beautiful, unique, original decor. With proper use, it can be used for the maximum possible time for this material.

When choosing the type of cladding, it is necessary to consider general style the interior of the apartment and correctly combine different decorative coatings. Then comfort and a comfortable, harmonious atmosphere will always dominate at home.

The following videos cover various.

Before repairing an apartment, many people think about completely changing the style of the interior and choosing more beautiful finishing materials for internal walls. But in order to choose a specific option from the many on the market, you need to consider each of them in more detail.


This finishing material is the most common, which is due to many reasons. One of them is the variety of textures and shades.

If you wish, you can choose wallpaper, thanks to which you can completely change the apartment. Wallpaper benefits include:

  1. Variety of materials. If desired, you can find wallpaper for decorating a room in any style.
  2. Ease of installation. For wallpapering, it is enough to prepare the walls and, after applying the glue, correctly place the material on the wall. To do this, you only need glue and a roller.
  3. Acceptable cost. If the price of the finishing material for the apartment is an important factor at the time of its selection, wallpaper becomes the best option. But there are many types of wallpapers that have a high cost.
  4. Environmental friendliness. Paper wallpapers allow air to pass through and contribute to the creation of a normal microclimate in the room.

By choosing wallpaper, you can decorate the apartment in almost any style.


The most common finishing material, second only to wallpaper, is paint. Thanks to such compositions, it is possible to create original interior and implement various design ideas. The advantage of this type of apartment decoration is that:

  • painted walls in the kitchen, for example, are easy to clean;
  • the surface can be easily repainted in a different color;
  • for almost any apartment you can choose the right shade.

But it is worth remembering that before painting the walls must be made perfectly smooth, which will require additional time and cost. If the walls are painted without stencils, the apartment becomes less attractive. Often, wall decoration in the kitchen is done with the help of paint.

Decorative plaster

The main task of decorative plaster is to finish the room, and not to level the walls. The advantages of decorative plaster include:

  • the ability to imitate materials such as textured wallpaper, granite and metal;
  • the presence of many colors textured plaster;
  • hiding wall irregularities;
  • no need to level the walls;
  • long service life.

Also, decorative plaster is an excellent insulation, one hundred allows you to reduce the cost of finishing the room. When using textured plaster, you can create any style of interior.

But textured plaster also has disadvantages:

  1. High price. Price for given material is higher than the cost of wallpaper. The purchase of textured plaster is justified only if the next repair is not planned within 10 years.
  2. The complexity of the finishing process. If a person with no experience is engaged in finishing the apartment, this may help to reduce the life of the material.
  3. The difficulty of removing plaster from the walls. If you want to change the style of the rooms, you will have to spend a large number of time to clean the surface.

Looking at photos of apartments finished with decorative plaster, you can choose the perfect option for each room.

wood paneling

For many, wood paneling is associated with country houses, but due to the advent of wood panels, laminate and other wood products, more and more apartment owners choose this material for decorating rooms. This is explained by:

  • wood is an environmentally friendly material;
  • the material maintains the microclimate of the room;
  • wood has a pleasant smell;
  • wood is a durable finishing material.

Choosing as a finishing material wooden panels you can be sure that created style will never go out of fashion.

But wood products also have disadvantages. The following can be cited as an example:

  1. The complexity of the care of the material. If on the surface wooden products stains appear, most often it is quite difficult to remove them. At the same time, it is not recommended to wipe the wood. damp cloth.
  2. Deformation of the material under the influence of high humidity and temperature changes.
  3. High price. It is possible to beautifully decorate an apartment with a tree only when a large amount of money is spent on repairs. If you save on the quantity or quality of the material, the finish will not meet the expectations of the owner of the apartment.

It is worth noting such a drawback as poor fire resistance.

Cork lining

If you choose even the simplest cork finish, the apartment will look stylish and expensive. In addition, the described finishing material has unique properties. For example, on walls that are finished with cork, dust does not collect. It is also worth noting the soundproofing characteristics of the material. That is why the cork is chosen by people who love silence or often spend time noisily.

In addition, this material is refractory. It does not emit toxic substances and can be used to decorate any room. The advantage of cork is the ability to repel moisture. The disadvantages include only the monotony of the types of such finishing materials.

ceramic finish

Ceramic tiles are most often used in kitchens and bathrooms, but they can also be used in other rooms. As a rule, hallways and partially other rooms are finished with tiles.

The tile is a fairly durable finishing material that is easy to clean and has good sound insulation. But usually ceramic tiles are purchased for finishing rooms with high humidity. The advantage of the material is fire resistance.

But it is worth remembering that it is quite difficult to qualitatively finish the room with tiles, so you need to turn to professionals. If you do not know how to finish the walls in the kitchen, you should choose this particular material.

Finishing with decorative stone

Decorative stone is an environmentally friendly material, so families with children can choose it for their apartment. Do not confuse the described material with natural stone, which has a lot of weight. It does not weigh down the wall, so it can be used when finishing partitions.

Decorative stone can be installed even without the experience of finishing work, so the cost of repairs is not always high. It should be noted that the decorative stone is not subject to decay and does not contribute to the development of fungus.

Due to these characteristics, the stone can be used for a longer time than previously described materials. It is also not afraid of temperature changes, so it can be installed both in the kitchen or in the living room, and on the balcony.

It is quite easy to care for a decorative stone, because dirt and dust can be wiped off with a damp cloth. If necessary, detergents can be used.

This material is chosen by many apartment owners, since a large number of shades can be found in hardware stores. It goes well with the elements different styles decoration of premises. It looks best in an apartment decorated in fusion style. Having considered the options for finishing the walls with stone in the kitchen, you can choose exactly the design that will appeal to all family members.

Use of decorative panels

Decorative panels have become a fairly popular finishing material, which is used by many apartment owners. The advantages of decorative panels include:

  1. Ease of installation.
  2. No need to level the walls.
  3. Good soundproofing. This is due to the fact that there is a space between the wall and the panels, which becomes a barrier to sound.
  4. Ease of maintenance. To keep the panels clean, they can be wiped with a damp cloth.
  5. Resistant to high humidity and temperature extremes. That is why some types of panels are installed in rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens.
  6. Low cost. This is due to the fact that the production of panels does not require high costs.

Panels can be made from various materials.

To choose a specific type of panel, it is worth considering the main characteristics of the materials:

Having examined the photo of the described products, you can accurately determine what exactly is suitable for a particular apartment.

Apartment renovation is a great chance to bring to life a lot of the most original fantasies and ideas. And right now, when the house reigns creative mess, it's time to think about the decor of the walls, because such a large-scale canvas will fall under your arm very soon.

If the decoration of the ceiling and floor is quite conservative and must obey the peculiarities of the location of these surfaces and functional tasks, then the walls really allow you to create literally anything - from decorating with abstract drawings to rich decoration with brocade or natural stone.

In this article, we would like to offer you ten ideas for decorating and decorating walls - one of the most important components of home interiors. What exactly is suitable for your room is up to you, of course. Some homeowners will prefer discreet simplicity and turning the wall into a solid backdrop for a bright and unusual furniture, others - chic and refined luxury. Our tips are versatile and can be easily adapted to specific conditions, so they will suit almost any interior design.

Idea one - unusual wallpaper

Do you think that wallpaper is an outdated option that can surprise you with nothing? Not true! The possibilities of this finishing material are inexhaustible, and the collections of wallpapers that differ unusual pattern and texture, updated every season. In addition, they do not have to be paper at all - variety modern materials just amazing.

We list only a few options for decorating walls. various types wallpapers, choosing the most versatile, practical and at the same time original.

So, the main modern trends designers consider:

  1. A combination of wallpapers that are radically different in color and ornament. This combination allows you to create unusual decorative effects, which previously could be obtained exclusively with the help of painting.
  2. A very large drawing, which becomes the highlight of the interior and immediately attracts the attention of guests.
  3. Alternation on one wall of stripes of wallpaper, similar in color or texture, but at the same time differing in pattern. Many modern manufacturers, for example, the Holden Decor studio, offer ready-made solutions for the room - two or three types of wallpaper from one collection.
  4. Textured wallpaper for painting, with a pronounced pattern, which after applying the paint will look especially original. By the way, fiberglass wallpaper for painting is becoming more and more popular, reliable, beautiful and able to perfectly “survive” seven or eight repaints. And do not forget that too thick a layer of paint will simply hide the texture of the wallpaper underneath.
  5. Perfect option to create a Japanese interior - bamboo wallpaper which will immediately give the room the desired flavor.
  6. Textile wallpaper today is used almost exclusively in classic interior or English style. Especially relevant designers consider the combination textile wallpaper with boiserie wall panels. However, we will talk about decorative panels in the corresponding section.

Even ordinary paper wallpaper with such a large image, they are already able to set the tone for the entire interior. And if the wallpaper is also made of natural bamboo, they will look not only beautiful, but also expensive

In this cozy bedroom, large-patterned wallpaper was only used on one wall. They are very harmoniously combined with textiles and other decorative elements.

The second idea is a mosaic

You think that the mosaic is intended only for wall cladding in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Not at all - this material allows you to create amazingly beautiful panels that look great in the living room and in the bedroom.

In addition, today the mosaic is made not only from the usual ceramic tiles, but also from leather, metal, wood, mother-of-pearl and even fur. In any case, such compositions will look unusual and stylish, so just choose the most attractive option - your walls will only benefit from such decoration.

The most relevant designers consider plot mosaic panels, images of antique statues, which is especially true for classical interiors, portraits and landscapes. Can also be highlighted with a mosaic separate element wall decor, such as a mirror. In such a frame, both the picture and the arch will look especially interesting.

Mosaic made of wood, of course, does not look as bright as that created from ceramics, but in general it is very attractive.

The third idea is a fresco

The traditional fresco is hand painted water-based paints on wet plaster, that is, like all handmade- the pleasure is quite expensive. Fortunately for lovers of such bright design techniques today there are more technologically advanced and less expensive options, for example, a fresco painted in advance on canvas, an image on a self-adhesive basis, which is obtained by printing on quartz sand on a thin layer of canvas, as well as frescoes on a rigid basis - that is, finished paintings applied in the traditional way - on a layer of wet plaster, but not on the wall of the house, but also in a design studio on a polyurethane base.

Of the unusual design techniques, one can note the application of a large image on the entire wall, including the doorway, to create a coherent picture.

Frescoes with images of famous paintings are always relevant. Modern manufacturers offer ready-made images on a rigid polyurethane base, which are glued to the wall using a special compound. Such a fresco may have maximum size 3.2x1.6 m. If the base is placed in a frame, then the fresco turns into a moving picture

The fourth idea is a brick

About whether brickwork itself decorative element, of course, can be argued. However, in a loft-style interior or in a house whose owners would like to create a deliberately rough or rustic design, brick is indispensable.

Designers advise not to hide the brickwork in old mansions - a hundred years after the construction of the house, the brick acquires a certain touch of time, looks especially noble and serves as a clear demonstration of the rich history of the building.

Today decorative brick often used to highlight doorways, parapets and niches of various sizes.

To prolong the life of brickwork, such walls are coated for reliability with a colorless matte varnish that protects the brick from dust. Can such a wall be painted with a regular water-based paint, choosing a color in accordance with the main style of the interior.

Brickwork can become a highlight of the room design, and in a loft-style apartment it will become the main design direction. In this kitchen brickwork helped to soften the too laconic and technological interior

Fifth idea - photo printing

Modern technologies allow you to create images of amazing clarity and expressiveness, drawing a picture on any surface and materials. A bright picture, for example, a city panorama or a mountain landscape, can literally push the walls of the house apart, visually expand the space.

However, such bright pictures can simply get bored, so designers are advised to choose walls that are not constantly in sight for the location of the image. Traditionally, photo printing is placed above the head of the bed, in a cramped corridor, behind the sofa in the living room.

Photo printing is especially attractive because you can use personal photos to create a picture on the wall, make a beautiful collage that will remind you of a wonderful vacation, and so on.

The city panorama fits perfectly into this otherwise very calm, classic bedroom interior. And the place is chosen perfectly - above the head of the bed, so the owners will not be too annoying

Idea six - decorative panels

The ideal option to quickly carry out repairs and in just one or two days completely transform the room, and without dusty, wet and dirty processes, is to use ready-made decorative panels.

Plastic panels, of course, are universal, they are not afraid of water, they can imitate the texture of wood and other materials, they are easy to install, but they still look cheap - plastic remains plastic, no matter how beautifully it is painted or decorated with photo printing.

But wooden panels, for example, the famous boiserie, always look very respectable, solid, expensive and can turn the most ordinary living room into an aristocratic salon. Boiserie is made today not only from natural array wood, but also veneered MDF or chipboard, which made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of their production.

Usually, decorative boiserie panels are not painted, since there is no need to hide the beauty of wood or veneer, but if the main style of the interior of the room requires it, why not. These white decorative panels not only hid heating radiators, but also became a very beautiful design element.

Natural boiserie panels look great in an English interior

The seventh idea is such a different porcelain tile

Porcelain stoneware, unlike ordinary ceramic tiles, is made at very high pressure- not less than 50 MPa - and fired at a temperature of at least 1.2-1.3 thousand degrees. As a result of such production, a non-porous, almost moisture-proof material is obtained, wear-resistant, not afraid of either frost or heat.

At the same time, porcelain stoneware has a number of properties that allow it to be used not only for wall decoration in the bathroom, kitchen or on the outer facade of the building, but also in a chic living room, bedroom or office.

So, thanks to its textured surface and modern methods of applying a pattern, porcelain stoneware perfectly imitates leather, wood, natural stone.

Today, going to a building materials store, you can choose porcelain stoneware, which in terms of its external parameters will not be inferior to natural stone or wood, and even surpass them in functional properties.

Eighth idea - eco-coatings

Today, the desire to make your home environmentally friendly covers everything. large quantity homeowners. Is it possible to achieve such an effect without the use of natural coatings?

  1. Sisal.
  2. Cane.
  3. Rattan.
  4. Jute fiber.
  5. Arrowroot.
  6. Bamboo slats.
  7. Cork veneer, zebrano, apricot, sandalwood, cherry, etc.

The basis for such natural coatings is thick paper, which has a stronger and more reliable texture than the usual basis for wallpaper. Non-woven fabric, well known from ordinary wallpaper, is also used.

Interest in such natural coatings is also fueled by the fashion for Asian ethnic motifs in the interior. Such wall decoration is used not only in Japanese interior, but also in fusion style, for decorating not the entire wall, but its individual sections - niches, arches, stripes above the sofa and other elements.

The choice of natural wall coverings today is quite large, but, unfortunately, usually this option for wall decoration is more expensive than using the usual wallpaper or painting.

Idea nine - decorative plaster

Decorative plaster can be called both traditional and innovative at the same time, actual option wall finishes. This method has been used for many years, but has not lost its appeal.

Decorative plaster is a fairly thick coating layer, which consists of fillers no larger than 10 millimeters in size:

  1. Stone chips made of marble, granite, quartz or dolomite.
  2. synthetic granules.
  3. Nylon or cellulose fibers.

Accordingly, depending on the filler used, decorative plaster also acquires external parameters, so this criterion must be taken into account when choosing a wall covering.

However, do not forget that the original relief and texture of decorative plaster also depend on the tools used and the application technique. In connection with this feature, the choice of builders who will apply it should be approached with particular care.

Decorative plaster is a frequent guest in a classic interior, Art Deco style and is able to emphasize the luxury and chic of an elite renovation.

The current trends in the use of decorative plaster, designers consider surfaces that imitate aged stone, soft and warm colors such as golden honey onyx, as well as the use of a moisture-resistant coating in the bathroom, created on the basis of quartz sand and lime.

Moisture resistant plaster can also be used in bathrooms

Tenth idea - an original combination of painted walls

Wall painting rightly enjoys great popularity - it is simple, convenient and allows you to change the style of the room quite often. But just paint all the walls of the house without exception in the same neutral shade It's no longer fashionable. Designers prefer to experiment with shades, creating very original, but harmonious, integral pictures of the interior.

Among the most interesting options- highlighting one wall with a brighter color, stenciling, applying any images. For example, a clock face painted on the kitchen wall, two similar shades of paint separated by a wavy strip, and so on, will look very unusual and attractive.

Of course, there is nothing new in using wallpaper or paint for wall decoration. But among the collections of paint or mixtures for decorative plaster themselves, there are a huge number of options that allow you to experiment with texture and colors.

Listen to the advice of professionals, choose a wall covering that will not only be functional, but also beautiful in itself - this will help create the perfect backdrop for brighter decor elements or emphasize the luxury and elegance of the interior.

The greatest number of problems during the repair of the owners, as a rule, create walls in the apartment. How to finish them in such a way as to hide the flaws, and the interior turned out to be unusual, not like that of the neighbors. In addition, I want it to be practical, and not very expensive. Wallpaper is usually the first thing that comes to mind. We will not argue. With the current diversity of their species, it is quite possible to pick up suitable option for any room. Well, then what about the creativity and originality of the interior? And functionality should not be overlooked either. After all, let's say, being in search of an answer to the question: "How to decorate the walls of the kitchen in the apartment?", You begin to understand that the wallpaper is far from the best the best way for this room. Something else is needed, more practical and durable. However, fortunately, the current owners of apartments and houses will not have to puzzle over the problem for a long time. Market building materials so varied that one can find suitable solution will not be labor. We, in turn, will try to help with valuable advice.

So, what do the walls in the apartment decorate, except for the wallpaper?

General principles

Choosing suitable material for walls, first of all, you need to consider in which room the decoration will take place. This is what you need to get away from. If this is, say, a bedroom or a nursery, then here you need to opt for environmentally friendly clean materials, in the manufacture of which a minimum amount of chemical components was used. If a we are talking about the hallway, you need to understand what is best for her more durable material, because this is the room where the walls are most often touched with hands, so the ability to quickly remove traces of the same hands from the walls without consequences for finishing is of great importance. As for, say, the kitchen, it will require materials that can withstand temperature extremes, the presence of high humidity. Talking about how you can finish the walls in the apartment, we will, first of all, touch on the issues of practicality and functionality. As for the interior design specifically, this is not the topic of our review, however, based on our advice, you, due to the abundance of all kinds of colors and textures of the materials we describe, will be able to choose the right option for yourself.

We decorate with plaster

Do you have, to put it mildly, walls in the apartment that are far from ideal? How to finish them quickly, efficiently and inexpensively? Consider the option with decorative plaster. If you accept it, you will deal with two birds with one stone - you will hide defects and ennoble the interior. Yes, and there will be no problems with the design, since the decorative plaster is covered with paint after being applied to the surface. So that suitable color it won't be hard to find. And, besides, with the word "plaster" there is absolutely no need to imagine a gray surface, all speckled with sand. Not at all. Today, decorative plaster is so diverse that it can be used to make a textured surface, both antique and marbled. The only drawback of this type of finish, perhaps, is that, without having good skills, you can do it yourself quality finish Not sure it's going to happen. However, if you are not particularly wise, and purchase a solution of the "bark beetle" type, then it is quite possible to get by on your own. Well, if you want the walls to be finished or their surface to imitate stone covering, then here, of course, it is still advisable to turn to specialists.


This material is quite well-known and, it seems, can surprise nothing. However, everything is not so simple. Today, ceramic tiles are so diverse that they are used not only in bathrooms and toilets, but sometimes decorate the walls of living rooms and hallways. Well, for the kitchen, this is almost the most suitable option. Its mirror varieties will serve as excellent bedrooms.

PVC panels

Quite often, such coverage is found in offices. However, who said that they should not decorate the walls in the apartment. How to finish the surface if you want the work to be quick and painless, and the coating itself turned out to be durable, beautiful and easy to clean? Of course, you should pay attention to PVC panels. They are just perfect for the kitchen, great for bathrooms and hallways. For budget repair - great option. Especially considering that all the work can be done independently, it is enough to be able to hold a drill and a screwdriver in your hands. In addition, today plastic panels are produced not only in plain colors, but also with a pattern, which is sometimes so beautiful that you can easily create an amazing interior. Cheap, practical and original.

MDF panels

In appearance, they are similar to plastic, but not as moisture resistant as the second ones. In addition, they are produced, as a rule, only in a single-color version and most often imitate wood flooring. Nevertheless, if you are looking for an apartment, and even for the material to be not very expensive, then this option is the best fit. These panels are quite resistant to loads, wash well, in addition, you can not only install them yourself, but also hide all communications and surface irregularities under them.


Considering relatively budget options wall decoration, you can not ignore the painting. At one time it was extremely fashionable and was considered a very sophisticated finishing option. Today, painting is not so popular, even though many modern materials have appeared. Indeed, at the very beginning, when such finishing options had just begun to appear (we, of course, do not mean the panels in old Soviet apartments, covered with a nasty green color), they took an ordinary water-based emulsion and added dye to it to get the desired shade. It was far from always possible to achieve the desired result, and such a coating was difficult to clean. No, now there are enough ready-made paints on the market, some of which contain lacquer in their composition, so dirt is simply washed off from them. This finishing method is rapidly losing popularity for another reason.

The fact is that in order to obtain a high-quality result, the desired surface must be carefully leveled and made perfectly smooth. which will require large material costs and attracting experts. Besides, this way considered one of the dirtiest. Tip: to reduce costs and speed up the process, you can first paste over the plastered walls with special wallpaper, and then apply paint on them.

All of the above options are the most common and, by and large, publicly available. And the better to finish the walls in the apartment, if the owners of it are not constrained by funds and can afford to fork out for expensive materials. Let us consider further the most promising options in this regard.


Great option. Natural will create an atmosphere of comfort in the room and will allow you to create any desired interior design, because at the moment it is produced painted in various colors, while retaining its inherent character. In addition, the cork will insulate the walls and will contribute to their sound insulation.

Decorative rock

Another expensive finishing option. But on the other hand, it is also durable, in addition, incredibly refined and emphasizing the status of the owners. And if you do not know how to finish the walls in the hallway in the apartment, consider it. Thus, you will make the interior of this room not only original, but also functional, because such a coating is not afraid of any “injuries” and dirt. Tip: I must say that today on construction markets you can easily purchase a magnificent fake - not a natural, but an artificial decorative stone. And, we dare to say, it was made so high quality that not even every specialist can determine its unnatural origin. Such material will cost you an order of magnitude cheaper, which, by the way, will practically not affect its quality characteristics.

3D panels

A great option for those who do not know how to decorate the walls in the apartment, except for wallpaper. After all, this is a super novelty on the modern market, so it is ideal for those who want to create a creative, “not like everyone else” interior. As for the coverage itself, it is, of course, expensive, but all costs will be covered by its amazing appearance and stunning visual effect that such panels create. In addition, a huge plus is that the installation of such panels can be done by hand. And the surface does not require special preliminary preparation. So, don't lose sight of it when choosing the right wall decor.


We told how in the apartment. How to finish them - you choose, of course. But in conclusion of the article we want to give one more piece of advice. Don't discount wallpaper. If you don't want to decorate the walls with them - no need. The choice of materials, as you can see, is more than great. But remember: sometimes a combination of wallpaper and, say, the same decorative stone looks much more interesting than just the last covered walls. In general, fantasize. And you will certainly succeed.