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» Thailand interesting facts about the country. Interesting facts about Thailand. Famous films shot in Thailand

Thailand interesting facts about the country. Interesting facts about Thailand. Famous films shot in Thailand

Thailand annually attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. This is an amazing and not fully explored country. Cultural lovers will enjoy historical monuments, unique temples and chiseled architecture. Here you can also find a relaxing holiday on the snow-white beaches. Untouched nature and exotic animals, unique traditional food and the culture of the locals captivates you from the first minutes. Next, we suggest reading more interesting and unique facts about Thailand.

1. Thailand is a state of free people.

2.The capital of Thailand means “city of angels”.

3.The King of Thailand is considered the longest-serving ruler of modern times.

4. Thailand is the most depraved state.

5. Residents of Thailand call their country the state of smiles.

6. All those who live in Thailand are friendly.

7. Until 1913, Thais did not have surnames.

8.In Thailand they use the ordinary Buddhist calendar.

9.An energy drink called “Red Bull” first appeared in this country.

10.Thailand is considered the world's exporter of rice.

11.The smallest animal is called pig-nosed bat, found only in Thailand.

12. Siamese cats first appeared in Thailand.

14.Only relatives have the right to touch Thais’ heads.

15.The names of deceased people in Thailand are written only in red.

16. A popular form of entertainment in Thailand is fish fighting.

17.In this state, only officials and elephants receive pensions.

18.Thais consider the expression “boom boom” to be an offer of sex.

19. Military conscription in this state exists for everyone who has reached the age of 18.

20.Thailand has never been colonized in the entire history of this country.

21.Thailand is considered a kingdom.

22.Thailand residents believe in sacred souls that live in people's heads.

23. Thais are the most religious Asian nation.

24.In Thailand, if you insult members of the monarch’s family, you end up in prison.

25.The Thai king is considered an American citizen.

26.The Thais simply do not have the concept of “starving.”

27.The Thai alphabet is considered the longest in the world.

28.Thailand residents know how to smile depending on the status of the interlocutor and the situation.

29.In Thai hair salons, before cutting your hair, you massage your head.

30. In this state, Wednesday is considered an unfavorable day for important events and acquisitions.

31.Thailand officials have rings with stones on their hands.

32.Little children who live in Thailand do not cry when they fall.

33.Thais like to swim with their clothes on.

34.There are no incandescent lamps that are familiar to us in Thailand.

35. Thailand is considered the 2nd country in the world in terms of the number of pickup trucks.

36.Thai school students must wear their own specific uniform.

37.Before watching a film in a Thai cinema, the national anthem is played.

38. Thai people prefer to eat strawberries with pepper, juices with salt, and noodles with sugar.

39.About 95% of Thai creams have a whitening effect.

40. Thai train conductors with my own hands make the beds of passengers.

41.It is not customary to walk drunk on the streets of Thailand.

42. Thai men and women should not have a bare torso.

43.In the town of Surat Thani, which is located in Thailand, there is a college for monkeys.

44.There are approximately 30 thousand Buddhist temples in Thailand.

45.The Thai anthem is performed to the music of a Russian composer.

46.The princess of Thailand was a Russian woman.

47.According to the Thai people, Siamese cats make a happy marriage.

48. Thais don't like it when people serve things to them with their left hand.

49.About 400 thousand foreigners go to hospitals in Thailand.

50.Thais like to build own houses and do business.

51.White elephant is main symbol Thailand.

52.Small lizards in Thailand are frequent guests in the evenings.

53.Men who live in Thailand change their spouses if they suddenly become scary and old.

54. Thais like white-skinned people, but they are afraid of blacks.

55. Cheese in this country is quite expensive.

56.The population in Thailand is slightly smaller than the number of people in Russia.

57. Thailand is the Asian champion in the number of street weights.

58.They don’t drink tap water in Thailand.

59.Thai police wear skinny trousers and tight shirts.

60. People don’t drink cow’s milk in Thailand.

61.Thais don't like shouting.

62.People respect the Thai king because he has only one wife.

63.The dogs that exist in Thailand can lie wherever they want.

64. Buddha figurines and sculptures are prohibited from being exported from Thailand.

65.Native Thais rarely become transsexuals.

66.Foreign residents, not counting Asians, are called farangs in Thailand.

67. In Thailand, if a person is a foreigner, then strong drugs can be sold to him without a prescription.

68.Thais living near the road can park their cars right in the living room.

69.Thailand residents pay close attention to their own hygiene.

70.The territory occupied by Thailand is the same size as France.

71.Thais have lucky number. This is 9.

72.This state celebrates 2 New Years.

73.If a woman living in this country does not get married before the age of 30, then she is an old maid.

74. A Thai woman should not touch a monk.

75. In Thailand, a woman is allowed to go to entertainment establishments only with a man.

76.Russia has a public debt to Thailand for the supply of rice.

77.For the first time, an underwater wedding ceremony was held in Thailand.

78.Cockfighting is respected by Thais.

79.All cats in Thailand are only Siamese.

80. Until today, in this country it is indecent to use a fork while eating food.

81.Thailand is considered the world's supplier of rubber.

82.This country is 5th on the list of car manufacturers.

83.The rarest bird lives in Thailand.

84. Thai people do not eat dogs, maggots or beetles.

85.Housing is cheap in this country.

86.Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, surrounded by a huge number of toll roads.

87.There is an organization for homosexuals in Thailand.

88.Thailand has inexpensive mobile communications.

89.Most major museum in Thailand it is considered " Ancient city».

90.Thai residents prefer to drive rather than walk.

91.In this state you are not allowed to raise your voice.

92.Thailand is sometimes referred to as the country of the white elephant.

93.Long fish live on the shores of Thailand, reaching 12 meters.

94.Thailand is the 51st largest country in the world.

95.Thailand has the longest podium in the world.

96.The highest point in Thailand is Mount Doi Ind Hanon.

97.The capital of Thailand has long been called the “Venice of the East”.

99. The monitor lizard is the largest lizard on Earth, lives in Thailand.

100.In the reservoirs of Thailand there is a fish that can climb a tree.

If you are going on holiday to Thailand, it is better to study the features, traditions and rules of this country in advance. Thanks to this, you will protect yourself from some ridiculous situations and learn how the locals live and what their customs are. Of course, it won’t be possible to talk about all the features in one article, but I want to present to your attention the 25 most interesting facts about Thailand.

1. Thais are very religious people and they are sensitive to their religion. Buddhism mainly flourishes here. No matter what conditions the Thai himself lives in, even in an old hut, there is always a beautiful house spirits

2. Thailand has a completely different calendar. When we celebrated 2015, Thais welcomed 2,558.

3. The King of Thailand has American citizenship.

4. King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand has been in power since 1946 and is included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest reign.

5. Thais greatly revere their king and the entire royal family. In cinemas, before the start of the show, the national anthem is always played, and the king is shown on the screen, at which time all Thais stand up and listen to him silently. All students start their day in the same way; the anthem is played in schools and universities. In cities, posters with the image of the king hang on the streets. Under no circumstances say anything bad about the king, this will be considered an insult to His Majesty. Do not throw money on the floor, do not crush it or get it dirty. The thing is that the king is depicted on banknotes. For insulting the king, you can get a fine or even go to prison.

6. Thais are relaxed and slow people; they are not in a hurry. The Thai people live by the principle: “if I don’t have time in this life, I will do it in the next.” For them, the main thing is the joy of the moment, they do not pursue material wealth, they do not see the need for it.

7. Thais do not complain or whine, unlike many Russian people, where this is considered normal. They believe that everything that comes into their life they deserve and the cause of problems should be looked for in themselves, and not to blame others. In this I share their views. After all, we ourselves attract events into our lives with our thoughts, and this has been proven more than once. So, think positively and you will be happy!

8. In Thailand, in all public institutions, buses, trains, air conditioners operate at full capacity. When you enter the store, it immediately blows on you cold air and I want to dress warmer.

9. The cult of food is thriving in Thailand. Here at every step there is either a cafe, or a restaurant, or makashnitsa. It seems that Thais eat all the time. However, they very rarely cook at home.

10. In street cafes everyone eats, regardless of social status. In the most shabby cafe they dine like simple people, as well as the rich people who drive up to this place in expensive cars. In Thailand there is no such division that the rich visit some places and the poor visit others. And no matter whether you are poor or rich, you will be treated respectfully and equally.

11. In Thailand, the wiring is at the top, hanging a large number of wires and this is the first thing that catches your eye when you first visit this country. This does not at all beautify the city. It looks just like in the picture.

12. In Thailand, you drive on the left. Road rules are often ignored here, so you need to be very careful on the road.

13. Foreigners in Thailand are called “farangs” and are often looked at as a bag of money.

14. There are practically no sidewalks in Thailand; Thais prefer to ride motorbikes and cars rather than walk.

15. In Thailand, you can rent a motorbike or car without having a driver’s license.

16. No matter how poor a Thai is, he will always have a rather expensive car, since car loans are very profitable in Thailand.

17. celebrated three times: European (January 1), Chinese (date of celebration depends on lunar calendar) and Thai (April 14).

18. If you see a beautiful tall Thai woman in Thailand, do not forget to check her gender, as most likely she is a man.

19. Before entering many pharmacies, massage parlors, hairdressers and other establishments in Thailand, it is customary to take off your shoes.

20. You cannot touch the heads of Thais, including children, it is considered disrespectful. Thais believe that it is in the head that the spirit or soul is located and cannot be touched.

21. Thais smile much more often, so it’s not for nothing that I call Thailand “The Land of Smiles.”

22. The elephant counts. And all white elephants belong to the king. Each elephant in Thailand has health insurance and a pension of 15,000 baht.

23. Men in Thailand are prohibited from showing their naked torsos in in public places.

24. It is impossible to meet a drunk and noisy Thai on the street. They rarely drink, but when they do, they are quiet.

25. In Thailand it is not customary to swear or raise your voice. In Thailand, swearing is perceived as a dog barking. But it is indecent for a person to stoop to the level of an animal.

1. One of the princesses of Thailand was a Russian woman, Ekaterina Desnitskaya. At the beginning of the 20th century, the son of King Rama V studied in Russia, where he met his future wife, who gave birth to a son from the prince. But the prince cheated on his wife and she could not forgive him. Ekaterina Desnitskaya, having divorced her husband, refused the decent maintenance that she was entitled to as an ex-wife, and in the early 20s she left for China. When Chakrapong died in 1925, Katya sobbed at his grave. Desnitskaya herself died in Paris in 1960, at the age of 72. Read more

2. Official name Thailand's capital Bangkok translates to "The City of Angels, the great city, the city of eternal treasure, the impregnable city of God Indra, the majestic capital of the world, endowed with nine precious stones, happy city, a grand Royal Palace full of opulence, reminiscent of a divine abode where a reincarnated god reigns, a city donated by Indra and built by Vishnukarn.” The name of the city is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest. About Bangkok

3. Despite regular wars with neighbors, Thailand was never conquered or colonized by European countries (the British from Malaysia and the French from Vietnam used the kingdom of Siam as a buffer zone), which the Thais are very proud of. Short story Thailand

4. The chronology in Thailand is different from the world one. The difference is 543 years. That is, in the 2011 European year in Thailand the year is 2554. Don't be surprised to see an inspection expiration date on your car.

5. A fly swatter is not only a useful household item, but also a symbol of power in many countries in Africa, Asia and Oceania. For example, in Thailand, one of the royal regalia is a fly swatter, the handle of which is made from engraved ivory, and the hair is from the tail of an albino elephant. The fly swatter is also present on the coat of arms of the territory of American Samoa.

6. Queen Sirikit of Thailand is recognized as one of the the most beautiful women world in the 20th century.

7. On the territory of Myanmar and Thailand lives the Padaung tribe, which has ancient tradition lengthen your women's necks with brass rings. The first ring is put on a girl at 5 years old, then more rings are added throughout her life and can reach a total weight of 9 kg. There is a myth that the neck muscles in these women atrophy and removing the rings can cause suffocation. However, they can freely put on and take off rings. X-ray images showed that the neck itself in women does not change, but the shoulder girdle drops. Chiang Mai - a journey to long-necked women

8. Mass tourism in Thailand arose thanks to the Vietnam War, when the country began to play the role of a rear area for American soldiers. Large military bases were located here, as well as recreational facilities for US military personnel on leave. A particularly popular place among soldiers was the city of Pattaya, which has since remained the sex capital of Thailand.

9. Thai cats, which are now so popular all over the world, came from Thailand to Russia for the first time when King Chulalongkorn of Siam gave 200 Thai cats to Nicholas II. And these beautiful animals have already spread from Russia all over the world.

10. Thailand is the only country in the world in which the King is the patron of all religions, but according to the Constitution he himself is obliged to be a Buddhist.

11. There are more than 32,700 Buddhist temples in Thailand, home to about 370 thousand monks and novices. This is approximately 1 monk per 170 citizens. Thai Buddhism

12. Contrary to popular belief among tourists, Thailand, outside the “tourist zone” of Pattaya or Phuket, is a country of very strict family values ​​and Buddhist religious morality (this is not easy to notice in tourist areas...). Thai women even swim almost always in clothes, because they are embarrassed to expose their bodies in front of people. Trip story: why are Thais so calm and honest?

13. His Majesty the King of Thailand is the only monarch in the world who has American citizenship. King Bhumibol Adulyadej was born in the United States and is a citizen of this country, the only monarch in the world who received American citizenship by birth. In addition, it is worth mentioning that dual citizenship is not recognized in Thailand, but the King has US citizenship. About the King of Thailand

14. All Buddha statues are on loan from their manufacturers, as the image of Buddha is too sacred to be bought or sold. For the same reason, Buddha figurines are not allowed to be exported from the country.

15. “Red Bull”, an energy drink, is known all over the world, but few people know that this drink comes from the Land of Smiles. Tuk-tukers constantly drank non-alcoholic “Krating Daeng” (also translated from Thai as “Red Bull”) to stay awake and increase productivity. The Austrian businessman, founder of Red Bull, who exported and patented the recipe, became a millionaire.
16. To get out of the Thai army sooner, it’s enough to become a katoi (transsexual). In this case, you don’t even have to cut off the “device”. Military service is a great honor for Thai citizens, and transsexuals (katoi) have not been accepted into the army since 1954, regardless of whether they have had genital surgery. But with conscription on April 1, 2011, the situation has changed, and if there is a shortage of conscripts, transsexuals will also be accepted. Transsexuals in Thailand

17. Native Thais become transsexuals very rarely. These are mainly Laotians and Cambodians or people from poor Thai families (isolated cases). The last son in the family starts drinking at the age of 10 hormonal drugs, his breasts begin to enlarge, and changes occur in the body. At the age of 18, he undergoes gender reassignment surgery.

18. The current King of Thailand, Rama IX Bhumibol Adulyadej, has 11 white elephants. The elephant is a sacred animal in Thailand, each of which has a pension of 15,000 baht and health insurance.

19. The Thai king is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-serving monarch in power. In addition, he is the richest king in the world, his fortune is $42 billion. About the King of Thailand

20. Mini Siam Park is located in Pattaya. This is the third miniature city in the world and the first in Thailand, where you can admire carefully crafted copies of the world's most famous architectural complexes of ancient and modern times.

21. In Thailand, all cats are Siamese. However, just like dogs, elephants, roosters, snakes and other living creatures. Until 1949, Thailand was called Siam. The origin of the word "Siam" is lost in the centuries. It most likely comes from the Khmer “syama”, which means brown or gold.

22. There are 13 officially recognized ways to smile in the Kingdom.

23. The kingdom was called Siam in ancient times, but in 1949 the country received its modern name. The origin of the name Thailand is more obvious: land means “country” and tai means “free”. Siam-Thailand is the only state in Southeast Asia that has never been colonized by anyone.

24. One of the main concepts in the life of Thais is “sanuk”, that is, what they like to do. It is impossible to force a Thai to do something he doesn’t like. There will be only one answer to this - “maysanuk”, that is, “not high.”

25. In Thailand, every man is required to be a monk for part of his life. Terms - from one day to several decades. Monks are sacred in Thailand. You can't touch them. You can often find special places for monks (for example, in airport waiting rooms).

26. The main shrine of the Thai state is the statue of the emerald Buddha. It is kept in the Wat Prakao monastery in Bangok. The history of the appearance of the statue is extremely vague and confusing.

27. Thais have great respect for cockfighting. There is a shop in Bangkok where you can buy beak guards, protective gloves for birds, elastic bandages and even mechanical treadmill for cock training.

28. Many Thais are familiar with Muay Thai - Thai boxing. Previously, fighters wrapped their hands in mare's skin, throws, blows to the groin were allowed, and it was possible to bite an opponent. Now all this is prohibited.

29. Thais, along with Buddhism, remain animists, that is, they believe in the power of immaterial spirits living in the material world. Spirits live everywhere: special houses are made for them.

30. Every Thai also has a spirit - khuan. His “house” is his head. Therefore, you should never touch a Thai’s head: this shows disrespect for the spirit.

31. Thailand is home to more than 175 species of snakes, 85 of which are poisonous. Horse blood is used to produce antidotes. After the horse can no longer be a donor, it is “retired” to special farms, where it lives out its life on full government support.

32. Thailand is the world's largest exporter of rice. For the first time in human history, rice, like cultivated plant They were developed in Thailand more than 6,000 years ago. Russia had a public debt to Thailand for rice supplies. The USSR had a national debt to Thailand for rice supplies in the amount of $70 million. By 2002, this debt amounted to $47 million, of which Thailand forgave $11 million Russian Federation, and agreed to repay the rest within 5 years. Thai dishes

33. Before 1913, most Thais did not have surnames, only first names (in the Sonny villagers).

34. In addition to their official name and surname indicated in documents, Thais also have a nickname - a short name used in everyday communication. But not everyone knows that His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej also has a nickname. When he was young, his family and friends called him “Lek”. This fact is stated in the biography book of the King “The Revolutionary King”. The author of the book, William Stevenson, had access to the royal family and even received royal blessing to write this biography. Despite this, the book was unofficially banned from distribution in Thailand for disrespectfully referring to the King by his family name. About the King of Thailand

35. At the beginning of 2009, the largest in Asia was opened in Pattaya shopping mall"Central Festival".

36. In World War II, Thailand sided with Japan, therefore the Axis (i.e. Germany and Italy).

37. The world's smallest mammal is the bumblebee bat, which lives in Thailand.

38. Previously, most hairdressers in Thailand close on Wednesdays, since Wednesday is considered an unlucky day for a haircut (and in general the unluckiest day of the week for shopping and other similar activities). The current generation does not believe in this, but you can still hear similar things from the oldest.

39. Thailand ranks second in the world (after the United States) in the production of pickup trucks based on jeeps, which are very convenient for use in agriculture.

40. Thailand ranks second in the world (after Brazil) in the export of cane sugar.

41. The territory of Thailand is equal to the territory of France, and its population reaches almost half of the population of Russia.

42. The author of the modern national anthem of Thailand is Peter Veith, a German composer. But before the Thai revolution of 1932, the country had an anthem, the author of which was the Russian composer Pyotr Shchurovsky, who wrote it in 1888. In gratitude for this, King Rama V gave him a personalized silver snuff box. This anthem is currently the Royal Family's personal anthem. All Thais have been required to listen to the national anthem while standing since 1939.

43. Thailand ranks 3rd after Japan, South Korea in Asia for automobile production.

44. Thailand ranks second in the world in terms of the volume of fish and seafood caught. In first place is China, and in third is Norway.

45. Thailand has the highest percentage of Buddhists; more than 95% of the country's citizens are adherents of this religion. There are more than 32,000 Buddhist temples in the country, home to more than 370 thousand novices and monks (there is about 1 monk for every 170 Thai citizens). Thai Buddhism

46. ​​The Thai alphabet is the second largest in the world, followed by the Khmer alphabet. The proof can be found in the Thai keyboard, on which one English letter there are two Thai ones.

47. The Russian alphabet and modern Thai Sanskrit have common historical roots (more than 3000 years). This scientific fact has been proven.

48. The area of ​​Thailand is 514,000 square meters. km (the country ranks 49th in the world in area), the country's territory is equal to France, 1.5 times larger than England, 2 times larger than Cambodia, 15 times larger than Israel and 33 times smaller than Russia, but the population reaches almost half population of the Russian Federation.

49. Thailand's land border is 4863 km long.

50. Unlike neighboring Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar, Thailand is not a fourth world country, that is, it is not included in the list of poor countries in Asia.

51. The Kingdom of Thailand is the world's largest supplier of natural rubber.

52. This sunny country is considered the world's largest producer of pineapples.

53. In 1970-1996, Thailand's economy was one of the most dynamic in the world.

54. In Bangkok there were trams in 1894-1968.

55 Snow fell in Thailand in 1955.

56. John Paul II (Pope) visited Thailand in 1984.

57. Nicholas II gave King Rama V 200 grenadiers from Russian army, and at that time 2-meter height was a mandatory criterion when selecting recruits. These giants began to guard the King, surprising everyone with their light skin and enormous height, because Thais are not tall. It so happens that the ritual of changing the guard, the marching order and the uniform of the royal guards have Russian roots. In the northeast of Thailand there is a village where descendants of Russian guards live. Russia and Thailand

58. In Thailand, traffic is on the left, and the country is the largest in the world, bordering on countries where people drive in the opposite lane. 90% of the Kingdom's borders are adjacent to countries that drive on the right, because only Malaysia drives on the left, while Myanmar switched to right-hand drive in 1970.

59. King Rama IV (Mongkut, 1804-1868) was the first monarch in Asia to write and speak English fluently.

60. Construction project international airport Suwanna Bhum in Bangkok is the longest airport construction project in world history. The idea to build it arose back in 1960, but it was opened for operation only in 2006.

61. Muang Boran (in Thai - “Ancient City”), located in the province of Samut Prakan, is the largest open-air museum in the world.

62. In Thailand you can see fish fights. The fact is that if you place male fighting fish Betta splendens, or Siamese cockerels, in one aquarium, one male will definitely kill the other. The pugnacity of these fish is used in the Kingdom of Thailand by organizing fish fights like cockfights.

63. In the last century, the Asian Games were held in Thailand four times: in 1966, 1970, 1978 and 1998.

64. In this country, when writing a name, red ink is used in two cases: if a person has died or they want him to die.

65. The World Weather Station claims that Bangkok is the hottest capital in the world (average annual temperature +28°C). Climate and weather in Thailand

66. In the city of Surat Thani there is a Monkey College, a special educational institution for monkeys. There they are taught not only various tricks to entertain tourists, but also how to get coconuts from palm trees. Particularly successful students can pluck about 1,000 coconuts a day. Discrimination against monkeys in Thailand

67. At the end of the 19th century, the Russian master Faberge visited Thailand and created many works of art, including several statues of Buddha.

68. In Thailand and neighboring Myanmar there lives the Padaung tribe, which traditionally lengthens the necks of their women with brass rings. The first ring is put on a girl at 5 years old, and then more are added throughout her life, so that in the end the total weight of the rings can reach 9 kg. A myth exists that these women's neck muscles atrophy, so removing the rings can lead to suffocation. But in fact, they can easily take off and put on rings. Moreover, x-rays showed that the neck of these women did not lengthen, but their shoulder girdle lowered. If a woman stops wearing these rings, then within a year or three her neck will return to normal.

69. There are five sites in Thailand World Heritage UNESCO, included in their number since 1991 historical city Sukhothai and neighboring historical towns (Historic Town of Sukhothai & Associated Historic Towns), since 1991 Historic Town of Ayutthaya (since 1991 reserves) wildlife Thungyai and Hua Khaeng (Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuaries Thungyai-Huai), since 1992 the archaeological site of Ban Chiang near Udon Thani (Archeological Site Ban Chiang) and since 2005 the Dong Phayayen – Khao Yai Forest Complex. So without a doubt Thailand is a country ancient culture and history. Architecture of Thailand

70. Touching the heads of Thais, as well as Indians, Nepalese and some other Asians, is extremely indecent, as is stroking the heads of their children. These peoples consider the head to be a sacred part of the body, which monks and parents can touch. Tips for tourists

71. Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia where Christianity is accepted and protected by law.

72. The largest restaurant in Bangkok, The Royal Dragon Restaurant, can serve 5,000 visitors at a time. This entry was in the 1992 Guinness Book of Records.

73. The first Thai woman to receive the title of Miss Universe was Apasra Hongsakula (Apasra Hongsakula) in 1965, and in 1988 in the city of Taiwan Taipei (Taipei) this title was awarded to the second resident of Thailand, Pornthip “Bui” Nakhirunkanok (Pornthip Nahirunkanok).

74. In Bangkok in 1992, it was held in Exhibition center QSNCC Miss Universe beauty pageant, where Miss Namibia Michelle McLean won. And for the second time, the Miss Universe competition was held in Bangkok, in Impact, Muang Thong Thani, in 2005, where Natalya Glebova from Canada, a native of the Krasnodar Territory, won.

75. The 1956 feature film “The King and I” (about King Rama IV Mongkut and an English teacher at his court) is banned in Thailand because it spoils the reputation of the respected King of Siam. But the current King and Queen watched this film on Broadway in 1985.

76. Thailand is famous as the largest exporter of flowers in the world, especially orchids, the export of which is estimated at $250 million per year.

77. Purebred Thai dog Bangkaew is the most expensive dog in Thailand. These half-dog, half-wolf dogs were bred in Phitsanulok province, and now a top-quality dog ​​of this breed sells for 50,000 baht. And one dog that lives in Phitsanulok, under protection, is valued at 2 million baht (about 2 million rubles).

78. Thailand ranks first in the world for the number of female leaders. In this country, about 45% of leadership positions are occupied by the weaker sex.

79. In the Kingdom, a woman has the right to visit night entertainment establishments only with a man, but not alone.

80. Thailand has the world's largest solid gold statue, which was cast about 9 centuries ago. This is a sculpture of Buddha Wat Traimit (which translates as “Temple of the Golden Buddha”), weighing 5.5 tons and 3 m high.

81. The law in Thailand protects current and previous members of the royal family from insults. This is worth taking into account when traveling to this sunny country, so as not to have problems with the police, and it is also worth remembering that King Rama IX is depicted on the money. About the King of Thailand

82. The current King of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej, is recognized by world scientists as the most beloved monarch in the world by the citizens of his country.

83. The royal Chakri dynasty, to which the current King of Thailand, Rama IX, belongs, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-ruling dynasty currently ruling in the world (since 1782).

84. In 2001, the journal Vector of Ecology conducted a study of cockroaches in Thailand and found that on average 5.2 cockroaches live in each house, and the largest number is in Chiang Mai, where 6 different species live.

85. Suvarnabhumi Airport, which was built on the swamps in 2006, near Bangkok, has the world's largest passenger terminal under one roof, as well as the tallest observation tower.

86. In Thailand, men are prohibited from being bare-chested in public places (this does not apply to the beach area).

87. In Thailand, it is illegal to leave the house without underwear.

88. A man in Thailand has the right to go to court and demand his dowry back if he discovers that his bride was with another man before the wedding and turned out to be not a virgin.

89. Every year, about 400,000 foreign patients visit Thai hospitals, which is the highest number in the world.

90. Thailand fought in World War I against Austria-Hungary and Germany, where 19 Thai soldiers died, and on the Western Front, Thai nurses served in the trenches. And in January 1920, Thailand was one of the founders of the League of Nations.

91. The New Model English-Thai Dictionary, published in 1940, is the most popular Thai-English dictionary ever written. It was written by So Sethaputra during his 11-year prison sentence.

92. On the islands of Thailand it is not allowed to build buildings higher than palm trees.

93. For the first time, an underwater wedding ceremony was held in Thailand, in Trang province. This ceremony was included in the Guinness Book of Records, and subsequently it became widespread throughout the world.

94. Daniel Westlake, who is known as David McMillan, is the only European to escape from the famous Bangkok Hilton prison in 1996. He used a hacksaw to escape from his cell and was in Singapore 12 hours later.

95. During Princess Sirindhorn of Thailand's official visit to India, she was denied entry into the famous Bhubaneshwar Temple in East India because the princess is a Buddhist and a foreigner.

96. New Year Thais celebrate 3 times a year: January 1st instead of completely peacefully, in January-February, together with China, and their own April 13th.

97. The sun rises in Thailand between 6 and 7 am and gets dark around 7 pm. And so all year round.

98. Pattaya's Royal Cliff Beach Resort won five Best of Awards of Excellence 2008 awards from New York's Wine Spectator magazine. Pattaya's Royal Cliff Beach Resort has won five Best of Awards of Excellence 2008 awards from New York's Wine Spectator magazine. This is a kind of world record. No hotel has ever won five awards at once. The award was earned by five hotel restaurants: Caprice Restaurant & Bar (modern European cuisine), Larn Thong Restaurant (traditional Thai) Grill Room & Wine Cellar (grilled dishes in the traditional different countries), Rossini (Italian cuisine) and Chrysanthemum Palace (Cantonese cuisine).

99. The first flight of the national airline of Thailand, Thai Airways, took place on May 1, 1960. The company was founded as a joint venture with the airline SAS, which owned 30% of the company's shares. In the entire history of Thai Airways flights, there have been only 3 plane crashes - one of the lowest rates in the world.

100. If you have not been to Thailand yet, this is the most amazing fact!