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» DIY wooden gazebo. Do-it-yourself wooden gazebos - construction stages and tips

DIY wooden gazebo. Do-it-yourself wooden gazebos - construction stages and tips

Country cottage area is a great place to spend time and summer holiday. At this time of year, gazebos are especially popular, where you can gather friends, have barbecue, chat, or take a break from the bustle of the city in peace and quiet. A gazebo made of wood with your own hands can be built step by step without the participation of professionals. To avoid mistakes during the construction process, you must follow some instructions and regulations.

It is worth noting that key points construction of a structure lies in the ability to take a responsible approach to the process of calculations and construction. If you don’t want to spend time and effort on construction, it’s best to entrust all the work to professionals. Of course, in this case you will have to pay not only for building materials, but also for people’s labor, however, the result will fully justify the money spent.

Advantages of wooden gazebos

The modern market offers a huge range of different building materials that are perfect for building a gazebo. Some of the presented materials have increased strength or, on the contrary, fragility.

Regardless of its simplicity, a do-it-yourself wooden gazebo is considered the best variety the buildings. The advantages of wooden structures are:

  • durability and strength, which most often require treatment with specialized solutions;
  • good combination with other building materials, for example, glass, metal, etc.;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low cost;
  • visual appeal directly related to the flexibility of the material;
  • ease of construction or assembly on site.

In addition to the advantages of wood as a material, it is worth noting the relatively low requirements for placement. Among the most significant requirements are the following:

  • the size of the gazebo must fully correspond to its original purpose (for large companies or modest family pastime);
  • Before starting construction, you should spend time on a construction plan, which you can make yourself or download on the Internet;
  • high-quality mixture of foundation and wood properly treated with antiseptic;
  • In order for the building to have maximum strength and durability, it is necessary to check the foundation for strength and treat the wood with an antiseptic;
  • appearance garden plot and gazebos are closely related to each other, which is why the design of the building should be carefully considered;
  • Before erecting a wooden gazebo, it is necessary to prepare the construction site - level it and clear it of any obstacles.

It is worth considering that only with a responsible approach to the above requirements will the construction meet expectations. Otherwise, a wooden gazebo with your own hands will not last long.

Preparatory work:

Choosing a gazebo plan

Before starting the construction of a building, you need to think through its plan in detail. To do this, first of all, you need to decide on the type of structure. All kinds of buildings can be divided into two main types:

  • open;
  • closed.

Wooden gazebo for a summer residence closed type Designed for use in both winter and summer. Such buildings have a dense roof and relatively blank walls.

Open structures have many more uses and subspecies, regardless of the fact that such buildings are used exclusively in summer time of the year. These designs may be:

  • buildings of various shapes in the form of fungi;
  • awnings (tents) of various shapes and sizes;
  • pergolas are arches firmly connected to each other into one single structure.

A wooden gazebo can take a variety of forms, among which it is worth noting:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • hexagonal.

Depending on the shape of the gazebo, the complexity of its construction is determined. The simplest design is usually considered to be a rectangular design.

Separately, gazebos with grills can be noted. The uniqueness of such a building directly comes from the flammability of wood, which, be that as it may, is not a reason to build a structure from other materials.

To prevent possible problems To ensure fire safety, it is necessary to carefully treat the material with appropriate compounds. In addition, you can get rid of unnecessary problems by refusing to install a stationary fryer directly inside the building. If necessary, the grill should simply be taken outside the premises.

Selection of tools and materials

After the plan, type and shape of the gazebo have been selected, it is necessary to calculate the amount of building materials required and prepare necessary tools. Basic materials include:

  • piles;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • boards;
  • fittings;
  • brick;
  • metal corners;
  • wooden bars;
  • screws or nails;
  • various materials for roof finishing.

Having prepared the building materials, you need to check the availability of the tools necessary for installation work:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • electric plane;
  • spanners;
  • Circular Saw;
  • screwdriver

In addition to the necessary components, you should first prepare compositions for wood processing. It is these liquids that determine the strength and fire safety of the future structure.

Construction of a gazebo

A do-it-yourself wooden gazebo should be built step by step in full accordance with the instructions. Each stage of construction requires the highest level of responsibility, including the planning stages.


It is recommended to build a wooden gazebo exclusively on a hill so that rains, over time, do not cause the process of rotting. The distance between the structure and the house is determined directly by the owners. In some cases, the gazebo may be adjacent to the house, however, in this case, the buildings must have a similar appearance.

Wooden gazebo should go well not only with residential building, but also the natural environment. Wherever the structure is located, it must be accessible good review to the garden - flower bed, front garden, forest, etc.

When placing a gazebo in an open place, it is important to enclose the building with a fence, house walls or a wall of bushes. This is necessary to protect against wind and other negative factors. It is also worth taking care of the path, thanks to which you can easily get to the gazebo.


Choosing a foundation for a gazebo is the most the hard part all the work. There can be several variations of the foundation at the base of the structure:

  • tape;
  • tiled;
  • columnar.

The most commonly used and most accessible is the columnar type. This type of foundation is low cost and easy to install.

To build columnar foundation necessary:

  • mark the territory using rope and wooden posts;
  • remove the top soil layer from the marked part of the earth to a depth of 0.5 m;
  • lay several layers of building materials at the base of the building: sand and crushed stone in layers of 10 cm, as well as concrete mortar in a layer of 30 cm;
  • on top concrete mortar apply a small layer of roofing felt;
  • make several brick columns in 3-4 rows (necessary to ensure greater distance between the ground and the floor of the structure to prevent the possibility of rotting);
  • additionally cover the created base with a layer of roofing felt.

The floorboard can be made in two ways. The first variation is based on the fact that the walls of the structure rest directly against the base of the gazebo. Another option is for the floor to sag between the support points.

The second gender variation is the most preferable due to its simplicity. This coating can be disassembled and updated without any problems.

The base of the floor for a gazebo is usually made of wooden beams with a cross-section of 10 by 10 cm. Of course, before installation, the beams must be properly treated with specialized solutions to prevent the possibility of rotting. For these purposes, it is recommended to use copper sulfate, which should be applied in several layers.

Gazebo frame

The main requirement for the gazebo frame is to ensure its openness. The building should be airy, without any blank walls.

When constructing the frame, boards and bars pre-treated with solutions are used. The plank base is secured with nails. The main support points of the structure are made of beams.

Wall cladding

The walls of the gazebo can be made different ways. The simplest finishing option is ordinary plank cladding. However, in order for the gazebo to please the eye with an attractive appearance You can use more original design methods. For example, make the walls of the building from weaving branches or use decorative mesh.

Additionally, you can make wooden railings, equip the building with windows, decorate the walls with openwork overlays and decorative carvings.

Also in some cases you can plant bindweed plants like hops, grapes or roses. These plants will not only decorate the garden plot, but also protect the structure from sun rays and wind.

Gazebo roof

A do-it-yourself wooden gazebo should have the same roof as a residential building. Multi-pitched roofs look most pleasant on gazebos, but due to the complexity of installation they are rarely used. Shed roofs are no less attractive, but have much fewer installation requirements.

The roofing material should be similar to that used on a residential building. When using slate, you need to cut a piece of the appropriate shape and nail it. If the roof of the gazebo is made of tiles, you must first strengthen it OSB boards, and only then lay the bitumen shingles.

Interior design of the gazebo

This work process depends solely on the personal preferences of the owners and the original purpose of the gazebo. Inside the building you can place chairs, a sofa, banquettes, a table, etc. For greater convenience, electricity is often supplied to the gazebo.

It is worth paying attention that when wiring electricity, you need to pay attention to the easy flammability of wood. Thus, it is necessary to lay the wiring only along a special corrugated hose that can protect the material during short circuits and power surges.

The interior design of the gazebo is an individual matter for each owner. If you want you can do it unique design or get inspired by something already ready. One way or another, the gazebo is considered complete when the interior and exterior design completely suits the owners.

If the dacha is used mainly as a place to relax, and not for constant monotonous work in the garden beds, it is advisable to build a comfortable and visually attractive gazebo. Then you can safely invite guests, gather with the whole family, enjoying clean air and the sun. Below we will consider the issue of building a gazebo with your own hands.

As practice has shown, the most convenient material for constructing a gazebo is wood. It is easy to cut and fasten with self-tapping screws or nails. At the same time, the cost differs significantly from the same brick or metal downward.

Types of gazebos

So, we decided that we would build a gazebo with our own hands. First you need to decide what type of structure the structure will be. There are only two types:

  • open;
  • closed.

Open gazebos have a roof, foundation, wall fragments and floor. In some cases, the construction of the floor may not be necessary. For example, if the gazebo is in the shape of a mushroom. IN open gazebos the person is in the air. They can be very beautiful, especially with lattice wall fragments. However, in winter time It will be cold in such gazebos.

Closed gazebos have a floor, walls, ceiling, roof, and foundation. They allow you to relax in any weather, even winter period. Closed gazebos have windows and doors. It's kind of, small house. You can build a fireplace inside or install a heating system.

So, summerhouses with their own hands they can be open and closed. If you want to save money, the construction will be open type. When you need reliable protection from cold and precipitation during frosty and rainy periods, you will have to spend money and put in more effort.


Work on the construction of a gazebo begins with the foundation. If we're talking about about a closed gazebo, then the foundation should be made as strong as possible. The most acceptable option is a columnar foundation. What we need to do from the very beginning:

  • level the area for the future building;
  • remove the top soil so that moisture does not accumulate under the building;
  • mark the site around the perimeter of the future building.

As for the depth to which the pillars should be dug, it depends on the type of soil. If we are talking about loose and sandy soils, you should dig 50-60 centimeters. It is optimal to use asbestos-cement pipes as pillars.

Can also be used for pillars old brick. If you use wood, after ten years it may sag or begin to rot.

When you make a gazebo for your dacha with your own hands, you need to try to make the foundation level so that in a couple of years the structure does not sag. That's why a level is used. In order to give stability to the future floor, supports need to be installed between the foundation pillars along the perimeter.

Upon completion of the foundation arrangement, it is important not to forget about waterproofing. It is perfectly acceptable to use a sheet of roofing felt.

If we are talking about continuous pouring of the foundation under the floor, then this is economically unprofitable. In our case, the floor will “breathe”. All that's left to do is good impregnation, which we’ll talk about below.


The next step in building a wooden gazebo with your own hands is installing the floor. Most the best option, from the point of view of ease of installation and durability - the walls rest against the concrete base. Even if you want to disassemble the floor later, other parts of the structure will not be affected.

In order to install the floor, you will need 10x10 cm beams. The beams are laid at the base of the future floor to serve as joists. The lattice spacing is selected independently, depending on the size of the gazebo. To ensure good stability of the floor and its durability, it is best to do this step frequently. After the lattice structure is ready, it must be impregnated copper sulfate, or a solution of potassium dichromate. It will become reliable protection from rotting and insects.

When the logs are saturated, boards can be laid on them, which are also treated with an antiseptic substance. But it is best to lay the boards after installing the roof, since the influence of precipitation, moisture and other factors environment can seriously damage the floor.

As for the stands for the gazebo, they are prepared from more thin beams. It is best to use metal driven supports. It is advisable to fill the holes for the supports with concrete mortar to avoid deviations in the vertical plane.

When installing a gazebo with walls, it is necessary to provide door and window openings. Wooden sheathing boards are attached to the gazebo risers using self-tapping screws or nails. It is important that there is a distance of 30-50 centimeters between the posts. Then the walls will be stable and strong.

Thermal insulation can be installed inside. This will allow you to quickly heat the room in winter and stay in it for a long time.


To install a wooden gazebo with your own hands, all that remains is to make a roof. You can consider a number different options. Multi-pitched roofs look great. However, this requires longer and more complex work. Let's consider the option gable roof, the simplest of roofing structures, but at the same time the most reliable, since it is not afraid of rain, snowfall, or strong winds.

The basis of a gable roof is wooden frame, consisting of rafters that form successive rows. The rafter beams must be the same size. They are connected at the highest point of the roof, and from below they rest on load-bearing external walls. As for the material for the interior lining, it is better to use clapboard.

A finished gazebo with your own hands, photos of which are available on the Internet, will look very attractive. Some manage to turn a gazebo into a work of art.

Ready-made gazebos without walls look unusual, so many people subsequently make lattice walls or let climbing plants through.

Naturally, no one will take care of the gazebo when the construction of the house is in full swing and the site has not yet been put in order. The decision to build a vacation spot comes when free time appears and the main construction of the house is completed.

What should this place be like? Everyone, of course, decides for themselves, but in any case you cannot do without a roof over your head. Can buy finished design gazebos, choosing the one you like from numerous photos, but it’s better to do it yourself. Firstly, a homemade one will cost a minimal amount, and secondly, you can become a designer and designer of the building yourself, as a result of which you will get a completely unique structure, the analogues of which will not be available anywhere else.



The selected wooden gazebo is good for everyone, it is environmentally friendly, beautiful, how beautiful can it be natural wood. But it has one drawback, which requires the implementation of certain measures during the construction process. This is to protect wood from exposure to moisture, as a result of which it quickly begins to rot.

First of all, the foundation, which is made of reinforced concrete with the subsequent laying of waterproofing materials, protects the tree from the effects of moisture coming from the soil. This can be a strip foundation, a pile foundation or in the form monolithic slab. Last option is rarely used, since a wooden gazebo is easy construction, and it is not at all necessary to create such a powerful foundation.

If you choose the option of a pile foundation, then you can use asbestos-cement pipes, red brick or concrete blocks. But, first of all, it is necessary to clear the construction site of trees, bushes, roots, if a place in the garden is chosen, and in the case of an open area - of everything that interferes with construction. If the area is observed high level groundwater, then it will be necessary to do additionally. After this, you need to mark the outlines of the future building on the ground and mark with pegs the foundation diagram and its dimensions.

If selected pile foundation made of asbestos-cement pipes, then according to the drawing, using a garden drill, holes are made with a depth of 70–80 cm, at the bottom of which a small amount of crushed stone with sand is poured and carefully compacted. After this, a section of pipe is installed strictly vertically and the prepared concrete is poured inside it. In this case, the pipe itself will serve permanent formwork. For greater strength and stability, a reinforcement cage can be placed in the pipe.

After the concrete has set, which can only happen after 20-25 days and not earlier, the tops of all piles are leveled horizontally. The next step will be to install the lower trim along the pile posts. A wooden beam can be used for this.


The vertical elements of the building frame need to be installed on the lower frame. This can be a beam, the cross-section of which is rectangular or square, or round pillars, on which threads or other decorative ornaments. Frame elements should be installed strictly vertically, using building level or plumb line. To attach them to the base, it is easier to use factory-made metal corners with ready-made holes for self-tapping screws.

Temporary fastening is carried out by installing struts and spacers. After this, at the top of the vertical pillars you need to make an upper frame on which the roof of the entire structure will rest. Between the vertical pillars, at your request, you can make low wooden walls framed with railings, or solid lattice walls made of small-section slats.

All wooden elements of the gazebo must be treated with antiseptic compounds so that the wood does not rot. And also fire retardants, which protect the tree from fire.

The floor in the gazebo is arranged again depending on its functionality. If you intend to install a barbecue or barbecue, then a wooden floor over the entire area should not be installed for fire safety reasons.


This part of the building may look like pitched roof, two- or four-slope or even be flat. You can select the roof shape from a selection of photos. Depending on the chosen roof shape, the roofing material. If you want to make a roof from ceramic tiles, then you should remember about its significant weight, and make a rafter system, focusing on the weight of the tiles and their size.

For device flat roof construction rafter system will not be needed, but instead you will need to purchase a modern butyl rubber film or similar material that will protect as much as possible wood flooring gazebo roofs from the destructive effects of moisture.

A flat roof should also be arranged with a slight slope so that rain and snow water does not stagnate. On the flat surface of the roof you can set up a small garden, flower bed or make a natural lawn. This will create additional coolness in the gazebo on a hot day, since the roof will not be heated by the sun's rays. If you choose a metal profile for the roof, then you need to be prepared for the fact that there will be a lot of noise when it rains. And even laying insulating materials will not help, it can only reduce it.

But here you need to approach the electrical wiring with special care, taking into account the high fire danger if the gazebo is wooden. It is better to lay electrical wiring in an open type, using special channels made of corrugated material. They will fully protect the building from fire in the event of a sudden short circuit or other problems in the network.

It is possible by any means and methods. Light curtains or climbing plants planted outside will provide good protection from the sun's rays. A stork on the roof or a gnome figurine at the door can become additional decorations for your gazebo.

However, a wooden gazebo built with your own hands needs further care. This applies to winter and autumn period when the open structure is not used for its intended purpose. In late autumn, the building must be cleared of all unnecessary and superfluous items.

The gazebo must be cleared of debris and covered on all sides with plastic film, unnecessary boards, plywood or roofing felt. In spring, all wooden elements must be painted or varnished, if a similar coating was used before. If cracks appear in the wood, they should be repaired with a special putty.

By purchasing suburban area and when planning its arrangement, each owner strives to make it not only as comfortable as possible, but also aesthetically attractive. An integral attribute of comfort and attractiveness are gazebos, especially in demand in summer season. You can gather in them noisy company or just relax with a cup of tea with your family. If you build the building a little larger, you can install a barbecue in it. In this case, experts recommend thinking about glazing the gazebo, which will allow it to be used in winter - in addition to its direct purpose, the grill will simultaneously warm the air inside the gazebo. Despite the fact that a variety of materials can be used to make gazebos, and construction market contributes to this by demonstrating the abundance of the latter, the most popular is still wood, the undoubted advantages of which allow all popular materials to be relegated to the background. Have you brought your site to perfection? It's time to think about installing a gazebo, which will diversify your dacha leisure time and decorate the area in an original way. If you want to make your task easier, you can simply buy a wooden gazebo and install it on your site, but if you want to save money, then follow the instructions presented in the article, and then wooden gazebos will cost you little and will delight you with their original appearance for a long time.

Types of wooden gazebos: how to connect with nature?

Before purchasing inexpensive wooden gazebos for your dacha or making them yourself, you probably wondered: “What types of wooden gazebos actually exist?” First of all, all structures can be divided into open and closed (glazed) types of wooden gazebos. In addition to traditional options, there are also combined ones, including gazebos with removable glazing, as well as gazebos equipped with awnings made of transparent film, which, if necessary, are pulled over the frame. Open-type gazebos, in turn, are divided into the following options:

  • Gazebos equipped with an awning;
  • Wooden gazebos-pergolas;
  • Gazebos in the form of mushrooms.

If closed gazebos are characterized by year-round use, then open ones can only be used in summer.

Another feature by which gazebos can be classified is their shape. In accordance with it, round, rectangular and hexagonal structures are distinguished. If you want to build a wooden gazebo with your own hands, experts recommend giving preference to more simple options rectangular shape.

All types of gazebos can be divided into structures with and without floors.

The first option for gazebos involves installing them on a platform laid out paving slabs, paving stones or poured concrete, which must be pre-prepared. It is not forbidden to install gazebos directly on the grass, however, in this case it is necessary to pre-treat the frame of the gazebo with antiseptic impregnations, since direct contact with the soil necessitates strengthening protective measures. If a metal gazebo in such cases is treated with compounds that protect the frame from rust, then a wooden gazebo is impregnated with antiseptic and antifungal agents.

Gazebos with a floor require a foundation. Most often it is constructed in the form of columns, which are made of rubble or brick, poured from concrete or placed foundation blocks. If there are flat boulders that could support a building, use them as a foundation.

Important! These recommendations are relevant only for lightweight structures, the basis of which is wooden or metal carcass. For brick gazebos it is necessary to carry out installation strip foundation, which may not even be deep (20-30 cm below the level of the fertile layer).

Important! If you plan to lay the floor in the gazebo with tiles, use an insulated slab, which must be filled with concrete, and only after that lay frost-resistant types of tiles. Each side of the insulated slab should be 50 cm wider than the structure on it. In addition, you need to pay attention to the need to arrange a slope that will facilitate effective drainage of moisture. This is the blind area, which will prevent freezing of the soil under the gazebo and prevent the tiles from turning out and cracking.

There is another category of gazebos, which include gazebos with an installed grill located in the center of the structure. Someone may say that this is irrational and, moreover, unsafe, but in gazebos made of wood, barbecues and barbecues can be installed, and even the fire hazard of the material used is not a cause for concern. The use of special impregnations that increase the fire resistance of wood will allow you not to worry about an accidental fire of a wooden gazebo with a barbecue installed in it.

Wooden gazebos photo

Advantages of wood for building a wooden gazebo

  • Naturalness and environmental safety of the material used. Wood does not heat up in the sun during operation, has a pleasant smell and beautiful structure;
  • Availability and low prices the material used, which can be purchased at any hardware store;
  • Making wooden gazebos for your dacha with your own hands is possible even for non-professionals. To arrange the structure, no skills are required to work with welding machine or some other specialized tool;
  • Gazebos made from natural wood will be a harmonious addition to any stylistic direction in landscape design.
  • Like any other material, wood also has disadvantages - a tendency to rot, susceptibility to damage by insects and fungi, which can be easily eliminated by treating the material with antiseptic compounds.

What needs to be considered before building a gazebo?

Considering that in most cases wooden gazebos are inexpensive, you can purchase them at reasonable price and install on your garden territory a ready-made design. A huge selection of wooden gazebos, the price of which is quite variable, once again testifies in favor of this option, by giving preference to which you can choose a design to suit every taste and budget. However, if you want to create on your site cozy corner for relaxation, guided by the principle of economy, in our article you will find step by step guide on how to make a wooden gazebo with your own hands.

Design and development of drawings of a wooden gazebo is a stage whose implementation begins immediately after determining the location of the structure. This is due to the fact that the size of the area allocated for construction directly determines the dimensions of the gazebo.

When developing a wooden gazebo project, consider the following:

  • Decide what the designed structure will be intended for;
  • Consider in advance the location of the entrance to the gazebo, the degree of openness of the structure and the number of seats for which the summer building is designed;
  • Select stylistic direction, in which the interior decoration of the gazebo will be decorated;
  • Take care of the exterior design and design features of the building in advance.

Important! If you are new to planning and design, rely on ready-made drawings. Select a project and modify it taking into account the size of the planned building, leaving the layout of the supporting structure unchanged. Internal and external design can also be chosen at your discretion.

Before you start building a gazebo, carefully consider the following nuances:

  • High-quality preparation of the foundation and treatment of wood with antiseptic compounds are some of the important issues, by paying attention to which you can ensure the maximum service life and reliability of the structure;
  • The size of the finished building directly depends on its purpose, be it a quiet family vacation or gatherings in a noisy company;
  • Before you start building a gazebo, prepare the site on which the building will be located - it must be carefully leveled and cleared;
  • When thinking about the design of a gazebo, keep in mind that it is the most important component of the garden plot, and its design must match the surrounding environment. To build a gazebo, use materials and decorative elements that were used during the construction of a residential building;
  • If you don’t have a decent idea and plan for building a gazebo, you can already use finished project, taken from the Internet.

Building a wooden gazebo with your own hands: a step-by-step guide

Once you have determined the type and shape of the structure, prepare a gazebo design, according to which you can more accurately determine the required amount of materials and the necessary tools.

Required materials and tools

So, to build a gazebo you will need the following materials:

  • crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • brick;
  • piles;
  • wooden blocks;
  • boards;
  • any of the listed materials for roofing - corrugated sheets, slate or polycarbonate;
  • metal corners;
  • nails or screws.

Prepare the following tools:

  • circular saw;
  • electric plane;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • chisel.

Rules for choosing the location of the gazebo

  • Experts do not recommend setting up a wooden gazebo in a low-lying area, as rains will soon cause the wood to rot;
  • Proximity to a residential building is another parameter that the owner must take into account. The distance from the gazebo to the house is determined individually, but there are a number of general recommendations, which must be followed in the process of determining the degree of remoteness of the gazebo. If a wooden gazebo is located in close proximity to a residential building or even adjacent to it, its design should correspond to the style of the house and be done in such a way that the gazebo is part of a single whole.
  • If the gazebo is lost in the depths of the garden, try to fit it into the surrounding natural environment as much as possible. Regardless of the location of the gazebo, try to orient its entrance so that it offers a view of the front garden, flower bed or original architectural forms.
  • If the structure is located in an open area, make sure that it is protected from winds. To do this, it must be adjacent to a blank “green” wall formed from trimmed bushes, decorative fence or the wall of a house.
  • Provide free access to the gazebo from any corner of the site so that while you are on its territory, you do not have to walk around the house.
  • Despite the fact that in construction practice there are many variations of foundations, in the process of constructing a gazebo, experts give preference to a columnar foundation, since it is considered the simplest and most affordable in financially. Let's consider the process of its arrangement step by step:
  • Using a rope and wooden posts, mark the area where you plan to lay the foundation;
  • After this, remove from the marked area upper layer soil to a depth of at least 0.5 m. This is necessary in order to reduce dampness under the future gazebo;
  • The next stage is digging holes for the foundation pillars, the depth of which is determined by the degree of soil freezing. If you are working with sandy soil, the depth of the hole may not exceed 30-60 cm, with moving soil - 40-120 cm, with forest soil - 50-100 cm;
  • Brick, including used bricks, asbestos-cement pipes or ordinary ones can be used as materials for pillars. wooden poles, having given preference to which, carefully consider their protection from moisture, which will extend their service life;
  • Sequentially lay out the following layers: a 10-centimeter layer of sand, a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness and a 30-centimeter layer of concrete mortar, for the manufacture of which you will need sand, crushed stone and cement. A layer of roofing material must be laid on top of the concrete solution;
  • The next stage is the construction of columns of 3-4 bricks, which are necessary to provide a small space between the soil layer and the wooden floor of the gazebo, which will avoid premature rotting of the wood.
  • Re-lay the roofing material on top of the columnar structure.
  • Arranging pillars is not the only way to strengthen the structure of a gazebo, which will have to be resorted to during its construction. In addition, it is recommended to install supports around the perimeter of the structure, which are placed directly under the building. This measure will prevent the floor of the gazebo from sagging.

Craftsmen who are engaged in arranging a wooden gazebo have in their arsenal several options for arranging the floor - the walls of the structure can rest against the base or the floor. The first option is considered the most profitable, since the floor hangs between the vertical supports and, if necessary, can be easily disassembled and assembled. The floor is equipped using wooden beams with a cross section of 10x10 cm to protect them from damage by insects, mold fungi or premature rotting associated with exposure excess moisture, it is necessary to treat them with copper sulfate. The floor is nailed to the beams.

Installation of the gazebo frame: fundamental points

The frame of a wooden gazebo is built taking into account the requirements of openness and airiness, from which we can conclude that the construction of blank walls in in this case doesn't make sense. The frame is assembled using boards and wooden blocks. The base, for the manufacture of which boards were used, is fixed with nails, while wooden blocks are used for mounting the supports.

Cladding the walls of the gazebo: what does the master need to know?

The simplest and, at the same time, optimal, from an operational point of view, option is covering the gazebo frame wooden planks. However, the aesthetic side of the issue is also important and, if you are guided by this, then, by showing your imagination, you can arrange an original structure that will become part of design concept garden If you are thinking about how to decorate a wooden gazebo, you can consider the following options:

  • decorative railings and openwork partitions;
  • openwork overlays and walls decorated with carvings;
  • decorative mesh, branches for weaving or homemade curtains for the gazebo, which will be a worthy replacement for traditional wooden boards;
  • Another original version decorating a wooden gazebo - planting around it climbing plants, such as roses, hops or grapes. They will not only become a connecting element thanks to which the gazebo will fit into the surrounding natural environment, but will also protect it from the wind and scorching sun.

Roof installation: basic materials

The roofing material for the gazebo is similar to that used in the construction of residential buildings. As for the most popular roofing structures, an attractive, but more complex option is a multi-pitched roof; a simpler, but less original, one-pitched roof remains roof structure. If slate is used, it must be cut in accordance with the required design dimensions and nailed to the joists. In case of use bitumen shingles, strengthen the OSB boards in advance, on top of which the bitumen shingles are laid.

The final stage is the arrangement of the interior decoration of the gazebo

Having completed all construction activities, take care of interior decoration gazebos - provide the structure with furniture - wicker or wooden chairs and tables, a soft sofa or barbecue.

If you install electricity, you can use the gazebo as a summer office for working with a laptop or reading books. However, it should be noted that the installation of electrical wiring is carried out before the internal and external Finishing work. It is important to remember that wood is a highly flammable material and lay the wiring only along a special corrugated hose, which will prevent a fire in the event of a short circuit or power surge.

Wooden gazebos: photos, diagrams, drawings, instructions for building with your own hands. Many residents of country and holiday villages dream of decorating their garden with an elegant gazebo. They look through the pages of virtual magazines in search of interesting solution. And it is there, this is a do-it-yourself gazebo made of wood: step by step, following the construction technology and adhering to the recommendations of experienced professionals, you can build a unique pavilion that will become a favorite vacation spot for the whole family and your guests. Self-build It will not only save your budget, but will also allow you to get a lot of pleasure from the process.

Building a wooden gazebo with your own hands is quite simple.

DIY drawings and dimensions of the gazebo

The designs of gazebos are very diverse and interesting. Some buildings are different non-standard forms, they can be open or closed, equipped with barbecues and barbecues. But if you decide to build for the first time, it is better to choose an open structure of a simple shape, for example, square or hexagonal. The drawings and sketches in the project of such a gazebo will not be complicated and are quite amenable to independent development.

Original arrangement of the terrace with a wooden gazebo and grill

First of all, you must decide on the design of the structure and choose a place for future construction. Project development includes two stages: creating a sketch and design drawings in profile and frontal projections. The drawings of the gazebo show the dimensions, the height of the posts, the shape of the roof, the location of the entrance, and the height of the fence. If a stationary installation of a table and benches is planned, their location must be shown in the plan.

Scheme of arrangement of a simple gazebo with a gable roof

Separately, a working diagram of the foundation and a drawing of the roof are made, indicating its shape, height, and angle of inclination. Schemes are prescribed in the project technical units(roof, rafters, steps), construction technology, specification for materials of foundation, walls, partitions, floor, roof. The consumption of a special composition for effective processing of wood from the influence of external factors is also taken into account.

If it is planned to equip the structure with lighting, the installation location of the lamps and the electrical wiring diagram are recorded on the drawing. This also applies to the possible supply of water to the pavilion.

Drawing for the arrangement of a closed gazebo with a foundation

A well-designed project is the key to successful construction. Accurate calculations the number of required bars, boards, fasteners, roofing, hardware and other necessary elements will make it possible to purchase full set materials for construction and avoid unreasonable costs.

Helpful advice! You should purchase materials with a small margin, taking into account that some parts may be mistakenly damaged during the installation process or defective elements may be found in the purchased materials.

Drawing of a hexagonal gazebo with dimensions

If you doubt your engineering abilities, and developing a project seems difficult for you, you can use ready-made drawings of wooden gazebos with your own hands. Photos and sketches of such buildings are available in large quantities on the Internet.

Do-it-yourself gazebo made of wood: building the structure step by step

Construction of a gazebo is a painstaking process that requires attention, adherence to installation rules and strict adherence to the project. If all the work is carried out in a certain sequence, the process will go smoothly and the structure will be ready in just two to three days. It is recommended to check in advance the availability of all tools and purchase all the required materials according to the calculations, so that due to the lack of any part the matter does not stall.

Wooden gazebo in the courtyard of a private house

Basic tools and materials for construction

Wood processing requires special equipment and tools. Check your availability and serviceability. To work you will need:

  • shovel or drill - for constructing a pit or pits for the foundation;
  • building level, tape measure, square;
  • rule;
  • chisel, hammer, wrenches, roofing knife;
  • hacksaw, jigsaw or circular saw;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • electric plane;
  • construction cord - for marking;
  • sandpaper, paint brushes, spatula;

Original round gazebo with cozy sofas

The amount of materials required for construction is taken based on the specification:

  • sand, crushed stone, cement - depending on the type of foundation: columnar or strip;
  • board for formwork - if a strip base is intended;
  • beams with different sections - 50x150 mm are used for the bottom trim, the center beam of the frame and the floor joists; 100x100 mm - for vertical racks, top harness; 50x100 mm - used for corner, auxiliary and short rafters, as well as for fence railings; 50x50 mm - for fencing balusters;
  • board for flooring;
  • roofing - plywood panels 12 mm thick;
  • roofing felt - for insulation work;
  • flexible (bitumen) tiles, bitumen glue;
  • fasteners - screws, corner brackets, metal corners, self-tapping screws, roofing nails;
  • primer, wood putty;
  • paint, varnish.

Gazebo with columns and rich carved ornaments

Foundation structure

As an example, a small square-shaped wooden gazebo with a hipped roof will be used.

By selecting appropriate place for the gazebo, begin preparing the site. It is necessary to remove all debris, remove any bushes and tree roots there. If there are bumps or depressions, they are leveled.

Helpful advice! If possible, do not install the gazebo close to the roadway or neighbor's fence; try to place the gazebo in a place where it can open beautiful view to the garden, alpine slide or a body of water.

Scheme for arranging a columnar foundation for a wooden gazebo measuring 2.77x2.77 m

Next, markings are made for the future structure. To do this, drive in the first wedge and mark the entire perimeter of the structure from it, fixing the corners with wedges. A construction cord is pulled between them. At this stage it is very important to withstand correct angle, since this will subsequently affect the strength of the entire structure. To make sure of this, you need to check the diagonals of the resulting square. If they are the same, then the markings are correct and the angle of 90 degrees is maintained.

Mostly for small wooden structures, strip or column foundations are used. Since the construction of wooden square gazebo It is quite light; a columnar foundation is chosen as its base. To do this, make holes up to 80 cm deep, lay a layer of sand (5-6 cm) on their bottom and fill it with a layer of concrete approximately 8-10 cm deep.

When concrete mixture hardens a little, the racks are lowered into it. They must be installed vertically. After the vertical alignment of the supports has been made with a level, their position is fixed with temporary jibs.

An example of constructing a gazebo foundation using a metal profile

You can secure the support bars using adjustable anchors. To do this, suitable sized pieces are placed in the pits. metal pipes, a solution is poured into the pipe cavity and after the solution has slightly set, fasteners (anchors) are installed. When the concrete has completely set (at least 48 hours), the vertical posts can be secured. After installing all the supports, you need to make sure that their position is correct: the distance between adjacent supports must be strictly the same along the entire height of the supports (bottom, middle and top).

Construction of the gazebo floor

The next step after installing the supports is the bottom trim of the vertical posts. To do this, use a beam with a cross section of 50x150 mm. The floor frame is made by installing logs, which are placed at a distance of no more than 45 cm from each other. This will allow the frame structure to support the weight of the wooden platform. The logs are attached to the horizontal strapping bars using corner fasteners, having previously drilled mounting holes for self-tapping screws.

Scheme for arranging the floor of a closed gazebo with insulation

Next, proceed to the installation of intermediate racks. They will later take the weight wooden structure roofs and will be used to fix the upper horizontal trim. The posts are attached to the joists with nails. The same rule applies here as for corner supports - all racks must be installed strictly vertically.

As soon as the floor frame is assembled and intermediate supports are installed, proceed to the installation of plank flooring. For the floor, a board suitable for outdoor use is used, which can withstand the effects of natural factors well. Then you won’t have to discover after a short period of time that the boards have rotted in some places.

The gazebo floor is made of wood treated with moisture-repellent compounds

Nails or self-tapping screws are used to attach the board to the sheathing. Fix the board using two nails or self-tapping screws at each end.

Helpful advice! If nails are used to fasten the boards, it is necessary to make holes for them in advance. This will help prevent the wood from cracking.

After laying the plank floor, proceed to the upper horizontal connection of the gazebo supports using 100x100 mm timber. Do-it-yourself tying of wooden gazebo posts (photo examples provide visual information) is carried out by sawing locks from the ends of the timber, which are connected to each other and secured with two nails.

Gazebo with stone base and metal railings

Roof installation

For a square gazebo, the most attractive would be a roof consisting of four slopes. The construction of a roof begins with the construction of a frame. Sloping ones are cut from timber rafter legs, they are fixed in pairs with nails at an angle. Auxiliary struts are symmetrically attached to each of the main inclined legs. They are fixed with one edge to the framing beam, and the other to the main rafters.

Helpful advice! To work on the roof installation, invite an assistant, since it is impossible to cope with the installation alone.

To arrange the roof of the gazebo, you can use sheets of moisture-resistant plywood

Next, they begin to cover the roof. For this you can use either a board or a plywood sheet. The plywood panels are fastened along the surface of the rafters in increments of 20-25 cm, using self-tapping screws. The surface of plywood sheets is covered with roofing insulating material- roofing felt, and then soft (bitumen) tiles.

Laying bitumen shingles

Flexible tiles are lightweight and quite easy to install. Fix the flexible roofing to the decking with nails with a wide head. Eaves tiles are installed to the roof overhangs on all sides. For ease of installation and good flexibility of the material, a construction hair dryer is used. Next, the laying of ordinary flexible tiles begins. When fixing the first row, it is necessary to choose such a length of nails that they can pass through the eaves and row tiles and reach wooden base gazebo roofs.

Waterproofing gazebo roofs with rolled materials

Before using tiles, remove them protective film. The sheets are laid overlapping. When laying each row of material, the sheets are positioned so that the cutouts of the previous row are covered by the protrusions of the next one. When fixing flexible tiles, it is necessary to ensure that the nails reach the roof sheathing in places where there is a double layer of material. Otherwise, the nails will subsequently be forced out and cause the tiles to peel off.

When the material reaches the break of the slope, the excess edges of the tiles are cut off flush with the line of the slope. In these places, the material is additionally coated with bitumen glue.

Next, they begin laying the ridge tiles. To do this, a sheet of tile is cut into three parts and each resulting plate is laid with the adhesive side across the ridge with an overlap of 5 cm. Fix each plate with nails in four places. All kinks in the slopes are processed in this way.

Flexible tiles are an excellent option for arranging the roof of a gazebo

A roof made of bitumen shingles for a wooden gazebo with your own hands (the photo illustrates this) looks quite attractive due to the variety of shapes and colors. One of the advantages of such roofing is that it is silent in rain and hail.

Helpful advice! By purchasing flexible tiles, make sure that all packages correspond to the same batch. Material from different batches may vary in color.

Work on covering the roof with tiles is carried out very carefully, trying not to damage the material with nails.

Open wooden gazebo with bitumen roof

Features of the hexagonal gazebo design

All stages self-construction hexagonal gazebo is similar in installation to square design. The foundation, floor and pillars of the gazebo are made according to the available drawings. As for the roof of six slopes, it is recommended to install it on the ground and the finished structure is lifted and attached to the frame of the gazebo.

Due to the absence of a central supporting element in the structure, it is very difficult to connect all the rafters together. Therefore, it is recommended to give the timber a hexagonal shape, each side of which should correspond in size to the thickness of the rafters. The ends of the rafter boards are cut at an angle and alternately fixed with nails to a cut beam with a hexagonal cross-section. The other end of the rafters is inserted into the grooves, which are pre-cut in the strapping beam.

Hexagon closed gazebo from a log house

Then the roof frame is sheathed with boards or plywood, and the finished structure is lifted and mounted to the support posts of the gazebo.

Arranging wooden gazebo fencing with your own hands. Photos of finished structures

The appearance of the gazebo largely depends on the type of fencing. It can be made solid or lattice. Depending on your preferences, the fence can consist of railings and balusters, two or three horizontal wooden elements located along each side of the gazebo, as well as diamond-shaped elements installed between the vertical supports of the structure. Some people prefer to build a fence from a carriage plank or a block house. It all depends on your creative imagination and availability of free time.

Gazebo with low wooden fence

The height of the fences is traditionally 75-85 cm, but this value can be changed according to your wishes. The horizontal parts of the fence are fixed using screws or corners. Moreover, the screws should enter the tree at an angle. Not recommended for mounting horizontal beams use nails driven into the ends of the balusters through the railings. This can lead to cracking of the timber. To attach balusters to railings, it is recommended to use dowels.

Balusters can be installed vertically, at an angle, or in the shape of a diamond. To fix inclined balusters in horizontal bars, grooves are arranged at the top and bottom at a certain angle. The ends of the balusters are also cut out at the appropriate angle, which are then inserted into the grooves.

Partially enclosed gazebo with walls made of wooden slats

In addition, to give the gazebo an openwork look, place a horizontal decorative border on top. The height of the curb is one third of the height of the fence itself. The border pattern usually follows the configuration of the lower fence, but you can make them different. The main thing is that they do not contradict the general style of the wooden gazebo.

Decorative design of the gazebo

As soon as all the work is completed, we begin processing the wooden surfaces. If in some wooden elements available small cracks, you need to fill them with wood putty. After the putty has dried, begin sanding all the elements. For these purposes, sanding paper with a medium-grain coating is used. Everything is processed further wooden surfaces varnish in two layers, with the second layer applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Near the pool there is a gazebo mounted on a small wooden platform

Helpful advice! Varnishing is carried out uniform movements brushes first along the fibers and then across them. The varnish layer should be distributed thinly and uniformly over the surface, without the formation of drips.

The service life of a wooden gazebo largely depends on how well the wood is processed.

Inside glass gazebo forged chairs and table are placed

The internal filling of the gazebo can be very diverse. It could be wooden table and benches made independently and permanently fixed in the structure. Many people prefer to install comfortable portable furniture in the gazebo in the form of sun loungers or rattan chairs. You can supply electricity to the gazebo and install beautiful lanterns around the perimeter. Some people supply water to the gazebo structure. Beautiful climbing plants are often planted along the fence of the gazebo.

A symbol of calm and tranquility in your garden is a do-it-yourself wooden gazebo. By following all the recommendations step by step, assembling the structure yourself is not at all difficult. And handmade products are always distinguished by their special comfort and warmth.