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» The Pacific Ocean occupies 1 3 planets. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth. History of the formation and development of the basin

The Pacific Ocean occupies 1 3 planets. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth. History of the formation and development of the basin

) is the largest basin of the World Ocean. It is limited in the west by the shores of Eurasia and Australia, in the east by North and South America, and in the south by Antarctica. The maritime borders with the Arctic Ocean pass through the Bering Strait between the Chukotka and Seward peninsulas, with the Indian Ocean - along the northern edge of the Strait of Malacca, the western coast of the island of Sumatra, the southern coast of the islands of Java, Timor and New Guinea through the Torres and Bass Straits, along the eastern coast of Tasmania and further along the ridge of underwater rises to Antarctica, with Atlantic Ocean- from the Antarctic Peninsula (Antarctica) along the rapids between the South Shetland Islands to Tierra del Fuego.

The area of ​​the Pacific Ocean with seas is about 180 million km 2 (1/3 of the surface of the globe and 1/2 of the World Ocean), the volume of water is 710 million km 3. Pacific Ocean- the deepest basin of the World Ocean, average depth 3980 m, maximum in the trench area - 11,022 m (Mariana Trench). Includes the marginal seas in the north and west: Bering, Okhotsk, Japan, Yellow, East and South China, Philippine, Sulu, Sulawesi, Moluccas, Seram, Banda, Flores, Bali, Javanese, Savu, New Guinea, Coral, Fiji, Tasmanovo ; in the south - Ross, Amundsen, Bellingshausen. The largest bays are Alaska, California, and Panama. A characteristic feature of the Pacific Ocean is its numerous islands (especially in the central and southwestern parts of Oceania), in terms of the number (about 10,000) and area (3.6 million km2) of which this ocean ranks first among the basins of the World Ocean.

Historical sketch

The first scientific information about the Pacific Ocean was obtained in early XVI century by the Spanish conquistador V. Nunez de Balboa. In 1520-21, F. Magellan first crossed the ocean from the strait named after him to the Philippine Islands. During the XVI-XVIII centuries. The ocean was studied on numerous voyages by naturalists. Russian sailors made a significant contribution to the exploration of the Pacific Ocean: S.I. Dezhnev, V.V. Atlasov, V. Bering, A.I. Chirikov et al. Systematic studies are carried out with early XIX V. (geographical expeditions of I.F. Kruzenshtern, Yu.F. Lisyansky on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva", O.E. Kotzebue on the "Rurik" and then the "Enterprise", F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev on "Mirny"). A major event in the history of ocean exploration was the voyage of Charles Darwin on the Beagle (1831-36). The first actual oceanographic expedition - circumnavigation on the English ship Challenger (1872-76), in which extensive information was obtained about the physical, chemical, biological and geological features of the Pacific Ocean. The greatest contribution to the study of the Pacific Ocean at the end of the 19th century was made by scientific expeditions on ships: "Vityaz" (1886-89, 1894-96) - Russia, "Albatross" (1888-1905) - USA; in the 20th century: on the ships "Carnegie" (1928-29) - USA, "Snellius" (1929-30) - the Netherlands, "Discovery II" (1930) - Great Britain, "Galatea" (1950-52) - Denmark and "Vityaz" (since 1949 it has carried out over 40 flights) - USSR. A new stage in the exploration of the Pacific Ocean began in 1968, when deep-sea drilling began with the American vessel Glomar Challenger.

Relief and geological structure

Within the Pacific Ocean, a wide (up to several hundred kilometers) shelf is developed in marginal seas and along the coast of Antarctica.

Off the coast of North and South America the shelf is very narrow - up to several kilometers. The depth of the shelf is generally 100-200 m, off the coast of Antarctica up to 500 m. To the north-west of Cedros Island there is a peculiar area of ​​the underwater margin North America(California Borderland), represented by a system of underwater ridges and basins formed as a result of the attachment of alien blocks to the mainland (zone of accretionary tectonics) and the rearrangement of plate boundaries during the collision of North America with the spreading axis of the East Pacific Rise. The continental slope from the shelf edge descends steeply to pelagic depths, the average slope steepness is 3-7°, the maximum is 20-30°. Active continental margins frame the ocean from the north, west and east, forming specific transition zones of lithospheric plate underthrust. In the north and west, transition zones are a combination of marginal seas, island arcs and deep-sea trenches. Most marginal seas were formed as a result of spreading that developed between island arcs and adjacent continental masses (back-arc spreading). In some cases, spreading zones passed along the edge of continental masses and their fragments were pushed aside and separated from the continents by marginal seas ( New Zealand, Japan). Island arcs framing the seas are ridges of volcanoes, bounded on the ocean side by deep-sea trenches - narrow (tens of kilometers), deep (from 5-6 to 11 km) and extended depressions. On the eastern side, the ocean is framed by the active margin of the continent, where the oceanic plate is directly subducted under the continent. Subduction-related volcanism develops directly at the continental margin.

Within the ocean floor there is a system of active mid-ocean ridges (rift systems), located asymmetrically with respect to the surrounding continents (see map). The main ridge consists of several links: in the north - Explorer, Juan de Fuca, Gorda, south of 30° north latitude - the East Pacific Rise. The Galapagos and Chilean rift systems are also distinguished, which, approaching the main ridge, form specific areas of the triple junction. The rate of expansion of the ridges generally exceeds 5 cm/year, sometimes up to 16-18 cm/year. The width of the axial part of the ridge is several kilometers (extrusive zone), the depth is on average 2500-3000 m. At a distance of about 2 km. from the ridge axis the bottom is broken by a system of faults and grabens (tectonic zone). At a distance of 10-12 km. tectonic activity practically ceases, the slope of the ridge gradually passes into the adjacent deep-sea basins of the bed. The depth of the basalt ocean floor increases with distance from the ridge axis to the subduction zones, simultaneously with an increase in the age of the ocean crust. Areas of the ocean floor with a maximum bed age of about 150 million years are characterized by a depth of about 6000 m. The ocean floor is divided into basins by a system of uplifts and ridges (Northwestern, Northeastern, Central, Eastern Mariana, Western Carolina, East Carolina , Melanesian, Southern, Bellingshausen, Guatemala, Peruvian and Chilean, etc.). The bottom relief of the basins is predominantly wavy. About 85% of the area is occupied by very gentle hills up to 500 m high. Most of the uplifts, ridges, island systems separating the basins are of volcanic origin (islands: Hawaiian, Cocos, Caroline, Marshall, Gilbert, Tuvalu, Line, Phoenix, Tokelau, Cook, Tubuai, Marquesas, Tuamotu, Galapagos, etc.) - the volcanic rocks composing them are younger than the rocks of the ocean floor.

The section of the oceanic crust is represented (from bottom to top) by a cumulative complex of dunites and locally serpentinized pyroxenites, a homogeneous or layered gabbro layer, a basaltic layer (about 2 km thick), consisting of a dike complex (vertically standing parallel dikes) and underwater lavas, overlying the basalt layer sedimentary cover. With distance from the ridge, the age of the ocean floor and the thickness of sedimentary deposits increase. In the open ocean, the thickness of sediments is 100-150 m and increases in the northern and western direction, in the equatorial zone the thickness of sediments is up to 500-600 m. The thickness of sediments is sharply increased (up to 12-15 km) at the base of the continental slope and in marginal seas, which are traps for sedimentary material supplied from land.

Along the continents, mainly terrigenous sediments are developed (glacial and coastal in high latitudes, fluviogenic in temperate latitudes, aeolian in arid latitudes). In the pelagic zone of the ocean at a depth of less than 4000 m, carbonate foraminiferal and coccolithic oozes are almost universally developed, and in temperate zones - siliceous diatomaceous oozes. Deeper, within the equatorial highly productive zone, they are replaced by siliceous radiolarian and diatom sediments, and in tropical low-productive zones by red deep-sea clays. Along the active margins, the sediments contain a significant admixture of volcanogenic material. Sediments of the mid-ocean ridges and their slopes are enriched in oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese, carried into the bottom waters by high-temperature ore-bearing solutions.

Mineral resources

In the depths of the Pacific Ocean, oil and gas deposits have been discovered, and at the bottom there are placers of heavy minerals and other minerals. The main oil and gas bearing areas are concentrated on the periphery of the ocean. Oil and gas fields have been discovered in the Tasman Basin - Barracouta (over 42 billion m 3 of gas), Marlin (more than 43 billion m 3 of gas, 74 million tons of oil), Kingfish, and the Kapuni gas field has been explored off the island of New Zealand (15 billion m3). The Indonesian seas, areas near the coast of South Alaska and the western shores of North America are also promising for oil and gas. Among solid minerals, alluvial deposits of magnetite sands (Japan, the western coast of North America), cassiterite (Indonesia, Malaysia), gold and platinum (the coast of Alaska, etc.) have been discovered and are partially being developed. Large accumulations of deep-sea iron-manganese nodules, which also contain significant amounts of nickel and copper, have been discovered in the open ocean (Clarion-Clipperton fault). On many seamounts and slopes of oceanic islands, iron-manganese crusts and nodules enriched in cobalt and platinum have been discovered. Within the mid-ocean rifts and in the area of ​​back-arc spreading (in the western part of the Pacific Ocean), large deposits of sulfide ores containing zinc, copper, lead and rare metals have been discovered (East Pacific Rise, Galapagos Rift). Phosphorite deposits are known on the shelves of California and the island of New Zealand. In many shallow areas of the shelf, deposits of non-metallic minerals have been identified and are being exploited.

Mineralogical finds

(! - remarkable in some respect; !! - outstanding; * new mineral (year of publication); (PM\TL) - original location of the mineral \ type locality; xls - crystals) Mineralogical finds around the Pacific Ocean (examples). II. From Alaska to Antarctica -

Mineralogical finds around the Pacific Ocean (examples). I. From Chukotka to Antarctica -

Mineral Locations

  • Viti Levu Island, Fiji \\ sylvanite - crystals up to 1 cm (Korbel, 2004, 41)
  • East Pacific Rise \\ East Pacific Rise \\ wurtzite; graphite; * caminite (PM\TL) (1983; 1986); sulfides are massive!

Pacific Ocean- the largest ocean on Earth. Area with seas 178.7 million km², volume 710 million km³, average depth 3980 m, maximum 11022 m ( Mariana Trench). The Pacific Ocean occupies half of the Earth's total water surface, and more than thirty percent of the planet's surface area.

The world ocean embraces the Earth with inseparable waters and is by its nature a single element that acquires different properties with changes in latitude. Off the coast of Greenland and Antarctica, in the roaring winds of the forties all year round storms are raging. In the tropics, the sun bakes mercilessly, trade winds blow, and only occasionally do destructive hurricanes sweep through. But the vast World Ocean is also divided by continents into separate oceans, each of which has its own special natural features.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest in area, the deepest and the oldest of the oceans. Its main features are great depths and frequent movements. earth's crust, many volcanoes at the bottom, a huge supply of heat in its waters, an exceptional diversity of the organic world.

The Pacific Ocean, also called the Great Ocean, occupies 1/3 of the surface of the planet and almost 1/2 of the area of ​​the World Ocean. It is located on both sides of the equator and the 1800 meridian. This ocean divides and at the same time connects the shores of five continents. The Pacific Ocean is particularly wide near the equator, so it is warmest at the surface.

In the east of the ocean, the coastline is poorly dissected; several peninsulas and bays stand out. In the west the shores are heavily indented. There are many seas here. Among them there are shelf ones, located on the continental shallows, with depths of no more than 100 m. Some seas lie in the zone of interaction of lithospheric plates. They are deep and separated from the ocean by island arcs.

Since ancient times, many peoples inhabiting the Pacific coasts and islands have sailed the ocean and developed its riches. The beginning of European penetration into the Pacific Ocean coincided with the era of the Great geographical discoveries. F. Magellan's ships crossed a huge expanse of water from east to west over several months of sailing. All this time the sea was surprisingly calm, which gave Magellan reason to call it the Pacific Ocean.

Much information about the nature of the ocean was obtained during the voyages of J. Cook. Russian expeditions led by I. F. Kruzenshtern, M. P. Lazarev, V. M. Golovnin, Yu. F. Lisyansky made a great contribution to the study of the ocean and the islands in it. In the same XIX century. complex studies were carried out by S. O. Makarov on the ship “Vityaz”. Since 1949, regular scientific voyages have been carried out by Soviet expeditionary vessels. A special international organization is studying the Pacific Ocean.

The topography of the ocean floor is complex. The continental shoal (shelf) is well developed only off the coasts of Asia and Australia. Continental slopes are steep, often stepped. Large rises and ridges divide the ocean floor into basins. Near America is the East Pacific Rise, which is part of the system of mid-ocean ridges. On the ocean floor there are more than 10 thousand individual seamounts, mostly of volcanic origin.

The lithospheric plate on which the Pacific Ocean lies interacts with other plates at its boundaries. The edges of the Pacific Plate are plunging into a tight space of trenches that ring the ocean. These movements give rise to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Here lies the famous “Ring of Fire” of the planet and the deepest trench - the Mariana Trench (11022 m).

The ocean climate is varied. The Pacific Ocean is located in all climate zones except the North Polar. Above its vast expanses the air is saturated with moisture. In the equator region, up to 2000 mm of precipitation falls. The Pacific Ocean is protected from the cold Arctic Ocean by land and underwater ridges, so its northern part is warmer than its southern part.

The Pacific Ocean is the most restless and formidable among the oceans of the planet. Trade winds blow in its central parts. In the west, monsoons are developed. In winter, a cold and dry monsoon comes from the mainland, which has a significant impact

influence on ocean climate; Some of the seas are covered with ice. Often devastating tropical hurricanes sweep over the western part of the ocean - typhoons (typhoon means “strong wind”). In temperate latitudes, storms rage throughout the cold half of the year. Western air transport prevails here. The most high waves up to 30 m high are noted in the north and south of the Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes raise entire mountains of water in it.

The properties of water masses are determined by climate characteristics. Due to the large extent of the ocean from north to south, the average annual surface water temperature varies from -1 to +29 °C. In general, precipitation in the ocean predominates over evaporation, so the salinity of its surface waters is somewhat lower than in other oceans.

Currents in the Pacific Ocean are consistent with general scheme them in the World Ocean, which you already know. Since the Pacific Ocean is strongly elongated from west to east, latitudinal water flows predominate in it. In both the northern and southern parts of the ocean, ring-shaped movements of surface waters are formed.

The organic world of the Pacific Ocean is distinguished by its extraordinary richness and diversity of plant and animal species. It is home to half of the total mass of living organisms in the World Ocean. This feature of the ocean is explained by its size, diversity of natural conditions and age. Life is especially rich in tropical and equatorial latitudes near coral reefs. In the northern part of the ocean there are many salmon fish. In the southeast of the ocean, near the coast of South America, huge accumulations of fish form. The water masses here are very fertile, they develop a lot of plant and animal plankton, which feed on anchovies (herring-like fish up to 16 cm long), horse mackerel, butterfish, mackerel and other types of fish.A lot of fish are eaten here by birds: cormorants, pelicans, penguins.

The ocean is home to whales, fur seals, and sea beavers (these pinnipeds live only in the Pacific Ocean). There are also many invertebrate animals - corals, sea urchins, mollusks (octopus, squid). The largest mollusk, the tridacna, lives here, weighing up to 250 kg.

Each of the Pacific Ocean belts has its own characteristics. The northern subpolar belt occupies a small part of the Bering and Okhotsk seas. The temperature of the water masses here is low (up to -1 °C). In these seas there is active mixing of waters, and therefore they are rich in fish (pollock, flounder, herring). There are many salmon fish and crabs in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Vast territories are covered by the northern temperate zone. It is strongly influenced by westerly winds and storms are frequent here. In the west of this belt lies the Sea of ​​Japan - one of the richest various types organisms.

In the equatorial belt at the boundaries of currents, where the rise intensifies deep waters to the surface and their biological productivity increases, many fish live (sharks, tuna, sailfish, etc.).

In the southern tropical zone of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Australia there is a unique natural complex of the Great Barrier Reef. This is the largest “mountain range” on Earth created by living organisms. In size it is comparable to the Ural Range. Protected by islands and reefs in warm waters colonies of corals develop in the form of bushes and trees, columns, castles, bouquets of flowers, mushrooms; corals are light green, yellow, red, blue, purple. Many mollusks, echinoderms, crustaceans, and various fish live here.

There are more than 50 coastal countries on the shores and islands of the Pacific Ocean, home to approximately half of humanity.

Usage natural resources the ocean began in ancient times. Several centers of navigation arose here - in China, in Oceania, in South America, on the Aleutian Islands.

The Pacific Ocean plays an important role in the lives of many peoples. Half of the world's fish catch comes from this ocean. In addition to fish, part of the catch consists of various shellfish, crabs, shrimp, and krill. In Japan, algae and shellfish are grown on the seabed. In some countries from sea ​​water salt and other chemicals are extracted and desalinated. Placer metals are being mined on the shelf. Oil is being extracted off the coast of California and Australia. Ferromanganese ores were discovered on the ocean floor.

Important transport routes pass through the greatest ocean of our planet; the length of these routes is very large. Shipping is well developed, mainly along the coasts of the continents.

Economic activity humans in the Pacific Ocean has led to the pollution of its waters, to the depletion of some species biological resources. So, by the end of the 18th century. mammals were exterminated - sea cows (a species of pinnipeds), discovered by one of the participants in V. Bering's expedition. On the verge of extermination at the beginning of the twentieth century. there were seals, the number of whales decreased. Currently, their fishing is limited. A great danger in the ocean is water pollution with oil, some heavy metals and waste from the nuclear industry. Harmful substances are carried by currents throughout the ocean. Even off the coast of Antarctica, these substances were found in marine organisms.

Pacific Oceanthe largest of the Earth's oceans. Its area is about 180 million km 2, which is approximately 1/3 of the planet's surface and exceeds the total area of ​​all continents. Due to its enormous size, the ocean is sometimes called Great.

The Pacific Ocean is located in all four hemispheres of the earth and washes all continents except Africa. The western and eastern shores of the ocean differ significantly in the nature of the coastline. The eastern coasts are mountainous and poorly indented, while the western coasts, on the contrary, are flatter and more dissected, with a large number of seas. The shelf zone in the ocean occupies a small area.

The Pacific Ocean is considered the oldest in terms of its origin. Some scientists associate the origin of its basin with the fall of a large cosmic body to Earth and the separation of part of the planet. At the site of the separation, according to the hypothesis of these scientists, an ocean depression arose, and from the detached earthly material, the Earth’s satellite, the Moon, was subsequently formed. At the base of the ocean is the Pacific lithospheric plate. This is the only lithospheric plate that contains virtually no continental crust. Mid-ocean ridges within the plate are not very distinct. They have a large width and are called uplifts. The largest of them is East Pacific.

The margins of the oceanic plate interact with continental plates. This leads to the formation deep sea trenches and island arcs. Located in the Pacific Ocean deepest ocean trenchMariansky (depth 11,022 m) And the longestAleutian(length 3750 km). Interactions between lithospheric plates cause earthquakes and volcanism. Along the edges of the ocean stretches Pacific Ring of Fire where most of the Earth's active volcanoes are concentrated. As a result of earthquakes, tsunamis are formed.

The Pacific Ocean is the deepest: the prevailing depths are 4,000 m.

In terms of the total area of ​​islands, the Pacific Ocean occupies a leading position. All types of islands are present here: mainland (Sakhalin, Taiwan, all large islands Malay Archipelago, New Zealand), volcanic (Kuril, Hawaiian, Aleutian), coral (Marquesas, Marshall, Tuamotu). The total number of islands in the ocean exceeds 10 thousand.

The Pacific Ocean is located in all climate zones except the Arctic. The widest part of the ocean is located in the equatorial, subequatorial and tropical zones. As a result, the ocean warmest in terms of water surface temperature(the average annual water temperature near the equator is +25-29° C). Precipitation generally prevails over evaporation, and the average salinity of the waters is somewhat lower than in the Atlantic. IN winter time ice forms in the northwestern seas – Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese(the influence of the laid out continent) and off the coast of Antarctica.

Under the influence of the winds of the general circulation of the atmosphere of both hemispheres (trade winds, westerly transport), a system of surface currents is formed in the ocean, forming huge rings: acyclonic ring– in the subtropical latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, cyclonic ring- in temperate latitudes. In the Southern Hemisphere, only one ring is expressed - the anticyclonic one. The Pacific Ocean is also rich in currents: in subtropical latitudes there are cold currents (Peruvian, Californian) wash the western coasts of the continents, and warm (Kuroshio, East Australian)– eastern coasts; in temperate latitudes off the western coast of North America there is a warm Alaska Current, and the east of Eurasia is washed by cold Kuril Current.

The Pacific Ocean is characterized by a huge species diversity organic world. Only there are more animals here 100 thousand species, there are about fish of them 3 thousand. Some fish species are of commercial importance (salmon, chum salmon, herring, anchovy). The ocean accounts for more than half of the world's fish catches. There is limited fishing for marine animals - seals, walruses, fur seals.

In addition to the commercial ocean, it also has great transport value. The main transport routes run along the coasts of the continents. A number of the world's largest ports are located on the shores of the ocean - Tokyo, Yokohama, Shanghai, Singapore, Vancouver, Los Angeles.

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Our Earth appears to be a blue planet from space. This is because ¾ of the surface of the globe is occupied by the World Ocean. He is united, although greatly divided.

The surface area of ​​the entire World Ocean is 361 million square meters. km.

Oceans of our planet

The ocean is the water shell of the earth, the most important component of the hydrosphere. Continents divide the World Ocean into parts.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish five oceans:

. - the largest and oldest on our planet. Its surface area is 178.6 million square meters. km. It occupies 1/3 of the Earth and makes up almost half of the World Ocean. To imagine this magnitude, it is enough to say that the Pacific Ocean can easily accommodate all the continents and islands combined. This is probably why it is often called the Great Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean owes its name to F. Magellan, who crossed the ocean under favorable conditions during his trip around the world.

The ocean has an oval shape, its widest part is located near the equator.

The southern part of the ocean is an area of ​​calm, light winds and a stable atmosphere. To the west of the Tuamotu Islands, the picture changes dramatically - here is an area of ​​storms and squalls that turn into fierce hurricanes.

In the tropical region, the waters of the Pacific Ocean are clean, transparent and have deep Blue colour. A favorable climate developed near the equator. The air temperature here is +25ºC and practically does not change throughout the year. Winds are moderate and often calm.

The northern part of the ocean is similar to the southern part, as if in a mirror image: in the west there is unstable weather with frequent storms and typhoons, in the east there is peace and quiet.

The Pacific Ocean is the richest in the number of animal and plant species. Its waters are home to over 100 thousand species of animals. Almost half of the world's fish catch is caught here. Through this ocean are laid the most important sea ​​routes, connecting 4 continents at once.

. occupies an area of ​​92 million square meters. km. This ocean, like a huge strait, connects the two poles of our planet. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, famous for the instability of the earth's crust, runs through the center of the ocean. Individual peaks of this ridge rise above the water and form islands, the largest of which is Iceland.

The southern part of the ocean is influenced by trade winds. There are no cyclones here, so the water here is calm, clean and clear. Closer to the equator, the Atlantic changes completely. The waters here are muddy, especially along the coast. This is explained by the fact that large rivers flow into the ocean in this part.

The northern tropical zone of the Atlantic is famous for its hurricanes. Two major currents meet here - the warm Gulf Stream and the cold Labrador Stream.

The northern latitudes of the Atlantic are the most picturesque area with huge icebergs and powerful ice tongues protruding from the waters. This area of ​​the ocean is dangerous for shipping.

. (76 million sq. km) is an area of ​​ancient civilizations. Navigation began to develop here much earlier than in other oceans. The average depth of the ocean is 3700 meters. The coastline is slightly indented, with the exception of the northern part, where most of the seas and bays are located.

The waters of the Indian Ocean are saltier than others because there are far fewer rivers flowing into it. But thanks to this, they are famous for their amazing transparency and rich azure and blue color.

The northern part of the ocean is a monsoon region; typhoons often form in autumn and spring. Closer to the south, the water temperature is lower, due to the influence of Antarctica.

. (15 million sq. km) is located in the Arctic and occupies vast areas around the North Pole. Maximum depth - 5527m.

The central part of the bottom is a continuous intersection of mountain ranges, between which there is a huge basin. The coastline is heavily dissected by seas and bays, and in terms of the number of islands and archipelagos, the Arctic Ocean ranks second after such a giant as the Pacific Ocean.

The most characteristic part of this ocean is the presence of ice. The Arctic Ocean remains the most poorly studied to date, since research is hampered by the fact that most of the ocean is hidden under ice cover.

. . The waters washing Antarctica combine signs. Allowing them to be separated into a separate ocean. But there is still debate about what should be considered boundaries. If the borders from the south are marked by the mainland, then the northern borders are most often drawn at 40-50º south latitude. Within these limits, the ocean area is 86 million square meters. km.

The bottom topography is indented by underwater canyons, ridges and basins. The fauna of the Southern Ocean is rich, here is the most a large number of endemic animals and plants.

Characteristics of the oceans

The world's oceans are several billion years old. Its prototype is ancient ocean Panthalassa, which existed when all the continents were still one. Until recently, it was assumed that the ocean floors were level. But it turned out that the bottom, like the land, has a complex topography, with its own mountains and plains.

Properties of the world's oceans

Russian scientist A. Voyekov called the World Ocean “a huge heating battery"of our planet. The fact is that the average water temperature in the oceans is +17ºC, and the average air temperature is +14ºC. Water takes much longer to heat up, but it also consumes heat more slowly than air, while having high heat capacity.

But not all water in the oceans has the same temperature. They only get warm under the sun surface water, and with depth the temperature drops. It is known that at the bottom of the oceans the average temperature is only +3ºC. And it remains this way due to the high density of water.

It should be remembered that the water in the oceans is salty, which is why it freezes not at 0ºC, but at -2ºC.

The degree of water salinity varies depending on geographical latitude: in temperate latitudes the waters are less saline than, for example, in the tropics. In the north, the waters are also less saline due to the melting of glaciers, which greatly desalinize the water.

Ocean waters also vary in transparency. At the equator the water is clearer. As you move away from the equator, water becomes more quickly saturated with oxygen, which means more microorganisms appear. But near the poles, due to low temperatures, the waters become clearer again. Thus, the waters of the Weddell Sea near Antarctica are considered the most transparent. Second place belongs to the waters of the Sargasso Sea.

The difference between the ocean and the sea

The main difference between the sea and the ocean is its size. Oceans are much larger, and seas are often only part of the oceans. Seas also differ from the ocean to which they belong by a unique hydrological regime (water temperature, salinity, transparency, distinctive composition of flora and fauna).

Ocean climate

Pacific climate Infinitely diverse, the ocean is located in almost all climatic zones: from equatorial to subarctic in the north and Antarctic in the south. There are 5 warm currents and 4 cold currents circulating in the Pacific Ocean.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the equatorial belt. The amount of precipitation exceeds the share of water evaporation, so the water in the Pacific Ocean is less salty than in others.

Atlantic Ocean Climate determined by its large extent from north to south. The equator zone is the narrowest part of the ocean, so the water temperature here is lower than in the Pacific or Indian.

The Atlantic is conventionally divided into northern and southern, drawing the border along the equator, with the southern part being much colder due to its proximity to Antarctica. Many areas of this ocean are characterized by dense fogs and powerful cyclones. They are strongest near the southern tip of North America and in the Caribbean Sea.

For formation Indian Ocean climate The proximity of two continents - Eurasia and Antarctica - has a huge impact. Eurasia actively participates in the annual change of seasons, bringing dry air in winter and filling the atmosphere with excess moisture in summer.

The proximity of Antarctica causes a decrease in water temperature in the southern part of the ocean. Frequent hurricanes and storms occur north and south of the equator.

Formation climate of the Arctic Ocean determined by its geographical location. Arctic air masses dominate here. average temperature air: from -20 ºC to -40 ºC, even in summer the temperature rarely rises above 0ºC. But the ocean waters are warmer due to constant contact with the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Therefore, the Arctic Ocean warms a significant part of the land.

Strong winds are rare, but fog is common in summer. Precipitation falls mainly in the form of snow.

It is influenced by the proximity of Antarctica, the presence of ice and the absence of warm currents. The Antarctic climate prevails here with low temperatures, cloudy weather and gentle winds. Snow falls throughout the year. Distinctive feature climate of the Southern Ocean - high cyclone activity.

The influence of the ocean on the Earth's climate

The ocean has a tremendous influence on climate formation. It accumulates huge reserves of heat. Thanks to the oceans, the climate on our planet becomes softer and warmer, since the temperature of the waters in the oceans does not change as sharply and quickly as the air temperature over land.

The oceans promote better circulation of air masses. And this is the most important a natural phenomenon, like the water cycle, provides the land with a sufficient amount of moisture.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest on Earth

Pacific Ocean- the largest ocean in terms of area and depth on Earth, it occupies 49.5% of the surface of the World Ocean and holds 53% of the volume of its water. Located between the continents of Eurasia and Australia in the west, Northern and South America in the east, Antarctica in the south.

The Pacific Ocean extends approximately 15.8 thousand km from north to south and 19.5 thousand km from east to west. The area with seas is 179.7 million km², the average depth is 3984 m, the volume of water is 723.7 million km³. The greatest depth of the Pacific Ocean (and the entire World Ocean) is 10,994 m (in the Mariana Trench).

On November 28, 1520, Ferdinand Magellan entered the open ocean for the first time. He crossed the ocean from Tierra del Fuego to the Philippine Islands in 3 months and 20 days. All this time the weather was calm, and Magellan called the ocean Quiet.

The second largest ocean on Earth after the Pacific Ocean, occupying 25% of the surface of the World Ocean, with a total area of ​​91.66 million km² and a volume of water of 329.66 million km³. The ocean is located between Greenland and Iceland in the north, Europe and Africa in the east, North and South America in the west, and Antarctica in the south. Greatest depth - 8742 m (deep-sea trench - Puerto Rico)

The name of the ocean first appears in the 5th century BC. e. in the works of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who wrote that “the sea with the pillars of Hercules is called Atlantis.” The name comes from the famous Ancient Greece the myth of Atlas, the Titan holding the firmament on his shoulders at the extreme western point of the Mediterranean. The Roman scientist Pliny the Elder in the 1st century used the modern name Oceanus Atlanticus - “Atlantic Ocean”.

The third largest ocean on Earth, covering about 20% of its water surface. Its area is 76.17 million km², volume - 282.65 million km³. The deepest point of the ocean is located in the Sunda Trench (7729 m).

In the north, the Indian Ocean washes Asia, in the west - Africa, in the east - Australia; in the south it borders on Antarctica. The border with the Atlantic Ocean runs along the 20° meridian of eastern longitude; from Quiet - along 146°55’ meridian of eastern longitude. The northernmost point of the Indian Ocean is located at approximately 30°N latitude in the Persian Gulf. The width of the Indian Ocean is approximately 10,000 km between southern points Australia and Africa.

The ancient Greeks called the western part of the ocean known to them with the adjacent seas and bays the Erythraean Sea (Red). Gradually, this name began to be attributed only to the nearest sea, and the ocean was named after India, the country most famous at that time for its wealth on the ocean shores. So Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. e. calls it Indicon pelagos - “Indian Sea”. Since the 16th century, the name Oceanus Indicus - Indian Ocean, introduced by the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder back in the 1st century, has been established.

The smallest ocean on Earth, located entirely in the northern hemisphere, between Eurasia and North America.

The ocean area is 14.75 million km² (5.5% of the area of ​​the World Ocean), the volume of water is 18.07 million km³. The average depth is 1225 m, the greatest depth is 5527 m in the Greenland Sea. Most of the bottom relief of the Arctic Ocean is occupied by the shelf (more than 45% of the ocean floor) and the underwater margins of continents (up to 70% of the bottom area). The ocean is usually divided into three vast water areas: the Arctic Basin, the North European Basin and the Canadian Basin. Thanks to the polar geographical location Ice cover in the central part of the ocean persists throughout the year, although it is in a mobile state.

The ocean was identified as an independent ocean by the geographer Varenius in 1650 under the name Hyperborean Ocean - “Ocean in the extreme north.” Foreign sources of that time also used the names: Oceanus Septentrionalis - “Northern Ocean” (Latin Septentrio - north), Oceanus Scythicus - “Scythian Ocean” (Latin Scythae - Scythians), Oceanes Tartaricus - “Tartar Ocean”, Μare Glaciale - “Arctic Sea” (lat. Glacies - ice). On Russian maps of the 17th - 18th centuries the names are used: Sea Ocean, Sea Ocean Arctic, Arctic Sea, Northern Ocean, Northern or Arctic Sea, Arctic Ocean, Northern Polar Sea, and the Russian navigator Admiral F. P. Litke in the 20s of the XIX century centuries called it the Arctic Ocean. In other countries the English name is widely used. Arctic Ocean - "Arctic Ocean", which was given to the ocean by the London Geographical Society in 1845.

By decree of the USSR Central Executive Committee of June 27, 1935, the name Arctic Ocean was adopted as corresponding to the form already used in Russia since the beginning of the 19th century, and close to earlier Russian names.

The conventional name for the waters of the three oceans (Pacific, Atlantic and Indian) surrounding Antarctica and sometimes unofficially identified as the “fifth ocean”, which, however, does not have a clearly delineated northern border by islands and continents. The conditional area is 20.327 million km² (if we take the northern boundary of the ocean to be 60 degrees south latitude). Greatest depth (South Sandwich Trench) - 8428 m.