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» Managing Sberbank mutual funds personal account. Sberbank Asset Management Company – history of creation and current proposals. Mutual funds of mixed investments

Managing Sberbank mutual funds personal account. Sberbank Asset Management Company – history of creation and current proposals. Mutual funds of mixed investments

Deposit rates today do not provide investors with the desired return. This leads to a continued increase in the popularity of mutual funds. Do not forget that mutual funds are quite a risky investment. Therefore, the choice of a management company should be approached as responsibly as possible. Sberbank's mutual investment funds are especially trusted, primarily due to the reputation of the financial group that created them. Let us remember that the funds used to belong to the oldest investment company in Russia – Troika Dialog. Several years ago, Sberbank acquired this investment company along with its mutual funds, and now the company is called Sberbank Asset Management.

To understand whether it is worth investing in Sberbank mutual funds, it is important to study the advantages and disadvantages of such investments.

Among the advantages are the following:

  1. No need to purchase special knowledge. All you have to do is choose a mutual investment fund, and then professionals will manage your money.
  2. Saving personal time. Those who decide to invest in Sberbank mutual funds do not need to spend it on market analysis. You don't have to constantly monitor courses. Fund managers do all this.
  3. The profitability calculator allows you to evaluate the prospects of investments online.
  4. Simplicity of design. It is enough to go to the Sberbank office with your passport and write an application to purchase a share. Subsequently, the sale of shares and withdrawal of funds are carried out in the same way.
  5. Strict control by the state allows us to guarantee reliability. Thanks to clear regulation of all fund actions, as well as mandatory licensing of the management company’s activities, the risk of a complete loss of funds is significantly reduced.
  6. The minimum investment amount is very low. Anyone can buy a share. It is enough to have a few thousand rubles available.
  7. Shareholders pay tax only when they make a profit. Unlike other assets (for example, real estate), capital invested in shares is not subject to tax.
  8. High level of liquidity of open mutual funds. You can receive the funds invested in them on any working day.
  9. Risk diversification. It is enough to purchase shares of several funds to minimize the level of risk. As a result, the investment portfolio will be stable for most changes in the market situation.

Despite the fact that investing in Sberbank mutual funds has a huge number of advantages, there are also disadvantages.

  • The main disadvantage is the presence of commissions. Traditionally, units are sold at a premium and purchased by the fund at a discount.
  • Closed-end funds do not allow you to get your money back when you need it.
  • It is possible to obtain significant income only over a sufficiently long period of time. It is worth investing for at least a year.
  • The presence of a price premium when purchasing a share by an investor and a discount when selling it.

Current mutual funds of Sberbank

Management Company, part of the Sberbank group of companies, offers one of the most diverse lines of mutual funds in Russian market. In this case, investment management can be carried out through Personal Area. This is where you can perform all the necessary operations, as well as monitor the dynamics of your own investment portfolio.

For the right choice It is important to understand that Sberbank mutual funds in 2019 (as always) differ in the level of profitability and risk. As with other funds, the rule applies - the higher the profit, the higher the risk.

Bond mutual funds

As you know, bonds are considered one of the lowest-risk securities. This is especially true for those issued by the state. Among the mutual funds in Sberbank, four are bond funds:

  1. Ilya Muromets invests in bonds issued by the state, municipalities, and the largest Russian companies. Investments in the named fund are low-risk. Returns over the past three years have been just under 25%.
  2. Another low-risk fund is the Global Debt Market. The return on shares of this fund over the past 26 months reached 53.28%. Investments are made in foreign currency bonds of foreign countries.
  3. Despite the fact that the risk when investing in the Eurobond Fund is at a fairly low level, the growth of shares in the last three years has almost reached 95%. From the name of the mutual fund it follows that it invests funds in Eurobonds.
  4. A risk bond fund invests in securities, issued by Russian companies. These bonds are characterized by increased yield with an average level of risk.

Equity mutual funds

Those who are interested in the maximum profitability of Sberbank mutual funds should pay attention to equity funds. However, do not forget that these funds are characterized by a high degree of risk. Sberbank Mutual Funds offers a very wide range of shares:

  1. Dobrynya Nikitich invests the collected capital in shares of Russian companies that have high growth potential, as well as sufficient liquidity. As a result, the return over 3 years approached 60%.
  2. The dynamics of the Electric Energy Mutual Fund for 36 months approached 93%. This profitability was achieved through investments in shares of the electricity industry.
  3. Foundation " Natural resources» distributes funds among shares of companies that extract and process minerals, as well as produce steel and fertilizers. Over 3 years, a return of 87% was shown.
  4. The Small Cap Equity Fund invests in securities of both Russian and foreign companies. Profitability – 77.% for 3 years.
  5. Investments in the Sberbank Mutual Fund “Telecommunications and Technologies” have given investors not very high returns over the past 36 months - about 38%.
  6. An active management fund involves the redistribution of capital between liquid shares of companies that have high growth potential, as well as cash. During such management, the value of shares increased by almost 46% over 3 years.
  7. The Consumer Sector Fund invests in dynamically developing Russian and foreign companies, the return for 36 months exceeded 107%.
  8. The Global Internet Fund made it possible for shareholders to receive 76.5% in 3 years.
  9. The Financial Sector Fund distributes capital between shares of Russian and international banking, insurance, and financial organizations.

Mutual funds of mixed investments

Mixed investments in Sberbank are represented by the Balanced Fund. Its terms involve the distribution of capital between stocks and bonds. At the same time, the ratio of securities is constantly changing. The average level of risk here is combined with a return of about 65% over 3 years.

Mutual funds of funds

Most mutual funds involve a high level of risk (the exception is the Gold fund). At the same time, they show increased profitability. Below are the areas of investment, as well as the growth in the value of shares over 3 years for mutual funds.

  1. The Gold Fund invests in the PowerShares DB Gold Fund ETF. The yield exceeded 23%.
  2. The Europe Fund invests in the Ishares Eurostoxx 5 ETF. The profit was about 24%.
  3. The America Fund invests in the SPDR S&P500 ETF. Profitability is a little over 77%.
  4. The Global Engineering Fund invests in the Vanguard Industrials ETF. The high level of risk has led to shareholders losing a little more than 2% since the beginning of the year.
  5. The Biotechnology Fund invests in the iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology ETF. The share price fell by almost 7% over the year.
  6. The Emerging Markets Fund invests in the Vanguard FTSE EM ETF. The return over three years is almost 50%.

Closed mutual funds (closed mutual funds)

In the sector of balanced investments, in which the level of risk and profitability are at an average level, closed-end real estate mutual funds are also distinguished. Unfortunately, for Lately all funds in this group showed a decrease in the value of shares. Nevertheless, they deserve attention. This is explained by the fact that the profitability of closed-end funds can only be judged when they expire.

  1. The Commercial Real Estate Fund distributes funds between objects that have the potential to increase in value.
  2. The Residential Real Estate 2 and 3 funds invest in properties under construction in the capital and region, which are sold at a discount. Subsequently, by the time the fund is closed, its assets will be sold.
  3. The Rental Business Fund invests in high-class warehouse real estate. Income consists of rental payments, as well as the potential increase in the value of purchased objects.
  4. The Rental Business 2 fund involves investing in high-quality real estate in the commercial sector.

Thus, Sberbank mutual funds represent a promising area for investment. It is important to keep in mind that most of them carry a high level of risk. Before investing, you should choose the optimal combination of profitability and risk. In addition, it would be a good idea to study reviews from clients who were already shareholders of the preferred fund.

Sberbank Asset Management is one of the largest trust management companies on the Russian market. The company has developed many investment strategies that differ in the ratio of profitability and risk.

Sberbank mutual funds are an opportunity to start investment activities even with a small amount. A mutual fund participant receives passive income without performing any actions and without having special knowledge in investing and risk management.

The minimum amount for participation in Sberbank mutual funds is 15,000 rubles. At the same time, you can buy, sell or exchange your share at any time without any restrictions. Operations with mutual fund assets are carried out by Sberbank Asset Management JSC.

Today, Sberbank Asset Management occupies a leading position in the market for trust management services, owning the largest market share of open-ended and interval mutual funds.

Sberbank UA works with private and institutional investors. Private investors include individuals who have made an investment in one of the mutual funds. Institutional investors are brokerage companies and fiduciaries who operate in the securities market.

A mutual investment fund is a form of collective investment of funds, which are subsequently directed to the trust management of the company. Depositors' funds are used to carry out transactions on the securities market (stocks, bonds) and other assets.

The purpose of investing is to generate income by increasing the market value of these assets.

Which mutual fund to choose?

Today, Sberbank UA manages 19 open-end mutual investment funds and 3 closed-end real estate mutual funds, including the Ilya Muromets Bond Fund, Risky Bond Fund, Global Internet Fund and others.

All mutual funds offered by Sberbank Management are divided into groups according to the ratio of profitability and risk:

  • conservative segment;
  • balanced segment;
  • aggressive segment.

Mutual funds of the conservative and balanced segments offer moderate profits with a high degree of protection of the deposit from losses. Mutual funds of the aggressive segment can bring the unit owner a rapid increase in profitability with a high risk of profitability drawdown.

On the official website of Sberbank UA you can use special form to select an investment fund based on knowledge of financial instrument management, investment period and investment goals of the investor.

Profitability of funds managed by Sberbank UA JSC

The returns of the funds are reflected on the official website of Sberbank Asset Management and depend on the management strategy of a specific mutual fund. It is worth noting that past performance does not determine future returns. Profitability may vary depending on the state of the market and the economy as a whole. Sberbank UA JSC does not guarantee the return on investments, since such a guarantee is prohibited by law.

Advice: Don't invest all your money in one mutual fund. Distribute them in order to diversify risks across several areas of investment.

An investment share is a valuable registered security that confirms the owner’s right to a share of the mutual fund’s property. The share exists in a non-documentary form, that is, ownership of the share is based on an electronic entry in the register of share owners. Confirmation of share ownership is an extract from the register indicating the number of shares purchased and their value. The value of a mutual fund's assets may decline, thus the returns of the funds in certain periods may be negative.

It is important to understand that investing in mutual funds is a long-term investment of available funds. Therefore, if the profitability of a mutual fund decreases during a certain period, this is not a reason to sell the unit. Returns on mutual funds are calculated for the future.

The average return on mutual funds is 8-10% per annum with minimal risks. The cost of one share is calculated daily, based on the value of the mutual fund’s property.

By purchasing a share, an investor becomes the owner of investment shares. An upward change in the value of shares will mean the owner's potential opportunity to make a profit.

The owner of a share in an investment unit cannot receive interest or dividends from his investment. You can make a profit (loss) only when you sell your share. Profit is calculated based on the difference in the value of the share at the time of its purchase and sale.

Is it worth investing in Sberbank Asset Management mutual funds?

Most people believe that investing is only possible if you have a large amount of money, special knowledge and constant monitoring of the situation in the economy. Many Russians, taught by the bitter experience of the 90s, are in no hurry to part with their money and invest it in mutual funds. Only a few open in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities, and other banks participate in

As you know, money should not be kept in a bank account or wallet, but should work for you. There are many ways to invest money and make money. They can be logically divided into stable and unstable. Stable investments include bank deposits. According to the terms of the deposit - after a certain time you receive your deposit and the interest specified in the agreement, risks in in this case you don't have any. Unstable investments are financial investments that do not guarantee you a hundred percent profit, but give you the opportunity to earn up to 60-70% of the investment amount, depending on success. Such investments include, for example, mutual funds. Let's take a closer look at what mutual funds are and how much you can earn from them.

mutual fund is an abbreviation for Mutual Investment Fund. In other words, a mutual fund is an investment in the securities or real estate market with the possibility of receiving a significantly higher income than on bank deposits.

How do mutual funds work?

The algorithm for operating a mutual investment fund is extremely simple and consists of 4 stages:

  • The management company creates a mutual fund with a given investment strategy (low, medium or high risk level)
  • You (as our client) choose the fund that is most interesting to you and buy a share (analogous to a company share), thereby investing in it
  • The fund's assets are invested in various securities or real estate
  • You receive income (this figure depends on the growth in the value of the share and is rare, but it can be negative)

Conditions for investing in Sberbank mutual funds

Quite an interesting point that reflects the nuances of investing in mutual funds. So, let's begin:

  • The recommended investment period is from 1 year (but you can buy or sell a share on any working day - as soon as the share amount in ruble equivalent increases by an amount, it is enough to withdraw the amount and pay a commission for the sale of the share)
  • The minimum investment amount in mutual funds is 1,000 rubles online and 15,000 rubles when visiting the office
  • Investments are possible in both Russian and foreign assets

Advantages of mutual funds

The main advantage of mutual funds is the ability to invest in securities without the need to know the basics of working on a securities exchange.

  • Mutual investment funds are accessible and convenient (you can invest online from 1000 rubles in an open fund)
  • High liquidity of mutual fund units - you can sell or exchange purchased shares on any business day (units can be changed within open mutual funds that are managed by Sberbank Asset Management)
  • Your investments are in good hands - specialists from Sberbank Asset Management

Choosing a Mutual Fund of Sberbank

Before choosing a particular investment fund, we recommend that you look at the history of changes in the value of its shares over previous periods and invest in the most successful and, in your opinion, less risky one.

Mutual funds can be open and closed.

Shares of open-end mutual funds can be redeemed at any time (on a business day) and their value is recalculated daily.

Units of closed-end mutual funds are accepted only within a certain period and can only be redeemed within specific date, according to the rules of a closed-end mutual investment fund. Closed-end mutual funds generally include funds that buy and sell real estate.

Mutual funds are presented in both rubles and dollars, but here you need to understand that when investing in foreign funds, mutual funds in rubles will decrease if the ruble exchange rate rises against the dollar. This happens because the purchase and sale of shares is carried out only in Russian currency - rubles.

All Sberbank mutual funds can be divided into three risk categories:

  • Low risk (If your goal is to receive income higher than the deposit, protect against inflation and at the same time minimize the risk of losses, mutual funds that invest in bonds are suitable for you)
  • With average risk (Optimal combination of risk and return: the opportunity to earn more by purchasing mutual funds that invest not only in bonds, but also in stocks)
  • High-risk (These mutual funds invest primarily in stocks, high income is possible, but the risk of losses is much higher. Suitable for experienced investors who are willing to take risks)

The special website of the Sberbank Asset Management company ( provides all the current information about Sberbank mutual funds.

What mutual funds does Sberbank have?

At the moment, the list of mutual funds in which Sberbank Asset Management offers to invest is as follows:

Open mutual funds with a low level of risk

  • Bond Fund Ilya Muromets
  • Eurobond Fund
  • Global Debt Market Fund
  • Money Fund

Mutual funds with an average level of risk

Open-ended bond funds:

  • Advanced Bond Fund
  • Mixed Investment Fund Balanced
  • Gold Fund

Closed real estate mutual funds:

  • Commercial Real Estate Fund
  • Residential Real Estate Fund 2
  • Residential Real Estate Fund 3
  • Rental business fund
  • Rental business fund 2

Mutual funds with a high level of risk

Open-end equity funds:

  • Dobrynya Nikitich Equity Fund
  • Small Cap Equity Fund
  • Active management fund
  • Electric Power Fund
  • Natural Resources Fund
  • Telecommunications and Technology Foundation
  • Global Internet Foundation
  • Consumer Sector Fund
  • Financial Sector Fund
  • Global Engineering Foundation

Sberbank mutual funds: profitability

The income of a Sberbank shareholder is formed due to the difference in the value of shares upon purchase and their subsequent sale. Income is not guaranteed and depends on the activities of the management company and the market situation. Ownership of fund units is more than three years exempts you from paying income tax of 13%.

The profitability of mutual funds depends on many factors: the amount of investment in fund shares and the investment period. The average return is 40-70% of the investment amount per year. This percentage is constantly changing. When investing in mutual funds, it is best to create an investment package of shares from assets of varying degrees of risk and thereby diversify investments, for example, invest in shares of foreign funds, domestic companies and one of the closed-end real estate funds. Such an investment package will have average risks and at the same time have high income. In any case, when investing in a mutual investment fund, you must understand that the nearest normal income should be expected in, on average, 1 year in the case of investing in bonds, 3 years or more in the case of investing in stocks and 5 or more years in the case of investments in real estate shares. As for the shareholder's expenses, this is a commission when purchasing shares and a commission when selling them. There are no more expenses.

How to invest in Sberbank mutual funds

You can invest in mutual funds in any way convenient for you: online or during a personal visit to the office. In this case, with a small amount of planned investment in shares, it is profitable to invest online, because minimum amount investment online is only 1000 rubles.

Ways to buy Sberbank mutual funds:

  • Remotely through your Personal Account (You will be able to select, buy, redeem or exchange shares without visiting the office if you are registered on the federal government services portal (
  • At the office of the Management Company (You will be provided with detailed advice and will be helped to prepare the necessary documents for any transactions with mutual fund shares. Payment through the bank.)
  • At a Sberbank branch (they will help you choose a mutual fund, draw up documents and make payments for mutual fund shares.)

How to find out the value of shares

The cost of a share of each open-end mutual investment fund of Sberbank Asset Management is calculated daily and published on the website after 12:00 Moscow time. The cost of investment shares is calculated according to the methods of the Bank of Russia.

All about Sberbank mutual funds

So, let's briefly summarize the Sberbank mutual funds. If you want to get the maximum return on your investment, then you can invest in mutual funds. Investment funds in Sberbank are managed by the subsidiary company Sberbank Asset Management. The company website is There you can, based on the dynamics of growth and decline in the value of shares, choose the most stable mutual fund in your opinion and invest in it. And then, at any necessary time, sell your shares at a time of high profitability and withdraw money from the fund. You should not judge the profitability of mutual funds too quickly - the trend of growth and decline in the value of a share occurs over a fairly long period of time. Therefore, we advise you not to touch your purchased shares at all for 1 year and simply follow the trend in changes in the value of the share. As for funds: they are open and closed. You can invest in open ones at any time and also withdraw them instantly. You can invest in a closed fund only at the moment the fund is opened - after collecting the required amount, the fund is closed and the management company uses its money to purchase real estate - after a certain time, the real estate is sold and you are paid the profit from the sale. The disadvantage of a closed-end fund is the ability to invest in it only for a limited period of time and the opportunity to receive income only after the sale of real estate by the management company.

Mutual investment funds represent investors' funds that are pooled and entrusted to management companies. Today, mutual funds are a relatively new, but dynamically gaining popularity, financial instrument that allows ordinary Russians to receive stable passive income.

Sberbank's mutual investment funds are very popular among individuals, making very profitable transactions with deposits of private investors.

Every citizen can become a client of a mutual investment fund and use an available financial instrument for safe enrichment Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority.

Today, pensioners who are allowed to independently form an optimal investment portfolio can also entrust asset management to mutual funds from Sberbank. To determine which fund to entrust asset management to, you need to consider each proposed project in more detail.

(Open-End) Bond Funds

(Open-End) Securities Funds

This group of mutual funds (investment) can include the following financial instruments: Dobrynya Nikitich, Active Management Fund, Securities Fund of Small Capitalization Companies, etc. To choose the most profitable project, individuals need to study in detail all the conditions created by the management company for investment:

  1. Nikitich. This fund invests shareholders' funds in wide range Russian economy. Mutual Fund Dobrynya Nikitich is heading for long-term and high capital growth. When forming the management capital of Dobrynya Nikitich’s investment portfolio, only liquid securities (securities) are taken into account. The investment horizon of Mutual Fund Dobrynya Nikitich varies from 1 to 3 years.
  2. Consumer sector. Individuals can entrust asset management to the Consumer Sector mutual fund for a period of up to 3 years. The management company relies on securities (valuables) of Russian companies (which are not export-oriented) specializing in telecommunications, the banking sector and other business areas aimed at domestic consumers. Mutual Fund Consumer sector accepts private deposits for a period from 1 month to 3 years. Today, the cost of a share in the Consumer Sector fund is 1998.99 rubles.
  3. Global Internet. The management company invests funds received from private investors in securities (securities) of enterprises that conduct their business in the field of Internet technologies. The Global Internet Foundation is interested in securities (securities) not only large companies, but also virtual stores and even online portals. By deciding to invest available funds in the Global Internet Fund, Russian citizens will have the opportunity to participate in the development of the domestic Internet sector. When forming the Global Internet investment portfolio, the management company considers securities (securities) of companies located on the markets of Russia and China.
  4. Small Cap Securities Fund. The cost of a share in this financial project is 3,908.63 rubles (contributions are made for a period of 3 years). The portfolio is formed from securities (securities) of not only Russian, but also international companies (small and medium capitalization).
  5. Natural resources. To entrust asset management to this mutual fund, Russian citizens will have to purchase at least one share, the cost of which today is 978.57 rubles. The portfolio is formed from securities (valuables) of all companies specializing in the extraction and processing of natural resources.
  6. Electric power industry. This mutual investment fund features increased returns. The price of 1 p. is 690.09 rubles. The portfolio of securities (securities) is formed through the acquisition of securities (securities) of all companies developing in the infrastructure and electricity sectors of the economy.
  7. Telecommunications and Technology. This mutual fund has good feedback from private investors who purchased its shares (price of 1 p. 3,271.36 rubles). When forming a portfolio, the management company invests the funds of shareholders in securities (securities) of both Russian and international companies.
  8. Active management fund. Shareholders' funds are invested not only in financial, but also in production instruments.
  9. Financial sector. Private deposits are invested in securities (securities) of Russian and foreign banks and insurance organizations, as well as companies specializing in finance. The cost of a share reaches 850.83 rubles.

The above financial instruments belong to the category of mutual investment funds of the classical type. When forming their portfolios, they use securities (securities) of companies whose capitalization level exceeds 10 billion US dollars.

Investing in real estate

Currently, Sberbank Asset Management CJSC is developing dynamically and investing funds of shareholders in various sectors of the economy. For Russian citizens, trusting domestic market real estate, the following investment projects were developed:

  • Real estate (residential);
  • Business (rental);
  • Real estate (residential) 3;
  • Real estate (commercial);
  • Real estate (residential) 2.

The main goals of these mutual funds include generating income from any real estate transactions: sales of city apartments that were purchased at the construction stage, acquisition of objects for subsequent rental, etc.

Investing in mutual funds

Considering this group of mutual funds as investments, the following projects should be highlighted: Biotechnology, America, Europe, Emerging Markets,

Global debt market. Those wishing to become shareholders of Sberbank Asset Management CJSC should familiarize themselves with the conditions of financial instruments available in this category:

It is worth noting the Open Mixed Investment Fund “Balanced Fund”. The management company distributes shareholders' funds among bonds and securities (securities) of domestic issuers.

The cost of 1 item is 62,138.86 rubles, which is placed for a period of up to 3 years. The Global Engineering Fund (new) provides for investing money in such sectors of the economy as mechanical engineering and technology.

Analysis of the profitability of Sberbank mutual funds and their prospects

CJSC Sberbank Asset Management occupies a leading position in the domestic financial market. To date, the value of his assets exceeds 3.9 million US dollars. The dynamic development of mutual funds from Sberbank is due to the involvement of the best investment portfolio managers in cooperation.

Before purchasing securities (securities), they conduct a comprehensive check to determine the credit rating, the presence of risks and predict the level of profitability. Based on the results of 2015, several of the most successful investment projects can be identified:

  • Telecommunications;
  • Oil and gas sector;
  • Ilya Muromets.

Recently, there has been an increase in activity in the telecommunications sector. Many companies operating in this sector of the economy serve the population of the country and have excellent prospects for them in the next 3 years.

This rapid growth can be explained by the regular increase in average wages and a decrease in unemployment in Russia.

How to invest in Sberbank mutual funds?

To become private investors and purchase shares of Sberbank mutual funds, individuals must have at least 15 thousand rubles on hand. The condition for investing in Sberbank mutual funds is the additional purchase of shares in an amount exceeding 1.5 thousand rubles. To join the mutual fund to an individual you need to act in a certain sequence:

  1. Choose a mutual investment fund (to do this, it is worth studying the reviews of private investors).
  2. Visit your nearest bank branch in person.
  3. Provide personal identification documents, fill out the form and application required to purchase a share.
  4. After completing the registration procedure, transfer the required amount of funds to the current account of Sberbank Asset Management CJSC.

What benefits can private shareholders get from joining Sberbank mutual funds?

IN last years Mutual investment funds from Sberbank have become popular among the country's population. Many Russians have already become private investors in these funds, which they leave positive reviews on thematic Internet resources. By entrusting asset management to mutual funds, shareholders will be able to reap many benefits:

  • Sberbank mutual funds carry out completely transparent activities;
  • The management company does not take part in dubious and too risky projects;
  • asset management is carried out by specialists of the highest class;
  • portfolios of private investors are formed from securities (valuable) of various sectors of the national economy, etc.