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» Speeding up the Internet. Low Internet speed via WiFi: what to do? How to increase internet speed

Speeding up the Internet. Low Internet speed via WiFi: what to do? How to increase internet speed

Internet speed determined the maximum amount of data that a device sends or receives per unit of time.

The first thing to do is note to the contract and the conditions specified therein provided by the provider. To obtain Better conditions than those indicated in the document, it is not enough to change the settings inside the computer - you will need new tariff plan. In addition, the provider may be overloaded when a large number of subscribers are online at the same time. Resources requested by the user sometimes contain large images or web fonts that take additional time to load.

There are also factors of another kind, which can be changed when restrictions are set by the user, although he himself may not be aware of it:

  • restrictions, installed by default by the operating system;
  • Problems related to the router and its firmware;
  • restrictions other running utilities or programs.

The reason for bad internet can sometimes be hidden behind malfunction device network card, which simply cannot receive file packets at a higher speed. However, most often this problem can be solved by settings system parameters.

Setting up Internet access speed limit

Windows 10 out of the box supports limitation by 20%.

To reassign this value, you need to perform a sequence of simple steps:

20% bandwidth, reserved by Windows, are used mainly during the download period of various system updates, which occurs approximately once every 2 weeks. At other time intervals this parameter does not apply, so many advanced users mark only “relative” advantage, obtained after its redefinition.

Checking the speed limit in programs

This problem is often ignored reason what does it serve them standard setting to the speed limit. Bright example such a program is Utorrent.

On the right side of the taskbar there is an upward arrow, the so-called tray. It contains applications that run in the background. Here you need to click on program icon right-click and select " Reception restriction» in the context menu. Select setting " Not limited» will allow you to download files from maximum speed.

It is worth noting that Utorrent receives many complaints related to speed downloads.

Checking the network load through the task manager

From time to time, developers update their products. This often happens in the background and is not obvious to the user. You can view detailed analytics on this matter using “ Task Manager", which is called by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+ Alt+ Del or by pressing " Start» right-click and then open context menu with the required utility.

Here it is necessary close unused applications that “eat up” part of the network resource. In addition, the constant use of a significant portion of traffic may signal the presence of virus. He often “disguises” himself as work program and even performs its functions, simultaneously collecting information about the user or destroying files. This symptom indicates the need to scan the system with an antivirus.

Using Turbo Mode

This technology was developed by the well-known Opera in 2009. It consists in the fact that the requested resource is first loading to the server of the browser company, where all available media files shrink. After this, the images and videos are downloaded to the client's device.

To enable Turbo mode in Opera, you need to open " Menu" in the upper right corner of the screen and set marker at the appropriate point.

The Yandex product also supports this mode by default. To get to it you need to go to " Settings» → « Show additionalsettings» → « Turbo block» and check the corresponding radio button.

Other browsers require additional extensions. For example, to configure Turbo mode in Chrome necessary:

Turbo is not a panacea for fast Internet, because speed is achieved at the expense of content quality, so it is recommended to use it only when the network signal is low.

Possible faults

Server problems

Slow loading web pages or files are not always caused by problems on the user's part. The servers' bandwidth is also limited, so when the number of requests exceeds maximum permissible figure, it is even possible disconnection with the requested resource.

Incorrect router settings

An over-the-air connection made through a router can fail due to outdated firmware. To install the latest version, you need to read the instructions that the router developers include with their product. Distributions are downloaded through the manufacturer's resource.

Provider problems

Subscribers do not access the Internet on their own - they connect to a provider, which is connected to the network and redirects requests. When the last one receives too big There are many of them, they are executed with some delay. Essentially, the provider is a kind of buffer between the user and the network.

Computer brakes

Not only software, but also hardware can fail. For example , damage The device's network card causes the signal to arrive slowly and intermittently. Even if Internet distribution occurs without problems, the computer is simply not able to process network packets at an appropriate pace. This kind of problem can be solved by installing new network card or using a wired connection.

Hi all.

Whether you believe me or not, now I’ll tell you a bunch of options on how you can increase the speed of your Internet.

Whether these methods are stupid or not is up to you to decide, but I warn you right away, no one is forcing you to read this article. But it will be interesting, I promise you!

1. Call your Internet Provider

If you have a weak tariff, for example, 10 megabits, then it is clear that the Internet speed will be low. Call your provider, or go to their office and find out how much a tariff for 50 megabits, or better yet 100, will cost. This is the most proven way to increase Internet speed. I have 80 megabits and I am completely satisfied!

“Hello, hello, I have a little fucking request, urgently change my tariff to 100 megabits, otherwise I’ll burst into your office and fuck everyone up. The choice is yours, I warned you.”

If you already have about a hundred megabits, but the Internet speed is poor, then again this method of calling the provider is also suitable. We call and find out why, let’s say you have an 80 megabit tariff, but in reality you only have 10-20. Perhaps they have some problems there and they should fix them.

“Hello, hello, fuck it’s me again. When you bitch fix your shitty Internet and give it normal speed. If you don't want me to barge in on you again, act bitch. I warned you."

2. Disable Torrent

If you got on the Internet and immediately noticed that the speed is not ok because of how long it takes for sites to load, then notice that you are not downloading anything from the Internet? uTorrent can download your entire channel if it downloads any games or movies. If you have it running, then expand the window and check.

3. Disable updates

Also check if any program is being updated. Windows can easily be updated by downloading files from the Internet, or the antivirus can update the database. Tanks have also learned to update automatically. Keep this in mind!

4. Enable Opera Turbo or Yandex Turbo

If you have slow Internet, and there is no way to switch to a higher speed tariff, since you have not earned any money yet, or civilization with high-speed Internet on optical fiber has not yet reached you, then be sure to enable the Turbo function in your browser. This feature is available in Opera and Yandex browsers.

To enable Turbo in the Opera browser you need to press Menu and go to Settings.

Then on the Browser tab, go to the very bottom and check the box Enable Opera Turbo. In this case, there should already be a checkmark on the left Show advanced settings.

In Yandex everything is even simpler. Click on the menu and select Enable turbo.

5. Clear your browser of clutter

The next way to increase Internet speed, so that sites load faster and videos play normally, is to clean out the junk from your browser. It is quite possible that when you first launch Google Chrome, after purchasing a computer or reinstalling the system, sites load instantly, and after a few months everything starts to slow down terribly. You need to clean your browser of garbage and junk.

Open your browser and press Ctr+H on your keyboard. Left click Clear the history.

Here you can check all the boxes to remove as much junk as possible! But be careful, if you clear all this, your saved passwords will be deleted and when you log into social networks and other sites, you will have to enter your logins and passwords again!

If you remember all the passwords and logins for the sites you visit, then you can check all the boxes, indicate what should be deleted at all times and click Clear history.

6. How to increase Internet speed on your phone (4G, 3G, 2G, modem, Bilay, MTS, Tele2)

If you want to increase the Internet speed on your phone, for example, 4G, 3G or 2G does not work well on MTS, Megafon, Beeline and so on, then there is hardly anything you can do here. Unless you can get out of the forest or from the basement, where you have poor signal reception and slow speed, and go somewhere higher. For example, on the 8th floor!

As a last resort, you need to get closer to the tower from which the net is caught. Then it may finally be possible to increase the Internet speed on your phone and finally update your Twitter, Instagram feed, or eventually launch a new video on YouTube.

Having penetrated into all spheres of human life, the World Wide Web has confidently taken a place in every home. And now, if problems happen to him, it causes a storm of indignation. Especially if the connection is slow, because working with the Internet turns into torture. What causes it and how to speed up the Internet in Windows 7? First things first.

Why is the Internet speed slow or fluctuating?

Internet speed depends on many factors that you need to know, especially if problems arise. If you are not satisfied with the speed of your Internet connection and you do not understand how to optimize it, the following list is for you.

10 reasons why the Internet is slower:

  1. There are probably programs installed on your computer that automatically update and send statistics about errors in operation, etc. Without your noticing, they “take away” part of the traffic, which is why the speed for the user decreases.
  2. If there are many downloads going on simultaneously from the server or website where the file is located, the file download speed will noticeably slow down.
  3. If you are connecting through a router, the speed will be lower than connecting directly. This is because the router slows down the speed. The cheaper the model, the greater the losses. Even if the manufacturer claims high speed, you should not expect it to be so. After all, the stated parameter cannot be obtained at home.
  4. The quality of the Wi-Fi connection depends on the distance of the computer from the router, as well as on the “neighborhood” with other devices. Check that there are no conflicts between the router and other nearby devices. The router operates at either 2.4 GHz (802.11 b, g, and n model) or 5.8 GHz (802.11 a model). If devices have the same frequency as the router, then while they are running, the Internet speed will drop.
  5. The speed decreases in the evening - many users complain about this. The reason is that it is at this time that user activity increases, and the channel throughput speed is limited.
  6. The cause of interruptions and low speed is often a computer that requires optimization. The PC itself is not able to operate correctly at the provided speed.
  7. Internet slowdowns can be explained by the presence of virus software on the computer. The malware operating process involves a constant exchange of information, which reduces speed. Antiviruses, in turn, scan all downloaded files, which has the same effect.
  8. Programs such as torrents can remain in memory even after being closed. So, they transmit a huge amount of information without your knowledge.
  9. Weather conditions such as snow, rain, wind, etc. affect the quality of your Internet connection if you use satellite Internet.
  10. If you are not satisfied with the speed in a certain program, check if there is a limit there. To do this, right-click on the program icon and see if there is an item about restrictions on receiving or transferring files.

How to check Internet speed on a computer with Windows 7 installed


The first method is simple and does not require installing additional software. There are many sites on the Internet that provide such a service. The most popular is the Speedtest service. Here you can quickly and accurately find out your Internet speed. When you create an account, you will also be able to view the history of your measurements and manage service settings. To use the service, go to the website and click the “Start!” button, the program will do the rest for you: it will select the nearest convenient server and calculate 3 parameters (the result of the ping command, download and upload speed).

With Task Manager

A method available to all Windows 7 users. Press the key combination ctrl+alt+delete. In the window that appears, click the “Network” tab. For a clear demonstration, network congestion is displayed as a graph, and the speed result can be seen below.

Using programs

There are few such programs, and here's why. It is much more accurate and correct to calculate the speed between a PC and a remote server than with an installed program. But there is such a way, and here is a short list of such programs:

  • NetWorx is a free Windows program designed to monitor traffic (local network and Internet) and measure the speed of network connections.
  • BitMeter is a program for calculating traffic statistics. Displays a real-time graph of incoming and outgoing traffic, as well as statistics.
  • JDAST - the program has advanced functionality. You can download the program from the official website and for free.
  • Download Master - the program downloads files and at the same time shows the Internet speed.


Gadgets are small programs that display various information on the desktop. For example, clock, calendar, weather, measuring system parameters, etc. 7 gadgets are offered to measure Internet speed.

  1. Artan-Reborn - in addition to Internet speed, you can view data such as processor load, memory status, current time, weather data, etc.
  2. Networkutilization - if you don’t need unnecessary information, then this gadget is for you.
  3. Glass Gadgets is a whole set of gadgets, which are united by the fact that they have a transparent surface for best combination With various wallpapers your desktop.
  4. Blade is also a set united by the “techno” style.
  5. NetMeter - with this gadget you will always have in sight indicators of activity, traffic and Internet speed. Appearance The gadget can be customized to suit you.
  6. Gauge Meter - shows upload and download speeds, as well as other system parameters. There are 5 types of design.
  7. Bandwidth Meter is an easy-to-read gadget that shows the speed of two types of Internet connections.

Connection speed indicators

Speed ​​ID - the same gadgets, only they have a simplified interface and functionality. Used if you don’t want to clutter your desktop.

There are more than 20 such identifiers, here is a list of the most popular:

  • Glassy Network
  • NIC Slim
  • DC Wireless
  • NetGraf Black
  • NetMonitor

How to speed up the Internet on a computer or laptop

It is really possible to speed up the Internet, even if you are not experiencing problems, optimization will help you achieve better results.

There is not a single method that would make the Internet connection speed higher than the speed set by the provider.

Myths about “fast” work

Since this topic is incredibly popular, this has led to the emergence of both real methods and myths. Let's figure out how to really speed up the Internet and what won't help in this matter.

Myth 1: Windows “steals” 20% of traffic

There are many articles on the Internet on how to speed up your connection by as much as 20%(!). The explanation is as follows: Windows runs a QoS service that reserves up to 20% of the traffic for its tasks, which is why it is not used to its full potential. Consequently, disabling this service will free up a fifth of the traffic and the Internet will “fly”. Is it so? Unfortunately no. To confirm this, let's figure out how it works. Yes, the system needs its own percentage of traffic so that system programs can access the network. But, firstly, if priority programs do not use the connection, then user programs do this, and, secondly, if the system has reserved part of the traffic, but it is not being used at the moment, then user programs also get access to it.

Repeated tests have shown that disabling the QoS service does not increase Internet speed.

Myth 2: Clearing your browser cache and temporary files

Another myth that not only doesn’t help, it even works opposite direction. The fact is that the cache and RAM, on which Internet speed depends, are in no way connected. Instead, the cache stores items from pages you've already visited, allowing for faster loading times on your next visit.

The same applies to cleaning the system Prefetch folder. The situation is absolutely similar with browsers. Just as the browser cache allows you to quickly load pages, the cache from the Prefetch folder allows you to quickly start the system.

Myth 3: Acceleration using special programs

Even popular programs to speed up the Internet do not produce any results. The whole point of these programs is to transfer application data from RAM to the page file. A running application or program runs a little faster, but when you open applications that have been left for a while, you will see how much they slow down.

Real ways

Method 1: Removing startup of unused programs

Check all programs that are installed on your computer for startup functionality. There are groups of programs, such as torrents, widgets, toolbars, instant messengers, programs that carry out some kind of PC tests, which even without your knowledge end up in autoload. In all programs where you do not need startup, turn it off. There are 2 ways to do this. First:

Second way:

Before you remove a program from startup, make sure that you know the purpose of this program and that it will not harm the operation of your computer.

Method 2: Optimize your PC

Clean your HDD, remove all unnecessary programs, you may need additional RAM. Check your computer for viruses as often as possible. All this will help speed up the work of both the device itself and the Internet.

Method 3: Optimize or replace your router

Using outdated or weak equipment will not allow you to achieve high speeds. Perhaps flashing the device will be enough. In any case, it is better to trust this to professionals. Contact the service center for advice and assistance.

Method 4: Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi

If possible, use wired connection, in any conditions it will be faster and more stable. The router constantly needs to be rebooted, the wire allows you not to be distracted by such actions.

Method 5: Change Wi-Fi channel

If there are many users of the same channel in your home and you use Wi-Fi connection, the speed will be significantly slower. To change the channel, use inSSIDer or WiFiInfoView to determine the free channel. And then change the router settings.

To successfully optimize Internet operation, find the reason or several reasons, which is more likely. And only then proceed to solutions. Do not fall for loud statements and advertising, as if using programs or turning off a component operating system You can achieve great results and increase speed many times over. The maximum that can be squeezed out of optimization is 10–15%.

The Internet access speed announced by the provider often does not correspond to reality. The problem often lies not only in the quality of the services provided, but also in the configuration of the devices used by the end user. This article is intended to answer the question of how to increase Internet speed to the one promised when concluding an agreement with a telecom operator.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the settings of the operating system installed on the PC, and also exclude the possibility of malware influencing the speed of data transfer on the Internet.

Checking traffic eaters

First, you should check the running applications: a torrent client turned on at system startup, a gaming service, or other programs that require constant access to the Internet. These are possible “provocateurs” of inappropriate speed.

Detailed information about traffic consumption in the Task Manager is available only to users of Windows 8 and higher systems. For Windows 7 there is a different method.

In the “Processes” tab there is a column with the heading “Network”, here you can find out which application and to what extent affects the speed and consumed Internet traffic. Disabling programs that are currently unnecessary is done by highlighting the corresponding application and clicking the “End task” button.

In editions of Windows 7, 8 there is a similar utility called “Resource Monitor”. To access it, you need to enter the phrase “Resource Monitor” in the search bar “Menu” - “Start” and launch the program that will be displayed upon request. Next, select the “Network” tab: by default, the processes in it are sorted by the number of bytes consumed per second. It is impossible to close processes that affect the speed of Internet access through this program, therefore, having identified the consumer, you need to return to the “Task Manager” and remove the task corresponding to the exe file:

Internet speed may temporarily decrease due to the activity of the Update Center, which is also noted in the Task Manager under the corresponding item. You must wait until the download from the Internet is completed and the operating system updates are installed on your PC, and then continue with normal work.

Configuring the Package Scheduler

Further actions will be aimed at reducing capacity restrictions. The Windows system reserves 1/5 of the total passing traffic and this can negatively affect Internet speed. This limit needs to be reduced to zero.

Launching the “Local Group Policy Editor”, where the scheduler will be configured, is carried out by pressing the Win+R key combination at once and entering the gpedit.msc command in the window that opens:

In the “Editor”, go to the following folder: “Computer Configuration” – “Administrative Templates” – “Network” – “QoS Packet Scheduler”. Several items will appear on the right side of the window, the desired one is “Limit reserved Internet bandwidth”:

In the window that opens, you need to click “Enable”, and in the lower field called “Options” set the “Bandwidth Limit” value to 0%. When you finish working with the window, click the “Apply” and “OK” buttons. Now the system will not limit the Internet speed:

The default scheduler is sometimes disabled in the adapter settings. To check, select “Control Panel” from the “Start” menu, then “Network and Sharing Center.” The connection appears as active. To go to the “Connection Status” window, click on the name. In the window that opens, click on the “Properties” button and activate the “QoS Packet Scheduler” item, confirm your choice by clicking the “OK” button. After completing this procedure, it is recommended that you restart your computer. The question of how to remove the default Internet speed limit in Microsoft has been resolved!

Setting up a network card

For better energy efficiency of the system, some device parameters are configured for saving mode. This also applies to a network card installed in a personal computer.

From the Start menu, go to Control Panel. In the “System and Security” section you need to find a utility called “Device Manager”:

In the “Manager” window, double-click on the “Network adapters” item to get a list of available devices. The adapter is selected by double clicking on it.

In the “Power Management” tab there are two items: “Allow the device to turn off” and “Allow the device to wake the computer from standby (sleep) mode.” We remove modes by unchecking them. Confirmation of the settings is done by pressing the “OK” button. After restarting the computer, it is recommended to check the Internet speed:

On laptops, this setting is quite critical: the battery life of the computer risks decreasing. If you notice an increase in the rate of battery discharge after performing this action, it is recommended to return the checkmarks to their places.

Change your power plan

Changing the power plan to a more efficient one will have a positive effect on the speed of the network adapter. In the “Control Panel” you need to find the “System and Security” section, then “Power Options”. The required “High Performance” item is activated by clicking on it:

This setting will increase the supply of electricity to the elements of the personal computer, which will increase the speed of Internet access. As with deactivating AC adapter shutdown, the rate at which your laptop's battery drains may increase, so you should use this plan power supply only while the portable device is running from the adapter if you need to solve the issue of how to speed up the Internet on a laptop.

COM port extension

To configure the serial COM port, go to the Device Manager utility through the Start menu. Double-click to the “Ports (COM and LPT)” section. Going to the properties of the device called “Serial port (the abbreviation COM with a number should be indicated in brackets, in our case – COM3)” is also done by double-clicking on the name:

In the “Port Parameters” tab, find the “Bits per second” indicator and select “128000” in the drop-down list. To confirm - “OK”:

By increasing the maximum throughput of the port, the likelihood that the speed of access to the Internet will increase to the required values ​​increases.

Installing additional programs

To help standard solutions from Microsoft come developments from third-party manufacturers that allow you to expand the capabilities of the Internet on your computer.

TCP Optimizer ( is free software distributed through the SpeedGuide resource. The program is positioned as speeding up access to the Internet by changing TCP/IP parameters, allowing you to remove Internet speed limits:

After downloading and launching, no installation is required; TCP Optimizer immediately offers the user an interface. On the main General Settings tab at the top there is a slider that must be set to the position corresponding to the Internet connection speed declared by the provider. In the Network Adapter selection drop-down menu, select the network adapter, and at the very bottom of the window, in the Choose settings item, check the Optimal box. The choice is confirmed by clicking the Apply changes button and restarting the PC.

Second assistant in solving the question of how to speed up the Internet , — a free utility from Softonic – NameBench ( It selects the best DNS server from the list, allowing you to access website domains through the fastest intermediary:

Installation of the program is carried out by unpacking it into a user-friendly directory. After starting the maximum that is required, click the Start Benchmark button. The search takes some time: the resource has big amount sources.

At the end of the search, the default browser displays the result for the current DNS setting and the recommended configuration - Recommended configuration (fastest).

Checking and setting up DNS

Through the “Control Panel”, select the sub-item “View network status and tasks”, located in the “Network and Internet” section. Here you will need to select the active network, clicking on which takes you to the connection status window, and from there to “Properties”. When using the IPv4 protocol, you need to highlight this item by clicking and go to “Properties”:

The main “General” tab contains the default DNS server addresses provided by the provider:

In the “Preferred” and “Alternative” DNS server sections, you need to enter data from the NameBench program, then check the “Confirm settings on exit” checkbox and close the window by clicking the “OK” button.

Virus check

The first thing to do, if you are used to it, is to check your PC with antivirus software. An effective utility that does not require installation and permanent job in the background - Dr.Web CureIt! (

Before starting, you need to close all programs, including those using the Internet. After launching the anti-virus package, click on the “Start scanning” button and wait for the scanning process and treatment to complete.

Tidy up your router

If your devices are connected to the Internet through a router, it needs to be serviced to ensure maximum speed.

Features of DSL connection

In ADSL connection technology, an important role is played by a splitter - a small “double” device, on one side of which a landline telephone is connected, on the other - a modem and a telephone line. It is important to check the connections and sockets of the splitter and, if necessary, replace it with an improved version.

Firmware update

With the release of new software, router hardware problems that affect the speed of Internet access are often corrected. You should always keep your device software up to date.

The packaging or back panel of the router indicates the login information for your personal account. As a rule, access to the interface occurs at the addresses: and, the login-password combination is admin-admin.

Among the menu items you need to find “Firmware Update”. For the process to be successful, the router must be connected to the computer on which the update is being searched via an Ethernet cable.

Determining the correct location of the router

It is necessary to install the router in the center of the apartment or room at a height of 1.5-2 meters. It is not recommended to place other signal sources of wireless interfaces - Bluetooth, other Wi-Fi points - in the immediate vicinity of the router. Compliance with all these requirements will increase the Internet speed several times.

Changing the Wi-Fi channel

If Wi-Fi access points are installed everywhere, there is a high chance that they will interrupt each other's signal. It is important to remember that Wi-Fi hotspots operate on certain channels. An easy way to identify channel occupancy is to download the Wi-Fi Analyzer application to your smartphone from Google Play Store or App Store. The free utility shows the signal strength in the form of a graph, which clearly shows empty zones - free channels:

Having determined best option, in the router interface, section Wi-Fi settings, you need to find an item called “Channel”. After setting the desired value, you should save the setting and reboot the router, and then check the data transfer speed.

Checking unauthorized connection to the router

One of possible options Speed ​​"leakage" is a connection to a third party router. This happens when there is no password on the access point, or the password for the access point is easily guessed.

It is very easy to detect “illegals”: ​​through the router interface. The “Wi-Fi Status” tab contains a list of connected devices. If among the listed devices there is an unfamiliar device, it is recommended to immediately set or change the Wi-Fi hotspot password to protect your Internet traffic from external use.

Choosing a fast browser

Additional functionality in the Internet can speed up the loading of pages on the Internet. popular browsers, for example, “Turbo” mode:

Opera and Yandex Browser have a built-in “accelerator”. By enabling this mode, the user does not download the site directly to the computer, but sends it to secure servers on the Internet, where media compression occurs, then the processed page is sent to the computer, and the loading speed increases significantly.

Google's browser - Chrome - does not have this mode, but the Google store has an official add-on called “Traffic Saver”, after installing it you can reduce the size of media files downloaded from the Internet by up to 70%.

The 2ip service conducted its own research, during which browsers with “Turbo” and similar modes enabled were tested. The test showed that in Yandex.Browser the speed of loading pages from the Internet on a 3G modem is almost instantaneous. This fact allows us to designate this browser as optimal for slow connections, and the problem of how to remove the limitation on Internet connection speed has been solved again.

In order to increase Internet speed, it is recommended to use the following useful tips, making it possible to correct the situation at home, namely:

  1. Selecting the most effective tariff. The subscriber's existing plan may simply not meet the requirements. Upgrading to a package with high speed ratings is one of the preferred actions.
  2. Modernization of a personal computer. The network card installed in the PC may be outdated or faulty, which negatively affects the speed of your Internet connection. A new generation external network adapter will solve the problem of slow access.
  3. Purchasing a new router. Modern technologies, including the 5GHz frequency standard, which replaced the outdated 2.4GHz, will save you from “brakes” and freezes during loading.
  4. Connect to another server. Remote hosting may be located too far from the current location of the computer, which affects the speed of the connection to the server on the Internet. The same applies to overloaded servers; you should wait until the peak load decreases.
  5. Establishing a connection via an Ethernet cable. Wireless internet is convenient, but less reliable than the cable option. If you notice a drop in speed when working with wireless interfaces, you should try an Ethernet connection.

Users on the global network will find a lot of other recommendations on how to speed up the Internet speed, but some tips are already outdated, and some are unsafe for PCs. The main thing, perhaps, is that you can speed up, but maintain a reasonable balance between comfort on the Internet and the security of data on your computer. The second, I think, is more important than the first.

If web pages take too long to load, and content is downloaded at a speed that clearly does not correspond to that promised by the provider, this may be due to various reasons. Fortunately, you don’t have to wonder how to increase your Internet speed. Today, there are many effective techniques that can improve the quality of your connection to the World Wide Web. A noticeable difference will be noticeable within minutes.

Method one of three: Checking the equipment, network status and Internet connection speed

1. Test your connection speed. Before setting up your equipment and PC, you should check the Internet speed, and then compare the result with that specified in the contract with the provider. Currently, there are many tests available online that allow you to measure this parameter. All you need to do is enter a query in the search bar, such as “check connection speed”, and then select the site you like from the top search results.

  • A variety of testing programs can show excellent results. Even with multiple checks on one resource, you can see different results over and over again. The test result is usually determined by the server location and how loaded the network is.
  • It is best to test multiple times, finding the average value.
  • In order to pass the test, in some cases it may be necessary to download and install plugins.
  • If a resource asks you to select a server in order to check communication speeds, it is better to choose the one that is closest to your location. This way you will get the most accurate result.

2. The next step in increasing Internet speed will be to compare the actual speed level with the one promised by the provider. Information about the connection speed level can be obtained from the customer support department.

It is worth keeping in mind that the provider will indicate the maximum possible value, but in fact it is not always equal to this number.

  • Having been stuck on a certain tariff for a long time, you may be able to increase the speed value for little money. Typically, providers do not inform their clients about the availability of cheaper tariffs. Therefore, check this circumstance yourself, and also read the offers from other regional Internet providers.
  • Don't forget about the huge difference between megabits and megabytes. 1 MB (megabyte) is equal to 8 MB (megabits), so if your tariff involves paying for 50 MB/sec, then the maximum speed will be around six megabytes per second.

3. Try rebooting your router. Restarting it can solve many connection problems. If the model of the modem you are using does not have a power button, you need to turn off the power supply, then wait half a minute and turn it on again.

4. The next step is to check that there are no conflicting signals. If you are using a wireless router, it makes sense to check if there is a conflict with a stand-alone landline phone or camera. The fact is that there are 2 types of wireless routers with operating frequencies of 5.8 GHz and 2.4 GHz. If the phone and router operate on the same 2.4 GHz frequency, the connection speed will be slow when the phone is used at home. The same applies to surveillance cameras. Find out the operating frequencies of the devices mentioned; if they are nine hundred megahertz, there is no reason to worry. But if it is 2.4 or 5.8 GHz, there is a possibility that they cause interruptions in your home network.

5. Make sure your network traffic limit is not over. All guesses on how to increase Internet speed are in vain if your communication provider has set a limit on the traffic sent to you, and you may not know it.

To check this circumstance, you should log in to the provider’s website, or call the manager from customer support, where you will find out about the presence of a monthly limit and whether it has expired. If it is exceeded, your connection speed is artificially limited.

6. Call the customer support department of the Internet provider. Sometimes only the provider company can deal with the problem of a slow connection. Moreover, troubleshooting, as a rule, does not imply a specialist home visit. The only thing is that you may be asked to reboot the router.

7. Carefully check each of the devices on your home network. If other users often download content from the Internet, for example, watch video files or download movies, this takes up a significant amount of bandwidth in the network channel.

8. Try to reduce the gap between the router and PC. Looking for a way to increase Internet speed, and being connected to the network through Wi-Fi router, make sure that the “slow” signal is not a consequence of a weak connection between the PC and the router. Place these two devices closer to each other, or place the router higher, this will improve the quality of network signal reception.

  • Clean the router from accumulated dust particles using a can filled with compressed air. This way you will protect it from possible overheating and allow you to work more stably.
  • Try to provide sufficient ventilation to all electrical components in the network to prevent them from overheating.

9. If you use DSL technology, it is worth checking the splitter. This refers to a compact box into which the cable from a landline telephone is connected. WITH reverse side there are a couple of “sockets” - intended for telephone connection, and also serves for installing a modem. If your Internet connection is via a telephone line, it will only be of high quality if you have a good splitter.

10. Study the weather forecast. If you have Internet transmitted via satellite, the connection speed is quite capable of “jumping” under the influence of precipitation and winds, as well as other weather phenomena.

Method 2 of 3: Perform PC and Network Optimization

1. Scanning your computer with an antivirus should be done at least once every seven days. Viruses can not only threaten the loss of user data, but also adversely affect Internet speed. In order for the connection to be stable and fast, you need to protect your PC from all kinds of threats.

Your PC should always be protected by a reliable antivirus. Moreover, you don’t have to pay money for such software. It is worth keeping in mind that there should be only one antivirus on the computer, otherwise such programs will conflict.

2. In addition to installing an antivirus, you should regularly scan your PC to detect malware and adware. Not all antivirus programs detect this type of spyware.

However, these threats can significantly slow down your computer's performance and connection speed as they constantly connect to third-party servers. It is not so easy to get rid of these “malware”, but there are several utilities that are designed to identify and eliminate such unwanted software. By the way, you can install a number of programs of this type at once:

  • HitMan Pro
  • Spybot Search & Destroy
  • Malwarebytes Antimalware
  • Adw Cleaner

3. Get rid of unnecessary toolbars. If your browser has many toolbars, your connection may be very slow. By getting rid of them, you can improve the efficiency of your browser and provide protection against information leaks from your PC.

  • Individual toolbars are not that easy to remove. For this purpose, anti-spyware software may be required, as mentioned above.

4. Change your browser. When looking for a way to increase Internet speed, you need to check whether your browser is overloaded with difficult-to-remove add-ons, which reduces its performance. In this case, it may be better to start using a different browser. A priori, Firefox, Opera and Chrome operate significantly faster than Internet Explorer.

5. Clean your hard drive.“Launch”, it can significantly slow down the efficiency of the PC, which adversely affects your manipulations, and network ones too. You can optimize your hard drive in just a few minutes, resulting in a significant increase in the quality of Internet surfing.

  • Defragmentation of the “screw” should be performed regularly. Recent versions of Windows OS perform this procedure automatically.
  • To clean the disk from temporary files stored on it that slow down the browser, run the disk cleaning procedure.
  • Make sure that there is always at least 15% empty space in the system partition of the hard drive. When the disk is full, programs, as well as the Internet browser, will launch and function more slowly.

6. Optimize your cache. Browsers save data from web resources in a cache so that they can open pages more quickly in the future. If the cache is full, browser performance will drop.

  • You can find out how to clear the cache by asking the appropriate request in the search engine.

7. Check and find out which of the installed programs are taking traffic. Often, Internet speed drops because other software products are using the network. To find out whether certain programs are sending requests to the network without asking your permission, use the Command Prompt. Press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Win + R to open the Run dialog box. Next, enter cmd and press ⌅ Enter. (If you have Windows 7 installed, you should open the Start menu>All Programs>Accessories, and then right-click on Command Prompt in the “Run as administrator” item).

  • You need to enter the command netstat -b 5 > activity.txt and press ⌅ Enter. The monitor will display a list of software connecting to the network. After waiting a minute, press ^ Ctrl+C to complete the search procedure. The system will issue a file with a list of active network connections.
  • Next you need to enter activity.txt and press ⌅ Enter, as a result the file will open and you can see the program list.

8. Close all unnecessary programs. You should simultaneously press the ^ Ctrl+⎇ Alt+⌦ Delete buttons to open the Task Manager. Next, select the processes tab and disable all programs that can consume Internet traffic. (Keep in mind: interrupting processes with names that you do not know can lead to program failures).

  • Review the process data in the “User” column. In the case when the process is launched on behalf of the System, stopping it can provoke a disruption in the functioning of other software products, and you will need to restart the computer. If your username is present in the column, most likely, the end of the process will not affect other programs. It happens that the system prohibits the completion of a particular internal system process or it automatically restarts it.

9. Remove unused programs that take traffic. Having identified programs that are overloading your connection, remove those that you no longer use, which will free up traffic for the browser to work.

10. Change the Wi-Fi channel you are using. If one single channel is used by many people in your home, the problem of how to increase Internet speed for you is not idle. To identify free channels, try using the inSSIDer program for your computer and the WiFi Scanner or KisMAC applications for Mac.

By switching to a less busy channel, you can get rid of interruptions in the Internet network and, perhaps, you will be able to use the World Wide Web much more quickly.

  • If you find an unloaded channel, switch to improve connection speed. If you don’t know how to change the Wi-Fi communication channel in the router, look at the user instructions or the relevant information on the equipment manufacturer’s resource.

11. Update the router firmware. The firmware update can be found on the website of your router manufacturer. After comparing the latest version with the one available, update.

Majority modern models They check the firmware version automatically when opening the hardware configuration page.

Method 3 of 3: Performing Hardware Upgrades

1. Upgrade your computer. If the PC itself works “slowly”, this does not depend in any way on the connection speed. It is reduced by the PC operating speed parameters.

  • To increase the performance of the browser you are using, install better (or at least additional) RAM. This is one of the simplest and fastest methods of computer modernization.

2. Upgrade your router. If you are using an older model of device, there is a chance that it simply cannot cope with the load imposed by today's traffic. Moreover, older devices have rather weak antennas, and this can make it difficult to connect your PC to the Internet. All of the above conditions together can greatly affect the quality of the connection.

  • When purchasing, give preference to routers from well-established manufacturers, for example, Netgear, D-Link or Cisco. To ensure that your new router fully meets your expectations, make sure that it is equipped with a truly powerful antenna.
  • If your home network covers a considerable area, it makes sense to install a repeater. His responsibilities will include relaying the wireless signal to another part of the home or office center, which will increase the network coverage area.

3. Replace your old broadband modem. When exposed to elevated temperatures, electrical devices tend to wear out. Over time, the modem will become more and more unscrupulous in performing the tasks assigned to it (the ratio of the purely emitted signal to the level of interference will begin to decrease, and the number of repeated requests will increase). Modems from manufacturers specializing in their production often work better than those offered by provider companies.

  • When purchasing a modem from an outside manufacturer, be sure to make sure that it supports the communication standards of the Internet provider you have chosen.

4. Use an Ethernet connection, not Wi-Fi. If possible, try connecting more of your devices via cables. In this case, they will connect to the Internet more quickly and conflict less with existing wireless devices - for example, a tablet.

  • When thinking about how to increase your Internet speed, try something like trying to connect to your local DNS server. There are now router models that work with their own DNS server. It is worth trying the FastCache program, which caches the most visited domain names, which eliminates the need to check the IP when going to another page.
  • Download programs that can speed up web surfing:
    • - so-called. a browser in a browser that loads resources without images.
    • Popular browsers Firefox, Chrome and Opera have the option to disable loading images.
    • The NoScript extension, designed for Firefox, blocks scripts and plugins that can slow down page loading.
    • Using Firefox browser, be sure to download the Firetune and Fasterfox extensions.
  • You should not expect high speed when using mobile communications or a low-speed tariff. Most Internet resources use a broadband connection, whose speed is just over 500 kbps. Sometimes under such conditions you have to wait.
  • Use Google DNS by setting as the preferred DNS Server, and as the alternative.

And at the end of the conversation about how to increase Internet speed, a couple of warnings:

  • Don't trust advertising promises to increase your connection speed for free. Such programs, as a rule, only detect the presence of problems on the PC, but do not solve them until you pay for the registration of the software product, or purchase a version with full functionality.
  • The download speed may be slow, even if the network is functioning at a good level. When downloading from a slow remote server, you will have to wait a long time for the download to complete.