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» Installation of suspended ceilings using the Knauf system. Drywall Knauf (KNAUF) - installation technology, technical characteristics

Installation of suspended ceilings using the Knauf system. Drywall Knauf (KNAUF) - installation technology, technical characteristics

Knauf suspended ceilings are known to many people in the most different countries. They got their name from the name of their rather famous German manufacturer “Tigi-Knauf”. Thanks to special production technology complete systems Knauf “suspended ceilings” combine aesthetics, ergonomics and simplicity, coupled with a reasonable price. Knauf suspended ceilings are a subspecies plasterboard ceilings, therefore, they have some of its advantages and disadvantages. Many people install them at work or at home, and they are often used in industrial construction.

In our article we will look at the main thing, paying attention to the advantages of this type, its features, tips for, the installation process itself and the materials necessary for this. We remind you that carefully selected photos are presented specifically so that you can better understand the essence of the article, do not neglect to consider them.

Advantages of Knauf ceiling

Plasterboard structures as such make it possible to adjust the height of the ceiling and hide communications underneath, since they can form multi-level structures at some distance from the base ceiling. Actually, this is why Knauf ceilings can be called suspended. But one of the most important advantages remains that with the help of sheets you can create structures of various shapes, including spherical and cone-shaped. The plasterboard also supports the insertion of lamps.

If you choose the right insulation, then such a ceiling will be indispensable and will serve you for a long time. In the kit you receive the drywall sheets themselves and a metal profile, which is necessary for installing the former.

Before starting work on installing gypsum boards - plasterboard sheets- it is necessary to complete all finishing work, in particular on the walls. Don't leave work that involves interacting with water until last. Naturally, before finishing the walls they must be smooth and clean, so take time for this too.

The installation itself must be carried out at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius and above, and the best option will support average temperature 15-20 degrees. Therefore, as a last resort, when work takes place in winter, take care of heating for the room. This will help both people and materials stay in shape. Speaking about the humidity level, do not forget that dry mode is the most preferable, but normal mode is also acceptable. You can learn how the level of humidity is delineated from SNiP 02/23/2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”.

After meeting all the above conditions, it is necessary to accurately mark the ceiling, taking into account the pitch for the ceiling and the type of load for attaching the suspensions. That is, on the ceiling it is necessary to mark with a pencil the location of the sheets of drywall. Do not forget that those communications that you plan to hide under the ceiling must be carried out immediately after marking.

Required materials for installation and their types

When using sheets from the manufacturer Knauf, ceiling installation must involve 10, and sometimes more, different elements.

Let's see which ones:

Required amount of material for installation of gypsum boards

The ceiling according to the Knauf system is usually quite heavy, because repairs involve a large number of elements (read also: " "). You could see this yourself by reading the previous subtitle. And it is very important to buy the required amount of material in advance so that it is enough for the entire duration of the work. Our list of materials that are needed to secure gypsum boards on 1 square meter will help you with this.

Given average consumption materials that will be needed during installation of the entire ceiling:

All of the materials listed are very important for the successful completion of the work. But do not forget that in this table we have not given the quantities of some other materials that will be needed only under certain conditions or on one section of the ceiling. Thus, these include fasteners, connectors, guide profiles and screws.

How to install a Knauf suspended ceiling, see details in the video:

Installation of Knauf suspended ceiling

Now we will look at the process of installing a Knauf suspended ceiling, which consists of many parts:

  1. Preparation the right tools . Not a single builder can do without them, so take care of purchasing the missing ones in a timely manner. So, to install a Knauf ceiling we will need a hammer drill, a screwdriver (preferably with a battery), metal scissors or a grinder, a paint chip with paint, a tape measure, usually a level, a marking cord, a knife for cutting drywall sheets and a special plane for processing the edges of the sheet. Read the list carefully a couple of times so you don't accidentally miss it. important element. Do you have everything? If yes, then you can proceed to the next step.
  2. Ceiling markings . A level and string will come in handy at this stage. It is necessary to mark a line along the entire perimeter of the room on the walls, corresponding in height to the lowest part of your ceiling. This can be done, for example, by marking 4 points on the walls on all sides using a level, and then connecting them with a cord. For the future, remember that from the marked line the finished ceiling will drop by 4 centimeters, no less. This will happen due to the installation of rather massive profiles and sheets. And do not forget that already installed communications should not interfere with work, otherwise they may be damaged by an incorrectly driven nail or acute angle profile.

  3. Installation of the sheathing frame . First, according to the markings carried out at the very beginning, we fix the guide profiles with any in a reliable way. After this it is mounted ceiling profile Knauf 60x27 with a pitch of about 40 cm. We connect the profiles that are at right angles to each other with a crab connecting element. Special clamps are secured in the profile cavity so that the fastening snaps into place. The crab is installed using LN self-tapping screws with dimensions of 3.5x9.5 mm. By the way, they are also called bugs or fleas. After this we get a high-quality sheathing with a cell of 40x40 cm.Next, according to the markings, we install the hangers and fix them on concrete surface ceiling using dowel nails. If the material on the base ceiling is softer than concrete, then it is permissible to replace the dowels with screws. When adjusting the length of the hangers, make sure that the entire structure is located on the same plane; check this with a level.
  4. Covering the frame with sheets . For this step we will also need self-tapping screws, but different ones - TN with dimensions f3.5x25 mm. They are screwed strictly perpendicular to the sheets and must go deeper into the profile by at least 10 mm. On the other hand, the head of the screw should not go deeper into the surface by more than 1 mm. But under no circumstances should it protrude, so try to fix it in the optimal position - pressed in quite a bit.You need to screw in the screws either starting from the center to the corners or diagonally - from one corner to another. The sheets should overlap the profile by three millimeters, and the joints of the end edges relative to each other should be spaced apart and at a distance of no less than the profile pitch - 0.4 m. Before this, they often use an edge plane to chamfer at an angle of 22 and a half degrees and to a depth of two thirds of the sheet thickness.Next, a layer of gypsum putty is applied inside the joint using a narrow spatula. The excess should be spread over the sheet close to the joint. Serpyanka is glued over the sealed joint in such a way that the seam covers more than 100 mm on both sides. The surface of the film should be slightly pressed into the undried layer of putty, but at the same time it must remain perfectly flat, without irregularities or deflections.

  5. Sealing seams . The final stage- this is putting the remaining part in order. Use a wide spatula to remove all drips and stains of putty that you find on the ceiling. Then they should apply putty to most of the sheet, as far as the width is sufficient. Our goal is to level the mound of the reinforcing tape with the sheets as much as possible using putty. Therefore, it is not a fact that you will be able to cover everything from the first layer.

Thus, in this article we were able to examine in detail the suspended ceiling using the Knauf system and everything related to its installation (read also: " "). We hope that these tips will help you make the best renovations in your home so that it lasts you a long time and is always pleasing to the eye!


From the author

I continue the series of articles about KNAUF device technologies plasterboard structures. Today the suspended ceiling is on a single-level frame made of metal profiles, under the brand name P113 (P-113, P113).

How does the P113 ceiling differ from the P213 ceiling

Suspended ceiling on a single-level frame in designations complex systems KNAUF, designated as P113 or P213. Let me explain the difference between these markings.

The framework of both systems is the same. This is a single-level frame made from standard KNAUF metal profiles, weighed on hangers. The crosshairs of the frame are connected by a single-level crab connector. The difference between the P113 and P213 systems lies in the types of sheets used for covering the ceiling.

  • The P113 ceiling uses KNAUF plasterboard sheets.
  • In the P213 ceiling, gypsum-fiber KNAUF supersheets are used for cladding.

Important! The frame structures of both types of ceilings are the same.

Ceiling structures P113 (P213)

Let's look at the P113 ceiling diagram. In listing the structural elements, I will indicate the need for materials for one square. meter of ceiling, which weighs 13 kilograms.

  1. KNAUF sheets new marking: GSP-A/or H 2/or DF). Thickness 12.5 mm;
  2. Metal profile PP (ceiling) 60/27: 3 meters needed;
  3. Profile PN (guide) 28/27 – footage around the perimeter of the room + 10%;
  4. Extension for profiles (if needed) 60x27;
  5. Crab connector 60\27 – 2 pieces;
  6. Ceiling suspension with clamp 60\27 – 1;
  7. Suspension rod or straight suspension – 1;
  8. Screw TN 25 -23 pcs;
  9. Anchor – 1 piece;
  10. Dowel K6/35 for fastening the guide profile (2 pcs per 1 meter of profile);
  11. Painting tape – 1200 mm;
  12. Putty – 400 g;
  13. Primer – 100 gr.

Installation diagram


The largest number of issues in the installation of suspended ceilings are the distances between the suspension fastenings and, as a result, the technological distances between the profiles in the frame structure. To this question, the answer is:

  • Maximum height of ceiling suspension (lowering): 1.1 meters;
  • Max. gap between supporting profiles: 0.5 meters;
  • Max. Gap between main profiles: 1.2 meters;
  • From the wall to the first main frame profile: 1.2 meters.

Note: The main profile is short sections of profiles between long supporting profiles. Load-bearing profiles, profiles to which plasterboard sheets are attached.

Where are P113 ceiling structures used?

The integrated system “Ceiling P113” is used in any premises. Depending on the type of room, the type of cladding sheet changes. So for a normal room it is used GSP-A sheet, in a damp room sheet GSP-H2. In a flammable room GSP-DF.

Installation stages

I will list the main stages of installation (briefly):

  • Clear the ceiling of old structures;
  • Make markings for attaching hangers;
  • Attach the hangers to the base ceiling;
  • Assemble the frame, constantly checking the level of the frame;
  • Attach to KNAUF frame sheets (gypsum plasterboard) observing the offset of the sheets;
  • The seams between the sheets are puttied;
  • If necessary, the ceiling surface is completely puttied in 2-4 layers;
  • When ready, the ceiling is painted or decorated.

Electrical wiring performed behind suspended ceilings is considered hidden. Performed according to PUE standards for hidden wiring with the ability to replace it without dismantling the ceiling, in pipes or corrugation. For access to junction boxes, technical hatches are equipped. Recommended cable VVGng or imported analogues (NYUM). Electrical wiring is installed before the ceiling is installed.

You can download the instructions (Yandex.Disk)

If you decide to renovate your apartment, correcting uneven walls and ceilings, insulating the room, creating an elegant design with various multi-level structures and lighting, then you should definitely pay attention to such a material as drywall. It makes it possible to create new look your apartment, and, very importantly, with your own hands. Working with him is a pleasure; even a beginner with no experience in construction can handle it. Another important advantage is that all this will cost quite cheap compared to other types of finishing. But when you go to the store, you see many types of drywall sheets from different manufacturers. Namely, the quality, durability and reliability of repairs largely depend on the choice of gypsum boards. Knauf drywall is a good option, affordable, and will pay off over a long service life. In this article you will find information about the products of this manufacturer and, most importantly, how to build, following Knauf technology, plasterboard walls and partitions, as well suspended ceilings from gypsum board from this manufacturer.

Knauf requirements for wall and ceiling frames

Knauf provides a huge part construction market. It produces drywall of many types, profiles, various building mixtures, thermal insulation materials. Therefore, it would be good to buy all this as a set. This will simplify and speed up the work, and increase the reliability of the design. If it is not possible to purchase a kit, then you need to take care of the proper quality of materials purchased separately so that their characteristics are as close as possible to Knauf products.

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The basic requirements that are necessary for the long service life of Knauf drywall are:

  • It is necessary to carry out installation using Knauf GKVL. This prevents damage to the material when the frame profile freezes
  • To prevent deformation or sagging of the frame under the weight of gypsum boards, long profiles should be installed in a checkerboard pattern
  • For fastening, special Knauf screws or LN9 screws are used, you can also use a drywall cutter
  • Joining sheets above a doorway is prohibited; this is done so that vibration and the weight of the door itself do not damage the connection of sheets
  • After assembling the frame, it is imperative to protect its surface with thermal insulation tape to protect it from freezing

Under the guidance of these rules, following all Knauf instructions and recommendations for installing drywall, you will achieve best result, and the renovation will not have to be updated for many years.

Installation of drywall using Knauf technology

Installation of Knauf plasterboard sheets is not much different from working with plasterboard from other manufacturers. The difference is that Knauf produces almost everything that is needed for covering walls and ceilings with plasterboard, and all this is a complete system, which will simplify and improve the work, because all the parts fit together perfectly, there is no need to worry about non-standard fasteners and so on troubles.

Technology of wall cladding and installation of partitions from Knauf plasterboard

Under gypsum board Knauf walls prepared in the same way as for other brands. First, they clean off the remnants of past repairs (old wallpaper, frame elements). The surface is primed and treated with special compounds to protect against corrosion. If there are cracks in the wall, they must be sealed with plaster.

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Instructions for installing Knauf drywall on walls and when creating partitions:

  1. A frame plan is thought out, and a sheathing is created based on it - first vertical guides, followed by horizontal ones. The more horizontal, the greater the strength and rigidity of the structure. The frame is mounted from a galvanized steel profile, preferably it should also be of the Knauf brand. But you can also use wooden blocks to create a frame;
  2. The frame comes in two types: static and suspended. The first is mounted directly on the wall, which is why it is considered more reliable, while the second is mounted on specially designed hangers. This takes up space in your apartment, but can be very convenient for hiding communications;
  3. The voids between the profile are filled mineral wool or other similar material for better thermal insulation and protection from external noise;
  4. If you need to cut a sheet, use a hacksaw to mark the entire surface of the sheet, and then carefully break it off. The ends are treated with a primer;
  5. Drywall is attached to the profile either with Knauf screws or self-tapping screws. The step should not be more than 25 centimeters; according to the calculation, there are 8 screws for each sheet;
  6. A special tape is glued to the joints of the sheets, which is then covered with plaster;
  7. Drywall requires only a primer for finishing, then it can be laid on it decorative tiles or wallpaper.

Technology for installing Knauf plasterboard on the ceiling

The assembly of the frame for Knauf plasterboard is carried out in several ways, depending on the design features the ceiling and the room itself. Used for this and wooden beams, and a metal profile. Five types of structures are most often used:

  • "System 111". Used for wooden blocks. The frame is biaxial. The material is wood coniferous species, humidity no more than 12%, otherwise after drying the frame will be greatly deformed
  • P 112. Made from Knauf metal profile, also biaxial
  • P 113. The same frame as the previous one, but executed in one axis. For these two types, a regular galvanized ceiling profile is used
  • P 131. A significant difference from the others is that the profile is fastened not to the ceiling, but to the walls. Should provide even greater rigidity, so they use reinforced profile Knauf, designed for creating plasterboard partition systems
  • P 19. Complex multi-level design is a prominent representative of architectural and decorative ceilings

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Installation wooden frame happens in several ways:

  • Using direct suspension or quick suspension. When using the second one, you need to change the mounting side one by one
  • Directly to the ceiling with self-tapping screws

The frame is made of a metal profile and is mounted with multi-level suspensions. P 113 is used where there will be heavy ceilings, so the material for it is wall profile, and the distance between the dowels should be no more than 30 cm.

You will significantly reduce the time spent on repairs and save energy if you follow some tips and recommendations:

  • Fastening sheets should start from a corner or from the center in order to protect the sheet from deformation and cracks
  • You need to chamfer the edge of the sheet using a drywall plane. But for different types at different angles (45 or 22.5)

Knauf technology for installing drywall involves sealing seams using a special tape:

  1. First, the seam is filled with putty;
  2. Then laying down the tape for the seams;
  3. Cover the tape with a thin layer of putty.

Also, a special Knauf dividing tape is installed between the gypsum board sheet and the outer corner.

Let's look at the Tigi-Knauf ceilings. This technology was first proposed by the German company Tigi-Knauf; they became very popular and are called by the name of this company. In Russia, they are widely used in industrial and office construction, as well as in the decoration of residential premises. Comparative cheapness, speed and relative ease of installation have made the suspended Knauf ceiling in demand in our market.


Such a ceiling in combination with sound and thermal insulation materials gives optimal performance.

The Tiki Knauf suspended ceiling kit includes sheets of certain sizes made of plasterboard and a special metal frame.

Conditions for installation

Installation of suspended ceilings made of gypsum plasterboard is recommended to begin during finishing works, but always after completion of the main work related to the wet process. All wall leveling work must also be completed. If the walls are sheathed with plasterboard, then they must be sheathed by this moment; if plastering work is planned, then they must be plastered.

Installation must be carried out under the condition that dry or normal humidity conditions are maintained in accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”. The temperature in the room where work is carried out and where installation materials are stored should not fall below 10°C.

Before installation, an accurate calculation of the future structure is carried out, the grid is laid out in accordance with the recommended step for a given type of ceiling and the mounting of the suspensions to the base ceiling is marked in accordance with the type of load (see)

Advice. All electrical, ventilation and other communications, if they pass above the suspended ceiling, must be installed and their functionality must be checked.

Elements for assembling the Knauf ceiling

PN 27x28

PP 60x27

Connector p60x27 or, as they are called, “crabs”


Connectors (extensions) for the profile (if the sides of the room exceed three meters)

Drywall KNAUF-sheet (GKL, GKVL, GKLO)

Fasteners (self-tapping screws, dowels for attaching hangers and profiles to walls)

  • Self-tapping piercing screw LN 9. Used for fastening metal profiles, does not require pre-drilling.
  • Self-tapping screw TN 25. Used for fastening gypsum board sheets with a metal profile.
  • Anchor element.


The weight of one square meter of the finished ceiling is about 13.5 kg, it may vary slightly depending on the sheets used. For example, in wet areas, it is necessary to use gypsum plasterboard sheets - moisture resistant, and for fire hazardous premises gypsum plasterboard sheets - fire resistant - are provided.

For one square meter finished ceiling you need:

  • profile guide Knauf Mon 28x27 Knauf- for the entire ceiling in quantity equal to the perimeter premises
  • profile ceiling Knauf pp 60x27– 2.9 linear meters
  • connector 60x27 or, as they are called, “crabs” - 1.7 pcs.
  • suspensions with clamps 60x27 and rods for them or straight suspension 60x27 - 0.7 pcs.
  • profile connectors(if the sides of the room exceed three meters)
  • plasterboard KNAUF - 1 m2(GKL, GKVL, GKLO)
  • fastener(screws, dowels for attaching hangers and profiles to walls)
  • Self-tapping piercing screw LN 9– 1.4 pcs.
  • Self-tapping screw TN 25– 23.0 pcs. Used for fastening gypsum board sheets with a metal profile.
  • Anchor element– 0.7 pcs.
  • Dowel K 6/35- 2 pcs. for 1 linear m profile PN 28/27.
  • Reinforcing tape(serpyanka) – 1.2 linear meters
  • putty gypsum KNAUF (Fugenfüller) – 0.4 kg.
  • KNAUF primer(Tiegengrund) – 0.1 l.

Preparing for the installation process

What tools do we need in order to assemble suspended ceilings with high quality? Let's prepare the following set of tools:

  • hammer drill
  • screwdriver

Advice. Screwdrivers are best used with batteries. It's more convenient and safer.

  • metal scissors

Important. For large volumes, you can use a grinder with a metal circle.

  • paint pad with paint
  • roulette
  • rule with level
  • laser or water level.
  • knife for cutting drywall sheets
  • special plane for processing sheet edges

Despite the impressive list of professional construction tools, complete KNAUF systems are installed quite simply, of course, if the master has an idea of ​​how to use these tools and carefully studies the technology of ceiling construction.

Ceiling markings

  • We will need a water level or a laser level and a lace - a paint tap. From the lowest point of the ceiling or technical protrusions on it, we will use a cord to mark the level along the entire perimeter of the walls.

Advice. What is the beating used for? If you use a water level or a laser level, then simply mark the corners, and then connect them using a tap.

  • Next, we decide at what height we want to get the finished ceiling. You must understand that from the broken level the entire system will drop by the width of the profile plus the thickness of the sheet or, if desired, two sheets of drywall, that is, by 4-5 cm.

Advice. Pay attention to the location of all electrical and other process wiring in the space above the ceiling frame. Any possibility of accidental damage by their sharp edges must be excluded. metal frame or with screws when attaching plasterboard sheets.

Installation of the sheathing frame

  • We proceed to fastening along the entire marked perimeter of the 28X27 guide profiles using any type of fastener that is suitable for your walls.
  • We mount the ceiling Knauf profile 27X60. The recommended profile fastening step is 40 cm.
    • To connect individual sections of the profile, which are installed at an angle of 90 degrees relative to each other, use a single-level connecting profile, otherwise known as a “crab”. This element received this name due to the similarity of its shape to the shape of a real crab.

Having installed it at the junction, special fasteners are secured in the profile cavity, and the fastening itself should snap into place.

  • The “crab” is screwed to the guides using self-tapping screws (LN) sized 3.5 x 9.5 mm, which also received their diminutive names from the builders: “bugs” or “fleas”.

As a result, we should get a sheathing from a profile with a cell of 40X40.

  • Then we outline the locations for installing the hangers. Using dowel nails, we attach the hangers to concrete floor ceiling. If the ceiling is made of something different, more soft material, then the hangers can be secured with screws.
  • By changing the length of the fixed hangers, we adjust the plane of our entire structure to one level. The ceiling frame is ready.
  • We proceed to covering the frame with gypsum plasterboard sheets. The sheets should be fastened from the middle to the edges or from edge to other edge. We use self-tapping screws (TN) with dimensions f3.5x25mm. Screws are screwed in strictly perpendicular to the sheets and deepened into the profile by 10 mm, no less. And the heads of the screws should be recessed into the drywall by 1 mm.

Sheathing with plasterboard sheets

Advice. When starting to finish the mounted plasterboard ceiling, check whether the screws protrude above the surface of the sheet.

  • The edge of the gypsum board sheet should fall on the profile, overlapping it by three centimeters. The joints of the end edges of the plasterboard sheets should be spaced apart, offset relative to each other by at least a profile step (40 cm).

    Advice. First, the end edges of the sheets are chamfered at an angle of 22.5° to a depth of 2/3 of the sheet thickness using a special edge plane.

  • Apply the first layer using a narrow spatula gypsum putty inside the joint. Spread the excess mixture evenly over the heat-affected surface of the sheet. Next, reinforcing tape (serpyanka) is applied to this seam using putty; it should cover the width of the entire seam by at least 100 mm on both sides.
  • The tape should be pressed into the layer of putty that has not yet hardened in all places besides the very deepening of the joint. There should be no waves or bends. After fixing the reinforcing material, you must wait until the putty has completely dried.

Sealing joints

  • When the first layer has dried, take a wide spatula and first dry clean the surface of the seam from particles of putty and its frozen drips. Next we apply wide spatula a thin layer of putty, but covering this time large area leaf.

Advice: It is recommended to use a 250 mm spatula, in this case the layer will be of this width. The task is to smooth out as much as possible that invisible bump that appeared when applying the reinforcing tape.

  • It is possible that you will have to putty more than once until you get flat surface. Finally, grind with regular fine sand. sandpaper or a special mesh.

We looked at the simplest device. You can install such a ceiling in an apartment yourself. You just need to follow technological sequence works

Plaster Construction Materials, finished with cardboard, are one of the most popular coatings for leveling walls and facades. Drywall Knauf considered the most popular and high-quality coating of this kind.


This material is classified according to its purpose, technical characteristics, and area of ​​use. According to the characteristics, there are such types of Knauf plasterboard: moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, perforated acoustic. Let's look at the differences between these coatings:

Considering that Knauf plasterboard can be installed on the floor, ceiling and walls, the sheets are classified according to the same principle. The main difference between these types of material is the thickness of the sheets and their weight. For installation on walls and floors, you can use sheets with a fairly large mass, since they are mounted on a rigid frame. The ceiling cladding is made with thinner panels.

Specifications different types plasterboard Knauf:

Installation technology

The installation instructions for Knauf drywall are not much different from the installation technologies for other materials of this type (Volma, Magma). Before starting the work process, you need to prepare the wall. It is cleaned of old coatings, treated with primers and other protective compounds. If there are cracks and deep depressions, additionally plastered (you don’t have to use putty).

Step-by-step instruction How to install moisture-resistant plasterboard from Knauf on walls and partitions:

Video: Knauf plasterboard ceiling installation technology

Review of prices by city

You can buy Knauf or Giprok plasterboard in almost any hardware store, coating prices depend on the size of the sheet and its properties. Its sale is carried out in official representative offices or intermediary stores.