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» Insulation with cellulose wool. Cellulose insulation and its characteristics. Advantages and disadvantages of ecowool

Insulation with cellulose wool. Cellulose insulation and its characteristics. Advantages and disadvantages of ecowool

Ecowool, Isofloc, Isofiber, Steico, etc. competes with domestically produced products - Unisol and Ecowool.

What this material is, what its characteristics, pros and cons are, will be discussed in today’s article.

What kind of material is this?

Ecowool is a loose thermal insulation material that has grey colour and made on the basis of cellulose. The material includes:

  • recycled paper (about 81 percent);
  • fire inhibitors (about 7 percent), which form a self-extinguishing effect and increase the fire resistance of ecowool to 232 degrees;
  • fungicides and antiseptic substances (about 12 percent), protecting the material from the effects of fungi, mold, mice, etc.

It is also worth noting that the manufacturing procedure for this insulating material takes only five minutes. First, waste paper is delivered to the production site. It is poured onto a special conveyor, through which the paper enters the so-called primary mixer. There the material is divided, purified from metal elements(such as paper clips) using a built-in magnet. Next, the raw materials are crushed using the same mixer into small shreds (width - about 50 millimeters), fire retardants and antiseptics are added.

Then the raw material is fed into another device - a fiber manufacturer, which crushes it into thinner pieces (dimensions are about 0.4 centimeters). At the end it is added a small amount of Boers. That's it, the cellulose insulation material is ready for use!

Main features of ecowool

The first ecowool was produced in Russia about eight years ago. In those days, loose insulation with low weight (it consisted of 4/5 recycled waste paper and 1/5 additives) became a real sensation.

Note! This thermal insulator is so warm and light thanks to its special cellulose structure. It preserves perfectly warm air, does not rot, does not become moldy. In addition, it is resistant to rodents and insects.

Table No. 1. Main characteristics of cellulose insulation

Now let's talk about the properties of ecowool. The material has some key advantages that distinguish it favorably from similar thermal insulators and are the main reasons that many consumers choose it. Let's take a look at these advantages.

It is also worth noting that ecowool can protect a room not only from low, but also from high temperatures, which is achieved due to the natural structure of cellulose fibers. Ecowool “breathes”, that is, it is vapor permeable, but at the same time it does not retain moisture inside itself. There are other equally important advantages - for example, the fact that the material is quite easy to apply, and after application there are no seams left.

Yes, it’s really easy to apply: as practice has shown, two workers can easily apply from 70 to 80 in 24 hours square meters surfaces.

Note! The pH level in ecowool does not exceed 8.3, therefore, it does not provoke the rusting process when in contact with iron elements.

It is also worth noting another very interesting point: ecowool has the best noise insulation parameters among all insulation materials. If we talk about durability, the service life of cellulose insulation in the Russian climate is about 70 years.

Technical and operational characteristics

So, all we have to do is talk briefly about the operational parameters, because of which, in fact, many people prefer this material. We should start with primitive mathematics: for example, we use a slab or roll type heat insulator, after installation of which there are joint gaps of 4 percent.

And this is obviously no longer effective work, since thermal conductivity is reduced by at least half. But if you look from the other side, ecowool fills the voids under finishing material as evenly as possible, and all joints and voids are closed.

The application technology in most cases involves spraying, as demonstrated in the image. But, in principle, you can simply lay it down.

It is also necessary to take into account noise insulation parameters, which are enhanced due to the penetration of thin cellulose fibers into almost all crevices. For example, if you install 5 centimeters thick insulation on 12.5 mm drywall, the noise level will drop to at least 63 decibels. If you increase the thickness further, then with each centimeter the sound insulation will increase by another 4 decibels.

Now let's get to know the others technical parameters which cellulose insulation has.

The density of ecowool averages 30-65 kilograms per cubic meter, although more precise figures depend on the specific manufacturer and scope of application of the insulation.

Thanks to its frost resistance class, the material can last up to 80 years.

We talked about thermal conductivity, it is quite high. However, it may change in one direction or another depending on the application technology used.

As for vapor permeability, it is 0.3 mg/(m*h*Pa) for ecowool.

Finally, the flammability class of most insulation is B1 (hard-to-flammable material) or G2 (that is, moderately flammable). Sometimes D2 is also found, which, according to GOST, denotes materials characterized by low smoke-generating ability.

GOST 30244-94

Video - Checking cellulose insulation

Disadvantages of the material

Yes, ecowool has disadvantages and you should definitely familiarize yourself with them.

  1. First of all, if spraying is carried out using a wet method, then all iron structural elements must be protected using special paint or varnish, otherwise they will begin to rust. The fact is that such insulation dries completely only after two months.
  2. Price. For example, walls need a density of at least 60 kilograms per cubic meter. A cubic meter of ecowool consists of four packages of 15 kilograms each. It turns out that the cost of insulation starts from 1,600 rubles. If compared with mineral wool(it costs from 1,300 rubles), then it is actually quite expensive. For manual installation on flat surfaces, the cost is slightly lower - about 900 rubles. per cubic meter, provided that the density of the material is 35 kilograms per cubic meter.
  3. There are no specific requirements regarding cellulose insulation in either GOST or SNiP, so the quality of the material depends only on the honesty of the manufacturer. And numerous reviews from dissatisfied customers are clear confirmation of this.
  4. Ecowool is not used for cement screed. This material is soft, therefore, it needs free space.
  5. Finally, the last minus is significant shrinkage. Some time after installation, it weathers through cracks and gaps, so careful sealing of all defects in the finished coating is a prerequisite.

As you can see, all the shortcomings are very important, but their number and presence, in principle, depend on which specific company was engaged in production. Some people use ammonium sulfates instead of boric acid, which is why biological stability is noticeably reduced. Before purchasing material, be sure to ask the seller for all necessary certificates. In addition, check how much the package weighs, compare the resulting weight with the weight of other similar products.

Note! If there are no certificates and markings on the packaging, and if the insulation is sold at too low a price, then it’s time to be wary: maybe, under the guise of ecowool, they are trying to “smuggle” ordinary shredded cellulose into you, which does not contain any useful additives.

In short, it’s better to overpay a little, but buy really high-quality cellulose insulation that can serve you for decades.


Now let’s briefly talk about cost using specific brands as an example. Thus, a 15-kilogram bag of Ecowool Extra insulation costs 510 rubles. The cost of Belgorod “Ekovata” is at least 33.5 rubles per kilogram. Further - in the same spirit, the price varies between 25 and 40 rubles. Foreign insulation is, of course, somewhat more expensive.

Video - The whole truth about ecowool

How to apply cellulose insulation yourself

So, we found out that, according to numerous parameters, the insulation described in the article is the best option for thermal insulation. And if you know how to correctly determine the material consumption and calculate the area of ​​the treated surface (with some margin), then the only thing left to do is to choose a specific application technology. There are two options.

  1. Spraying.
  2. Laying.

Note! The main advantage of spraying is that the seams after installation work does not remain, and the insulation layer turns out uniform and even. Moreover, the work is easy to do on your own. Ecowool adheres to the surface quickly and reliably, it hides (like a cocoon) all communications and electrical wiring.

If we consider dry installation, then it is recommended to use it when insulating horizontal surfaces. Dignity in in this case there will be no waste and the adhesion of the heat insulator will be universal for all types of surfaces - wood, metal, cement, stone, brick or even glass.

Let's take a closer look at each of the technologies.

Option #1. Dry laying of ecowool

This technique is a fairly simple process to perform, for which you do not need to rent expensive blow molding equipment. Moreover, in this case, only one or two people will be required to work.

First, a special container is prepared. Ecowool is placed in it, which is then fluffed using an electric drill or a mounting mixer. The working surface is cleaned and properly prepared, after which the finished fluffy composition is poured onto it. As noted above, this technology Ideal for thermal insulation of floors.

If we talk about walls, then they will require the construction of a special frame (or, as an option, you can purchase a ready-made factory frame structure), where the cellulose insulation will be laid and carefully compacted in layers (the thickness of the layer should be 50 centimeters).

Option #2. Dry laying using special equipment

Blowing devices (in most cases a so-called blowing gun is used) are used when carrying out professional construction work with cellulose insulation. It is worth knowing that this technique is associated not only with additional costs. The fact is that it completely pays for itself if we're talking about about large objects or surfaces of significant area.

This is especially true in the construction of residential multi-storey buildings, when it is necessary to fill the ceiling in the basement or between floors, in an inclined roof or in wall cavities.

During the actual installation, ecowool is injected into the equipment used, after which it is sprayed under high pressure throughout the treated space. Subsequently, the fibers, thanks to their physical characteristics expand, getting into all the depressions and crevices, even into those places that would be impossible to reach if laying was done manually.

Option #3. Wet styling

This technology is suitable for thermal insulation vertical surfaces, where, as you know, you can’t do without an adhesive composition. For such purposes, ecowool is used in the form of rolls or slabs and can be laid not only in two or three layers, but also with an overlap in order to prevent the formation of seams that allow cold air to pass through.

Lignin, which is released when cellulose fibers are moistened, already has high adhesion, so the insulation reliably adheres to the working surface. As a result, the insulation adheres well and forms a dense protective layer. As a rule, the manufacturer's instructions tell you which installation option is best to choose for certain application conditions.

Subtleties of insulation

Let's consider the main nuances when thermally insulating a particular part of a building.

When insulating load-bearing structures, ecowool can be applied not only outside, but also inside the house. Be that as it may, first the profiles for further installation of the panels are fixed, then - according to the previously chosen method - the insulating material is applied. By the way, when using the dry application method, ecowool can be applied with already installed finishing panels, using previously left holes for this.

During the work, do not forget about the thermal insulation properties of the material from which the walls are made. Thus, the cost of construction work can be reduced by approximately 30 percent.

Heated attics and attics are perfectly insulated using cellulose insulation. Indeed, this material is environmentally friendly, and it eliminates heat loss almost completely. The thickness of the insulating layer in this case should be 75-100 millimeters.

Ecowool is great option For interfloor ceilings. It not only insulates, but also increases the sound insulation of each room. If you plan to install a “warm floor”, then the cellulose should be laid on top of a rough screed laid on a crushed stone “cushion”.

Video – Ecowool “Unizol”

As a result, we note that cellulose insulation is perfect option for residential buildings. Its advantages are obvious, and the few disadvantages are insignificant or easily eliminated. That's all, good luck and have a warm winter!

What is ecowool? This is a collective name thermal insulation materials, which are manufactured according to special technology, often made from recycled materials. The material cannot be called new: it has been used since about the middle of the last century and competes with modern types thermal insulation.

Manufacturers position ecowool as an environmentally friendly material with high performance, which is in an affordable segment construction market. Let's look at how relevant these statements are together.

Composition and properties of insulation

The following components are usually used in the manufacture of ecowool:

This composition is responsible for the low price of thermal insulation and its environmental safety. In essence, there is no toxic component here, however, relatively good specifications.

Now let's talk about properties. Performance characteristics ecowools look like this:

    Flammability class - G2. Under the influence of high temperatures, crystallized liquid is released from the fibers of the material; accordingly, the insulation is poorly flammable and does not support combustion processes.

    Biostability – high. Contains boric acid and drill, which neutralize almost any external factors and aggressive environment, making the material unsuitable for consumption by rodents and other pests.

    Thermal conductivity indicators: 0.032–0.041. The material reliably protects interior spaces from drafts and cold wind, reduces heat loss, helps save on heating in winter time of the year.

    Density – up to 75 kg/m3. This ensures reliable sound insulation of the building and forms a reliable moisture-proofing layer.

In addition, ecowool is not available in sheets or rolls, so during installation it creates monolithic thermal insulation, completely eliminating cold bridges, seams and joints.

Advantages and disadvantages of insulating material

Despite the assurances of manufacturers that ecowool is the standard among thermal insulation materials, these statements should not be completely trusted. This is normal marketing ploy designed to increase sales.

The material has a lot of undeniable advantages, but, like its analogues, it is not without serious drawbacks. Let's start with the advantages.

The advantages of ecowool are the following characteristics:

    Low moisture permeability. The capillary structure of the material allows water to be absorbed without loss. useful qualities. For example, if mineral insulation moisturize everything by 1%, heat losses will increase almost 10 times. If ecowool is moistened by 25%, decreased thermal conductivity will not exceed 5%. This is a very good indicator.

    Seamless insulation. The loose mass of filler fills all voids, completely eliminating cold bridges. To achieve a similar result with roll or sheet insulation, the material must be laid in 2-3 layers, which increases the final cost of the work.

    High level of noise absorption. Ecowool is an excellent way to insulate buildings located on busy streets, near federal highways, railway lines and airports.

Besides, an undeniable advantage is an affordable price, which elevates ecowool to the rank of the most popular insulation for private construction.

Let's move on to the problems. Serious disadvantages of thermal insulation include the following:

    Gradual decrease in thermal insulation properties, increased heat loss. This is due to the fact that the material decreases in volume or becomes oversaturated with moisture. You can avoid problems by laying insulation with reserve in 20-30% from the calculated volume and making the layer ventilated so that moisture can evaporate into the atmosphere.

    Difficulties during installation. In order for the insulation to fully meet the technical specifications, special installation equipment will be required. This means that you will have to hire a team of professionals, and this is an additional expense.

    Waste of time. Ecowool can be laid in two ways: dry and wet installation. The first option creates a lot of dust during the work and does not guarantee high-quality compaction. The second one creates a high-quality layer of thermal insulation, but the material will dry out about 3 days, which is not always possible at the pace of modern construction.

    Relatively low stiffness. If we compare ecowool with other types of insulation, for example, foam boards, its rigidity will be noticeably lower, which prevents the material from being used for frameless insulation.

    Shrinkage of the material. It occurs with vertical insulation already in the second year. There is no way to avoid this problem.

    Burning speed up to 30 seconds. This means that the material does not burn, but smolders slowly. The result is a risk of ignition of adjacent materials and high smoke levels.

As you can see, ecowool is not perfect thermal insulation. This is a rather specific material with a limited scope of application and a unique installation technology. In addition, assurances of environmental safety also raise doubts: boric acid and borax can hardly be called fillers that are safe for humans.

Comparative characteristics table

Material Composition Density
kg/m3 Heat conductor-
power W/m*K Vapor permeability
fire resistance
safety filling
voidsEcowool cellulose, mineral antipyreant and antiseptic 35-75 0.032-0.041 walls “breathe”, flame retardant
replaceable, no smoke formation, combustion products are harmless, fills all cracksCork cork bark 104-120 0.037-0.040 walls “breathe” flammability, gaps remainExpanded clay clay 250-600 0.180 walls “breathe” non-flammable does not fill gapsMineral wool glass fiber, phenol-containing binder 30-70 0.048 forms condensation, binder burns, combustion products are toxic, cracks may formURSA glass fiber, phenol-containing binder 10-20 0.045 forms condensation, binder burns, combustion products are toxic, cracks may formROCKWOOL basalt, phenol-containing binder 30-40 0.045 forms condensation, binder burns, combustion products are toxic, cracks may formStyrene foam 15-40 0.045 forms condensation, highly flammable, combustion products are toxic, voids remainStyrodur styrene 25-45 0.025-0.035 forms condensation, highly flammable, combustion products are toxic, voids remainPolyurethane foam diisocyanate, polyester 20-30 0.039 forms condensation, highly flammable, combustion products are toxic, fills all cracks
Processed natural materials
Artificial insulation containing adhesives
Synthetic polymers

What is the difference between ecowool and basalt insulation?

To answer this question, a little clarification is required. The following components are used in the production of basalt insulation:

Considering that the main component is basalt, all insulation of the stone-basalt group is usually combined under the term “basalt wool”.

In fact, basalt insulation is insulation that is entirely made from this rock. This material is not used in residential construction. Its intended use: insulation of equipment and pipelines.

If you compare ecowool and insulation materials of the stone-basalt group, you will notice a lot in common. In particular, both materials have similar thermal insulation properties. However, basalt wool has a higher density, which requires a reliable frame.

Ecowool has a light structure and therefore does not increase the load on supporting structures. In addition, basalt insulation is produced in the form of slabs, which leads to the formation of voids at the joints.

Life time basalt wool does not exceed 40 years– the material is gradually destroyed under the influence of pathogenic microflora. Ecowool lasts up to 70 years, without loss of original properties.

Real consumer reviews we found on the Internet

To better understand the feasibility of ecowool insulation, you can refer to the reviews of people who have already used this material in construction.


I bought ecowool for insulation country house. The workers who were involved in the construction recommended this particular material. The insulation does not require additional layers of vapor and waterproofing, which was the decisive factor. The house is worth 3 years already, I have no complaints about the insulation, only positive emotions.


I don't recommend ecowool. 5 years I lived in a house insulated with this insulation and was constantly being treated for allergies. When I changed my place of residence, the problems disappeared. The doctor said that the body’s reaction was provoked by cellulose (an allergy to paper and library dust).

Note that there may be a case of individual intolerance to the components, so before choosing thermal insulation it makes sense to consult a doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.


Very pleased with the ecowool. The material fully complies with the declared characteristics, provides reliable insulation, is convenient to use and attracts attention. affordable price. I found only one drawback: compliance with storage conditions. When exposed to a humid environment, the material becomes covered with a hard crust, which complicates further use.

Also, many users express concerns about the content of borax and boric acid in the insulation. In addition, dissatisfaction is caused by the use of special equipment, but this required condition high-quality installation, which cannot be excluded.

TOP 3 trusted manufacturers

    ISOFLOC. A German brand offering high-quality ecowool for multi-purpose use. Isolation deserved positive reviews professional builders worldwide.

    TERMEX. Finnish company supplying insulating materials on Russian market since 1988. The manufacturer carefully controls product quality and adheres to a reasonable pricing policy.

    "Equator". Russian company engaged in the production of insulation since 2007. The production line is fully automated and uses high-tech equipment. Currently, it is one of the largest domestic producers ecowool.

In addition, the company’s insulation products enjoy the trust of consumers "Nanovata" And EKOVILLA.

It is necessary to insulate a residential building for many reasons, and one of the modern thermal insulation materials that is easy to use, effective and durable is cellulose insulation based on ecowool. Ecowool consists of 81% recycled cellulose (in other words, waste paper), 12% boric acid, and 7% boron. Lignin is added in small proportions to improve surface adhesion. Environmental friendliness is ensured by the use of these non-toxic and non-flammable substances. A mass of insulation is blown (inflated) onto (under) the surface of walls, ceilings, and floors using compressor units, which is why the material is called blown-in insulation.

Characteristics and features of ecowool

Ecowool is a non-flammable material, but high temperatures can smolder without creating an open flame. The material does not rot or develop mold, perfectly blocks out external noise, and does not allow heat to pass through.

  1. Thermal conductivity coefficient – ​​0.037-0.042 W/(m K);
  2. After getting wet and drying, the properties of the insulation are completely restored;
  3. Material density – 30-65 kg/m3;
  4. According to GOST 30244, GOST 30402, DIN 4102, GOST 12.1.044, DSTU B V.2.7-38-95 flammability group - G2 V2, D2, RP-1, which means: moderately flammable, moderately flammable, moderately smoke-generating, with zero spread of flame over the surface;
  5. Air permeability 80-120 10-6 m 3 /ms Pa;
  6. Vapor permeability of ecowool – 0.3 mg/(mh Pa);
  7. Adsorption in 72 hours – 16%;
  8. pH – 7.8-8.3.

Advantages and disadvantages of blown ecowool

Blown-in cellulose insulation can be composed of basalt, fiberglass and cellulose. Basalt mineral wool is made from basalt stone, and no formaldehyde is added to it. Glass wool is the result of crushing thermal insulation boards; cellulose insulation is made from waste paper. Fire retardants and antiseptics are added to all types of thermal insulation.


  1. Low thermal conductivity and light weight;
  2. High moisture resistance and vapor permeability;
  3. Fire safety and non-flammability;
  4. Long service life;
  5. Easy installation.


  1. To operate, you will need compressor equipment;
  2. On plasterboard surfaces, ecowool should be applied in two layers to avoid swelling of the surface;
  3. The need for surface waterproofing;
  4. High cost of use for small volumes of insulation.

Ecowool layer calculation

Starting information you will need:

  1. Construction material of building walls;
  2. Average annual thermal resistance in the region (background information);
  3. How many external doors and windows are there in the house?
  4. Additional heat leaks;
  5. Thermal insulation material and heat transfer coefficient.

Formula for calculating the degree-day value of the heating period in the region:

GSOP = (T 1 – T 2) x Z, where:

  1. T 1 – optimal temperature in housing (18-22 0 C);
  2. T 2 – average annual temperature outside;
  3. Z – number of days of the heating season.

After calculating this regional parameter, you can begin to clarify the thickness of the thermal insulation layer on the surfaces of a residential building. will also depend on the building material of the walls, ceiling or floor - for brick, concrete, cinder block or wooden surfaces results will vary.

How to work with blown wool

Cellulose wool is applied in two ways - wet-adhesive (wet) or dry:

  1. “Wet” method - ecowool is sprayed along with an adhesive solution, which consists of glue and a special dispersed additive. The applied layer is cut to the required size and dried. This - visual method, in which you can control the filling of the void with thermal insulation. The wet method is bad because the glue should not freeze, so work is carried out at outside temperature not lower than +5 0 C, and such a layer will dry for at least three days. In addition, when implementing this technology, ventilation must be installed in the room so that excess moisture can be removed. But the result will be of high quality: such thermal insulation does not allow moisture or heat to pass through.
  2. “Dry” method: blow-in insulation is sprayed onto a surface previously covered with kraft cardboard in dry form, as it comes in packages. With the help of additional coating it is created limited space, which will contain dry cellulose cotton wool. Kraft cardboard is fastened with a stapler or tape, the cotton is blown out with a compressor, and at home you can use a vacuum cleaner. Just before blowing, the material is loosened with a construction mixer, as shown in the figure:

The physical implementation of blowing insulation is divided into two possibilities:

  1. Manual blowing: preliminary loosening of the insulation followed by blowing the insulation onto the surface or into a confined space. Such a layer of thermal insulation will have low heat and noise retention performance, so ecowool should be packed as tightly as possible, and in order to achieve higher performance, this should be done in a small area. Such conditions can only be found in individual construction and renovation of premises - for large areas this method is not suitable;
  2. Blowing equipment: the method is applicable for any area and volume, the material is first loosened mechanically. A compressor unit with a high air flow rate delivers insulation to the surface or into a confined space, feasting on this high pressure in pipes ensures uniform distribution of ecowool over the entire insulated surface. Advantage: there are no joints or seams, no need to prepare the frame and dismantle it after work compared to the “wet” blowing method.

Blowing compressor equipment has the following device:

  1. Mobile platform with a gearbox (to increase the feed rate of loose mineral wool), corrugated air duct large diameter and the engine. The equipment is usually mounted on a car or tractor;
  2. Low-precision devices with a low noise figure and minimal dust formation are used as a motor;
  3. The insulation is captured through a special gateway, and pushed out through the inlet hose. The supply of cotton wool is dosed by an automated valve;
  4. Mechanism for loosening ecowool, loading chamber with funnel, control panel and emergency stop switch.

It’s not difficult to make a mechanism for blowing out loosened cotton wool with your own hands. For this you will need:

  1. Garden vacuum cleaner;
  2. Plastic tank for pre-loosened insulation;
  3. Corrugated hose of the required length, but not less than 8-10 m, Ø 60-70 cm;
  4. Electric drill with a construction mixer (you can use a screwdriver or hammer drill), tape;
  5. Ecowool.

IN plastic container with a volume of at least 50-100 liters, the cotton wool is loosened with a mixer, then a hose connected to a vacuum cleaner is lowered into the container (ordinary tape is used to seal the connection), the second end of the hose is inserted into the space to be blown to the bottom (if it is a closed space), or the cotton wool is blown in within designated frame. For loosening insulation, a regular two-hundred-liter bottle is perfect. metal barrel. As the space fills (this will be heard by the sound of the vacuum cleaner), the hose is gradually raised. After the thermal insulation is blown in, all spaces and cracks are filled with material without gaps or joints, forming a monolithic heat-protective barrier.

The main advantage that the owner of a private house or cottage receives is the low cost of the process and high speed of installation with high-quality and durable insulation. For example, close flat roof one-story house In this way, you can feast in just 2-3 hours with all the equipment and prepared materials. Working hours, equipment used and installation methods may vary depending on the characteristics of a particular roof and working conditions. Other roll and slab insulation, for example, polystyrene foam or mineral wool, for insulating large areas in the private sector are ineffective in comparison with the blown method of applying ecowool.

Cellulose wool is understood as an insulating building material, insulation, which has a light, loose, wood-fiber structure. In some sources you can find another name for it - ecowool or cellulose insulation.

Advantages of building material

Cellulose wool occupies a leading position in the market building materials, thanks to the advantages that distinguish it from other materials. These include:

  1. Availability – has relatively low price, thanks to which it has a wide range of consumers.
  2. Resistant to mold, mildew, insects or rodents.
  3. Durability – has a long service life.
  4. Safety – quite environmentally friendly, does not contain substances that can harm human or animal health.
  5. Good fastening to glass and metal, brick and concrete, wood and other materials.
  6. High level of fire resistance - fire can move through the material at a speed of 2 mm/min.
  7. Low level of breathability.
  8. High sound insulation properties, etc.

Cellulose wool, like other materials, has some disadvantages. Among them is the impossibility of organizing “floating floors” due to the low density of ecowool.

High-quality insulation cannot be done independently - you will need special equipment and the presence of a specialist. In addition, there are certain restrictions on the use of the material in high-rise construction due to the degree of flammability.

Basic properties

The basis of ecowool is wood fiber, which has the form of processed cellulose (its share is 81%). The role of an antiseptic is performed by boric acid, which is contained in the material in an amount of 12%.

The fire retardant is borax, the content of which corresponds to 7%. Lignin is added to cellulose wadding to provide stickiness when wetted. All these components are absolutely non-toxic, do not evaporate from the surface, and therefore are completely harmless to human health.

The material is not produced in the form of slabs or rolls, unlike other insulation materials. Cellulose wool is presented in the form of a loose, crumbling material that must be blown into the cavity with air.

In addition, there is another use option - moistening and then spraying onto the surface. This cannot be done without specialists and the necessary equipment.

The complexity of installation is compensated by the provision reliable protection from external factors, since the resulting insulating layer will be without smallest voids and cracks.

Rules of application

The main method of applying cellulose wool is spraying. During operation, the material is able to penetrate into the smallest cracks, tightly fitting wires or pipes, as well as other building construction, which are very difficult to isolate in any other way. At the output, a dense insulating layer is obtained, which eliminates the possibility of heat leakage.

Ecowool is applied dry and wet. The first has found its application in the insulation of horizontal, inclined floors, as well as box-shaped wall structures.

The second is when insulating open wall structures. This method has a number of advantages. Thus, when wetted with water, lignin, a substance found in wood fibers, is activated.

It acts as glue. Thus, the insulation closely interacts with the structures, enclosing them within itself, creating a solid, dense cover.

Ecowool – excellent material, providing insulation and insulation of structures that are difficult to access.

Cellulose wool is one of the most popular insulation materials in the world, as it has good thermal and sound insulation properties and is at the same time environmentally friendly. The production of cellulose wool is increasing every year.

Composition and characteristics of ecowool

Cellulose wool has several names: ecowool, cellulose insulation, construction wool. But it’s all the same loose, fibrous and crumbly gray material.

Production is carried out from waste paper - 81%; fire retardants (boric acid) - 12%, and antiseptics (borax) - 7% are also added to the composition. These components are absolutely non-toxic. The presence of lignin in the fibers when moistened ensures the binding of the structure due to the bonding of the fibers.

Since cellulose wool is a recycled product, this makes it very popular in countries where they are fighting for environmental friendliness. Thanks to fire retardants and antiseptics, the material does not burn or rot. Thermal insulation and sound insulation properties are among the best among insulation materials. At the same time, without changing the thermal insulation parameter in upper layers Ecowool retains up to 20% humidity. The capillary structure allows not only to easily absorb, but also to easily release moisture.

Cellulose wool parameters:

  • thermal conductivity - 0.037-0.042 W/m*K;
  • vapor permeability - 0.3 mg/m*h*Pa;
  • application density - 28-65 kg/m3;
  • sorption humidification for 72 hours - 16% (corresponds to GOST 17177.5);
  • pH = 7.8-8.3;
  • low air permeability - (80-120)x10-6 m3/m*s*Pa.

An important advantage of ecowool is that it is chemically passive and therefore does not cause corrosion of metals.

The history of cellulose wool

The ability of cellulose to retain heat has been known for a very long time, but it was only in the 19th century that full-scale research was carried out on paper materials. At the beginning of the twentieth century, technology for the production of cellulose insulation appeared. But the first full-fledged production line opened only in 1928 in Germany.

The construction boom at the end of World War II led to an increase in ecowool production and its improvement. The material was most actively produced and used in Germany and Canada. In the 1950s, the technology for installing and applying cellulose wool was improved: blow molding machines appeared, significantly speeding up the process and improving the quality of installation.

Over time, Europe, the CIS countries, Finland, Japan and other Asian countries have their own ecowool production. In Finland, this insulation occupies 70% of the market.

Although developments appeared in the USSR in the 30s of the twentieth century, mass production began only in 1993. The experience was adopted from the Finns. Today in the Russian Federation there are about ten large production facilities that create high-quality insulation using Finnish technology.

Areas and methods of application of ecowool

Cellulose wool is mainly used in construction; it is an excellent insulation and soundproofing material.
Cellulose insulation is used on the following structures:

  • houses: block, brick, wooden, frame;
  • cottages, warehouses, garages, hangars, baths;
  • metal and wooden frames;
  • basements;
  • attics, roofs, interfloor ceilings;
  • sandwich panels;
  • facades;
  • air spaces in well and other masonry.

Since the material is crumbly, its installation has its own characteristics. There are 3 types of styling:

  • manual;
  • dry mechanized;
  • wet spraying.

Manual laying is suitable for insulating any horizontal surfaces, cavities and ceilings. You just need to pour the material in the appropriate layer or fill the cavities with it. But this is a rather long and painstaking process, so manual method Used for small volumes of work.

Dry mechanized laying is carried out by blowing machines. They loosen the material and deliver a powerful air stream to the point of use at a distance of up to 40 m vertically and up to 200 m horizontally. In this case, a uniform, seamless layer is formed, and insulation particles get into even the smallest cracks and recesses.

When wet spraying, ecowool is mixed with water or glue. The resulting mixture is then sprayed into a blowing machine using a nozzle. To carry out such insulation it is necessary professional complexes and trained specialists.

Benefits of cellulose wool

    • High thermal insulation properties due to the insulating ability of the air located between the insulation fibers; Very little air flow passes through the material.
    • High sound insulation: the tight fit of the fibrous material to the surfaces provides good sound absorption - up to 63 dB.
    • Seamless insulation: since the material is poured or sprayed, there are no joints or seams, and cold bridges do not form.
    • Protection against condensation: the capillary structure of the fibers absorbs moisture well and also releases it well, which provides excellent microclimate regulation in hot weather summer days and at winter frosts; insulated walls only 20 cm thick do not have time to completely cool down or overheat in 12 hours.