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» Do-it-yourself insulation of walls with liquid foam. Insulation with penoizol. What fills are used?

Do-it-yourself insulation of walls with liquid foam. Insulation with penoizol. What fills are used?

External insulation of houses with foam insulation is used in industrial and public buildings. Greater efficiency this material showed in low-rise residential buildings. Thanks to its unique structure, penoizol is an excellent thermal insulator. The ability to absorb sound waves makes it possible to use it for partitions. Wall insulation with foam insulation improves performance characteristics any building.

Hangars, covered areas, boxes and garages are not the entire list of buildings in the construction of which penoizol is used. , roofing and flooring, this product is also used with great success.

What is KFP?

Penoizol is scientifically called urea-formaldehyde foam (CFP). It also has other names, among them: unipore, minipore, isolezh, aminotherm, myfotherm. The material boasts low thermal conductivity and the same bulk density.

In a number of characteristics, it resembles polystyrene foam or polystyrene, which is more familiar to a wide range of consumers. Due to its fine mesh and lack of odor, this similarity is especially noticeable.

This material is almost impervious to air and is not hygroscopic. Considered. The formation of colonies of microorganisms on it is completely excluded. As a result, reviews about wall insulation with foam insulation are extremely positive.

Liquid foam can be poured directly onto construction site. This is quite a significant advantage of the insulation. Thanks to this quality, the consumption of the material itself is greatly saved. If normal construction foam expands during installation, penoizol, on the contrary, even shrinks.

The procedure for insulating foam insulation

Insulating houses with foam insulation is a fairly simple procedure. General technology contains a simple process. Liquid between the inner, that is, load-bearing wall, and external, from facing bricks. This type buildings are called well masonry walls.

It was also used in Soviet time. Served mainly to save money. An air layer of only 10-15 centimeters successfully replaced half a meter of continuous thermal insulation brick wall. Thus, external moisture could not penetrate inside.

However, in air gap warm and hot air mixed, which led to cracks in the brickwork. That is why the heating loss was so noticeable. Shell rocks are also considered one of the coldest buildings. Insulation between walls with penoizol can more than solve this problem.

KFP installation technology

Houses are insulated with foam insulation using a foam generator. It is also used for filling and foaming. Really good equipment equipped electronic system, with the help of which the supply of the product is manufactured and controlled. Also, most devices have pumps for which characteristic feature is a volumetric commutator drive.

What fills are used?

Wall insulation with foam insulation can be done in combination with the most different materials. Typical reviews are about insulating houses with foam insulation, in which consumers place one of the first places on the technology of working with the material.

The point is that it can be used comfortably almost anywhere. Filling between slate and internal fencing, filling between plasterboard and the main wall, filling of the outer and interior wall, - this is not the entire list possible application material.

Holes in the wall

Penoizol means making special holes. They need to be done in different places walls. For ease of use, they should be slightly thicker than the supply hose. Since the density of the pumped material is very low, it can also be used in rather frail and dilapidated buildings.

When it hardens, it does not expand, so you don’t have to worry about the CFP breaking apart the structure. This is another fact about which reviews about insulating walls with foam insulation are everywhere. For example, polyurethane foam does not have such qualities.

Drilling and filling

Holes are drilled in the wall in a checkerboard pattern, through which the penoizol is then poured. Important point: This needs to be done from the bottom up.

Thus, the material begins to evenly fill the cavity, flowing out through adjacent holes. At this time, you need to quickly seal them with wooden plugs.

You need to continue until the mixture is completely dry. There are no joints or seams in the mass poured in this way. This fact guarantees the density of thermal insulation.

Liquid foam in cylinders or penoizol, in Lately has gained enormous popularity as a heater. And this is understandable, because with the help of such foam you can fill even the smallest cracks and insulate your home as reliably as possible.

Positive reviews from those who insulated the house with foam insulation, its affordable cost compared to analogues and much more - these are not all the advantages this insulation.

Today we will tell you what liquid foam is, what its key characteristics and benefits for home insulation. In addition, you will read reviews from those who have had positive experiences with penoizol.

Features and Key Specifications

Liquid penoizol made from resin polymer composition. This foam has several varieties. For example, if we talk about the classification of penoizol by purpose, then technical type foam will be more harmful and toxic. And the foam plastic that is used for insulating residential buildings and apartments differs from it in composition; it is harmless and well cleaned.

As for manufacturing technology, the safest insulation is based on hardened foam plastic. Sometimes liquid foam can release harmful substances when it hardens.

The safest penoizol in liquid form is made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resin.

Each foam insulation is produced by hardening the material. If the foam needs to be applied directly to the surface that you are insulating, then adhesion increases significantly compared to installing a foam board.

Most best option liquid foam is made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resins.

Each of the insulation materials that have a foamed purpose is formed by hardening the material from which it is made. If the foam is applied directly to the surface that needs to be insulated, then its adhesion to it increases several times than if a foam slab is installed on that same surface.

For preparing liquid foam Resin and hardener required. Mixes ingredients special machine, she beats them until foamy. Then the foam is pumped through a hose to the insulation site. The finished product is sold in the form of a foam container.

Once penoizol hits the insulated surface, it instantly hardens and provides warmth in the house.

Main benefits of penoizol as insulation for the house are:

Despite a large number of advantages and positive feedback About this insulation, it also has its drawbacks. Among them:

  • linear shrinkage of the material, necessary if it is poured without the required pressure;
  • temporary bad smell emanating from the insulation;
  • the ability to absorb moisture, so penoizol must be protected on all sides;
  • due to the presence of formaldehyde in the composition, penoizol is best used for external insulation at home or as an intermediate layer of thermal protection inside.

Areas of application of liquid foam

Liquid foam is used less often inside houses than for external insulation. Most often, with its help The interior of the premises is equipped with:

Also using penoizol containers can be insulated and use it to make all kinds of foam products:

  • baguettes;
  • skirting boards;
  • slabs;
  • relief elements and much more.

When making it yourself similar products All materials should be checked carefully. Do not use liquid foam from unknown manufacturers at a suspiciously low price. As a rule, this is a low quality product that can negatively affect your health. It is advisable to monitor reviews on the Internet about a particular product before purchasing. trademark penoizol, and only then make your choice.

Liquid foam, sold in cans, can be used as glue. In form and scope of use it resembles polyurethane foam, although it has more high level thermal conductivity and vapor permeability.

Using liquid foam, you can attach insulation boards to walls and other surfaces. When working you need follow a number of the following rules:

  • check the surface for defects. It should be free of rust, chips and cracks, and it should also be smooth;
  • the surface is cleaned and all dust is removed;
  • in places where the foam comes into contact with the slab, you need to apply water to improve adhesion;
  • Penoizol can be applied to both full surface, and horizontally and diagonally in order to save money;
  • After applying the foam to the surface of the slab, it must be immediately pressed against the wall.

Also remember that if, when equipping the surface with liquid foam, you do not take care of ventilation in advance, this will subsequently lead to the formation of condensation.

Reviews from customers of liquid foam indicate that one of the reasons for choosing this insulation is the absence of the need to thoroughly prepare the surface before work and the versatility of using penoizol.

So, with its help you can:

Preparatory work

However, some things still need to be taken into account before using penoizol. So, the surface needs to be cleaned of dust and dirt and doused with a little water. Work also needs to be done at a temperature of about 20 degrees. If it is lower, but the mixture needs to be heated in hot water, if more, then it should be cooled.

Before use, the foam container is shaken up to 15 times so that the material from the inside is evenly distributed over its entire area.

Technology of home insulation using penoizol

The surface should be filled with liquid foam directly at the construction site, so everything happens easily and quickly. Penoizol does not expand, but may experience slight shrinkage. In order to prevent cracks from appearing during the shrinkage process, you must strictly follow all the rules for insulating houses using this material.

As we said earlier, carefully choose purchased penoizol or material for it. self-cooking. Read the instructions carefully.

When dry, polystyrene foam is suitable for insulating any surface. After pouring it, a seamless layer appears, which has excellent characteristics in terms of sound and heat insulation. Despite minor cracks, this protective layer practically does not allow moisture to enter the house.

How to make penoizol yourself

Ready-made liquid foam is very expensive, but if you make it yourself, it will cost you much less. But even if you prefer finished products, ask the seller about the availability of quality certificates and information about the composition of the product.

If you comply all stages of creating penoizol independently, the insulation process with its help will be high-quality and effective.

In order to make penoizol with your own hands, you need to mix water foam with a hardener and urea resin. Then you need to let the finished substance harden.

After hardening, the material takes the form of foam. It should be applied to the surface in the form of a thick mixture. Thanks to this consistency, you can insulate even the most hard to reach places, take care of the method of applying pressure so that the foam can completely cover the surfaces.

After hardening, the material serves as insulation. Insulated in this way, the house does not need excessive heating, therefore, you can save on this.

First comes pour the material onto the insulated surface, adhering to all recommendations regarding the installation of the gap.

As a rule, to insulate a house with an area of ​​about 70 square meters you need to allocate about 6 hours to carry out repair work. If you invite a team of specialists to do this, they will probably do it better and faster, but you will significantly reduce costs on your own.

To insulate the surface with liquid foam, you need to fill all empty areas of the walls with foam. To do this, you first need to drill holes and insert a hose into them. And the pressure will ensure the tightest possible fit of the foam to the wall and will ensure that all penoizol and cavities are closed.

Is liquid foam safe?

Many people are interested in the safety of liquid foam and its impact on human health. After all, as you know, formaldehyde, which is part of it, may harm the body. For example, in some US states, fully insulated clothing was prohibited.

However, detailed studies were carried out, and it turned out that if liquid foam is used as insulation, it does not in any way affect the health of people living in cheap house. If, of course, you use a product from a trusted manufacturer, and do not buy penoizol a product of dubious origin.

The current production technology for this, used by the largest manufacturers of foam insulation insulation, completely eliminates negative impact on the body. Formaldehyde is still present in its composition, but it is neutralized through special additives. And this, in turn, ensures absolute safety of the data for humans.

Penoizol insulation is a highly efficient technology that allows you to reduce heating costs. High thermal insulation properties guarantee comfortable living in buildings insulated in this way.

Penoizol is a cellular type foam plastic (expanded polystyrene) based on urea. Urea resin is used in a foamed state, and the addition of foamed water and a hardener produces an air-filled polymer. Penoizol insulation is produced directly at the construction site. The entire insulation process is conventionally divided into 3 stages - pouring liquid mass into the formed void (interwall or interblock layer, special formwork), polymerization And polymer hardening.

Filling of liquid raw materials is ensured using a filling hose of special equipment. The pouring machine consists of containers for water, resin and hardener, from which the components flow through hoses into the mixing chamber. Air is supplied there with the help of a compressor, which ensures foaming of the mass. Then the foamed liquid mass flows through the hose directly to the area that needs to be insulated.

A high-quality polymer will be obtained with proper process control. For this purpose, devices are provided for dosing the air supply, dosing components and the “Start-Stop” system, which makes it possible to stop and resume the supply of mass at any time without disturbing the structure of the mixture.

There are 3 types of mobile equipment for foam insulation:

How penoizol is used abroad

Abroad, the use of foam insulation insulation of buildings began in the 20s of the last century. Now it has become the most popular material with universal application. The share of such insulation abroad exceeds 30% of all thermal insulation measures, while buildings for a wide variety of purposes are insulated with foam insulation.

The technology of installing penoizol has become very popular with the development of construction frame structures. In this option, insulating the house with foam insulation is used for all structural elements - the space between the walls, flooring, roof. The equipment used is similar to the Potok and Turbojet systems.

For insulation, analogues of urea foam polymer are used, but with a minimum content of formaldehyde - “Iporka” (Japan), “Isolezh” (France), “Animotherm” (Germany), “Flotofoam” (England), “Insulspray” (Canada), “ Mofoterm" (Czech Republic and Slovakia). Liquid polystyrene foam is most widespread in countries such as Germany, the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Denmark, and the Czech Republic.

Insulation of walls with foam insulation with a layer of 3 to 5 cm

Insulation or foaming of walls with a liquid mass can be done both from the outside and inside. A sufficient condition for ensuring effective thermal insulation is considered to be the creation of a layer 3-5 cm thick. Wall filling of thermal insulation with liquid foam plastic can be carried out in several ways.

One method is to fill the cavity between two layers of brickwork. The ring brickwork technology is quite common and involves creating a gap between the load-bearing and decorative layers. The foam mass is directed into it. There are 2 insulation options possible:

  1. Under construction. The mixture is fed from above as the wall is erected (through 12-15 layers).
  2. In the finished wall. Filling is carried out through holes that are drilled in the decorative masonry in a checkerboard pattern over the entire surface of the wall. The diameter of the hole is slightly larger than the size of the nozzle on the filling sleeve. The number of holes and their location should ensure complete and uniform filling.

Another option is possible - pouring into the space between the wall and the rough coating. The latter is often used plasterboard, chipboard, plywood. Penoizol has an important advantage - it does not expand during polymerization and hardening, which makes it possible to use sheets with low mechanical strength.

After pouring, the polymer must be given 4.5-5 hours to harden, after which further work can be carried out - removing excess mass, leveling the wall surface, finishing decoration, etc.

Insulating the house with foam insulation from the outside

Taking into account specific properties material, wall insulation with foam insulation is most often carried out with outside buildings. This makes it possible to protect people as much as possible from harmful formaldehyde emissions, that is, this method is safer.

Any gas-filled material must be protected from moisture penetration, which impairs the thermal insulation properties. To do this, insulating houses with foam insulation from the outside requires the installation of an external protective coating.

In addition to the described method of pouring the mixture into the cavity between brickwork The following options for external wall insulation are used:

  1. Installation of external cladding. First with metal profile The sheathing is mounted on the surface of the wall. Its elements are vertically fixed with dowels. Then they are fixed on the sheathing cladding panels- metal or plastic. Holes with a diameter of 35-40 mm are drilled in the panels in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 1.6-2.2 m from each other, they are used to fill the foam.
  2. Insulation finished wall coated. It can be achieved at almost any facade cladding- siding, lining, etc. The liquid polymer in question is used, which is poured into the space between the wall surface and the cladding through holes.

Insulation of a frame house with foam insulation

Foam insulation found wide application during construction according to frame technology. The main advantage of such buildings is the ease and speed of construction, which is ensured by penoizol. During the construction process or after its completion, all elements of the house are subject to insulation - floor and ceiling covering, roof, walls. When insulating walls, the mixture is poured into the inter-wall spaces formed between the cladding panels. The material is supplied to the floor through pouring hoses into the space between the joists before the finished floor is installed.

Filling the attic with foam insulation, liquid penop

The insulation of the attic depends on its purpose. In the case of a cold, non-residential attic space, thermal insulation is applied to ceiling. If the ceiling is wooden, a polymer film is fixed on top of the flooring over the entire surface, and when using reinforced concrete slabs it is laid only on the joint areas. Do-it-yourself insulation with penoizol is ensured by supplying a liquid mass from above and carefully leveling the surface. It is better to start leveling 12-16 minutes after pouring, when the mass becomes viscous.

If it is important for the owner that the attic is warm, for example, to create additional living space in the house, then the roof is insulated with foam insulation. To do this on rafter sheathing roofing, the film is first fixed, and then in the space between roofing material(slate, corrugated board, etc.) foam is poured.

Consequences of insulation with penoizol

With all the advantages of the insulation under consideration, there are also disadvantages:

  • the possibility of shrinkage of the mass after hardening with insufficient pressure during pouring;
  • bad smell the material until it completely hardens and for several days;
  • possible deterioration of properties due to moisture penetration, which requires a protective coating;
  • risk of formaldehyde release when heated, which limits the use of the material inside residential premises, especially bedrooms, as well as baths and saunas.

Insulation with penoizol

Insulation with penoizol

How is insulation done?

For example, to insulate walls in a residential building, pouring occurs through small holes and allows installation of insulation without disassembling building structures. And for thermal insulation of houses under construction, penoizol is pumped into the voids of the walls, without joints and seams, thereby filling all the smallest cracks and cracks in the masonry. Penoizol has been used in Russia from the 50s to this day, and in the 70-80s, filling was carried out en masse. In addition to insulation by pouring material, it is possible to produce insulation with ready-made penoizol in the form of sheets or crumbs (crushed penoizol). This type of work is usually carried out on horizontal surfaces ( interfloor ceilings, attics, floors, etc.)

Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

Insulation of the roof of a historical building by pouring foam insulation from the outside into the under-roof space. Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

Two-story old building, early 19th century. The walls are made of logs, plastered, and insulated with felt from the inside. Roller pitched roof made of galvanized metal 0.5 mm thick. Rafter system wooden, attic floor insulated with sawdust. A vapor barrier is laid over the wooden sheathing. There is no roof insulation. During the operation of the building, significant heat leaks through the roof were discovered due to the lack of thermal insulation of the roof covering.

It was still possible to combat the coolness in the rooms on the second floor by increasing the heating power, but freezing and failure of the expensive system automatic fire extinguishing forced us to take urgent measures to insulate the roof.

It was not possible to insulate the roof from the inside due to lack of access to attic space occupied by the air conditioning system. It was also not possible to insulate the roof from the outside using traditional methods, because... no one will dismantle the roofing in the middle of winter. The only possible method of roof insulation in this situation was considered to be insulation of the roof from the outside by pouring penoizol into the under-roof space. Penoizol was poured into the ventilation gap between the sheathing and the counter-lattice from the side of the roof overhangs along the entire perimeter of the building onto the vapor barrier layer, which in this situation performs the function of the enclosing structure.

To access the roof overhangs, it was necessary to use a telescopic aerial platform (installing an aerial platform in a cramped Moscow courtyard turned out to be quite a problem).

To pour penoizol into the under-roof space, rigid and long tube from pvc diameter 50 mm and 7 m long. The operator on the aerial platform inserted the tube into the ventilation gap and pushed it under roofing covering to the roof ridge. Then the supply of penoizol was turned on and the operator pulled the tube back as the under-roof space was filled.

All operations were carried out in a given sequence every 1.5 meters, along the entire perimeter of the roof overhangs.

The quality of penoizol pouring was controlled by tapping and visually, by the material exiting through the ventilation holes. As a result of roof insulation, the functionality of the fire extinguishing system was restored, and the temperature in the rooms on the second floor began to meet the standards.

The building's heating costs have decreased significantly.

Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Bogorodskoye village.

Insulation of the walls of a multi-apartment 4-storey residential building. Moscow region, Sergiev posad district, p. Bogorodskoye.

During the construction of a residential building, the project provided for technological cavities between the walls of the building, made of cellular blocks and external cladding from sand-lime brick. Penoizol insulation was poured through holes pre-drilled from the inside. Holes were drilled through the walls made of cellular blocks in a checkerboard pattern, with a step of 1 meter vertically and horizontally. The drilling depth of the holes was calculated in such a way as to penetrate into the technological cavity without damaging the outer layer facing masonry. After finishing pouring the penoizol, the holes were sealed with a non-shrinking cement composition, inner surface walls are prepared for further finishing works

Theater of Nations

Moscow, Petrovsky Lane. Ancient building, 19th century.

The walls are brick, the ceilings are wooden, and during reconstruction they were replaced with reinforced concrete.

The rafter system is wooden, the roof is pitched, made of galvanized metal 0.5 mm thick.

The roof has unglazed dormers.

The air temperature in the attic is almost equal to the air temperature outside.

There is no roof insulation.

The attic floor is insulated with a 100 mm thick layer of expanded clay and 100 mm thick mineral wool.

At low ambient temperatures in the autumn-winter period, the attic floor freezes, because... insulation with expanded clay and mineral wool turned out to be insufficient for complete thermal insulation of the interior. The air temperature in the rooms located directly under the ceiling is significantly lower than normal, which negatively affects their operation.

Insulating the ceiling by pouring penoizol allowed us to solve several problems at once:

  • High-quality insulation of the attic floor;
  • Comply with fire safety standards;
  • Make the attic space usable.

Penoizol was poured in several stages.

On initial stage the mineral wool and expanded clay were dismantled, bagged and manually carried into the trash container.

Then, a polyethylene film was laid on the surface of the ceiling, with releases along the edges. The joints of the canvases were taped with tape.

A frame made of wooden beams was assembled using the laid polyethylene film. On wooden frame outlets were wound up and plastic film was laid.

At the next stage of work, a floor of 20 mm thick plywood sheets was laid on top of the polyethylene film in such a way that a technological cavity 200 mm wide was formed between the surface of the attic floor and the floor. Holes with a diameter of 20 mm were drilled in the plywood floor in 1 m increments in length and width.

Through drilled holes Non-flammable insulation foam insulation was poured into the technological cavity between the floor and the ceiling. Penoizol was poured under pressure until all cavities were completely filled.

In the previous article we wrote about . Today we will talk about foam insulation insulation. Reviews from people knowledgeable on this issue indicate the importance of following the rules for working with this material. It is important to maintain proportions when mixing, otherwise the material will not have its declared characteristics and may even be toxic. Being a descendant of foam plastic, this material has absorbed all of its positive traits, and in some aspects surpassed it. At the same time, the scope of application of penoizol is somewhat narrower, due to its fragile structure.

What is penoizol made from, types

One method is spraying on walls.

Today a new trend has emerged - foam insulation insulation. Reviews from contractors agree that the result primarily depends on the quality of the materials used for manufacturing. Penoizol is polymer material, which in its qualities is close to foam plastic. Its production as a finished raw material has not been established. Factories produce only components. For the production of penoizol the following is used:

  • resin – urea-formaldehyde, marked with the letters KFMT;
  • orthophosphoric food acid;
  • foaming agent – ​​alkylbenzenesulfonic acid, marked with the letters ABSC;
  • water with medium hardness.

Insulation of walls with foam insulation made from low-quality materials or non-compliance with technology, will not give the desired result. For example, KFMT profile resin can be replaced with a cheaper analogue used for chipboard production. Failure to comply with proportions and temperature regime. Wall insulation with foam insulation should be carried out at +20 and above. Proportions of components:

  • resin – 20 kg;
  • orthophoric acid – 400 g;
  • alkylbenzenesulfonic acid – 100 g;
  • medium hard water – 25 l.

As a result, we obtain a liquid material that is poured into the cavities between the walls and ceilings. But this is far from the only method of insulating walls with foam insulation. Reviews still agree that it is the most popular and effective, but there are other options. Penoizol can be:

  • liquid;
  • in sheets;
  • in granules (crumbs).

Liquid penoizol is the basis for the production of sheet material.

In order to obtain sheets of penoizol, you need to pour the liquid material into a mold, an ordinary cube. When the insulation hardens (polymerizes), it can be cut into sheets of the required thickness. This is done both manually with a string and on special machines.

The crumb is made from urea foam. It is important that the fractions are not small - no less than 10-15 mm, and also sufficiently elastic. To make crumbs, take one cubic meter of polystyrene foam and crumble it, resulting in small balls (grains), the volume of which is twice the original. That is, if you crumble 1 cubic meter of foam plastic, we get 2 thousand liters of crumbs. There are some peculiarities when working, but insulating walls with foam insulation, according to reviews, is more profitable when using crumbs.

Characteristics of penoizol

Another method is flooding liquid material into the inter-wall space.

How effective is insulating a house with foam insulation? Reviews from those who have already tried the new product say that there are benefits. It is associated with certain characteristics of the material, which make it possible not to use additional insulation. In principle, penoizol slightly outperforms its relative, polystyrene foam. Main characteristics:

  • thermal conductivity – 0.028–0.038, despite the fact that for foam plastic these indicators reach 0.048;
  • density – from 10 to 30 kg/m. cube;
  • does not burn, not at all;
  • service life more than 50 years, which is two times longer than that of conventional polystyrene foam;
  • It allows moisture to pass through better, that is, it breathes.

All these characteristics make penoizol stand out, but only if it insulates the spaces between walls, the ceiling or the floor. For example, it is not applicable for plastered facades - it crumbles too easily and cannot withstand even minimal mechanical load.

In some sources you can find statements that mice do not gnaw it, although this is not the case. Even in mineral wool, mouse clans sometimes flourish, not to mention their favorite polystyrene foam and its derivatives. The ability of penoizol to transmit moisture has a positive effect on the indoor microclimate. Thanks to this, condensation and, accordingly, accompanying problems do not form: fungus, musty smell, the need for good ventilation or constant ventilation.

How to insulate a house with foam insulation

This is penoizol crumbs, transported in bags. Blown in using a compressor.

You need to consider penoizol insulation with your own hands in three planes, since the material can be in three states, as described above. Let's start with the most common and convenient way- This is the filling of voids with liquid material.

To insulate a house with foam insulation you will need:

  • installation for mixing the components of the composition;
  • large capacity containers;
  • compressor.

As you understand, the thermal insulation process begins with mixing the components of penoizol, since everything must be done locally. After the composition is ready for use using a compressor, it is blown into the prepared cavity. If we're talking about about insulating the roof with foam insulation, then the buffer zone between the roof rafters acts as this cavity. To prevent the material from leaking out, a thick polyethylene film is packed onto the rafters from the inside. The degree of filling of voids is visible visually, since the film is transparent. If the distance between the rafters is too large, then to hold the insulation layer in place, you can stretch a nylon thread or wire in a zigzag pattern between them.

Penoizol sheets are similar to polystyrene foam, only the grain fraction is much smaller.

To insulate the ceiling with foam insulation, simply spray it on top of the ceiling in the attic. The result is a monolithic layer of insulation that does not allow heat to pass through, and moisture does not stagnate under the ceiling. As you know, insulating ceilings is technologically more difficult than insulating walls. We wrote about this in the article: “ ».

The ceiling must breathe, so membranes are used that allow moisture to pass through but not heat. Penoizol does not require such membranes. Insulation of floors with foam insulation is carried out according to the same principle as ceilings. The required amount of liquid material is sprayed under the subfloor. After hardening, it is quite fragile, so it cannot be damaged during operation. The same cannot be said about extruded foam, which is quite rigid and can even be placed under a screed. We talked about this in the article: “ ».

The use of foam insulation boards is justified only due to their low weight and absolute fire safety.

Although there are difficulties with this material. For example, because it is too fragile, it is difficult to transport it without losing its shape. Even a gust of wind can break a sheet, so they are made at least 10 cm thick.

Penoizol crumbs at correct use It happens to be somewhat cheaper than its liquid counterpart. But there are even more problems with it:

  • precise calibration of equipment is required;
  • You need to work only with completely dry material;
  • if calibration is incorrect or small fraction grain filling density increases, material consumption also increases;
  • there is a lot of garbage at work.

Those who deal exclusively with crumb insulation do not recommend doing the work themselves.

The process has many nuances, failure to comply with which will undoubtedly lead to negative consequences, such as the formation of voids or waste of materials and resources.

Penoizol liquid insulation - where to look for the catch

Whether it’s insulating the ceiling with foam insulation or the walls, almost everything depends on the level of skill of the performer. Naturally, you need to look at the resin certificates, but does this mean that the certificate was issued specifically for the resin that is used to insulate your house? Probably the main indicator of the contractor’s integrity is its willingness to enter into an agreement with long-term quality guarantees. A negative result may appear after 2-3 years.

The main problems arise not from installation or equipment, but from incorrect mixing of components:

  • too much resin - the material is too loose;
  • overdose phosphoric acid– penoizol burns out and simply crumbles in your hands.

Also, if the proportions are not observed, formaldehyde is released - a terrible poison. Based on all that has been said, we can conclude that to use liquid insulation penoizol is possible if smart specialists work with it. Chips and slabs are not very popular and will likely never become widespread. Although the material contains toxic substances, when used in the correct dosage, they do not cause any harm.