Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» You will learn who and how to contact with various desires. The Black Moon, like the devil, lulls our conscience, takes us as far as possible from the evolutionary path, passes off black as white and vice versa

You will learn who and how to contact with various desires. The Black Moon, like the devil, lulls our conscience, takes us as far as possible from the evolutionary path, passes off black as white and vice versa

The famous scientist, historian and astrologer Pavel Globa is called Nostradamus of the twenty-first century. Having a personal astrological center, he advises politicians, show business stars, and compiles astrological forecasts. The horoscope from Pavel Globa for 2017 reveals a veil of secrets, which he interprets based on the position of the stars and planets.

Pavel Globa’s books are successful not only in Russia; they are translated into many languages ​​due to the astrologer’s fame and accurate forecasts. The world community listens to political analytics, since very often Globa quite accurately describes upcoming processes in business and politics. Businessmen are attentive to his warnings regarding exchange rates and the state of the stock exchange.

The astro forecast from Pavel Globa for 2017 can be considered as a somewhat sobering factor. The year will be marked by a new round of crisis in Russia, and not only. The economies of many countries will be stormed by the unstable conditions throughout the world. Severe summer fires will not improve the situation, but if you take this point into account, you can avoid many losses.

The stars for each zodiac sign give one important advice– try to rely only on your own strengths, do not make hasty purchases, avoid unnecessary spending. Savings will allow even those who are in a difficult situation to get back on track without effort.

This year will not disappoint Aries only because they skillfully maneuver in any situation. And when other signs panic and don’t know where best to turn for help, Aries can assess the seriousness of a particular situation, choose the right path and go to victory. People of science, and especially those involved in medicine and technology, will achieve great success. In 2017, it is worth starting to study, improve the level of your knowledge and qualifications - the Rooster favors those who are stubborn.

Aries' health is stable, but chronic diseases should be treated without waiting for spring. Recreation and sports will increase immunity and provide the necessary strength for new achievements. Be careful about fruits that you have not tried before - allergies may occur, to which Aries is predisposed.

Family representatives of the sign are calm in their family, sincerely happy with their other half and appreciate care. Do not forget to pay attention to relatives and children - this brings harmony to the family. Single Aries will meet their love closer to autumn, but will not succumb to persuasion about marriage - they want to get to know their other half better.

Taurus people are full of strength and self-confidence. Good changes await them. You can not be afraid for your choice and change your life in any direction. Every step will bring changes for the better. A new job or a change in direction of activity - everything comes easy to them.

You should not resort to loans and large expenses; closer to autumn you will have a chance to save a significant amount of money. It is at this time that you start buying land, a house or new car. Investments will also require changes. Perhaps you will find a more profitable investment site or bank offer.

The health of Taurus is something they do themselves, without coercion or persuasion. This will play into your hands if a chronic disease is discovered in the spring. The digestive tract requires special attention to yourself, do not lose sight of your diet and give preference to vegetables and non-spicy foods.

A romantic person or young man you meet may turn out to be destiny, so take a closer look at new people. Taurus who have been married for a long time will be interested in outside relationships, but they will soon get bored with it. Children can largely ask for your attention - try to respond, thereby you will avoid unnecessary problems.

Geminis will want to get away from relationships that have become burdensome to them. This applies to both personal life and relationships at work and friendships. They realize that they spend too much time on people who don't care about them. The Rooster will open his eyes to connections that drag them down and make them feel unhappy. It is worth listening to the advice of adult relatives, weighing the pros and cons, and only after that make a decision. No need to cut from the shoulder.

New business opportunities, offers from old employees to return to work, meeting with childhood friends - all this can happen in the summer.

Don't forget to rest, but keep in mind quality rest, which involves complete renunciation of business. Do not try to work remotely during your vacation or relax on your garden plot. The sea and mountains will reveal the connoisseur of beauty in you, and moral peace is guaranteed to you.

Patience and taking care of your moral health, active sport and quitting smoking will make you a new person. The cardiovascular system needs support and possibly treatment.

Having two novels in parallel is something that can cheer you up, but the fatigue of omissions will bring you down, and you have a chance to lose everything. Both family and free signs will strive to realize themselves through this kind of relationship, but only fatigue awaits you.

Cancers are tired and don't want to move forward. Cancers cherish their depression and disappointment, they artificially create a decadent mood in themselves and live in it. The persuasion of others is of no use, but only irritates you more.

Look around and find the real reason your condition, throw out old things and dishes, take out skis and bicycles. Lead an active lifestyle, control your spleen, otherwise the employer will consider you lazy.

Unrequited love is something that will drive you even deeper into the blues. Before starting a relationship, take a closer look at the person, he probably doesn’t plan marriage and children with you yet, and you have already vividly imagined your common wedding and the ringing of bells.

A stable income throughout the year discourages Cancer, and he does not see the opportunities opening up to him. Successful deals are possible on business trips, which you carefully avoid. Reject laziness, drink coffee and go ahead. This year provides a chance to develop your business and find new, promising relationships.

Leos believe in themselves, in their success, and for good reason. Everything works out for those who go ahead, who are not afraid of not being heard, not understood and being laughed at. You are the generator of ideas this year, your creative potential It overwhelms you and has no boundaries.

Business development and investment in new ventures will be successful and will pay off by the end of the year. Trust trusted business partners, consult with professionals, do not trust suspicious offers and shady businesses.

You are open to everything new: study, travel, business, new relationships - all this awaits those who are patient and persistent. Don't look for chances, they are all in front of you, you just don't consider some options possible.

Friends are waiting for your attention. It is among them that you will find your soul mate. Trust your loved ones, old acquaintances and parents - they will give you the best advice.

Try new foods with caution and try to drink less alcohol. There is a high risk of poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders; stomach diseases can also remind you. Don't delay going to the doctor.

Virgos are calm and balanced. The moment has come in their lives when they can shift a lot from their shoulders to their associates, friends, family, and most importantly, to a new couple. Virgos will find their other half by autumn and will understand the correctness of their choice, since this person will become their support.

Stable work, recognition of professionalism and possibly a promotion will add self-confidence. There is no need to change the direction of your activity. Creative Virgos, whose lives have been stagnant, will discover within themselves a spring for new projects and musical innovations. Artists will be at the peak of popularity. One thing can stall success - laziness. If you think that the Rooster is addressed to you, helps and participates in your affairs, do not forget that he has a beak, and he will not allow lazy people to rest on their laurels.

Take care of your spine, treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, play sports and swim. Walk and interact with children - they have a lot of potential and ideas that you can use.

Married Virgos reap the fruits of their work in relationships - at the beginning of the year you will have to add fuel to your relationship with your spouse, they are waiting for your participation in their life. You will understand this and correct your mistakes, and your personal life will sparkle with new colors.

Libras are unstable, they fluctuate, they are not sure of the correctness of decisions or choice of path. Every day is a struggle with yourself: you don’t have time, you can’t choose, you don’t trust your inner voice. Until the summer, your fluctuations are inevitable. Get over it, learn to relax and see the joys. Choose things that are at the top of the necessary lists.

Learn to distribute responsibilities, do not put the burden of responsibility only on yourself. Distrust in the quality of work, household chores, and uncertainty about your partners adds to your nerves.

There may be people at work who do not want your career advancement, but this should not bother you, since you personally can prove your competence. Avoid discussing your manager behind his back; make all complaints in person, otherwise you will be known as a gossip and a frivolous employee who cannot be trusted with important matters.

At the end of the year, you will have the amount of money you want to spend on the purchase. Consider your desire and invest money to pay off loans and mortgages - this step will significantly help you in the future.

Self-doubt can play a cruel joke in a love story. As soon as you show uncertainty in your partner, he will not want to be with you. They expect an accurate answer and determination from you.

Scorpios can solve many problems and realize even sky-high fantasies if they learn to go towards their intended goal. Each of their projects is successful a priori. Intuition, which is at its peak in 2017, pushes you to take the right steps. Don’t be afraid to start a new relationship, plan to have children, vacation, and even build a house - you can complete this as fruitfully as possible.

Don't trust people who don't believe in you, be free in your desires.

You shouldn’t throw away old friends when new ones arrive, and there will be many of them. When they enjoy your company, they will lose interest in you, and then old and trusted friends will be remembered with extraordinary warmth. They are the ones who will support you in your endeavors and give you self-confidence.

Treat any disease immediately - there is a risk that it may become chronic. Don't forget about vitamins and dairy products, this will solve a lot.

The family asks you for your attention to them, for your share of care and warmth. Your parents want to see you more often. Find time to communicate, and thereby balance and harmony will enter your life. Adultery to which you are not inclined may capture attention, but only for short time. It is possible that a person with whom you previously had a relationship may appear on the horizon, but it has outlived its usefulness - you must understand this and not take steps that you may regret.

Sagittarians are entering a phase of self-control and moral maturity. They no longer want it “quickly” and somehow. They soberly assess the situation, give useful tips, and they themselves accept right decisions. Sagittarius is pleased with the simplest and most unassuming things. Every day begins with joy and confidence in a positive outcome.

Family Sagittarius- a wall behind which all family members will find shelter in any storm or wind. Friends can also rely on them - support and help will follow without questioning.

Free Sagittarians develop relationships harmoniously and give their significant other confidence in the future. Closer to autumn, there may be a breakdown on the love front, but the calmness and intelligence of Sagittarius will return harmony to the relationship.

Take care of your health, do not get too cold. Do not overuse antibiotics and analgesics. Diagnose all possible diseases in advance - this way you will avoid large expenses for treatment and save energy.

Hiking, active recreation, and sports will bring more joy than lying on the beach and visiting bars. You have every chance to become the life of the party. Your sense of humor will be appreciated by friends and new acquaintances.

Capricorn will rethink his values ​​and come to the conclusion that his path is a calm and stable place of work. Perhaps he will even decide to radically change his life and go from being a top manager to becoming a farmer. Such extremes are caused by moral fatigue. Capricorn, even if he was a careerist, will begin to value silence and family. The difference in income does not scare him - he is confident in his abilities and is ready to work with full dedication, just so as not to experience stress.

Harmony in the family and love for children activate in Capricorn the regime of maximum harmony with the outside world. Whoever he is, he is a wonderful family man.

Free signs will look for their other half, first of all, by internal content; they are no longer attracted to “dummies.” If his chosen one or chosen one is close to creativity, religion and harmony with nature, he will make a choice in this direction and will seek reciprocity with enviable tenacity.

Saving and restraint in entertainment will allow you to relax as much as possible in the fall and give yourself a gift - a long-awaited purchase. Don't forget about immunity, vitamins and warm clothes during the cold season.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for 2017 reveals something new for Aquarius - changes in his life will affect, first of all, the emotional sphere and the perception of beauty. Aquarius intuition high level and he should trust only his feelings. Whether it’s a business or a relationship, he himself feels what’s right and what’s wrong.

Aquarius, more than ever, is prone to falling in love and is easily influenced by the opposite sex, so be attentive to your surroundings and do not trust everyone. Your feelings are the most important thing to focus on.

In business and at work, there is a cascade of events and just an explosion of offers for you. Patiently specify all your wishes, achieve the maximum from any matter. Trust your intuition and do not consult with incompetent people, even if they are friends.

There is a risk infectious diseases, so when traveling, avoid unfamiliar food. Don't take risks in sports and drive carefully. Under no circumstances should you drive, even after drinking alcohol.


Pisces enter 2017 as brave fighters, because they will have to achieve everything only themselves. By making an effort, they stay afloat, but by loosening their grip, they lose much of what they have achieved.

Pisces are tired of relationships in which they are both the spark and the horse that pulls the whole cart. They don't feel supported and are ready to give up everything. It is at such a moment that true friends appear on the horizon, who, looking at the situation from the outside, will convince you that everything can be solved, you just need to relieve yourself of the responsibilities that you have assigned to yourself.

You will be happy in your family if you learn to say “no”, if you talk about your fatigue, if you ask for attention.

Finances are stable, but it’s worth looking for something you like – perhaps it will become a new profession or hobby that will give you a sense of freedom. Rest more alone, avoid large companies where you have to please. Appreciate people who help you value yourself.

Take care of your feet, warm shoes and clothes will solve the problem of colds, and fortified natural drinks and foods will strengthen the immune system.

April 2017 will bring many joyful events and meetings that will fill life with variety and great opportunities. The beginning of the month will be very active and fruitful. During this period, it is worth sorting out all the accumulated matters and completing unfinished tasks. Those who have already set a clear goal for themselves will be able to achieve their dream or take significant steps towards it. And those who were in search and could not decide will finally set priorities and begin to move in the right direction.

It is better to devote the first ten days of April 2017 to your own development. The wider your horizons and diversified interests, the more opportunities you will have in life. The stars advise you to change your field of activity if your work does not give you pleasure. Those people who are quite satisfied with their work, but always dream of career growth, should think about increasing their qualification level and the accumulation of new, more modern professional knowledge. New hobbies will help you understand your inner world and promote personal growth. This period will be marked by meetings, acquaintances, pleasant pastime and great prospects in material terms. But you shouldn’t expect life to hand you everything on a platter ready-made. The beginning of April is a great time to combat laziness. During this period, ambition, determination and perseverance will play a special role. It is important to understand that there are no coincidences. Everything in this life is given to gain precious knowledge and invaluable experience. Take advantage of even the smallest opportunities and life will become wonderful.

In the second ten days of April 2017, the location of Saturn promises many an offer to improve their skills or retrain in order to change jobs or occupy a higher position. Creative personalities will be able to reveal their potential more widely and discover new talents. Inspiration will flow like a river, constantly pushing you to take serious and decisive action. Mid-April will be spent traveling for most people. Most likely it will be business meeting with partners, business trips, searching for potential clients or expanding business. Those who remain in place will receive important assignments or even responsible tasks, the results of which will determine their further fate in this company. Don't be afraid to take responsibility. Remember that reasonable risk is a window to a happy and prosperous life. During this period, it is important to collect your thoughts, focus on solving the most important issues, without forgetting to complete current tasks. This period of April will delight many worthy results And great achievements in the professional field.

The third ten days of April 2017 will be a favorable period for establishing relationships, marriages and romantic acquaintances. The influence of aspects of Venus and Mars on the relationship of married couples will be very favorable. Conflict situations will be replaced by mutual understanding and trust, which will significantly strengthen relationships. Try to spend more time with your partner, and if this is not possible, do not forget to call and write. The more spouses communicate and share painful things, the stronger and deeper the feelings will be. For lonely hearts, the stars promise a wonderful romantic period in their lives. It is quite possible that finally a person will appear on the horizon who will completely change his attitude towards life. It’s easy and comfortable in the company of a new loved one, the main thing is to understand in time that this is your person and enjoy this relationship.

Month April 2017, monthly horoscope

Read the zodiac horoscope for the month of April 2017 for each zodiac sign published on the Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes website.

The Leap Year of the Monkey was quite difficult for all zodiac signs. Famous astrologer Pavel Globa promises that this year all zodiac signs can breathe easy. The period of troubles and incomprehensible shocks ends and a period of increased prosperity begins. Finally!

We are all a little tired during this difficult year.

The cockerel will give everyone a grain! Read a detailed horoscope from Pavel Globa (and he, by the way, is never wrong) in this article.

Aries– a born winner. This is a person who loves and knows how to start new things and strive for new achievements. Aries are those natures that can be in a great mood at one moment, and in a second in severe depression. However, if representatives of the sign are obsessed with a new idea, then they will not stop until they realize their plans.

The horoscope for 2017 for Aries portends many changes in their careers, as well as their personal lives. The Rooster will push the already active Aries to new achievements. Those around them will not always understand and react adequately to the actions of Aries, but due to excellent communication skills they will still be able to achieve leniency. In the new year there is a high probability of disputes and bets. After all, Aries vitally needs to prove that he is right. 2017 will be favorable to those Aries who are creative. All roads will be open to Aries, even the most risky projects will be crowned with success. They have a real opportunity to move up the career ladder.

Taurus, fairly tired of a series of worries, in 2017 they will finally be able to see the fruits of their labors.

The Year of the Rooster brings you only positive changes. The worries, of course, will not decrease, but these will be pleasant worries, which hardworking and homely Taurus like so much.

The first month of 2017 will present Taurus with the task of strengthening their rear. Moreover, attention should be paid to both physical and psychological health. Taurus people are advised to start going to the gym immediately after New Year's holidays, a visit to a psychologist would not be amiss. If you follow all the recommendations, your health will not let you down in 2017.

February-March 2017 is a great time to work. There are chances to improve your financial condition, learn something new. And already in April you can have a good rest. This time is ideal for business trips and travel. It is better to go on trips with your family.

If you belong to the category of lonely Taurus, it is on a journey that you have a chance to meet your soul mate.

The harmonious combination of business and romance will continue in May 2017. The only thing worth considering in your plans is that at the end of spring you don’t need to lend or make expensive purchases; there is a chance that the money will not be returned to you, and the purchase will turn out to be an ordinary “dummy”.

At the beginning of summer (June), concerns about younger family members will come to the fore. Perhaps it is this month that one of the Taurus will learn about upcoming fatherhood and motherhood. Perhaps you will go on vacation with your children or solve the problems of one of them. June will be a great time to create your own nest; it's time to start renovations or buy a house.

The month of July will be the most successful for Taurus. This month there is a possibility of concluding promising contracts, implementing business proposals that will turn out to be good earnings for Taurus. Don't be afraid to take risks, everything will go like clockwork. In August, Taurus' intuition will become more intense. The time is perfect to start construction. However, during this period, difficulties may arise in relationships in the Taurus family.

Autumn will be associated with concerns about children and parents. They will need your help and attention, do not refuse them. You can help everyone and sort them out difficult situations. The ability to solve problems of loved ones will bring you joy and faith in own strength.

Twins– people who are used to double-checking everything and weighing their every decision. In 2017, the time will come when you will need to act more decisively, only in this case will you be successful.

In January 2017, Gemini may have to reconsider their plans for life. There is a chance that personal circumstances will force you to forget about work.

Maybe you want to try yourself in something new, an area that you previously rejected because you were afraid of not being able to cope.

In February, disputes with colleagues or superiors are possible, but they will not be able to lead you astray if you strive for your goal and do your job as well as possible.

By spring, the chaotic period in the life of Gemini should end. A romantic period will begin in March. Many Geminis have a high probability of starting a relationship that can develop into something serious. Fate may await you at the end of March or beginning of April this year.

Already in May, you yourself will ruin everything, as the questions will come to the fore: “Do they really love me?” An excessive desire to keep everything under your control can ruin everything. The main lesson of spring is to trust people, don’t try to control everything. In May, you should relax, take more walks, go into nature.

You need to rest, as the summer will be quite a busy period. You may feel that you want to change your field of activity.

There is a possibility that you will want to change your place of residence and move abroad. August will be calm, romance will again prevail in life. For single Geminis, this is a great time to get married.

In September, Gemini will have to work hard again. Your bosses will finally notice you, and there is a chance of advancement up the career ladder.

October is a good time to make a pleasant and useful purchase.

November and December will be marked by financial success.

Cancer Those who are used to moving backwards will have to learn to stand their ground this year. You must show perseverance and all your skills in the struggle for success, profit, career and love.

The stars advise representatives of this sign to start living in a new way in the new year. Changes could begin as early as January. During this period, there is a high probability that Cancers will change their place of permanent work.

In February, you may have to remember unpaid debts and unfulfilled obligations. Everything you promise must be fulfilled, otherwise you may become known as an unreliable person with a bad reputation. Business advancements are expected in March. There is a possibility of receiving some bonuses.

The workload will be heavy, but it will be worth it. Already in April, thanks to your efforts, you will feel successful in financially person. In May, Cancers will be able to take a break from hectic work activities. Lonely Cancers may meet their soul mate during this period. End of spring - best time to fully immerse yourself in a romantic relationship.

At the beginning of summer, the topic of home improvement will come to the fore. There is a chance that Cancers will begin repairs.

July will be the month of dreams. This is also the most the right time for searches new job or starting school.

In August there is a possibility of conflict situations both at work and in personal life. Cancers need to stand their ground, this is the only way they can achieve the truth.

In September-October, Cancers will be able to afford to rest. Things will go well, perhaps you will go on a trip or journey.

Good news and changes await you in November. However, there is a possibility that unexpected expenses will arise. During this period, you need to spend more time with loved ones; they will repay you with love and support.

Lions– excellent specialists in making an impression on others. But this year you will have to show your true colors. You need to learn to be, not seem. Take off the mask and people will be able to love you for who you are.

Significant changes in life will begin in early January. During this period, you should be ready to take decisive action. This applies to both work and personal life.

You are in good physical shape, but the stars advise you not to overexert yourself and take care of your health. Compared to 2016, 2017 will seem like a period of relaxation. All things will go like clockwork. Leos will need a minimum of effort both at work and on the personal front.

In March, Leos will have to resolve several difficult issues. The stars do not advise you to go ahead; you need to weigh everything carefully. But in April, Leos can afford to take an adventure. If you pay close attention to your intuition, then you are guaranteed bonuses.

Summer will begin with a flurry of romance that will fall upon you. Single Leos will find their soulmate. Families will be able to experience a new round of romance in their couple. In addition, during this period Leos are recommended to spend more time with children.

In July, Lviv may be hit by some kind of energy recession. This will be a sure sign that you need to rest. Feel free to go on a journey.

After a good summer holiday You will be able to return to work in August. However, you should be careful with colleagues or business partners; there is a possibility that they will want to appropriate the fruits of your labor. If you do everything right, you will receive a promotion in September. The financial profit that will come to you during this period is best spent with your family.

In 2017, Leos need to learn to control themselves. Don’t even think about quitting what you’ve started, as they will soon pay for themselves.

The past two years have changed a lot in my life. Dev. A lot happened, fate tested your strength. And now in 2017 we can say with confidence that you passed the test with a bang.

In January 2017, something from the past may return to Virgos. There is a possibility that you will be offered to return to a project that you have already left long ago.

In February-March 2017, romantic relationships will come to the fore. Moreover, the surge of romance will be sudden for you. Perhaps an old friendship or work relationship will develop into love. The candy-bouquet period will last until April, then the time will come to seriously think about improving your financial situation. Romance will have to be relegated to the background, otherwise you risk being left without a livelihood.

May will require maximum diplomacy and delicacy from you. Try not to get into arguments during this period. The conflict that arose at this time could drag on for many years.

In June it will be time to pay the bills. If you owe someone something or promised something, then it’s time to repay the debts and fulfill the promises.

The month of July is a great time to start new partnerships. There is a chance that old partners will look at you in a new way. This month is also favorable for searching for your soulmate.

August 2017 will be calm and measured. Things will go well and will not require additional attention from you. This is the best time to go on vacation.

September and October will be noted as difficult months at work. You will have to work for four people to prove your professional suitability.

In November you will need family support. Perhaps someone in the family will need your help. And already in December you will be repaid a hundredfold, since during this period serious prospects will open up for Virgos.

Scales! Throughout the past year, you had to demonstrate your restraint to others. Libra, you did great, you didn’t lose your temper! In 2017, you can finally relax and enjoy life.

It's best to start 2017 with a vacation. The first three weeks of January should not bother you with either household or work problems. Try to devote this time to active recreation.

Your strength will come in handy by the end of January; there is a chance that you will be offered to participate in some very good project.

In February, you will again have the opportunity to relax. Now it is important to prepare for new achievements, analyze the available information, and draw up a plan for further action. This is what concerns you professional activity. If we talk about personal things, then a revival of previously broken relationships awaits you. What to do with it is up to you, listen to the call of your heart.

March will bring changes to your life. Perhaps you decide to change your field of activity or get a second education, take courses. True, this will not happen right away; first you will have to survive April, when the personal will again come to the fore.

April 2017 is a favorable time to solve all problems with your soulmate. You will have to work with double energy. Intuitively, you will feel that it is time to start new things.

In the summer you will be lucky, even in those areas that you have already forgotten about. Summer is a great time to buy a home. And in July, many lonely Libras may improve their personal lives, and you will meet your soul mate. August is also best devoted to rest, but in September-October it will be time for work. The more effort you put in, the more income you will receive in the end.

The money received is best invested in home improvement. All purchases will be successful.

2017 for Scorpios promises to be a turning point in many areas. The reason is simple - you are tired of the problems of the previous year and you want to relax and enjoy life.

Already in January you will feel a significant surge of strength and vigor. Don't hold yourself back if you want to start something new, take training or go on a trip.

You should not restrain your emotions, and this applies to both work relationships and personal ones. If you like someone a lot, tell them about it. You should honestly admit if you are pretty fed up with someone.

In February 2017, the stars advise Scorpios to put things in order. We need to pay off debts and keep our promises. After all, all these unfulfilled tasks pull you back. Having finished with them, you will feel like a free person, ready for new achievements. At the end of February

Scorpios are at risk of falling in love. However, the stars warn that the relationship will not last.

Spring 2017 will be marked as a time of joyful events that will happen in the life of Scorpios. Work projects will go uphill, you will be able to conclude profitable deals with partners, for which you can get a promotion or salary increase. As for your personal life, the month of April will be marked by a surge of love and romance. And in May, Scorpios will have a chance to meet a person who in the future may become their legal spouse. Your business activity will also increase this month. However, the stars do not advise you to be overzealous in matters of work, as your health may fail you. Change your surroundings, go to the countryside for the weekend, this will allow you to relax and recuperate.

The beginning of summer will be marked by the fulfillment of some old dream. July and August will be successful in terms of personal fulfillment. Things will go well. During this same period, you will become proud of one of the younger family members.

In September 2017, the stars advise you to take a break and relax. The best solution will go on vacation. However, be careful with your finances, as there is a possibility of making thoughtless expenses. In addition, fraudulent activities may be taken against you.

In October, stars advise you to devote yourself to your hobbies. You should take care of your health. Get examined, maybe you should take a course of vitamins.

In November 2017, family will come to the fore. Your loved ones may need your financial help. Be sure to help them. Try to spend more time with your family, as you spend very little time with them, which your family may be offended by. December will go well, you will be busy with work, there will be no special stress, you will feel successful and calm.

Sagittarius! The past year has been very difficult for you. But it couldn't break you. In the new year 2017, you may have to work a little more. But you will accept new tasks with enthusiasm.

January will be full of communication with family and friends, and this will undoubtedly benefit you. In February, you will be able to move towards new horizons that will open up in your career. However, you will not be able to immediately understand that new opportunities are opening up before you.

At first, you will only observe an unrealistic amount of work that has fallen on you. An understanding of the opportunities that have opened will come to you a little later.

April can hardly be called a fruitful month in terms of work; during this period, a romantic mood will reign in your life.

May is a great time to set new goals and dreams. Now is the time to see what you should move on for. Mentally draw a picture of your dreams, then they will have every chance to come true.

June is a favorable time for putting things in order. It's time to sort out the rubble at work, pay off debts, and do what you keep putting off for later. Then came the time to completely surrender to new achievements.

If you are not lazy, then in July you will have a lot of free time. Moreover, you will be accompanied by rare luck. Everything you undertake will be a success!

However, already in August you will have to work for your luck. During this period, a lot of things will fall on you. But, despite the workload, things will go uphill in your personal life, and you will be able to meet your soul mate. Family Sagittarians experience a new surge of feelings for their soul mate.

Autumn will pass in work. But you will succeed in everything, you will even develop the talent to work for ten people.

Already in February, such efficiency will have a good effect on your financial situation.

Capricorns– multifaceted personalities who know how to both have a lot of fun and be serious when necessary.

February is the best time to pay off old debts and ask for forgiveness if you have offended someone. Some Capricorns will have to admit their mistakes, it’s not easy, but it will have to be done. The beginning of March will return you to optimism and self-confidence, and this applies to both your working relationships and personal ones. Capricorns should learn to express their feelings more openly, then people will be drawn to them.

April will inspire you with a surge of strength, everything around will delight you. Family Capricorns will feel harmony in their relationships, and singles will finally meet their soul mate. Capricorn parents will be able to find mutual language with kids.

May will please Capricorns with absolute order both at home and at work. In addition, you can make yourself happy with a long-awaited gift. If your dreams are quite substantial, such as a car or an apartment, then the stars even allow you to borrow. Since you can return it quickly and painlessly.

June and July are a great time to work hard. In addition, during this period it would be a good idea to think about whether you are doing the right thing. Maybe it's time to change your field of activity. The stars advise talking about this topic with friends and relatives. There is a possibility that your professional happiness is hidden in a completely different area. The period is also good for new beginnings.

August is a time of change in personal relationships. This is a great time to decide what you need. Feel free to walk down the aisle if you have wanted this for a long time, make your choice, or ask for freedom ex-lover. If you are not ready for changes in your personal life, the stars advise changing something in the house, you can start with cosmetic repairs.

In September, housing problems will come to the fore. This is the time for repairs, purchase of household appliances, furniture. Try to save money by this time.

October is the month of romance and dreams come true. If you have been looking for your soulmate for a long time, then this is the most favorable period to meet her/him.

In November and December, harmony will come into the life of Capricorns. Try not to ruin everything with random conflicts.

Aquarius– talented and creative individuals, in 2017 these abilities will be doubly manifested. Your head will be full creative ideas. Create, just don't lose your head. You really have a chance of success.

The month of January will be marked by the appearance of people and facts from the past in your life.

You will have a chance to set things right, perhaps restart relationships with your former lovers.

February is a great time to throw yourself into work. The stars do not advise you to start new projects, but the results that have already been achieved will be consolidated. This will become a kind of foundation for a future breakthrough.

March will be a month of updates. Moreover, they affect both personal life and work. New acquaintances are possible. The whole month will be full of meetings, some of which can significantly affect your life. A person dear to your heart may appear in your life, and this will not necessarily be a person of the opposite sex. There is a possibility that you will decide to adopt a child or take custody of a person in need.

April is a month that will show where to move next. Don't ignore the signs of fate, they are full of clues.

May is best spent communicating with family. Get out into nature with your whole family and relax in a sanatorium. This period is good for establishing family relationships.

In June, personal relationships will come to the fore. In July and August you should pay maximum attention to your home. Maybe it's time to start renovating, buy household appliances. All changes will happen quickly and easily.

September is a good period to throw yourself into work. Work will help you achieve good results, which will become a springboard for future achievements. At the same time, Aquarius has every chance of meeting their soulmate.

October is a time for active growth and development. You will be able to gain new knowledge from various sources. This is the right time to receive new profession, attending courses.

November will be a month of sorting things out. He will be rich in conversations with his other half.

The New Year will provide an opportunity Pisces take a break from the stress that haunted them throughout 2016. You will have a chance to get everything you have dreamed of for so long. Try not to miss your chance.

There is a possibility that in the new year you will have an irresistible desire to change your life. However, before you take action, you need to audit your life.

All problems should be resolved and affairs should be put in order.

In spring, changes will overwhelm your life. First of all, the changes will affect your personal life. In March, new people will appear in your environment. But old acquaintances will show themselves not with the best side. Therefore, the stars advise Pisces to be careful; you should not tell family secrets to friends, even if you consider them verified.

In April, single Pisces will be able to meet their soul mate. And those representatives of the sign who are already in a relationship will find a way to refresh them. The horoscope advises you to go out more, spend time with your significant other and receive a generous reward.

May is the best time to pay off debts. And in June, creativity will come to you, new horizons will open. You will have a chance to make your old dream come true.

In summer, Pisces need to pay more attention to their health. If it stings somewhere, consult a doctor immediately. July will be calm, nothing significant will happen during this period. August will be a month of anticipation for change.

The end of summer is a good time to develop a plan for further action and set goals correctly. In September, a lot of work will fall on you, you will literally get bogged down in work matters. However, don’t get too carried away, because behind your work enthusiasm you may forget that your loved one is waiting for you at home.


We can say that only in April spring comes into its own in full. April is a truly wonderful spring month. Sun rays much warmer than in March, the birds are becoming bolder, even in the very air there are imperceptible vibes of romance, goodness and happiness. At the same time, a lack of vitamins can do its job and lead to frequent colds and general fatigue.

Having become familiar with horoscope for April 2017 for all zodiac signs, You can easily adapt to the inconstancy of insidious fate and emerge victorious from any difficult situation.


Variability in the atmosphere. Each of the representatives of the Aries zodiac sign will come to a clear realization that something in their life needs to be changed, and to do it as soon as possible. Day after day, a variety of thoughts will creep into the head of a stubborn Aries - from the idea of ​​changing jobs to moving. The stars, in turn, recommend Aries not to rush. Bridges are more difficult to build and can be destroyed in one day.
The end of the month will bring with it an excellent opportunity to claim everything planned, while remaining on the same terms.


April will be a month for Taurus to test their gullibility and resistance to stress. During this difficult period, you should not open up to strangers again.

At the same time, in April, Taurus will feel incredible strength and emotional uplift, which will lead to the search for a partner ( we're talking about both about a business partner and about a significant other). But accuracy won’t hurt - it’s better to become more closed and not bare your soul to the first person you meet.


The problem of problems in April for all representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will be ambiguity in romantic relationships. Both Gemini women and men will begin to look for the most different ways determine whether the person next to them is “the one,” the real soulmate.

Almost at the very end of April, fate will give good sign and, thus, will help Gemini understand their feelings.


The beginning of April for Cancers will go hand in hand with the risk of catching a cold. Work moments, in the form of certain conflicts and even squabbles, cannot but affect the impressionable representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign.

It's probably time to take a short vacation for a couple of days in order to slightly restore your strength and clear your head.

a lion

A truly wonderful period will come for Leo in April, when they will feel like real kings and masters of the situation. Charming everyone and everything, Leos will be constantly noticed in the crowd, celebrated among friends or colleagues. Encouragements and compliments will continue to pour in from all sides, increasing the self-esteem of already proud Leos.

In fact, April is a good month for representatives of this zodiac sign.


In order not to experience financial problems on their own skin, Virgos in April need to more scrupulously draw up their personal or family budget. You should not give in to momentary impulses, so as not to later regret the unnecessary purchase.

Mid-April is significant for Virgos as they meet a special person who will leave an indelible mark on their future life.


The fickle free Libra will have good chance meet your soulmate. If you try, the relationship will develop and eventually turn into something serious.

In general, representatives of the Libra zodiac sign will spend the entire month in active communication. Libra men and women will make new acquaintances, and, consequently, new interests will appear.


On the tenth day of the month, Scorpios will be overwhelmed by household chores that will not let go of the freedom-loving representatives of the sign until the very end of April. However, not only family matters will take all the attention of Scorpios, friends will also need the support and sensible advice of a fellow Scorpio.

That is why they need to be friendly and benevolent, and try their best not to alienate anyone from themselves.
By the end of the month, the participation of Scorpios and their kindness will return to them, and with interest!


A relatively calm and measured month awaits all Sagittarius, however, at work, as at home, small problems will still arise. The solution to all difficulties will come as simply as they actually arose.

Throughout April, Sagittarius will feel an unprecedented surge of strength, which will help them make far-reaching plans. All you need to succeed is to listen to your voice and shake all the ideas that come to mind.


In April, Capricorns will be entirely occupied with family relationships. Clashes with the older generation are likely. This applies not only to relatives. Even elderly neighbors will look askance at Capricorns.


In April, Aquarius will have a great opportunity to change their surroundings, go on a trip, and find a new hobby. Moreover, the soul of Aquarius will already crave change.

Also in April, representatives of their sign will have no problem making new useful acquaintances. It is quite possible that one of the new friends will call Aquarius, who is suffering from the adventures, to interesting trip. A little rest will do Aquarius good.


Furious pace Everyday life will lead to a slight loss of strength in persistent Pisces. You shouldn’t brush off alarming symptoms, even if it’s just ordinary fatigue. In April, Pisces should slow down the pace slightly and get creative.

Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign will want to think about the future and be left alone with their thoughts. Unfortunately, the abundance of people around and the responsibilities imposed on Pisces can significantly ruin plans. Walking on fresh air, will undoubtedly help Pisces regain their strength.

It has long been known that happiness and success are not a matter of luck, but the ability to keep the situation under control.

Since ancient times, rulers and nobles have listened to personal horoscopes, gaining even greater power. Today, forecasts of famous astrologers are published online. An example of this is the current review from Pavel Globa for April according to the signs of the Zodiac. Knowing in advance what will happen in the near future, it is not difficult to adjust your fate and spend 2018 “on horseback”.

April signs for fire zodiacs

Representatives of the most restless brethren are not destined for the adoration of the Earth Dog, but each of them has a chance for success in the middle of spring:

  • Aries will face global changes.
  • Leo will learn the treachery of his partners, but will gain invaluable experience.
  • Sagittarius will be in a whirlpool of positive events.

In exchange for resolving the current troubles, Fortune will turn away from Aries. No gambling in April, warns Globa! But there is a clear chance to receive the highest blessing for a happy marriage. You should also avoid financial adventures, including brokering loans and concluding important transactions.

Leos will have to be careful, but there is no reason to despair. The treachery of others will not affect your career and family, but it will teach you to understand people. You'll have to curb your bad temper. Balance will allow you to:

  • maintain image;
  • maintain authority;
  • come out dry from water

Otherwise, the enemies will win and all their strength will be needed for revenge.

For Sagittarius, the stars promise surprises. This zodiac sign does not even imagine what horizons are opening up before him. One condition is determination. Without showing character, there is a risk of being left with nothing.

Earth element at the peak of euphoria

The year 2018 is an ideal stage for people born under the auspices of the Yellow Dog, but they will also have to roll up their sleeves:

  • Capricorn simply must pay attention to the family, otherwise there will be trouble.
  • Taurus will experience many temptations, but must remember that his goals are not mercantile.
  • Virgo will know great love if she does not withdraw into herself.

Capricorns will have a lot of things to do in April. Work is important, but loved ones are more valuable. Allocate your time so that you have a minute to solve everyday issues.

Everything that Taurus strived for will begin to come true. The main thing is to clearly follow your dream without being distracted by trifles. Pavel Globa warns against thoughtless spending.

It's time for Virgos to start getting rid of loneliness. Spring is the time for love and a sign to begin new life. Feel free to go in search of your soulmate. This choice will bring happiness.

A warm welcome to the Zodiacs by air

There is nothing more optimistic than change for the better. They are the ones provided for in the April horoscope for the “ethereal” signs:

Libra will be able to count on long-awaited peace and fulfillment of desires
Aquarius will strengthen prestige and set a course for new horizons
Gemini will taste the agony of choice, but by showing wisdom, they will get what they were striving for
By the middle of the indicated calendar period, Libra will feel tired of the machinations of others. Be patient a little longer and breathe easy, advises Pavel Globa. Intrigues and gossip are shattered if they have no basis, and luck tends to the strong.

In April 2018, Aquarius will have a place to turn around. The universe is preparing tests that will give you an unforgettable experience. It's easy to get through them. It’s enough not to be shy:

  • pass exams with confidence;
  • are not afraid of new acquaintances;
  • accept any challenge

In a lucky month, everything is possible. Don't forget about it!

Gemini will have to plunge into troubles. The fuss shouldn't confuse you. Be prudent and reasonable. The peaceful path is optimal for solving all pressing matters.

The Water Trinity and the Spring Freemen

Zodiac signs of this trine will have to take themselves seriously. April will be a turning point for them:

  • Cancer simply has to change its usual lifestyle.
  • Scorpio will feel a craving for adventure.
  • Pisces, with their inherent patience, will take care of everyday worries.

The recipe for Cancers is simple: don’t be afraid to take on difficult things, learn and search. Improve yourself in the spring to reach the top in the future.

The April horoscope for Scorpios is full of possibilities. The question is, is it worth taking advantage of the perspectives given by the Universe or is it better to leave everything as it is? You decide!

Pisces will have a difficult period in life. Health problems, difficulties in the family and at work will unsettle you. Remember that all this is temporary. Take action, don’t let the decision take its course, advises the astrologer.

When is my luck: “lucky” calendar from Pavel Globa

Horoscope by zodiac sign


Aries may have a happy marriage in April, but this can only happen if you are really serious about your relationship and not pursuing any gain.


Those Taurus who have long dreamed of a good expensive car and have been striving for it for a long time will be able to get what they want. In general, it’s all about the patroness of the year - the Dog. If you persistently pursued your goal and did not change your dream, then most likely it will come true in the month of April, as a reward for your patience. The main thing is not to give in to temptation and not spend all your money until it runs out, otherwise you won’t have enough for a vacation in the summer.


Children will cause you a lot of trouble this month. Some of their antics will simply drive you crazy. But don’t go to extremes, talk to your child calmly, try to understand his problems, and you will be able to resolve the most difficult issues peacefully. But if the situation has long ago gotten out of control, then you need to turn all your attention to this problem.


Many Cancers will be very lucky in April with friends, especially new ones. Even though you met quite recently, these are the people who will be so responsible that they will not leave you in trouble. Only the situation will initially turn in such a way that you will suspect your friends of betrayal. There is no need to blame anyone for anything, first understand the situation properly.

a lion

Unforeseen difficulties and problems with foreign partners will appear. They will refuse to deal with you for no apparent reason and will leave your union. But there is no reason to be upset, as you will significantly expand your channels. You will have worthy partners who do not waste time on gossip and rumors, and will trust only the quality of the work performed.


During this period, those Virgos who are still single will receive strong feeling. True, they will fall in love unexpectedly, as they say, at first sight. Virgo finds out her love from friends: at a party or birthday.


Once you find the strength to put the people who bother you in their place, you can breathe freely. In addition, people will stop plotting against you behind your back, and your work will immediately become much easier. If there are still those who cannot stop in time and refrain from discussing your person, then it is better not to pay attention to them.


You may have to care for a sick person for some time during April. You will take this responsibly, but will be happy to remove this burden from your shoulders as soon as the opportunity arises. Don't worry, your good deeds will benefit you.


This month you will have an employee at work who, in principle, does not understand and does not know what work is. Not only will this person not run errands himself, but he will also make it a rule to regularly stop near your desk and distract you. Feel free to send it to him workplace, otherwise there will be problems.


Family issues this month simply cannot be ignored, even though you have other responsibilities besides family ones, but still, your loved ones should count on you to solve the most difficult issues.


According to Pavel Globa, young Aquarians in April 2018 will be very rich in new impressions. They will constantly find themselves in some kind of love adventure. And some of them will finally find true love.


Some representatives of this zodiac sign will suffer from colds, but some Pisces will have such a high workload that there will be almost no time left to prevent viruses. Be sure to take at least the simplest measures.

Spring is the time when new strength feelings and dreams blossom. The time of hope promises unprecedented prospects, but both ups and downs are likely. The main guide for those who strive to know success and want to insure against failure will be the horoscope from Tamara Globa for 2018. The astrologer's predictions for April will guide representatives of all zodiac signs through the labyrinths of fate and help them navigate their living space.

Pragmatic redistribution in the horoscope for April

Despite the abundance of feelings that the thaw brings from year to year, people’s relationships will take on a calculated rather than a romantic character. The mercantile Mercury is to blame for it all. It is he who will make the earthly representatives of the zodiac signs think about the mortal:

  • material benefits;
  • career growth;
  • expenses and profits.

In general, the impact of the planet, named after the ancient Roman god of trade, will be beneficial. After all, its goal is to prevent a negligent attitude towards money and acquisitions. In April 2018, the chance to achieve financial well-being will increase for everyone who tries to show foresight and develop appropriate activities. Incredible luck is promised to the three Zodiacs of the fire element:

  1. Leos
  2. Sagittarius
  3. Aries

These signs will be under the protection of the Sun. Negative energy will bypass them. Only the lazy and apathetic are in danger, warns Tamara Globa.

Lunar petition for signs of intuition

The night star in mid-spring will also be at the epicenter of events, the astrologer promises. The moon is responsible for many factors in life. This time she will stimulate the subconscious. The decisions made in April will be:

  • rational;
  • wise;
  • far-sighted.

All that remains is to “turn on” common sense and think about current problems and future achievements. The recipe is vital for representatives of the air coalition:

  1. Gemini
  2. Libra
  3. Aquarius

They will have to rely only on themselves and their insight in everything. Gather your strength and go through all the obstacles. The reward for your perseverance will not be long in coming, and problems will only strengthen your spirit.

Creative impulse and inspiration call

In the coming calendar period, success awaits everyone involved in creativity. Creative thinking is not necessary in the arts. The patronage of Uranus promises rise to representatives different professions, including the economic sector, scientific and manufacturing sectors. Under the auspices of the celestial body, the most unrealizable dreams will come true. The main thing is to start implementing everything that has been collecting dust on the shelf or hovering in your thoughts.

Tamara Globa advises not to give up and boldly take on any difficult tasks:

  • launch interesting startups;
  • be inspired by new projects;
  • try out in unusual roles.

April is the ideal time for searching and self-improvement. Don’t keep yourself in check, because the month will fly by quickly and the chance will be missed.

Representatives of the earth and water elements will fall under the protectorate of the wise and hardworking Saturn, which means that the effectiveness of their efforts will increase significantly. In April, people born under the auspices will be at their peak:

  • Cancer and Capricorn
  • Scorpio and Virgo
  • Pisces and Taurus

Harmonious creation is the path to achievement and glory, but on it one must renounce pettiness and fussiness, forget about rest and entertainment, reject everyday life and completely immerse oneself in work.

Dangerous influence for the Zodiacs test

A place of honor in Tamara Globa’s horoscope for April 2018 is given to Mercury, the Moon and Uranus, but their positive influence will face opposition from powerful rivals who are tuned to imbalance. Sensual Venus will sow turmoil and lead astray, and Pluto will help her in this - an expert at confusing thoughts and instilling disappointment in people’s souls. Mostly love relationships will suffer from the activity of this pair of antagonists. The following will help you avoid troubles on the amorous path:

  • honesty;
  • optimism;
  • determination.

Success in business will depend on the character of each individual and the ability to find the strength in oneself not to follow the lead of the mischievous planets, succumbing to their machinations.

All April at your fingertips

12 Zodiac signs Predictions from Tamara Globa in apt sayings
Aries Global changes are entering the arena
Taurus Patience and hard work will attract good luck
Twins Success is near, but doubts will dissipate in the breeze
Cancer The usual way of life is broken by the whims of fate
a lion Tough temperament bad comrade for great deeds
Virgo Passion for work will lead someone to the goal
Scales Dreams will come true, worries will be forgotten
Scorpion Vanity of vanities promises the location of the planets
Sagittarius Many blessings under the Fortuna flag
Capricorn Search carefully for friends and wait for great news
Aquarius Career advancement is close, all that remains is to challenge
Fish Hold out for a short time and curb your fate
