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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Options for the hallway in the apartment. Design of stylish and modern hallways in the photo. Lack of shoe rack

Options for the hallway in the apartment. Design of stylish and modern hallways in the photo. Lack of shoe rack

A small hallway is a problem in many apartments. To a certain extent, this is true, because the least time is spent in this room, and it is better to use the extra squares for the bedroom or living room, but do not forget that the face of the apartment is set by the first room in the apartment, its beauty and style. And even the smallest room can be cozy and comfortable. What interior design for a small hallway in an apartment will be optimal?

Correct design of a small hallway in an apartment

To take advantage of all the benefits small room as efficiently as possible, you should adhere to three principles:

  • a minimum of things
  • maximum space,
  • maximum benefit.

Remove everything unnecessary. This applies to furniture, clothing and even shoes. Only an uncluttered room will seem larger than it actually is. And vice versa, the largest one, littered with all sorts of rubbish - a cramped closet.

Furniture for a small hallway 2020

Use a minimum of furniture, although stores and catalogs are full of fantastic abundance:

  • ottomans,
  • sofas,
  • cabinets,
  • shelves,
  • hangers and
  • nightstand.

If possible, one closet, spacious and comfortable, with a hanger, without hangers, since hangers are not very convenient for daily use.

If you have space, you can put a hanger rack or hang a wall hanger in a small hallway - for daily use. outerwear. This is much more convenient than hanging it in the closet every time, and you can’t hang it wet in a common pile, but on an open hanger it will dry faster and safer.

You can also store all the shoes there that are not intended for daily wear, because mountains of boots and shoes standing uselessly in the room will ruin the design of any, even the most stylish room.

How to arrange a small hallway in an apartment

Increase space. If possible, this should be done physically, for example, by using the area of ​​the adjacent room or removing all doorways, replacing them with beautiful, spacious arches.

Or, by removing everything up to the walls and ceiling in the passage, and separating the modern hallway itself in a small apartment from the living room using different flooring, multi-level ceilings and floors decorated with built-in spotlights.

Stretch ceilings that are light in color and glossy raise the ceiling very well - like a mirror surface, reflecting the entire room in its surface, they make it 1.5-2 times higher. See examples of hallways in small apartments 2020 real photos:

If, after demolishing a wall with a door, the transition between rooms seems too empty, good decision there will be a decorative gazebo or arch with shelves. Large shelves will allow you to place indoor flowers on them, as well as make the hallway lighter, thereby increasing it visually.

Ideas for a small hallway

A good solution would be sliding sliding doors to the entire height of the wall. But they should have two to four doors, so that when family members usually arrive, one door can be opened, and when many people are planned at the same time, the entire door can be opened completely.

Such a simple technique will allow guests not to crowd a couple of squares, undressing to easily enter the apartment, and the owners will warmly welcome their dear guests.

The right solution would be to use mirrors or translucent glass for such doors:

  1. the first will allow you to make the hallway larger, more spacious, reflecting the room and doubling its area;
  2. the latter will add a little light from the remaining rooms, also visually expanding the room.

Make the most of it. Whatever one may say, you need to undress and take off your shoes in the first room of the house. Therefore, it is good if it has a place for shoes, a closet or a clothes hanger. It wouldn’t hurt to have an ottoman to make it comfortable to take off your shoes. A key holder and an umbrella stand will come in handy.

What to do if the design of a small hallway in an apartment only allows you to place a shoe mat in it?

Built-in furniture or niches in the walls will come to the rescue. There is no need to try to cram as large a cabinet as possible into the wall. If the wall allows, you can make a 1.0-1.5 m closet, with wall hooks, shelves for shoes and hats. If not, then a wall hanger 0.5 m deep will be fine. Here are photos of options for a small hallway 2020 in an apartment:

Sliding wardrobe in the hallway

A sliding wardrobe can be an excellent option, and custom-made furniture will allow you to successfully use every free centimeter. It is better to make a sliding wardrobe up to the ceiling, so that the space under the ceiling can be used as a mezzanine.

You can also store winter clothes or those clothes and shoes that are rarely worn there.

A mirrored door in such furniture will noticeably increase the space of a small hallway, but if the shelves are very high, it is better top part Make the doors matte so as not to “stretch” the room even more.

In addition to the general principles of arranging a hallway in a small apartment, there are several approaches to make the design as stylish and beautiful as possible.

Color spectrum

Don't underestimate the power light colors in decor small rooms. Successful combination various light shades allows you to make a room:

  1. Above - light shades are best used in decorating the upper part of walls and ceilings.
  2. Wider - a wide, light central part of the wall will visually expand the walls, making a small hallway more spacious.
  3. Longer - lighter walls of the narrow part of the room (not much, a tone or two softer than the rest) will lengthen and prolong the room.

Of course, in order to use the play of light and color as correctly as possible, you need to have good imagination and taste, but computer programs by design they allow you to “try on” this or that painting or furniture even before renovation.

Decorating the hallway with furniture

As already mentioned, built-in furniture, wardrobes, and wardrobes save space well and do not clutter up the space. wall hangers, niches in the walls, etc. It’s good if the furniture is also in light colors, preferably warm (beige, yellow, pink, green, blue).

The best option would be custom-made furniture for the hallway; this approach will save a lot of space by making a flat cabinet on the entire wall, taking into account all the nooks and corners of your tiny hallway.

Lighting in the hallway interior

How to decorate lighting in a small hallway in 2020? The hallway is almost always a room without natural light. Therefore, you can add natural light only with the help of an arch opening into the adjacent room with windows.

It is advisable to use all types of lighting in such small spaces. Directed Wall lights allow you to highlight necessary elements decor - niches, corners, thus expanding the room.

Also, long wall lamps, whose angle of inclination is adjustable, can visually lengthen the room, raise the ceiling, and move the walls apart. This technique is called light stripes.

You can additionally illuminate the mirror with spotlights, making preening before going out more comfortable. Diffused light will save energy when there is no one in the hallway.

Lamps daylight softly illuminating the space, they enlarge a small hallway, especially if the light is directed at the mirror. The main thing is that, in general, the lighting should be close to natural and be pleasant to the eye and perception.

Decorative design of a small hallway

Quite unusual, decorative elements look beautiful, creating the illusion of a large room. First of all, this is such an always successful element as large mirror, but it should be a light shade.

Imitation of a large aquarium built into the wall, best with colored lighting from bottom to top.

The pattern on the walls, floor and ceiling must also be chosen correctly - it is best to take washable wallpaper, decorative putty, with medium or large drawings so that there are quite a lot of them, but so that the picture does not flicker and does not merge into one background.

The direction of the pattern will help lengthen or expand the room. Thus, oblong pictures on the floor directed to the side make it visually longer.

Ideas for a small hallway - a pattern on the wall, directed upward, visually raises the ceiling. Such simple tricks help make a dark, tiny room light, spacious and very comfortable.

Using different textures, color range One material, multi-level floor coverings, allows you to zone the hallway in a small apartment if doors and walls are demolished, or if there is no hallway as such at all, there is only a large hall.

There must be a corner in the living room in order to throw off clothes and shoes with street dirt and dust.

In order for the design of a small hallway in an apartment to be successful, it is necessary to think through the complete design, including furnishings and the type of furniture used, even before the renovation. finishing materials and coatings, then the resulting result will be holistic and complete.

And using simple techniques of spatial illusions will allow you to create the impression of a large room in the tiniest room. Successful planning and successful results! Modern hallways in small apartments, real photos and videos in our selection:

The hallway is the visiting card of every house or apartment. This part of the apartment makes the first impression on guests; it also speaks of the taste and individuality of the apartment’s owners. In order for the hallway to become truly impressive and at the same time remain comfortable, you need to carefully think through its design. It is important that the room combines basic elements and decor.

Modern salons and design centers offer many options for decorating the hallway, but in order not to get lost in their diversity, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the features of the hallway equipment.


There are a huge number of attributes with which the hallway can be decorated in various styles. Some of them are universal, others are specific only to certain areas of the interior. To make the corridor look presentable, you need to take into account certain nuances when arranging it.

Shape and dimensions of the room

A large hallway implies a richer arrangement of furniture and accessories. Can be given to the room additional functions, arrange part of the room as a dressing room or make a small recreation area. Often in such corridors you can see couches and sofas, the length of which does not exceed 150 cm, ottomans and even coffee tables. Cabinets up to 1600 mm long and 800-900 mm wide or entire sets consisting of 6-8 modular sections are also installed in the room.

Sometimes they take into account the layout for the living room, combined with the front with the help of arches and other zonal attributes. Similar interior Usually they do not pile up large furniture, but give preference to more elegant details.

In a small rectangular front room, a small-sized cabinet is installed, which only occupies the space near one wall. In other areas there may be shelves for shoes or accessories. In the hallway with an area of ​​3 to 4-5 square meters. Sometimes a closet is not installed at all; hooks and hangers for clothes and a shoe cabinet become an alternative.

In a room of 6-7 square meters. meters sometimes placed miniature corner cupboard, which is used to store things that are used regularly. The width of the product does not exceed 60 cm. It can be complemented by a shallow cabinet with a mirror, which can be equipped with additional lighting.

For a square hallway of a room with an area of ​​9-10 square meters. m choose to place furniture along two walls, between which there is a door. Dressers about 120 cm long or entire sets that occupy the entire wall can be placed there. Often such rooms are equipped with mirrored cabinets or even built-in structures.

In a square-shaped room, it is possible to organically arrange paintings on the walls without fear that they will hide part of the space.

To decorate a long narrow hallway, the area of ​​which sometimes reaches 11-12 square meters. m. use the following techniques:

  • Wardrobe built into end wall corridor, without at all concealing its width. Usually this is a small double-leaf wardrobe with an average depth of 70 cm.
  • In order to visually expand such a corridor, a special arrangement is used lighting fixtures. Built-in lamps are placed along the edges of the ceiling in the form of main or additional lighting.
  • To prevent the space in the corridor from looking empty, shallow chests of drawers are sometimes installed along the walls. Their depth is only 30-40 cm, and their length is 100-110 cm. They are used for storing small items of clothing, household items and accessories.

Ceiling height

The hallway can have both high and low ceiling. The possibility of purchasing a built-in wardrobe and the specifics of choosing lighting fixtures depend on this factor. Hanging chandelier can only be installed in the hallway with high ceilings, so in ordinary apartment with standard parameters It would be preferable to place ceiling structures.

Availability of stairs

Hallways with stairs to the second floor can only be in private houses or two-story apartments. Staircase design hides part of the space, it should also be in harmony with the colors of the walls and floor and at the same time “dilute” the color scheme in the interior. Almost always, the staircase plays an accent role in the room and with the help of its details you can create a spectacular look for the hallway.

The interior concept plays an important role. Some styles involve only high-end cabinets and beautiful open fronts with a bar. The furniture set sometimes includes hanging shelves for accessories and necessary elements or sofas with soft leather upholstery.


One of the main components when choosing hallway equipment is the material from which the furniture will be created. The most popular types of raw materials are the following:

  • MDF and chipboard panels- a very popular and more budget-friendly alternative to furniture made of natural massif. The appearance of such panels is sometimes in no way inferior to wooden ones; moreover, the plates contain wood fiber, which explains their strength and durability. Some thin parts of shelves and walls are created from plasterboard. Such materials do not require much time and effort to maintain and can last under normal conditions for quite a long time.
  • Very often furniture is supplied with parts made of metal. Such elements often imitate gold or bronze, which is a very appropriate technique in certain styles.

In large hallways the furniture is made of various materials can perform double function. Such models are called transformers. Most often, a transformer is a set that includes additional work zone. It is formed by lowering a plate horizontally, which becomes the working surface of a small table.


The hallway can be decorated in various colors. For walls, a monochromatic color scheme is predominantly chosen, but it is often diluted with additional textures in the form of artificial brick or stone masonry. The shade of the ceiling is always lighter than the color of the walls, but often it echoes it with the help of special geometric shapes. In most cases, the ceiling is white.

The floor can imitate wood, masonry or tiles. It comes in beige, brown or gray tones. Sometimes bright accents on the floor, such as a colorful carpet or rug, are allowed.

To add rich accents to the corridor, use paintings or additional lighting. The turquoise lighting along the edges of the ceiling looks very unusual; it looks especially organic in the hallway, where there are other accent details of the same color scheme or similar tones - green, blue, mint.


The color of the furniture depends on the material from which it is made. Wooden crafts Rarely designed in bright colors. The most common shades are cappuccino, milky oak, walnut, cherry, wenge, maple. Mahogany has an elegant look. A similar color ensemble is inherent in products made from chipboard and MDF.

Plastic headsets have a wider range of shades. Among them there are even acid colors and panels with unusual drawings. You can decorate the hallway furniture in red, yellow, orange tones or even using photo printing technology to create an exclusive furniture design.

Well-known manufacturers and reviews

To ensure that the furniture in the hallway is not only beautiful, but also of high quality, you should turn to those brands that have already gained trust among customers. Such companies include the following:

  • Lerom company specializes in production modular sets. Among the assortment you can find sets of any size, both for small and large corridors.
  • To choose a hallway with a symmetrical design, you should contact Hettich, which creates cabinets with different locations shelves and compartments.
  • "Mebelef" is a popular Russian brand that produces cabinets of various geometric shapes for the hallway. In addition to the original shape, you can choose furniture wide range colors, including acid shades.

How to arrange it?

An important stage is the placement of furniture in the hallway. Sometimes how you decide to furnish a room determines its entire appearance. In the hallway, the predominance of arches instead of doors can create more space for placing furniture. A cabinet or set is usually placed along the wall. On the sides of the arches you can see accessories and houseplants. If several arched vaults pass through a narrow corridor, then between them there are often small-thick hanging shelves, on which accessories are also placed.

In a square hallway, a closet can take up an entire corner. Usually, additional shelves and bedside tables are not installed in such hallways. If the wardrobe does not play a leading role in the arrangement of the hallway, then a couch is placed as an additional piece of furniture against the wall.

Small bedside tables or ottomans can also be placed along the stairs or fit into the groove that is formed between the stairs and the wall. If space allows, a chair or even a small armchair can be placed in one of the corners of the front room.


The mirror is usually placed on one of the walls, unless it is built into the cabinet door or is not part of the set.


When furnishing corridors it is very important to remember a few design techniques, which will make the room even more beautiful and representative.

The design of the walls is very important. Classic version– cover the surface of the walls with wallpaper, which can be equipped with a print or even divided into two color zones. To add luxury to the atmosphere, use a design with decorative carriage tie, which looks especially harmonious in combination with the same texture of upholstered furniture.

For zoning large hallway arches and carved partitions are often used. Since corridors usually do not have windows, zoning is done using lighting on the ceiling and walls. Sometimes the closet is located in such a way that the front is divided into two zones.

To properly decorate the space in an elongated hallway, which is usually found in three-room apartments, they use a special print on the walls. Most often, their surface is painted in light colors and provided with a pattern to create a visual effect of expansion. These prints include horizontal stripes, small abstractions, vertical details painted on the bottom of the walls and geometric shapes.

Sometimes light glossy panels are used to decorate cabinets and walls in narrow hallways, which reflect light and help visual expansion space.

Useful little things

Often narrow corridors are decorated with a carpet. With the help of an ornament on it you can visually expand the space and emphasize the originality of the chosen style. The path may not always have rectangular shape, some products are made in the form of a zigzag, sometimes the track is equipped with an unusual pattern that creates an optical effect.

Sculptures can be placed as accessories in the cottage. In some hallways there is an electrical panel that can be hidden by visually disguising the box. It is finished with panels with a surface similar to the color and texture of the furniture. You can hang a picture on the shield that will completely match its size and shape.

How to apply?

When decorating a corridor, do not forget about accessories. They play a very important role and emphasize the style of the room.

Paintings are among the most popular decorative items. At least one canvas should be located in the hallway, but the placement of paintings looks most successful different sizes, which are made in the same concept. If there is a large free section of the wall in the hallway, it is advisable to decorate it with a panel, which can be an elegant and unusual composition that plays an accent role.

If it is not possible to hang pictures, then you can simply and tastefully decorate the hallway with plants and figurines in the appropriate style. All of the above techniques will help make the look of the corridor complete.


When decorating a hall, the choice of interior style is very important. Since the corridor is a passage room, it should have its own individuality, but not contrast too much with design concepts in the other rooms.

Some styles have a number of characteristic features, distinguishing them from the rest:

  • Hallways Baroque style decorated using an abundance of light colors. Furniture often has carvings and a golden patina. Usually the interior is equipped with an expensive carpet to make the decor look truly rich. Paintings and stucco can be found not only on the walls, but also on the elegant light ceiling.

  • For high-tech style characterized by a laconic design with an abundance plastic furniture and geometric shapes. Clear lines are present not only in furniture, but also in accessories; abstract compositions are made using unusual patterns. Popular colors include gray, black, red, white and other solid shades.

Qi energy mainly enters the house through the front door. See how you and your guests feel from the entrance, porch, steps, door. Entering the entrance should be pleasant and comfortable, and not the other way around. If you're trying to get through it as quickly as possible, it's time to update the entrance to your house or entrance.

Good lighting is very important for entrance area: Light attracts energy. The path to the apartment should not be cluttered (often the common corridor with neighbors is used as a storage area for rubbish, out-of-season items and everything that does not fit in the apartment). This situation can mean obstacles in your life, so it is better to clear the space and get rid of unnecessary things.

Garbage chute on staircase also applies to objects that generate negative energy: make this area as invisible as possible, for example, paint it the same color as the walls. Also pay attention to the smell and use fragrances if necessary. The more inconspicuous the waste chute area is, the better negative influences will be neutralized.

The hallway is the place that people who come to the house see first. The first impression of the apartment begins to be created after the first step. Unfortunately, many corridors are small. For inexperienced people, designing a hallway in an apartment seems like an impossible task.

Functional purpose

Typically, the hallway is designed for storing things. People change from home clothes to street clothes. Depending on the weather, hats, umbrellas and other things are taken out of the wardrobe. Based on the number of items, a closet is selected and its size is determined.

Rules for creating an interior

Not everyone can arrange the interior design of a hallway. Main mistake V self-creation interior design is the presence of many things.

You should not litter the corridor with a lot of furniture and shelves; everything should be moderately compact so as not to create a feeling of clutter.

Unlike private houses, the corridors in apartments are small, and you want to make them visually larger. To increase space, light shades of walls, floors, and furniture are used.

Important factors are the presence of mirrors and well-made lighting.

Even from the smallest hallway it is possible to create a spacious room. Designers advise replacing the doors leading from the corridor to the rooms with arches.

Walls and floor

The main stage of creating a hallway interior begins with the floor and ends with the walls. Thanks to light colors, you can enlarge the room. Using dark shades, lighting should be increased.

All owners know that dirt from the street constantly accumulates in the hallway. The floor covering must be perfectly washable and resistant to moisture. Tiled flooring is ideal for the floor.

Using laminate flooring in the hallway gives it a special style. Laminate is not moisture resistant and you will definitely have to remove street dirt to avoid swelling of the laminate.


With good lighting, the corridor will seem more voluminous. Fluorescent lamps can reflect, so their use is not recommended in the hallway.

For example, a girl who will put on makeup in the hallway will see unnatural makeup colors before leaving, so it is recommended to use natural lighting.

Furniture selection

Many people do not like their clothes to be constantly visible. Buying a wardrobe is the best option. Sliding wardrobes are made individually for the client, taking into account the dimensions and wishes of the customer, therefore they are the best option.

You can place doors with mirrors on the closet, which will undoubtedly play a role in expanding the space. In the closet it is worth providing a separate shelf for shoes, dividing space for everyday clothes and those worn on special occasions.

For convenience, you can install a chair for taking off shoes, or put an ottoman. Near front door There must be a shelf for accessories (keys, scarves, hats).

How to make a corridor spacious

The hallway should be divided into 2 parts: the hall and the hallway. In part of the hallway you can limit yourself to a wardrobe. In the hall you can install a dressing table, ottoman, hanger and shelf for accessories.

You should not buy a lot of furniture, as this will create a feeling of discomfort. You can use drawings on the walls - this distracts from focusing on small size premises.

Use of colors

It is worth remembering that the hallway is the “calling card” of the owner of the house, and this “card” forms the first impression of the apartment as a whole. Main role color scheme plays a role in design.

It is best to think through the interior design in advance, focusing on previously created ones. You can always find them on the Internet or consult with specialists.

It happens that when you are in the corridor of an apartment you immediately feel emptiness or overcrowding of objects. Specially trained design professionals will always help you find the golden mean.

Pastel shades

Pastel colors go well with wardrobes, and they also combine with plants and various interior items.

For narrow corridor There may be paintings on the walls and other works of art. Paintings not only decorate the interior, but also indicate the tastes of the owner of the house.

In the corner of the room you can place a floor lamp or large vase, which will certainly add a sophisticated style.

Dark colors

But if the owners are firmly convinced that light shades are not suitable, then it is permissible to add a little dark. Usually made dark flooring so that the dirt is not too noticeable.

Using dark tiles There will be no problems with cleaning the floors. Designers recommend using dark options furniture and wallpaper from below, and in the upper part make light shades.

When choosing wallpaper, you can focus on the same patterns with different tones to create a smooth transition from dark to light.

Due to the use of dark shades, the room becomes less light, therefore it is necessary to increase the number of lamps. Do not forget that for convenience the switch should be placed at the exit.

Sliding wardrobes are installed in many corridors, but few people know what their advantages are.

Let's look at the advantages of a sliding wardrobe:

  1. The presence of many niches and shelves.
  2. Possibility of installing mirror doors.
  3. Hiding things that are not needed for review.

Thanks to the many shelves, all accessories, small items, as well as outerwear can fit in the closet. They also often have a separate place for shoes.

In cabinets you can hide switches, Wi-Fi routers and other electronics that you don’t want to leave in sight from view.

Mirrored doors will help increase your visual view of the room and adjust your outerwear before leaving.

Everyone wants their apartment to be different and stand out from others. It's always nice to hear people remember the remarkable things in your apartment.

The designers have compiled a list of memorable things that can be placed in the hallway:

  • usage decorative elements(painting walls in bright colors or installing original lamps);
  • installation of antique items (chair, chest of drawers, floor lamp);
  • an oval mirror installed opposite the front door;
  • patterns on the door;
  • photo wallpaper depicting a forest, desert, space;
  • original ringtone.

What you should pay attention to first

We are often in a hurry with the arrangement and completely forget about the most important things, noticing the inconvenience after the renovation. Usually, after a major renovation, such shortcomings seem trivial, so their solution is postponed until later.

And, as we know, what is put off until later will never be done, so we must initially take into account all possible factors of inconvenience so that they can be thought through in advance.

  1. It’s worth roughly calculating your own wardrobe and deciding whether to install a mezzanine and hooks.
  2. You may need to make hooks at a low level for children.
  3. You shouldn’t keep all your things; it’s probably time to get rid of some of them.
  4. Pay attention to lighting.
  5. Consider where the shoes will be stored.
  6. Make sure there is somewhere to sit in the hallway.
  7. It is quite reasonable to install a hanger for storing umbrellas.

When creating the design of their apartment, not everyone can turn to highly qualified specialists for various reasons.

But everyone can create their own unique design corridor, using other people's skills, learning from their mistakes and looking at the results.

Anyone can decorate their own home modern style, creating coziness and comfort in your home.

This room welcomes guests and sees them off. Therefore, everything must be perfect here. First impressions are important. And the hall has a key position in this. It won't look so great perfect design living room or kitchen, when this area will have many flaws. Therefore, during renovation, be sure to pay due attention to the design of the hallway.

It will be easier to decorate the space if the area allows you to divide the room into two parts - an entrance hall and a hall.

It's quite difficult to work here. It has certain features that must be taken into account when arranging it. They became the reason for the emergence of hallway design rules.

  • Use bright hues. Often this room has small dimensions. For this reason dark colors will be inappropriate here, but the opposite ones will make the room softer and more spacious.

    Finishing materials in the hallway should adjust the space: make dark space light, and narrow space - expand

  • Think over the system artificial lighting. This room is deprived of natural light, as there are no windows. This disadvantage has to be compensated for by lamps. Take care of areas that require detailed work.

    The level of illumination in the hallway should be no less than in neighboring rooms, regardless of the time of day

  • Don't forget about the furniture. Each room has its own functions. The one described is no exception. In order to fully perform the assigned functions, there must be appropriate furniture here. But remember: the main thing is not to overdo it. Find a middle ground and follow this principle.

    Furniture in the hallway should “meet” clothes

  • Combine beauty and functionality. Don't sacrifice one metric for another. Everything should be harmonious. Remember that this room is small and dark. Your task is to turn these indicators into advantages, guided by the rules of design.

    Before you create your own hallway design options, you need to work out the individual elements in detail.

    A contrasting solution will help to make the hallway stylish and aesthetic: the walls are in soothing colors, and the furniture or door is rich in color.

    Let's see which parts are best suited for a certain area, what to use for finishing and other subtleties.

    It is not advisable to keep extra ones in the hallway small items cluttering up space. Everything you need should be here

    Here are the main elements and the principles of their processing in brief. Let's look at them in more detail, and some other important details.

    Best Wall Finishes

    If you want to make high-quality and inexpensive renovations, give preference to wallpaper for decorating the walls in the hallway. On construction market you will find many modifications of the proposed material.

    Vinyl wallpapers withstand mechanical damage better than paper wallpapers

    The main thing is to choose the color and texture. A win-win option is beige. It will make the room homey, cozy and spacious. Regarding the texture - here the choice is only yours; you can take a closer look at both smooth and embossed types.

    Wallpaper for painting is characterized by a long service life with the possibility of completely changing the color scheme

    Decorative plaster. An excellent replacement for wallpaper. Pick up suitable look, does not contain toxic substances, and safely use it indoors. Here you can create any texture, as well as apply a design on top.

    Textured plaster is suitable for finishing a hallway according to all requirements: it is resistant to abrasion, easy to clean and allows you to create a variety of surfaces in style with other rooms

    Another popular finishing method is decorative brick or stone. It does not suit all styles, but it looks attractive and modern.

    The cost of the stone is quite high, but it is not at all necessary to cover the entire hallway. To revitalize the interior, it is enough to cover the areas of the walls that get dirty the most

    Remember that this type of decoration should be in harmony with the rest of the room. Therefore, when choosing it, think about the design of other details.

    What to put on the floor

    Since there is often a lot of dirt near the front door, especially in rainy weather, it is better to choose a dark color for flooring. Linoleum suits the color well natural wood or laminate.

    A laminate with a high degree of wear resistance is suitable for the hallway - class 31, 32 or 33

    You can often find tiled floors here. This is also an acceptable option. But there is one drawback: dust and dirt collect at the joints between the tiles; subsequently it is difficult to wash it out, and this spoils the appearance.

    Combined floor in the hallway

    Advice! Required element there should be a rug in the hallway.

    Ideally, there should be two rugs: outdoor and indoor.

    Don't forget the rug. He performs important function: traps particles of dirt and debris brought from the street. Choose a quality product that will fully perform the function. And remember that every time you clean it, you need to take it outside and clean it.

    How to make a ceiling

    There will be no difficulty here if you remember the main rule - simplicity. No matter low or high ceiling, its design should be simple. Complex decor weighs down the room, making it smaller and darker. IN in this case it is unacceptable.

    Given the required simplicity, we have many possible options registration Regarding the color scheme: choose neutral tones. White, beige, milky and delicate colors are best suited pastel shades. To create unobtrusive patterns, it is permissible to intersperse black, yellow, green, violet, blue, etc. The main thing is to follow the rules of harmonious combination.

    A simple one-level ceiling is optimal for a compact hallway

    So, the first option is wallpaper. Common, lightweight and cheap. Just like for walls, you will find many types of ceiling wallpaper. But remember that it is not advisable to cover the walls and ceiling with the same wallpaper. Choose similar or contrasting ones, but not the same ones.

    A ceiling made of MDF or PVC panels is inexpensive, but the design is not for everyone

    A stretch ceiling will make the interior ultra-modern, beautiful and fashionable. Thanks to the glossy surface, it will visually enlarge the room and give it more light. Here best choice There will be a white stretch ceiling.

    Another advantage stretch ceiling– fast and “clean” installation

    Selecting accessories

    Don't forget to include important accessories in your hallway design. What is required:

    • closet;
    • mirror;
    • housekeeper;

    Mirror surfaces will visually expand the walls

    It is best to purchase a hybrid cabinet model that accommodates all of the above elements. But you can select each detail separately.

    Closet. It is necessary for placing outerwear and shoes. You can place it on the wall and on a hanger, but it is better if the clothes are hidden from prying eyes, so you will get the most harmonious look. Most comfortable view- closet. It will not take up much space, but will accommodate all the necessary items for storing things.

    The closet should be as convenient and practical as possible

    To make it comfortable to put on your shoes, add a pouf or stool. It will become a design element and will perform an important function.

    The main purpose of the pouf is a convenient and comfortable seat, but it can also serve as a place to store shoes.

    The mirror can be made permanent or built into a closet. Both options are great. When choosing, proceed from the dimensions of the space.

    There are umbrella stands with a special lining that absorbs water flowing from the umbrellas

    You can add a separate key holder and umbrella stand. They will be appropriate in spacious apartments. Remember, don't overload extra furniture and accessories small space.

    Choosing modern styles

    To make the interior modern and harmonious, you need to choose the appropriate style. By following the rules of the chosen direction, you will not encounter any difficulties in choosing the method and color of finishing. Because combining general principles design of the hall and the laws of a particular style, you will receive a vector, following which it will be easy to navigate the situation.

    Minimalism is an excellent solution for the smallest room in the apartment

    So, the first style that is worth attention is minimalism. This is the scourge of our time. Today it is used everywhere. And for a hallway where there is little space and lack of light, it is ideal. Based on the name, we understand that it professes the principle of “nothing superfluous,” which is important for this room. The color scheme of minimalism is mainly limited to white and gray. These cool and light colors will help create a restrained and spacious interior.

    Simple geometric shapes and clear straight lines

    High-tech design allows you to use beige and others pastel shades. With its help you will be able to create a fresh, cozy and modern room. You won't find any extraneous things here either.

    A distinctive feature of the style is glossy surfaces, which themselves expand the space

    High-tech combines comfort and beauty as much as possible. It welcomes multifunctional headsets, light colors and contrasting combinations - in our case it is an excellent choice.

    Another common current trend is the loft.

    Loft is still popular and inexpensive

    It will also be appropriate in the situation being discussed. It is characterized by an urban orientation and adherence to the basic principle of minimalism. In this case, it would be appropriate to use it as wall decor. brickwork, which was mentioned earlier.


    Let's summarize the rules we derived:

    And, most importantly, combine functionality with beauty, and you will create a hallway design that can surprise guests and delight the owner.

    Video about common mistakes in hallway design