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» DIY vertical generators. Vertical wind generator for a summer residence. Main advantages of wind generators

DIY vertical generators. Vertical wind generator for a summer residence. Main advantages of wind generators

Generating electrical energy using wind is becoming one of the latest fashion trends. Household wind generator, which belongs to technical means alternative electric power industry, has gained its popularity well deservedly, since turning to it provides the owner with a number of advantages:

  • wind energy is an environmentally friendly means of generating electricity, no waste generation;
  • easy to use due to its high reliability and low operating costs;
  • can be installed independently with minimal skills in construction and electrical engineering;
  • its attractiveness will only increase over time due to the inevitable increase in tariffs of electricity supply companies.

Design and principle of operation

Any wind generator consists of several standard enlarged blocks. The unit necessarily contains a turbine, which rotates under the influence of the air flow, directly or most often through a step-up gearbox, transmits the generated torque to the shaft of the electric generator. The rotor rotates inside a stator based on neodymium magnets, resulting in the generation of electrical energy.

The design of a small power wind generator is shown in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Design of a homemade wind generator

Produced wind generator Electrical energy enters the intermediate storage device, the functions of which are usually taken over by the battery. The current supplied by the battery powers the inverter, from the output of which normal 220-volt alternating voltage of household frequency is removed.

The presence of a battery is mandatory, because it allows you to smooth out fluctuations in the power removed from the turbine. A role in this is played by the fact that a household wind generator operates stably at wind speeds of 6 m/s and above, while the average annual value of this parameter in most of Russia is approximately one and a half times lower.

The necessary switching, adjustments and other functions are implemented by the automation unit.

An appropriate level of operational reliability is achieved if the design has reserves for output power (usually 10 - 20%).

Types of wind turbines

The main difference between wind generators is the design of the air turbine, which can have a different design. Typically, the complete set of units according to the orientation of the turbine rotation shaft is divided into two main types: vertical and horizontal.


A distinctive feature and main advantage of a vertical wind generator unit is the absence of strict requirements for the height of its installation, which significantly simplifies the choice of installation location, the installation process, and subsequent maintenance of mechanically moving parts. The air turbine belongs to the low-speed variety of this technology and can be designed as

  • the simplest classical rotor with at least three vertically oriented blades (an example of such a device is shown in Figure 2);
  • double-row rotor, the presence of an internal row of adjustable blades provides it with increased efficiency)
  • Daria rotor;
  • Savonius rotor;
  • helicoid rotor.

The more complex shape of the last three types of turbines provides them with lower material consumption.

Figure 2. Rotary air turbine of a vertical wind generator

It is characterized by a minimum of moving parts; the efficiency of the installation depends little on the direction of the wind.


Wind generators with a horizontal turbine shaft are driven by a propeller. The propeller can be two-, three- or multi-bladed. The blades of some propellers are sometimes given a rather complex shape to slightly increase the efficiency of the installation. An example of such a unit is shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. Horizontal multi-blade wind generator

Due to the large diameter of the propeller, they are usually mounted on a steel tubular or lattice mast at a height of up to several tens of meters. Examples of such masts are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. The downside of increasing the installation height is a decrease in air flow turbulence due to weakening ground influence, i.e. increase in efficiency and generated power. Taking into account this feature, it is not recommended to use wind turbines of this design for cottage villages due to the strong shielding effect of neighboring buildings.

Figure 4. Truss mast for installing a horizontal wind generator
Rice. 5. Mounting unit for a tubular mast

To create torque balance, the generator is covered with a shaft fairing so that it acts as a counterweight to the propeller. The additionally elongated design of the housing facilitates its orientation “along the flow”.

Compared with vertical device allows you to release more power. The price for this is difficulty in choosing an installation location, complexity of installation, routine maintenance, as well as unpleasant acoustic noise during operation. Moreover, due to high altitude Designs of horizontal wind generators necessarily require lightning protection.

Small wind generators

Small or household wind generators usually include units with a power of no more than 5 kW. Units of various capacities and designs of domestic and imported production are available for retail sale, which allows you to choose required device without overpayment.

Typically, units are supplied in a minimum kit, which:

  • turns on the controller;
  • does not contain a buffer battery;
  • ensures assembly of the unit at the installation site, provided there are no local restrictions.

The installation project of horizontal type devices, due to their technical complexity, requires careful consideration; consultation with a specialist may be required.

The cost of low-power models starts from several tens of thousands of rubles and greatly depends on the power output.

Wind power automation

Modern electric wind turbines are equipped with a developed automation system, which:

  • significantly improves performance;
  • ensures equalization of output power;
  • makes operation safe.

A typical automation set includes:

  • wind wheel speed limiter at high wind speeds;
  • alignment of the wheel “with the flow” (important for horizontal wind turbines);
  • short circuit protection;
  • shutdown in case of equipment failures, hurricane winds, or exceeding the threshold vibration level.

Middle and high school models are sure to support remote control and diagnostics. Some of the units additionally control the direction and strength of the air flow to maximize the output power by selecting the appropriate installation angle of the entire device and turbine blades.

Braking system

The braking system prevents mechanical destruction of the unit when the wind speed is too high. The essence of this system is that the automation produces a closure electrical circuits magnetic system of the generator, which leads to the appearance of powerful braking force.

Additionally, the operating algorithm of the control system provides for a complete shutdown of the air turbine during hurricane-force winds. The stop threshold can be adjusted by the user; typical factory settings for this parameter assume the stop mode is activated at a speed of 80 km/h.


The domestic industry has established serial production of a wide range of household wind generators. Their parameters are shown in the table:

Model Manufacturer Type Power Note
VG 0.25 Vetro Svet, Russia G 250 W
VEU-3(4) SKB Iskra, Russia IN 3 kW 4-blade model
Series L Wind power, Russia IN 0.8 – 10 kW
RKraft Germany G 0.5 – 5 kW
Wind Generator M300 China IN 100 – 270 W 6-blade rotor with a diameter of 1 m, weight 11 kg, does not have a controller
Condor Home EDS Group, Russia G 500 W 3-blade fiberglass rotor

Maximum wind speed 25 m/s

Weight 56 ​​kg

Note: G – horizontal, V – vertical

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of wind power plants is their autonomy.

Main technical disadvantages Equipment of this type is dependent on the weather (in addition to wind strength, snow and rain also affect) and relatively low power, the average value of which does not exceed several hundred watts. They require the mandatory use of an intermediate buffer battery, which requires replacement after several years of service.

When compared with diesel generators, they are inferior in terms of operating time, but do not require the supply of fuel and the implementation of complex and expensive measures for fire safety its storage.

Which in mid-latitudes actually work for a maximum of five months, is noticeably superior in that they operate all year round.

At existing electricity tariffs, they do not provide a significant gain in terms of reduced costs, but they do not turn out to be unprofitable.

Wind power manufacturers great importance pay attention to their external design. So the presence of this unit is suburban area not only indicates the “technical advancement” of its owner, but can also become important element design and visual demonstration of concern for the environment.

The aesthetic parameters can be judged from Figure 6.

Rice. 6. Horizontal wind generator Condor Home, domestically produced


Wind power plants can be considered a full-fledged alternative source of electrical energy. Taking into account typical climatic conditions In most areas of our country, it makes sense to combine small wind generators into a single system with a solar battery and diesel generator. In this case, they may well become effective autonomous auxiliary generating electricity at the dacha or in a country house.

We make a wind power station with our own hands in our private home. Let's get acquainted with existing industrial analogues on the market and with the works of folk craftsmen.

Throughout its development, humanity has never ceased to look for cheap renewable energy sources that could solve many energy supply problems. One of these sources is wind energy, for converting it into electrical energy, wind power plants (WPPs), or, as they are more often called, wind power plants, have been developed.

Any person, especially those who have a private or Vacation home, I would like to have my own wind generator, providing inexpensive housing electrical energy. The obstacle to this is high price industrial designs of wind turbines and, accordingly, the payback period is too long for an individual home owner, making its purchase unprofitable. One way out could be to make a wind power plant with your own hands, which will not only reduce total costs for its acquisition, but also to distribute these costs over a certain period, since the work is carried out over quite a long time.

In order to make a wind power plant, it is necessary to determine whether weather use wind energy as a constant source of energy. After all, if wind is rare in your area, it is hardly worth starting the construction of a homemade wind power plant. If everything is fine with the wind, it is advisable to find out the general climatic characteristics and, in particular, wind speed, with its distribution over time. Knowing the wind speed will allow you to choose the right wind power plant design and make it yourself.


Do-it-yourself wind power plants are classified according to the location of the axis of rotation and are:

Installations with a horizontal axis are called propeller-type installations and are most widely used due to their high efficiency. The disadvantage of these installations is that they are more complex design, which complicates home-made manufacturing options, the need to use a mechanism for following the direction of the wind and the high dependence of the operation on wind speed - as a rule, these installations do not work at low speeds.

Installations with a vertical arrangement of the working shaft are simpler, unpretentious and little dependent on wind speed and direction - orthogonal with a Darrieus rotor and rotary with a Savonius rotor. Their disadvantage is their very low efficiency, about 15%.

The disadvantage of both types of homemade wind power plants is the low quality of the generated electricity, which requires expensive options to compensate for this quality - stabilizing devices, batteries, electrical converters. IN pure form electricity is only suitable for use in active household loads - incandescent lamps and simple heating devices. Electricity of this quality is not suitable for powering household appliances.

Structural elements

Structurally, regardless of the location of the axis, a home-made full-fledged wind power plant should consist of the following elements:

  • a device for orienting a wind turbine in the direction of the wind;
  • gearbox or multiplier for transmitting rotation from the wind engine to the generator;
  • DC generator;
  • Charger;
  • rechargeable battery for storing electricity;
  • inverter for converting direct current into alternating current.

Features of choosing a current source

One of the complex elements of a wind power plant is the generator. The most suitable for DIY production is a DC electric motor with an operating voltage of 60-100 volts. This option does not require modification and is capable of working with equipment for charging a car battery.

The use of an automotive voltage source is complicated by the fact that its rated rotational speed is about 1800-2500 rpm, and this rotational speed at direct connection no wind turbine design can provide. In this case, the installation must include a gearbox or multiplier of a suitable design to increase the rotation speed in required sizes. Most likely, this parameter will have to be selected experimentally.

A rebuilt induction motor using neodymium magnets may be a possible option, but this method requires complex calculations and turning work, which is often not acceptable for DIY work. There is an option with phase-to-phase connection of capacitors to the motor windings, the capacitance of which is calculated depending on its power.


Considering that the efficiency of a power plant with a horizontal axis has better efficiency indicators, and the uninterrupted supply of electricity is supposed to be ensured by storing energy in a battery, it is preferable to manufacture this type of wind turbine with your own hands, which we will consider in this article.

In order to make such a power plant with your own hands, you will need the following tool:

  • electric arc welding machine;
  • set of wrenches;
  • set of metal drills;
  • electric drill;
  • a hacksaw for metal or an angle grinder with a cutting disc;
  • bolts with a diameter of 6 mm with nuts for attaching the blades to the pulley and the aluminum sheet to the square pipe.

To make a wind power plant with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • plastic pipe 150 mm long 600 mm;
  • aluminum sheet measuring 300x300 mm and thickness 2.0 - 2.5 mm;
  • metal square pipe 80x40 mm and length 1.0 m;
  • pipe with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 300 mm;
  • pipe with a diameter of 32 mm and a length of 4000-6000 mm;
  • copper wire a length sufficient to connect the electric motor located on a 6 m long mast and the load that will be powered by this current source;
  • DC motor 500 rpm;
  • pulley for an engine with a diameter of 120-150 mm;
  • 12 volt battery;
  • car battery charging relay;
  • inverter 12/220 volts.

The DIY manufacturing process is carried out in the following order:

Further, during the operation of the installation, it may be necessary to change the size and configuration of the blades, the gear ratio between the wind engine and the generator - each wind generator made by yourself is individual due to the use of different components and wind generation conditions. Initially, it is recommended to manufacture a wind power plant of small power, at which the received information can be processed without investing a large amount of money.

It is difficult not to notice how the stability of electricity supplies to suburban facilities differs from the provision of urban buildings and enterprises with electricity. Admit that you, as the owner of a private home or cottage, have more than once encountered interruptions, associated inconveniences and damage to equipment.

Listed negative situations together with the consequences, they will no longer complicate the lives of lovers of natural spaces. Moreover, with minimal labor and financial costs. To do this, you just need to make a wind power generator, which we describe in detail in the article.

We have described in detail the options for manufacturing a system that is useful in the household and eliminates energy dependence. According to our advice, an inexperienced home craftsman can build a wind generator with his own hands. This practical device will help to significantly reduce your daily expenses.

Alternative energy sources are the dream of any summer resident or homeowner whose plot is located far from central networks. However, when we receive bills for electricity consumed in a city apartment and look at the increased tariffs, we realize that a wind generator created for domestic needs would not hurt us.

After reading this article, perhaps you will make your dream come true.

A wind generator is an excellent solution for providing a country property with electricity. Moreover, in some cases, installing it is the only possible solution.

In order not to waste money, effort and time, let's decide: are there any external circumstances that will create obstacles for us during the operation of the wind generator?

To provide electricity to a summer house or small cottage, it is enough, the power of which will not exceed 1 kW. Such devices in Russia are equated to household products. Their installation does not require certificates, permits or any additional approvals.

One of the most available options the use of renewable energy sources is the use of wind energy. To learn how to make calculations, assemble and install a windmill yourself, read this article.

Classification of wind generators

Installations are classified based on the following wind turbine criteria:

  • location of the axis of rotation;
  • number of blades;
  • element material;
  • propeller pitch.

Wind turbines, as a rule, have a design with a horizontal and vertical axis of rotation.

Version with a horizontal axis - a propeller design with one, two, three or more blades. This is the most common design of air power plants due to its high efficiency.

Version with a vertical axis - orthogonal and carousel designs using the example of Darrieus and Savonius rotors. The last two concepts should be clarified, since both have some significance in the design of wind generators.

Darrieus rotor is an orthogonal wind turbine design, where aerodynamic blades (two or more) are located symmetrically to each other at a certain distance and mounted on radial beams. A rather complex version of a wind turbine that requires careful aerodynamic design of the blades.

Savonius rotor - wind turbine designs carousel type, where two semi-cylindrical blades are located one against the other, forming the overall shape of a sinusoid. The efficiency of the structures is low (about 15%), but can be almost doubled if the blades are placed in the direction of the wave not horizontally, but vertically and a multi-tier design is used with the angular displacement of each pair of blades relative to the other pairs.

Advantages and disadvantages of wind turbines

The advantages of these devices are obvious, especially in relation to domestic operating conditions. Users of wind turbines actually have the opportunity to generate free electrical energy, not counting the small costs of construction and maintenance. However, the disadvantages of wind power plants are also obvious.

So in order to achieve efficient work installation, the conditions for stability of wind flows must be met. Man cannot create such conditions. This is purely the prerogative of nature. One more, but already technical defect, the low quality of the generated electricity is noted, as a result of which it is necessary to supplement the system with expensive electrical modules (multipliers, chargers, batteries, converters, stabilizers).

The advantages and disadvantages in terms of the features of each modification of wind turbines, perhaps, balance at zero. If horizontal-axial modifications are characterized by a high efficiency value, then for stable operation they require the use of wind flow direction controllers and devices for protection against hurricane winds. Vertical-axis modifications have low efficiency, but work stably without a mechanism for tracking wind direction. At the same time, such wind turbines are distinguished by a low noise level, eliminate the effect of “spreading” in conditions of strong winds, and are quite compact.

Homemade wind generators

Making a "windmill" with my own hands- the problem is completely solvable. Moreover, constructive and rational approach to the point will help to minimize inevitable financial expenses. First of all, it is worth sketching out the project, carrying out necessary calculations balancing and power. These actions will not only be the key to the successful construction of a wind power plant, but also the key to maintaining the integrity of all purchased equipment.

It is recommended to start by building a micro-windmill with a power of several tens of watts. In the future, the experience gained will help create a more powerful design. When creating a home wind generator, you should not focus on obtaining high-quality electricity (220 V, 50 Hz), since this option will require significant financial investments. It makes more sense to limit ourselves to the use of initially obtained electricity, which can be successfully used without conversion for other purposes, for example, to support heating and hot water supply systems built on electric heaters (TEH) - such devices do not require stable voltage and frequency. This makes it possible to create a simple circuit that operates directly from the generator.

Most likely, no one will argue that heating and hot water supply in the house are inferior in importance household appliances And lighting fixtures, to power which they often try to install home windmills. The construction of wind turbines is precisely for the purpose of providing the house with heat and hot water- This minimum costs and simplicity of design.

Generalized design of a home wind turbine

Structurally, the home project largely replicates industrial installation. True, household solutions are often based on vertical-axis wind turbines and are equipped with low-voltage DC generators. Composition of household wind turbine modules, subject to high-quality electricity (220 V, 50 Hz):

  • wind turbine;
  • wind orientation device;
  • animator;
  • DC generator (12 V, 24 V);
  • charge module batteries;
  • rechargeable batteries (lithium-ion, lithium-polymer, lead-acid);
  • DC voltage converter 12 V (24 V) to AC voltage 220 V.

Wind generator PIC 8-6/2.5

How it works? Just. The wind turns the wind turbine. The torque is transmitted through the multiplier to the shaft of the DC generator. The energy received at the output of the generator is accumulated in batteries through the charging module. From the battery terminals, a constant voltage of 12 V (24 V, 48 V) is supplied to the converter, where it is transformed into a voltage suitable for powering household electrical networks.

About generators for home windmills

Most domestic wind turbine designs are typically constructed using low-speed DC motors. This is the simplest generator option that does not require modernization. Optimally - electric motors with permanent magnets, designed for a supply voltage of about 60-100 volts. There is a practice of using car generators, but for this case the introduction of a multiplier is required, since car generators produce the required voltage only at high (1800-2500) speeds. One of possible options- reconstruction of an asynchronous AC motor, but also quite complex, requiring precise calculations, turning, installation of neodymium magnets in the rotor area. There is an option for a three-phase asynchronous motor with the connection of capacitors of the same capacity between the phases. Finally, there is the possibility of making a generator from scratch with your own hands. There are a lot of instructions on this matter.

Vertical-axis homemade “windmill”

A fairly efficient and, most importantly, inexpensive wind generator can be built on the basis of a Savonius rotor. Here, as an example, a micro-energy installation is considered, the power of which does not exceed 20 W. However, this device is quite sufficient, for example, to provide electrical energy to some household appliances operating on 12 volts.

Set of parts:

  1. Aluminum sheet 1.5-2 mm thick.
  2. Plastic pipe: diameter 125 mm, length 3000 mm.
  3. Aluminum pipe: diameter 32 mm, length 500 mm.
  4. DC motor (potential generator), 30-60V, 360-450 rpm, for example, electric motor model PIK8-6/2.5.
  5. Voltage controller.
  6. Battery.

Manufacturing of the Savonius rotor

Three “pancakes” with a diameter of 285 mm are cut out of an aluminum sheet. Holes are drilled in the center of each for a 32 mm aluminum pipe. It turns out something similar to CDs. From plastic pipe two pieces 150 mm long are cut and cut in half lengthwise. The result is four semicircular blades 125x150 mm. All three aluminum “CDs” are put on a 32 mm pipe and fixed at a distance of 320, 170, 20 mm from the top point strictly horizontally, forming two tiers. Blades are inserted between the disks, two per tier, and fixed strictly one against the other, forming a sinusoid. In this case, the blades of the upper tier are shifted relative to the blades of the lower tier at an angle of 90 degrees. The result is a four-blade Savonius rotor. To fasten elements, you can use rivets, self-tapping screws, corners, or other methods.

Connection to engine and installation on mast

The shaft of DC motors with the above parameters usually has a diameter of no more than 10-12 mm. In order to connect the motor shaft to the wind turbine pipe, a brass bushing having the required internal diameter is pressed into the lower part of the pipe. A hole is drilled through the wall of the pipe and the bushing, and a thread is cut to screw in the locking screw. Next, the wind turbine pipe is put on the generator shaft, after which the connection is rigidly fixed with a locking screw.

The remaining part of the plastic pipe (2800 mm) is the mast of the wind turbine. The generator assembly with the Savonius wheel is mounted at the top of the mast - it is simply inserted into the pipe until it stops. A metal disk cover mounted on the front end of the motor, having a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the mast, is used as a stop. Holes are drilled on the periphery of the cover for attaching guy wires. Since the diameter of the electric motor housing is smaller than the internal diameter of the pipe, spacers or stops are used to align the generator in the center. The cable from the generator is passed inside the pipe and exited through the window at the bottom. During installation, it is necessary to take into account the protection of the generator from moisture by using sealing gaskets. Again, for the purpose of protection from precipitation, an umbrella cap can be installed above the connection of the wind turbine pipe with the generator shaft.

The entire structure is installed in an open, well-ventilated area. A hole 0.5 meters deep is dug under the mast, the lower part of the pipe is lowered into the hole, the structure is leveled with guy wires, after which the hole is filled with concrete.

Voltage controller (simple charger)

A manufactured wind generator, as a rule, is not capable of producing 12 volts due to the low rotation speed. The maximum rotation speed of the wind turbine at a wind speed of 6-8 m/sec. reaches a value of 200-250 rpm. At the output it is possible to obtain a voltage of about 5-7 volts. To charge the battery, a voltage of 13.5-15 volts is required. The way out is to use a simple pulse voltage converter, assembled, for example, based on the LM2577ADJ voltage regulator. By supplying 5 volts of DC to the input of the converter, the output is 12-15 volts, which is quite enough to charge a car battery.

Ready-made voltage converter based on LM2577

This micro-wind generator can certainly be improved. Increase the turbine power, change the material and height of the mast, add a DC-to-AC converter, etc.

Horizontal-axis wind power plant

Set of parts:

  1. Plastic pipe with a diameter of 150 mm, aluminum sheet 1.5-2.5 mm thick, wooden block 80x40 1 m long, plumbing: flange - 3, angle - 2, tee - 1.
  2. DC electric motor (generator) 30-60 V, 300-470 rpm.
  3. Wheel-pulley for an engine with a diameter of 130-150 mm (aluminum, brass, textolite, etc.).
  4. Steel pipes with a diameter of 25 mm and 32 mm and a length of 35 mm and 3000 mm, respectively.
  5. Charging module for batteries.
  6. Batteries.
  7. Voltage converter 12 V - 120 V (220 V).

Manufacturing of a horizontal-axis “windmill”

A plastic pipe is needed to make wind turbine blades. A section of such a pipe, 600 mm long, is cut lengthwise into four identical segments. The windmill requires three blades, which are made from the resulting segments by cutting part of the material diagonally along the entire length, but not exactly from corner to corner, but from the lower corner to the upper corner, with a slight indentation from the latter. Processing the lower part of the segments is reduced to the formation of a fastening petal on each of the three segments. To do this, a square measuring approximately 50x50 mm is cut along one edge, and the remaining part serves as a fastening petal.

The wind turbine blades are secured to the wheel-pulley using bolted connections. The pulley is mounted directly on the shaft of a DC electric motor - generator. A simple wooden block with a cross-section of 80x40 mm and a length of 1 m is used as a wind turbine chassis. The generator is installed at one end wooden block. At the other end of the bar, a “tail” made of an aluminum sheet is mounted. At the bottom of the block, a 25 mm metal pipe is attached, intended to act as the shaft of the rotating mechanism. A three-meter 32 mm metal pipe is used as a mast. Top part The mast is the bushing of the rotating mechanism into which the wind turbine pipe is inserted. The mast support is made from a sheet of thick plywood. On this support, in the form of a disk with a diameter of 600 mm, a structure is assembled from plumbing parts, thanks to which the mast can be easily raised or lowered, or mounted or dismantled. Guys are used to secure the mast.

All wind turbine electronics are mounted in a separate module, the interface of which provides for connecting batteries and consumer loads. The module includes a battery charge controller and a voltage converter. Such devices can be assembled independently if you have the appropriate experience, or purchased on the market. There are many on sale different solutions, allowing you to obtain the desired output values ​​of voltages and currents.

Combined wind turbines

Combined wind turbines are a serious option for a home energy module. Actually, the combination involves combining a wind generator in a single system, solar battery, diesel or gasoline power plant. You can combine in every possible way, based on your capabilities and needs. Naturally, when there is a three-in-one option, this is the most effective and reliable solution.

Also, the combination of wind turbines involves the creation of wind power plants that include two different modifications at once. For example, when a Savonius rotor and a traditional three-blade machine work in one combination. The first turbine operates at low wind speeds, and the second only at nominal ones. This preserves the efficiency of the installation, eliminates unjustified energy losses, and in the case of asynchronous generators, compensates for reactive currents.

Combined systems are technically complex and expensive options for home practice.

Calculation of the power of a wind power plant

To calculate the power of a horizontal-axial wind generator, you can use the standard formula:

  • N = p S V3 / 2
  • N— installation power, W
  • p- air density (1.2 kg/m3)
  • S— blown area, m2
  • V— wind flow speed, m/sec

For example, the power of an installation with a maximum blade span of 1 meter at a wind speed of 7 m/sec will be:

  • N= 1.2 1 343 / 2 = 205.8 W

An approximate calculation of the power of a wind turbine created on the basis of a Savonius rotor can be calculated using the formula:

  • N = p R H V3
  • N— installation power, W
  • R— impeller radius, m
  • V— wind speed, m/sec

For example, for the design of a wind power plant with a Savonius rotor mentioned in the text, the power value at a wind speed of 7 m/sec. will be:

  • N= 1.2 · 0.142 · 0.3 · 343 = 17.5 W

Amounts to be paid for public utilities, are growing every year. This is especially true for electricity. But not everyone knows that you can literally get it out of thin air, or more precisely, with the help of the power of the wind.

Thanks to which this is possible, they are called wind generators. Purchasing such equipment will not be cheap. However, you can save money by making a vertical windmill with your own hands.

Unlike other methods of generating energy, wind turbines have many advantages, such as:

  • environmental friendliness
  • work without fuel
  • energy saving
  • easy maintenance
  • use of an inexhaustible source of energy

In addition, a good windmill will make the house an autonomous point for generating electricity.

There are practically no disadvantages to wind generators, however, they do have minor disadvantages:

  • high cost of installations (factory models)
  • noisiness
  • excess energy requires additional batteries
  • power variability

The last drawback is the most significant, however, it can be eliminated by adding batteries to the installation. In addition, the effect of wind generators depends entirely on the variability of weather conditions.

As you can see, a wind generator has more advantages, which indicates the profitability of its use.

Who benefits from it?

There are a lot of types of wind generators, and even more so, subtypes. Which device should be installed on which one depends on the following factors:

  • local wind speed
  • device purpose
  • estimated cost

Before directly installing a wind turbine, you need to think several times about whether the costs will pay off. First, you need to determine the wind speed and direction in the area intended for installation.

You can obtain this information in two ways: yourself or contact your local weather service. The first option will require a portable station, which can be rented or purchased.

The advantage of independent measurements is their accuracy; however, a full-fledged study will require at least one year. The data obtained from the weather service will have approximate values, but will not require the cost and time for additional calculations.

To install a wind turbine, the annual wind speed must be at least 4.5 m/s-5 m/s.

At values ​​of about 4-5 m/s, the energy generated by an average power generator will be equal to 250 kW-hours per month. This is enough to provide electricity to a house for 3-4 people with heating and hot water. A wind turbine can generate up to 3 thousand kW-hours per year. The cost of installing such a wind generator is approximately 180 thousand rubles.

Creation own installation is much cheaper. It is worth taking into account the constant increase in electricity tariffs. Thus, a wind generator can be a good alternative source of electricity.

Where to install

Choosing a place to install a wind turbine is one of the most important stages. The best option there will be a free high point. It is important that the wind generator is not located below the level of nearby buildings that will obstruct the wind flow.

Most suitable places for installation of wind generators: steppes, shores of reservoirs, deserts and hills. In such areas, strong and constant winds most often blow.

In apartment buildings or urban environments, you can place the generator on the roof. This procedure should be agreed upon with the relevant authorities. In order to make sure that the vibrations of the windmill will not harm the roof, it is worth studying its design.

To avoid annoying noise from the generator, it should be installed at a distance of 15-25 m from residential buildings.

One of the main parameters of a windmill is the location of the rotation mechanism (shaft) relative to the earth’s surface. Based on this feature, devices are divided into horizontal and vertical.

The first ones work on the principle of a windmill: the mechanism rotates in search of wind and the blades start to move from the slightest air currents.

This type of device generates a large amount of electricity, which will be plenty for a private home.

Wind turbines with a vertical axis of rotation will ideal solution to provide electricity small area or private production.

In addition, such a device has the following advantages:

  • regardless of wind direction
  • not affected by weather conditions
  • works even at low speeds
  • The blade area is 2 times larger than that of horizontal wind turbines

A vertical wind generator also has disadvantages: low efficiency and high level noise. But, these disadvantages are insignificant in comparison with the overall benefits of the device.

So, a horizontal windmill can be installed directly on the roof, but a vertical one should be kept at a distance.

How to turn wind into heat

Even a low-power windmill can provide heat for an entire house. One of the easiest to implement is a heating system with natural circulation.

By installing a vertical windmill with your own hands for heating, you can save a decent amount. In addition, when using a natural circulation system together with a wind generator, you do not need to spend money on a pump.

The heating circuit includes:

  • Boiler
  • Conductive straight pipe (to deliver heated water)
  • Radiators
  • Return pipe (for delivering cooled water back)

The boiler is installed below the level of the entire system. This is necessary to ensure a natural supply of water to it.

Using forward and return pipes, radiators are connected in series, respectively, to the upper and lower parts of the boiler. The water heated in it will be squeezed upward, falling one by one into the radiators.

This system will allow you to significantly save on heating your home. In addition, it will regulate the temperature in the room.

Wind generator components

To construct even the simplest vertical windmill with your own hands (220 V), you need to purchase the main components:

  • rotor - the moving part of the generator
  • blades
  • mast – can have a different design (tripod, pyramid)
  • stator - coils of copper wire are located on it
  • battery
  • inverter - converts direct current into alternating current
  • controller – designed to “brake” the generator when its power exceeds the set value

It is best to use sheet plastic to make blades. Other materials are subject to severe deformation and damage. How larger area intended part, the denser the plastic should be.

When choosing a material, it is important to make sure that it is high-quality PVC, otherwise you will have to spend money again on new components and make complex calculations.

Thus, to create your own windmill you will not need expensive or rare parts.

Vertical windmill vs horizontal

To understand which wind turbine design works more efficiently, it is worth taking a closer look at the features of each of them. The horizontal generator has the following advantages:

  • effective in any direction of air flow
  • takes up much less space compared to vertical
  • operates at high speeds even at low wind speeds
  • has a simple design
  • doesn't make noise

In addition, horizontal wind generators are made of lightweight materials and can even be installed on a lamppost. When placed along the road, such structures work even in calm weather.

The service life of both types of wind generators is approximately the same. Proper care and maintenance allow them to operate effectively for up to 25 years. In horizontal wind turbines, the main load falls on the hub and bearing assembly. Vertical products are tested more pressure on the blades.

The biggest difference between these types of wind turbines is their price. Horizontal ones cost owners of such structures much more.
It is better to use such a windmill in areas with increased turbulence and frequent changes in wind direction. Vertical ones are more suitable for terrain open type with a constant wind speed above 4.5 m/s.

Based on the comparison results, many summer residents choose a vertical type of wind generator.

Preparation of vertical windmill parts

The blades are made from various materials. The main condition is that they must be light.

Most simple option will be the production of blades from PVC pipe.

They are less susceptible to sun rays and are quite durable.

For a vertical windmill, 4 parts are created from PVC and 2 from tin. The latter are cut in the shape of semicircles and attached to both sides of the pipe.

The blades are attached to the frame in a circle. The radius of rotation of the blades will be 690 mm. The height of each blade is 700 mm.

When assembling the rotor, you will need the following parts:

  • 6 neodymium magnets and 2 ferrite
  • discs with a diameter of 230 mm (2 pieces)

Neodymium magnets should be placed on one disk, and do not forget to change their polarity, alternating during installation. An angle of 60 degrees must be maintained between them, with a diameter of 165 mm. Ferrite magnets should be attached to disk 2 in the same way. Then they need to be filled with glue.

In order to start making the stator, you need to wind 9 coils of 60 turns each. Typically, copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm is used for this. The coils are then soldered together as follows:

  • start 1 connects with end 4
  • 4 – from 7

The second phase is assembled in exactly the same way, only soldering occurs from the second coil, and accordingly, the third phase is soldered to coil 3. You need to make it from plywood special form. A piece of fiberglass is placed in it, and then the coils.

The final stage is filling the structure with glue. A day later, the stator is ready for work.

Now that all the parts of the generator are made, they just need to be connected:

  • Studs will subsequently be present in the upper one. For them you need to make holes (4 pieces). They are designed to smoothly “land” the rotor in place.
  • Holes are also made in the stator for the bracket.
  • The lower rotor rests on it (magnets up).
  • Then the stator is laid.
  • The second rotor is placed on top with the magnets facing down. The parts are fixed to each other using nuts.

The design of the vertical generator also requires detailed consideration. Its main disadvantages include low efficiency and large quantity details compared to horizontal. On the other hand, such a product can work effectively even in low winds.

A horizontal generator is more reliable because it can withstand strong gusts of wind. The noiselessness of this type of design is also one of its most important advantages. You can even install a horizontal windmill on the roof of a residential building.

Thus, assembling the main parts of the windmill is not very difficult.

Wind generator design

A wind generator consists of a wheel with blades attached to it, a gearbox (converts and transmits torque), a battery and an inverter.
The product structure is assembled as follows:

  • Preparation of a three-point reinforced foundation.
  • The mast is made from durable pipes(you can take water ones). It should carry the rotor higher than the attic.
  • Screwing the generator to the finished mast.
  • Attaching the frame with blades to the generator.
  • Attaching the mast to the foundation and additionally securing it using a brace.

The collection of the electrical network is also carried out in a certain sequence.

The windmill must produce three-phase alternating current, converted to DC using a bridge rectifier. To control the charge level, a standard automotive relay is used. An inverter is connected to the battery, which produces 220 VAC.

Thus, the following results are obtained from the operation of the finished windmill at different speed wind:

  • 5 m/s – 15W
  • 10.4 m/s – 45 W
  • 15.4 m/s – 75 W
  • 18 m/s – 163 W

There are several ways to increase the energy output of a generator. For example, if you increase the height of the mast to 26 meters, the average annual wind speed increases to 30%. At the same time, 1.5 times more electricity is generated. This is ensured by eliminating the influence of buildings and trees on the speed of air flows.

So, in order for a windmill to work efficiently, you need to calculate its design characteristics in advance.

Windmill care

The following procedures are carried out as regular maintenance of the structure:

  • Lubrication of moving parts (at least 2 times a year)
  • tightening bolts and electrical connections
  • checking mechanisms for rust and loose stretch marks
  • blade breakage control

The most common windmill damage is blade separation. In winter, a crust of ice appears on them. Frequent cleaning will extend the life of the structure.
Parts are painted as needed. Once a year you need to completely inspect the structure for damage.

A homemade windmill is very different in power values ​​from factory-made products. This is due to inaccurate calculations. A horizontal windmill with a theoretical power of 101 W will produce only 90, and a vertical windmill with 69 W will produce about 60.

In order not to be disappointed in low performance homemade design, it is worth manufacturing it with design parameters 2 times higher than necessary.

Thus, assembling a vertical wind turbine is a fairly simple option for providing a residential building with electricity. This is due to the ease of assembly of the structure, the low cost of the project and the high efficiency of the device. In addition, it requires minimal maintenance and produces electricity constantly. How to make a windmill yourself is shown in the video: