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» Seeing a yellow coat in a dream. Why do you dream of a black or red coat? Problems in the business field

Seeing a yellow coat in a dream. Why do you dream of a black or red coat? Problems in the business field

The coat evokes autumn thoughts, memories of yellowed leaves, a bright but no longer warming sun. We can say that a coat is a rather emotional sign that carries internal experiences. To understand why you dream about a coat, you should pay attention to the inner feeling that accompanied you in the dream and look into the dream book. The coat, according to many interpreters, is associated with the dreamer’s ability to make compromises.

The children's dream book considers a coat to be a symbol of the dreamer's dissatisfaction with human warmth and attention, the lack of which can develop in a person anger at the world, nervousness, and aggression. In the near future, you should devote time to your family and spend as much time with them as possible.

Scientist and psychologist Gustav Miller explains in his dream book why a coat is dreamed of: this may mean one’s own stubbornness and inability to find mutual language with loved ones. Asking for someone else's coat in a dream means failures and problems caused by a stranger. Perhaps even because of whose coat you borrowed.

Trying on or walking in a new coat in a dream means that victories and improvement on all fronts await you soon. Great luck will suddenly fall from the sky and illuminate all areas of the dreamer’s life with its radiance. However, if the coat belonged to another person, this portends a difficult situation, from which friends and relatives will help. Without outside help it won't work.

If you dreamed of a man wearing a coat, it means that you will soon find an influential patron or friend in a circle of high-ranking officials who will give reliable protection in a risky business planned for the future.

Why do you dream of a giant coat? To solve a difficult problem that you will have to cope with alone. It’s worth accumulating strength, resting and good location spirit to solve your problems.

A man in a huge coat - to great and sincere love, full of erotic pleasure.

Appearance of clothes

A white coat in a dream represents a successful search for a partner for life, according to the dream book. The coat in this interpretation is a symbol of great and sincere love. Often the object of adoration becomes someone who was previously perceived by the dreamer only as a good friend.

Coat of blue color speaks of the existence of ill-wishers who are trying in every possible way to ruin the dreamer’s life and tarnish his reputation. But don’t worry, all their attempts will not bring the expected result, but will drive the offenders crazy, which will have a bad effect on themselves.

A black coat is dreamed of as a great moral and possibly financial reward for the dreamer’s excellent personal qualities: the ability to listen, to provide help at the first call of loved ones. For these valuable qualities you will be generously gifted by fate. Dedication, modesty and hard work are your main strengths.

Why does a man dream of a black coat? To a great reward for services rendered.

The green coat, with its interpretation, should delight avid travelers or those who dream of radically changing their lives. Such a dream foreshadows pleasant changes that will be associated with a long-awaited and long train trip, a change of place of residence, and great prospects in another country.

A pink coat, according to the dream book, can be compared to rose-colored glasses. If you dream about it, it means it’s time to say goodbye to childish naivety and take responsibility for life into your own hands. Excessive daydreaming and the tendency to build castles in the air in the real world can lead to great painful disappointments. Of course, you don’t need to kill the child in yourself, but going too far in this matter will become unnecessary.

Why do men dream of a red coat? To the danger associated with deceivers, swindlers, scammers. For women, such a dream foreshadows a meeting with true love, and for those who are married - to the improvement and renewal of marital relations.

Yellow is the color of lies and deception, according to many beliefs, according to the dream book. A lady's dream about a coat of this color is a sign of evil gossip, slander and various events that are arranged in order to discredit the dreamer's name. Try to protect yourself from ambiguous situations. For men, a yellow coat is a warning against meeting a woman whose mind is only about profit and deception. You shouldn’t believe everything she says, much less get involved in dubious adventures.

New coat

The interpretation of a dream in which you happened to see a beautiful new coat depends on what exactly you did with it.

  • Wearing new clothes means that soon the dreamer will finally be able to complete all the important matters that have been delayed for a long time, and new prospects for growth in various fields of activity will open up before him.
  • Trying on a new coat means being the happy owner of a sharp mind and flexible thinking. You probably want to change your lifestyle, home or your image. Go for it! Now is the time the right time for long-awaited changes.

  • A coat with fur speaks of gaining high status and prosperity. Finally, your hard work will be rewarded.

Actions in a dream in relation to clothes

Admiring yourself in the mirror while trying on a coat indicates the need to agree to the help of an influential person, since it will not be possible to achieve your goal without him.

Buying a coat indicates that the dreamer is very popular and respected among people in his circle.

Losing a coat often indicates a lack of tact and flexibility in the dreamer. This may offend his friends and family.

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Outerwear in a dream is a reflection of a person’s character, or rather, his inner “core” and ability to withstand difficulties. Buy coats in night dream- This is a symbol of the desire to protect yourself, dream books suggest. But in order to understand why you dream about purchasing this thing, it is worth building a clear picture of what you dreamed about, and only after that check with interpreters.

Buy in store: From arrogance to community service

Why do you dream that you are buying a coat in a store? Think about what kind of store it was, dream books advise. So, for example, buying a new coat in a dream in a fashion boutique means that you want to achieve a high position in society.

And if you see that you bought a new coat in a cheap store, then this means your arrogance that you show towards people.

Why do you dream that you are buying a new coat at a fashion designer’s salon? Such a plot may mean involvement in a public cause, not through coercion, but through personal initiative.

Flea market as a symbol of rethinking

Non-standard behavior, thoughts that are not inherent in your character and temperament, are predicted by a dream in which you buy a coat at a flea market. The interpretation of the dream that the Lunar Dream Book offers for this plot should make you think and reconsider your vision of life and set priorities in a new way.

Rummaging around in a Second Hand store for a long time in a dream, choosing an unusual top toilet for yourself is a signal that you are bored with your usual pastime.

An abundance of shades and styles: From good luck to sadness

To decipher what the different styles and colors of outerwear you buy in a dream mean, you should ask the opinions of several different dream books.

So, for example, Gypsy dream book broadcasts the following: buying a black coat in a dream is a sign of unexpected events. If you dreamed that you bought a short black coat - expect nightly adventures. But to see a floor-length dress in a dream, and even with a fur collar, means sudden enrichment.

For those who cannot imagine their life without traveling, a dream with the “participation” of a green parka will be a joyful sign.

A chic cashmere coat in red shades predicts, in a dream, an acquaintance with a person who is quite capable of “breaking your heart.”

Size, or Are you in the right place?

Did you dream that you bought a coat that doesn’t suit you? You are very afraid of something (or someone). You should probably give up the responsibilities that you have assigned to yourself.

And if you see that you have purchased a short coat several sizes larger, then this is a symbol of inflated ambitions and impossible desires, dream books suggest.

clothing jacket

Dream Interpretation Coat Seeing a coat in a dream means torment due to your own stubbornness. Taking someone's coat for a while portends failure due to the mistakes of others. If in a dream you put on a new, beautiful coat or just look at it, exceptional luck awaits you in the fulfillment of all your desires. If in a dream you are wearing someone else's coat, this portends difficult situation, in which you turn to friends for support. A torn coat portends big troubles. A dream in which you lost your coat is also unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny. You will curse yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Coat Seeing a coat in a dream: a sign that you will suffer from the stubbornness of other people. Borrow a coat: a prediction that the mistakes of strangers will make you unhappy. If you dream that you are wearing a beautiful new coat, you will be extremely lucky in making your dreams come true. To dream that you are wearing someone else's coat means that you will turn to a friend with a request to ensure your safety. If you dream that you are wearing a torn coat, this foretells the loss of a close friend and the sad state of your business affairs. Seeing a new coat in a dream: a harbinger of literary success. Losing your coat in a dream means that you will have to reconsider your attitude towards life, since too many losses occurred due to your self-confidence in conducting commercial affairs. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Coat Coat: a period is coming when you will miss the warmth and attention from others. There may be manifestations of aggression, and therefore the need for protection. During this period, communication with loved ones and friends is necessary, especially heart-to-heart conversations. Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation Coat The dream in which you buy a coat is a sign of a good attitude towards you from a distant but spiritually close person. Sewing a coat in a studio means that in reality you have chosen the right path, which sooner or later will lead you to success in life. Trying on a coat in a dream foreshadows tears because of the unfair attitude towards you of a person to whom you were recently ready to give all the fervor of your soul. Letting someone wear your coat means that in reality you will hear the most flattering compliments and praise addressed to you from complete strangers. Wearing a coat from someone else’s shoulder means a lack of attention to you from those closest to you, which causes you mental anguish. A patched and patched coat foreshadows complicated circumstances from which you will emerge with honor, having received the support of true friends. Turning a coat portends exceptional luck in fulfilling your cherished desires. Lose your coat by leaving it in public place, is a sign that you will have to re-arrange your destiny. If in a dream your coat was stolen or robbers took it off, it means that in reality you will hear gossip about yourself coming from your friends or even your closest relatives. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Coat Coat: warmth and therefore love. A coat in a woman’s dreams: protection of a man (father, husband, etc.). In dreams of men, a man in a coat: a man who is well protected before a risky undertaking. Sheepskin coat, sheepskin coat: may have a meaning close to the symbolism of sheep and sheep. Fear of losing your coat: fear of losing your own faith. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Coat Coat: personifies the external representation of a person, his image. Could be a sign of protection from external influences or a means of concealing a secret. Wearing a coat indoors: keeping your secret. To wear someone else's coat: to have a decent appearance in case of financial difficulties. Tearing your coat in a dream: unfortunate circumstances. ABC of dream interpretation

Interpretation of the dream Coat Coat. Seeing a coat in a dream means that you will suffer from your stubbornness. Borrowing a coat from someone foretells that other people's mistakes will become the cause of your failures. If in a dream you are wearing or looking at a new beautiful coat, this dream foretells exceptional luck in the fulfillment of your desires. If you realize in a dream that you are wearing someone else’s coat, this foreshadows a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support. If your coat is torn, the dream promises you great sorrows. Unfavorable dream, in which you lost your coat: You will have to re-arrange your fate, and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters. Big dream book

Why do you dream about Coat? A new coat: respect at work, in the family old and dirty: poverty and humiliation; borrowing a coat from someone: portends that other people’s mistakes will become the reason for your failures. Dream book of the future

Dream Interpretation Coat We saw a coat in a dream - so as not to suffer from our own stubbornness. If you took someone’s coat to wear - the reason for your failures may be the mistakes of others. A beautiful, new coat seen in a dream portends good luck and fulfillment of desires. If in a dream you suddenly realize that you are wearing someone else’s coat, then in reality, in a difficult situation, turn to your friends for support. A torn, worn coat dreams of trouble. If you have lost your coat, you may be overly gullible and careless in financial matters. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Coat (jacket) Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Coat Seeing a coat in a dream means torment due to your own stubbornness. Borrowing a coat from someone: portends failure due to the mistakes of others. If in a dream you put on a new, beautiful coat or just look at it, exceptional luck awaits you in the fulfillment of all your desires. If in a dream you are wearing someone else's coat: this foreshadows a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support. A torn coat: portends big troubles. A dream in which you lost your coat is also unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny. You will curse yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Coat (jacket) It personifies the external representation of a person, his image. It can be a sign of protection from external influences or a means of disguising a secret. Wearing a coat indoors means keeping your secret. Wearing someone else's coat means having a decent appearance in case of financial difficulties. Tearing a coat in a dream means unfortunate circumstances. Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Coat We saw a coat in a dream: how not to suffer from our own stubbornness. If you took someone’s coat to wear: the reason for your failures may be the mistakes of others. A beautiful, new coat seen in a dream: portends good luck and the fulfillment of Desires. If in a dream you suddenly realize that you are wearing someone else’s coat: in reality, in a difficult situation, turn to your friends for support. A torn, worn coat: dreams of trouble. If you have lost your coat: you may show excessive gullibility and negligence in financial matters.

A coat in a dream represents a person’s character, his qualities and the ability to make compromises. To figure out why you are dreaming this dream, you should remember your dream in small details, analyze it taking into account the plot and your own emotions in the dream, and project what you saw onto real life and circumstances. After receiving a meaningful picture, you need to look for its meaning in the dream book.

IN Children's dream book, the interpretation of the dream - coat, reveals the need to receive warmth and attention from loved ones. Manifestations of anger and aggression are possible due to the need for protection and understanding of the sleeping person. This time, in reality, you need to spend with your dearest people.

Miller's dream book positions the coat as problems arising from one's own stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise. Borrowing outerwear in a dream means that the cause of the dreamer’s failures will be other people’s problems and mistakes. Wearing or trying on a new coat in a dream predicts a person’s success and luck in all areas of life. Wearing someone else's clothes means a difficult situation, in solving which you will need the help of friends.

A man in a coat symbolizes the dreamer’s good security before an important and risky undertaking, the presence of a patron or friend from a circle of high-ranking persons.

Seeing in a dream a coat that is too large for your height promises a collision with difficulties and obstacles that you will have to overcome on your own. Seeing a stranger in this outerwear is a sign of an upcoming love interest.

Color, length and condition of the coat

The appearance, condition and color of this item of clothing are very important in determining what such a dream means.

Why do you dream of a white coat? The dream book indicates acquaintance in real life with a person that will bring a sea of ​​positive emotions and joy. Perhaps the emergence of sincere and pure feelings for a person who has been nearby for a long time as a friend.

A blue coat predicts success in the dream book, despite the attempts of envious people to aggravate and influence the outcome of an important matter supervised by the sleeping person. The inability of enemies to influence the situation will embitter them, forcing them to make mistakes, thereby provoking themselves.

Worthy remuneration and well-being are caused by the dedication, hard work and courage of a person, this is what a black coat means in a dream. The dream book identifies a person as a peacemaker who, at the right moment, comes to the aid of relatives and friends. For men, this dream foretells a special reward for the provision of services.

For people who love adventure and travel, it will be useful to know what a green coat means in dreams. A similar picture indicates a quick change in the dreamer’s life associated with a change of place of residence, moving to another city, change of position or job. It is worth remembering that all changes will be mostly positive.

The dream book deciphers wearing a pink coat in a dream as getting into an unusual difficult situation due to one’s naivety and daydreaming. If outerwear old and shabby, which means it’s worth finally looking at the world with open eyes, don’t hide behind people’s backs and learn to make decisions on your own.

Seeing a red coat in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a threat to suffer at the hands of vile and hypocritical people. You should be wary of the proposals of those people who are opponents or rivals, because something bad is being planned against the dreamer. A woman’s red cape in a dream reflects a meeting with a person who will win and conquer the heart of the sleeper.

Dressed in a yellow coat, according to the dream book, means that ill-wishers will spread false and provocative rumors about a person, which can greatly damage one’s reputation and change one’s life in a negative direction. For men, such an image warns that there is no need to get involved in dubious adventures and give up love affairs.

To find out why you dream of a new coat, it is worth remembering your actions that were carried out in relation to this item of clothing. A new coat predicts the implementation of long-planned goals and the opportunity to complete a long-drawn-out task.

Trying on a new coat in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the likelihood of a new assignment, a change of job, or a desire to change your lifestyle. This image also characterizes the dreamer’s success, the ability to navigate correctly in difficult situations, the presence of a flexible mind and ingenuity.

Wearing a coat with fur in a dream means the dreamer’s rapid prosperity, financial success, material and financial well-being, which will allow him to occupy a high position in society.

An old coat, according to the dream book, means humiliation, poverty, and for businessmen - bankruptcy, a difficult financial situation. A dirty coat represents dubious affairs, and if you take part in them, it will be difficult to wash yourself off. A long coat, according to the dream book, symbolizes having secrets that you don’t want to tell anyone.

Manipulations with outerwear

Most dream books ambiguously interpret what dreams of buying a coat mean. If you have to buy a coat for yourself in a dream, spinning and looking at yourself in front of the mirror, it means that you should not reject the help and patronage of a distant person, because you will not be able to achieve success on your own.

Buying a coat in a dream means that those around you perceive the person very well, as well as the presence of a person of the opposite sex who is close in spirit to the sleeping person.

Putting on a coat and making sure that it is too small, according to the dream book, is interpreted as the occurrence of a series of unpleasant situations in real life; if the coat turns out to be too big, it means there is a major quarrel ahead and a showdown with a colleague.

If your coat was stolen in a dream, it means you should prepare for the fact that you will soon hear gossip and rumors spread by dear people and friends behind your back.

If a person in a dream happens to lose his coat, then the dream book advises to reconsider his image and attitude towards life, because due to his excessive self-confidence and tactlessness, a person may lose reliable comrades and sincere love.

I dreamed about Coat in a dream book, which means interpretation of dreams in a dream about Coat

Star dream book Dream Coat why do you dream?

Dream interpretation of dreams: You dreamed of a Coat, what is it for - a new dream means good luck. Old - to health problems, poverty. Capricorn.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Dreamed of a Coat.

Coat - patronage. The coat is new, clean - they will help you; old, dirty - vulnerability.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream of a Coat?

What does it mean to see in a dream You dreamed of a Coat, why is it - a manifestation of stubbornness. Putting on someone else's coat means correcting other people's mistakes. Trying on a beautiful coat means good luck. A coat that doesn’t fit your height means you’ll be afraid of responsibility. To lose is to get into trouble.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Coat mean in a dream:

What does a Coat mean in a dream - recognition in society awaits you.

Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell What does Coat mean:

You dreamed of a Coat, what is it for - you see a new fashionable coat on yourself - your most cherished wish will soon come true; A dream in which you see a long coat is especially favorable. You see a coat on you from someone else's shoulder - only with the help of friends will you be able to stand on your feet in a difficult situation. You see an old torn coat in a dream - only fortitude will help you survive the coming sorrows. It’s as if you asked someone for a coat for a while - you will pay for other people’s sins and mistakes. It’s as if you’ve lost your coat - the dream says that you allow yourself to be careless in financial matters and in paperwork; through this unforgivable negligence you will have losses.

Phoebe's Big Dream Book Interpretation of the dream Coat:

What does a Coat mean in a dream - to recognition in society, respect from others. Imagine an outerwear store. You see a lot of different coats there. Imagine looking at them and trying them on one by one, and then choosing the one you like best and buying it. It must be an expensive, beautiful, luxurious coat that suits you very well - perhaps the one you dream of.

Russian dream book What does Coat mean in a dream:

What does a new coat mean in a dream - respect in the family and at work; old and dirty - poverty and humiliation; borrow a coat - you risk “borrowing” other people’s mistakes.

Dream interpretation of trying on clothes

Why do you dream of trying on Clothes in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream where you try on clothes promises new impressions and invaluable experience. At the same time, an outfit that is suitable in style and size means that you will like the new type of activity. If the new clothes don’t suit you, this activity is unlikely to play an important role in your destiny.

In more in a broad sense Trying on clothes is a reflection of spiritual quests, the meaning of existence. Success in finding harmony depends only on yourself..

Did the clothes you tried on belong to anyone?

Dream about trying on new clothes

If you dream about trying it on new clothes, then you are not averse to risk. However, due to your caution and prudence, no major changes in life are expected.

Trying on someone else's clothes in a dream

Why do you dream about trying on someone else's clothes? Most likely, you are subject to the influence of others, trying to adopt the habits and lifestyle of someone around you.

Dream Interpretation Trying on, what you dream about Trying on in a dream

Universal dream book What does it mean if you dream of Trying On?

Interpretation of the dream book: Trying on can have both bad and good value depending on who is trying on what. The girl had a dream in which she tried on Nice dress old style - in reality she will experience a feeling of pride in her ancestors. In addition, her husband may become rich Old man. Trying on torn or dirty clothes can lead to trouble; perhaps your behavior will tarnish the reputation of the entire family.

Why do you dream about trying on silk clothes? In all likelihood, your business will soon go up, you will achieve what you wanted with all your heart, and satisfy your ambitions. You can rest assured that you will be successful in friendship and business. If you try on a wedding dress in a dream, in reality you can count on receiving an inheritance. If after trying on you still have negative feelings and you don’t like the outfit, in real life you will have to face the collapse of your hopes and disappointment.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of Trying on in a dream:

Trying on jewelry? Such a dream hints that soon you will forget about any responsibilities and worries, your life will be easy, calm and unburdensome. But still, one should not abuse the favor of fortune; sometimes it is useful to do something useful and productive. Dream Interpretation Trying on clothes from someone else's shoulder in your dreams indicates your desire to live someone else's life, to try on a different image.

Trying on a wedding dress means a huge inheritance, shoes means changes in life, but for better or worse they will need to look at the appearance of the accessory and your emotions. Why dream of Trying on an ordinary dress - in real life, a long separation from your soulmate is possible, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream about Trying on:

Solves the dream book: Trying on the clothes of a good friend or relative means that you will soon take on the responsibilities of this person. If you try on some form in a dream, in reality you will achieve what you want thanks to your responsibility and perseverance. Why do you dream about trying on clothes at a tailor? In reality, a romantic story awaits you.

In a dream, you should pay attention to the color of the outfit you are trying on. Blue says that it is better not to refuse the help of friends, bright hues they promise that good luck will settle in your life, green gives hope for prosperity, yellow promises improvement financial condition, red is like an alarm light, warning of impending danger and conflicts. Dream Interpretation Trying on something that causes concern, anxiety, says - you are surrounded by people who are hindering your development.

Trying on a new coat

Dream Interpretation Trying on a new coat dreamed of why you dream about trying on a new coat? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on a new coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - New coat

Honors and respect.

Some have lost business.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Imagine being served a beautifully tailored, high-quality coat, trimmed with fur.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Coat - For bad weather. The worse the coat, the worse the weather. Unusual coat - weather anomalies.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Breaking is a failure.

Trying on someone else's clothes

Dream Interpretation Trying on someone else's clothes dreamed of why you dream about trying on someone else’s clothes? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on someone else’s clothes in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clothes


Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Cleaning clothes is good luck.

Burning clothes means loss.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Trying on clothes in front of a mirror

Dream Interpretation Trying on clothes in front of a mirror dreamed of why you dream about trying on clothes in front of a mirror? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on clothes in front of a mirror in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Trying on rich clothes

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

New clothes in a dream are always associated with new plans and foretell good luck in business, new acquaintances, new relationships, a new period in life or a profitable business, if you like these things. Such a dream is especially favorable if you put on clothes and see yourself. If you dream that your lover is wearing the clothes that he wore before meeting you, then your relationship will soon come to naught, as his intentions will change.

Seeing or wearing rags or old clothes in a dream is a sign of need and deprivation. If you dream that you are wearing a lot of clothes, then expect trouble.

Seeing or buying children's clothes in a dream means that your hopes are in vain. Sometimes after such a dream one should expect family scandals or quarrels with a lover. Carefully sewn clothes in a dream foreshadow troubles and worries.

Seeing, trying on or putting on your old clothes in a dream means that you will live the same way as at the time when you wore these clothes. Unfashionable but good-quality clothes in a dream portend you modest prosperity and a calm, measured life.

If you dream that you are taking off old, worn, tattered clothes, or simply clothes that you don’t like, then good changes in life, success in business and in your personal life await you.

Staining a dress with oil in a dream is a sign of success in love.

Wearing someone else's clothes in a dream, especially if they don't suit you, means that troubles and disappointments await you. Such a dream also warns you that you have taken on the wrong business. For lovers, such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes and hints that they are not comfortable cutting down a tree. If you dream that you do not like your clothes in a dream, then you have rivals who would like to take your position in society. If your clothes are too big for you or you are wearing someone else’s, then you are doing something wrong. Borrowing someone else's clothes in a dream means that you cannot do without someone else's help. If in a dream someone asks you to lend him your clothes, and you refuse this person, then you should be wary of envious people or rivals. Such a dream also indicates that your rivals will be powerless in their attempts to harm you. If in a dream your clothes are too small, then you are doing empty work. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may soon find yourself in straitened circumstances if you do not learn to spend money wisely. Clothing that fits you poorly in a dream foretells disappointments and experiences associated with this. Wearing the clothes of loved ones or relatives in a dream means that you will receive an inheritance after their death (or after separation from these people).

A dream in which you saw that someone else’s high-quality or rich clothes suited you perfectly, then a business for which you did not have high hopes will come true and promises you the respect of others and profit. The same can be said about the long clothes that you dream about.

If you dream that you are poorly or poorly dressed, then your life will be joyless and monotonous, associated with worries about a piece of daily bread.

Admiring someone else's clothes in a dream warns you: beware of the jealousy of your spouse or lover.

Wearing wedding clothes in a dream means that illness or great sorrow awaits you. Wear in a dream wedding dress with pleasure - to joy and success in business. Often such a dream foreshadows new meetings and acquaintances.

Seeing a dirty dress or stained clothes on oneself in a dream is a sign of disgrace, humiliation and shame.

Clothes drenched in blood, seen in a dream, warns you that your enemies are not sitting idle.

To see a rich, expensive fabric (silk or velvet), a magnificent dress, embroidered, etc. in a dream means receiving good news, benefit and respect from others. The dream in which you put on a toga has the same meaning.

Having or seeing a lot of elegant clothes in a dream means that you live carefree and spend money without thinking. However, this will not last forever. The dream predicts that you will soon have to regret your extravagance.

Wearing a clean shirt in a dream means that you will be able to avoid trouble. If in a dream your shirt is white, then they are waiting for you good news about success in business. If you dream that you are sewing a shirt, then a loved one will appreciate your feelings for him if in the dream you can finish your work. But if you do not complete it in a dream, then your happiness with your loved one will not be complete. Losing your shirt in a dream means that failure and shame await you.

Wearing silk bloomers in a dream means making a profit. Wearing trousers in a dream indicates that you will try to get out of a difficult situation with honor. Buying trousers in a dream or seeing new ones is a sign of success in business. Taking off your pants in a dream is a sign of loss or loss.

Seeing or wearing a formal dress, tailcoat or tuxedo in a dream is a sign of imminent entry into a profitable marriage. Seeing a uniform in a dream means that a responsible job awaits you, thanks to which you will earn the respect of others and make a decent fortune. If you dream that you are putting on a priest’s robe, then the patronage of an important dignitary awaits you. The richer the robe, the richer your patron will be.

A dream in which you saw that your outfit is decorated with flowers means that your happiness is short-lived.

If you dream that you are walking through mud and your clothes are dirty, then beware of illness.

Putting on a woman's dress is a shame and loss for men; for a woman to be in men's clothing in a dream - a harbinger of imminent marriage.

Losing clothes or a piece of clothing in a dream is a sign that your hopes are in vain.

Seeing a cheap dress in a dream means vain hopes.

Being left without clothes in a dream means that shame and humiliation await you.

Seeing or wearing a vest means false news. For a woman to see herself luxuriously dressed (in a shiny, unusual dress or suit) is a sign of a serious illness.

A hole in clothes in a dream foreshadows illness or injury in the place where the hole will be.

Seeing patches on clothes is a sign that your well-being will be shaken.

Applying patches in a dream means that soon you will have to seriously reduce your expenses. Seeing patches on others is a sign of imminent need and trouble. A patch on new clothes is a harbinger that your bright hopes will not come true. Being ashamed of a patch or covering it up in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in a desperate situation and will try to hide it from others. Sewing a patch in a dream is a sign that you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your own stupidity and frivolity. Patches in a dream mean everything that is associated with hopes of improving one’s material well-being, which, as a rule, are not justified. Seeing or installing a lot of patches means lack of money. See interpretation: spots.

To be wrapped in rags and numerous clothes in a dream means that you will be entangled by bad and deceitful people. Such a dream calls for caution. Being wrapped in expensive fabric in a dream is a sign of honor and respect from others.

Seeing a caftan in a dream means a calm, well-ordered life in the house.

Breaking it, losing it or spoiling it is a harbinger of trouble that will destroy your life.

Leather clothing in a dream is a sign of prosperity and good luck. After a dream in which you saw yourself dressed in leather clothes, you can try your luck in risky ventures. It is believed that the business will work out.

Seeing a corset in a dream is a sign of revealing a secret. Sometimes such a dream predicts that the person you love is not indifferent to you, but hides his feelings.

Wearing a corset in a dream means suffering due to one’s own curiosity.

Trying on a corset in a dream means for a wedding.

Fastening (unfastening) a corset in a dream is an indication that you should show patience in an important matter, and not take out your anger on your neighbors in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels.

A men's suit in a dream is a symbol of unsuccessful money transactions.

Seeing a masquerade costume in a dream foreshadows an extraordinary turn in your business.

A children's fancy dress in your dream means that you will be lucky in places you never thought possible. See interpretation: masquerade.

Seeing cuffs on your dress in a dream is a sign of celebration, an official meeting. Seeing them starched and very white is a sign of honor or respect from others. Sometimes such a dream means the stability of your position or emphasizes the firmness of your position on some issue. If the cuffs on your dress are torn, dirty, frayed, then expect grief due to failures in business or love. Such a dream predicts that you will be dissatisfied with yourself, and your pride will be hurt by the dishonest and vile act of a partner or loved one. If you dream that there are no cuffs on the dress, although you know that they should be there, then something will not turn out the way you would like. See interpretation: cufflinks, jewelry, collar.

Seeing a coat in a dream is a sign of a change in position. The more expensive and beautiful it is, the better your business will go. Dropping, losing, getting dirty, seeing it torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of great troubles, difficulties, and humiliation.

If it turns out to be large, then disappointments and failures await you in a matter that is “too tough for you.” If you dream that someone took your coat, then difficulties await you in business and in your personal life.

A cloak in a dream is a symbol of your condition, what you have or will have by law. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may receive an inheritance. If you dream that you are putting on a raincoat to protect yourself from bad weather or something else, then you should remember that the enemy is watching you. A raincoat (raincoat) in a dream means that you need to take safety measures to protect your interests or health. A camouflage cloak in a dream foreshadows troubles in business and indicates the need to keep your eyes open, since the enemy is not asleep. A new cloak in a dream portends success and prosperity. Covering yourself with it in a dream means receiving advantageous offer. If you don’t like the cloak in a dream, then your affairs will not go well. See interpretation: gap.

A home or hospital robe in a dream portends ill health, worries and troubles. However, to dream of men's dressing gowns in which you can walk down the street (such as national, quilted, beautifully embroidered) is a sign that another person will soon join your family. If the robe has an exotic look, then the person will be of a different nationality. Seeing a lot of dress robes in a dream means that you will have many meetings with different people from other countries. Being undressed in a dream is a sign of loss and loss. Dressing in a dream in the presence of strangers means that you will find yourself in an awkward position. Being dressed sloppily or inappropriately in a dream is a sign that you will be taken by surprise. Sometimes such a dream predicts unexpected meeting. See interpretation: naked.

Seeing yourself in a dream underwear- a sign of shame and dishonor. If you dream that you see yourself in pajamas or a nightgown, then you should take care of your health. Such a dream portends illness. Seeing others in a dream in the clothes they usually sleep in is a harbinger that someone in your family will need your help. The dream warns you about the need to help people who find themselves in a difficult situation and ask you for help.

Trouble, worries and grief are foreshadowed by a dream in which you or someone will take off your underwear.

Seeing your underwear on your lover in a dream means that failures, monetary losses, shame and humiliation await you. To dream that your lover's underwear is damaged - torn, cut, burned, etc. - is a sign of great financial losses and worries. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your debtor will not return your money or that your creditor will ruin you. And sometimes both together. If you dream that some important person appears in your presence undressed or naked, then this is a sign of anxiety about a loved one.


(See interpretation: veil).

Wearing a sundress in a dream is a sign of wasting time or empty worries about some business.

Seeing insects on your clothes is a sign of trouble, anxiety and dishonor. Shaking them off your clothes in a dream is a sign of liberation from worries and the useless machinations of slanderers seeking to discredit you. See interpretation: insects.

Frills and ruffles on a dress in a dream mean that your behavior may cause disapproval from others. See interpretation: lace.

Long tails on clothes are a sign of respect from the people around you. Short tails on clothes predict the opposite. Frayed tails on clothes mean poverty or need. Cutting coattails in a dream means losses and disappointments. A clasp on a dress in a dream means affection. If it is broken, then the dream warns you that you will soon be disappointed in some person.

A dream in which you saw that your clothes are on fire, but remain intact, means: your friends will betray you and begin to spread bad rumors about you. This is an unhappy dream. He foretells you a lot of grief, undeserved insults, humiliation and insults.

Clothing made of linen or cotton in a dream is a sign of poverty, unless you wear it out of season. A dream about clothes made from cheap fabrics foreshadows failures and disappointments. See interpretation: fabrics.

In general, in a dream it is very important to be dressed according to the season, as this indicates that your business is going well and nothing threatens your well-being.

Seeing or examining the lining or back of clothing in a dream means that you do not trust your loved ones or partners. Sometimes such a dream tells you that you should be careful when making important decisions that may affect your future.

White clothes in a dream almost always predict bad changes, sadness, illness, and worries. Seeing a crowd dressed in white underwear in a dream means that you will soon experience a period of great setbacks associated with reforms in the country. A cheerful company in beautiful white clothes in a dream is a sign of success in business and in love.

Green clothes in a dream are a sign of hope or a trip to distant lands; red (crimson) - a sign of sadness or illness due to the death of a relative. However, most often such a dream means that success in business, respect from others and power await you. For lovers, wearing red outfits predicts that their situation will change for the better and everyone will respect and honor them. The crimson color of clothes in a dream foretells you victory over your enemies, success in business and the protection of a powerful patron.

Blue, lilac or purple clothes are a sign of good luck in love and respect from others.

If the dress is black, short or shiny, then such a dream predicts a quick death for the patient, and for the one on whom you see it, death from a serious illness in the prime of life. To be in black clothes in a dream means failure in love. Yellow in clothing means jealousy, gossip, love affairs.

White clothes on a loved one in a dream warns you of a serious illness of this person, which will cause you a lot of trouble and worry.

A white shirt in a dream means your hopes and pure thoughts. Sometimes such a dream predicts that some false accusation will be dropped against you.

Colorful and bright clothes in a dream foreshadow an abundance of opportunities. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows quarrels and misunderstandings. Clothes of floral, delicate colors in a dream indicate that a tender affection will arise between you and some person. This dream foreshadows pleasant meetings, conversations, and peace of mind. See interpretation: color, buttons.

A long train on a dress is a sign that there are a lot of rumors about you that are unlikely to flatter you. The dream warns you that you should not talk too much about yourself and avoid rash actions and casual relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Shabby clothes that are about to tear - the wife looks away.

If you own the same clothes with some person, your wife has a lover.

If you hand someone official clothes, a uniform, you will have a purpose.

If you give a person some clothes, official matters will arise, there will be illness, illness, grief.

The wife puts on brocade clothes - foretells the birth of a noble offspring.

A woman puts on a man’s clothes - indicates the birth of a noble offspring

Soiled, dirty underwear portends an unhappy birth.

A noble person gives out clothes and hats to people - fortunately.

Cutting clothes, wearing mourning clothes - portends happiness.

A rat bites a person’s clothes - you will achieve what you were striving for.

Flies land on clothes - portends slander, slander.

Throw a raincoat over your shoulders and cover yourself with clothes from the weather - it will be a great mercy.

Cutting clothes with scissors portends misfortune with your wife.

Dressed in white clothes - someone is plotting something against you.

Gusts of wind tug at clothes - illness, illness.

Losing items of clothing foreshadows a difficult birth for the wife.

The belt on the clothes opens or unties on its own - good luck and happiness in all matters.

If you accept simple clothes made from hemp fabric from another person, it is unfortunate.

A commoner in white clothes comes to you as a messenger and calls you - portends death.

You fold and collect new clothes - there will be various adversities and failures.

If you wash dirty clothes, a new employee or official will arrive.

You wash, clean your clothes - in all cases, to happiness.

If you kill a person so that the blood stains his clothes, you will receive material profit, wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Seeing clothes in a dream is a dream-prediction. The success of your business depends on what the clothes were like in the dream: whole and clean, or dirty and torn.

Seeing excellent but unfashionable clothes foretells that you will be lucky, but will neglect valuable ideas.

If you refuse clothes that are out of fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new affairs, and make new love affairs. All this will completely change you.

Seeing yourself and others dressed in white means change, and almost always sad.

Walking with a person in white means illness and grief for him, unless this is a young woman or a child. In the latter case, you can expect pleasant events.

Seeing yourself and others portends quarrels, disappointments and unwanted travel companions. commercial activity will not meet your wishes.

Seeing yellow clothes portends interesting entertainment and financial success. If you see a silently moving ghost in yellow, unnatural lighting, then you should expect a change for the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream.

Seeing blue clothes in a dream means that your energy will help you achieve your desires. Friends will support you.

Seeing crimson clothes in a dream means that you will get rid of terrible enemies by changing your intentions in time.

Seeing green robes is a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness.

Seeing multi-colored robes portends drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad in the future.

Seeing ill-fitting clothes in a dream means the end of some of your affections. It is possible that you will make a mistake in some enterprise.

Seeing an old man or young man in well-tailored suits - means that you will undertake some unpleasant and troublesome business.

If a woman dreams that she does not like her clothes, the dream foretells that she will encounter unpleasant competition in achieving social success.

If she admires the clothes of others, the dream promises jealous suspicions of her friend.

Seeing the loss of some toilet detail in a dream means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love.

For a young woman to see herself in a black suit in a dream - the dream portends sadness and disappointment.

If she sees in a dream another woman in crimson clothes with a crepe mourning veil on her face, it means that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she did not consider equal to herself; bitter disappointment will embitter her against all women.

Interpreting a dream about clothes. You must pay attention to whether the objects you see are natural. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although the colors are bright, be careful, because failure to implement important plans will cause you harm.

Dirty and torn clothes always portend deception and warn about caution in dealing with strangers. Such a dream may also portend an action that could tarnish your reputation. But clean clothes mean prosperity.

If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise wrong actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough even the most necessary things.

For a young lady, this dream promises unfulfilled hopes.

Light, pleasant cotton clothing promises that circumstances will soon not be in your favor. Weaving cotton in a dream is a harbinger of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economic person, for married women, this is a promise of comfort in the home and harmony.

Seeing yourself undressed portends gossip around your name.

Seeing an important person undressed in a dream portends grief and pain for the people dear to you.

Seeing others undressed is a harbinger of joy stolen from you.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Buying clothes in a dream foretells a happy event in your life. Light clothes mean satisfaction and elation, dark clothes mean sadness in the soul and changes for the worse.

Children's clothing portends family troubles. Fashionable outfits - for interesting meetings and entertainment in the company of people you like; out of fashion - you will soon change your image by doing something else and making new connections.

A tailored shirt and perfectly fitting clothes mean that you will undertake something that will bring you a lot of trouble, but will give you deep moral satisfaction.

If clothes don’t fit and spoil your entire figure, in reality you will break with old connections and attachments without making new ones.

To envy a rival dressed in an elegant suit that suits her very well - in real life you will be tormented by jealousy and consumed by suspicion.

If you don’t like someone’s flashy or tasteless clothes, you will have to try very hard not to look at least worse than others in terms of your appearance at an upcoming celebration or when visiting some spectacular event.

A button that came off inappropriately or broke in the very interesting place the castle is foreshadowed by sad events and temporary unrest.

Repairing new clothes portends that your inescapable energy will help overcome unexpected obstacles.

Patching old clothes means you will experience hardships that will not last long. Putting on old clothes from someone else's shoulder foreshadows the loss of a lover, seduced by the beauty and tinsel of a fool stuffed with money.

Dirty clothes warn of possible deception when purchasing an expensive item at the market. Washing clothes in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself at a disadvantage, having revealed your plans ahead of time. Taking your clothes to the dry cleaner foretells unexpected income that will be used to pay off debts.

If in a dream you repaint your clothes, it means you will have a great time this coming weekend; if you change it, you will have to get busy with household chores and devote your free time to communicating with your family.

If you dream that your wardrobe has a wide selection of outfits, do not rely on support and do not believe other people’s promises, because they will certainly let you down.

To see an empty closet, having lost all your clothes, means beware of tarnishing your reputation by associating with persons of dubious behavior.

Taking off your clothes means that in reality you will achieve greater success by demonstrating feminine qualities that are especially valued by men. A dream where you put on a lot of different clothes or try them on one after another promises you strong marital happiness. Giving someone your clothes in a dream means losing property.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

whoever sees that he has put on green clothes, then for the one who is alive it is faith and service to the Almighty, and for the dead it is his good position near Allah Almighty, since green clothes are the clothes of the inhabitants of Paradise. White clothes represent the piety of the one who wore them in a dream. Some troubles, and maybe even death, will happen to those who wear black clothes in a dream, if they are not used to doing this in reality. As for the fact that if he is used to wearing it, then this means honor, power, wealth, greatness and dominance for him. And whoever sees that he is wearing a red robe, he will be given a lot of wealth, from which the allocation of Zakat will become obligatory, and therefore let him fear Allah and give Zakat. If a woman sees herself wearing red clothes, then this is her joy. For the rich, putting on new clothes is an improvement in his life, for the poor it is wealth, and for a debtor it is the payment of debts. And whoever sees that he is wearing old, worn clothes will be overcome by anxiety and sadness. Blue or light blue clothes also represent anxiety and sadness. And taking off dirty clothes in a dream means the disappearance of worries and anxieties. If a woman sees that she is dressed in men's clothing, then this is good, but if a man sees that he is dressed in women's clothing, then he is in great danger from his enemies. Military clothing refers to the husband. Clothing made of silk means acquiring wealth through illicit and precarious means. Woolen clothes in a dream indicate acquisition great wealth and luxurious worldly life. Yellow clothing signifies illness, care and sadness. Wearing short, unkempt and dirty clothes is a violation of Sharia law. Wearing clean, spacious and tidy clothes in a dream means well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

A dream about clothes is always a kind of prediction. It all depends on the color of the clothing, as well as on what it was like: clean and intact or dirty and torn.

Excellent but unfashionable clothes are a sign that you will be lucky, but will neglect valuable ideas.

If you saw yourself or someone else in white in a dream, expect changes, and not the best ones.

Yellow clothing foretells interesting entertainment and financial success.

The blue color indicates that your energy and the support of your friends will help you achieve your cherished desires.

The crimson color promises deliverance from terrible enemies.

Green robes are a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness. Multi-colored robes signify drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad.

If your clothes don't fit you well, you will have to give up some of your attachments. Perhaps you will make a mistake in some enterprise.

A woman who does not like her clothes in a dream will encounter unpleasant competition in achieving social success.

If she admires the clothes of others, then the jealous suspicions of her lover will fall on her.

A young woman who sees herself in a black suit in a dream will face sadness and disappointment.

Dirty and torn clothes always dream of deception and warn against communicating with strangers, as well as against actions that could tarnish your reputation.

But you dream of clean clothes for prosperity.

D. Loff wrote about these dreams: “Clothing is a reflection inner world and human personality. This is a mirror of your self-esteem. Therefore, before interpreting a dream about clothes, ask yourself whether your clothes cause admiration or ridicule.

Losing clothes shows your vulnerability. Don't believe me? Try undressing, say, in a department store - let's see how confident you feel about it. Of course, these can also be sexual or exhibitionist fantasies.

Giving clothes in a dream is an ambiguous matter. Who has not received clothes as a gift, which later became the talk of the town as a sign of bad taste? However, buying clothing that fits you well and makes you feel confident can lead to positive changes in your self-esteem.

Sometimes in a dream you buy things for special occasions or clothing attributed to magical properties. In this case, you are simply seeking understanding or protection.”

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Whoever sees that he has put on green clothes, then for the one who is alive it is faith and service to the Almighty, and for the dead it is his good position near the Almighty Allah, since green clothes are the clothes of the inhabitants of paradise.

White clothes represent the piety of the one who wears them in a dream.

Some troubles, and maybe even death, will happen to those who put on black clothes, if they are not used to doing this in reality.

If he is used to putting it on, then for him it is honor, power, wealth, greatness and dominance.

And whoever sees that he is wearing red clothes, he will be given wealth, from which it is necessary to allocate employment, and therefore let him fear Allah and give employment.

If a woman sees that she is wearing red clothes, then this is joy.

For the rich, putting on new clothes is an improvement in his life, for the poor it is wealth, and for a debtor it is the payment of debts.

And whoever sees that he has put on old, worn clothes will be overcome by anxiety and sadness.

Blue or light blue clothes also mean anxiety and sadness.

And taking off dirty clothes means the disappearance of worries and anxieties.

If a woman sees that she is dressed in men's clothing, then this is good, but if a man sees that he is dressed in women's clothing, then he is in great danger from his enemies.

Military clothing refers to the husband.

Clothing made of silk means acquiring wealth through illicit and precarious means.

Woolen clothing indicates the acquisition of great wealth and a luxurious worldly life.

Yellow clothing signifies illness, care and sadness.

Wearing short, unkempt and dirty clothes is a violation of Sharia law.

Wearing clean, spacious and neat clothes is a sign of well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Washing viscose clothes in a dream serves as a warning that your new frivolous hobbies can cause you big troubles in the future.

If you have greasy stains on your clothes, you are in for a profitable business.

For young people, such a dream can be a harbinger of a rich marriage.

Black clothing symbolizes illness.

White clothes are a good dream.

To see a lot of clothes means a lot of trouble ahead.

You saw a jacket in a dream - you might catch a cold.

Wearing a sheepskin coat in a dream means wealth, unexpectedly high income, longevity without decrepitude.

A jumper in a dream symbolizes the warmth of friendly relations.

Wearing a jumper means making a new friend.

Wearing a jumper means lasting friendship.

Taking off a jumper means a quarrel.

Dressing in a dream means you can find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Dressing sloppily or inappropriately in a dream means welcoming an unexpected guest.

In a dream, dressing in new outerwear means a new wife or mistress.

Cleaning clothes is good luck.

Sharing clothes with someone means your wife will cheat on you.

Lots of people wearing violet and purple clothes - to abuse.

A woman in men's clothing - for the birth of a son.

You see fur clothes - you will receive some property legally.

If you put on fur clothes, you will receive some property legally.

Brocade clothing on you is a harbinger of sadness and loss.

Burning clothes means loss.

If your clothes burn, it means loss of property.

A man in overalls - for a woman, she will be deceived about the true character of her lover.

A man in overalls - for a married woman - is a sign that she will remain in the dark for a long time about the reasons for the frequent absence of her husband, until an incident makes her think seriously.

A sundress for a woman - the desire to have fun can lead to problems in family life and mistrust on the part of the spouse.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Clothes in a dream is a dream-prediction.

It all depends on what the clothes are like: whole, dirty, clean, torn.

Excellent, but unfashionable clothes - good luck awaits you, but you may overlook some fresh, original idea.

If someone offers you clothes that are out of fashion, expect changes in your life.

Young girls' clothes white- pleasant events.

Yellow clothes are interesting entertainment.

Blue clothes are friendly support in your affairs.

Raspberry-colored clothes - you will recognize falsehood in a warm friendly relationship in time.

Green clothing is your hope for success.

Multi-colored clothes - an interweaving of good and bad.

If a girl sees herself in a black toilet - sadness, disappointment.

Dirty and torn clothes are a warning about possible deception and the need to behave more carefully with strangers.

This dream is the second episode of the previous one. The main conclusion: take care of yourself, please!

why try on a new coat in a dream?


Rita Vladimirskaja

Do you want to change something in secret from everyone?


to a new acquaintance

Tatyana Smirnova

Actually, this is a very good dream and will bring you good luck, success in business, the main thing is to achieve your goal, hope and not lose heart.


for some kind of acquisition...

Trying on a winter coat

Dream Interpretation Trying on a winter coat dreamed of why you dream about trying on a winter coat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on a winter coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wearing a winter coat

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Dream Interpretation - Coat

The dream in which you buy a coat is a sign of a good attitude towards you from a distant but spiritually close person. Sewing a coat in a studio means that in reality you have chosen the right path, which sooner or later will lead you to success in life. Trying on a coat in a dream foreshadows tears because of the unfair attitude towards you of a person to whom you were recently ready to give all the fervor of your soul.

Letting someone wear your coat means that in reality you will hear the most flattering compliments and praise addressed to you from complete strangers.

Wearing a coat from someone else’s shoulder means a lack of attention to you from those closest to you, which causes you mental anguish.

A patched and patched coat foreshadows complicated circumstances from which you will emerge with honor, having received the support of true friends.

Turning a coat portends exceptional luck in fulfilling your cherished desires. Losing your coat by leaving it in a public place is a sign that you will have to rebuild your destiny.

If in a dream your coat was stolen or robbers took it off, it means that in reality you will hear gossip about yourself coming from your friends or even your closest relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Seeing a coat in a dream means that you will suffer from your stubbornness. Borrowing a coat from someone foretells that other people's mistakes will become the cause of your failures.

If in a dream you are wearing or looking at a new beautiful coat, this dream foretells exceptional luck in the fulfillment of your desires.

If you realize in a dream that you are wearing someone else’s coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to your friends for support. If your coat is torn, the dream promises you great sorrows.

An owl in which you lost your coat is unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny, and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

If you saw a coat in a dream, it means you won’t suffer from your own stubbornness.

If you took someone’s coat to wear - the reason for your failures may be the mistakes of others.

A beautiful, new coat seen in a dream portends good luck and fulfillment of desires.

If in a dream you suddenly realize that you are wearing someone else’s coat, then in reality, in a difficult situation, turn to your friends for support.

A torn, worn coat dreams of trouble.

If you have lost your coat, you may be overly gullible and careless in financial matters.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Seeing a coat in a dream means torment due to one’s own stubbornness. Taking someone's coat for a while portends failure due to the mistakes of others. If in a dream you put on a new, beautiful coat or just look at it, exceptional luck awaits you in the fulfillment of all your desires. If in a dream you are wearing someone else's coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Buying a new, high-quality, expensive coat means recognition in society awaits you. Wearing such a coat means you will enjoy all the blessings of life. If the coat is worn and in patches, you will have to be content with little.

Imagine being served a beautifully tailored, high-quality coat, trimmed with fur.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Coat - For bad weather. The worse the coat, the worse the weather. Unusual coat - weather anomalies.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Coat - For bad weather. The worse the coat, the worse the weather. Unusual coat - weather anomalies.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Put on a new coat - good sign, wishes will come true.

Wearing someone else's coat that doesn't fit means an unpleasant situation; putting on your own coat.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Put on a new coat - use it good chance/ get a new man.

Someone else’s that doesn’t interfere, you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

To see a small, black coat on a friend - he will leave you, but will regret it all his life.

Putting yours on means getting ready for the road.

Breaking is a failure.

Taking off your coat on the street is a disease.

Trying on clothes in a store

Dream Interpretation Trying on clothes in a store dreamed of why you dream about trying on clothes in a store? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on clothes in a store in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Store

Seeing empty store shelves in a dream means that in reality you will receive a message that is extremely important to you. If you dreamed of a completely empty store without a single buyer, it means that your offer will be rejected.

A store packed with people standing in endless lines is a sign of a trip ahead.

If the store has a wide selection of goods, it means that success and prosperity in business await you. Finding yourself in a supermarket foretells that you will soon spend a lot. Seeing yourself in a small rural store means that your efforts to achieve a fair resolution of a controversial issue will be in vain, moreover, you will be accused of bias.

If you shop at a butcher shop, this means serious illness or bloodshed as a result of an accident or robbery.

The dairy store predicts that you will get down to business with renewed energy, which will soon bring tangible results. A vegetable store means receiving income from several sources.

Seeing a grocery store in a dream means a joyful date with a long-absent loved one. A department store is a harbinger that your business will quickly take off thanks to significant support from stakeholders.

A haberdashery store in a dream indicates your indifference to male persons who do not have sufficient capital by your standards.

A hardware store portends that your chosen one will not rise to the occasion in dangerous situation and he will behave far from knightly when you are insulted in front of him.

The bookstore suggests that your love interests will take you so far that they will soon create insurmountable difficulties for you in your family life.

A store of electrical goods, household appliances and radio equipment is a harbinger of an established and organized family life, full of comfort and well-being.

Finding yourself in a furniture store in a dream foreshadows a rapid pace in the development of a profitable business and a corresponding increase in income. A crockery store promises confusion in business and loss of spirit, a linen and clothing store - you will meet resistance in the fundamentally important issue of improving your living conditions.

A shoe store seen in a dream speaks of the upcoming efforts to organize a business meeting on high level. Handing things over to a thrift store foreshadows complete uncertainty in your future fate and gloomy prospects.

Looking at the price tags on the shelves of a wine and vodka store means a decline in physical and spiritual strength. Paying a bill at a building materials store is a sign of wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Store

this is a symbolic reflection of your capabilities in the implementation of certain plans.

A store full of good, pleasant-looking goods: indicates that in the near future your business, in general, promises to be successful.

If you do not have enough money to buy the necessary things: this is a sign of temporary difficulties in business.

Empty or half-empty shelves, as well as low-quality goods in the store: they suggest that you are on the verge of a rather difficult period.

If at the same time there is chaos in the store premises: the dream suggests that the cause of your troubles may be negligence in your affairs and housekeeping.

Crush in a store: a sign of possible quarrels and disputes that can harm your well-being.

Queue: a sign that you will have to wait some more time for the situation to improve.

The nature of the goods sold is of additional importance.

Grocery store: means that your financial situation will worry you, but if the goods in the store look good, then in general you will not face serious difficulties.

Shop household chemicals: symbolizes problems in relationships with others or partners.

Good quality goods store household appliances with goods good quality: a sign of some improvement in your life.

A clothing store or perfume store in a dream: foretells a change in your life.

If the goods look nice.

Bookstore - opportunities, plans, relationships, new hobbies (depending on the contents of the shelves).

Choosing, leafing through books - choice life direction, a new activity.

Dream Interpretation - Store

Seeing it empty in a dream means that your proposals will be rejected.

If you dream that the store is full of customers, then there will be many greedy and envious people who will want to profit at your expense. A store full of goods means everyday squabbles and a lot of different troubles.

If you see a store full of various goods in a dream, look at the names of the goods. If you dream that you were surprised at the variety of goods in the store, then you will be successful. Such a dream also suggests that you will be able to earn money in the most different ways, and warns you that you are being lazy and not fully using your capabilities. Having your own store in a dream is a sign that you will have to work hard. If in a dream you lose your store or it burns down or falls apart, then business failures, losses, losses await you. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you may lose your source of livelihood. See interpretation: buy, sell.

Dream Interpretation - Store

A large store - an invitation to visit awaits you.

A tiny shop means business growth.

A department store seen in a dream symbolizes the state and political power.

Bookstore - your passion for literature takes up too much time and is detrimental to other activities.

You see a grocery store and are inside - to new acquisitions and updates, and this is also a favorable time for decisive, active actions.

Visiting a bookstore in a dream is a harbinger of literary inspiration.

Carefully choose your purchases in the store - you dream of making a small profit.

A brightly lit showcase means envy of one of your friends who will be very lucky.

An empty store dreams of poverty and disappointment.

Sex shop - for a romantic trip with your loved one.

Entering a sex shop means illness and lack of money.

Buying something in a sex shop is a harbinger that a harmonious relationship with your loved one will open up great prospects for you.

Dream Interpretation - Store

If you dream of a store full of goods, it means success and prosperity await you.

If the store turns out to be empty in a dream, it means that your efforts to achieve something will be unsuccessful and quarrels await you.

If you dream that your own store is lit - it means that you will get down to business with renewed energy, and in addition, something pleasant awaits you.

If in a dream you find yourself in a department store, this means that various sources of income can bring you a lot of pleasure.

If in a dream you buy goods in one of the department stores, it means. Your business will quickly go uphill, thanks to your energy and the support of your friends.

If you dream that you are buying dirty gray cotton gloves for some woman, it means your attitude towards the female sex will lead you to a dead end. If similar dream dreamed by a woman - this means that her chosen one will not have a very high opinion of her. Seeing yourself in a cool and clean grocery store is a harbinger of a well-established life full of comfort.

Dream Interpretation - Store

The store indicates that there is a large selection of options and life situations.

An empty store means disappointment, poverty.

A large store with goods means participation in some business.

A store engulfed in fire means losses, a hopeless situation.

Dream Interpretation - Trying on rich clothes

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

New clothes in a dream are always associated with new plans and foretell good luck in business, new acquaintances, new relationships, a new period in life or a profitable business, if you like these things. Such a dream is especially favorable if you put on clothes and see yourself. If you dream that your lover is wearing the clothes that he wore before meeting you, then your relationship will soon come to naught, as his intentions will change.

Seeing or wearing rags or old clothes in a dream is a sign of need and deprivation. If you dream that you are wearing a lot of clothes, then expect trouble.

Seeing or buying children's clothes in a dream means that your hopes are in vain. Sometimes after such a dream one should expect family scandals or quarrels with a lover. Carefully sewn clothes in a dream foreshadow troubles and worries.

Seeing, trying on or putting on your old clothes in a dream means that you will live the same way as at the time when you wore these clothes. Unfashionable but good-quality clothes in a dream portend you modest prosperity and a calm, measured life.

If you dream that you are taking off old, worn, tattered clothes, or simply clothes that you don’t like, then good changes in life, success in business and in your personal life await you.

Staining a dress with oil in a dream is a sign of success in love.

Wearing someone else's clothes in a dream, especially if they don't suit you, means that troubles and disappointments await you. Such a dream also warns you that you have taken on the wrong business. For lovers, such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes and hints that they are not comfortable cutting down a tree. If you dream that you do not like your clothes in a dream, then you have rivals who would like to take your position in society. If your clothes are too big for you or you are wearing someone else’s, then you are doing something wrong. Borrowing someone else's clothes in a dream means that you cannot do without someone else's help. If in a dream someone asks you to lend him your clothes, and you refuse this person, then you should be wary of envious people or rivals. Such a dream also indicates that your rivals will be powerless in their attempts to harm you. If in a dream your clothes are too small, then you are doing empty work. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may soon find yourself in straitened circumstances if you do not learn to spend money wisely. Clothing that fits you poorly in a dream foretells disappointments and experiences associated with this. Wearing the clothes of loved ones or relatives in a dream means that you will receive an inheritance after their death (or after separation from these people).

A dream in which you saw that someone else’s high-quality or rich clothes suited you perfectly, then a business for which you did not have high hopes will come true and promises you the respect of others and profit. The same can be said about the long clothes that you dream about.

If you dream that you are poorly or poorly dressed, then your life will be joyless and monotonous, associated with worries about a piece of daily bread.

Admiring someone else's clothes in a dream warns you: beware of the jealousy of your spouse or lover.

Wearing wedding clothes in a dream means that illness or great sorrow awaits you. Wearing a wedding dress with pleasure in a dream means joy and success in business. Often such a dream foreshadows new meetings and acquaintances.

Seeing a dirty dress or stained clothes on oneself in a dream is a sign of disgrace, humiliation and shame.

Clothes drenched in blood, seen in a dream, warns you that your enemies are not sitting idle.

To see a rich, expensive fabric (silk or velvet), a magnificent dress, embroidered, etc. in a dream means receiving good news, benefit and respect from others. The dream in which you put on a toga has the same meaning.

Having or seeing a lot of elegant clothes in a dream means that you live carefree and spend money without thinking. However, this will not last forever. The dream predicts that you will soon have to regret your extravagance.

Wearing a clean shirt in a dream means that you will be able to avoid trouble. If in a dream your shirt is white, then good news about success in business awaits you. If you dream that you are sewing a shirt, then a loved one will appreciate your feelings for him if in the dream you can finish your work. But if you do not complete it in a dream, then your happiness with your loved one will not be complete. Losing your shirt in a dream means that failure and shame await you.

Wearing silk bloomers in a dream means making a profit. Wearing trousers in a dream indicates that you will try to get out of a difficult situation with honor. Buying trousers in a dream or seeing new ones is a sign of success in business. Taking off your pants in a dream is a sign of loss or loss.

Seeing or wearing a formal dress, tailcoat or tuxedo in a dream is a sign of imminent entry into a profitable marriage. Seeing a uniform in a dream means that a responsible job awaits you, thanks to which you will earn the respect of others and make a decent fortune. If you dream that you are putting on a priest’s robe, then the patronage of an important dignitary awaits you. The richer the robe, the richer your patron will be.

A dream in which you saw that your outfit is decorated with flowers means that your happiness is short-lived.

If you dream that you are walking through mud and your clothes are dirty, then beware of illness.

Putting on a woman's dress is a shame and loss for men; for a woman to be in men's clothing in a dream - a harbinger of imminent marriage.

Losing clothes or a piece of clothing in a dream is a sign that your hopes are in vain.

Seeing a cheap dress in a dream means vain hopes.

Being left without clothes in a dream means that shame and humiliation await you.

Seeing or wearing a vest means false news. For a woman to see herself luxuriously dressed (in a shiny, unusual dress or suit) is a sign of a serious illness.

A hole in clothes in a dream foreshadows illness or injury in the place where the hole will be.

Seeing patches on clothes is a sign that your well-being will be shaken.

Applying patches in a dream means that soon you will have to seriously reduce your expenses. Seeing patches on others is a sign of imminent need and trouble. A patch on new clothes is a harbinger that your bright hopes will not come true. Being ashamed of a patch or covering it up in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in a desperate situation and will try to hide it from others. Sewing a patch in a dream is a sign that you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your own stupidity and frivolity. Patches in a dream mean everything that is associated with hopes of improving one’s material well-being, which, as a rule, are not justified. Seeing or installing a lot of patches means lack of money. See interpretation: spots.

To be wrapped in rags and numerous clothes in a dream means that you will be entangled by bad and deceitful people. Such a dream calls for caution. Being wrapped in expensive fabric in a dream is a sign of honor and respect from others.

Seeing a caftan in a dream means a calm, well-ordered life in the house.

Breaking it, losing it or spoiling it is a harbinger of trouble that will destroy your life.

Leather clothing in a dream is a sign of prosperity and good luck. After a dream in which you saw yourself dressed in leather clothes, you can try your luck in risky ventures. It is believed that the business will work out.

Seeing a corset in a dream is a sign of revealing a secret. Sometimes such a dream predicts that the person you love is not indifferent to you, but hides his feelings.

Wearing a corset in a dream means suffering due to one’s own curiosity.

Trying on a corset in a dream means for a wedding.

Fastening (unfastening) a corset in a dream is an indication that you should show patience in an important matter, and not take out your anger on your neighbors in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels.

A men's suit in a dream is a symbol of unsuccessful money transactions.

Seeing a masquerade costume in a dream foreshadows an extraordinary turn in your business.

A children's fancy dress in your dream means that you will be lucky in places you never thought possible. See interpretation: masquerade.

Seeing cuffs on your dress in a dream is a sign of celebration, an official meeting. Seeing them starched and very white is a sign of honor or respect from others. Sometimes such a dream means the stability of your position or emphasizes the firmness of your position on some issue. If the cuffs on your dress are torn, dirty, frayed, then expect grief due to failures in business or love. Such a dream predicts that you will be dissatisfied with yourself, and your pride will be hurt by the dishonest and vile act of a partner or loved one. If you dream that there are no cuffs on the dress, although you know that they should be there, then something will not turn out the way you would like. See interpretation: cufflinks, jewelry, collar.

Seeing a coat in a dream is a sign of a change in position. The more expensive and beautiful it is, the better your business will go. Dropping, losing, getting dirty, seeing it torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of great troubles, difficulties, and humiliation.

If it turns out to be large, then disappointments and failures await you in a matter that is “too tough for you.” If you dream that someone took your coat, then difficulties await you in business and in your personal life.

A cloak in a dream is a symbol of your condition, what you have or will have by law. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may receive an inheritance. If you dream that you are putting on a raincoat to protect yourself from bad weather or something else, then you should remember that the enemy is watching you. A raincoat (raincoat) in a dream means that you need to take safety measures to protect your interests or health. A camouflage cloak in a dream foreshadows troubles in business and indicates the need to keep your eyes open, since the enemy is not asleep. A new cloak in a dream portends success and prosperity. Covering yourself with it in a dream means receiving a lucrative offer. If you don’t like the cloak in a dream, then your affairs will not go well. See interpretation: gap.

A home or hospital robe in a dream portends ill health, worries and troubles. However, to dream of men's dressing gowns in which you can walk down the street (such as national, quilted, beautifully embroidered) is a sign that another person will soon join your family. If the robe has an exotic look, then the person will be of a different nationality. Seeing a lot of dress robes in a dream means that you will have many meetings with different people from other countries. Being undressed in a dream is a sign of loss and loss. Dressing in a dream in the presence of strangers means that you will find yourself in an awkward position. Being dressed sloppily or inappropriately in a dream is a sign that you will be taken by surprise. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected meeting. See interpretation: naked.

Seeing yourself in underwear in a dream is a sign of shame and dishonor. If you dream that you see yourself in pajamas or a nightgown, then you should take care of your health. Such a dream portends illness. Seeing others in a dream in the clothes they usually sleep in is a harbinger that someone in your family will need your help. The dream warns you about the need to help people who find themselves in a difficult situation and ask you for help.

Trouble, worries and grief are foreshadowed by a dream in which you or someone will take off your underwear.

Seeing your underwear on your lover in a dream means that failures, monetary losses, shame and humiliation await you. To dream that your lover's underwear is damaged - torn, cut, burned, etc. - is a sign of great financial losses and worries. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your debtor will not return your money or that your creditor will ruin you. And sometimes both together. If you dream that some important person appears in your presence undressed or naked, then this is a sign of anxiety about a loved one.


(See interpretation: veil).

Wearing a sundress in a dream is a sign of wasting time or empty worries about some business.

Seeing insects on your clothes is a sign of trouble, anxiety and dishonor. Shaking them off your clothes in a dream is a sign of liberation from worries and the useless machinations of slanderers seeking to discredit you. See interpretation: insects.

Frills and ruffles on a dress in a dream mean that your behavior may cause disapproval from others. See interpretation: lace.

Long tails on clothes are a sign of respect from the people around you. Short tails on clothes predict the opposite. Frayed tails on clothes mean poverty or need. Cutting coattails in a dream means losses and disappointments. A clasp on a dress in a dream means affection. If it is broken, then the dream warns you that you will soon be disappointed in some person.

A dream in which you saw that your clothes are on fire, but remain intact, means: your friends will betray you and begin to spread bad rumors about you. This is an unhappy dream. He foretells you a lot of grief, undeserved insults, humiliation and insults.

Clothing made of linen or cotton in a dream is a sign of poverty, unless you wear it out of season. A dream about clothes made from cheap fabrics foreshadows failures and disappointments. See interpretation: fabrics.

In general, in a dream it is very important to be dressed according to the season, as this indicates that your business is going well and nothing threatens your well-being.

Seeing or examining the lining or back of clothing in a dream means that you do not trust your loved ones or partners. Sometimes such a dream tells you that you should be careful when making important decisions that may affect your future.

White clothes in a dream almost always predict bad changes, sadness, illness, and worries. Seeing a crowd dressed in white underwear in a dream means that you will soon experience a period of great setbacks associated with reforms in the country. A cheerful company in beautiful white clothes in a dream is a sign of success in business and in love.

Green clothes in a dream are a sign of hope or a trip to distant lands; red (crimson) - a sign of sadness or illness due to the death of a relative. However, most often such a dream means that success in business, respect from others and power await you. For lovers, wearing red outfits predicts that their situation will change for the better and everyone will respect and honor them. The crimson color of clothes in a dream foretells you victory over your enemies, success in business and the protection of a powerful patron.

Blue, lilac or purple clothes are a sign of good luck in love and respect from others.

If the dress is black, short or shiny, then such a dream predicts a quick death for the patient, and for the one on whom you see it, death from a serious illness in the prime of life. To be in black clothes in a dream means failure in love. Yellow color in clothes means jealousy, gossip, love affairs.

White clothes on a loved one in a dream warns you of a serious illness of this person, which will cause you a lot of trouble and worry.

A white shirt in a dream means your hopes and pure thoughts. Sometimes such a dream predicts that some false accusation will be dropped against you.

Colorful and bright clothes in a dream foreshadow an abundance of opportunities. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows quarrels and misunderstandings. Clothes of floral, delicate colors in a dream indicate that a tender affection will arise between you and some person. This dream foreshadows pleasant meetings, conversations, and peace of mind. See interpretation: color, buttons.

A long train on a dress is a sign that there are a lot of rumors about you that are unlikely to flatter you. The dream warns you that you should not talk too much about yourself and avoid rash actions and casual relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Store

Seeing a store full of goods in a dream means success and prosperity; if you had such a dream from Friday to Saturday, it means that an unexpected journey awaits you in the near future.

A dream from Thursday to Friday or from Sunday to Monday, in which you buy any goods in a store, says that your business will go uphill thanks to your energy and the support of friends.

If from Wednesday to Thursday you dreamed that you went into a store and it was empty, quarrels await you, your efforts will not lead to the desired result.

Dream Interpretation - Store

A store full of goods dreams of success and prosperity.

An empty store means unsuccessful efforts and quarrels.

If you dreamed that your own store was on fire, you will have to get down to business with renewed energy. But something pleasant awaits you as a reward.

If you find yourself in a department store in a dream, many pleasures await you.

If you bought goods at a department store, your business will quickly go uphill thanks to your energy and the support of your friends.

If you see yourself in the grocery department, you have an established and comfortable life ahead of you.

If you dreamed of a soft and cozy coat, this is a sign that you lack attention and warmth. It is also a reflection of the need for protection and understanding. More detailed transcript will give popular dream books and specific interpretations.

Coat in a dream according to Miller

Mr. Miller is sure that in a dream the coat reflects his own stubbornness. If you happen to wear someone else’s thing, then the mistakes of others will bring a lot of difficulties. This also means that you will need the support of friends in a difficult situation.

Seeing a brand new, unusually beautiful coat means exceptional luck and the fulfillment of a cherished dream. A torn and old thing promises sorrow and a difficult period. The worst thing is to lose your coat in your sleep. This means that you literally have to start everything over again, because negligence and short-sightedness in financial matters will deprive you of the most necessary things.

Interpretation according to Medea's dream book

A coat in a dream is a reflection of a person’s image, external manifestations of character. In addition, the image can symbolize secrets or some kind of protection.

Did you dream that you walked in a fur coat in the summer or wore it indoors? Try to keep your secrets better. Wearing someone else's thing means that you are trying to maintain apparent success. Although in reality they are mired in debt. If you happen to tear your coat, then the circumstances will turn out to be worse.

Dr. Freud's opinion

Mr. Freud characterizes a coat in a dream as a male phallic symbol and a certain, often aggressive manner of behavior in sexual life.

Did you happen to buy a new coat? In real life, you are thinking about changing your partner. Did you dream of a whole wardrobe with outerwear? You probably have several novels at once or you just dream about it.

A torn and dirty product is a symbol of impotence or illness in the sexual sphere. Torn buttons are a sign of sadistic tendencies. If you happen to lose your coat, then you are ready to break off your current relationship.

I dreamed of a coat - according to the dream book from A to Z

It’s very good to buy a brand new coat in a dream. This is a sign that you have a soul mate. Sewing a product in an atelier means that you are on the right path, which will invariably lead to triumphant success.

Have you tried on a coat? You will cry because of someone you trust with all your heart. If you let a stranger wear your item, then in reality you will hear a lot of compliments and praise from strangers. Wearing someone else's coat yourself means that you are experiencing a lack of attention from loved ones and are very worried about this.

Did you dream of an old, shabby coat with holes? An extremely confusing situation is coming, in which outside help will be needed. Altering a product in a dream means good luck, the right path, fulfillment of what you want. Losing it in a public place means that you have to start organizing your own destiny. If the coat was stolen, then be afraid of gossip and gossip.

What does a coat mean according to the women's dream book?

Did you happen to see your coat? You will worry about your own stubbornness. If you take on someone else’s things, you will correct other people’s mistakes. It is also an omen of circumstances in which outside support will be needed.

Buying, trying on or wearing new clothes is a sign of exceptional luck. A torn caftan dreams of big troubles. If it's worse to lose your coat in a dream. Unseemly financial transactions will not bring money, and you will have to work hard to rebuild a prosperous life.

Why do you dream of a new or old coat?

New outerwear is a symbol of respect at work and at home. Seeing and wearing it is a sign of creative inspiration, the embodiment of desires, and good luck. If you like the new coat, then changes will happen in better side. If you don't like it, then everything will change for the worse.

Did you dream of an old coat, and also a dirty one? You will experience humiliation and poverty. Seeing old things means failures and losses. If you took to vilify old thing, then you will suffer from the mistakes of others. Wearing a tattered and worn jacket in a dream literally means that you are barely making ends meet.

Why do you dream of trying on a coat?

Have you tried on a coat in a dream? Beware of cunning friends or a real robbery. Trying on a product in a store means tears because of a loved one. Trying on a worn raincoat promises a difficult situation in which it is impossible to cope without someone else’s help.

If you happened to try on a coat in a store, and it turned out to be old, then failure will be brought by the misdeeds of others. Did the item come exactly at the right time? There will be luck. If it was small or large, then you will not be able to adapt to the circumstances.

What does it mean to buy a coat?

If in a dream you had to buy a thick drape coat, then in reality you will get into a hopeless incident and fail. Buying a new, unusually comfortable and cute down jacket promises the acquisition of a friend who is close in spirit and worldview.

Did you dream that you bought a fashionable and terribly expensive product? Earn respect through hard work. If you happen to buy a coat, then it’s time to change something in your appearance. This is also a sign that you need an assistant, successor or heir.

Why do you dream about wearing a coat?

Wearing another person's coat in a dream means a lack of care and attention, mental anguish and spiritual loneliness. Putting on your coat means that you will find peace only through your own efforts. If a girl of marriageable age dreamed that she was wearing a coat under which she was completely naked, then she would get married without a dowry.

Why do you dream of a coat with a collar?

It is important to interpret such an image if there is a clearly expressed detail in the dream. For example, if the collar is made of easily recognizable fur or has a memorable shape. A coat with a stand-up collar literally means endurance in difficult conditions. A turn-down collar conveys the importance of an event or person, a deep neckline reveals everything hidden and secret.

Did you dream of a product with a fox or beaver collar? Your financial situation will improve. If you were given a thing with an expensive fur collar, then marry the real owner, wise and thrifty.

Trying on a coat with a fur collar for women means an internal mental conflict, for men it means for a dear friend who will pump in money. Wrapping yourself in a fur collar is a sign of a cold or upset.

Why do you dream of a coat with a hood?

The hood itself symbolizes a certain secrecy, a secret and the desire to preserve it. Putting on or wearing a coat with a hood means that you are completely satisfied with your current situation.

It is also a sign that you have something that you have to hide from others. If the hood on your coat only bothers you, then you should chat less and be frank.

Outerwear with a hood guarantees that in reality you will find a worthy assistant or a serious patron.

Why do you dream of a coat for women or men?

Unisex outerwear marks the receipt of news and valuable information that will help complete what you started. A woman's coat is dreamed of before the appearance of a rival or an irreconcilable competitor. Masculine calls for abandoning rash steps and thinking through every action.

Why do you dream of a black or red coat?

Red clothing warns of meanness and cruelty, but also promises passion and bright emotions. A bright scarlet coat calls to gather, as soon they will come hard times. A dark red robe promises a long and calm life.

If you dreamed of a black coat, then your efforts and basic qualities will soon be appreciated. A new black coat promises sadness, disappointment and frustration. For an unmarried lady, buying a black robe signifies a marriage of convenience.

Coat in a dream - other interpretations

Detailed transcripts will help you not only understand why you dream about a coat, but also make a true prediction for the future.

  • a dream for a woman is a symbol of male protection
  • for a man - justified risk, thoughtfulness
  • new - to a sudden interruption, an accidental miss
  • old - to a long-awaited acquisition
  • too small in size - to a difficult situation
  • big – to freedom, expression of opinion
  • too long - to fright
  • very short - to trouble
  • sits poorly - get rid of attachments, addictions
  • good - for luck, peace
  • like it - to a calm period, well-being
  • don’t like it - to a breakup, rivalry
  • drape coat - for a friendly meeting, party
  • woolen - to health, beginnings
  • silk - for a profitable business
  • crimplen - to memories
  • leather - to voluntary solitude, as well as endurance, cruelty
  • made of sheepskin - feel the warmth of home, do something stupid
  • blue - for fulfillment of desires
  • raspberry - to a change of intention, goal
  • burgundy - for deliverance
  • green - to hope, prosperity
  • yellow - for fun
  • orange - to financial success
  • purple – to luxury, chance, new opportunities
  • brown - to empty troubles
  • white - the need to exercise caution
  • motley - to unexpected changes
  • two-color - a combination of bad and good
  • break - to failure
  • alter - to incredible luck
  • patching new clothes - to gain energy
  • old, worn - to long trials
  • fear of losing - to the possibility of losing faith
  • leave somewhere - to independent income, difficult life
  • stolen - beware of gossip
  • selected - to difficulties that will have to be solved alone
  • to give voluntarily - to infatuation, seduction
  • give - to a good attitude, new love
  • walking in the house in a coat means a secret
  • wear on a naked body - do not show your emotions

In general, a coat in a dream warns of a sudden change in weather. Moreover, the more unsightly its appearance, the worse the weather will be. If you dreamed of an unusually strange thing, but you do not adhere to extreme views on fashion, then a real weather anomaly is coming.