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» The influence of the East on European gardens of the Middle Ages. Garden labyrinths of the Middle Ages. Arab gardens in Spain

The influence of the East on European gardens of the Middle Ages. Garden labyrinths of the Middle Ages. Arab gardens in Spain

The era of antiquity with its architecture, art, and sciences ended its existence at the end of the 4th century. A new time has come - the era of feudalism, or the Middle Ages (5th–15th centuries).

During the Middle Ages, the formation took place European countries, constant internecine wars, uprisings. It was at this time that Christianity was established. Slavery gave way to the feudal system.

The history of medieval architecture is divided into three periods:

1) early medieval (4th–9th centuries);

2) Romanesque (10th–12th centuries);

3) Gothic (late 12th–14th centuries).

Architecture, art, especially park construction, are very vulnerable and require a peaceful environment for their existence, therefore, in conditions of unrest in the world, especially in Europe, the development of landscape art is suspended. The size of gardens is sharply reduced, internal gardens appear within monasteries and at castles, where they like


then safety from destruction is guaranteed. It was the inner garden that became the only link between the city dweller and nature.

Decorative and fruit plants, as well as medicinal herbs, were grown in the inner garden. The trees grew in even rows and were mostly of local origin, with some exotic ones too.

The orchards were surrounded by deciduous trees (linden, ash, poplar) around the perimeter for protection.

The prototype of modern flower beds were regular beds with medicinal and ornamental plants: mallow, wormwood, sage, tea, poppy, Bogorodskaya grass, rue, etc. The formation of the beds was in the form of prisms. Their slopes were strengthened with turf, poles or wickerwork.

In the Middle Ages the following appeared main types gardening facilities :

- monastery gardens;

- castle gardens;

- university gardens;

First botanical gardens at academic centers.

IN monastery gardens often two cross-shaped intersecting paths divided them into four parts. In the center of the intersection, a cross was installed or a rose bush was planted in memory of the martyrdom of Christ. Gardens at monasteries had a utilitarian purpose. Aesthetic issues were usually relegated to the background.

The enclosed courtyard inside the monastery, where ornamental plants were grown, was called a cloister.

Castle gardens served for relaxation and meetings, were arranged with decorative elements and were small in size.

Small indoor garden areas have led to the emergence of a new technique - labyrinth a section of specially entangled garden paths, separated by trimmed greenery (Figure 4). He fit into some geometric shape, usually a square or hexagon.

The technique was borrowed from the builders of temples, who laid out a mosaic pattern on the floor, leading along complex paths, like labyrinthine paths, to the center of the hall. Crawling along such a pattern on their knees, pilgrims imagined that they were making a distant pilgrimage. Subsequently, this idea was transferred to the garden.

The late Middle Ages are characterized by the development of science and the opening of the first universities (in Paris, Oxford, etc.). Reached

High level of development of botany and horticulture. The first began to appear botanical gardens, opened to the general public already in the Renaissance.

Figure 4 – Example of a labyrinth (photo from engraving)

So, features of landscape gardening art of the Middle Ages in central Europe the following:

Simplicity and geometric layout of internal gardens;

Development of a new technique - a labyrinth;

The emergence of the beginnings of botanical gardens and preparations for their opening to the general public by the first half of the 15th century.

Hispano-Moorish (Arab) gardens

Education in the 7th century played an important role in the development of world landscape art. The Arab Caliphate, which united the conquered lands of Palestine, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Iraq and Spain.

Social conditions. Muslim art of the East is distinguished by majestic monumentality, schematism and abstraction.

In the early period of development of Islamic architecture, the premises of mosques, religious educational institutions and other buildings were grouped around a large courtyard decorated with covered galleries. The most famous masterpieces of landscape art that have survived

to this day, are the gardens in Spain.

The Arabs applied the experience of Egypt and Rome in constructing irrigation structures and created a powerful hydraulic system where they used the melting snow on the mountain peaks, turning waterless Spain into a flourishing land.

Formed in Spain new type garden - Spanish-Moorish (patio).

It resembles the garden of a medieval monastery and the atrium-peristyle garden of Ancient Rome. The patio was small in size - from 200 to 1200 m2, surrounded by the walls of the house or a high stone fence and was a continuation of the premises under open air. His plan was distinguished by strict regularity. The main decorative elements were pools, canals, and miniature fountains. Much attention was paid to paving, due to the hot climate of Spain, which did not allow the use of lawn. The paving on the patio was two-color, organized with river or sea pebbles. Majolica (colored tiles) was used. The bottom and edges of reservoirs were lined with it, retaining walls and benches. The main colors are blue, green, yellow, as if softening the heat.

Natural conditions. The climate is hot and arid, which forced the use of irrigation. Frequent dry winds, sand, and dust provided the basis for the construction of powerful walls around it.

Vegetation . Preference was given to evergreen species (boxwood, myrtle), which formed trimmed hedges or borders. They grew thujas, laurels, oleanders, almonds, orange and tangerine trees, and cypresses. The walls of buildings in cool colors served as a good backdrop for lemon trees and jasmine.

Flowers did not play a decisive role in landscaping. They were mainly valued for their aromatic properties. Rose and jasmine were especially popular. Wisteria, magnolia, agave, irises, daffodils, and mallows were widely used.

Water and its meaning. Paradise is identified with an ideal garden and its abundance of water. It usually reached the edge of the reservoir and even overflowed. The correct shape of a container with water in the center of the garden or at the intersection of paths symbolized stability.

The location of the garden was always chosen taking into account the source of water.

Fountains were initially used as filters to purify water from insect larvae, but later, when the variability of flowing water was appreciated, they began to be used for the pleasure of the eyes, and the noise - “as music for the ears.”

Water devices Spanish-Moorish gardens are divided into types:

- channels,

- narrow streams,

- swimming pools,

- fountains.

The specific features of the gardens of this time are:

Compositional relationship between the architecture of the building and the gardens;

Lack of common axial structure.

The interior is so fused with the courtyards that it is not always clear whether the visitor is inside or outside. This is achieved by the fact that the transition from the house to the garden was decorated with arches, and the gardens and interiors were decorated with identical plants.

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At the end of the 4th century. The brilliant era of antiquity with its sciences, art, and architecture ended its existence, giving way to a new era - feudalism. The period of time spanning a thousand years between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance in Italy is called the Middle Ages, or the Middle Ages. Change architectural styles does not significantly affect park construction, since during this period the art of gardening, which is the most vulnerable of all types of art and more than others requires a peaceful environment for its existence, suspends its development. It exists in the form small gardens at monasteries and castles, i.e. in areas relatively protected from destruction. The Middle Ages, which lasted almost a thousand years, did not leave exemplary gardens, did not create its own gothic style garden architecture. A gloomy, harsh religion left its mark on the lives of peoples Western Europe and dulled the joy of perceiving the beauty expressed in gardens with beautiful flowers. Gardens first began to appear only in monasteries. The fundamental principle and model of all gardens, according to Christian ideas, is paradise, a garden planted by God, sinless, holy, abundant with everything that a person needs, with all types of trees, plants, and inhabited by animals living peacefully with each other. This original paradise is surrounded by a fence beyond which God banished Adam and Eve after their fall. Therefore, the main “significant” feature Garden of Eden- its fencing. The next indispensable and most characteristic feature of paradise in the ideas of all times was the presence in it of everything that can bring joy not only to the eye, but also to hearing, smell, taste, touch - everything human feelings. The monastery garden - its layout and the plants in it, were endowed with allegorical symbolism. A walled garden from sin and interference dark forces, became a symbol of the Garden of Eden. As a rule, monastery courtyards, enclosed in a rectangle of monastic buildings, were adjacent to the south side of the church. The monastery courtyard, usually square, was divided crosswise into four square parts by narrow paths. In the center, at the intersection of the paths, a well, a fountain, and a small pond were built for aquatic plants and watering the garden, washing or drinking water. The fountain was also a symbol - a symbol of purity of faith, inexhaustible grace or the “tree of life” - the tree of paradise - a small orange or apple tree, and a cross was also installed or a rose bush was planted. Often in the monastery garden there was a small pond, where fish were bred for fasting days. This small garden In the courtyard of the monastery there were usually small trees - fruit or ornamental trees and flowers. Small Orchard inside the monastery courtyard was a symbol of heaven. It often included a monastery cemetery. According to their purpose, the gardens were divided into apothecary gardens with all kinds of herbs and medicinal plants, kitchen gardens with vegetable crops for the needs of the monastery and orchards. Monasteries at that time were, perhaps, the only place where they provided medical care, both monks and pilgrims. On small patches of land, sparingly illuminated by the sun due to high walls and roofs, only a few favorite plants were grown - roses, lilies, carnations, daisies, irises. Since there were few gardens in the Middle Ages, the plants grown were highly valued and strictly protected.

The labyrinth garden is a technique that was formed in monastery gardens and took a strong place in subsequent park construction. Initially, the labyrinth was a pattern, the design of which fit into a circle or hexagon and led to the center in complex ways. In the Middle Ages, the idea of ​​labyrinths was used by the church. For repentant pilgrims, mosaic spiral winding paths were laid out on the floor of the temple, along which believers had to crawl on their knees from the entrance to the temple to the altar to atone for their sins. So from performing the tedious ritual in the church we came to fun walks in the gardens, where the labyrinth was moved, where the paths were separated by high walls of trimmed hedges. From such a labyrinth there was, as a rule, only one or two exits, which could not be so easily discovered. Occupying a small area, this labyrinth created the impression of an endless length of paths and made it possible to take long walks. Perhaps in such labyrinths the hatches of a secret underground passage were hidden. Subsequently, labyrinth gardens became widespread in regular and even landscape parks in Europe. Castle gardens or Feudal type of gardens. Gardens in castles had a special character. Feudal gardens, unlike monastic ones, were smaller in size, located inside castles and fortresses - they were small and closed. Flowers were grown here, there was a source - a well, sometimes a miniature pool or fountain, and almost always a bench in the form of a ledge covered with turf - a technique that later became widespread in parks. They arranged covered alleys of grapes, rose gardens, grew apple trees, as well as flowers planted in flowerbeds according to special designs. The castle gardens were usually under the special supervision of the mistress of the castle and served as a small oasis of calm among the noisy and dense crowd of castle inhabitants that filled its courtyards. They were also grown here medicinal herbs, and poisonous, herbs for decoration and had symbolic meaning. In medieval gardens they planted decorative flowers and bushes, especially roses taken by the crusaders from the Middle East. Sometimes trees grew in the castle gardens - lindens and oaks. Near the defensive fortifications of the castle, “meadows of flowers” ​​were set up for tournaments and social fun. It is at this time that such decorative elements, like flower beds, trellises, pergolas, fashion appears for potted plants. Spicy aromatic plants, flowers and exotic plants were grown in pots. houseplants, which came to Europe after crusades. At the castles of large feudal lords, more extensive gardens were created not only for utilitarian purposes, but also for recreation. Gardens of the late Middle Ages were equipped with various pavilions; hills from which one could look at the surrounding life outside the garden walls - both urban and rural. During this period, labyrinths, which were previously common only in the courtyards of monasteries, also spread. The paths of garden labyrinths are surrounded by walls or bushes. Judging by the frequent depictions of garden work, the gardens were carefully cultivated, the beds and flower beds were enclosed in stone protective walls, the gardens were surrounded either by wooden fences, on which images of heraldic symbols were sometimes painted, or by stone walls with luxurious gates.

At the end of the 4th century. the brilliant era of antiquity with its
completed her career in sciences, art, and architecture
existence, giving way to a new era of feudalism.
millennium between the fall of Rome (end of the 4th century) and
the Renaissance in Italy (XIV century), called
the Middle Ages, or the Middle Ages. It was
constant internecine wars and uprisings, time
affirmations of Christianity.
In the history of architecture, the Middle Ages are divided into
three periods: early medieval (IV-IX centuries),
Romanesque (X-XII centuries), Gothic (late XII-XIV centuries).

Changes in architectural styles are not significant
is reflected in park construction, since during this period
gardening art, which is the most
vulnerable of all forms of art and more than others
requiring peaceful existence for its existence
situation, suspends its development. It
exists in the form of small gardens at monasteries and
castles, i.e. in territories relatively
protected from destruction.
The Middle Ages period, which lasted
almost a thousand years, did not leave exemplary gardens, did not
created his own Gothic style of garden architecture.

Types of gardens:
Monastery Garden
Castle gardens or feudal gardens
“Meadows of Flowers” ​​– for tournaments and social fun
"Gardens of Love"

Medieval gardens in Europe have shrunk significantly
sizes compared to the ancient ones, their
appointment. Decorative, walking gardens have become large
rarity and have shrunk to tiny areas sandwiched among
powerful walls of feudal castles and monasteries. These gardens
were mainly used for growing fruit and
medicinal plants.

Monastery Garden
The gardens started first
are centers of science and
peace. Being relatively
medieval wars and civil strife they became centers in
which remained and to some extent developed,
park art. Here semantics were developed
concepts perfect garden- Raya.

Monastery gardens were compositionally associated with
architecture of the buildings surrounding it and were filled
symbolism reflecting the knowledge of God by the human soul -
The Garden of Eden is a garden planted by God, sinless, holy,
abundant in everything that a person needs - this is an indispensable and
characteristic feature is the presence in the garden of everything that can
bring joy not only to the eye, but also to hearing, smell, taste,
touch - all human senses. Flowers fill paradise
colors and fragrance. Fruits serve not only as decoration,
equal to the colors, but also delight the taste. Birds not only announce
the garden by singing, but also decorate it with their colorful appearance, etc.
This original paradise was surrounded by a fence, behind which
God expelled Adam and Eve after their fall. Therefore the main
A “significant” feature of the Garden of Eden is its enclosure.
Such a garden was often called "hortus conclusus" - "closed garden".

Limited area determined small dimensions
monastery gardens. They were characterized by a rectangular
layout of leveled courtyards, closed from
surrounding "sinful world". Garden layout and plants in
it, were endowed with allegorical (religious) symbolism. Garden,
separated by walls from sin and the intervention of dark forces, became
symbol of the Garden of Eden.
The monastery courtyard, usually square, was divided into narrow
paths crosswise into four square parts (which
had a symbolic meaning - a cross formed by paths,
was supposed to remind of the torment of Christ). In the center, on
at the intersection of paths, a well or fountain was built, like
a symbol of purity of faith and inexhaustible grace.
Often the central place was occupied by the “tree of life” or
“tree of knowledge” – tree of paradise – small orange
tree or apple tree - a symbol of the loss of the paradise state -
a symbol of the unity of good and evil, for the fruits of good and evil grow on it

According to their purpose, the gardens were divided into apothecary gardens with
all kinds of herbs and medicinal plants, kitchen
gardens with vegetable crops for the needs of the monastery and fruit
gardens. A small orchard inside the monastery courtyard was
symbol of heaven. It often included a monastic

Monasteries at that time were, perhaps, the only
a place where medical care was provided to both monks and
and pilgrims. Cultivation of medicinal plants has become
an important concern of medieval gardeners. Pharmaceutical
the vegetable garden was usually located in the courtyards, next to
a doctor's house, a monastery hospital or an almshouse. IN
Both medicinal and ornamental plants were grown there.
plants, as well as plants that could serve
dyes. Blooming and aromatic plants brought
the beauty of apothecary beds. But beautiful flowering plants
not much was bred in the Middle Ages, there was not enough for them
places in gloomy castles and cramped cities. On small
patches of land, sparingly illuminated by the sun due to high walls
and roofs, only a few favorites were grown

In the herb gardens grew lilies, gladioli, rosemary, mint,
sage, rue and others useful species plants, which also
they were also beautiful. The aesthetic principle was present in
everything that was in the garden, and here you could also find beds
with vegetables, fragrant herbs, flowers,
berry bushes, fruit trees - all this was
necessary for monks who had their own household and
provided themselves with everything they needed.
It is noteworthy that the healing properties of plants in early
The Middle Ages was defined very simply: it was believed that
the plant itself, by its shape, shows which organs or parts
it heals the body.

For example, wormwood, which looks like a curl, was thought to be a remedy for headaches; hairy dill and asparagus
help strengthen hair; roses and daisies, several
resembling the eye, cure eye diseases; sorrel,
similar to a tongue, it heals, and the lily of the valley with flowers,
resembling a drop, is an excellent remedy for paralysis...

Since there were few gardens in the Middle Ages, grown
plants were highly valued and strictly protected. Certificate
how much attention was paid to gardens and flowers,
serves as a rescript of 812, in which Charlemagne ordered
about the flowers that need to be planted in his gardens. Rescript
contained a list of about sixty flower names and
ornamental plants. This list has been rewritten and
then spread throughout monasteries throughout Europe.
Certain laws were also established against those
who spoiled or destroyed plants. According to the law
time, a person who spoiled a grafted tree was threatened
burning your toes. And sometimes the one guilty of damaging someone else's
gardens were nailed to the pillory, cut off right hand And
condemned to eternal exile.

The main feature of the monastery type of gardens was their
solitude, contemplation, silence, utilitarianism.
Some monastery gardens were decorated with trellis
gazebos, low walls to separate one area from

Among the monastery gardens, the St. Gallen Garden in Switzerland was especially famous.
Monastery of Saint Gall, located in the Swiss
city ​​of St. Gallen, was in the Middle Ages one of the largest
Benedictine monasteries in Europe, founded in 613 by St.
The monastery library of medieval times has been preserved here.
manuscripts, which has 160 thousand storage units and
reputed to be one of the most complete in Europe. One of the most
interesting exhibits is the "Plan of Saint Gall",
compiled at the beginning of the 9th century and representing
an idealized picture of a medieval monastery (this
the only one architectural plan, preserved from early
Middle Ages).

"Plan of Saint Gall"

Plan of the medieval monastery of St. Gall
1. The doctor's house.
2. Garden of medicinals
courtyard - cloister.
4. Orchard and
5. Vegetable garden.

Cloister (from Latin Claustrum - closed place) - covered
a bypass gallery framing a closed rectangular courtyard
or the inner garden of the monastery. Usually the cloister was located
along the wall of the building, while one of its walls was blank, and
the second was an arcade or colonnade. Often a cloister
They also called the open courtyard itself, surrounded by a gallery.

In the Middle Ages courtyard the cloister certainly had in
in the center there was a well, from which there were paths dividing
yard space into quadrants. The cloister was usually attached
to the long southern façade of the cathedral. One of the first images
The cloister can be seen on the plan of the St. Gallen monastery in Switzerland.
The cloister was the center of life of the monastery, its
main communication center, place of meditation and scholarship
work. The cloister played a significant role as a place
solemn processions at Easter or Christmas.

The labyrinth garden is another technique that was formed in
monastery gardens and took a strong place in
subsequent park construction.
If the Romans used the labyrinth motif in decoration
mosaics and frescoes, Christians turned it into a symbol
obstacles to salvation. Labyrinths were often found in
interior of churches. In the Middle Ages for penitent pilgrims
on the floor of the temple, mosaic spirally winding paths were laid out, along which believers were supposed to
walk on your knees from the entrance to the temple to the altar along all the bends and
turns of the labyrinth. This punishment was imposed for
atonement for their sins for those who could not commit
pilgrimage to holy places.

In the future, from performing a tedious ritual in
church labyrinths have turned to walks in gardens, where paths
separated by walls of trimmed hedges.
Occupying a small area, such a labyrinth created
the impression of an endless length of paths and gave the opportunity
take long walks. They say in such labyrinths
the hatches of the secret underground passage were hidden. Maybe,
This is exactly the kind of labyrinth Jeff Saward wrote about in his book
“...the labyrinth is perceived as an island of calm in
chaotic world, a quiet place intended for reflection and
contemplation. The winding path of the labyrinth invites
visitor to clear your mind, refresh your soul, moderate your ardor,
slow down..."

Labyrinth gardens

labyrinth gardens
distribution in regular and even landscape parks in Europe.
In Russia there was such a labyrinth Summer Garden(not preserved), in
regular part of Pavlovsk Park (restored) and the park
Sokolniki, where its roads looked like intertwined ellipses,
inscribed in the spruce massif (lost).

Modern labyrinth gardens

Castle gardens or feudal type of gardens.
Gardens in castles had a special character. Feudal
the gardens, unlike the monastery ones, were smaller,
located inside castles and fortresses - were small
and closed. Flowers were grown here, there was a source -
a well, sometimes a miniature pool or fountain, and almost
always a bench in the form of a ledge covered with turf - a technique
which subsequently became widespread in
parks. They had covered alleys of grapes,
rose gardens, apple trees were grown, as well as flowers planted
in flower beds according to special designs.

Castle Gardens

Castle Gardens
supervision of the hostess
an oasis
peace of mind
were grown
medicinal herbs,
and poisonous, herbs for decoration and having symbolic
meaning. Special attention devoted to fragrant herbs.

Their aroma answered
person, but another reason for them
cultivation was that
castles and cities, due to
low sanitary conditions,
were full of bad odors. IN
medieval gardens were planted
roses taken by the crusaders
from the Middle East.
In the first centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire, roses
Europe, classified as pagan, wicked, sinful
luxury were destroyed, and only a century later again
appeared in the gardens.

Plants with valuable
become in the Middle Ages
Such kindergartens were called
gardens of “scientific women”,
who invented the first
aromatic drugs. IN
Middle Ages people almost
didn't wash and to beat off
smell, smeared themselves
dozens of ingredients, so
the first perfumes appeared.

“Sweet-smelling” plants were grown - roses, lilies,
primroses, violets, cornflowers, - not only for use in
rituals, decorations, but even in foods. Violets were added
in salads. Primrose, violets, rose petals and hawthorn in
mixtures with honey and sugar constituted a favorite delicacy.
First mention of flower garden roses and violets
dates back to approximately 1000.

It was at this time that such decorative
elements such as flower beds, trellises, pergolas, there is a fashion for
potted plants. Aromatic plants, flowers and exotic indoor plants were grown in pots.
plants that came to Europe after the Crusades.
More extensive gardens were created at the castles of large feudal lords
not only for utilitarian purposes, but also for recreation.

Near the defensive fortifications of the castle,
“meadows of flowers” ​​– gardens for tournaments and social fun.

Emperor Charlemagne
(768-814), they were divided into
utilitarian and “funny”.
In the late Middle Ages
“gardens of love” appeared:
gardens intended for
dates, and also just for
court life.

Such gardens were in
small pools in the center
played music, had conversations,
played various games.
Nice image
preserved in miniature
"Garden of Pleasures" Young
people bathe in the Fountain
Youth", drinking wine and
A joint
small pools for men
and women quite often
depicted in medieval

Bathing together
swimming pools
miniatures: apparently
there was nothing in it
amazing in conditions
medieval castles and
cities where solitude
was welcome, but not
always available.

Middle Ages:
- monastery gardens
- internal cloister gardens,
- pharmaceutical gardens,
- fruit (paradise) gardens,
- labyrinth gardens
- feudal gardens
- decorative and utilitarian gardens,
- amusing gardens,
- pleasure groves (flower meadow and garden of love).
The Middle Ages were characterized by the use of achievements
ancient natural science and theory of gardening art and
their further improvement. We can highlight the following
Middle Ages:
geometric layout of internal gardens; privates
planting and pruning trees; labyrinth; symbolism.

Laboratory and practical work No. 3
"Plan of the medieval monastery of St. Gall."
style features:
5. Vegetable garden.
6. Economic ponds.
axial construction;
essential elements:
1. The doctor's house.
2. Garden of medicinals
3. Cloister.
4. Orchard and

The medieval garden was small in size, usually regular, with the area divided into squares and rectangles.

Gardens of that time were primarily for utilitarian purposes. Medicinal plants were grown in the gardens and fruit and berry crops. To a certain extent, they can be considered a prototype of botanical gardens. A new detail appears in the layout - labyrinths - a network of winding and intertwining paths. This planning motif found application not only in the gardens of the Middle Ages, but also in gardens of later times.

At the castles of large feudal lords, more extensive gardens were created not only for utilitarian purposes, but also for recreation. Decorative elements such as flower beds, trellises, pergolas, etc. appear.

In the first third of the 16th century. many gardens appeared in France. Among them is in Artois, near Paris, on the high bank of the Seine. The Charles V park in the Louvre is famous.

At the end of the Middle Ages, pavilions, gazebos, and swimming pools appeared in the gardens.

Monastic type of gardens.

The layout of the courtyards was regular, based on straightness. Fruit trees, grapes, vegetables, flowers, and medicinal plants were grown in the monastery gardens. The main features of the monastery type of gardens were their privacy, contemplation, silence, and utility. Some monastery gardens were decorated with trellis arbors and low walls to separate one area from another. Among the monastery gardens, the St. Gallen Garden in Switzerland was especially famous.

Feudal type of gardens.

The gardens of Emperor Charlemagne (768-814) were very famous; they were divided into utilitarian and “amusing” ones. The “amusing” gardens were decorated with lawns, flowers, low trees, birds and a menagerie.

Feudal gardens, unlike monastic ones, were smaller in size and located inside castles and fortresses. They arranged covered alleys of grapes, rose gardens, grew apple trees, as well as flowers planted in flowerbeds according to special designs. Of these gardens, the most famous are the Kremlin garden of Frederick II (1215-1258) in Nuremberg and the royal garden of Charles V (1519-1556) with a plantation of cherries, laurel trees and flower beds of lilies and roses.

In 1525, the first Botanical Garden. Following him, approximately the same gardens appeared in Milan, Venice, Padua, Bologna, Rome, Florence, Paris, Leiden, Wurzburg, Leipzig, Hesse, Regensburg. Along with botanical gardens, private gardens were also established.

With the discovery of America in 1493 and with the development of trade relations with India, the gardens began to fill exotic plants. Fruit growing and the cultivation of medicinal plants became widespread; oranges, laurels, figs, apple trees, cherries, etc. were cultivated in the gardens, and ponds, cascades, pools, fountains, gazebos, and pavilions were also built. Utilitarian gardens gradually turned into decorative ones.

Moorish type of gardens.

At the beginning of the 7th century, Moorish gardens appeared in Europe. They were similar to the ancient Arab ones, but they carried more grace and differed from them in the boldness of their design and the refined grace of their forms. Moorish gardens were divided into external and internal. The external gardens were not luxurious and were intended for household needs. They were planted with fruit trees and mulberries. There was a fountain in the center of each outdoor garden.

The internal gardens were surrounded on all sides by buildings and beautiful extensions in the form of arcades and galleries, which were sometimes in two tiers. Trees and shrubs planted in gardens were not trimmed. The most characteristic gardens of this type were the Alhambra and the Generalife

Fenced by fortress walls, medieval monasteries, castles and cities with their enclosed territories did not contribute to the establishment of large gardens.

Almost no descriptions of medieval gardens have survived. A clear idea of ​​them is given only by images that have survived on the walls of churches, which show that the gardens were occupied small area, had a rectangular shape, adjacent to the houses.

The garden area was surrounded by a stone wall covered with grapes. Inside the garden there were covered alleys and gazebos.

A characteristic feature of a medieval garden was a labyrinth. Plants were planted by variety in small square beds, in linear order. Fragrant flowers (roses, lilies) and medicinal plants were planted.

Landscape art of the Middle Ages. Monastery gardens and medieval regular parksLandscape art of the Middle Ages The Renaissance of the 14th-16th centuries became a definite milestone in the formation of landscape art. An abundance of sculptures appeared in the parks of that era, entire sculptural alleys were created, and artificial reservoirs were built. In the 17th century, classic regular parks with straight ribbons of numerous paths were in fashion. And around the same time, in Europe the concepts of “garden” and “park” began to be separated. Gardens began to be used more for privacy and relaxation, and parks became places for various celebrations with a large number of people. Theatrical performances, concerts, and special celebrations were held in the parks. In the Middle Ages, the main role in setting up gardens was played by monasteries, which owned vast lands with forests, fields and meadows. Behind the monastery wall were hidden entire landscape masterpieces: a decorative orchard, a vegetable garden with beds rectangular shape and, hidden from prying eyes, a heavenly courtyard. The monks cultivated all kinds of plants, first of all, they grew medicinal plants and valuable plant species. Paradise Court was a must integral part monastery complex. There was a real sense of nature here, nurtured by the tradition of the biblical paradise. When the monks worked in the garden, it was believed that they were purifying their souls with an earthly vision of the lost Garden of Eden. What did the courtyard of heaven look like? It was inner space quadrangular in shape, with a source in the center clean water most often, it was a tank for clean water or a well; Sometimes there was a pool for growing fish. The territory of the paradise courtyard was divided by paths to the source into four sections correct form. Very rarely were they planted here low trees or bushes, as a rule, flowers to decorate the monastery church and medicinal herbs were grown in carefully cultivated beds of the paradise courtyard. Since ancient times, each flower has had its own symbolic meaning. For example, a white lily symbolized the purity of the Virgin Mary, a red rose symbolized the shed blood of Christ, White Rose-queen of heaven -Mary, etc. Garden and wildflowers grew in the flowerbeds. We can admire the natural beauty of plants, especially flowers, captured by medieval masters, by looking at wall paintings, icons, manuscripts and embroideries preserved in Gothic monasteries. An ancient indoor garden, depending on the type of planting and purpose, was called: herbarium - a garden specialized in growing medicinal herbs or flowers; gardinum – a kitchen garden with vegetable beds and roots, if possible combined with an orchard; viridarium – a garden for relaxation and entertainment (recreatione et solatio). The decorative orchard had only one function: here one could admire the blooming fruit trees and walked in their shade, often along the banks of a river, pool or pond. The first herbarium with the character of a botanical garden appeared in 1333 in Venice, and soon a similar botanical garden appeared in Prague. Not only palace complexes had their own gardens, but also city secular buildings with own plot land, more extensive gardens were laid out in cities. Some information about what secular gardens looked like in the homes of the nobility and medieval cities comes from poetry, literature, minstrelsy and troubadour songs. Illuminated miniatures and manuscripts contain descriptions of the composition, atmosphere and details of late Gothic gardens. It is safe to say that these gardens have always had a fence, stone walls often supplemented with towers with pavilions, sometimes with a moat with water. Stone, plank or brick paths were laid between the rectangular beds. Among the beds with vegetables and roots, as a rule, they did not forget to create beds with plants for: repelling insects, preparing a “love potion,” and also making poisons. Images of landscape parks are found in medieval paintings. Covered with turf, the low wall was a kind of medieval garden bench. In the middle of the garden there was usually a stone well or fountain with drinking water, sometimes with a swimming pool, as well as a tank for watering plants and a stone table for food. Evergreen trees and bushes were regularly trimmed into bizarre shapes and placed in stone vases. Occasionally in the garden there were labyrinths, the ornament of which was created from low bush, the drawing of which led to the center in complex ways. The living labyrinth was made in the likeness of the patterns on the stone floors of Gothic cathedrals. City gardens were an integral part of the knights' way of life, accompanied by gallant courtship, music and dance. In some gardens that belonged to wealthy owners, colorful birds flew freely, and noble peacocks often walked around. In the copper garden enclosures lived not only warblers, blackbirds and starlings, but also pheasants and wood grouse. In Europe, by the end of the 18th century, the fashionable regular direction of landscapes was replaced by landscape painting, which came from the East. Public parks have become closer to natural nature. The routes of the paths began to be thought out in such a way as to combine places with the most beautiful views. In conclusion, it should be noted that the change in fashion and styles, in any country, did not occur spontaneously. Styles seemed to be layered on top of each other, new trends gradually replaced older trends.