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» Inflammation of the cervical canal of the cervix, causes and treatment. Cervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal): treatment, features of the disease. Possible congenital pathologies

Inflammation of the cervical canal of the cervix, causes and treatment. Cervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal): treatment, features of the disease. Possible congenital pathologies

They are accompanied by uncharacteristic vaginal discharge and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Many representatives of the fair sex ignore such symptoms, attributing them to stress or hypothermia. Among all the pathologies of the female reproductive system, inflammation of the cervical canal takes “honorable” place. This is a common disease that responds well to treatment. However, neglecting the doctor’s recommendations ends in infertility for many women. How else is the disease dangerous?

The essence of pathology

The cervical canal connects the vagina to the uterine cavity. It has the shape of a cone or cylinder, and its length does not exceed 4 cm. It performs two functions: it protects against infections and promotes the advancement of sperm during ovulation. Under the influence of various external and/or internal factors, its mucous membrane can become inflamed. This disease is called endocervicitis. It does not pose a danger to women's health if diagnosed and treated promptly. Otherwise, the pathological process can lead to serious complications.

Main causes of endocervicitis

Inflammation can have an etiology of both infectious and non-infectious nature. In the first case, various pathogenic microorganisms (candida fungi, streptococci, chlamydia, gonococci, papillomas and others) act as factors provoking the disease. Most often they enter the body through sexual intercourse. However, infection is also possible through the digestive tract or lymphatic system. Non-infectious inflammation of the cervical canal in most cases is caused by external influence or congenital anatomical defects. This group of causes includes trauma, radiation exposure, and tumor formations.

Separately, factors that indirectly influence the development of the inflammatory process should be considered:

  • decreased local immunity;
  • frequent stress;
  • menstruation;
  • damage to uterine tissue due to abortion, installation of an IUD.

Normally, it is always located in the lumen of the cervical canal. It protects the uterus from pathogenic flora. Due to various medical manipulations, the cork becomes deformed and changes chemical composition. As a result, any infection freely penetrates the uterine cavity, causing inflammation. Pathogenic flora can also enter the cervical canal along with menstrual blood. Therefore, during this period it is necessary to special attention relate to genital hygiene.

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

Inflammation of the cervical canal is characterized by a certain clinical picture. First, an unpleasant itching and burning sensation appears in the genital area. Then the symptoms are complemented by abdominal discomfort and heavy discharge. Lack of timely treatment of the acute form of the disease is dangerous due to its transformation into a chronic one. In this case, the described symptoms disappear. However, this does not mean that the woman recovered without medical care. The body thus adapted to the infection, and the disease became latent. If therapy is neglected at this stage, the inflammation can spread to neighboring organs. The prolonged course of the disease leads to changes in the tissues of the uterine canal. As a result, doctors diagnose erosion or dysplasia. The inflammatory process changes high-quality composition mucus produced in the cervix, which threatens infertility.

Establishing diagnosis

Symptoms of inflammation provide grounds for conducting a diagnostic examination, which makes it possible to differentiate the pathology from other diseases. What tests need to be taken?

  1. Bacterial culture from the cervical canal to determine the causative agent of the pathology.
  2. Colposcopy allows you to evaluate the affected area.
  3. Cytological examination helps determine the condition of epithelial cells.
  4. Smear microscopy is necessary to identify pathogenic flora and assess the inflammatory process (its presence is confirmed by leukocytes in the cervical canal).

Only after a complete examination of the patient and identification of the pathogen can the doctor make a final diagnosis and select therapy.

Treatment with drugs

The treatment regimen for inflammation depends on its severity and the type of pathogen. Therefore, even at the diagnostic stage, bacterial culture from the cervical canal is prescribed. Drug therapy solves several problems simultaneously: eliminating pathogenic flora, symptoms of the disease, and preventing relapses. Most often, to eliminate these problems, doctors prescribe the universal antibacterial drug Polygynax.

Additionally, medications are prescribed to restore immune defense. If the cause of the disease is a fungal infection, antibiotics of the tetracycline group (Doxycycline, Monomycin) and macrolides (Erythromycin) are used for treatment. When Trichomonas is detected, the use of antiprotozoal agents is considered appropriate. Restoring vaginal microflora involves the use of drugs based on lactobacilli. The doctor selects the medications for treatment and dosage, taking into account the patient’s health condition. Independent use medications are not recommended. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the severity of the pathological process.

Curettage of the cervical canal

Usually, to confirm the inflammatory process in the cervical canal, a vaginal smear is taken from the patient, and then sent for histology. Sometimes the cause of the disease cannot be determined. In such cases, a curettage procedure is used, during which special tool remove upper layer endometrium for subsequent examination. Over time, it is restored, so all manipulations are safe for the patient’s health. As a rule, curettage of the cervical canal is prescribed if the malignant nature of the disease is suspected.

Ways to prevent inflammation

To prevent the development of pathology, you should undergo twice a year. If any of the listed symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. An examination and a series of tests can confirm inflammation of the cervical canal. Treatment is prescribed after a diagnostic examination. The doctor cannot confirm the diagnosis and prescribe medications based solely on the patient’s complaints. You can avoid this disease if you follow fairly simple rules:

  • use condoms during sexual intercourse;
  • do not neglect personal hygiene;
  • undergo regular examination by a gynecologist;
  • have one regular sexual partner.

Inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system are quite common among all diseases and, if left untreated, many of them lead to infertility. Pain in the lower abdomen and unusual vaginal discharge may be the first sign of problems with women's health, but many patients do not pay attention to them for a long time. Inflammation of the cervical canal is one of the common diseases, but it can cause serious disorders of the reproductive system without proper medical examination and treatment.

Many women often experience inflammation of the cervical canal, as a result of which the integrity of the mucus plug that protects the organs of the reproductive system from infection is disrupted. The second function of the canal is to promote sperm during the release of the egg for fertilization. It connects the vagina to the uterus and is located between them, its shape resembles a cylinder, and its length does not exceed four centimeters.

At the entrance to the canal there is a cylindrical epithelium, pathological changes in it cause the disease. If the inner mucosa of the cervical canal becomes inflamed, the disease is called endocervicitis. In case of inflammation on the outside, the disease is called cervicitis. The disease is not dangerous if you seek help in time and most often manifests itself in two forms of internal and external inflammation.

Mostly women of childbearing age are affected. Because symptoms often do not appear until last stage, a preventive visit to the gynecologist will help to timely diagnose inflammation in the cervical canal, the causes of its occurrence and completely cure the patient.

Why does the disease develop?

To determine the cause of the disease, you will need to find out the nature of the pathogen. Staphylococci, chlamydia, E. coli, gonococci and fungi are infections. Mechanical damage, erosion, congenital anatomical defects, and malignant processes are non-infectious causes. Even if the inflammatory process is first localized in the vagina, over time it moves to the cervical canal.

The indirect factors that provoke this disease are different:

  • surgical termination of pregnancy;
  • childbirth;
  • intrauterine device;
  • improper hygiene during menstruation;
  • weak immune system;
  • stressful situations.

Provided the woman has normal immunity, there is a special plug in the cervical canal, which is created to protect important genital organs from infection and any damage. For a number of reasons, this plug is destroyed, which is why pathogens easily penetrate inside, causing inflammation of the cervical canal, and then endometriosis and other problems of the reproductive system. Since many germs can multiply in menstrual blood, it is important to carefully monitor personal hygiene during this period.

Main symptoms

Vivid signs of the disease are pain during sexual intercourse and specific vaginal discharge that has bad smell. In many cases, symptoms do not appear at all for a long time, but one of the first to appear is severe itching in the genital area. Next comes pain and the release of a large amount of mucus, sometimes the patient feels a slight burning sensation.

If treatment is not started at this stage, over time, the symptoms of the acute course of the disease turn into a chronic stage, when the woman does not suspect the presence of inflammation of the cervical canal. The disease subsequently spreads to organs that are nearby, often leading to erosion and dysplasia of the cervix. All these pathologies lead to the development of malignant processes in the genital organs.

Diagnostic methods

For timely examination and treatment, a woman must undergo a gynecological examination at least once a year. An urgent reason to visit a doctor must be at least one of the following: possible symptoms diseases. Inflammation of the cervical canal can be diagnosed using the following methods:

  • culture of bacterial flora to determine the cause;
  • colposcopy with a special device;
  • cytological examination;
  • microscopic.

Based on the test results, the nature of the pathogen is determined and appropriate therapy is prescribed. Already at the first examination, a woman with inflammation of the cervical canal may experience pain during the insertion of a gynecological instrument or may not go a large number of blood, which will be the reason for a more detailed examination.

Modern treatment

Most often, it is the infectious process that causes inflammation of the cervical canal, the treatment of which completely depends on the factors of its occurrence. The sexual partner must also undergo full diagnosis and treatment, since the infection is sexually transmitted. The treatment regimen is selected depending on the stage of the disease and its cause. For treatment, therapeutic and surgical methods are used. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen and elimination of pathology using a laser are often prescribed. Drug treatment will give results if started in the acute phase of the disease. The antibacterial agent Polygynax is popular, and antiviral and antifungal medications are also prescribed.

Antibiotic therapy

Almost always, in the case of an infectious process, antibiotics are used wide range actions. Antibiotics include substances from the tetracycline group, for example, doxycycline, monomycin, macrolides, including erythromycin.

Restoration of vaginal microflora

After the main treatment, additional funds will definitely be needed, because the course of therapy consists of active chemical substances that can kill beneficial bacteria simultaneously with pathogenic microorganisms. For this, special suppositories are used, as well as tablets with lactobacilli to restore the flora of the vagina and cervical canal. Inflammation must be removed in time to avoid serious complications such as endometriosis or dysplasia. It will be beneficial for the body proper nutrition during therapy and taking vitamins and minerals.

Preventive examinations will help the doctor understand how to treat the disease if a woman has at least one of its symptoms. Daily hygiene intimate places with by special means, special care during menstruation, a regular sexual partner will help prevent bacterial attacks and problems in the reproductive system in order to maintain women's health. If you contact a specialist in time, inflammation of the cervical canal can be removed very quickly and without obstacles.

Patients with various female diseases come to our clinic. Among them, the clinic’s doctors often diagnose pathologies of the cervical canal of the cervix: polyps, cysts, inflammation, etc.

The main function of the genital organs is reproductive, and it is very important that their diseases cannot lead to infertility or menstrual dysfunction. Therefore, every woman must undergo preventive examinations at least once a year.

Those working in the clinic will help diagnose and treat the disease in a timely manner. The earlier a disease is detected, the greater the chance of curing it and not turning it into a chronic form.

What is the cervical canal

The internal female genital organs are located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity and consist of the cervix, which is visible when examined in mirrors, and the body of the uterus, which is located in the abdominal cavity (pelvis). The fallopian tubes extend from the uterus (from its corners) and under fallopian tubes, on both sides, the ovaries are located. The cervix can be cylindrical or conical in shape.

Nature has thought through a lot to protect female body from coming from the vagina, and to maintain pregnancy during gestation, there are 2 narrowings in the cervical canal, the so-called pharynx (internal pharynx and external pharynx). The doctor examines the external pharynx during a speculum examination. A dotted pharynx is typical for nulliparous women, a slit-like pharynx is typical for women who have given birth or had an abortion.

Inside the cervix is cervical canal. It is the cervical canal that forms the connection between the external and internal organs. It is through this that an infection can enter from the vagina and spread into the abdominal cavity. During childbirth, the cervix shortens and the baby is born through the smoothed cervical canal. The canal, uterus and vagina form the birth canal.

Inner layer The cervical canal is lined with epithelium, which produces mucus. The epithelium is hormone-dependent and produces different secretions, depending on the day of the menstrual cycle. It is by the mucus in the cervical canal, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, that the doctor determines the “pupil symptom” - a sign of ovulation. During pregnancy, it is in the cervical canal that the epithelium forms mucus - a plug, the discharge of which is a harbinger of the onset of labor.

When examining on mirrors, the doctor pays attention to surface of the cervix. If it is smooth and light pink in color, then there is no problem. The doctor examines the border of the cervical epithelium and the epithelium of the cervical canal. If the epithelial border is displaced or there is an erosive surface, the doctor describes the location and size of the identified pathology. In addition to a visual examination, the doctor can perform a Schiller test with staining of the cervical mucosa with an iodine-containing solution. In addition, a colposcopy can be performed.

During postmenopausal, and also when pregnancy and after childbirth, the cervix undergoes changes. Thus, during menopause, the mucous membrane becomes paler, secretions are not produced, and vaginal dryness is noted. The doctor annually performs scrapings on the woman for oncocytology. special brush from the cervical canal and from the surface of the cervix in order to timely identify oncological and pre-oncological diseases. During pregnancy, the cervix has a cyanotic color.

These are normal physiological changes that occur over a period of time.

The cervical canal does not undergo cyclic changes associated with the menstrual cycle. Only during ovulation does secretion increase.

Pathologies of the cervical canal of the cervix

Often women come to our clinic who complain of increased discharge from the genital tract, its unpleasant odor, and spotting after sexual intercourse.

During the examination, the doctor sees only the cervix and the external os of the cervical canal. The main diseases diagnosed in patients based on speculum examination and microbiological examination:

. Cervicitis, which is an inflammation of the cervical canal of the cervix (the diagnosis can be made after examining smears). With prolonged untreated cervicitis, fusion of the walls or fusion of the cervical canal may occur. Treatment of cervicitis boils down to prescribing anti-inflammatory therapy and local treatment of the cervix and vagina.

. Polyps- These are benign neoplasms, the cause of which is the same inflammatory process. The growth of a polyp in the cervical canal can be caused by hormonal disorders, as well as injury to the cervix during childbirth or abortion. Our doctors remove polyps surgically. In addition, concomitant therapy is prescribed. Polyps require surgical treatment and after examining them for histology, adequate therapy is prescribed.

. Narrowing, curvature cervical canal - when conducting, the doctor must describe the length and course of the cervical canal, describe the invisible part of the cervix. If narrowing, curvature of the cervical canal or partial closure of the canal is detected or suspected, the doctor suggests examining the cervical canal using an optical one. If it is planned, then the doctor performing the manipulation of insemination or embryo transfer must take into account all the nuances of the structure of the cervical canal and its location relative to the uterus. If necessary, carried out


Inflammatory processes of the genital organs are quite often diagnosed during an examination by a gynecologist. Typically, the appearance of symptoms is caused by infectious tissue damage and the gradual spread of inflammation due to the anatomical proximity of the organs of the reproductive system.

The favorite localization of the inflammatory process is the cervix. This part of the uterus acts as a kind of barrier, as it is a connecting link between the vagina and the organ cavity.

The cervix is ​​the object of close attention of the gynecologist. Upon examination, only the vaginal part is visible, which is pink in color. The part of the cervix adjacent to the vagina is covered with flat multilayered cells, which give the epithelium a peculiar smoothness.

To a greater extent, the protective function of the cervix is ​​provided by the cervical canal. The cervical canal directly connects the sterile uterine cavity and the vagina, which contains a significant number of microorganisms. To prevent pathogenic flora from penetrating into the uterus, the glands of the cylindrical single-layer cells of the cervical canal produce protective mucus.

However, in the presence of certain unfavorable factors, the defense mechanism may weaken, causing inflammation in the cervix. This inflammatory process can cover both part of the cervix and its entire surface.

If inflammation develops in the cervical canal, they speak of endocervicitis. As a rule, inflammation of the cervical canal has pronounced symptoms. Infectious agents enter the cervical canal, causing pathological changes in the epithelium. If a woman is on at this stage ignores the symptoms and does not undergo treatment, the inflammation becomes chronic.

During the acute phase, symptoms of tissue hyperemia and its subsequent destruction occur. Most often, there is active production of mucus, which causes heavy discharge. Their nature depends on the pathogen that caused inflammation of the cervical canal.

Over time, the inflammatory process spreads to deeper layers, while signs of healing appear on the surface of the mucosa. This phenomenon does not indicate recovery, but indicates chronic inflammation of the cervical canal.

Reasons for development

The inflammatory process is caused by infection. Experts note that microflora can be divided into two large groups:

  • opportunistic microorganisms;
  • pathogenic flora.

Conditionally pathogenic or nonspecific microflora enters the cervical canal primarily from the vagina. It is possible for bacteria to penetrate along with the lymph flow, as well as with the blood flow from the urinary tract. It is possible that the infection may spread from the rectum. Opportunistic microflora can be represented by:

  • Candida mushrooms;
  • coli;
  • staphylococcus;
  • enterococcus;
  • Proteus;
  • streptococcus.

Nonspecific flora is normal found on mucous membranes and skin. However, during inflammation, active growth of opportunistic microorganisms is observed, which causes the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

Pathogenic or specific microflora is characterized by the following pathogens:

  • gonococcus;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma and ureaplasma with intensive growth;
  • Trichomonas.

When an infection occurs, inflammation in the cervical canal does not always develop. The appearance of an inflammatory process is possible when the epithelium of the cervical canal and the body as a whole are exposed to unfavorable factors:

  • cervical injuries as a result of difficult childbirth, abortion, curettage and other surgical procedures;
  • decreased immunity;
  • early intimate life;
  • lack of a regular sexual partner;
  • ignoring barrier methods of contraception;
  • frequent use medicines locally, including spermicides;
  • age-related changes in the tissues of the cervical canal;
  • prolapse of the cervix.

The development of inflammation of the cervical canal may be due to a complex negative factors. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on eliminating the factors that provoke inflammation.


The appearance of symptoms is associated with the characteristics of inflammation. The prevalence of inflammation, the stage of the pathological process and the causative agent of the disease are essential.

Usually the inflammation begins acutely. The symptoms do not differ from those of other inflammatory diseases. Symptoms of the acute phase of endocervicitis include:

  • profuse purulent or mucous discharge, which may be brown, yellow, green, have an unpleasant odor and different consistency;
  • discomfort, burning, dryness in the mucous membrane;
  • discomfort during intimacy;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent urination when the infection spreads to the urethra and bladder.

If a woman ignores the symptoms, their severity decreases over time. This indicates the development of a chronic phase of inflammation of the cervical canal. In this case, there is a systematic exacerbation of symptoms, especially after menstruation and sexual intercourse.

Infection with certain infectious agents and subsequent inflammation may occur without symptoms. This is typical, for example, for chlamydial infection.

Diagnosis and treatment

Detecting the inflammatory process is not difficult. Cervicitis is determined during an examination by a gynecologist. The cervix is ​​edematous and hyperemic. During the chronic phase, areas with erosion and cysts are observed. Pathological discharge also indicates inflammation.

In order to accurately make an appropriate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination. In order to diagnose inflammation of the cervical canal, experts prescribe:

  • general flora smear;
  • bacterial sowing;
  • detection of sexually transmitted infections by PCR;
  • cytological examination;
  • simple, extended colposcopy;
  • biopsy;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Treatment of endocervicitis has several main goals. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the infectious factor and stop the inflammation. It is very important to eliminate the symptoms, as well as restore the damaged epithelium. To avoid relapses, it is necessary to conduct a full examination and prescribe adequate therapy.

The purpose of treatment corresponds to the identified pathogen. For chlamydia, for example, antibiotics are prescribed. If a fungal infection is detected, it is advisable to prescribe antifungal therapy. Herpes and HPV require treatment with antiviral drugs. If the cause of changes in the cervical canal is an age factor, hormonal suppositories are used.

The main treatment is supplemented with agents that promote tissue healing and normalize the vaginal microflora. As part of complex therapy, agents are also used traditional medicine and physical therapy.

Cervical canal inflammation is an inflammation of the cervical canal. The cervical canal is located between the body of the uterus and the vagina. The inside of the cervix is ​​lined with columnar epithelium, inflammation of which is called endocervicitis. If the tissues of the vaginal segment of the cervix become inflamed from the outside, this is exocervicitis or cervicitis.

These pathologies are quite common in fertile age (7 out of 10 women), in postmenopause - this happens less often - 3 out of 10 women. There are many causes of inflammation. Cervicitis must be treated without fail, otherwise it gives complications in the form of erosions, polyps, endometrial dysplasia, which are considered precancerous conditions. The cervix and cervical canal itself are a barrier to the penetration of pathogens into the uterine cavity.

Among the causes, primarily traumatic injuries (for example, birth injuries) are important;

  • manipulations by doctors in the cervical region;
  • taking certain drugs, under the influence of which the chemical composition of mucus may be disrupted and may change;
  • cicatricial changes in the cervix due to abortion, incorrectly installed IUD, during curettage and probing of the canal;
  • cervical ptosis;
  • oncology;
  • radiation therapy;
  • erosion;
  • STI;
  • getting menstrual blood into the cervix during menstruation;
  • immunodeficiencies due to hepatitis, diabetes, AIDS;
  • stress.

Inflammation can be caused by the following representatives: gonococci, chlamydia, fungi, ureaplasma, E. coli, Trichomonas, cocci, HSV, HPV. Inflammation usually begins with vaginitis, gradually ascending. Cervicitis usually does not occur in isolation; it is often combined with inflammation of other parts: bartholinitis, vulvitis, cervical inversion (ectropion), etc. In pregnant women, cervicitis is dangerous due to early labor or miscarriage.

Penetration of infection can occur during sexual intercourse, from the vagina during vaginosis, hemato- or lymphogenously from other foci of inflammation. But all these pathogens will cause inflammation only with the triggering factors listed above.

Symptomatic manifestations

Inflammation of the cervical canal (cervicitis) is divided into acute and chronic; focal and diffuse. The erased form is relatively rare.

With inflammation, purulent or mucous discharge appears; Abdominalgia in the lower abdomen of a pulling or dull nature is less common; dyspareunia and dysuria. The pharynx of the cervix is ​​swollen and hyperemic. The mucous membrane may bulge, there are hemorrhages and ulcerations. Prolonged inflammation occurs in the absence of acute treatment. The result is not only erosion, but also thickening and hypertrophy of the cervix.

Specific signs include:

  • increased abdominal pain during exercise;
  • vaginal discharge increases in volume and has different colour mixed with blood;
  • during sexual intercourse, douching, IUD - bleeding may appear;
  • with purulent inflammation, the discharge acquires an unpleasant odor and foams.

These symptoms are characteristic of the acute stage of inflammation, but often cervicitis can occur without symptoms, but tissue changes continue to occur. The chronic form has no external symptoms, pain syndrome not detected.

Hyperemia and edema are mild, but the canal tissues are destroyed more severely than in the acute period. This happens because dystrophy occurs and the lower deep layers of the epidermis are affected. Columnar epithelium can be replaced by flat epithelium.

Manifestations of cerevitis depending on the type of pathogen:

  1. Gonorrheal cervicitis – the course is acute, the symptoms are sharp; with chlamydia - they are less pronounced.
  2. Herpetic cervicitis - the cervix upon examination is clearly hyperemic, loose, with areas of ulceration.
  3. Trichomonas cervicitis - there are small pinpoint hemorrhages on the cervix (“strawberry cervix”), and smear cytology often contains atypical cells.
  4. With HPV, there are ulcers and condylomas of different sizes on the neck.

Bacterial vaginosis adds burning and itching of the perineum to the symptoms.

Diagnostic measures

Due to its often asymptomatic course, diagnosis is often accidental. For an accurate diagnosis, the examination must be comprehensive. It is necessary to perform a colposcopy - examination of the cervix with a mirror and microscope. Some pathogens give specific signs already, for example, herpes infection.

In addition to the examination, laboratory tests are required:

  1. Bacterial culture of a smear from the vagina and cervix - the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics are revealed.
  2. The PCR method is the most accurate, but expensive. He can determine the type of infection both in the blood and in scrapings from the mucous membrane. Detection of some infections without PCR is impossible; these include gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, HSV, HPV.
  3. Cytological examination of a smear from the cervical canal determines cell changes in the initial forms of cervical cancer. The main method for suspected cancer is the cytological method.
  4. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is also the main test for diagnosing STIs.

Additional research methods:

  • Ultrasound of the uterus and pelvic organs;
  • general analysis of urine and feces;
  • cultures for gonococcus;
  • tests for RV, HIV and hepatitis.

The acute period of inflammation produces in the smear a large number of leukocytes (more than 30 in the field of view), lymphocytes, histiocytes, columnar epithelium with an enlarged nucleus and squamous epithelium with dystrophic changes.

The norm of cytological analysis in women with a number of 30 cells in the field of view is not a reliable indicator of inflammation.

The norm of leukocytes will be stated only if there is no morphological pathology, i.e. phagocytosis, destruction of the nucleus, etc. With chronic inflammation, the columnar epithelium becomes different sizes with some destroyed cells (cytolysis).

Principles of treatment

There are many infectious agents and other causes, so there is no treatment template or single plan. The goal of treatment is to destroy the pathogen, relieve symptoms of inflammation by eliminating predisposing factors; if necessary, treatment of concomitant pathologies. It is also necessary to restore the vaginal microflora. For this purpose, suppositories and tablets with lactobacilli are prescribed.

Depending on the type of pathogen, antibacterial and antiviral agents are used. Chlamydial cervicitis can be successfully treated with tetracyclines, macrolides, quinolones, and azalides.

After the main course and inflammation subsides, local treatment with ointments and creams is prescribed. The cervix and vagina are treated with chlorophyllipt, silver nitrate, etc.

Viral cervicitis is the most difficult to treat. Among the antiviral drugs prescribed for the treatment of herpes are Acyclovir, Valacyclovir; specific antiherpetic Ig, vitamins, and immunostimulants are used.

For HPV, cytostatics, interferons are prescribed, condylomas are cauterized or removed. Atrophic cervicitis is treated with hormones containing estrogens. If we're talking about About STIs, as a cause of inflammation, the sexual partner should also undergo treatment.

Chronic cervicitis is less treatable, so it requires the use of surgical methods. These include diathermocoagulation (burning out altered areas with electrodes); this is not used during a planned pregnancy, since after coagulation the canal changes scarring and will interfere with childbirth.

Laser therapy – pathological tissue in the canal is excised with a narrow laser beam. There are no complications or bleeding with this method. Cryotherapy is the action of liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 degrees.

All methods are used after the infection has been eliminated. The effectiveness of treatment is checked by colposcopy and laboratory tests during treatment.

In addition to “targeted” drugs for a specific infection, the use of regenerating and healing drugs is mandatory - systemically and locally. Both forms are often prescribed. Additional auxiliary treatment is physiotherapy: magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, etc.

During the treatment period, any activity in intimacy, sports and douching is excluded. If symptoms disappear, you should not stop treatment at your own discretion, even if you feel better. This leads to antibiotic resistance and lack of effect.

Preventive actions

The main measure is regular personal hygiene, especially during menstruation. The gasket must be changed every 3 hours, regardless of saturation. The fact is that menstrual discharge is a good breeding ground for microbes. A decrease in immunity during this period will also add its contribution.

Avoid unprotected sex; do not look for variety in sexual partners. To strengthen the immune system, after 30 years, be sure to see a doctor twice a year and undergo a preventive examination.

Changes during menopause

Menopause changes a lot in a woman’s body. Some changes can be dangerous to health. These include atresia of the cervical canal. Despite the narrowness of the canal, the cervical canal can stretch to a certain size. The need for stretching appears during childbirth.