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» Choosing the right kitchen hood. How to choose a hood over a gas stove: what criteria to consider when choosing a suitable model What you need to know about kitchen hoods

Choosing the right kitchen hood. How to choose a hood over a gas stove: what criteria to consider when choosing a suitable model What you need to know about kitchen hoods

The kitchen is the room that needs high-quality ventilation more than others. And it’s not even about the smells that arise during cooking. There are almost always particles of steam, grease and soot in the kitchen air. They settle on the ceiling and walls, forming a sticky yellowish coating, but the most unpleasant thing is that these particles are inhaled by all the inhabitants of the house, and this does not improve health in any way. Air conditioners do not provide the necessary air circulation, so in order to avoid all these problems, it is worth installing a hood in the kitchen. We will talk about how to choose the right hood for the kitchen in this article.


The first parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing a kitchen hood is its power. The more powerful the device, the better it will cope with its functions. But powerful hoods have more high cost, therefore, when purchasing, it is wiser to use the “necessary and sufficient” rule.

It is not difficult to determine the required hood power for a specific kitchen. First of all, you need to know the volume kitchen area. To do this, just multiply the kitchen area by the ceiling height. At a minimum, the hood should pass through itself a volume of air equal to 10 volumes of the kitchen in one hour. Thus, for a kitchen with an area of ​​8.5 square meters and a ceiling height of 2.8, a hood with a minimum power of 8.5x2.8x10 = 238 cubic meters per hour is required.

However, there are a number of other factors that need to be taken into account when determining the minimum required power hoods:

  1. If a carbon filter is installed in the hood (we’ll talk about filter types later), then you need to add 10% to the received power;
  2. If the kitchen is combined with a living room or dining room, then the hood power increases by another 30%;
  3. And finally, working “at the limit”, the hood will quickly fail, so a power reserve of 30-40% will not be superfluous.

Thus, the minimum power of a hood with a carbon filter for a kitchen with an area of ​​8.5 m2 is approximately 477 cubic meters per hour. The average power of kitchen hoods ranges from 500 to 700 cubic meters per hour, so almost any of them is suitable for work in a small and medium-sized kitchen.

Filter type

The second most important parameter of kitchen hoods is the type of filtration used in them.

For flow-through hoods, one grease filter is sufficient, while for circulation hoods, a double filtration system is required - a carbon filter is added, which neutralizes unpleasant odors. Let's look at each type of filter in more detail.


Grease filter

These filters are a cassette with an insert made of filter material - padding polyester or non-woven fabric. When the filter layer becomes dirty, the cassette is thrown away and a new one is inserted in its place.

There are also reusable aluminum filters that need to be cleaned periodically.


These filters are also called fine filters. Filtration in them is carried out by passing air through a layer of activated carbon powder, which perfectly absorbs excess moisture, unpleasant odors and even tobacco smoke. The thicker the layer of carbon powder, the better the filtration will occur. True, such filters also require a larger power reserve. The service life of the fine filter is from 6 to 12 months.

Carbon filter

If you purchase a flow-through hood, you can get by with a model with one filter, but if you have a circulation hood, then you cannot do without a fine carbon filter.

There are budget models of hoods that do not have filters at all. But it is not recommended to purchase these, since particles of fat and soot will then settle on the fan blades, which can lead to breakdowns.

Hood size

The size of the hood is a parameter that does not affect its functionality. However, it can be decisive, especially when it comes to small kitchens. The width of the hood cannot be less than the width of the stove. Otherwise, the hood will not completely capture the polluted air. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the minimum permissible distance from the hob to the hood. It should be no less than 65 centimeters for electric stoves and 75 centimeters for gas stoves. Thus, install in the kitchen with low ceilings a high dome hood will not work.

Hood design

The size of the hood directly depends on its design. There are five types of designs: built-in, dome, island, retractable and classic.


Classic circulation hood

The simplest and most inexpensive hoods. Classic hoods operate in circulation mode and differ in a simple way installation You can install such a hood in any kitchen.

Dome hood

Dome hood

These hoods are shaped like a dome and can operate in both circulation and flow modes. In terms of its dimensions, this is the largest type of hoods, but their operating efficiency is much higher than that of other models. Installation of such a hood is carried out only in those places where it is possible to connect them with ventilation.


When the hood is turned off, the hood panel can be hidden (retracted) into the housing, which saves space. This type of hood is relevant for small kitchens However, they usually have low power.


The main feature of these models is that they do not have an external casing, but are designed to be built into kitchen furniture. The cabinet for the hood will have to be ordered specially, but it will be hidden, thus not disturbing the design of the kitchen.

In their design, island hoods resemble dome hoods, the only difference being that they are not attached to the wall, but only to the ceiling. Recommended for use in large kitchens where the stove is located in the middle of the room.

Air duct

The presence of an air duct (connection to ventilation) in the hood significantly increases its performance, although it increases the overall dimensions. When installing the air duct, it should be taken into account that each bend (bend) reduces the hood performance by 5%, accordingly requiring a proportional increase in power. Thus, if you purchase a hood with an air duct, we recommend that you decide on its design in advance in order to correctly adjust the minimum required power of the device.

Please note that smooth air duct pipes facilitate better air flow, while corrugated hoses, despite their ease of installation, hinder it.

Lighting type

Almost all modern hoods are equipped with lighting. The cost of a hood may vary, although not significantly, depending on the type of lamps used in the lighting system. Halogen lamps are more expensive than others, but they consume a minimum of electricity and create the most natural light. Conventional incandescent lamps are the cheapest, but they burn out quite quickly and are the most “uneconomical”. Fluorescent lighting lasts quite a long time, but such light distorts the natural colors of dishes, which can negatively affect the culinary process (for example, when visual definition degree of doneness).

Noise level

The noise level produced by the hood is directly proportional to its power. That is, the more powerful the fan motor, the more noise it produces. On the other hand, a powerful fan needs to work “at maximum” for a much shorter period of time to clean the air in the room. So it’s up to you to decide whether you want to hear the “noisy hood” for a short time or “enjoy” the quiet hum of a low-power motor all day long.

Case material and appearance

Everyone is free to choose the appearance of the hood, as well as the material from which it is made, according to their preference. Some people prefer a stainless steel hood in a high-tech style, some prefer a dome hood stylized as an antique stove, while others will prefer discreet plastic models. The main thing is that the material from which the hood is made is of high quality and durable.

Stainless steel hood

Please note that the hood from of stainless steel requires significantly more complex care than plastic or laminated models. On metal, even small drops of water are much more visible after drying.

Control Panel

There are three types of control panels for kitchen hoods.

Push Button Control

The simplest version of the panel, in which each hood function has a separate button. The downside is that you have to press the button several times to change the power.

Slider or slider control

Switching functions is carried out by moving the slider handle along the corresponding indicators. A reliable type of adjustment that allows you to adjust the power as accurately as possible.

Touch control

Touch control of the hood

The most “elite” type of panel, in which switching is carried out by lightly touching the sensor.

Additional functions

All other things being equal, the decisive factor when choosing a hood may be the presence of additional functions. Here are the main ones:

  • Timer. The function allows you to set the time to turn the hood on/off;
  • Humidity and smoke sensor. Automatically turns on the hood if necessary;
  • Periodic activation. Unlike a timer, which allows you to simply turn the hood on or off at a certain time, the periodic switching function allows you to set a constant operating mode. For example, turn on the hood every hour for 15 minutes;
  • Residual fan stroke. After turning off the hood, the function continues to operate the fan at low speeds for 10-15 minutes. Due to this, maximum ventilation of the room is achieved.

Selection by manufacturer

The most popular hoods are from trusted brands such as Siemens, Bosch, Electrolux, Kuppersberg and Zanussi. Most models of hoods from these manufacturers belong to the middle and high price segment, but the quality and reliability of the devices fully justify their high cost.

Among the relatively inexpensive, but at the same time quite high-quality hoods, one can note the Slovenian Gorenje, Polish Hansa, Russian ELIKOR and South Korean Samsung.

We do not recommend purchasing hoods from unknown Chinese and Taiwanese manufacturers, even despite their low cost.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video from Channel One on how to choose a hood for the kitchen.

As you can see, when choosing a kitchen hood you need to pay attention to many aspects. We hope that the article will help you make the right choice and purchase a hood that will be most suitable for your kitchen.

Born in 1977 in Donetsk, Ukraine. Graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute (now Donetsk State Technical University) with a degree in Automated Control Systems. Worked at the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant. In 1997 he moved to Moscow, where for 8 years he worked in several construction teams.

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Plyushkin For kitchen

It’s hard to imagine a modern kitchen without a hood. And you want to protect expensive furniture from soot, and expensive Decoration Materials it is not advisable to wash it often, and other rooms from persistent odor potato pancakes or herring need to be protected.

In a word, the hood is VERY necessary. How to choose it and which hood is better for the kitchen?

Types and varieties

The manufacturers did their best: they surprised us not only with the design of their products, but also with their design features. By what characteristics can devices be classified? Which hood to choose for the kitchen?

1. By type of construction:

  • 1. Island (they are installed in the center of the kitchen, above the “island” stove);
  • 2. Wall-mounted (have a decorative body of various shapes; mounted above the stove; with ventilation hole do not interact);
  • 3. Built-in (the ventilation sleeve and part of the body of these devices are “hidden” in the kitchen furniture; they come with a retractable or stable panel);
  • 4. (these are the same wall hoods, but adapted for installation in the corner of the room).

2. By control method:

  • 1. Push-button (functions are activated when one or another button is pressed);
  • 2. With a touch control panel (the hood turns on and off without pressing the buttons);
  • 3. Slider (device with a mechanical slide switch).

3. By type of air purification:

  • 1. Circulating (the air from the room does not go anywhere; it is cleaned in a filter and returns);
  • 2. Flow-through (vapors and unpleasant odors are forced into the ventilation system, into the shaft).

We will look further into which hood is better to buy.

We should also talk about filters. There are coarse (grease) and fine (charcoal) filters.

Types of grease filters:

  • 1. Disposable (requires regular replacement);
  • 2. Reusable acrylic (care involves regular washing);
  • 3. Reusable made of aluminum (consist of several sheets of the thinnest perforated aluminum; cleaned once a month with degreasing compounds).

Carbon filters need to be replaced approximately every six months (the exact timing is indicated in the technical data sheet).

Made on the basis of activated carbon, which absorbs “steam waste from kitchen production”.

Which hood is better for the kitchen: setting priorities

Which hood to buy for the kitchen?

Start with the look and design. After all, a kitchen hood is a design element. It should complement general design rooms, and not to contradict. Fortunately, manufacturers' catalogs are abundant. Here you can see products in country style, high-tech, industrial style etc. The style of the kitchen will tell you which hood is better. Therefore, it is best to order all household appliances from one manufacturer.

The next indicator that we pay special attention to is productivity. That is, how much air the model can process in an hour. How to calculate an indicator for a specific kitchen?

Step one. Multiply the area of ​​the room by its height. Finding the volume.

Step two. We multiply the result by the air exchange rate. The recommended indicator is twelve (the air should be renewed so many times within an hour).

Step three. We multiply the result by a factor of 1.3 (this indicator is recommended by sanitary standards to take into account the floor, slagging of the ventilation pipe, the length of the air duct, and its “turns”).

Thus, which hood to buy for the kitchen will be determined by its size.

One more important parameter– correlation between the dimensions of the hood and the dimensions of the stove. How it is possible and how it is not is shown in the figure.

We have decided on our selection priorities. It's time to reveal the rest of the secrets of a successful purchase.

Which hood to choose for the kitchen?

Please pay attention to the following parameters.

1. Power.

Must equal productivity (how to find it is indicated above). Note!

  • 1. For each turn of the corrugated chimney, it is necessary to add 10% to the productivity.
  • 2. For a hood operating in recirculation mode, add 30% to the resulting figure.
  • 3. If the kitchen is combined with the living room, add 30%.

And further. Manufacturers indicate the power of the model at maximum speed. But she won’t work for you like that all the time. Therefore, add another fifteen percent, leaving a margin of safety.

2. Type of cleaning.

Let us remind you that there are circulation and exhaust hoods. Many models combine these modes.

Advantages of circulation devices:

  • 1. Easy installation;
  • 2. There is no need to have a ventilation shaft;
  • 3. Warm air is retained in the room (this is especially true in winter time of the year).

Disadvantages of circulation types:

  • 1. Low efficiency (maximum air purification - 70%);
  • 2. The need to frequently change carbon filters.

Circulation is acceptable only when it is not possible to connect to the ventilation shaft.

Advantages of flow devices:

  • 1. High efficiency (up to 100%);
  • 2. Reusable grease filters only need to be washed periodically (no need to buy new ones).

Disadvantages of flow models:

  • 1. Complex installation;
  • 2. Warm air goes outside the premises (relevant in winter).

Attention! The performance of flow-through hoods is affected by the air exhaust pipes. They should not be too curved or long. It is better to buy round or flat ones made of PVC. The outlet diameter must be equal to the inlet diameter.

The best option is hoods that combine air exhaust and recirculation modes.

3. Management.

Ease of use is ensured by the following functions:

  • 1. The ability to adjust speed and power (it’s easier to care for the touch panel; it’s much more difficult to clean dirt between the buttons and sliders);
  • 2. Availability of backlighting (halogen lights are more expensive, but last longer and consume less electricity).

Nice but optional bonuses:

  • 1. Timer;
  • 2. Function automatic switching on and shutdown;
  • 3. Motion indicator (the hood starts working when a person approaches the stove);
  • 4. Filter clogging indicator;
  • 5. Automatic power regulation (performance automatically increases in heavily polluted air).

4. Noise level.

If the hood works like a tractor, the owner will not be able to stand it for long. The following scale will help you navigate in decibels (this is how noise is measured):

  • — 30 ​​dB – auditorium;
  • — 40 dB – quiet music;
  • – 50 dB – small cafe with open windows;
  • — 60 dB – conversation at a distance of a meter;
  • — 70 dB – inside a moving city bus;
  • — 80 dB – typewriting office;
  • — 130 dB – pain limit.

An acceptable option is up to 60 dB.

5. Filters.

For rough cleaning - reusable grease traps. For thin ones - charcoal.

6. Size.

It should match the size of the hob or be a little larger, but not smaller.

Review of manufacturers

Hoods are produced by such companies as: Bosch, Gefest, Siemens, Ariston, Zanussi, Electorlux, Scarlett, Fagor, Ardo and others.

Let's look at some popular models.

Built-in hood operating in exhaust and circulation mode. Equipped with a reusable grease filter and a disposable carbon filter.

Maximum productivity – 400 m 3 /h.

Well, let's find out more about how to choose the best built-in hood for your kitchen.

Main parameters

Being an element household appliances, each hood model has its own characteristics, which are sometimes very difficult to understand right away.

So as not to bother you unnecessary information, we recommend that you first pay attention to such parameters.

Covered area

It is very important that the model you choose can “pull” the area of ​​your kitchen. In other words, it is recommended to give preference to the hood whose power is sufficient to “drive” the air in the room in 5-10 minutes.

For this purpose, order a model whose recommended area is 10-20% higher than the square footage of the kitchen.

Many manufacturers already indicate this indicator in the product description, so you don’t have to calculate it manually.

Hood width

This is one of the key characteristics for the following reasons.

Firstly, your new hood should not be narrower than the corresponding hob over which it will be installed.

If it is narrower, then all the particles of moisture and fat that should have gone into the hood will settle somewhere on the sides or even the facades of the furniture.

Secondly, due to the fact that it is built-in, you need to know its dimensions with millimeter accuracy and provide them to the designer who is preparing the kitchen project.

Power adjustment

It can be useful in a wide variety of situations. It is very convenient when it is possible to turn on the hood on low power, for example, while boiling eggs or something else and slightly “dishes”.

In turn, if you fry meat or cutlets, any meat dish with garlic or onions, then you definitely need full ventilation power. Therefore, some models have a gradation of modes, which, believe me, will not be useless.


In principle, every model already has this option, but it may differ in brightness, arrangement order, or number of light bulbs.

You can find out how well it works and whether it illuminates the hob sufficiently by going to a hardware store or supermarket.

Noise level

An extremely important factor that can determine the final choice. The fact is that the noise of the hood directly depends on its power.

Thus, the larger the unit, the noisier it will operate. For special large models It is extremely important to have an option such as quiet mode.

Otherwise, all your neighbors will know that you are cooking something, and the process of cooking will turn into flour. Therefore, pay attention to the noise indicator.

Ideally, the noise level of a built-in hood should not exceed 55 decibels.

Air purification type

There are two types: air exhaust and air recirculation. The first case is classic, which is that polluted air is sucked out and sent irretrievably through the outlet into the ventilation system.

When recirculating, this air is forced through special filters, and after cleaning it is supplied back to the kitchen area.

Hoods with the first type are cheaper, while those with the second are more expensive both at the purchase stage and at the maintenance stage, because they need to periodically change the filters.

Other options

In addition to the main indicators, one should not neglect optional options, each of which can ultimately tip the scales in favor of one model or another.

Therefore, before choosing a built-in hood for your kitchen, ask what else is notable about the product you like:

  • The color of the facade - you can immediately choose a hood that will blend in with the facades of your kitchen unit or simply harmonize with them.

    Worth mentioning that some models have the ability to remove the front trim of the hood and replace it with one that will be the shade you need. This is extremely convenient and very practical, and also makes such a hood invisible and truly built into the cabinet;

  • Cleaning filters are essentially only important if you decide to choose a model that recirculates the sampled air. For hoods with a conventional outlet, this is absolutely not important;
  • Automation – premium models offer several newfangled gadgets that may appeal to some consumers.

    For example, the hood can itself determine which power mode to use. It is also capable of reacting by turning on the lighting when you approach or automatically starting to work at the slightest sign of boiling, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of built-in hoods

In conclusion, I would like to remind you what the pros and cons of this type of hood are, and why you should choose this type of device rather than dome analogues.


  • Aesthetic factor– due to the mechanical ability to move, such a hood can blend into the interior and be invisible, for example to guests;
  • Space saving– like any built-in device, it takes up minimal space and is recommended for installation in small kitchens;
  • Energy saving and quiet. It does not consume a lot of electricity and is not very noisy compared to other models.


  • Less power– there are, of course, major modifications, but most built-in hoods are still quite compact;
  • Limited assortment– for some reason, the variety of models for this type of device is an order of magnitude smaller than that of the so-called dome analogues.

Whatever choice you make, remember that the quality of workmanship and assembly is extremely important for household appliances.

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The process of cooking is inevitably associated with the appearance of specific odors in the surrounding air. Grease, soot and gas combustion products are left on furniture, walls, surfaces kitchen appliances a very unaesthetic plaque and harm health by entering the bloodstream through the human lungs. A competent choice of a high-quality kitchen hood will help to significantly reduce the damage from pollution and keep your kitchen space clean.

How the hood works

Kitchen hood (kitchen umbrella) is designed for effective removal and purification of polluted air produced during the cooking process. Besides this, everything modern models copes well with local lighting working area, and in addition to their main functions, they are one of the most important interior items in the kitchen space.

A classic kitchen hood is a structure with a fan installed inside it, which sucks air from the cooking zone into the device. Next, the polluted air passes through a system of filters, in which grease, soot, combustion products, fumes and odors are deposited.

Types of hoods

Today, the domestic market offers consumers two types of exhaust devices: flow and circulation. Depending on the type of device, already purified air masses are released into the atmosphere through the general building ventilation system (flow-through) or returned back into the room (circulation type).

The advantages of flow-through hoods are their high performance, which, by the way, is very dependent on the quality of the home’s ventilation system.

The disadvantage is that installation is quite complicated and mandatory organization of inflow fresh air to the required extent.

The advantages of “kitchen umbrellas” of the circulation type are ease of installation, the absence of air ducts and connection to the general house ventilation system.

Important! When flow-through hoods operate, a slight vacuum occurs in the kitchen. Air masses from other rooms, including the toilet, rush into the area of ​​low pressure (according to the laws of physics). Without a properly organized influx of fresh air, air from the bathroom ventilation will be drawn into the kitchen with sewer smells from the entire entrance.

Today, almost all models of kitchen hoods are available in six body design options. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


Hanging exhaust hoods are only of the circulation type (do not require connection to ventilation system). They are mounted on the wall directly above hob. Perfect option choice for small kitchens.


  • low cost compared to other types of similar devices;
  • easy installation.


  • low productivity.

Hanging hood


Dome or fireplace ones are made in the form of an umbrella, whose “wide side” is located directly above the hob, and its “narrow” side goes into the ventilation system. The dome is attached to the wall. The air duct is mounted on the dome and to the “ventilation window” or is diverted directly outside the room.


  • aesthetic design;
  • high performance.


  • The need for supply ventilation.

Dome hood


Built-in appliances are mounted inside kitchen cabinet. This shape of the body allows you to hide the entire structure of the hood, leaving only the attractive front panel with controls visible. An excellent option for those who do not want to spoil the interior of the room with an “extra structure”.


  • Doesn't take up space.
  • Doesn't spoil the interior.


  • Has a higher cost.
  • Requires installation skills.

Built-in hood


One of the most modern design options, which is installed inside the countertop (directly next to hob) and “leaves” out of it when the stove is turned on. Very convenient option for small kitchens.


  • Compactness.
  • Spectacular design.


  • High price.
  • Difficult to install.
  • Low efficiency.

Domino hood


This type of equipment is a classic kitchen umbrella with ceiling mount. The best option for purifying the air above a kitchen island or free-standing stove.


  • High performance.
  • Large selection of design solutions.


  • Difficult to install.
  • High price.
  • Impressive size

Hood island

Models with sliding panel

A retractable hood or slider when folded has minimal dimensions. When working, an additional panel extends from the main body, which covers the entire perimeter of the hob. This design can be of flow or circulation type. An ideal option when there is a shortage of space.


  • Significant space saving.
  • Good functionality.
  • High performance.
  • Fits into almost any interior.

Hood with retractable panel

Basic criteria for choosing a kitchen hood

Aesthetic indicators

The first rule in choosing a hood for the kitchen is the following: the type of device must be suitable for the interior of the kitchen space.

Suspended and built-in models, Domino retractable systems do not have an air duct, do not require connection to a ventilation system and do not cover the section of the wall in front of the hob. Such models fit perfectly into the interior of even the smallest kitchen.

If you have become the owner of a kitchen-living room with a separate kitchen island, then you need to select a pendant unit with a ceiling mount, since the choice of colors, shapes and sizes is simply huge.

Dome models today are one of the most popular among domestic consumers. Despite some massiveness, they fit perfectly into kitchens, thanks to the variety of design solutions for such devices.

Filtration system

Today, almost all modern exhaust hoods (regardless of model and type) are equipped with a filtration system. The filtration system is classified according to the following criteria:

By type of filter system

Depending on the type and design, modern exhaust hoods can be:

  1. Single stage.
  2. Two-stage.

The former are equipped with only one coarse filter, which captures grease particles from the air flow. The latter are equipped with two-level cleaning, which may include two or three filters.

First level filters

They are a cassette with several layers of filter material. Depending on the “filling”, first level filter elements can be:

  • Acrylics.
  • Metal.

The first ones are made in the form of a mesh made of synthetic material, which can be washed after use. The second ones are reusable metal mesh, which can be cleaned when they become dirty with a regular cleaning solution.

Second level filters

This type of filter elements is designed to remove unpleasant odors from the air. Most often, as active substance In such elements coal appears. A classic charcoal filter for a kitchen hood consists of a plastic housing filled with charcoal powder or granules. These elements are widely used in circulation-type exhaust hoods.

Important! Carbon filters are disposable elements. Once contaminated, they are disposed of and replaced with new ones.

Filter protecting the ventilation shaft

During cooking, suspended particles of fat and soot are necessarily present in the air, which are deposited on the fan blades, internal surfaces exhaust hood and ventilation shaft. When mixed with dust, grease deposits can damage equipment and, over time, significantly reduce the cross-section of the ventilation duct.

To protect against such influence modern manufacturers have provided grease filters in exhaust devices, which can be:

  • Metal filters are made of galvanized and stainless steel and aluminum. They are reusable filter elements;
  • Acrylics also tolerate “washing” well in a warm soapy solution. Experts recommend cleaning reusable grease filters at least once a month;
  • Synthetic elements are made from padding polyester, non-woven fabric and even paper. They cannot be cleaned and are replaced with new ones when they become dirty. The indicator is served by special pictograms on the element body.

Carbon filter - installation

Device power and performance

How to choose the right power for a kitchen hood? The power of a kitchen hood depends on the type of motor, lighting, etc. As a rule, the power consumption of hoods does not exceed the permissible load on the electrical network.

The consumer's biggest concern is performance. In other words, how much air does the device pump per unit of time? Calculating the required value is very simple: you need to multiply the area of ​​the room by the height of the ceilings and the air exchange rate of 12. This calculation will show the required performance of the device specifically for your kitchen.

The formula itself looks like this:

Q=S*H*12, where:

Q is the performance of the exhaust unit, m3/h;

S - kitchen area m2;

H - room height;

12 - air exchange rate.

Example. For a kitchen with an area of ​​12 m2 and a ceiling height of 2.5 m, you will need exhaust hood productivity (12×2.5) x 12 = 360 m3/h.

Important! To reduce the load on the device and extend its service life, experts recommend increasing the obtained value by 15-20%, making a performance reserve.


How to wisely choose an inexpensive hood for the kitchen so that it requires virtually no maintenance? The frequency of maintenance and cost depend on the material used in the manufacture of the kitchen umbrella.

Today on domestic market hoods presented:

  • aluminum;
  • plastic;
  • stainless steel;
  • made of enameled steel;
  • made of tempered glass.

The most popular kitchen umbrellas are aluminum and plastic products. They are light and attractive appearance and low cost. However, without a special coating, aluminum is highly oxidized, which makes maintaining such a device extremely difficult. Plastic models wash well, but may turn yellow over time.

Kitchen umbrellas made of stainless steel look more stylish. This material resistant to corrosion and does not react with detergents and aggressive liquids. However, even the smallest scratches are visible on the surface of stainless steel. Enameled steel is much cheaper than stainless steel, although it is not inferior to it in corrosion resistance. The only negative is the enamel, which does not tolerate sudden temperature changes.

Tempered glass kitchen umbrellas are the most expensive and require the most care.

Enameled steel
Stainless steel Strained glass

Fans and their power

The operation of all kitchen umbrellas is based on a simple fan design: an impeller with blades is attached to the motor shaft, which, when rotated, pumps air masses. Today, manufacturers equip their models with the following types of fans:

  1. Axial (axial). Most often used in inexpensive ventilation units. The operating principle is based on the movement of air along the axis of rotation of the impeller. Compared to other types of similar equipment, they have high aerodynamic characteristics, and as a result, high efficiency.
  2. Radial (centrifugal). Unlike axial ones, they have spiral blades. The peculiarity of such devices is the perpendicular direction of the blown-out air flow relative to the drawn-in one. This design allows them to be used most effectively for air ducts of complex configurations.
  3. Diametral. In such fans, air moves along the impeller. Despite the small diameter, the drum with blades can supply large volumes of air. That is why this type of fans has found application in small ventilation installations.
  4. Diagonal. Hybrid of axial and centrifugal fan. This design allows for high performance due to centrifugal force. Diagonal fans are small in size and have the lowest noise level.
  5. Two-speed. They operate in two modes: half power; 100% power. They are used in most exhaust devices in the budget and mid-price segments.
  6. Four-speed. They operate in four modes: 25; 50; 75 and 100% power. Allows you to adjust the required performance of the device as accurately as possible.

Hood size

One of the subtleties the right choice kitchen hoods is to correctly select the dimensions of the device. Today on sale you can find installations with the following dimensions:

  • 50 cm;
  • 60 cm;
  • 90 cm.

The selection algorithm is as follows: the width of the hood must exceed the width of the hob. Only in this case will it most effectively absorb all fumes, fat and odors inherent in the preparation of certain products. It is allowed to install an umbrella of the same size as the hob.

Device control type

A modern kitchen hood is a high-tech device equipped with a control panel located on the outside of the housing. The hood control can be:

  • sensory;
  • push-button;
  • slider (slider);
  • pseudosensory.

Touch control is convenient because you do not need to make any effort to change the operating mode of the device. By moving the slider (slider), the user selects the sector that corresponds to a specific program or function.

Push-button control is the most common. In such a control panel, each button corresponds to a strictly defined function.

Pseudo-touch control is a hybrid of a sensor and buttons. There are buttons under each function, but the principle of their operation is similar to touch ones.

Control type


The power, size and shape of the fan blades determine the performance, and as a result, the noise of the exhaust device. Pay attention to the level indicator sound pressure(noise) device. A sound of 40 dB is similar to human speech, but 60 dB is already a fairly loud noise, audible at a distance of 1 meter.
Advice! Choose a device with a sound power level of no more than 50 dB. The description of the model indicates the maximum sound pressure.

Extra options

When choosing a kitchen umbrella, you should pay attention to the availability of additional options.

  1. Interval fan activation ensures short-term activation of the device at minimum speed at certain intervals. Thus, the air in the kitchen space will be automatically purified in the most economical mode.
  2. Residual stroke The fan makes it possible to purify the air. In other words, after switching off, the blades will continue to rotate for some time.
  3. Automatic speed change. The sensor reacts to changes in air density and independently adjusts the performance of the installation.
  4. Alarm indication will show you when to change the filter.
  5. Remote controller remote control . The presence of such a function will greatly simplify the control of the device from other rooms.
  6. Timer On and off will allow you to start or stop the device after a specified time.
  7. Lighting. Air purifiers for the kitchen are on sale, which include lighting fixtures installed:
  • halogen lamps;
  • incandescent lamps;
  • fluorescent lighting.

Incandescent lamps are usually equipped with budget devices. This lighting has a soft, warm glow, creating a pleasant, cozy atmosphere. The disadvantages of such illumination include high energy consumption and fragility. Halogen lighting is the most common in modern hoods. In essence, a “halogen” is an improved incandescent lamp, but more economical and durable.

Advice! If you want the dish you have prepared to look as natural as possible, you should not use fluorescent lighting for illumination; it will distort the shades.

Recently, air purifiers with LED lamps. LED bulbs are durable. The service life can reach 50 thousand hours. Installations with such lighting are not only the most prestigious, but also more expensive.

Rating of the best manufacturers

Before purchasing a kitchen air purifier, experts recommend that you familiarize yourself in detail with the rating of the most popular models in the price segment that suits you.

Most of our compatriots prefer brands such as Siemens, Bosch, Kronasteel, Hansa, Gorenje, Elikor, Samsung. They successfully combine high quality, reliability, affordable cost and attractive appearance of their products.

Budget models

Gorenje DU5345W

This model is recognized as one of the best hanging air purifiers that will look great in a small kitchen. Productivity - 300 m3/h. Two-stage filtration system, three axial fan operating modes, bright halogen lighting. Complete with aluminum grease and carbon filters. Control type - push-button.


  • Affordable price.
  • Easy to install.
  • Light weight.


  • High noise level.

Elikor Integra 60

Elikor Integra 60 is considered one of the most inexpensive among built-in models. The device copes well with the tasks in medium-sized kitchens. A special feature of this device is the ability to operate in circulation mode (without connection to ventilation) and flow mode (with outlet to the ventilation system). Productivity - 400 m3/h. Two speeds, grease filter. Illumination by incandescent lamps. Control type - push-button.


  • Affordable price.
  • Easy to install.
  • Simple controls.
  • Low noise level 52 dB at peak load.


  • Weak functionality.

Middle price segment

Candy CBT 6130 X

Despite the relatively low cost, this built-in model is one of the most inexpensive in the middle price segment. Productivity - 200 m3/h allows you to easily cope with air purification in a small kitchen.

Features: two engines; ability to work in two modes, two-stage system filtration, three fan blade rotation speeds. Halogen backlight. Push-button control type. Supplied with a grease and carbon filter.


  • Affordable price.
  • Not bad functionality.
  • Low noise level (42 dB).


  • Relatively low productivity.
  • Short network cable.

Zigmund Shtain K 003.51

The Zigmund Shtain K 003.51 hood is characterized by high level productivity 1000 m3/h. The width of 50 cm allows you to easily place the device in small kitchens. Features: ability to operate in two modes (removal/recirculation); 3 speeds, grease filter, incandescent lighting. Push-button control makes this model as simple as possible in everyday use.


  • Excellent performance.
  • An anti-return valve is provided.
  • High build quality.
  • Low (for such performance) noise level of 56 dB.


  • Single stage filtration system.

Premium models

Hansa OKC 6726 IH

Hansa OKC 6726 IH is a modern dome-type air purifier that will fit into the design of any kitchen thanks to bright design. Width - 60 cm. Capacity - 62 m3/h. Features and functionality: two operating modes (ventilation/absorbent); 3 speeds, shutdown timer. Illumination by 2 incandescent lamps.


  • Modern design.
  • Good performance.
  • Low noise level (at peak load 53 dB).


  • Only one grease filter is supplied in the kit.

Bosch DFS 067K50

The products of this brand have earned a reputation as a reliable manufacturer of high-quality household appliances. According to reviews, the Bosch DFS 067K50 built-in kitchen air purifier has the best price-quality ratio to date. The device is equipped with a steel body 60 cm wide. Capacity is 700 m3/h. Three operating modes (removal/circulation/intensive); 4 speeds; touch control. Cleaning system: grease filter with contamination indicator and the ability to install an active filter element. The device is equipped with a timer and LED backlight.


  • Workmanship;
  • Functionality;
  • Low noise level;

As a conclusion, we would like to draw attention to how to choose the right and reliable kitchen hood. Before purchasing, consider the following items:

  1. Filters. Can be disposable or reusable. The more filters, the higher the quality of cleaning and the cost of the device.
  2. Appearance of the hood and installation method. Choose a model that matches the design of the room.
  3. The power and performance of fans should sufficiently cover the required air exchange in the kitchen.
  4. Control Panel. There are touch, button and slider. The sensor is more convenient to use, the buttons are simpler and cheaper.
  5. Dimensions household appliance should be slightly larger than or equal to the cooking surface.
  6. Additional functions simplify the operation of the air purifier and significantly increase its cost.
  7. Noise. Higher performance - more noise.

According to experts, if you follow these recommendations, you can save a lot of time, money and effort in finding the right air purifier model for you.

Watch a video on how to choose a hood