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» We calculate how many printed characters. Calculating text length

We calculate how many printed characters. Calculating text length

If earlier when working with texts the main unit of measurement was one sheet, now it is one character. A sign or symbol refers to letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and spaces. There are two types of counting - counting the number of characters with spaces and the number of characters without spaces.

How to count the number of characters in a text in three simple ways

1. Visual method, when the number of characters can be determined “by eye”, approximately. It is enough to count the number of characters in one line and the number of lines on a sheet. Then you need to multiply these two numbers and get the result.

For reference: on the page Microsoft Word with standard font and indent settings per line, about 60 characters with spaces and up to 50 lines. But this will be an approximate figure.

How to count the number of characters in text using Word

2. If you work with Microsoft Word, you can use special function character counting, which is in the menu. How to do it?

— select or paste the desired fragment;

- find “Number of words” in the bottom line, click;

— in the “Statistics” window that opens, look at the necessary information.

— select or paste the desired piece of text;

— click “Service” in the top menu bar;

— go to the “Statistics” section;

- get quantitative analysis fragment.

How to count the number of characters in a text online

3. There are a lot of sites on the Internet where you can check spelling and the number of characters in the text. Such sites are called “counting tables”. For example, to work with texts you can use:,, All these sites do not require mandatory registration.

— go to one of the proposed sites (I use the site or type in a search engine: “how to count the number of characters in a text”;

— paste previously copied text in which you need to count the characters;

— analyze the information received.

In order to attract more users, each “reader” offers its own list of additional services.

So on the site, in addition to the standard counting of characters, there is also a counting of commas, spaces and paragraphs. On the website you can do calculations plus text analysis. And has a high-quality check for uniqueness and SEO analysis.

It may seem that the above information is needed by a limited circle of people. But that's not true. Counting characters in text is performed frequently, starting with school essays and institute coursework, ending with the publication of books and newspapers. This method is also widely used for working on the Internet. One character is a unit for calculating the cost of a text document. Even a common person V Everyday life Faces this challenge by placing an ad in a newspaper or leaving a comment on a website.

There are many different programs on the World Wide Web for counting the number of characters in a given text. These can be either small ones specially developed for this purpose or various text editors.

The most popular way to determine the number of characters in a text for many users has been and remains the time-tested text editor Microsoft Word.

Determining the number of characters for whole text

You need to place the cursor at the beginning of the text, more precisely, before the first character of the text. Then you should find and use the “Statistics” tool in the Word editor, which is ideally suited for such calculations.

Looking for Statistics inWord 2007

1) Place the text in the Word 2007 editor.

2) Place the cursor at the beginning of the text.

3) Find the bottom line in the Word editor, which is called the status bar (number 2 in Fig. 1):

4) Click on the “Number of words” option (number 1 in Fig. 1), after which the “Statistics” window appears. Here we see that the number of characters (without spaces) is 2.304, and with spaces – 2.651.

By the way, if someone tells you that you need, for example, 2000 characters, without specifying whether with or without spaces, then this means “with spaces.”

All this is good. But what if there is a status bar in Word 2007, but there is no “Number of words” option in it?

In this case, click on free space in the RMB status bar (right mouse button), for example, in the place where the number 2 is in Fig. 1. The “Status Bar Settings” window will appear (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Check for a checkmark next to the “Number of words” option in the Word status bar

Here you should check the box next to the “Number of words” option (number 2 in Fig. 2). After which it will automatically appear in the status bar of Word.

Statistics in Word 2010

Everything here coincides exactly with what is written above about Word 2007.

Looking for Statistics in Word 2003

With the left mouse button, you need to single-click on the “Service” function located in the top panel of Word (Fig. 3).

In the window that opens, select the “statistics” sub-item, after a single click on which a small “Statistics” window appears in the center of the Word text editor with all the necessary statistical information about the text. The number of pages, words, characters (without spaces and with spaces), paragraphs and lines is determined:

Counting characters in a piece of text

Often there is a need to calculate the number of characters for a specific part of the text. This is not difficult to do in Word:

1) you just need to select the right part text to count the number of characters and

2) find the “Statistics” window (that is, perform the same manipulations as described above for the whole text).

What is a sign reader?

There are so-called “character counters” on the Internet – services designed to count the number of characters in online text. Online services are convenient because you do not need to install any programs on your computer.

Online services operate on the principle of “here and now”, “take and use”, as they say, “without leaving the cash register”, more precisely, without leaving the Internet. While on the Internet, it is enough to open such an online service and use its services.

To find such services, just enter the query “sign readers” in a search engine (Yandex, Google, etc.) and click on one of the first links that will be offered by the search engine.

In Fig. 4 shows an example of a sign reader.

Rice. 4 Count the number of characters in text online using Sign Counter

2) Copy this text to the clipboard, for example, using Ctrl+C.

3) Open the Sign Reader.

4) Paste the text from the clipboard, for example, using the hot keys Ctrl+V.

6) A window will appear with the results of counting the number of characters (number 2 in Fig. 4).

Accurate counting of characters is necessary, for example, for freelancers whose copywriters are paid precisely for “volume”, that is, for a certain number of characters with or without spaces in the written text. It may also be useful for those users who need to place a certain number of characters in any service, no more than a certain number, for example, no more than 140 or 255 characters.

When working in the MS Word text editor, the user needs to find out the number of characters in Word. A Word document contains a certain number of characters (symbols).

Many people at work and at home use the Word text editor on their computers, which is part of the Microsoft Office application. After creating a document in a word processor, I needed to find out the number of characters in Word. To do this, you can use third-party services, but this is not always convenient, especially since it is possible to automatically count the number of characters in the text itself. Microsoft editor Word.

Can be different reasons in order to find out how many characters (signs) are in the text:

  • Some services have a limited number of characters to enter into feedback forms
  • there are restrictions on text size, measured in the number of characters
  • The wages for the written text depend on the number of characters

In the first case, in feedback forms government agencies or other organizations, there is often a restriction on a certain number of characters that can be entered when accessing the service. If the limit is exceeded, the extra text is not displayed in the form field. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare in advance required text suitable size, which fits the restrictions, in the Word editor, and then paste the finished text into the application form.

In other situations, there are restrictions on the minimum size, for example, you need a text of no more than 500 characters, or, conversely, there are restrictions on maximum size text up to a certain number of characters.

When writing texts to order, for example, for sites on the Internet (on most sites, published articles are written to order by other people, and not by the owner of the resource), in technical specifications certain requirements are put forward regarding the number of characters in a future article. The amount of payment to the author of the text depends on this parameter.

Therefore, users often have a question about how to count the number of characters in Word. In Microsoft Word, the user can see the total number of characters in the entire Word document, or the number of characters in a single selected piece of text.

Please note some points:

  • Select the desired piece of text to count the number of characters. To highlight individual blocks of text located in different places document, press the Ctrl key on your keyboard, and then select non-adjacent pieces of text in the Word document.
  • To find out the total number of characters in Word (in the entire document), you do not need to select anything. By default, the program will automatically calculate the entire text of the document.

How to find out the number of characters in Word 2016

  1. Open Microsoft Word 2016, enter the desired text.
  2. In the lower left corner of the program window, the status bar displays information about the number of words in this document (this setting is enabled by default). Click on the “Number of words” value with the left mouse button.
  1. The “Statistics” window will open, which will display complete information about the contents of the Word document:
  • number of pages
  • word count
  • number of characters (no spaces)
  • number of characters (with spaces)
  • number of paragraphs
  • number of lines

The Consider captions and footnotes option takes into account all text in the document. Without activating this setting, only the main text of the document will be taken into account.

The number of characters without spaces corresponds to the total number of characters in the document text.

2 way to find out the number of characters in a Word 2016 document: in the Word 2016 program window, open the “Review” tab, select the “Statistics” option.

How to determine the number of characters of selected text in Word 2016

In Word 2016, use two methods to count the number of characters in a selection.

  1. Select a piece of text in a Word 2016 document.
  2. The Number of Words value will display two numbers separated by a slash. The first number shows the number of selected words, the second number corresponds to the total number of words in the document text.
  3. Left-click on the “Number of Words” value; in the “Statistics” window you will see all the statistical characteristics of the selected fragment.

Method 2: after selecting the desired fragment in the text of Word 2016, open the “Review” tab, select “Statistics”.

How to count the number of characters in Word 2013

In the Microsoft Word 2013 text editor, after typing or pasting text from another source, follow these steps (1 method):

  1. In the lower left corner of the application window, left-click on the “Number of Words” value located in the status bar.

  1. In the “Statistics” window that opens, you will see the calculation result. The statistics parameter number “Characters (without spaces)” has the same meaning as the number of characters in the Word text.

2nd way to find out the number of characters in Word 2013: select the text, go to the “Review” tab, click on the “Statistics” option.

How to count the number of characters in a selected fragment of a Word 2013 document

1 way to view the statistics of a selected piece of text in Word 2013:

  1. Left-click on the Word Count value on the status bar.
  2. In the “Statistics” window, data on the number of characters in the selected fragment of the Microsoft Word document will open.

Method 2 to obtain information about the number of characters in a selected fragment: select a fragment of the document, go to the “Review” tab, click on the “Statistics” item.

How to count the number of characters in Word 2010

In Word 2010 text editor, do the following (method 1):

  1. In an open Word 2010 document, in the status bar, left-click on the “Number of Words” value.

  1. In the “Statistics” window, the number of characters without spaces corresponds to the number of characters in the document text.

2nd way to view statistics in Microsoft Word 2010: in the program window, go to the “Review” tab, and then click on the “Statistics” icon.

How to find out the number of characters in selected text in Word 2010

To find out the number of characters in a selected fragment of a Word 2010 document, do the following:

  1. Select the desired piece of text.
  2. Click on the “Number of words” value (the number of words in the selected text and the total number of words in the text will be displayed here).
  3. The “Statistics” window will open all statistical data about the selected text.

How to find out the number of characters in Word 2007

1 way to determine the number of characters in Word 2007:

  1. In an open Word 2007 document, move the mouse cursor to the status bar, and then left-click on the “Number of Words” value.

  1. In the open “Statistics” window, a complete statistical information about this text.

The number of characters without spaces corresponds to the number of characters in a Word 2007 document.

Method 2: in a Word 2007 document, open the “Review” tab, and then click on the “Statistics” icon (in the upper left corner of the program window).

How to see the number of characters in a selection in Word 2007

In Microsoft Word 2007, open a document, and then do the following (method 1):

  1. Select a piece of text.
  2. Left-click in the status area on the “Number of words” value (the first digit takes into account the number of words in the selected fragment).
  3. The “Statistics” window will display all the data for the selected text fragment.
  1. Select the desired fragment in the document.
  2. Open the "Review" tab, select the "Statistics" option.

How to count the number of characters in text in Word 2003

In Microsoft Word 2003, to obtain information about the number of characters in the text of a document, do the following:

  1. Enter the "Service" menu, in context menu select “Statistics...”.

  1. The Statistics window will display reference data for this document.

If you click on the “Panel” button, a panel window will open in which the user can see the number of words in the document.

How to count characters in a selection in a Word 2003 document

To view data on the number of characters in a selected fragment of a Word 2003 document, do the following:

  1. Highlight required area text in the document.
  2. In the “Service” menu, click on the “Statistics...” item.

How to find out the number of characters in a Word document of any version

There is a very simple way to find out how many characters are contained in a Word document of any version of MS Word:

  1. Press the keyboard keys simultaneously: “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “G”.
  2. The Statistics window will open with complete information according to the text of the document.

Select the desired fragment, and then press the keyboard keys to obtain statistics about the selected text fragment.

Conclusions of the article

To obtain information about the number of characters (signs) in a Word document different versions program, there are several ways to display statistics. The user can obtain data for the entire Word document, or only for a selected fragment of text.

Enter text:

Service website offers its users a variety of useful tools, which greatly facilitate them daily work. There are only two such tools in this section, but they are basic for copywriters and optimizers. Of course, you can find out the number of words and characters (with and without spaces) in the MS Word office program, but there are cases when this is impossible to do. For example, you don’t have office programs on your computer, but you have handwritten text created in a fit of inspiration on the pages notebook. It must be typed electronically and handed over to the customer as soon as possible. In this case, we suggest you use the “Text length calculation” tool, with which you will not only type the text, but also immediately find out the exact number of words and characters (with and without spaces) in it.

Does length matter?

Both the customer and the performer, when discussing the nuances before starting work on the text, always focus on the number of characters into which the author must “fit in.” It very often happens that the topic is so unfamiliar to the performer that he “sucks every line out of thin air” and ultimately produces a text that does not suit the customer at all. But the number of characters is maintained. Is this approach to work correct? Most likely no. If the copywriter is “out of touch,” then it is better to tell the customer directly about this and refuse to work on the text than to count the symbols “until victory” and “pour water.”

However, conciseness in creating texts for websites does not always work. If a customer wants to see text 15,000 characters long on the page of his resource, and you are foaming at the mouth to prove to him that “there is nothing to write about there” and “here you can invest in 1000 characters,” then, most likely, they will refuse your services . Pen sharks working on the Internet must sense the line that should not be crossed. And (if possible) work with topics that are more or less familiar (or liked). Then the work will be enjoyable and you won’t have to “torture” every character and “pour water” in order to deliver a decent text to the customer.

DS with spaces or without?

The measure of a copywriter’s professionalism is the cost of a thousand characters of text that he writes. And on this basis, oddly enough, conflicts very often arise between the contractor and the customer. The first voices the cost of 1000 characters with spaces, arguing that “the thumb works too,” and the second is ready to pay the same amount for text without spaces, because “a space is not a character.” Some authors, after saying such words, send the customer “text without spaces” and look at the reaction. Usually it helps. However, in order to avoid such unpleasant situations, payment for “voids” in the text should be agreed upon in advance. Option two: tell the customer the cost of 1000 characters with and without spaces. As a rule, in the second case the figure increases by 20%.

Are we rounding?

So, the text is written, the number of characters is calculated using the "Text Length Calculation" tool. For example, the number of characters with spaces (or without spaces, if you agreed with the customer) is 3820. What to do in this case? Usually this figure is rounded up to a number that is a multiple of 100. That is, you can issue an “invoice” for 3900 characters. However, here everything is individual.