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» School graduate, what is he like? The role of the class teacher in the development of a socially adapted personality through the formation of universal human values

School graduate, what is he like? The role of the class teacher in the development of a socially adapted personality through the formation of universal human values

Annex 1.

Pedagogical advice on the topic:

“Model of a school graduate – socialization of the individual”

Goal: to develop a system of common views on personal qualities school graduate in the conditions of the experiment “School – socialization of the individual.”

According to the methodology: Traditional.

By form: reports with discussion.

By composition of participants: constant.

By place and role in the educational process: strategic.

1. Report by Gubareva E.A. (ZDUMR) "Model of a school graduate."
2. Report by Mitrokhina O.G. (teacher of Russian language and literature, class leader of 9th grade) “Socialization of teenagers and problems of pedagogical alienation”
3. Brainstorming “Image of a Graduate”
4. Decision making.

Report “Graduate Model”
Time has brought the question of questions to every school: what should its graduate be like? The search for a school’s target setting today is associated not only with understanding its purpose, but also with modeling the image of a graduate of a given school.

The graduate model is the personality traits of a graduate. Psychology has already counted more than two thousand personality traits. What to do? What should I do? At the school V.A. Karakovsky at one time found such a way out: in the “working model” of the graduate, the teaching staff included only seven integrated qualities, which they considered the most relevant for the socio-economic and political situation:

1. Harmony of the individual and the social, harmony of the personal and the public.

2. Focus on the main ideological and moral values ​​of society (Motherland, World, Man, Labor, Knowledge).

3. High level self-awareness.

4. Social responsibility.

5. Humanity, altruistic orientation.

6. Creativity, ability to create.

7. High level of general culture, intelligence.
(V.A. Karakovsky. My favorite students. Publishing house "knowledge", M. 1987,

At the same time, the goal was to transform the dream of forming harmoniously developed personality into a real problem.

E.A. Yamburg has a different opinion on this matter. He proposes to go from the opposite: to draw up a “defect sheet” for the person of today.

Speaking for " round table“In 1989, he noted that our troubles began when we set ourselves the task of forming a comprehensively developed harmonious personality. This is understandable as a distant goal set by Marxism, but we have transferred the plane to the practical, immediate task of pedagogy. But in reality, instead of a harmoniously developed personality, we have a personality, what kind? Torn, dogmatic, intolerant, ready to destroy the ideological enemy.

There was no harmony. Then we gradually changed the concepts and instead of “harmonious personality” we began to say “comprehensively developed”; it seemed to become more modest. And under the banner of “comprehensive development” we began to cram one thing, another, a third, etc. into the program until we reached a dead end.

“We all learned a little something, somehow.”

So what should we do? Yamburg's credo is that it offers education from the opposite. “We didn’t know,” continues Yamburg, “what a person of the future should be like, and is this carrot that hangs in front of the donkey and moves him forward necessary? But we know very well what is hindering us today, our thinking, our soul. So, perhaps, we should draw up a “defect sheet” for the person of today, scratch it and clean it, and you’ll see that something harmonious will appear later. (innovative teachers reflect, argue, propose. Transcript of speeches at the round table, M., 1989, pp. 65-66).

Group of young Tverskoy scientists state university have developed a model of the personality of a graduate of an educational institution, which:

  • Is integral part models of educational space;

  • Has independent integrity and significance;

  • Based on the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

  • Represents the guiding ideal towards which education should be directed;

  • Performed in an activity-theoretical approach in the language of schematic images.

The main points of this model are as follows:

The graduate must be capable of self-determination and self-realization. Both of these qualities are interconnected and dictated by the new socio-economic and political situation, cultural environment, and spiritual life of society.

Self-determination is understood as a process that includes the following mandatory stages:

  • A person’s understanding of himself and his needs;

  • Constructing an idea of ​​the “external”, of the requirements that this “external” makes (for example, this or that activity);

  • The relationship of the first (“internal”), self) with the second (“external frame”);

  • Checking for compliance of the first with the second;

  • In case of coincidence, the person consciously takes upon himself the demands of the “external” (for example, activity).

A person who knows how to carry out the above procedures in his consciousness has the ability to self-determination. Such a person, as a rule, is responsible for his activities, does not experience uncertainty and discomfort, at the same time knows how to “Have himself” and respects others, is adequate to the situation, and makes non-random choices.

It is also required that the graduate develop a picture of the world that is adequate to the modern level of the educational program (level of study). A holistic picture of the world includes:

  • Moral, i.e. an idea of ​​human relationships between people;

  • A system of knowledge about nature, society, man;

  • Certain operational experience;

  • Experience of creative activity.

Readiness for self-realization assumes that a graduate in a changing situation is able to act, analyze his actions, find the cause of difficulties, build new project of your actions. All this means a person’s ability to reflect. In this case, the appeal to the experience accumulated by humanity, to national, world, professional, general, spiritual culture is extremely significant. It is this kind of focus on culture, through reflection on one’s activities, that ensures a person’s integration into the systems of national and world cultures, which is an important requirement for a graduate of an educational institution.

The presented model can be considered as a guideline towards which education should be directed. Logic requires that the process ensure the achievement of a result, a final product. Thus, it becomes clear that the educational process should not only be built on the type of transfer of subject knowledge, subject skills and abilities, but also create conditions for the formation and development of the student’s abilities for activity, self-determination, reflection, and thinking.

The need to construct a graduate’s personality is caused, on the one hand, by the fact that society’s order for a “product pedagogical activity“, in fact, is absent today, and on the other hand, by the fact that each school operates in a specific environment and the personality traits of graduates of different schools can be predicted, taking into account the specifics of this Environment. When formulating the goal and modeling the personality of a school graduate, the teaching staff proceeds from universal human values, national guidelines, national and regional characteristics.


Recognition internationally and Russian levels rights, freedom, dignity of the child (Declaration of the Rights of the Child, 1959, Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989) requires changing the goals, content and technologies of education and training, including control and evaluation activities. The new attitude towards a person, including a child, not as a means, but as an end, raised questions about the need to change the educational paradigm.

Traditional pedagogy practically carries out violence against a growing personality. It alienates a child, teenager, young man from the potentially creative possibilities of the educational process and leads to alienation. Growing up presupposes the socialization of the individual, it means general, social, relating to the joint life of people, their varied communication and activities. The process of growing up is aimed at developing the ability to build productive relationships with surrounding people and social institutions, and to master activities that are feasible for each age, including cognitive ones. Therefore, education, as one of the leading spheres of society and human life, bears direct responsibility for the results of upbringing and training. However, it is in educational institution, at school, many students receive a negative experience of perceiving and experiencing the educational process as alien, devoid of personal meaning.

Research by many authors (B.N. Almazov, L.S. Alekseeva, etc.) confirms the growth of feelings and, over the years, the awareness of the educational process as personally significant. The instability of motivation to study in younger schoolchildren, its decline by the end of the third year of study in adolescence, develops into the problem of difficulties associated with adaptation during the transition from primary school into the main one, and are transformed into the problem of a “difficult teenager”.

The data presented indicate a tendency towards alienation, which increases as we move towards the senior grades. As the results of the analysis of student responses show, the attractiveness of the school decreases due to the dissatisfaction of the need to solve their personal and social problems and accumulate their life experience. “Pure knowledge”, knowledge for the sake of knowledge, for the sake of a school diary, a magazine, are not considered by teenagers to be personally significant, vitally important.

Presented data from a sociological study of a schoolchild

indicate the presence of a stable contradiction between the process of social maturation of schoolchildren and the obvious defense of the educational process from their pressing personal and socially significant problems.

School is the one social institution, which is actually designed to protect the rights, freedom and dignity of every child, to provide psychological and pedagogical support in the difficult and contradictory process of personal and social development and formation. However, in real life, the problem of pedagogical alienation is not actualized by teaching staff.

Pedagogical alienation is defined as an increase in the developing personality of a maturing person’s feeling and awareness of the alienness of the pedagogical process, its rejection, which occurs in an unfavorable environment. life situation, which developed as a result of psychological and pedagogical incompetence.

Human-centered education is responsible for the results of personality development in ontogenesis and involves the responsible participation of professionals in the life of the child. This is achievable by using a student-centered approach to students. It requires the ability to determine the “zone of actual” development, but the most important and difficult thing is to move in collaboration with the student into his “zone of proximal development.” As Vygodsky L.S. emphasized, the zone of proximal development has great importance for dynamics intellectual development and the success of learning than the current level of development. This methodological position is especially important for the theory and practice of constructing educational process, for the new competence of the teacher, his knowledge and skills to “grow” the success of each student.

Pedagogical alienation, which arises in an unfavorable life situation for the student, resulting from the psychology of pedagogical incompetence, can be prevented and actually overcome by changing the educational paradigm - moving from a cognitively-oriented (Zunian) model to a personality-oriented one. This path creates favorable pedagogical conditions, preventing the emergence and strengthening of the child’s pedagogical alienation, and, if necessary, correcting the personal development of each student, if:

Carry out full-fledged educational activities, including three links: motivational, corrective, central (working) and control-evaluative;

Create a situation of success for each student by organizing training in the zone of proximal development.

3. Brainstorming “Image of a graduate.”
Tasks: 1. to identify and coordinate the opinions and ideas of teachers about the image of a school graduate - the socialization of the individual.

2. bring the idea of ​​the current situation in school into line with the real social order.

Method: survey.

Form of work: group (4-5 people in a group).

Each group is given one questionnaire containing a list of individual characteristics. Based on this list, each group completes five tasks. The results of each task are submitted to the manager in writing. Having received written reports groups, the leader, having processed the results, will receive average indicators for each questionnaire. The results can be discussed immediately. In this case, a possible technique would look like this.

After a short break, during which a group of managers processes the results (based on group reports, selects and ranks the most attractive characteristics separately for each of the five proposed characters), they are put on public display.

Next, maintaining the same microgroups, the leader asks after some time (30-40 minutes) a representative from each group to give an analysis of the results obtained. The representative is obliged to express not his personal, but the agreed opinion of the entire microgroup.


1. In the preliminary list, select those individual characteristics which do you consider most important to describe a “good student”

today” (answer from the perspective of what could be).

  • Competitive spirit

  • Conformity

  • Feeling of camaraderie

  • Creativity, ability to create

  • Ability to think critically

  • Curious, inquisitive mind

  • Preoccupation with material success

  • Decency-fairness

  • Honesty

  • Humanism (kindness)

  • Independence

  • Intellectual development

  • Materialism

  • Obedience

  • Enterprise

  • Openness

  • Having your own beliefs

  • Balance-organization

  • Sense of humor

  • Emotionality

  • Sincerity

  • Social adaptability

  • Good manners

Select five traits that best reflect a modern good student and rank them in order of importance to you (rank them).

Develop a common opinion in the group.
2. From the list provided, select the individual characteristics that you consider the most significant to describe a “graduate of a school-socialization of personality.”

(list repeats)

3. From the list below, select those individual characteristics that you consider most important in describing a “good teacher.”

(list repeats)

Select the five traits that seem most significant to you and rank them in order of importance.

Choose a common opinion in the group.

4. In the list above, select the individual characteristics that seem to you the most significant to describe the “teacher of the school of personality socialization” (hereinafter, similarly)

5. From the list below, select the individual characteristics that seem most significant to you in describing a “Successful Adult.”

Conclusion: the school graduate’s model of personality socialization includes the following most important personality traits:
1. intellectual development

2. social adaptability

3. inquisitive, inquisitive mind

4. having your own beliefs

5. ability to think critically.

PS solution:
1. To approve the “graduate model” of the school - the socialization of an individual who has the following qualities: intellectual development, social adaptability, an inquisitive inquisitive mind, the presence of his own beliefs, the ability to think critically.
2. Discuss intermediate results in 2006 (in a year), in 2010 (in 5 years).

The teaching profession is a human science,
constant never ending
penetration into complex spiritual world person.
A wonderful trait is to constantly open
there is something new in a person, to be amazed at the new,
To see a person in the process of his formation -
one of those roots that nourish
calling to teaching.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Based on the social order, in the municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 9” of the Vilyuchinsky urban district, a certain model of a graduate has developed - as a theoretical image that serves as the basis for designing the school’s educational policy and forming certain requirements for the level of professionalism of teachers. In addition, the graduate model involves the formulation of basic principles, compliance with which determines the achievement of quality education (responsibility, initiative, adaptability to changing conditions, formation of value orientations, etc.).

The main point in this image, in accordance with the priority directions of the school, is the formed motivation for learning in the constant acquisition of knowledge necessary for continuing education and successful socialization in the future. That is, a graduate of our school is a person ready for social, professional and civic self-determination; sustainable in difficult socio-economic circumstances and the changing political reality of modern Russian society.

A school graduate is an educated person who independently acquires knowledge and is ready to make morally justified decisions.

  • Aware a variety of life values ​​(freedom, cooperation, respect for another person), one’s own self-worth.
  • Able to make a choice; live and work in a group of different ages.
  • Capable plan your life in accordance with your goals, make decisions.
  • Having life experience of working in a group: under guidance, independently, in pairs, with a book, with documents, with instruments, a computer.

The leading role in the formation and development of the child’s personality, the disclosure of his identity, abilities and potential, and the protection of interests is given by the class teacher. The class teacher is a professional teacher who is for a growing person ( Annex 1 )

– a spiritual intermediary between society and the child in mastering the basics human culture;
– protector from moral degradation, moral death;
– organizer of cooperative relationships in various types of joint activities of the class team;
– organizer of conditions for self-expression and development of each child, carrying out (together with a psychologist, social teachers) correction of the process of his socialization;
– an assistant, consultant in organizing everyday life and activities, in understanding the socio-economic, political life of society, in professional guidance;
– coordinator of the efforts of teachers, family, society - in a word, all educational institutions of society influencing the formation and development of students;
– the creator of a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate in children’s and adolescent teams, associations, and groups.

Basic characterological guidelines for a graduate’s personality(Annex 1 )

Free personality . A person with a high level of self-awareness, citizenship and self-discipline. Self-respecting, aware of her own value and recognizing the value of another person, capable of being responsible to herself and society.

Humane personality – shows mercy, kindness, the ability to compassion, empathy, patience and goodwill. Ready to help, strives for peace and understands the value of human life.

Spiritual personality – has a need for knowledge and self-knowledge and reflection, has a need for beauty and communication.

Creative person – has developed abilities, knowledge, abilities, skills, developed intelligence.

Practical personality – knows the basics of computer literacy, professional training, has aesthetic taste, good manners, knows and respects the Constitution and laws of the country. Strives for physical perfection and is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle.

Municipal educational institution Secondary School No. 9 is a school with a mixed student population, where gifted and ordinary children study, children in need of correctional and developmental education. Based on the heterogeneity of the population, the school focuses on taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. The main direction of education at school is the adaptation of students to life in modern society based general education within the framework of the state standard.

Model of a graduate of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 9 ( Annex 1 )

Possessing a common culture and moral orientation towards socially significant values. A school graduate is a Russian citizen who is characterized by a sense of pride in his homeland. This is a purposeful person for whom the concepts of “Motherland”, “Culture”, “Humanity”, “Tolerance”, “Family” are dear.

Ready for life in 4 areas: economic; environmental; moral and legal; scientific. A school graduate is ready for professional self-determination and self-affirmation; he adequately assesses his capabilities. He strives to continue his education or enter the workforce.

Ready for self-realization in subject-matter, practical and communicative activities. The graduate is active and has organizational skills. He is sociable and has communication skills. Can correct his behavior and other people’s aggression, and is psychologically stable.

Possessing the culture of human relationships, their manifestation and self-analysis. The graduate strives to build his life according to the laws of harmony and beauty, and develops his creative potential. He is law-abiding and has the basics of legal education.

Having a broad outlook, possessing a culture of thought, feelings, and speech. The graduate is distinguished by a wide education, which acts in the form of continuous self-education, which has become a need, a habit in life.

In our school, education is carried out at three levels: primary school (grades 1–4), basic school (grades 5–9) and high school(grades 10–11).

One of the directions for modernizing Russian education is specialized education at the third stage of school. A flexible system of specialized training provides the opportunity to continue education in a specialized class or class universal profile. Profile training is a means of differentiation and individualization of training, which allows, through changes in the structure, content and organization of the educational process, to more fully take into account the interests, inclinations, and abilities of students, and to create conditions for the training of high school students in accordance with their professional interests and intentions regarding continued education.

Portrait of a graduate of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 9 at three levels of education (Annex 1 ).

The graduate model is not seen as an end in itself. It does not set rigid boundaries for the student and the teacher, suggesting a creative, individual approach to the implementation of the principles of developmental education and student-centered pedagogy.

Activity class teacher is the most important link in the educational system educational institution, the main mechanism for implementing an individual approach to students. It is determined by the modern task that the world community, the state, the republic, and parents set for any type of educational institution - the maximum development of each child, preserving his uniqueness, revealing his talents and creating conditions for normal spiritual, mental, physical perfection.(World Declaration on Survival, Protection and Development).

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Pedagogical Council

"Modern Graduate"

through the eyes of teachers, parents, students.

Model of school graduate No. 16"


Deputy Director for HR

January 2013

Modern graduate! What is he like?!

Little first-graders come to school and we are all moved to watch how awkwardly they hold balloons and bouquets and bend under the weight of large briefcases. They come to the first lesson and the teacher immediately sees in each of them there is a small personality, which after ten years transforms into a mature personality - a modern graduate.

What influences this personality?

A child grows up in a family and the traditions and views of the family primarily influence the formation of personality; children watch TV, communicate with peers and the general socio-economic situation seriously influences the future graduate.

And only then – school, where the child spends 1/3 of his time for ten years! It is at the time when personality formation occurs!

Let's try to name five personality traits that should be formed as a result of the process of learning and upbringing at school:

- Independence

- Determination

- Education

- Objectivity

- Competitiveness

- Communication skills

- Initiative

- Responsibility

- Intelligence

- Decency

Now let's try to name the personality traits of our real graduates

- Self-confidence

- Ambition

- Assertiveness

- Impudence

- Careerism

And for now, without discussing the results, let’s name the personality qualities that will help graduates become successful in modern society:

- Careerism

- Self-confidence

- Impudence

- Communication skills

- Assertiveness

The results of monitoring the level of education of students in grades 10–11 showed that

Why are there differences between these groups of qualities and

how to combine these qualities?

Differences exist because:

· There are no ideal people, as well as people who should cultivate these qualities in students;

· School cannot educate everyone in the same way, all people are different in themselves;

· A person himself must be able to cultivate the necessary qualities, and school only helps him in this;

· Some students believe that they cannot demonstrate their qualities at school;

· Honesty and kindness, in our time, are not needed by anyone;

« What needs to be done to improve the learning process

and education at school?

Need more extracurricular activities together with parents and teachers to get to know each other better;

· Introduce the subject “Economics”, which will help graduates navigate modern life;

· In high school, the student must choose the most interesting and necessary subjects for him,

· Give more vital and practical skills in lessons;

· Hold self-government days more often,

Students want to be more independent, but at the same time they need the cooperation of teachers, it is more important for them to gain practical skills and choose their own subjects to study, and communication is very important for them, because most of them go to school for this.

Parents believe that the school (use survey data)

The parents’ answers can hardly be called objective; in their opinion, everything is fine at the school, so to find out the public’s opinion, let’s look at how 140 respondents aged 40 to 50, who were asked to answer five questions, evaluate today’s graduates.

LET'S COMPARE TODAY'S GRADUATES AND GRADUATES FROM THE TIME YOU FINISHED SCHOOL(this question was asked to 140 respondents aged 40 to 50 years).






As you can see, the majority opinion is inclined to the fact that a modern graduate moral qualities and the degree of preparedness for life is inferior to a graduate of that time.

If with the “graduate” everything is more or less clear, then

What should a modern school be like to educate a modern graduate? This is a more complicated question .

This question was asked to the audience

Moscow Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers.

What is?

What should it be?

A modern teacher basically gives students good knowledge, but at the same time the student’s personality does not develop, the latter does not know how to independently obtain knowledge, does not know how to use reference and additional literature

Developed thinking and intelligence (not memory). The student must be able to acquire knowledge. In modern society, in the age of information technology and increasing flows of information, this is a very important skill.

A large amount of undigested information, training in many different disciplines that will only be 50% useful in the future. The teacher teaches what he knows, regardless of whether it is relevant. Knowledge is divorced from activity. Grades are the most important thing.

Teaching not the subject itself, but the basic skills that will help the student gain the necessary knowledge in the future. We need to learn to find necessary information and use it skillfully, and not give it ready material. Development of independence. Staying healthy.

Extreme lack of audio and, especially, visual information of a humanitarian nature. The existing films are hopelessly outdated, and, as a rule, there is no money for new ones.

A person must freely or at least confidently navigate the processes taking place in society. To do this, he needs alternative information from different sources. This will give him the opportunity to consciously make responsible decisions.

A graduate who possesses a sum of knowledge.

A creatively developed personality, capable of adapting to market conditions. A modern graduate must be active, independent, and able to get out of difficult life situations.

Student overload: the student does not have enough time to work with additional sources of information, including the computer.

A physically healthy person with solid knowledge.

Teachers' responses from different regions, allow us to conclude that in a modern school common problems. How to find a solution to these problems?

Concept for the development of education until 2015 sets before society the task of updating the content of education, the basis of which should be activity approach - kit key competencies, which a graduate must master.

Student competencies:





general cultural.

For us, this is the formation of a set of key competencies that a modern graduate should have:

    Formation of a knowledge base for further professional education Formation of ways of organizing individual and collective activities (planning, design, research, creativity, etc.), Formation of ways of using various types of resources to implement one’s plans Formation of methods of socialization (inclusion in various educational, professional, etc. communities).

The most important characteristic modern education and the condition for achieving the set goals is educational environment.

The following types of educational environment are distinguished (L. Korczak), based on the priority of the child’s personality and the inadmissibility of authoritarian leadership:

1. Dogmatic educational environment – ​​a passive and dependent person;

2. Career – a relatively free person, but mostly always dependent on people and circumstances, and at the same time active;

3. A serene educational environment - the individual, although relatively free, is always passive;

4. Creative educational environment – ​​free and active personality.

The latter, as you understand, is an ideal to which we must strive.

The goals and objectives facing a modern school require the creation of a scientifically based model of a graduate. The need to create a graduate model modern school follows from the following conditions:

1. The level of education in the world is constantly growing. To meet international standards, a graduate of a modern school must be intellectually and spiritually developed, ready to continue education, and capable of self-realization, self-determination, and self-improvement.

2. The most important task of a modern school is to cultivate national self-awareness.

3. The model serves as a guide for both the subject teacher and the class teacher when choosing forms and methods of teaching and upbringing, intermediate and final certification, and diagnosing the development of students’ personality.

4. Without a model, it is difficult to provide assistance to families in raising children; without it, the guidelines for self-education and self-education of high school students become uncertain.

5. The model protects students from poor-quality teaching, and teachers from biased assessment of their work.

Model (from Latin modulus - some measure, sample) in in a broad sense words are a mental or conventional image of an object, process or phenomenon.

The graduate's personality model is a system of basic value parameters that characterize the quality of education and are used as school standards of education and good manners.

School graduate model:

§ A person capable of independently finding a way out of a problem situation, carrying out search activities, conducting research, owning the means and methods of research work; (Vika)

§ Personality ready for conscious choice and mastering professional educational programs, taking into account inclinations, existing interests and individual capabilities; (Roma)

§ A personality capable of self-development and self-change; Galkina Anya

§ A person with versatile intelligence and a high level of culture; (Dasha)

§ A person who guides his life activities by universal human values ​​and norms, who perceives another person as an individual who has the right to freedom of choice and self-expression. (Temples)

But the question still remains unresolved: “How to raise such a graduate?” It is obvious that in conditions of rapid change, a mechanism for its constant updating must be built into the school curriculum. A similar mechanism may research and creative activity , carried out in the form projects, specialized training, elective courses, social practices, etc. Therefore, the traditional framework curriculum move apart due to various activities of students and teachers.

The main problem of the current disunity is the absence of a single unifying ideology; the school does not have a clear perspective: for life in what society, for what social roles should we raise our students? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to determine the understanding of Russia’s place in modern world. Who will the school graduate tomorrow and the day after tomorrow - citizens of a great power, specialist “nerds” or workers servicing the extraction and transportation of raw materials?..


“A modern graduate through the eyes of teachers, parents, and students.

Model of a school graduate."

In order to implement the “School Educational Program” and form a model of a school graduate:

1. Create conditions for manifestation individual characteristics every student in the school, taking into account the social order through extracurricular activities, elective courses, pre-profile preparation and specialized training.

2. Within the framework of existing programs, emphasize the practical orientation of training to demonstrate the search activity and creative activity of students through the introduction of new pedagogical technologies, the use of role-playing games, excursions, seminars, project activities.

3. Place under-achieving students in the second quarter under internal school control.

4. Subject teachers should conduct individual work with students who have one C in their subjects


Assignments for creative groups.

1. What provisions need to be added to make the proposed graduate model more complete?


2. What do you think should be the purpose of a modern school?


3. What conditions are necessary to achieve this goal?

4. What traditions of our school do you consider most appropriate to preserve?


5. What measures need to be taken, introduce new rules, carry out the following activities...)

Pedagogical advice on the topic:

“Model of a school graduate – socialization of the individual”

Goal: to develop a system of general views on the personal qualities of a school graduate in the conditions of the experiment “School - socialization of the individual.”

According to the methodology: traditional.

By form: reports with discussion.

By composition of participants: constant.

By place and role in the educational process: strategic.


1. Report by Gubareva E.A. (ZDUMR) "Model of a school graduate."

2. Report by Mitrokhina O.G. (teacher of Russian language and literature, class leader of 9th grade) “Socialization of teenagers and problems of pedagogical alienation”

3. Brainstorming “Image of a Graduate”

4. Decision making.

Report “Graduate Model”

Time has brought the question of questions to every school: what should its graduate be like? The search for a school’s target setting today is associated not only with understanding its purpose, but also with modeling the image of a graduate of a given school.

The graduate model is the personality traits of a graduate. Psychology has already counted more than two thousand personality traits. What to do? What should I do? At the school V.A. Karakovsky at one time found such a way out: in the “working model” of the graduate, the teaching staff included only seven integrated qualities, which they considered the most relevant for the socio-economic and political situation:

1. Harmony of the individual and the social, harmony of the personal and the public.

2. Focus on the main ideological and moral values ​​of society (Motherland, World, Man, Labor, Knowledge).

3. High level of self-awareness.

4. Social responsibility.

5. Humanity, altruistic orientation.

6. Creativity, ability to create.

7. High level of general culture, intelligence.

(V.A. Karakovsky. My favorite students. Publishing house "knowledge", M. 1987,

At the same time, the goal was to turn the dream of forming a harmoniously developed personality into a real task.

E.A. Yamburg has a different opinion on this matter. He proposes to go from the opposite: to draw up a “defect sheet” for the person of today.

Speaking at a round table in 1989, he noted that our troubles began when we set ourselves the task of forming a comprehensively developed harmonious personality. This is understandable as a distant goal set by Marxism, but we have transferred the plane to the practical, immediate task of pedagogy. But in reality, instead of a harmoniously developed personality, we have a personality, what kind? Torn, dogmatic, intolerant, ready to destroy the ideological enemy.

There was no harmony. Then we gradually changed the concepts and instead of “harmonious personality” we began to say “comprehensively developed”; it seemed to become more modest. And under the banner of “comprehensive development” we began to cram one thing, another, a third, etc. into the program until we reached a dead end.

“We all learned a little something, somehow.”

So what should we do? Yamburg's credo is that it offers education from the opposite. “We didn’t know,” continues Yamburg, what a person of the future should be like, and is this carrot that hangs in front of the donkey and moves him forward necessary? But we know very well what is hindering us today, our thinking, our soul. So, perhaps, we should draw up a “defect sheet” for the person of today, scratch it and clean it, and you’ll see that something harmonious will appear later. (innovative teachers reflect, argue, propose. Transcript of speeches at the round table, M., 1989, pp. 65-66).

A group of young scientists from Tver State University have developed a personality model for a graduate of an educational institution, which:

    It is an integral part of the educational space model;

    Has independent integrity and significance;

    Based on the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

    Represents the guiding ideal towards which education should be directed;

    Performed in an activity-theoretical approach in the language of schematic images.

The main points of this model are as follows:

The graduate must be capable of self-determination and self-realization. Both of these qualities are interconnected and dictated by the new socio-economic and political situation, cultural environment, and spiritual life of society.

Self-determination is understood as a process that includes the following mandatory stages:

    A person’s understanding of himself and his needs;

    Constructing an idea of ​​the “external”, of the requirements that this “external” makes (for example, this or that activity);

    The relationship of the first (“internal”), self) with the second (“external frame”);

    Checking for compliance of the first with the second;

    In case of coincidence, the person consciously takes upon himself the demands of the “external” (for example, activity).

A person who knows how to carry out the above procedures in his consciousness has the ability to self-determination. Such a person, as a rule, is responsible for his activities, does not experience uncertainty and discomfort, at the same time knows how to “Have himself” and respects others, is adequate to the situation, and makes non-random choices.

It is also required that the graduate develop a picture of the world that is adequate to the modern level of the educational program (level of study). A holistic picture of the world includes:

    Moral, i.e. an idea of ​​human relationships between people;

    A system of knowledge about nature, society, man;

    Certain operational experience;

    Experience of creative activity.

Readiness for self-realization assumes that a graduate is able to act in a changing situation, analyze his actions, find the cause of difficulties, and build a new project for his actions. All this means a person’s ability to reflect. In this case, the appeal to the experience accumulated by humanity, to national, world, professional, general, spiritual culture is extremely significant. It is this kind of focus on culture, through reflection on one’s activities, that ensures a person’s integration into the systems of national and world cultures, which is an important requirement for a graduate of an educational institution.

The presented model can be considered as a guideline towards which education should be directed. Logic requires that the process ensure the achievement of a result, a final product. Thus, it becomes clear that the educational process should not only be built on the type of transfer of subject knowledge, subject skills and abilities, but also create conditions for the formation and development of the student’s abilities for activity, self-determination, reflection, and thinking.

The need to construct a graduate’s personality is caused, on the one hand, by the fact that society’s order for a “product of pedagogical activity” is essentially absent today, and on the other hand, by the fact that each school operates in a specific environment and the personality traits of graduates from different schools can be predicted , taking into account the specifics of this Environment. When formulating the goal and modeling the personality of a school graduate, the teaching staff proceeds from universal human values, national guidelines, national and regional characteristics.


Recognition at the international and Russian levels of the rights, freedom, and dignity of the child (Declaration of the Rights of the Child, 1959, Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989) requires changing the goals, content and technologies of education and training, including control and evaluation activities. The new attitude towards a person, including a child, not as a means, but as an end, raised questions about the need to change the educational paradigm.

Traditional pedagogy practically carries out violence against a growing personality. It alienates a child, teenager, young man from the potentially creative possibilities of the educational process and leads to alienation. Growing up presupposes the socialization of the individual, it means general, social, relating to the joint life of people, their varied communication and activities. The process of growing up is aimed at developing the ability to build productive relationships with surrounding people and social institutions, and to master activities that are feasible for each age, including cognitive ones. Therefore, education, as one of the leading spheres of society and human life, bears direct responsibility for the results of upbringing and training. However, it is in an educational institution, at school, that many students receive a negative experience of perceiving and experiencing the educational process as alien, devoid of personal meaning.

Research by many authors (B.N. Almazov, L.S. Alekseeva, etc.) confirms the growth of feelings and, over the years, the awareness of the educational process as personally significant. The instability of motivation to learn in younger schoolchildren, its decline by the end of the third year of study in adolescence, develops into the problem of difficulties associated with adaptation during the transition from primary to secondary school, and is transformed into the problem of a “difficult teenager.”

The data presented indicate a tendency towards alienation, which increases as we move towards the senior grades. As the results of the analysis of student responses show, the attractiveness of the school decreases due to the dissatisfaction of the need to solve their personal and social problems and accumulate their life experience. “Pure knowledge”, knowledge for the sake of knowledge, for the sake of a school diary, a magazine, are not considered by teenagers to be personally significant, vitally important.

Presented data from a sociological study of a schoolchild

indicate the presence of a stable contradiction between the process of social maturation of schoolchildren and the obvious defense of the educational process from their pressing personal and socially significant problems.

The school is a social institution that is actually called upon to protect the rights, freedom and dignity of every child, to provide psychological and pedagogical support in the difficult and contradictory process of personal and social development and formation. However, in real life, the problem of pedagogical alienation is not actualized by teaching staff.

Pedagogical alienation is defined as an increase in the developing personality of a maturing person’s feeling and awareness of the alienness of the pedagogical process, its rejection, which occurs in an unfavorable life situation that has developed as a result of psychological and pedagogical incompetence.

Human-centered education is responsible for the results of personality development in ontogenesis and involves the responsible participation of professionals in the life of the child. This is achievable by using a student-centered approach to students. It requires the ability to determine the “zone of actual” development, but the most important and difficult thing is to move in collaboration with the student into his “zone of proximal development.” As Vygodsky L.S. emphasized, the zone of proximal development is of great importance for the dynamics of intellectual development and the success of learning than the current level of development. This methodological position is especially important for the theory and practice of constructing the educational process, for the new competence of the teacher, his knowledge and skills to “grow” the success of each student.

Pedagogical alienation that arises in an unfavorable life situation for a student, resulting from the psychology of pedagogical incompetence, can be prevented and actually overcome by changing the educational paradigm - moving from a cognitively-oriented (Zunian) model to a personality-oriented one. This path creates favorable pedagogical conditions that prevent the emergence and intensification of the child’s pedagogical alienation, and, if necessary, correct the personal development of each student if:

Carry out full-fledged educational activities, including three links: motivational, corrective, central (working) and control-evaluative;

Create a situation of success for each student by organizing training in the zone of proximal development.

3. Brainstorming “Image of a graduate.”

Tasks: 1. to identify and coordinate the opinions and ideas of teachers about the image of a school graduate - the socialization of the individual.

2. bring the idea of ​​the current situation in school into line with the real social order.

Method: survey.

Form of work: group (4-5 people in a group).


Each group is given one questionnaire containing a list of individual characteristics. Based on this list, each group completes five tasks. The results of each task are submitted to the manager in writing. Having received written reports from the groups, the manager, having processed the results, will receive average indicators for each questionnaire. The results can be discussed immediately. In this case, a possible technique would look like this.

After a short break, during which a group of managers processes the results (based on group reports, selects and ranks the most attractive characteristics separately for each of the five proposed characters), they are put on public display.

Next, maintaining the same microgroups, the leader asks after some time (30-40 minutes) a representative from each group to give an analysis of the results obtained. The representative is obliged to express not his personal, but the agreed opinion of the entire microgroup.


1. In the preliminary list, select those individual characteristics that you consider most important for describing a “good student”

today” (answer from the perspective of what could be).

    Competitive spirit


    Feeling of camaraderie

    Creativity, ability to create

    Ability to think critically

    Curious, inquisitive mind

    Preoccupation with material success



    Humanism (kindness)


    Intellectual development





    Having your own beliefs


    Sense of humor



    Social adaptability

    Good manners

Select five traits that best reflect a modern good student and rank them in order of importance to you (rank them).

Develop a common opinion in the group.

2. From the list provided, select the individual characteristics that you consider the most significant to describe a “graduate of a school-socialization of personality.”

(list repeats)

3. From the list below, select those individual characteristics that you consider most important in describing a “good teacher.”

(list repeats)

Select the five traits that seem most significant to you and rank them in order of importance.

Choose a common opinion in the group.

4. In the list above, select the individual characteristics that seem to you the most significant to describe the “teacher of the school of personality socialization” (hereinafter, similarly)

5. From the list below, select the individual characteristics that seem most significant to you in describing a “Successful Adult.”

Conclusion: The school graduate's model of personality socialization includes the following most important personality traits:

1. intellectual development

2. social adaptability

3. inquisitive, inquisitive mind

4. having your own beliefs

5. ability to think critically.

PS solution:

1. To approve the “graduate model” of the school - the socialization of an individual who has the following qualities: intellectual development, social adaptability, an inquisitive, inquisitive mind, the presence of his own beliefs, the ability to think critically.

2. Discuss intermediate results in 2006 (in a year), in 2010 (in 5 years).

7. Applications

7.1. Research project in geography on the topic:

“State demographic policy, what should it be?”

Completed by 10th grade students Ulikhin. A., Zakharov. R., Ionova D., Ryazanova N.

Project work plan.

1. Introduction.

2. Research.

3. Research results.

4. Conclusions.

5. Conclusion.

1. Introduction

Relevance of the issue

Gradually growing crisis processes have covered all spheres of society - production and household, environmental and demographic, political and ideological. There was an imbalance in the domestic market, a decline in the level and quality of life of the population, accompanied by destruction natural environment its habitat, deterioration of demographic indicators.

Population former USSR at the time of its collapse was 290 million people, of which 149 million people lived in the RSFSR.

In 1986 In the RSFSR, 2 million 486 thousand people were born, 1 million 498 thousand people died. Natural population growth amounted to 988 thousand people. Since mid-1991 For the first time in recent centuries, mortality in Russia exceeded the birth rate. So, in 1994 1 million 420 thousand Russians were born, and 2 million 300 thousand died (880 thousand more than those born). In percentage terms, these indicators were: birth rate - 0.93%, mortality - 1.50%, the difference between them - minus 0.57%. This is no longer a natural increase, but a population decline.

Positive natural growth remained only in Dagestan, Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Kalmykia, Tuva, Yakutia-Sakha, the Altai Republic, the Tyumen region and some northern autonomous okrugs.

Now Russia has begun to lose 1 million people annually. A year and the Kursk region is gone, a year and it’s gone Khabarovsk Territory. The situation is especially catastrophic in the so-called Russian territories and regions. In the Pskov region there were 6434 people born in 1995. There were 17,347 deaths, the natural population decline was 10,913 people.

The life expectancy of men in Russia, corresponding in 1964-1985. the average European standard of 65 years dropped to 57 years with the beginning of reforms, and in some areas Central Russia even up to 45 years old. In women, the average life expectancy decreased less - from 76 to 70 years. Now Russia lags behind the average European standard of life expectancy by 15-20 years.

In post-reform Russia there was no turn towards increasing the birth rate.

During the years of reforms the number Russian citizens decreased by 6 million, but the total population did not decrease by the same amount. Over 3 million people joined Russia. from neighboring countries. The migration process obscured the picture of the natural population decline in Russia. In 1997 Russia's population was 147 million people in 2000. - 145 million. According to this indicator, it ranks sixth in the world after China (1 billion 209 million people), India (919), USA (216), Indonesia (195), Brazil (159), but by 2050 . Russia will be surpassed in population by Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Zaire, Iran, Mexico, Vietnam, the Philippines..

We believe that the modern demographic situation is, in its very essence, deeply immoral, no matter how much one talks about its supposed “regularity.” And even more immoral is the attitude of the Russian authorities towards it, ignoring national disaster No. 1. One can only hope that real specialists who care for their people and country will not only realize this, but will also find the strength to speak out against the immoral socio-economic course of the authorities.

Goal of the work:

Determine the main directions of the state demographic policy of the future.

Objectives of the work.

1. Analyze quantitative and high-quality composition population of the village of the 2nd department of the Arzhenka state farm;

2. Assess the current state and prospects of the size and composition of the population;

3. Develop a model that simulates demographic processes future;

4. Formulate proposals aimed at improving the demographic situation.


Object of study:


gender and age structure of the population

national composition of the population


quality of the population.

Information sources:

1. Household books of the Pichersky village council of the Rasskazovsky district of the Tambov region.

2. Information provided by the Civil Registry Office of the Rasskazovsky District Administration.

Physical and economic-geographical characteristics:

The settlement of the 2nd branch of the Arzhenka state farm is located on the territory of the Pichersky village council of the Rasskazovsky district of the Tambov region. From district center located 12 km to the east, 47 km from the regional center. It is connected to the district and regional centers, as well as the Central Branch, by road.

3.Research results.

A) Natural population movement

B) Population dynamics

B) Age composition of the population

Men Women General

D) Age-sex pyramid

D) Quality of the population

The average life expectancy for men is 44 years, and for women – 50 years.

Literacy rate is: 100%

3% - higher education

36% - secondary education, secondary specialized and primary vocational education.

21% - primary education

13% - schoolchildren

4% are students.


The economically active population is 33%. The main share is employed in agriculture- 20 %. 25 people work at the Central Department of the Arzhenka state farm, 56 people work at the place of residence in poultry farming, a workshop and at the MTF. Unemployment is 16%. In the last decade, there has been an outflow of the economically active population to Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as to St. Petersburg (about 13%).