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» We grow a miniature tree in the apartment - ficus Kinki. Ficus Kinky: tips for care, propagation and replanting

We grow a miniature tree in the apartment - ficus Kinki. Ficus Kinky: tips for care, propagation and replanting

The ornamental shrub is characterized by short stature, its height does not exceed 35-40 cm. Most gardeners know this dwarf variety of Ficus Benjamin. The plant is native to Asia and belongs to the Mulberry family. Thanks to the variegated coloring of the small and narrow foliage, the flower leaves no one indifferent. The leaf blades are light green and framed by a cream or light green border. Their length rarely exceeds 4 cm. Woody stems are distinguished by cascading branches.

Ficus Benjamin Kinke's crown is actively forming, which makes it possible to give exotic flower original appearance. A lush crown with drooping shoots is absolutely not afraid of haircuts, which allow you to create a beautiful standard tree with tall decorative characteristics. A well-groomed flower is a real decoration for any interior.

Conditions for ficus Kinki in the room

Features of growing ficus Green Kinky generally come down to the following activities:

  1. Ensuring sufficient quantity sunlight in the room where the plant will be located.
  2. Searching for a promising place so as not to subject the flower to stress in the future and not to move it to a new place.
  3. Proper organization irrigation systems.
  4. Timely transplantation into a large container.
  5. Application of balanced nutritional formulations in spring and autumn.

Temperature and humidity

Proper care of the ficus Kinki involves maintaining it in the room temperature regime within 20-25 degrees. In winter, these indicators can be lower by only 4-6 degrees; the critical minimum temperature will be around 12 degrees. House ficus reacts poorly to flows of very hot air, and based on these considerations, placing a pot with a plant near heating devices is extremely undesirable.

Correct lighting

Ficus Kinki belongs to the category light-loving plants, therefore, to maintain the green color of the leaves, it needs diffused light in sufficient quantities, so the process of photosynthesis will occur quite actively. Despite the fact that flower crops are quite capable of withstanding the effects of direct sun rays, in the hot season it is better to darken it. It is advisable to immediately determine the location of the flowerpot with the Kinki ficus. It is recommended to choose a window sill facing east or west.

Pot and soil requirements

To ensure the lush crown of an ornamental shrub, the soil substrate should be selected correctly. It must be sufficiently loose, air and water permeable. It is also possible to prepare fertile soil at home by using peat, sand and turf soil in equal proportions for these purposes.

If you do not have the necessary components of a high-quality substrate, you can purchase them from a specialized point of sale ready-made soil intended for growing ficus, which is very convenient and effective.

How to properly care

Caring for ficus at home involves applying fertilizers, forming a crown and moistening the soil, as well as replanting.

How to water a plant correctly

The only requirement here is caution. Do not allow excessive moisture in the soil, since the small pots used to grow the plant slowly evaporate moisture. And its stagnation can cause the development of putrefactive processes in the root mass and the appearance of a fungal infection. But the drying out of the earthen coma also has a detrimental effect on the decorative culture. A long absence of moisture provokes a change in the natural green color of the leaf blades to yellow. Ultimately, such affected specimens fall off. The best decision– moderate watering of Kinki, which is carried out as the top layer of soil dries.

Feeding and fertilizer

This ficus variety, like other Benjamin varieties, needs feeding procedures. Since the soil gradually depletes over time, the fast-growing flower crop begins to lack useful components. Excessive amounts of minerals are also undesirable, otherwise the plant will shed its leaves.

Active feeding should be done when the ficus comes out of dormancy - in the spring. From this time until the beginning of autumn, balanced or special formulations are used with a frequency of 1-2 times a month. In autumn, feeding procedures are reduced to nothing, further care behind ornamental shrub carried out without them.

Crown formation and flower pruning

Dwarf variety Ficus plants are often planted with two plants in one container. This technique allows you not only to create a luxurious crown low bush, but also to give the trunk some originality due to the intertwined woody stems. It is noteworthy that at the base these central conductors are able to grow together. In the case of growing one flower, you can form the plant as miniature tree. This option looks elegant and advantageous. Regardless of whether one or two ficus plants are placed in one pot, do not be afraid to trim off excess shoots and leaf blades to give the plant the desired shape.

Ficus transplantation and propagation

It is imperative to replant the plant after purchase, given that the soil mixture in the purchased ficus does not contain a sufficient amount of nutritional components. For these purposes you will need:

  1. Prepare a suitable ceramic or plastic container.
  2. Treat it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Water the plant well.
  4. Together with the earthen lump, transfer it to a new flower vessel, having previously laid a drainage layer of fine expanded clay on the bottom.
  5. The resulting voids in the vessel must be filled with fertile soil.
  6. Moisten the flower generously.

In the future, the flower crop is replanted as needed, when the roots are already visible through the drainage holes.

There are several ways to breed ficus Kinki: seed material or cuttings. The second option is characterized by high effectiveness when kept at home. To begin with, cut a cutting 10-15 cm long from a lignified shoot or top. After which they give it a couple of hours to dry from the milky juice that has released on the cut.

The workpiece is placed in a container with soft and settled water and wait until roots begin to form. Then the cuttings are planted in a pot with loose and nutritious soil.

Diseases and pests

In most cases, yellowing and loss of leaf mass in the Kinki ficus is associated with the following factors:

  • lack of sunlight;
  • excessive levels of humidity;
  • stress associated with a change of residence of a flower;
  • low indoor air temperature;
  • application cold water to moisten the soil;
  • the presence of a draft in the room and sudden changes in temperature.

Often the flower crop looks healthy, but does not grow. The reason may be an unsuitable container - its size does not suit the ficus. In order for its crown to grow well, it is necessary to transplant it into a larger flowerpot. But you shouldn't be too zealous here.

If putrefactive pathogens appear that provoke the development of root rot, then the tree should be replanted, having first removed its infected parts.

Powdery mildew, characterized by the appearance of a white coating on sheet plates, must be destroyed with a fungicidal drug. Infected parts of the plant must also be removed.

Ficus Kinki for full growth and development needs to maintain optimal humidity and air temperature in the room, placing the pot with the plant in a well-lit place. In addition, you should not ignore pruning to achieve the desired standard.

Ficus has been breaking all records for popularity among plants in indoor floriculture for a long time. The reason for this demand lies in perfect combination very unusual appearance and lack of difficulties in care. One of the pets of gardeners is the fig tree, or ficus Kinki.

General information

Elegant and unusually decorative ficus Kinki, or Ficus Benjamina "Kinky", is a dwarf variety of Ficus Benjamin, known to most gardeners. This plant is native to rainforests Asia, as well as the territory of Australia and West Africa. The plant belongs to the Mulberry family.

The small-sized and fairly narrow foliage of this ficus has variegated colors. The leaves are light green in color and have a very pleasant cream or light green edging. The leaves of the plant do not exceed four centimeters in length. Stems are lignified with cascading branches.

Ficus Kinki: transplantation (video)

Plant care

Like almost any variety of ficus, indoor ficus Kinki does not require significant effort and time from the grower to carry out care activities. The main condition proper cultivation is to follow simple and generally accepted rules in indoor floriculture.


Ficus of this species is characterized by heat-loving behavior, and even in winter, the room temperature should not fall below 15 degrees Celsius. The plant is very sensitive to drafts and exposure to direct sunlight. You can ensure variegated foliage coloring by placing the plant under bright but diffuse lighting.

The plant reacts poorly to hot air flows emanating from heating devices and room heating systems. It is not recommended to frequently change the location of the ficus. In addition, when insufficient humidity it is required to artificially increase it or at least carry out systematic spraying.

Watering and fertilizing

In spring and summer periods Ficus Kinki is actively growing and developing, which requires fertilizing twice a month. The best option is represented by the use of complex fertilizers.

Starting in autumn, the amount of fertilizing should be gradually reduced, and by winter period such activities must be stopped completely.

Watering should be done with settled water. room temperature. Irrigation of the plant is carried out as it dries upper layers soil. All excess water flowing into the pan under the flower pot should be removed immediately - this will protect the ficus root system from rotting.


Two weeks after purchasing the Kinki ficus, it is recommended to transplant the plant into a freer flower pot. The best option is to use a ceramic or plastic container. The soil substrate must also be completely replaced with new, fertile soil. Soil mixture should be intended for growing ficus.

Ficus Kinki does not require too large a flower pot, which is due to the characteristics of the root system of this plant. It is recommended to replant the ficus every two years. Transplantation and selection of a flower pot should be based on the growth of the root system. Replanting is carried out by transferring the old clod of earth into a new flower pot and filling the free space with fresh soil.

Plant pruning

Pruning the ficus Kinki is carried out in order to form the crown of the plant. As a rule, several plants of this species are planted in one flower pot at once, which allows you to get a ficus with a lush crown. It is allowed to intertwine lignified stems, which after some time grow together at the base.

Growing a ficus alone allows you to form a plant in the form of a miniature tree with an elegant, but not very lush crown. Ficus Kinki easily tolerates both forming and sanitary pruning, you can also trim excess branches and leaves absolutely painlessly for the plant.

Diseases and pests

One of the most common problems in indoor floriculture is the loss of leaves from the plant. As a rule, the Kinki ficus sheds its leaves due to a change in its usual growing location or as a result of an illiterate and careless transplant of the plant into a new flower pot. Besides, loss of foliage is caused by insufficient lighting, as well as drafts in the room.

As a rule, the cause of diseases of the ficus Kinki lies in fungal and infectious lesions, as well as attacks by pests, for example, spider mites or shield aphids, which are activated when the air in the room is too dry. Besides, Often gardeners are faced with plant damage by diseases.

  1. powdery mildew, manifested as a white coating on the plant. Absolutely all infected foliage should be removed, and then the plant must be treated with a fungicide-based solution.
  2. Root rot which is a consequence of exposure to harmful bacteria. In this case, it will be necessary to replace the soil substrate and remove the affected roots of the indoor plant.

It should be remembered that it is not proper care most often causes ficus diseases.

Ficus Kinki: planting and care (video)

Ficus Kinki is very popular and has interesting feature: The crown of this plant can be given almost any shape. In addition, ficus is absolutely unpretentious and can easily tolerate minor errors in care.

Ficus plants are especially popular among indoor floriculture enthusiasts. Ancient signs say that this flower brings happiness and harmony to the house, and it is especially recommended for women who dream of children. But even if you don’t believe in superstitions, it’s hard not to agree that it’s indoor flower for all its beauty and elegance, it is quite unpretentious, resistant to diseases and distinguished by a variety of species. All this makes him especially attractive. One of the most popular varieties plant is ficus kinki, which we will talk about.

Botanical description

Kinky is one of the varieties of the famous ficus benjamina. This is a variegated variety. IN natural conditions The plant grows in tropical areas. At home, the bush reaches no more than 35-40 cm in height. Its small light green leaves with a light edge are about 4 cm long and no more than 2 cm wide.

Another variety of ficus kinky was bred in the Netherlands - the so-called ficus greenkinky. In appearance, ficus green is similar to the Natasha variety, beloved by our flower growers, and has monochromatic green leaves.

The plant is valued for its miniature size, beauty of the crown and decorative effect. But caring for ficus benjamina kinki at home requires some effort.

Immediately after purchase, the plant must be transplanted into a new pot. In this case, the land must be completely replaced. Ficus benjamina kinki, which has not undergone initial transplantation, sheds its leaves and becomes ill.

After the kinki “moves” to his new “home,” you need to find him permanent place a habitat. The fact is that this ficus variety is intolerant of frequent rearrangements. When the plant is regularly moved from place to place, it reacts by shedding its leaves and turning yellow.

The room where the plant will live should be well lit. Ficus benjamina kinki should not be placed near radiators. You should also avoid drafts, which can cause the plant's leaves to fall off. The optimal air temperature for ficus kinki is 22-25 degrees. Daily plant care includes watering and spraying the leaves.

Caring for ficus benjamina kinki at home is not difficult even for a novice gardener, but it requires some procedures. This includes systematic watering, timely replanting and spring-summer feeding, as well as crown formation for aesthetic purposes.


Ficus kinki should be watered as the top layer of soil dries. If the plant does not have enough moisture, its leaves dry out and fall off. It should be remembered that no less harm to the plant can be caused by overwatering. Waterlogged soil is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungi that can infect a houseplant.

Water intended for irrigation should warm to room temperature.


Caring for ficus kinki at home involves regular feeding. Like most plants kept indoors, Ficus kinki responds well to fertilizer. In winter, when the plant is dormant, it does not need feeding. In spring and summer, during the period of active growth, indoor flowers need to be fed nitrogen fertilizers and do this once every 10 days.

Features of transplantation

It was previously mentioned that the initial replanting of a flower is carried out immediately after purchase, and the soil must be completely replaced, since the store-bought substrate is not intended for permanent habitation of the plant.

In the future, the ficus kinki is replanted as needed, when it becomes too crowded in the pot. The dimensions of the new pot should exceed its predecessor by 3-4 cm in diameter. Recommended time for this procedure: spring or early summer.

Crown formation

With the help of pruning, you can even make a real work of art out of ficus kinki even at home, giving it the desired shape, but for this you need to take care of the crown. Don’t be afraid to use your imagination and feel free to trim off excess leaves and branches.

To achieve a beautiful lush crown, you should plant several ficuses in one pot. Their woody stems can be intertwined with each other using any type of weaving. Thus, you will receive not only a beautiful crown, but also a decorative, unusual trunk.

Ficus Kinki. Planting and care.

Ficus kinki

Ficus Benjamin Kinki: care, reproduction, transplantation, watering


The main method of propagation of this type of ficus is cuttings. The procedure goes as follows:

  • you need to choose a strong escape;
  • Using a sharp knife, cut off a branch with 2 buds (the length of the cutting must be at least 10 cm);
  • a milky sap forms on the cut, which must be washed off, otherwise it will prevent the plant from taking root;
  • Root the cut twig into the nutrient mixture and cover with a transparent bag.

Within a week, the cuttings will have roots, and after another 2 weeks they should be planted in permanent pots.

Propagation by seeds or pieces of stems is also possible. But such methods are used less frequently.


Ficus kinki is susceptible to various fungal infections, so it is very important to provide the plant with proper care. The most common diseases are:

  1. Powdery mildew. Due to high humidity or excessive watering, a light coating appears on the leaves of the plant. All diseased leaves must be removed and the ficus treated with a fungicide solution.
  2. Root rot also occurs due to too much watering. It is necessary to remove the affected roots and change the soil in the pot.
  3. Many gardeners are concerned about the problem of ficus leaves falling off. This phenomenon may be due to the frequent movement of the ficus from one place to another. If the ficus drops all its foliage, then perhaps it does not have enough lighting. Move the flower to a brighter place or use a special lamp for plants.
  4. Falling leaves immediately after purchase is normal reaction plants. In this way, the flower tries to adapt to its new environment.

So, we are convinced that caring for ficus benjamina kinki at home is not very difficult. The main procedures to which the plant must be subjected are regular, but not excessive watering, seasonal feeding, timely transplantation and crown formation.

Particularly popular among indoor plants use ficus trees. And this is understandable, because having a plant at home with an impressive, elegant or exotic appearance, and besides, many people want something that is unpretentious and disease-resistant. Ficus Kinki, or fig tree, as it is also called, is no exception to this list.

Let's look at what kind of plant this is, what care it needs and what is needed to make a guest in your company feel comfortable, that is, let's get to know it better.

Meet Ficus Kinki

A small, well-branched plant, its size and leaf color differs from other ficuses. It has light green leaves with a light border, their length is about 4 centimeters. The plant has a straight, woody stem and drooping branches.

Under natural conditions, Ficus Benjamin Kinki can be found in the countries of the southern hemisphere, which are crossed by the tropical belt. The plant tolerates pruning well and is easy to form a crown. Thanks to its decorativeness and compactness it looks beautiful. But in order for the Kinki ficus to grow well in your apartment, you still need to know something about its preferences.

In addition to being spectacular, ficus is also unpretentious, but let's look at everything in order.

What conditions are suitable for it?

Like every plant brought to us from other countries, ficus needs to try to create an environment as similar as possible to the one in which it grows in nature.

The plant is a light-loving plant, which means you need to take care of lighting. Diffused light is better for it than direct sunlight, so in the summer heat ficuses are shaded. Window sills of western or eastern windows - here the best place for these indoor plants, and it is undesirable to change the position of the light source.

If there is not enough light, the brightness of the leaves will be lost and they will be pale.

Although the flower comes from those places where people seek relief from the heat, streams of hot air from the radiator can destroy it. Battery and heating devices- Not best neighbors ficus. But remember, when protecting it from the heat, do not overdo it; a temperature drop of more than 15C is dangerous for the plant. Make sure that the temperature in the room is no higher than 30C and no lower than 18C, and optimal temperature in the cold season – 18C-15C. Leaf fall can begin if there is a radiator under the windowsill, and cold air blows from the window onto the ficus.

Like other indoor inhabitants, the ficus does not like to be moved from one place to another; you will know that it is bad for it by the crumbling leaves; this also happens if the flower is standing in a draft.

It tolerates dry and humid air equally calmly, but there is no need to experiment; make sure that the humidity is constant and moderate. If there are heating devices nearby and the warmth in the room matters to you great importance, give the ficus a shower, spray it with warm, settled water from a spray bottle and wipe its leaves with a damp cloth. But, remember, after such a “shower”, the soil in the pot should not become dirt.

How to properly care for a tropical flower

Ficus Kinki does not require increased attention, its care is limited to watering, timely replanting and fertilizing, as well as maintaining temperature and humidity.

  1. Watering

You need to water carefully, not abundantly; excess moisture can cause rot of the root system or the appearance of fungus. The moisture in the soil should evaporate slowly; for this purpose, ficus plants are planted in small pots.

Just like excess moisture, drying out of the soil poses a great danger to the roots, so you need to water a little, but regularly.

  1. We feed

Over time, the soil loses its supply of minerals and other components that ensure normal growth of the ficus, so it needs additional feeding. But here it is important not to overdo it; an excess of minerals will cause the plant to first shed its leaves and then die.

Feeding is necessary in early spring, when the dormant period ends and the ficus begins intensive growth. The plant is fed once or twice a month; it is better to use complex or special fertilizers, and so on until the first days of autumn.

  1. Replanting

The ficus is replanted for the first time immediately after it was purchased. Remember that the plant will not be able to stay in store-bought soil and pots for long. First it will shed its leaves and then die.

Ceramic or plastic pots are filled with soil mixture for ficus, it contains all the substances necessary for their growth. The pot should not be cramped or very large. First, expanded clay or other drainage is poured onto the bottom, and only after that the soil mixture is added. As the root system grows, the ficus is again transplanted into another pot, changing the soil, this is done annually. IN good conditions root system It grows quickly, so it is replanted often.

You need to replant carefully, using the method of transferring an earthen clod. The drainage is sprinkled with fresh soil and the earthen ball is covered on all sides.

  1. We have already talked about the reasons for leaf fall. It's time to name the pests that can cause problems for your ficus. These are aphids, scale insects and spider mite. If you find them, try to wash off the insects with a strong stream of warm shower. If this “gentle” method does not help, move on to “heavy artillery.” You will need chemicals that you can buy at a specialty store; use them according to the instructions.

Sometimes, when improper care, ficus trees suffer from powdery mildew. This disease can be determined by white plaque on the leaves. The leaves must be removed immediately and the plant treated with a fungicide.

For supporting aesthetically pleasing The miniature tree is carefully pruned; don’t be afraid, its crown forms easily.

Learning to trim indoor flowers correctly

The purpose of pruning is to shape the crown so that the plant looks beautiful. This procedure is painless for him, so if you do everything correctly, negative consequences There is no need to be afraid. To make the crown lush, you can plant several plants in one pot; they will feel comfortable next to each other and will not interfere with each other. Over time, their stems will intertwine and grow together, as a result not only the crown, but also the trunk will look original.

A single Ficus Kinki plant should resemble a small tree, this should be taken into account when you begin to form the crown. Some flower growers believe that it is not at all necessary to cut it, maybe they are right. If you are planting a young shoot so that it grows vertically, stick a small peg nearby; you will remove it when the shoot gets stronger.

That's how they are - mysterious and magical ficuses.

It remains to add that looking at an indoor flower will lift your spirits, and caring for it will not require much time and effort from you.

Don’t forget that plants are living gifts of nature; provide them with proper care, care and attention, and then they will thank you with their beauty and grace.

Ficus Kinki is miniature variety of Benjamin and belongs to the Mulberry family. Plants of this variety are often found in the form of a bush or low tree. Does not require special care if you follow simple rules its cultivation.

Because Kinky originally from the tropics- West Africa, Australia and Asia - for good growth it requires conditions close to tropical.

A distinctive feature of Kinki is its elongated leaves, 3 to 7 cm long, with variegated edges. Moreover, one plant may have leaves with a milky, grayish-white or even light green edge. Ficus can become a real highlight of the interior if you have patience and give an original shape to its trunk or crown. Do this better in spring when the flower grows quickly.

Shaping the bonsai crown

When cut, Kinki secretes milky juice. All operations for pruning it are necessary carry out with gloves using pruning shears. Before starting work, the instrument is disinfected in an alcohol or manganese solution.

To form a trunk, you need to plant several shoots nearby in a pot. The weaving should not be tight to allow the trunks to grow in thickness.

Excess leaves are carefully trimmed off, the places of weaving are fixed with woolen threads. As it grows, weaving continues to the desired height.

The crown can be given type of ball, cone, umbrella. The cuttings are allowed to grow, after which the excess branches are cut to the desired length and shape. Pruning is done as the ficus grows. By removing excess leaves and branches, directing in the desired direction and fixing the trunk you can create many unusual options.

The final result will depend on your imagination and skill.

Branches should be cut above the bud in order to start growing side shoots. Then the crown will be lush and take the desired shape.

Ficus Kinki flowering

Few people know that ficus are flowering plants . At home, flowers do not form. And in greenhouses small inflorescences appear - syconia, shaped like berries or balls.

It is impossible to see the flowers themselves, they are located inside such inflorescences. The syconium has a small hole through which insects enter for pollination.

Conditions and features of care

Great for planting soil will do for ficus, which is sold in flower shops. The plant needs to be provided good drainage. To do this, a layer of expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the pot, then a layer of sand and soil on top.

Ficus benjamina kinki loves good lighting, it is best if the light is diffused. It is necessary to immediately choose a place for the pot and not move it in order to protect the flower from stress and falling leaves. Ideal place will become window sill on the east or west side, protected from direct sunlight. The optimal room temperature is 15-20 degrees.

For normal development the air in the room should not be dry. Periodically you should spray the crown with a spray bottle or give the plant warm shower, covering the soil from moisture.

Make sure that the pot of ficus Kinki was not near a radiator or in a draft. Hot dry air and cold will negatively affect growth.

Kinki is very picky about watering. This procedure must be completed settled water at room temperature only when the top layer of soil in the pot dries slightly. If you water too often, the roots may begin to rot. The leaves will fly off due to a long drought.

Watering indoor ficus Kinky

Therefore, it is very important to observe the measure. In spring time of intensive growth of ficus is useful 1-2 times a month add into water for irrigation complex fertilizer for variegated indoor plants.

Reproduction and transplantation of homemade Benjamin

The first ficus transplant is carried out after its purchase.. The shipping pot and store-bought substrate are not suitable for continuous growth. The planting container should not be too large. For a small cutting, a pot with a diameter of about 10 cm is sufficient.

Further, as it grows, ficus is transplanted using the transshipment method, leaving a lump around the roots old land. The resulting voids are filled with fresh soil.

Transfer flower from one pot to another best done in early spring. When the diameter of the container reaches 30 cm, in the future it will only be necessary to update the top 3-4 cm of soil annually.

Ficus Kinki propagates seeds, apical cuttings and pieces of stems. At home the most in a simple way is to root a branch approximately 10 cm long, on which 3-4 leaves are left. Such a shoot can be placed in water or planted in a mixture of soil and sand, covered with a plastic cap on top. Roots appear in 10-15 days.

Diseases and pests: what to do if the ficus begins to shed leaves

Pests dangerous to Kinki are scale insects, spider mites, mealybugs, aphids. What to do when the ficus begins to shed its leaves due to disease? If the plant is infected, you should carefully rinse it warm water in the shower, not forgetting to cover the soil in the pot.

When this procedure does not help, it is necessary to combat pests with the help of store-bought chemicals. A sure sign that your ficus don't like the conditions environment , serves leaf fall. There are many reasons for this. Here are the main ones:

  • air temperature below 15 degrees;
  • a flower pot stands too close to the battery or in a draft;
  • too much abundant or inadequate watering;
  • plant little light;
  • ficus pot often moved from place to place.

Excellent ficus specimen

Despite the tropical origin of the ficus Kinki, even a novice gardener can create conditions for it to grow comfortably. Enough to follow simple rules , which were described above. And if you approach growing ficus creatively and give it unusual look, then it will become a real decoration of your home and everyone’s favorite.