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» Learn geography nomenclature. Study of geographical nomenclature. Tricks for fast memorization

Learn geography nomenclature. Study of geographical nomenclature. Tricks for fast memorization


Change your attitude towards the subject. Geography is not only boring maps and cramming data on the amount of minerals in a particular place. This is also the study of the planet on which you live, the laws of distribution of natural components and ways of combining them. Thanks to this, you will have a better idea of ​​the world map and will be able to create a route for traveling to other countries. If in the future you want to study economics or politics, you cannot do without this subject.

Manage your time correctly. To study more efficiently and quickly, master the laws of time management. Know how to distinguish the important from the secondary. Start your homework with more difficult questions and leave the easier ones for last. Make a personal schedule and stick to it. Don't be distracted by talking, watching TV or surfing the Internet while preparing for lessons. To do this, take time to rest.

Study the atlas. Purchase it in paper or electronic form. It contains a lot of information and cities. In addition to the physical part showing the terrain, it includes economic, political, climatic, religious and social parts. The atlas talks about the distribution different religions in areas of the world, about population density and average income levels, birth rates, deaths, and the development of industries. Learn to read them correctly. If you have better developed visual memory, then mastering geography using an atlas is your strong point.

Use fun games and riddles to help you understand the subject. An entertaining element will make learning enjoyable and interesting. Find quizzes. Install them on your computer or phone and learn while having fun. In addition, you can purchase literature on geography, which differs from textbooks in its unusual presentation of material.

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Children learn through play. And they are doing it very successfully. Unfortunately, as we grow up, we forget about this type of learning: in schools we are taught to sit for a long time over textbooks and books, memorizing necessary information. But you can learn by playing at any age. The game makes the learning process fun and more effective.


Most of us have known the good old game "Cities" since early childhood. The rules are extremely simple: the first player names a city, the second player must name another city, the name of which begins with the last letter of the city just named by the previous player. And so on down the chain. In this case, the previously named cities cannot be used by another participant. Two or more people can take part in the game. If a city ends in “b” or “b” an exception is made and the penultimate letter is taken into play. For the letters “Y” and “Y”, an exception is usually not made, since these, although not many, have them. The game ends when the next participant cannot remember the name of the city on given letter.

Let's complicate the rules a little. Now it’s not enough to remember the name of the city with the required letter, you also need to give brief information about this city or the country where this city is located. It could be geographical position, local traditions and attractions, population, culture, faith, Interesting Facts from and modern life cities or countries - any interesting and fascinating information. You can't repeat yourself.

In order not to lose face, you will have to prepare for the game. Read books about cities and countries peace. It is better if these are not textbooks, but popular science: such books are lighter and it is on their pages that the most interesting data is often collected.

Are you prepared? It's time to start playing. You will be surprised how exciting and rich the game has become. In the process, you will have the opportunity to show off your knowledge and a lot of new things about cities and countries world from other players. Almost certainly, by the next game you will want to get to know each other even more thoroughly in order to surprise others and please yourself with your knowledge. Go for it!

Video on the topic

A map is an excellent help for studying geography and some other disciplines. It will always help you out during the exam, because using cards is not prohibited. But in order for a map to help in a difficult situation, you need to learn how to read it, as well as remember the main things that are indicated on it.

You will need

  • - large-scale world map;
  • - map of the hemispheres;
  • - contour maps;
  • - pencil;
  • - pointer.


Put the electronic cards aside for now. Using them you can very quickly determine the coordinates of the area or calculate the distance between populated areas. You can even find very small ones on them. locality. But it is easier to remember the location of objects on a regular paper geographical map. Start with a map.

Look at both hemispheres and read which one is western and which is eastern. Read the names of the continents and remember them. Learn to determine the cardinal directions. On all paper maps, north is at the top, south is at the bottom, and west and east, respectively, are on the left and right. Remember the basic horizontal lines - and both poles. Find where the Greenwich Meridian is located. Learn which continents and oceans each of these lines crosses. Find the equator, Greenwich meridian and pole lines on a contour map.

Consider map. Find on it the main lines that you have already seen in the hemispheres. Determine the cardinal directions. Remember, everyone. Use visual memory and associations. What are Africa or America like? How are Eurasia, Australia, and Antarctica different from the rest? Where are they in relation to each other? Find the continents on the outline map. Label them and compare them with the typographic map.

Find it on the political map peace own country. It’s most convenient to start with it, since you know the capital, its approximate position on the island, and the states with which it borders. Find these states and remember their position in relation to your country. Learn the names of capitals and other large cities. What water bodies are they located near?

Compare political map peace with physical. Learn symbols. What are the important geographical features are located in your country and neighboring ones? Determine the position of the main cities in relation to these objects..

Find the extreme points on each continent and learn them. Show me the most big country. Determine its coordinates. Find its approximate position on physical map and identify the most important geographic features. Show neighboring countries, the largest rivers, the main mountain peaks in their territory and the main cities. Pay attention to the boundaries between . What objects do they pass through?

Take any book about traveling around the world. Show where the expedition moved. Find it on the map peace main points. Complete this task several times and find the expedition route on the outline map.

Helpful advice

Check yourself by electronic map. Type the name of the continent into a search engine, then search on it necessary points and look at their coordinates.

Apply different types memory. Show on the map the direction of the river flow, the shore line, the location of a city or peak. Name objects.

To remember the names of different countries, you can use methods that work well if you need to remember Difficult words, learn foreign expressions and their translation.


Make special memory cards. Cut out strips of paper of the same size from cardboard, for example, 2 cm by 7 cm. On each card write on one side and on the other the corresponding capital. During the manufacturing process, try to remember pairs of names.

Fold the cards in, take out one, read the name of the country and try to remember and name which is the capital of this state. Try not to peek. For convenience, use cardboard. For example, yellow- for countries located in Europe, green for Asian ones, gray for African ones. Remove cards that you have already memorized well from circulation. This method is good for remembering by names of states, and vice versa - countries by capitals.

Use phonetic ones. Take the “State - Capital” pair, for example, Tirana - Albania. Think about what each word is associated with. In relation to the capital, “tyrant” immediately comes to mind, and in relation to the country – Jessica Alba or the Alba brand. Imagine Jessica Alba as a cruel ruler, or very uncomfortable Alba shoes that tyrannize your feet. When you need to remember the capital, remember the plot by the sound of the name of the country, this will make it easier for you to remember the first words you were looking for.

Take advantage of special training programs posted on the Internet. These programs offer a question, for example, “Is the capital of Switzerland?”, Below are 4 options, including Bern, you just need to select the correct answer. The program also works in reverse side– select a country by the name of the capital. The process of memorizing capitals using this program is similar to preparing for a theory exam to obtain a driver's license. After some time, the brain automatically selects the correct answer.

Test yourself. Point your finger at the map and name the one you are in. Didn't work the first time? Try again. Failure again? You should think about the gaps in your education. We remember and relearn the names of the capitals of the world.

You will need

  • - World map;
  • - Internet;
  • - paper, pens;
  • - a textbook on geography.


Download electronic variant cards to your computer or phone. In transport, during a lunch break at work, in any queue, an electronic version of the card can always be at hand. You can always remember two or three new ones capital Cities.

Make two columns, write down the capitals in one, and the countries to which they belong in the second. Set aside fifteen to twenty minutes a day for memorization. The most ordinary “cramming” was and remains one of the most effective ways remembering any information.

Record capital/country pairs on a voice recorder. Listen to the recording every day before going to bed, while walking or traveling in public transport. Use a different one for each pair. Unusual intonation will help you remember each of the names more accurately.

Use the association method to memorize (associations can be created visual or semantic). Remember along with the name capital Cities any of its attractions. For example, in Vienna (Austria) there is the Minimundus Museum (a museum of mini-sights from around peace).

Video on the topic


Don’t try to memorize all the capitals in 2 hours, otherwise you risk creating a real mess in your head. Use the grouping method. Distribute the countries of the world into groups and memorize them gradually, one group per day.

Helpful advice

Looking at photographs of each capital will speed up the memorization process. After all, an image naturally appears in your mind Eiffel Tower, when you remember France, and then the name of the capital - Paris.

Knowledge of objects marked on the physical and geographical map, you will need it in geography lessons at school. However, you should not forget the information received when you pick up your certificate - it’s a shame not to know where the Cape of Good Hope is and what the capitals of small cities are called. European countries. If you did not memorize the necessary information at school, learn map You can do it yourself.

You will need

  • - several cards;
  • - National Geographic.


Buy or print a few maps and hang them around your apartment in the places you visit most often. This could be the wall opposite your chair in the kitchen, the door of the toilet, the wall of your bedroom. Also put physical or political map on your computer or laptop desktop.

Many schoolchildren like oral homework until the time comes to test the material they have independently completed. Often, even students who honestly tried to prepare do not get the best marks for their answers on the board. How to quickly learn a paragraph and remember all the most important things?

Forget rote learning

Many schoolchildren take the teacher’s task to “learn a paragraph” literally. After sighing and gasping, the guys begin to mechanically memorize 3-6 pages of text. And this is a big mistake. Memorizing prose verbatim is always more difficult than poetry, especially if we're talking about about a large amount of text. It is not at all easy to memorize a paragraph or chapter of a textbook, even for a student with a very good memory. And what’s most offensive for students is that usually such serious efforts are not required. Most teachers assign homework self-study material, rather than memorizing chunks of text. During the oral test homework The teacher wants to evaluate the student’s knowledge, not his memorization abilities. How to quickly learn an answer paragraph in class? To begin, read the text calmly and thoughtfully; your first priority is to understand the meaning of the textbook chapter.

Notes are a student's faithful friend

When reading a new text for the first time, it is advisable to try to visually imagine all the events or rules described. Be sure to make notes for yourself. Write down your main ideas in the form of a short outline. Try to highlight only the most significant moments, dates and rules. The principle of highlighting the main thing is one of the most simple secrets how to quickly learn a paragraph.

Read the desired text 1-2 times and try to retell it. If it doesn’t work out well enough, you should take a short break and then start reading and repeating again.

Please note that for students primary school The optimal duration of training sessions is no more than 15-25 minutes; older children and adults can study for 45 minutes. After this time, you need to take a break. Classes will be as productive as possible if you do some physical work during breaks. Try doing some light exercise or doing a little housework. After about 10-15 minutes you can return to school lessons.

Subtleties of memorizing various school disciplines

Literature is deservedly considered the easiest school subject for oral retelling. In order to remember a literary text well, it is enough to imagine it in the form of a film, focusing on key points plot.

Very often, schoolchildren ask the question: “How to learn a paragraph in history if it was assigned at home?” Indeed, within the framework of this discipline, teachers often ask teachers to independently study the material as homework. When reading a paragraph, it is useful to create a “time line” and mark all important events with dates on it. This simple circuit will allow you to remember the sequence of incidents described in the textbook article. Complete the “time line” a brief outline. You should not copy out long quotes from the textbook if the assignment does not provide for it. 1-2 sentences for each paragraph is enough. The secret to successfully studying history is understanding the topic, don't hesitate to search Additional information when encountering unfamiliar terms.

Many schoolchildren find the most difficult exact sciences. How to learn a paragraph in chemistry, physics or algebra? It makes sense to memorize all the key formulas and rules (usually this is a small amount of text). But the explanation of theories and laws is enough to carefully read and understand. Having thoroughly understood the topic, it is not difficult to answer any question from the teacher. And you won’t have to blush at the board anymore!

Repetition is the mother of learning!

Most often, schoolchildren who cannot consciously memorize think about how easy it is to learn a paragraph important information. After basic memorization and successful repetition of the material, you should switch your attention to something else. Recommended rest time is at least 1-2 hours. After this, you should repeat the material, you can use your notes or original text. Be sure to retell the topic you have studied again before going to bed. It makes sense to postpone the final repetition of the material until the morning; on the way to school you should repeat what you have learned. This is the most effective memorization technique. Using it, you can learn any topic in any subject. Now you know how to quickly learn a paragraph. We wish you success in your studies!

Every person periodically faces the need to learn material of varying content and volume. This comes easily to some, but the vast majority of people face difficulties, not knowing how to quickly memorize a given amount of text.

The functioning of the human brain is still not 100% understood; we only know that we use a small part of the brain’s abilities. Psychological processes occurring in the human mind are amenable to daily training. Memory and other mechanisms of consciousness can be developed to unprecedented heights. A strong memory will allow you to achieve success in any area of ​​human life; it will be needed in everyday life, study, and will easily increase your intellectual abilities.

To learn text, artistic or scientific content, you will need constant memory training with exercises specially designed for this. Human memory is divided into visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile. It represents the ability to remember and store any amount of information.

Each type of memory develops differently in people. Some people find it easier to remember a text by saying it out loud, while others, on the contrary, learn it better after visualizing what they read. Therefore, it is important to understand which type of memory is better developed in order to use it for memorization in the future.

The same information can be learned well in several ways. There are three ways to remember required material V short time.

  • Method of rational memorization;

It is based on the use of logical memory. In the process of rational memorization, the semantic and logical connection of the material with life experience is consolidated in the mind. With rational memorization, awareness of the text read occurs and information is more easily perceived. This method helps to remember the material by heart, trains intellectual abilities and increases knowledge.

  • Method of mnemonic memorization;

This is the most interesting way out of three. It helps to remember non-semantic information by processing it into images and associative connections. Mnemonic memorization is based on life experience, translating the text into images familiar to consciousness. This method helps to remember a large amount of material that does not carry a semantic load. These could be dates, phone numbers, names, addresses. It helps combat everyday forgetfulness by increasing the ability to mechanically remember things that happen.

  • Method of rote memorization.

This method involves memorizing the material. It is considered ineffective and difficult to train, since it can fail at any moment, “falling out” of memory. As we age, our rote memorization ability declines.

Memorization techniques

To quickly assimilate text, different memorization techniques are used. One of the most effective method thoughtful reading. It is well suited for memorizing large and small volumes. This method is used by actors, for whom it is more important than anyone else to know how to quickly learn a text by heart.

  • First, we slowly and carefully read the text that needs to be remembered. It's better to read it out loud. When reading, you need to understand the main idea of ​​the text, its main plot, so that you can remember it faster.
  • If the volume of material is large, we break it down into meaningful parts. Each part must be learned separately, finding the main words or phrases in them. This will help in the future to restore all the text in order.
  • After this, you need to rewrite all the text manually. This must be done slowly, delving into the essence of what is written.
  • After everything is rewritten, we retell what we remember. You need to remember the smallest details, based on keywords. If you can’t remember a moment, it’s better not to look at the recording, but try to do it yourself. You can peek only as a last resort.
  • Next, we rewrite a second time only what we remembered without prompting.
  • At the last stage, we carefully re-read the text and retell it. It's better to do this before bed.

This memorization method is suitable for learning a text word for word. It will help students, schoolchildren and everyone who needs help a short time know how to learn a large amount of information. Theater and film actors use this method to remember their roles.

Tricks for fast memorization

There are a few more simple but very effective tricks for memorizing the entire text, based on the nuances of our brain. To do this you need:

  • Highlight the main points in the text with a bright marker;

This will allow you not to be distracted by unnecessary text. Actors thus highlight their lines in the script.

  • Sing words or text;

This non-standard method memorization. Having sung the material, it will be better embedded in your memory and you can recall it faster.

  • You need to read until the meaning becomes completely clear;

It is very important to feel feelings and emotions, if this fiction that the heroes experience.

  • After reading, you need to ask yourself questions about the content;
  • Read out loud with expression;
  • Write the text with the other hand;

If you are left-handed, write with your right hand, if you are right-handed, write with your left. This tricky trick will force your brain to spend more effort analyzing all the written material.

  • Find a training partner;

The actors rehearse in pairs, this helps in their work. You can also ask someone you know to test your knowledge of all the material. Learning by heart is more interesting and much easier in a company.

  • Record the text on a voice recorder;

Record the text on a recording device and listen to it throughout the day while doing your daily routine or while traveling. This will help you remember voluminous text without being distracted from other things and without wasting extra time.

Memory needs to be constantly trained. Memorizing information consists of encoding it and sending it to a special part of the brain for further storage. If the information is needed, it will be easily remembered. When it is not used for a long time, the brain will remove it as unnecessary. Forgetting is inherent in humans; it happens after a certain time. This is a natural mechanism of the brain and it helps not to overload the brain with unnecessary information and if it is not used, it disappears from memory over time.

Ekaterina Dodonova

Business coach, blogger, memory development and speed reading instructor. Founder of the educational project iq230

1. Understand

Very often, people simply try to memorize unfamiliar words and phrases without even understanding their meaning. Perhaps this will be enough for several days, say, to pass an exam. Unless, of course, the lecturer asks you to explain what you mean by ablation and what are the signs of those same chromosomal aberrations from the first ticket.

The brain perfectly remembers words connected associatively. He discards incomprehensible letter combinations like garbage, not wanting to waste time on them.

For this reason, most people have difficulty learning. A strange-sounding word does not bring to mind pictures that are familiar and understandable to the heart.

Therefore, for better memorization, you must first parse and understand all new terms. Try to feel the word and connect it in your imagination with familiar concepts.

2. Come up with an association

Having imagination is one of the most powerful tools for remembering information. significantly facilitate the process of memorizing important reports, presentations, texts, including foreign languages due to artificial associations.

Let's take the word "Monday". What frames are running on your internal screen? It could be the morning, terrible traffic jams, a thought pulsating in your head, a day on the calendar, a diary page from childhood, or a buzzing office anthill. What do you see?

To make associative connections strong and durable, you can use the five-finger rule. Each finger has its own association, filled with one or another content.

Fingers Association
Big "Raisin". Original, absurd, absurd
Pointing "Emotions". Use only positivity
Average “About my beloved self.” Feel free to associate the object of memorization with yourself
Nameless "Feel". Connect your senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste, tactile sensations
Little finger "In move". Make your subject move. The brain remembers information faster over time

Thus, necessary information will be imprinted in your memory at all levels of feelings at once, which will allow you to use it for a long time.

3. Trick the magic number 7 ± 2

The famous American psychologist George Miller found that short-term human memory cannot remember and repeat more than 7 ± 2 elements. The mode of constant information overload reduces this number to 5 ± 2.

However, there is a simple way to cheat the laws short term memory: application of the story method, which involves the logical linking of disparate memorization objects into one chain. You may end up with something funny, incredible and completely impossible. real life story. The main thing is that with its help you can remember more than 15 elements at a time.

According to the director's plan, in the next scene you should swim in a pool filled to the brim with semolina porridge. Yes, just imagine this madness in bright colors. Feel with your skin how the semolina sticks to your skin. How hard it is to swim in this warm liquid, although the porridge is not too thick. The smell of milk in the air butter and childhood.

4. Repeat correctly

Our brain can be programmed - this is scientific fact. It requires awareness and daily work in the chosen direction. Therefore, if you have firmly decided that it is extremely important for you to learn English in six months, then your brain is already tuned in to intensive memorization. But in addition to regular training, regular repetition of the material covered is also important.

Use specific time intervals for best memorization: repeat the material immediately after learning, then after 15–20 minutes, after 6–8 hours (preferably before bed) and the last time after a week.

5. Tune in

Perhaps there is nothing worse when a person thinks about himself in negative terms: “I will never cope with this,” “It is impossible for me to remember this,” “I will not be able to learn such a complex report.” Use only positive statements, programming your brain for work and results.

Tune in correctly, tell yourself: “I remember!”, “I have good memory. I’ll remember,” “I’ll remember and easily retell it in my own words in two hours.” Set yourself up. The resource state of the brain is your area of ​​responsibility.

Knowing the five secrets of memory, you can easily learn to memorize truly complex and versatile materials. In addition, there are many interesting and natural ways for humans to train memory and consolidate the necessary objects of memorization, which Ekaterina Dodonova also talks about in detail in her book.

Happy reading and have a great memory!


Chemical nomenclature appears to be a way of "negotiating" chemistry with mathematics. But where to start? ... and what are the reasons and theories? Some "names" are taken from latin... I know there are IUPAC rules, etc., but it is so demanding and exaustive to learn all these rules at once, for organic and inorganic chemistry. Maybe there are reasons and rules that help us to name a chemical or compound... Since I am interested in metallurgy, can you give me some tips? To connect the theory with a formula, ad strutural formula, would be good. An untouchable “why” in the universe is always welcome.


Welcome to Chemistry.SE. As you say, there is a lot of nomenclature, not to mention additional jargon pertaining to our techniques, methods, tools, etc. There is a reason that it is usually broken down into smaller chunks and spread throughout the entire four year degrees in chemistry. Oddly enough, the nomenclature of metals** alloys** is one of the few types that is rarely taught. - Ben Norris Oct 19 13 2013-10-19 11:58:37

  • 1 answer
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Chemical nomenclature is a mixture of historical features, empirical knowledge, and a bit of systematics. And, as you mentioned, explore everything exhaustively at once.

To understand the nomenclature, you must understand the systems themselves. Because it is their structure and reactivity that is reflected in the name.

This results in a failed circular dependency. To start learning any chemical industry, you must know its language. But without knowing science, language has no meaning. It's similar and you probably can't do anything about it, just cut that circle and go through the nomenclature. It will start to make sense once you get deep enough. Also, the “why” is a good indicator. Once you have enough knowledge to understand the answer, why it's named the way it is, you can probably answer it yourself.