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» What plastic windows to put in the apartment. Modern double-glazed windows: which ones are better to install

What plastic windows to put in the apartment. Modern double-glazed windows: which ones are better to install

Install yourself plastic windows in an apartment almost everyone can. Today it is not considered a sign of luxury, as it once was.

Any window structure is equipped with a double-glazed window, which makes up about 85% of the area of ​​the entire window. Glass is the coldest place in the entire structure, so the main heat loss occurs through it. It is from this part of the window that it depends whether it will be warm in the house in winter or whether you will have to walk in a fur coat.

For comparison, how heat is lost as a percentage:

  • gender - 11%;
  • roofing - 14%;
  • walls - 30%;
  • windows - 45%.

Apartments with old wooden windows and those located at the end of the house lose even more heat - up to 60%.

Before putting metal-plastic windows it is necessary to study the main characteristics of their operational properties. Heat and noise insulation parameters of various double-glazed windows.

Types of double-glazed windows are determined by the number of chambers. These are two, three or even more glasses hermetically connected into one structure, and the gaps between them are filled with ordinary dried air or a special inert gas. Inside, between the panes there is a thin-walled spacer frame made of perforated aluminum.

To date, the most common:

  1. single chamber;
  2. two-chamber;
  3. three-chamber.

To determine which version of the double-glazed window is best suited, consider each of them separately.

standard type

The single-chamber package has two glasses in its composition. He has following parameters: 24 mm (4 * 16 * 4), where 4 mm is the thickness of the glasses themselves, and 16 mm is the distance between them in the frame.

For a single-chamber double-glazed window, a minimum of materials is used, and the design is relatively light. In economic terms, this is the most cost-effective option. However, for warm glazing balconies and loggias will not be enough.

Double-glazed window with two-chamber implementation

Two-chamber consists of three glasses, the distance between which is approximately 10 mm, and the thickness is 4 mm. Its parameters are 32 mm (4*10*4*10*4).

As such, the two-chamber package has no drawbacks. They can appear due to the process of poor-quality window installation and will lead to condensation.


The three-chamber package has maximum insulation and very high quality sound insulation. However high price and the large weight of the structure, many consumers are repelled from its installation.

Discussed double-glazed windows can have a thickness of up to 44 mm. The glasses of such window structures can be energy-saving, insulated and tempered, in addition, they can have a different structure and have different thicknesses. Depending on the climate of the region, you need to decide which package is better to install from a rather impressive list:

  • ordinary;
  • sunscreen;
  • toning;
  • light transmission;
  • soundproof;
  • warming;
  • heat absorbing;
  • multilayer;
  • design glass;
  • self-cleaning.

Disputes about which double-glazed window is better and in what conditions it should be used have been going on for more than one year. To omit nothing and define best option it is imperative to discuss all the features with window installers.

energy saving

In the window industry market, energy-saving glass occupies a special place. It is characterized by a dedicated heat supply due to a special "K" or "I" glass, which is usually installed only inside the double-glazed window due to their rapid destructibility under mechanical and atmospheric influences.

A double-glazed window with energy-saving glass works on the principle of an original thermal trap - it allows heat from the outside into the house and reflects it like a mirror, preventing you from leaving the room.

Constructions with "K" glass

"K" glass is obtained by applying metal oxides by pyrolysis method on hot glass. Today, such an energy-saving material is increasingly being squeezed out of the market. building materials. This is accompanied by such disadvantages as the relatively high price of the product and the uneven thickness of the metal layer, causing iridescence and glare.

Constructions with "I" glass

"I" glass is produced by vacuum deposition on the basis of silver.

In the production of metal-plastic windows "I" glass is more modern. It is used much more often than "K" glass due to much better consumer qualities:

  • maximum energy-efficient characteristics;
  • low reflective ability;
  • high light transmission;
  • reduction of internal condensation.

Soft (“I” glass) and hard (“K” glass) coatings do not affect the transparency of the glass.

Internal space between glasses

In addition to budgetary simple dried air, inert gases are used to fill the inter-pane space.

The advantage of a bag filled with argon or krypton is that the window becomes much "warmer". Sometimes the space between the panes is filled with xenon, but this is a very expensive option.

Gas evaporates even from the highest quality hermetic double-glazed windows. Losses come from the sealing circuits (through the ends) up to 3% per year. That is, in 10 years the gas will have to be re-injected.

It is very difficult to determine that it is gas, and not dry air, in the space between the windows. Unscrupulous sellers can use this, so it is better to order metal-plastic windows in a trusted place.

Benefits of energy efficient double glazing

It is better to install a double-glazed window with energy-saving glass because it:

  • It has good energy-saving characteristics - it does not allow heat to pass from the room to the outside. winter time, reflecting it inward up to 60%.
  • IN summer period does not let long-wave thermal radiation inside - reflecting it up to 34% towards the street.
  • It does not accumulate condensate due to the increase in temperature in the window zone, the windows will not “cry”.
  • saves family budget- by reducing heat loss, gas consumption is reduced in winter, and due to air conditioning, electricity consumption is reduced in summer.
  • Thanks to the transmission of ultraviolet light, it cleans the room from germs.
  • Extends service life window fittings by almost 30% due to the fact that it is lighter than conventional double glazing almost twice.
  • Due to its lightness, it allows installation in window and sliding systems large volume.
  • A single-chamber package is 15% "warmer" compared to a two-chamber package with ordinary glasses.
  • Protects interior details from fading.

An energy-saving window is not perfect and has its own, albeit small, disadvantages. It lives for about 15 years. During this time, argon completely evaporates, and silver ions dissipate. But you don’t need to be very upset, because a double-glazed window with energy-saving glass simply turns into a regular one, which will retain its properties for another 30 years.

How to distinguish energy-saving double-glazed windows

On appearance ordinary and energy-saving glass are almost the same and the difference is imperceptible. It is very difficult to distinguish them visually. However, if you look closely, you will notice that ordinary glass has a light blue tint, while energy-saving glass has a dark green tint. During production, the packages are marked and before the windows are installed, you can see a special sticker indicating all their characteristics.

In order to distinguish for yourself which double-glazed window is worth it, it is enough to bring a candle or a lighter to it (preferably at night) and consider the reflection of the flames. On ordinary glass flame reflections will both be the same light yellow color, and on energy-saving glass, one flame halo will have a pronounced red tint.

According to this scheme (the number of flames), one can distinguish two-chamber from one- and three-chamber double-glazed windows.

A few tips when choosing a double-glazed window:

  • It is not advisable to use bags with an inter-glass distance of more than 20 mm. Otherwise, the thermal insulation of the package will begin to fall, while its cost will increase.
  • If the window frames of the room are large and you need to install windows with non-standard sizes double-glazed windows, it should be taken into account that the maximum parameters of the package should not exceed 30 mm in height and 32 mm in width. At large sizes package and a small distance between the glasses, their deformation may occur and, as a result, the destruction and depressurization of the double-glazed window.
  • Colored glass must be installed outside the double-glazed window, so that in summer it is cooled by outside air. If you install colored glass inside the bag, it will heat up, and the air temperature in the room will rise, and everyone wants to avoid this on hot days.
  • Metal-plastic windows can be installed up to -15 C outdoor temperature. Indoors in winter period construction site temperature should not be less than +5 C.

The quality that the buyer receives with the installation of new windows directly depends on the price of the goods. It is not worth saving when choosing a double-glazed window, because it will serve as a guarantee of convenience, comfort and long-term use of windows.

In contact with

Often, paying attention to the choice of profile, the moment of choosing a double-glazed window is somehow missed. By default, as a rule, a two-chamber energy-saving or ordinary double-glazed window is installed. But today there are double-glazed windows with a wide variety of options, which makes sense to choose depending on the location of the glazed space.

Popular types of double-glazed windows

More about different kinds double-glazed windows and additional features which they may possess can be found in the training video below.

Number of cameras

The most common are double-glazed windows. However, there are also single-chamber and three-chamber ones. What does this mean and what is the difference between them? The main difference between double-glazed windows is the number of glasses and, accordingly, the cameras between them.

Often you have to think about the question: which double-glazed window is better single-chamber or double-chamber? So, if you produce cold or semi-warm glazing of balconies or loggias, it is preferable to choose a single-chamber double-glazed window. However, if you want to get not only excellent thermal insulation, but also make your home as protected from street noise as possible, choose double-glazed windows.

A single-chamber double-glazed window consists of two hermetically welded glasses, between which there is a gap (chamber) filled with dried air or an inert gas. In most cases, the distance between the panes (camera width) is 16 millimeters, but it can be less. But it is not recommended to do more, since convection will appear and the thermal insulation properties of the double-glazed window will significantly decrease. Advantages of single-chamber double-glazed windows:

  • the weight of the glazing is lower (most relevant when glazing balconies)
  • lower cost

A double-glazed window is a system that includes three glasses and two cameras. It has a much greater sound insulation index than a single-chamber. However, if we compare thermal insulation characteristics single-chamber, but with energy-saving glass and a simple two-chamber double-glazed window, the first one will win. Yes, and the load on the fittings when installing a single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window will be lower. Benefits of double glazing:

  • maximum thermal insulation
  • better noise absorption

Three-chamber double-glazed window - a system consisting of four glasses and three chambers. It is used extremely rarely and is only suitable for regions with too low winter temperatures.

What additional options to choose?

In addition to energy saving, what other features can a double-glazed window have, and in which case should one or another option be preferred? What double-glazed window better fit for windows located on sunny side, and which one is for the lower floors? Consider the most popular properties of double-glazed windows and their scope.

1. Energy saving

Double-glazed windows with increased energy saving in the modern window market are represented by two main types: energy-saving and multifunctional.

Energy-saving double-glazed windows
The ability to reflect heat waves emanating from heating appliances The double-glazed window gets back into the room thanks to the use of glass with a low-emissivity coating. It can be soft (i-glass) or hard (k-glass). Which double-glazed window to choose is, of course, up to you. However, double-glazed windows that use i-glass are more common. Therefore, if despite all efforts heating appliances, it is still cool in your room - we advise you to pay attention to energy-saving double-glazed windows, because it is through window glass the largest percentage of heat loss occurs. Single-chamber or double-glazed windows with energy-saving properties will become the best choice both for private houses and for high-rise buildings.
  • Single-chamber double-glazed window
  • Double glazing
  • Three-chamber double-glazed window
  • Which double-glazed windows are better to buy: a few tips for choosing

Among building products double-glazed windows appeared relatively recently. Therefore, the consumer quite often raises the question of which double-glazed windows are better to install. If you take a closer look at this item, you will see that it is a one-piece structure, a frame with glass separated by small spaces. They, in turn, are filled with rarefied air. Filling chambers with silica gel is becoming increasingly popular. This allows you to get rid of excess moisture and increase insulation while retaining heat.

A double-glazed window is a rather expensive pleasure. But this is more than covered by versatility and economic feasibility, variety of brands and designs. "Need good double glazing” – with these words, the communication between the client and the supplier begins. They care about how much it will cost, and you - the quality you get for your money. Therefore, you need to know what to look for in order not to make a mistake in choosing.

Single-chamber double-glazed window

Analyzing its structure, you will see that it consists of one chamber, two glasses and an air layer between them. Usually the air layer standard size- 14, 16 or even 18 mm.

These packages also differ in the type of glass, or rather, its size, from 3-6 mm. Due to the fact that this is the simplest type of double-glazed windows, unpretentious in manufacturing, respectively, it is inexpensive. Its thickness varies from 20 to 30 mm. Due to the loss of stability, the structure is no longer made. So, let's analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this type.

  • low cost: if you want to save money, your choice is a single-chamber double-glazed window;
  • construction weight: the package is quite light, which simplifies its transportation and installation.
  • it is undesirable to use it on a balcony or loggia due to an insufficient level of insulation;
  • it is not advised to use it if you live in a noisy place, since the sound insulation is also insufficient.

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Double glazing

This option is more durable than the previous one. It is endowed with higher characteristics in terms of key indicators, heat and sound insulation. Having examined the structure, you will already see three glasses and two air chambers. However, the size of this type of package does not differ from the previous one. This is due to the limitation of the profile thickness. If maximum thickness single-chamber package is 30 mm, then the two-chamber package has the same - 30 mm. In this case, it turns out that the cameras between the panes occupy an unequal distance. This achieves increased sound insulation. The cost of this type is 20-30% more, which did not prevent double-glazed windows from winning the favor of the Russian consumer.

  • as mentioned above, this is more reliable sound insulation: a double-glazed window keeps street noise quite well;
  • the package is more disposed to heat preservation: the temperature in operation is increased to -30-35°С.
  • The disadvantage of this type can be only one thing: the installation of a double-glazed window by a non-professional installer.

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Three-chamber double-glazed window

It is the most expensive and heavy option among those listed. Its design consists of four glasses and, accordingly, three air chambers. The package hardly fits in a 30 mm profile. That is why here you will need a specially made thick plastic profile about 40 mm. The price increases and due to this, too, because such a profile will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.

The use of this type is common in places with severe winters, since the double-glazed window can withstand temperatures of about 50 ° C. It is also popular in areas with a lot of noise (busy highway, metro station, etc.), as it ensures silence in the apartment. But the price of the triple option is 30-50% higher than the cost of the double one. In addition, this package requires complete replacement frames, and this is an additional expense.

  • excellent sound insulation;
  • the maximum possible saving of heat, and if it is a balcony, then it makes it possible to make living space out of it;
  • efficiency: their quality allows you to save a lot on space heating.
  • price - basic and main disadvantage, however, this can also be turned into a plus, as already discussed above;
  • more is not always better, the next minus is a lot of weight: not every frame is ready for such tests, and there’s nothing to say about installation, only a professional will be taken for this;
  • the three-chamber element transmits light rather poorly, and if in summer this can be a plus, then in winter it is a definite minus.

It turns out that optimal choice It's double glazing. Good sound and heat insulation, relative affordability, sufficient lightness both in weight and in installation in the frame. All is well, unless you live in the North. Then your choice is clear.

When considering the types of double-glazed windows, it is impossible not to say about some additional points. For example, a tinted window. This is an ordinary double-glazed window, the glass in which is tinted. It is distinguished only by light transmission, the ability to better absorb Sun rays. A special feature is the relationship between glass thickness and color intensity.

The peculiarity of an energy-saving window is not in the number of cameras in the package, but in the energy-saving properties of glass. More cameras mean better power savings, but also higher cost.

A window with a tint film is a feature in the ability to filter light. They differ in transmission coefficient, reflection and absorption of light. Such windows are transparent only if you look through them at the street. Another plus is that if you break the glass, it will crack, but will not crumble. Things and objects indoors will not fade under the sun's rays.

  • What you need to know about double-glazed windows before choosing them?
  • We choose a double-glazed window by the number of cameras
  • Recommendations for choosing glass for double-glazed windows
  • Tips for choosing the distance between the panes
  • Other important criteria choice of double-glazed window
  • Visual evaluation before purchase

For the glass part modern window the standard configuration accounts for over 90% of the total opening area. That is why it is very important to know how to choose a double-glazed window so that the window fully fulfills all the obligations assigned to it. To do this, you need to consider the main features and characteristics of the design in order to choose a double-glazed window of the most best quality. In the selection process, you will have to take into account many parameters and additional properties, as well as your individual preferences.

What you need to know about double-glazed windows before choosing them?

Before choosing a double-glazed window, it would be useful to learn about the main features of this design. One of the main reasons people give up old wooden windows and install new plastic ones, is that the latter are much warmer. And it is the double-glazed window that is the main merit of this.

In windows of a new type, glass is installed at a distance of no more than 2 cm from each other. And that's what makes them so warm. When the gap decreases to such values, almost complete exclusion of convection occurs; air between the panes almost does not move. As a result, the heat from the room passes to the outer glass and is removed to the street with a minimum speed. Everything is extremely simple, but it works great. If desired, even old window structures can be made warmer, but it is important to understand that the reduced distance between the glasses is far from the most important characteristic.

Now that you know one of key features plastic windows, you can proceed to the study of the most important points that will help you choose a double-glazed window.

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We choose a double-glazed window by the number of cameras

The device and the names of the details of two and three chamber double-glazed windows.

In accordance with European standards, double-glazed windows must be one or two chamber, that is, have either 1 or 2 chambers. However, these standards are adopted in Europe, where there are practically no frosty winters. In Russia, double-glazed windows with 1-2 cameras are only suitable for mid-latitudes. In those places where the air temperature drops to -30 ° C and below, it is better to install a double-glazed window on 3, 4, and in some cases even 6 cameras.

Modern plastic windows are superior to the old ones wooden structures not only for thermal insulation. They also provide excellent sound insulation. And this indicator also depends on how many cameras a double-glazed window has. The more cameras a double-glazed window has in its design, the better it will protect against external noise. This characteristic is especially relevant for residents of busy streets. So if you want to save money, do it wisely. For example, in the kitchen, you can save money and install a double-glazed window with fewer cameras. In the living room and bedroom, it is necessary to ensure maximum silence.

The process of choosing the number of cameras must be approached as responsibly as possible. So, it is better not to install double-glazed windows with one chamber anywhere except for the southern latitudes. And if you plan to install new windows in a room that is heated in winter, then it is better not to consider single-chamber double-glazed windows at all. They are characterized by very low thermal insulation qualities. When installing such windows, you will overpay for heating. Another disadvantage of single-chamber systems is that they fog up quite often due to their design features. In most cases, people install single-chamber double-glazed windows because of their low cost, but such savings are absolutely unjustified, because. you have to pay for heating. In regions with cold winters, the permissible minimum is a double-glazed window.

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When choosing new windows, be sure to pay attention to what kind of glass is installed in them. Glass can be of different thickness (from 4-6 mm). In inexpensive plastic windows, glass with a thickness of 4 mm is most often used. If you want a more insulating window, opt for a different type of glass. For example, the so-called are currently very popular. k- and i-glasses with hard and soft coating.

In the production of soft-coated glasses, they are coated with special film. The production technology of products of the 2nd type is somewhat more complicated. The coating here is a special coating, the application of which is carried out at the stage of production of the glass itself. By performance characteristics glasses with film win. They have higher performance properties, but also cost a little more. In addition, some users do not like the film of such glass. If this is a problem for you, it is better to opt for products of the 2nd type, which have more modest insulating properties and affordable cost.

However, even with less impressive insulation performance, plastic windows with k-glass are still significantly ahead of ordinary ones. wooden systems. This is achieved due to the fact that such products do not release heat from the room. Light passes through them, heat radiation does not. In addition, they not only do not release heat, but also do not let it in from the street. This point is especially relevant in summer time. To make windows create the most comfortable conditions indoors, order a double-glazed window with internal and external k- or i-glasses. If you order a design with 2 or more chambers, the internal glass may be normal, because. this has no effect on General characteristics window.

Remember others too important qualities double-glazed windows. After all, it is important that windows not only protect from heat and cold, but also provide the proper level of security. Owners of apartments on the first floors, private and country houses this is the point to be most concerned about. The choice is quite large, and the most commonly used option is strained glass. It is 5-7 times stronger than usual. However, the most the best option is the so-called triplex. Such glass has an internal polymer layer. It is very difficult to damage it. And it does not crumble into pieces, which makes it even more reliable. Triplex does not crumble even from gunshots. There are also more reliable options. For example, glass with an internal metal reinforced mesh. Such designs are usually installed in very rich cottages. For ordinary apartments and houses, a triplex will be more than enough.

In some situations, it becomes necessary not only to provide protection against blows, shots and break-ins, but also information theft. There are special types of glass that are usually installed in offices, public institutions, offices of chiefs and important people. Firstly, these are mirror products. They do not allow you to spy on people in the room. Secondly, these are shielded double-glazed windows. They protect from eavesdropping.

Comparative characteristics of double-glazed windows.

Optionally, you can choose colored glass. It will help you create the right style. However, since similar products you have to be extremely careful. The main problem of such glasses is a high light absorption - up to 70%. Because of this, the material heats up, which can lead to its deformation due to uneven heating of the glued panes. So if you want to install such original double-glazed windows, it is better that only the outer glass be painted. It will constantly blow fresh air and thereby cool down to normal temperature.

Another important point are the soundproofing properties of glass. The special glasses listed above also have increased sound insulation, as well as protective functions. The soundproofing qualities of a double-glazed window depend on the thickness of the glass. If you need to ensure perfect silence, order a double-glazed window not with standard glasses of 4 mm, but of 5-6 mm. The same advice is valid for residents of apartments on the upper floors of high-rise buildings - thicker glass will better protect against strong winds.

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Earlier it was noted that in modern double-glazed windows, glasses are installed at a distance of less than 2 cm from each other. Usually it is 6-16 mm. The more cameras, the shorter the distance, as a rule. Here everything rests on the norm, according to which the thickness of the entire double-glazed window should be no more than 60 mm. However, there is 1 important nuance. When forming a window of more than 1 camera, manufacturers often advise making the considered distances different for each camera. This approach is explained by the fact that the symmetry of the system is destroyed, this leads to resonance and the soundproofing qualities of the glass are improved. There are no standards according to which a double-glazed window will be assembled in this way.

As for the issue of sound insulation, there are other points to consider. For example, by increasing the distance between the glasses by only 3 mm, the sound insulation index increases by an average of 10%. Therefore, if silence is important, it is better to opt for glasses with a 16 mm ball. However, a double-glazed window is an even more preferable option: its sound insulation index is on average 40-45% higher compared to a single-chamber counterpart.

  • Date: 08-05-2015
  • Views: 130
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  • Rating: 18
  • Ideal plastic windows - what are they?
  • How to choose a good company?
  • What to look for when choosing accessories?
    • Which profile to choose?
    • Which double-glazed window to choose?
    • What accessories to choose?
  • Don't forget the little things

The procedure for replacing obsolete (physically and morally) wooden window frames on plastic windows. The last few years have firmly entered our lives and no one is surprised by their presence. But many, having decided to install them in their homes, do not know how to choose the right plastic windows.

Plastic windows stand firmly on construction market, as they are relatively inexpensive and meet the basic requirements.

The most frequent motive for buying is the momentary benefit from the offer of a particular firm. And they do not take into account at all that the period of operation plastic frame is about 40 years old. Most will agree that a savings of 1000 rubles is not such a significant amount for which it is worth giving up all the advantages of a quality design. Choosing and installing a window, it is in the power of everyone to reduce possible consequences to a minimum. First you need to find out at least the slightest information about the structure of the structure itself and some of the subtleties of installation. Only you need to do everything in a timely manner, that is, before you have to choose the windows in the store.

Ideal plastic windows - what are they?

Apparent simplicity plastic products deceptive. In fact, everything is much more complicated. These designs are high-tech developments, the final characteristics during operation of which depend on a large number of factors:

  • measurement accuracy;
  • installation quality;
  • high-quality components (seals, frame profile, double-glazed windows, a set of accessories, slopes, ebbs);
  • tools used for assembly.

All these factors are equally effective for the good resistance of plastic products to cold, wind, dust and noise. But if you read between the lines, it is quite clear that all these qualities are different for different companies operating in this market niche. Therefore, it is the organization that comes to the fore, the quality of whose services will, by and large, result in the final result of the acquisition of plastic windows.

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How to choose a good company?

Focus on promotion, various seasonal and holiday discounts, choosing a reliable (conscientious) company means knowingly dooming yourself to failure. "Word of mouth" - the most the best remedy in the matter of choosing a supplier and directly the plastic windows themselves. Summarizing all the accumulated experience, we transfer it in the form quick guide to action:

When choosing plastic windows, first of all, pay attention to the manufacturer.

  1. Conduct a survey of friends, relatives, neighbors, acquaintances and make an individual rating of companies. Here it also makes sense to turn to Internet resources. Go to independent forums and ask for opinions about suppliers. Feedback like this will make your job easier by narrowing your search as much as possible. Further choice will be relieved.
  2. View a rather shortened list with the names of firms, collect contacts. Make a call. When talking on the phone, it is important to pay attention to the smallest details: how and what they answered, how professionally they were able to explain some points, liked / did not like the tone of the conversation. If everything corresponds to the idea, as it should be, put a plus sign and consider the company in more detail. If you didn’t like at least the style of communication, then cross the organization off the list. Here it is necessary to make a small reservation. Those prices that will be heard in a telephone conversation are approximate. They will add up to a more accurate amount upon completion of the measurement procedures.
  3. It is not necessary to be limited to measurements of one firm. It is better to invite several people representing different organizations. Analyze their manner of communication, their desire to answer, what designs are offered for installation. Check the best specialists. Be sure to get all measurements with an estimated cost in writing.

Here, it seems, and all the subtleties. There aren't many of them, it would seem. However, how much semantic content do they contain? The whole study is obtained. After all, it remains only to find the most acceptable option and ask for a certificate for the products. And if everything is normal, sign the contract.

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What to look for when choosing accessories?

Climate is the very first thing you should pay attention to when choosing elements. Models for Italy, Spain or hot California are not suitable for our conditions. Windows must be adapted to the harsh conditions of the domestic climate with significant fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

And one more thing. On Russian market there are many industries that manufacture components using foreign technologies. It just all depends on the quality. Sometimes it differs from the original source quite significantly and not in the most better side. This fact is explained not by the inability to learn from experience, but by the intention to save on materials. Because the competition in this market niche is too high.

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Which profile to choose?

The profile of plastic windows differs according to such criteria as:

  • quality and type of material (plastic);
  • the presence and features of reinforcing elements;
  • number of air chambers.

The most preferred of all types is a profile that has glossy surface. Plastic with a matte finish absorbs dirt well, which makes it very difficult to clean.

Resistance to deformation and the necessary rigidity in case of temperature fluctuations are created due to reinforcement in the form of a metal insert 1.5 mm thick. The latter should be observed on all components of the window and be continuous.

A few words about the air chambers, which should be about 5-6 pieces. They are responsible for the heat-conducting characteristics of the window. With more of them, the protective function of the window against heat and cold will be more pronounced. But on the other hand, the aesthetic effect of the whole structure will suffer, because the frames will look quite massive. Therefore, it is better to choose the golden mean here. The combination of 2x3 (2 cameras, 3 glasses) or 3x3 for our country will be optimal.

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Which double-glazed window to choose?

Which is better: a single-chamber bag (2 glasses) or a two-chamber bag (with three glasses)?

When a lot of sounds penetrate from the street, it makes sense to be prudent and purchase a two-chamber. But here, too, there are nuances. For greater sound absorption, it will be better when the gaps between the glasses are different.

The best option is one in which the thickness of the inner glass is less than that of the outer one.

Not a single specialist will definitely give an answer on the subject of what gas the chambers will be filled with. Here the situation is developing in a similar way with the supply of water for coolers: funds have been invested, but the products are not subject to verification. Therefore, blindly believing manufacturers that they will pump some unique inert gas into the space between the glasses is not worth it.

It is better to think about special coatings that protect against thermal radiation coming from excessive sunlight.

At the moment, coatings can be applied, due to which the visual transparency of the glasses will not suffer at all.