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» Door curtain - features of use in modern interior design (116 photos). We decorate the doorway with curtains Plastic curtains for the doorway

Door curtain - features of use in modern interior design (116 photos). We decorate the doorway with curtains Plastic curtains for the doorway

They were used not only as decoration for windows, but also for doors. The style and patterns of curtains have changed over time. In addition, many of their species known to us today were named after the countries in which they appeared: Roman, French, Japanese and Austrian. Their functionality depends on the purpose of use. Do you like exclusive curtains? Do you want to save money on this? In this case, we suggest you make them yourself. From this article you will learn how to make a curtain for a door with your own hands.

Before making a curtain for the door, we suggest you familiarize yourself with some of the advantages of such a solution:

  • Using curtains, you can visually adjust the size of the room - reduce or enlarge it. You can achieve this effect using the appropriate color of the product.
  • Possibility of use different materials. It can be textiles, wood or threads.
  • Curtains bring a certain lightness to the interior.
  • Saving usable area, which is especially important in small apartments. On swing door on average you need 1 m 2 of area, and when installing curtains this problem is eliminated.
  • Save money on purchasing a high-quality interior door. Even the most expensive curtains are cheaper than doors.

Like everything else, curtains installed on a doorway have their drawbacks. Among them, it is especially worth noting the insufficient heat and sound insulation. In view of this, the choice is between beauty and practicality.

Some people install a door, on the opening of which they then hang curtains. Some designers fully justify this option, especially in cases where the room old door, not in harmony with the general concept of the interior. This combination is quite logical when arranging a balcony doorway.

Curtains are divided into types depending on their purpose:

  • Curtains with a door - perform decorative functions and protect the room from excess light, giving it a certain charm.
  • Curtains instead of a door - they are attached to the doorway, they are a replacement for the door.

Types of curtains depending on the material used:

  1. Textile curtains are made from different types fabrics. It can be silk, chintz, satin, satin, velvet, tweed, linen, etc.
  2. Rope or thread curtains are a continuous airy veil made of threads. It delimits rooms without interfering with air circulation.

Curtains should be chosen depending on the style of the interior. For example, if it is made in a classic style, then it is better to give preference to a textile curtain. For hi-tech and minimalism style, it is better to make curtains with eyelets. Wooden curtains will fit perfectly into the country style, while thread curtains harmonize best with the oriental style.

Attaching the curtain depends on whether there is a door or not, as well as on the shape of the opening. So, there are these types of fastenings:

  • Installation on trims - suitable for hanging curtains.
  • On door leaf curtains are installed in cases where they want to hide from the sun or prying eyes. Roman blinds are usually installed on such a mount.
  • The cornice is installed above the passage on the wall. In this case, the curtain is fixed with loops, rings, and a drawstring. It is worth noting that last option is appropriate only if the structure is stationary. Soft rings form soft folds.

You can decorate curtains with tassels, lambrequins, and eyelets. If you want the curtain to drape, then sew curtain braid to its upper edge.

Every detail must match general concept interior style by color, shape and texture. Choose materials that are in harmony with the design of the room.

You shouldn’t have any particular difficulties when sewing curtains, because the technology is practically no different from making curtains for windows. So, you will need:

  1. Textile.
  2. Sewing machine.
  3. Chalk for marking.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Pins.
  6. Threads.

Before starting work, take measurements of the opening; you will need its width, curtain height and mounting points. Decide on the fabric. Add 3 cm to the total width of the curtain to process allowances, and for fastening to the cornice - 5-10 cm.

In order for the fabric to shrink before cutting, it must be soaked in hot water, dry and iron thoroughly. Cutting is carried out in accordance with the measurements.

If you wish, you can decorate the edges, for example, with fringe, frill or beads. It depends on the style of the interior. After sewing the curtain, all that remains is to hang it on the cornice.

Not so long ago, such a concept as modern classic. To decorate it, strict draperies with luxurious outlines are used. These can be straight curtains with large vertical folds. To do this, you can purchase thick textured or smooth fabric. If you want your doorway to look more elegant, then add light curtain translucent curtain. Often lambrequins with folds are used to decorate the cornice. The process of sewing such curtains is no different from the technology described above.

To make curtains in a modern classic style, use only natural textiles. The bottom of the curtains should not reach the floor by 2-3 cm.

Fabrics that shimmer with silver or gold are ideal for making curtains over an opening. If you consider this combination too pretentious, then it is better to make curtains from a plain dense fabric.

Light, airy chintz curtains are an excellent solution for decorating a romantic summer style. If you combine them with transparent curtains, the effect will be truly delicate. Chintz transmits light well, but at the same time softens it.

To make a chintz curtain, you will need 3 times more fabric than the size of the opening. This way you will get beautiful and large folds. To prevent the curtain from fraying at the edges, it needs to be hemmed. The cornice is a wooden or metal pipe, on which large rings are put on. Otherwise, the technology for making chintz curtains does not differ from the technology for making any fabric curtains.

The cornice is usually screwed 5-10 cm higher from the top edge of the opening. If desired, you can install clamps on the walls, allowing you to open the curtains slightly, thus letting the coolness of the night into the house.

Most often, colored threads or fishing line are used for the base of such curtains, on which glass balls, wooden tubes or beads are strung. Think about what it should look like in advance ready product and what cornice to use for it.

For making curtains in oriental style you will need:

  1. Fishing line or thread.
  2. Beads, wooden tubes or glass balls for decoration.
  3. Needle for attaching beads.
  4. Glue.
  5. Self-tapping screws.
  6. Screwdriver/drill.

So let's get started with the workflow. We mark the doorway for the cornice. It is best to secure this design 5 cm above the edge of the doorway. You can use it as a fastener wooden plank, which should be pre-painted to match the color of the curtain. On this bar you need to mark in advance the points through which you will pull the threads. Their number depends only on your ideas about beauty. Depending on the thickness of the threads, the curtain will be either thick or translucent. Then you need to string the beads on a thread and attach them to the cornice.

Calculation of the height of the threads: measure the distance from the cornice to the floor (or other desired height from the floor level), add 5 cm to this figure for fasteners and multiply the resulting amount by 2. This length is necessary in order to string beads with a crossover. In this case, it is important to draw up a diagram first or use a ready-made one.

To make the thread fastening more secure, use a loop rather than just knots. To prevent curtains from fluttering in a draft, weight the curtains at the bottom with large, heavy beads that are secured with a loop and knot. To make the fixation more reliable, glue the bottom bead with polymer glue.

To make curtains from wooden elements, you will need to purchase them from a specialty store. They can be different shapes: diamonds, circles, squares or leaves. You can also use plastic that imitates wood.

You will need:

  • strong thread/line;
  • cornice with rings;
  • special clips for holding decor, called crimps.

Making such a curtain is practically no different from its counterpart made from beads. You need to prepare sections of thread, string the decor, while securing each element with crimps or simple knots. Attach to the cornice and install it above the opening.

Using curtains on or above the door in the opening you can beautifully complement the interior. Thus, the room is decorated in a classic, retro, modern, Provence, minimalism and hi-tech style. It is quite possible to make interior curtains yourself, and for this you will have enough information described in this article. If you have experience in making such curtains, then share it with our readers in the comments to the article.

Various design ideas can be used in the design of a doorway. An opening without a door can be designed in the form of an arch or left in classic version. But in some situations, adjacent rooms need visual zoning, which entails the need to create a partition . When building a new look In the room, everyone is wondering how to close the doorway instead of the door. The curtains are protruding the best option: they not only perform a functional role, but also decorate the interior, giving it completeness and harmony.

Curtains for doorways do an excellent job with the zoning function. They visually hide adjacent rooms and give a feeling of privacy; It is impossible to achieve such an effect with arches. In addition, such products do not overload the space with heavy elements and create a comfortable atmosphere. They replace door elements with great success merging into general design premises.

Advantages of using curtains for doorways:

Thick and heavy curtains can protect against drafts, and in summer period even light curtains can prevent flying insects from entering the room.

But interior curtains have several nuances that should be taken into account before purchasing textiles:

  • Lack of sound insulation. Thin material is not able to drown out extraneous sounds, so curtains will be a poor option for separating the bedroom, nursery and office areas.
  • Light and transparent curtains practically do not hide adjacent rooms from each other.

Types of curtains for doorways

Curtains on doorway can transform the entire interior beyond recognition. For the element to fit into general style room, you need to choose the right material for the curtains.

The main types of curtains for a doorway:

Curtains on the door

Curtains for a doorway are used even if there is a door. Some people just want to add some flair home comfort using airy tulle or wooden threads that create “wind music” when you pass through them.

Curtains will be relevant for wooden doors with glass inserts. In the living room such a door can become decorative element, but for the office adjacent to the hall transparent material may become a hindrance; the same goes for the bedroom. In these cases door curtains will help make the space personal and secluded.

Roller blinds for the office doorway will be the most the best solution. The curtains open and close easily. To have a view from the living room glass inserts was not damaged, on the other hand, textile curtains made of translucent fabrics should be used neutral shades.

Macrame will look beautiful curtains on the bedroom door. In the design of this room, you should use fabric curtains, which, together with the overall design, will be conducive to relaxation and rest.

How to choose the right curtains for a doorway

The variety of curtains is sometimes confusing and makes it difficult to decide on the right model for the interior. When choosing curtains, you should use the following recommendations:

For stylish interiors, you should carefully consider the design of curtains, which are one of the main decorative elements.


For classic interior curtains are ideal made from dense and heavy fabrics. Classics welcome expensive materials, so the best solution is products made of velvet, jacquard, silk and brocade, decorated with tassels or fringe. Structures can be multi-layered. The curtains can be supplemented with a lambrequin or transparent voile curtains, if the design of such fabrics will not interfere with the free passage through the doorway.

For doorways in a room with a light finish, textiles in neutral shades are used; products are used for eye-catching interiors rich shade, the depth of which can be fully revealed with velvet material.

East style

Oriental styles, especially Japanese, tend towards minimalism, so you should choose simple model curtains A good decision There will be Japanese panels that are used for wide openings.

Other options would be translucent organza curtains, tulle, veil or chiffon. Plain curtains in neutral shades will not be conspicuous, but bright hues will add lightness and freshness to the interior.

Modern styles

For modern, high-tech, loft and minimalism, curtains are usually chosen from modern materials V stylish design. It can be airy muslin or threads decorated with glass beads.

Roman blinds and pleated blinds look organically in modern finishing rooms where they are often used glass door models or empty openings.

Country and exotic

For rustic styles Traditional models of curtains are suitable, on which a pattern with flowers or a checkered pattern can be applied. Arched curtains or curtains with a simple lambrequin would be appropriate. The fabrics usually chosen are chintz, cotton, linen or taffeta.

For eco-style and exotic For those who are interested in natural motifs, curtains made of wood or bamboo are suitable. They can be made with ordinary fabric, roller blinds or flowing threads decorated with carved figures.

Doorways often look boring, so decorating them with curtains will be successful design move. WITH interior curtains You can always create an atmospheric interior with exclusive notes.

Using fabric draperies instead interior walls and doors is a very old tradition that has existed since time immemorial. The emergence and spread of lightweight and cheap materials such as plasterboard, chipboard, MDF, etc., displaced fabric solutions from our homes, but not forever. It turned out that the use of curtains as doors, partitions and visual dividers in some cases is more convenient and expedient. Now this method of interior design is again quite popular.

Curtains instead of doors and partitions: where are they used?

Curtains as light screens are used for zoning in studio apartments and in rooms in which the bedroom is combined with another functional area: living room, office, children's room.

Fabric draperies are a traditional addition to an alcove with a sleeping place. If you put a solid partition and a door here, you will get a closet or closet. It won't be very pleasant to sleep in such a nook. Another thing is a curtain that does not interfere with air circulation and allows you to easily adjust the level of privacy.

In general, it is in bedrooms that curtains instead of doors and partitions are most organic, because there is always a lot of textiles present here. Therefore, for a built-in (and not only) wardrobe or mini-wardrobe in the bedroom, doors are not necessary - curtains, which are absolutely harmonious here, perfectly serve their function.

Due to their lightness and safety, fabric “doors” are perfect for equipping cabinets in a child’s room.

Fabrics are also used to decorate doorways between rooms when privacy is not required.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the styles. The use of curtains instead of furniture and interior doors is most typical for interiors in village(country, Provence) and vintage(retro, shabby chic) ​​styles. Curtains as screens for zoning are used in any style, including modern minimalism And .




Advantages and disadvantages


— Fabric draperies add a touch of romance to the interior and impart such features as softness and lightness.

— Translucent light curtains, used instead of partitions, do not interfere with the movement of light.

— By separating the sleeping area in a studio or common room with an opaque curtain, you can give the room a presentable look in a matter of seconds. When they come unexpected guests, you won’t have to frantically make the bed and hide personal belongings - all you need to do is close the curtain.

— A thin curtain steals much less precious centimeters than a full-fledged partition. During the day, the curtain can be moved to the side, thereby expanding the space for receiving guests or children's games.

— An important advantage is ease of installation. The process of creating a fabric screen or door is quick, easy and clean.

— If the curtain used instead of a door or partition becomes boring, it can be changed at any time. Fortunately, the cost of this solution is low, and the process of making changes is not too tedious.


— Many people treat draperies as dust collectors. This, they say, is not good for health. Yes, dust settles on the folds of the fabric. But if you compare a fabric “dust collector” with partitions and facades made of modern materials, it is not a fact that the environmental friendliness of the latter will be higher. It's no secret that many artificial materials capable of releasing hazardous substances. And the “dust collector” can always be removed and washed in washing machine. It is not so difficult.

— While the curtain is being washed or dry-cleaned, the space remains uncovered, which deprives the interior of its coziness. The situation will be saved by purchasing two fabric sets at once. One goes to the cleaners - another takes his place.

— A significant disadvantage of textile partitions and “doors” is that they do not protect against noise and odors. In essence, the curtain does not create a closed private area.

Curtain design with partition or door function

1. For these purposes, fabrics that can hold their shape well are optimal. Even folds will decorate the room, while loose folds will create a feeling of disorder and untidiness.

2. When choosing the color and pattern of the fabric, you need to take into account the design of the window. The principle here is this: if the curtain on the window is colored, it means that the additional curtain in the room should be exactly the same or neutral (for example, white or beige).

If the curtain on the window is neutral, then the choice for additional drapery expands. The curtain for zoning can be matched to the color of the walls, upholstered furniture, bedspreads, etc. If desired, it can also be made neutral.

3. Fabric partitions and “doors” for the closet should not be scanty and wrinkled - this spoils the entire interior. It is worth making the curtain long (to the floor or to the bottom of the closet) and be sure to iron it before use.

4. Curtains for zoning and dividing can be made of either heavy or very light fabric, including voile or even lace.

5. To separate zones, it is permissible to use two types of drapery, as is customary in window design: one is light and transparent, the other is darker and denser. To keep all zones light, only a light curtain is left closed, but if there is a need to make one of the zones more closed, a thick curtain is used.

The appearance of curtains, including muslin, depends not only on the style and fabric, but also on how they are secured. In any openings, no matter what shape they have: rectangular or arched, muslin is hung using cornices. Therefore, before deciding how to beautifully hang thread curtains on a window or door, we suggest you look at our selection of photos with design ideas and design tips.

Methods for attaching muslin to the cornice

The upper part of the muslin has a fabric base. In finished curtains, it is folded in half and stitched like a drawstring 10-20 cm wide. Thanks to such a drawstring, thread curtains can be hung on both ceiling and wall cornices different ways. Let's take a closer look at them.

How to attach muslin to a doorway

Install in an apartment interior doors not always advisable. Therefore, muslin is often used to decorate not only window openings, but also doorways. Moreover, it looks very impressive, and hanging muslin on a doorway is much cheaper than any door.

Thread curtains for the door are available in three hanging options:

  • with a drawstring for stringing a cornice onto a pipe or attaching it to clothespins;
  • on curtain tape for hanging on hooks;
  • on Velcro adhesive tape.

They are attached to doorways in the same way as to window openings.

How to attach muslin to an arch-shaped opening

In order to hang muslin in the arch as harmoniously as possible, without covering its unusual arched shape, use a flexible cornice made of aluminum or plastic (German) profile.

On round cornice thread curtains are attached with runners or on a drawstring, on profile ones - with Velcro tape. In both cases, the muslin is hung statically and without folds.

If arched window tall, you can hang muslin on a straight cornice. In this case, it is fixed at the base of the arched arc, visually separating the semicircular part of the window from the rectangular one. Thanks to the non-standard Lately this method has become very popular.

How to hang string curtains beautifully

Plasticity and fluidity thread curtains allows you to use drapery and curtain accessories to give them new shapes each time, changing the mood and atmosphere of the entire interior of the room.

Any accessories for fabric curtains are also suitable for decorating muslin. It can be:

  • tassels with twisted cords;
  • clamps;
  • magnetic clips;
  • clothespins;
  • hairpins;
  • pins;
  • pendants.

The brushes are suitable for both simple and plain muslin, as well as rainbow or decorated with beads and lurex. They can be used to gather curtains or simply hang them on a curtain rod.

Fabric tiebacks. These accessories can be made independently from fabric that contrasts or matches the curtains. They are usually supplemented with adhesive tape, buttons, snaps, or simply tied with a bow.

Magnetic clips. Such decorative magnets consist of two parts connected by braid or cord. They are used as tiebacks, or attached to curtains as decorative elements.

Clothespins. The design of these drapery accessories can also be very different. Today, clothespin bouquets are very popular.

Decorative pins often sold in combination with other curtain decorations. For example, clothespins with flowers combine beautifully and harmoniously with butterfly pins.

Hairpins. The most popular decor for creating draperies. They can be mounted on muslin at any height, achieving the most unexpected visual effects.

Suspensions - decorative ornaments, attached to the curtain rod and hanging along the curtains. They can match the tone of the muslin, or they can be contrasting and stand out against its background.

The photos above show how beautiful and impressive muslin looks, thanks to the drapery and special accessories. You can apply these ideas to your interior or draw inspiration from them for your own creativity.

Previously, they did not understand that draping an interior opening is possible and even necessary to create unique style. The main thing is to choose the right material and color of the curtains so that appearance the room did not create the impression of bad taste. In Europe, the use of door curtains was first considered as integral part decor. This was especially true when creating the following styles:

  1. country;
  2. oriental style;
  3. ethnic motives;
  4. retro.

After some time, curtains for doors were no longer used when decorating rooms.

Directing the main task of designers when using conventional interior curtains speaks for itself - separation of two different rooms in the absence of a door and decoration of the created opening. It is not necessary to use a regular large plain canvas. It will look more original if you add fabric with another harmonious pattern. Curtains that were correctly selected to match the interior of the room would look nice.

Door curtains are quite multifunctional:

  • Door hanging curtains can be used as a partition between rooms. You can also use macrame curtains to divide the space. It will look very unusual, especially since you can make them yourself.
  • Curtains (especially made of dense material) for doorways serve as protection against drafts.
  • Curtains with magnets will help prevent insects from entering the room. It is not only effective, but also convenient.

Types of curtains for the doorway

The main thing to consider when decorating a doorway with curtains is their appropriateness. They should not interfere with movement or spoil the style. There are several types of curtains that are most often used when decorating rooms:

– they are fixed to the window sash so that they can be conveniently removed and reattached.

Blinds with a vertical direction - this option is suitable for a bedroom or living room with balcony door. It is possible to control remotely.

Curtains with a magnet - usually used in summer time. Most often, they are transparent and mesh to simultaneously protect the house from insects and let in light. They are easy enough to take off and put back on. Perfect for both regular openings and balconies.

Curtains classic style can be used to complement almost any room design. You just need to take into account lighting preferences - it depends on whether the material of the canvas will be dense or light or transparent.

The most suitable materials for door curtains

Curtains can be made from any material. The choice is yours, but it is worth considering the design of the room. If, for example, you need curtains in the form of a grid with magnets, then the selection process will not be particularly difficult. Their colors most often suit any interior style. If you need to make a partition, you can use wooden or bamboo door curtains. They fit quite easily into the interior if you choose the right wood tone.

You can also make curtains yourself using available materials: glass, plastic, beads, shells, etc. When creating decorative curtains, you need to plan in advance what style you want to decorate the room in. For example:

  • Macrame is suitable for country style.
  • Bamboo curtains are often used in Japanese minimalism.
  • Garlands will look great in a children's room or a room decorated in a disco style.
  • Knitted balls or yarn will combine harmoniously and create a romantic style. More suitable for the bedroom.
  • Wine cork plugs will be a good addition to the eco-style.
  • Hanging curtains for a doorway will fit well into the oriental design of a living room or bedroom.

When choosing door curtains, you need to consider important points:

  1. To make the room feel warm and cozy, and the atmosphere to be relaxing and calm, it is worth decorating the doorways with curtains dark shades.
  2. If you need to visually increase the volume of a room, you need to use canvases different colors. The strips must be in a vertical position. If possible, it is advisable to add floral ornament. Thanks to this design, you can visually make the room spacious.
  3. If you want to preserve the quality and integrity of the curtain structure for as long as possible, you should choose a denser material. It does not tear for a very long time and does not lose its brightness or color.
  4. If you want to add elegance, originality, rigor and aesthetics to your style, it would be appropriate to choose double curtains with lace curtains.

Patterns, drawings, and unusual ornaments are an important component of the decor, so you should responsibly and carefully select canvases to create a harmonious style for the interior of a bedroom, living room or kitchen. Window and door curtains should be in harmony with each other.

It is advisable to select a kit or something similar. If stores don’t sell anything suitable, you can sew curtains with your own hands, focusing on your own taste and preferences.