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» African ostrich. Lifestyle and habitat of the African ostrich. Beautiful and large bird - ostrich

African ostrich. Lifestyle and habitat of the African ostrich. Beautiful and large bird - ostrich

Ostriches are unusual birds of large size, which invariably attracts a lot of attention to them. Fortunately, a lot is known about these birds, since ostriches are bred just like any other poultry.

Ostrich farms can tell you a lot of interesting things about ostriches, but most questions arise about their weight.

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since the weight of the bird very much depends on the breed and age. Some breeds can gain weight up to 250 kilograms or even a little more - this is the largest weight found among birds.

A distinctive feature of the bird is unusually small ostrich brain— it weighs only 10 grams. Moreover, one eye weighs about 5 grams and is larger than the brain. In other words, both eyes weigh as much as the brains. And this - with an unusually huge weight and unusual proportions for birds. It is interesting that the brain is equally small in all breeds.

If we talk about the average weight of an adult bird, then we should consider the performance of several of the most popular species of ostriches. All of them are found in semi-desert areas and savannas of Africa and Australia and lead a similar lifestyle, but their weight can vary quite a lot.

Main breeds of ostriches and their weight

These birds feel good not only in natural natural conditions, but also on farms, which made it possible to tame them quite strongly and grow them in the interests of agriculture.

Domestic ostriches, which you can see on farms, are distinguished by their impressive dimensions and equally decent weight.

African black breed (domestic)

This breed is best suited for breeding on a farm. The African black breed was the result of crossing two other breeds - North African and South African. It is these ostriches that children most often meet during an excursion to a zoo or an ostrich farm.

A domestic ostrich can also weigh differently:

  • Height females on average reaches 2 meters, weight - 120 kilograms.
  • Males grow up to 2.7 meters and weigh up to 150-160 kilograms.

An African ostrich egg weighs on average 2.5-3.5 kilograms. Hence, the weight of a newborn chick fluctuates around 2 kg. At proper nutrition Chicks quickly gain weight and mass. The mass of the chick in the first period of life largely determines how it will develop subsequently.

Under farm conditions, a female African black ostrich produces up to 40-50 eggs. Over the course of a year, this number of young individuals produces about 2 tons of meat. However, it is the African breed that can grow in weight up to 250 kilograms with proper fattening, so many ostriches live on farms for quite a long time. The bird itself is a long-liver and lives up to 80 years, but females can reproduce offspring only until the age of 40.

IN wildlife birds begin to lay eggs at the age of 4 years, and at home - as early as 2 years. Under special conditions with home feeding and care, a female can produce up to 110 eggs per year, with one egg weighing 1.4 - 1.9 kilograms. Naturally, the weight of the newborn chick in this case will be less.

If we consider exactly the amount of valuable meat, then its amount is up to 95-100 kg in an adult female. With such a mass and such a high reproduction rate, ostrich farms remain quite profitable business. Moreover, everything is put to good use - leather, meat, eggs, and even feathers. By the way, the weight of feathers is adult may exceed 2 kilograms.

Australian breed - Emu

Unlike the African variety of ostriches, which live mainly in hot semi-desert areas, the Australian breed prefers grassy areas overgrown with bushes. After Europeans arrived on the continent, the number of Emu began to decline rapidly. From 1865 to the present day, measures have been taken to protect this bird and preserve its population.

Compared to the African breed, the Emu is significantly smaller - when the bird begins to lay eggs, its weight reaches only 55-60 kilograms. Moreover, in the process of laying an egg and hatching a chick, the female loses another 20 kilograms, or about a third of her original weight. At the same time, female ostriches are quite inferior to males in matters of caring for growing offspring.

The weight of an adult bird of the Australian breed rarely exceeds 60 kilograms. The weight of a newly hatched chick usually does not exceed 400 grams, and the eggs themselves weigh about 500-600 grams.

Somali breed - Gorayo

Initially, the Somali Gorayo breed was considered one of the African subspecies. A number of recent studies show that complete reproductive isolation from the African breed is possible in this species, which means Gorayo is a completely different species of ostrich.

An interesting feature of this species is superiority of females in height and weight over males. In addition, they have an unusual appearance even in comparison with their own subspecies.

Externally, the Gorayo breed is distinguished by:

  • Bare ears and large eyes;
  • Very long eyelashes;
  • A clearly defined mouth line and a straight-looking beak.

Gorayo has spurs on its wings that are not found in other ostrich species. Already at the age of one year, young ostriches have a specific black and brown feather color.

Newborn Gorayo ostriches weigh up to one and a half kilograms; an ostrich egg weighs 1.6-1.8 kilos. In the first 100-120 days of life, chicks gain weight up to 40 kg. This breed grows as quickly as others - already at the age of four the bird weighs about 175 kg and reaches 2.5 meters in height. Males can weigh a little more than 100-120 kilograms and reach two meters in height. The bird not only grows very quickly, but also eats a lot - an ostrich can live no more than two days without food.

The African ostrich is the only representative of this family. You can meet it in the wild, but it also breeds and grows well in captivity.

Features and habitat of the African ostrich

The ostrich is one of the largest birds on earth. African ostrich weight in adulthood it reaches 160 kg, and its height is slightly less than 3 meters. An ostrich's head is small in relation to its body, and its neck is long and flexible. The beak is straight and not hard. The mandible has a keratinized growth. The mouth ends right at the eyes. Eyes bulging with big amount eyelashes

The plumage of males is black with white feathers in the tail and at the ends of the wings. Females are colored grey colour with white feathers at the ends of the tail and wings. The head and neck of an ostrich have no feathers.

The ostrich lacks the ability to fly due to underdeveloped pectoral muscles and underdeveloped wings. Its feathers are curly and loose and do not create strong vane plates. But the ostrich's ability to running fast can't compare even with horse speed. The legs vary in length and strength.

Many people are interested in the question how many fingers does an African ostrich have?? African ostrich paw has two fingers, one of them is keratinized. It provides support when walking and running. The ostrich egg is distinguished by its large size. One such egg is equivalent to 24 chicken eggs.

African ostrich lives in savannah and desert areas beyond the forests of the equator. In Australia there are very African ostrich-like bird entitled . Previously, it was considered a relative of ostriches, but in Lately began to be classified as a member of the Cassowary order.

The African ostrich has two fingers

This one also has huge size: up to 2 meters tall and 50 kg in weight. African ostrich in the photo doesn't exactly look like a bird, but that's exactly what he is.

Character and lifestyle of the African ostrich

Ostriches love to be in company with and move around by following them. Due to their good eyesight and large growth, they are the first to notice and give a signal to other animals about approaching danger.

At this time, they begin to scream loudly and develop a running speed of more than 70 km per hour, and a step length of 4 m. Small ostrich chicks, one month old, reach up to 50 km per hour. And even when turning, their speed does not decrease.

When mating season arrives, one black african ostrich covers a certain territory of several kilometers. The color of the neck and legs become bright. He does not allow males to enter his chosen place, but treats females kindly.

They gather in small groups of 3–5 individuals: one male and several females. During mating African ostrich performs an unusual dance. To do this, he spreads his wings, fluffs his feathers and kneels.

Then, throwing back his head and placing it on his back, he makes rubbing movements against his back. At this time, he moans loudly and hisses, attracting the attention of the female. Even the wings become brighter and saturated color.

If the female likes the dance and the ostrich itself, she heads towards him, lowering her wings, and bows with her head. Crouching near him, she repeats his movements, attracting other females. This creates a harem, where one female will be the main one, and the rest will constantly change.

At this time, ostriches become very bold and aggressive. Whenever dangerous situation They run towards the enemy without fear and rush into battle. They fight with their legs. The kick has a very powerful force and can kill to death. Therefore, not every predator decides to meet this bird.

There is a myth that ostriches hide their heads in the sand when they see danger. Actually this is not true. A female sitting on eggs during a dangerous situation puts her head and neck on the ground, trying to hide and be unnoticed. Ostriches do the same when meeting predators. And if you come close to them at this moment, they rise sharply and run away.

African ostrich nutrition

Ostriches are omnivorous birds. Their regular diet may include flowers, seeds, plants, rodents, small animals, and animal meat that has not been eaten by predators.

Since ostriches do not have teeth, for favorable digestion they swallow small stones, which help grind and grind food in the stomach. Ostriches are capable of not drinking water for a long time, since the bulk of the liquid is obtained from the plants they eat.

Reproduction and lifespan of African ostriches

The eggs of all females are laid in one nest, which the male independently tears out before laying, with a depth of 30 to 60 cm. In this way, up to 30 of them can be collected. In northern Africa there are slightly fewer (up to 20 pieces), and in East Africa up to 60.

One egg weighs up to 2 kg and reaches a length of more than 20 cm. African ostrich eggs have good strength, pale - yellow. The main female lays her eggs in the middle and does the incubation herself, driving away the other females.

One ostrich egg is equivalent to 20 chicken eggs

The duration of the incubation period is 40 days. The female does this all day, leaving for a while to eat or chase away small pests. At night, the male sits on the eggs.

The chick hatches from the egg in about one hour, breaking the shell first with its beak and then with the back of its head. This causes abrasions and hematomas to form on the head, which heal very quickly.

The female breaks the unhatched spoiled eggs so that insects can flock to them and the chicks can feed. The chicks have vision and fluff on their bodies, and are also capable of independent movement. One baby ostrich weighs about one kg, and by the age of four months they reach up to 20 kg.

The photo shows an African ostrich nest

As soon as the chicks are born, they leave the nest and, together with their father, go in search of food. At first, the skin of the chicks is covered with small bristles. Plumage development occurs very slowly.

Only by the age of two do males develop black feathers, and before that, in their own way appearance they resemble females. The ability to reproduce appears in the third year of life. The maximum life expectancy is 75 years, and on average they live 30 – 40 years.

In childhood, some chicks come together and do not separate throughout their lives. If these chicks are from different families, then their parents begin to fight among themselves for them. And those who were able to win become parents for someone else’s chick and raise them.

In the photo there is an ostrich chick

Breeding African ostriches happens in two ways:

  1. The female lays eggs and hatches offspring. Eggs, young animals, as well as adult offspring are allowed for sale.
  2. Purchase of young animals for fattening and subsequent sale of adult offspring for slaughter.

Ostrich breeding is carried out in order to obtain: meat, skin, egg products, including shells, feathers and claws. It is necessary to breed ostriches in mild climate zones.

IN summer time you need to keep them in pens equipped with paddocks, and in winter in warm rooms with no drafts. Required condition the contents should be bedding in the form of hay, straw or sawdust.

Walking areas should have nearby trees where ostriches can hide from the scorching sun. It is very important to observe sanitary and hygienic conditions when breeding ostriches. To find out African ostrich price Let's look at the price list of one of the poultry farming organizations:

  • chick, one day old - 7 thousand rubles;
  • chick, up to 1 month old - 10 thousand rubles;
  • ostrich, 2 months old – 12 thousand rubles;
  • ostrich, 6 months old – 18 thousand rubles;
  • ostriches 10 – 12 months – 25 thousand rubles;
  • ostrich, 2 years old – 45 thousand rubles;
  • ostrich, 3 years old – 60 thousand rubles;
  • family, aged 4 to 5 years – 200 thousand rubles.

From childhood, everyone is familiar with the fastest running and flightless bird - the ostrich. Even now, children, watching funny cartoons featuring these birds, ask adults questions: “What kind of bird is this and where does it live?” And to answer the question: “Where do ostriches live?” We invite readers to read this article.

This wonderful bird lives where there is open space and greenery. Ostriches cannot fly, although they have large feathers. Their speed can reach 70 km/h, but on average no more than 50 km/h. Therefore, birds live only in the savannah and are almost never found in any other natural zone.


Africa has always been considered the historical homeland of ostriches; there are also Australian species of this bird, but in Australia the runner lives in the savannah. Why this particular habitat? It’s so simple, ostriches are birds that love to run, and even from enemies that are larger than them, the only thing left to do is run away. And based on this, we can say with confidence that in the forest they will not be able to gain the same speed that an ostrich can develop on the plain.

It is also easy for birds to hide in the savannah. They fall to the ground and stretch their necks, which is where the well-known proverb about burying your head in the sand comes from. Also, thanks to their gray plumage, female ostriches are perfectly camouflaged when hatching eggs. But runners do not live in dense thickets and swampy places; they try to avoid such places.

The climate in the savanna is dry, there is no rain here for a long time, and then for several months it will rain without stopping. During the day the air temperature rises quite high, but the nights can be cold. The long-legged birds coped with these quite well. During the day, they fan themselves with large wings, thereby reducing body temperature, and at night they lower their wings below the body, onto the legs, insulating the bare parts of the body.

The vegetation in the savannah is sparse. It is in this zone that low-growing grasses with narrow leaves, belonging to the cereal family, grow and sometimes they are covered with a special waxy coating that preserves life-giving moisture in plants. Is there some more low growing shrubs, but for birds they are not interesting; on the contrary, runners avoid them for fear of damaging their eyes.

In dry times, water in the savannah is under the crust of the dried layer of earth. Thanks to their powerful paws, ostriches break up the dried layer and dig a small hole in which the necessary water collects. The whole family drinks from it - a male and several females with chicks.

Do ostriches live in the desert?

We can answer unequivocally that ostriches do not live in the desert. It's a complete inconvenience for them. The quick sand prevents the runners from gaining normal speed, so they avoid this natural area. Although it was noticed by naturalists that during the period of hatching eggs, ostrich families, on the contrary, live on the outskirts of deserts, where hard soil is still found and there is at least some vegetation.

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Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


Ostriches are long-lived by bird standards. They can live 75 years, but this is ideal. You always need to pay attention to your environment. If we are considering an individual that lives in the wild, then ostriches do not live long, because the birds have many enemies, meeting with which can be fatal. In captivity, on farms, the life of an individual is longer. Individual situations are also considered here. How long do ostriches live? What determines their life expectancy?

In wild nature

The ostrich is a large bird. She cannot fly, but she runs very fast: she can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h. Moreover, the ostrich maintains the pace for several hours. Birds live in Africa. In the wild, they have mastered semi-deserts and savannas. The area is open with little vegetation. There are few corners where they could hide. They have a large number of enemies.

  • Adult birds are attacked by lions, cheetahs, and leopards. Predators are strong and fast, but they are afraid of ostriches because they know that they can give a worthy rebuff. As a rule, birds lose in the fight against large predators. There are known cases when kicks by ostriches led to death of the animals.
  • Small predators, such as hyenas and jackals, vultures and vultures, do not risk attacking adult birds. They destroy egg clutches. During the day, they are guarded by females who cover the nest with their body and cannot leave it, because her instinct tells her that the eggs may become hypothermic. The female protects the clutch without leaving her place. Unfortunately, many hens die in battles with predators. The male helps her save the nest from destruction, but he is not omnipotent.
  • In the wild, ostriches can live up to 30-50 years. Individuals that lead a solitary lifestyle die faster. They don't have to wait for outside help.
  • Birds rarely die from diseases.
  • Living in the wild, they do not develop infectious diseases. This happens for many reasons. Ostriches have good immunity. In the savannah and desert, infected animals that would be carriers of the pathogen are rarely found.

The main enemy of ostriches that live in the wild is humans. Poachers exterminate birds in entire herds, often consisting of 100 birds. Recently, foreign hunting tourism has been progressing.

People have fun shooting birds from helicopters. Local authorities pass laws against poaching. Transporting ostrich feathers, down, and other raw materials across the border is prohibited.

Habitat in captivity

Living on farms, ostriches live as long as the owner allows them. If a bird is bred for meat, then it is used already at 1.5 years. By this age, an individual can reach 100 kg. Growth in young animals slows down after one and a half years. It may be unprofitable for an entrepreneur to feed livestock for a longer period of time.

Parental families are created from the largest and healthiest individuals. The family consists of 5-6 females and 1 male. Birds are kept to produce offspring. Puberty in an ostrich occurs at 4 years of age. The female has a long period of productivity, up to 30 years. The parent herd is protected from diseases, and a special diet is prescribed for individuals. After a decrease in productivity, the parent stock is renewed.

While on the farm, limited space, the herd is exposed to pathogens of infectious diseases. Ostriches are heat-loving birds. They cannot tolerate low temperatures. High humidity is contraindicated for them. Improper care poultry and infections reduce the life expectancy of ostriches.

Carriers can be other farm birds, domestic animals, and operators who care for livestock. It is difficult to determine how long an ostrich can live in captivity. Much depends on the epidemiological situation in the region.

If you choose the wrong area to organize an ostrich farm, high humidity, with low temperatures environment, the bird may experience rhinotracheitis, sinusitis, and eye diseases. The veterinarian prescribes antibiotic therapy. This sharply reduces the ostrich's immunity, and, of course, shortens life expectancy.

Many diseases lead to death in birds. Among them are bird flu, smallpox, and fungal gastritis. Young animals are vaccinated against some infections. The livestock is given antibiotics according to the schedule, and other preventive measures are carried out.

Ostriches require a lot of space. Birds are freedom-loving. In the wild, they have the entire African savannah at their disposal. In a cramped room or enclosure, birds experience stress, which affects the individual’s immune system.

Creation favorable conditions will prolong the life of the bird and bring profit to the entrepreneur. IN summer period the livestock is kept in open pens. The territory is chosen with a flat topography, illuminated by the sun. Groundwater should be no closer than 1 m to the ground surface.

For winter maintenance, insulated hangars are built with high ceilings. Be sure to think it through ventilation system and heating. Fresh air the bird needs it. Ammonia vapors will cause the development of inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. The bedding is made of deep soft hay. It is changed before the birds settle. The poultry houses maintain a temperature of 15 C. The optimal humidity is 50%. Operators must maintain personal hygiene.

Sometimes householders purchase several ostriches for decorative purposes. The birds are beautiful and attract attention. They will not be used for meat after a year and a half, and will not be culled just because the female’s productivity has decreased. They look after ostriches, clean them, sometimes trim their feathers, and do everything necessary for them to prolong their life. In such conditions, birds can live a long time, more than 75 years.

The ostrich is considered the largest, although not flying, bird. All types of ostriches live in the warm countries of Africa and Australia, preferring savannas and semi-desert areas.

Ostrich is the largest bird in the world

With whom do we usually compare a person who tries to hide from his problems and pretend that nothing concerns him? Well, of course with an ostrich! There is even such an expression as “hiding your head in the sand like an ostrich.” What did this animal do to deserve such comparisons? Does it really hide its head or is it just a fiction?

The ostrich is a bird, although it does not fly, and belongs to the ostrich family. It is interesting that if we translate the name of this animal from Greek language, then it will sound like; "camel sparrow" Funny isn't it? How can one animal look like both a camel and a sparrow at the same time?!

Appearance of an ostrich

No bird can boast of such dimensions. Ostriches are the largest birds on the planet. They reach a height of 2.5 meters, while not losing weight (up to 150 kilograms). At first glance, ostriches are rather awkward and awkward animals: they have a large body, long legs, an equally (long) neck and a small head. The ostrich's eyes are quite attractive: they stand out very much on the head and have long and thick eyelashes. Such an unusual big-eyed charm - this ostrich!

The feather cover of the animal is loose and slightly curly. The color of the plumage can be black with white patterns (for males) and brown with white (for females). The difference between ostriches and other birds is the complete absence of a keel.

Where does the ostrich live?

The ostrich's habitat is the African continent, mainly the eastern and southwestern parts.

Animal lifestyle and behavior

Ostriches cannot fly, but they run very fast! When running away from an enemy, they can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h; they owe this speed to their long and strong legs.

Listen to the voice of an ostrich

Birds prefer to settle in small flocks in open savannas and semi-deserts. In the pastures they are often seen alongside zebras and antelopes. Joint grazing is a common activity for them.

What do fleet-footed birds eat?

Ostriches are omnivores. Of course, the main food for them is plants (seeds, fruits, flowers, young shoots), but they can eat the remains of animal food from a predator, and sometimes also feed on insects, rodents and reptiles. As for drinking water, ostriches are not very whimsical here either. And is it really possible to be whimsical while living in hot Africa? Therefore, the bird’s body is adapted to rare drinking and tolerates it well.

How do ostriches breed?

During mating season Male ostriches surround themselves with a “harem” of 2–4 females. But before collecting so many “brides,” the males have to attract their attention: they change the color of their plumage to a brighter one and begin to make loud sounds.

All fertilized females of the “mini-harem” lay eggs in a common nest. However, the hatching of the clutch is carried out by the male with the (one) female he has chosen. Ostrich eggs are very large, with a strong shell.

The chicks that are born already have vision and are able to move. At birth, their weight is just over one kilogram. The very next day after hatching from the egg, the babies go to get food for themselves together with the adult male (father). The lifespan of ostriches is about 75 years!

Natural enemies of ostriches

Like other birds, ostriches' egg clutches become more vulnerable. They can be attacked by jackals and large birds of prey. Newly born chicks can become easy prey for animals, while predators do not pay much attention to an adult ostrich, because you can get a strong kick or a deep scratch with a hard ostrich claw.

Is it true that the ostrich buries its head in the sand or where did such fame come from about it?

The fact is that when incubating the chicks, the female, when danger appears, “spreads” her head and neck on the ground, thus trying to make herself less noticeable. But not only mother hens use this trick; almost all ostriches do this when a predator appears. And from the outside it looks like your head has sunk into the sand.

Human use

The plumage of these birds is in great demand: they are used to make fans, fans, and decorations for clothing. Ostrich eggs are used both for economic purposes and for aesthetic purposes (for interior decoration). You can also have a lot of fun riding ostriches!

Types of ostriches

  • A real African ostrich. Found in Africa, the Sahara, Mauritania and some other areas.
  • American subspecies. It includes two varieties: Darwin's rhea and greater rhea.
  • Cassowaries (species - common cassowary and muruka cassowary) and emu (the only species).

This is interesting!

According to zoological rules, ostriches belong to the superorder of running birds, and are also flat-chested or ratite. The genus of ostriches belongs to the order Ostrichidae with a single species - the African ostrich.

Subspecies of the African ostrich live: Malian (Berberian) - in North Africa, Massai - in East Africa, Somali - in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. Once upon a time there were two more subspecies of the African ostrich - the South African and the Arabian, now extinct. Male African ostriches can be over three meters tall and weigh up to 150 kg.

The rhea genus, living in South America. It includes two species - the northern rhea and the long-billed, or Darwinian, rhea. The northern rhea (great rhea) can be 150-170 cm tall and weigh 25-50 kg.

The third order is cassowaries. Their place of residence is Northern Australia and New Guinea. This includes two families - cassowaries (species - the common cassowary and the Muruka cassowary), and the emu (the only species). Cassowaries live on the island of New Guinea and on the islands closest to it. Cassowaries reach a height of 150-170 cm and a weight of 85 kg.

Emu lives in Australia and on the island of Tasmania. His height is up to 180 cm and weight is up to 55 kg.

Ostriches also include the only species of the kiwi suborder. Kiwi is a resident of New Zealand. This bird is a midget compared to ostriches. (height - 30-40 cm, weight - 1-4 kg). Distinctive feature kiwi - 4 toes.

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