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Tinting of paint is carried out in the event that the required shade is not available in the standard assortment of colors, in order to obtain several shades of the same color, in cases where paint of the previously selected color is not available in stores and a similar one is selected, as well as in cases where the color of the paint dried on the surface being painted does not correspond to the expected result.

Color composition

Based on their composition, colors are divided into organic and inorganic. A pigment of natural origin has a brighter shade than an artificial one, but is more prone to fading in the sun and fades faster.

It is better to use such colors indoors. Natural dyes include chromium oxide, red lead, soot, umber, and ocher.

Typically, manufacturing companies provide dyes with a tinting table of shades for different concentrations of pigment in the paint. As a rule, the proportions given are 1:1, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20 and 1:40. Externally, the paint tinting table looks as shown in the photo in our gallery. Such photos can be easily found on the Internet using the appropriate request.

Color release form

Colors are available in the form of powder, paste or ready-made paint. Powder color is the most inexpensive, but the downside is that it is difficult to achieve a uniform composition when working with it. You need to mix the dye very thoroughly, preferably with a mixer.

Much easier to use ready-made option tinting the paint rather than mixing the composition with your own hands, since you can make a mistake in the proportions and get unevenly colored areas of the surface. The disadvantage of ready-made tinted paints is their rather poor color range.

The tinting paste is very convenient to use, it can be added in small portions until the required color saturation occurs. It is not recommended to add paste in proportion to the paint of more than 20%, as this will affect physical properties dye.

Colors are supplied in a variety of containers - cans, bottles, tubes, vials, bags (for powder colors). The choice of packaging does not affect the quality of the product.

Sometimes the kit comes with measuring cups, which makes the job more convenient when tinting paint at home. For the convenience of dosing liquid dye, you should also give preference to bottles, especially those with measuring marks applied to them.

Computer color selection

There are RAL and NSC scales used to select the required shade. The RAL scale contains 210 colors and shades, the NSC contains 1950. To obtain the desired color, you need to check the desired shade with one of the scales until the most similar one is selected. Color is added to plasters, alkyd and nitro enamels, and water-based paints.

When using color scales, computer mixing is used, where the dosage of the necessary pigments is carried out with an accuracy of tenths of a gram.

Kneading by hand

It may be necessary to tint the paint manually in cases where the final result of the work does not look as expected. The fact is that paint changes its color under different lighting conditions. appearance, on a large surface it looks different than on the sample and fades when dry.

Tinting is done as follows:

100 ml of paint is measured into a clean glass or plastic bottle. Then 3-5 drops of color are added to it, the bottle is tightly closed and the mixture is thoroughly mixed by shaking.

If the color saturation is insufficient, the process is repeated until the required shade is obtained. The experiment can be continued by adding other colors. Be sure to keep a record of what and how much was added.

Apply the resulting paint to a small board or piece of the surface to be painted. Wait for complete drying and evaluate the results. If the option is suitable, using notes, calculate the proportions for a larger container, tint the paint and get to work.

When tinting, it is best to use a mixer; this will make the process faster and the result better. The simplest option looks like an attachment for an electric drill. When mixing, it is not recommended to use plastic containers, since the mixer, accidentally catching the wall of the bucket, can split it.

Knead at low speed, avoiding splashing of the mixture, placing old newspapers under and around the container.

Mix thoroughly, since the final result will depend on this - the presence or absence of lumps of color in the mixture, as well as the uniformity of the resulting dye.

Photo of the paint tinting process

Probably everyone wants to achieve some bright and saturated paint colors, and sometimes it is necessary to impart a certain shade of paintwork. For such purposes, paint colors are used. Today I will tell you how to do tinting with your own hands and at home. After all, we often need to achieve a color that you simply cannot buy in a store, since it consists of several tones. The most interesting thing is that the color can be used not only for diluting paint, but also as a ready-made mixture for painting small surfaces. And today we will look at all aspects of this material.

Colors for paint

Varieties of pigments

Color for paint

I must say that now it’s very easy to choose the right color for your type of paint. Manufacturers present a wide range of pigmenting compounds that can be used independently. By the way, color can be added not only to paintwork materials, but also to plaster or putty, thereby giving it the necessary colors.

Important! When choosing the necessary pigment in the store, consider what kind of lighting will be in the room. The fact is that painted surfaces may have different shade. Artificial lighting It will make cold colors muted and dark, but warm ones, on the contrary, will brighten.

Table of proportions for mixing paints and colors:

When mixing colors and paints and varnishes, do not overdo it. While this may result in richer colors, it may simply reduce the quality and properties of the paint.

If we talk about GOST, then the colors are:

  1. Organic – the advantage of these is the presence of a bright and rich color. However, these compounds are very unstable to alkali.
  2. Inorganic - they have little color variety, but they are quite lightfast

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Classification of materials

Adding color to paint

In order to understand which colors are suitable for certain types of paint, I decided to create a small but understandable table:

Important! Water-based paint is the most popular for use in private houses and apartments. That is why water-based paint colors can be called one of the most popular.

Consider some factors if you want to get the water-based paint colors you want:

  • Immediately calculate how much coloring composition you will need
  • Immediately look through the manufacturer’s catalogs, they indicate the color of the material and ready-made shades
  • If you want to mix several shades and get some... complex color, then be sure to use mixing tables
  • When trying out new shades and colors, don’t immediately mix the paint with buckets, try mixing Not a large number of material and look at the result. After this, you can safely mix a whole bucket of paint and varnish
  • After mixing a small amount of the color you require, apply it to the surface and wait for the paint to dry. After that, look at the result
  • A special attachment for the drill will help you thoroughly mix the entire mixture to the desired consistency. Only a good mix can achieve the desired result.
  • Do not forget that before applying the mixture to the surface, you need to stir it again.

Important! Although mixing paint and color is not difficult, you can use this service at a hardware store. The idea is that many specialty stores have special automated machines that allow you to mix the paint to the shade you need. In this case, you won’t have to worry about the resulting color.

The price of such a composition is slightly higher than paint mixed with your own hands - this is worth taking into account when predicting your costs for color and paintwork.

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DIY tinting

Adding red color

The mixing technology is very simple and does not require any special skills. A beginner who has no experience in painting surfaces can handle this task quite well. Do-it-yourself paint tinting is done when there is a desire to paint a room in several different colors. Do not forget that the colors must be compatible with each other.

The sad thing about this process is that you won’t be able to mix the same shade twice in a row, so immediately calculate how much mixture you will need for coloring. The sequence of the process is very simple, take the color, add it to the white paintwork material and mix. However, keep some details in mind:

  1. Use only one container for mixing - there is a possibility that in different containers the color will turn out different
  2. Keep track of the percentage of materials - if you go too far with the color, you can lose the desired qualities, and if you add less than required, you will not achieve the desired shade
  3. Immediately calculate the amount of material used - you won’t be able to get the same color twice
  4. Don’t forget to do a test batch using a small amount of paint - by mixing the whole mixture at once, you can ruin the material and not achieve the desired color scheme
  5. Take your time to mix and apply the solution - the well-known proverb applies even in this case

By the way, if you have some color left and no longer need to use it, then do not rush to throw away the material. Take a container of color and add a small amount of water, but do not mix or shake the container. After this trick, you can store the color for up to five years. To obtain the most saturated shade, mix the pigment mixture and paint before applying to the walls - this can happen a couple of hours before painting.

At the moment, manufacturers produce a wide variety of colored paints. However, the range of tones of such paintwork materials is standard and therefore limited.

Do-it-yourself tinting makes it possible to obtain a composition that has the color, tone and shade that you would like to see in the interior of your home.

Materials for tinting and its methods

The basis of colors are coloring pigments. They are divided into organic and mineral analogues.

Varieties of pigments and colors

  1. The first type of substance is used to obtain bright shades. However, when used on some types of bases, a reaction may begin that will destroy the pigment. In addition, organic compounds burn out from exposure sun rays.
  2. Mineral analogues are resistant to atmospheric influences, but have a limited range of shades.

Based on pigments, colorants are produced in the form of paints and pastes.

  1. Color paints contain the same components as the main formulations for which they are intended. That is, they can be acrylic, alkyd, oil, etc. By mixing such an additive and white base paint, you can achieve any desired shade. If a rich color is required, the base can be painted with an undiluted solution.
  2. Color pastes contain dispersing resins or are produced without binder. They can be universal or intended for specific type paints. When working with pastes, it is important to maintain proportions, because... An excessive amount of such coloring leads to a deterioration in the quality of paintwork materials.

Note! The instructions advise adding 5/20% color to water-based paints, and no more than 10% to oil analogues. Pastes do not paint compounds well white. Based on this, special paints are produced that have a reduced content of white pigment.

Important factors to consider

  1. Experts advise that before tinting the paint, buy the base (usually white) and the color from the same manufacturer.
  2. It should be borne in mind that if the base and coloring composition are chosen incorrectly, the coating will lie unevenly or stains will form on it.
  3. When mixing paints by hand, it is difficult to maintain proportions and create the same shade several times.

  1. Based on this, tinting machines are now most often used. They evenly distribute the dye in the base and ensure its uniform consistency.
  2. When the base is tinted in dark colors, the percentage of pigments in paint is increasing. Therefore, the binder may not be enough to hold all its components together. Manufacturers have taken this point into account and offer paints with different pigment contents.
  3. Manual tinting is preferable when you need to paint a room in two different tones and you need to accurately match the shades relative to each other. Besides this method Suitable for combining finishing with any interior element.

Characteristics of manual and computer methods

The determining factor for manual tinting is human factor. This gives it its advantages and disadvantages ().

The advantages of this method are below.

  1. The ability to carry out the process directly at the repair or construction site.
  2. You can get custom shades. These include complex tones, which consist of several colors in the palette.
  3. The option is economical.

The disadvantages of this method are as follows.

  1. It is difficult to obtain the desired tone and shade again.
  2. You can make a mistake when choosing paint for dark colors. This is fraught with serious consequences if a special composition is tinted. For example, fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil.

Machine mixing of paints and varnishes is controlled by a computer using standard recipes included in his program. If you need the same color in the future, it is easy to reproduce again.

The advantages of computer tinting are as follows.

  1. Accurate and fast work.
  2. Possibility of obtaining the desired color again.
  3. The right choice of paints to create dark tones.
  4. Wide range of colors available.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • it is impossible to carry out tinting in relation to the construction site;
  • you cannot create complex shades and tones;
  • the price of the method is quite high.

How to mix paints by hand

  1. Prepare several small plastic containers.
  2. Before tinting acrylic paint, purchase the same color scheme of the color you need.
  3. Pour about 100 ml of base into the container and write down its exact volume.
  4. Add a few drops of one dye or several (if you need a complex shade). Record the number of drops, as well as the color data.
  5. Mix the base and color until a uniform tone is obtained.

Note! Important tip how to tint paint correctly. Start the process with two drops. If the tone seems pale to you, gradually add dye, but only one drop at a time.

  1. Once you are happy with the color (note that it will look brighter on the base), paint small area surfaces. When the finish is dry, evaluate the color of the coating in artificial and natural light.
  2. If the result pleases you, you can.

  1. Be sure to subtract 20% from the required volume of color. This is necessary so that the final tone of the coating matches what you need. Colors on a large area always look brighter than on a small one.

Our example will be Zinga electrically conductive paint. To obtain the desired color, add 5 drops of color to 100 ml of base.

If you follow the logical chain, then 50 drops are needed for 1 liter. However, in reality, 40 drops of color should be added to this volume.


We've looked at how to tint paint in the optimal way. If you choose manual method, you can create a unique shade of coating. If you prefer the computer method, you will be spared from quite probable errors ().

The video in this article will complement the information provided to you.

If you cannot find water-based paint of the required color, but you are satisfied with the quality of a certain manufacturer, you can improve its palette by using a tint. Let's consider the subtleties of choosing a color, find out what it is, study the types, the palette of popular tones and consumption.

What it is?

By color we mean a concentrated pigment that allows you to give existing paints the required shade. The term “tinting” literally means “color”. Its main function is to create the desired shades for painting concrete, brick and plastered substrates. The existing tinting pastes can be used to paint any surface.

The colors offered by paint manufacturers are not always able to meet your needs, so choosing a paint is quite difficult. Color can help in such a situation. If you need to paint any surface, you take as a basis white paint. By adding concentrated pigment you can achieve any desired shade.


It is necessary to pay attention to what elements the color consists of, since it may contain organic and inorganic materials. Using natural pigments you can make the color brighter and more saturated. Before you start mixing, you can study the color charts of each brand. This will allow you to choose the tone as close as possible to the desired one, taking into account compatibility with a specific type of paint.

Colors can be classified according to their form of release. They are sold in the form of powder, paste and ready-to-use paint. The most economical option is color in powder form, which is mixed with water-based paint. The disadvantage of this form is the fact that when stirring it is difficult to obtain a homogeneous mass.

In greatest demand color released in paste form. It allows you to get beautiful natural shades. Add the paste to the paint gradually until you get the desired color. Please note that the color may change slightly as it dries.

The packaging of the color is different: you can purchase the product in special tubes, plastic bottles and bubbles. Regardless of its type, the material should be stored in a dark place away from direct sunlight. In this case, the temperature should be room temperature. The material under consideration can be divided into 2 main groups: inorganic and organic colors.

The latter are characterized by more rich color. The disadvantages include the fact that this color quickly loses its brightness if the coating is exposed to direct sunlight. Inorganic colors are produced in limited quantities. They have a fairly dull color, but their color properties are maintained for a long period of time.


The color palette of each type is varied. Each company has its own characteristics. Speaking of the powder version, it should be noted that there are only a few possible shades. The paste color scheme is characterized by a wide range of colors that will allow you to turn any design idea into reality. Ready-to-use paints can be purchased in a variety of colors, but there are not enough of them to allow you to experiment.

By purchasing a certain color in the form of a paste, you can vary its shade depending on the proportion. The palette of organic colors includes bright and rich shades, but they fade relatively quickly in the sun. It is for this reason that they should not be used for outdoor work.. Pigments based on inorganic components are characterized by pastel color scheme, they are quite lightfast.

Today, in construction materials stores you can purchase pearlescent colors or pigments with a metallic sheen. This color can be used for most modern paint and varnish materials. On shelves today construction stores There are a wide range of colors available. Most Popular trademarks are "Dufa", "Tex", "Dulax". Each of the presented manufacturers provides its own unique palette.

If you are unable to find the desired shade, you can look for it in the palette of another brand or mix it yourself.

Popular shades today are:

  • beige;
  • pistachio;
  • Ivory;
  • silver;
  • golden;
  • gold with sparkles.


Average consumption 1 kg of color per 1 m2 depends on what kind of paint is used. For example, for the emulsion variety you will need no more than 20% of the volume of the base white composition. When it comes to paint on oil based, here you will need no more than 1.5%. In other situations, the amount of color should be no more than 7%. Consumption of this material depends on what shade you want to achieve.

In any situation, adhere to the previously stated proportions. Excessively great content concentrated pigment in the paint will reduce its quality.

How to choose?

Modern construction market offers a fairly large range of colors that are suitable for various types of dyes. Some manufacturers produce pigmenting compositions that are versatile. These varieties can be used to add color to paint, plaster or putty mixture. This versatility is especially appreciated in the construction industry.

A wide assortment leads to the fact that the consumer is faced with a difficult choice. It is necessary to choose one color or another based on what surface you plan to paint.

Let's consider different kinds colors and what surfaces they are recommended to be used for:

  • The liquid version is suitable for a variety of impregnations and primers. It can be added to varnishes that are used for processing solid wood. It is also used for various lumber.
  • Concentrates with a liquid consistency are designed for emulsion and disperse paints. Therefore, they are suitable for that basic base, which is made with water.
  • Colors in paste form can be purchased for alkyd and oil enamels. They can be used in various mixtures for whitewashing.
  • Universal materials can be used for different types enamels.
  • The composition of the color, supplemented with mother-of-pearl or metallic luster, is characterized by a different list, which allows you to select it for different paintwork materials.

Based on the purpose for which the color will be purchased and what paint it will be mixed with, you can make the right choice.

How to properly dilute?

The choice has been made, so we can proceed to further work: we turn our white base into a certain shade using pigment. The dosage must be accurate in order to tint efficiently. You need to prepare glass jars in advance. You can replace them with plastic food boxes. Before mixing, containers must be thoroughly washed and dried. This is extremely important point when it comes to tinting.

The base (white paint) should be poured into the prepared container. Be sure to write down its volume somewhere so you don’t forget. This information is important for compiling correct proportion. You need to add color gradually. If it is liquid, then 2-3 drops will be enough.

Mix the paint thoroughly. If you are planning to create a complex color that was not in the palette, then experiment by mixing 2-3 colors, but at first the quantity should be small. Gradually add 2-3 drops until the desired color is achieved. The number of drops added must be recorded.

Often, poor paint mixing does not allow achieving the desired result. It happens that during the painting process, lumps with a more saturated color form in some areas, which is why the surface is painted unevenly.

Be careful to stir the paint well before applying to the surface. Otherwise you will have to repaint it.

When the desired color is obtained, dye small area surfaces. You need to check the color after a day, when the paint is completely dry. If you are satisfied with the result, you can tint the remaining paint in the same proportion. In a situation where you are unhappy with the resulting shade, you need to increase or decrease the amount of color.

If you don't like the color at all, you can try using a different one. Without proper experience, it is quite difficult to choose the right shade. On the wall, the paint will be several tones lighter, which is important to consider when diluting.

To achieve the desired result, be patient and do not waste your time. After all, the color of the coating should be liked and aesthetically attractive.

Especially for you, we have selected a large list of tips that will help you with the selection, breeding and use of color. Consider these recommendations, which may teach you something new.

  • Surface mixing of the paint will not allow you to obtain a uniform color. It is recommended to use a mixer or a plastering attachment for a drill, which will ensure thorough mixing. In this case, the drill must be set to minimum so as not to splash the paint.
  • It is better to prepare the paint in one container. In a situation where you have not used the concentrated pigment completely, its remains can be stored for about 5 years.
  • To find the required color that can give you the desired shade, play with the saturation of each of them in your head.

  • If you do not want to experiment with color saturation, you can immediately start diluting large volumes, but if you make a mistake with the proportion, you will lose a fairly large amount of the base paint, which will lead to unexpected expenses.
  • When purchasing a color scheme, calculate in advance how much will be required for the total volume of paint used.
  • In order not to make a mistake with your choice, base it on the manufacturer’s catalog. This will allow you to see the finished shade.
  • If you plan to create original shades, use existing paint color mixing charts.