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» Protein diet for weight loss 10 days. Protein diet for weight loss - her menu for the week. Protein diet menu

Protein diet for weight loss 10 days. Protein diet for weight loss - her menu for the week. Protein diet menu

    Losing weight quickly, easily and without feeling hungry, or building muscle without gaining excess weight is the dream of millions.

    However, not everyone is aware that there is a great way to make your dream come true and it’s called a protein diet. It is successfully used by girls to lose weight, and by athletes to gain muscle mass.

    We will talk in detail about its rules, diet and acceptable foods in this article.

    What is a protein diet

    The protein diet, as the name implies, is based on the consumption of protein foods, while carbohydrate-containing foods are kept to a minimum. Result: minus 5-10 kilograms in just ten days. By the way, that’s exactly how long it lasts.

    The opinions of doctors and nutritionists about it are divided. Some consider it almost a panacea for all ills, others point out its shortcomings, and still others confuse it with (which is not entirely correct, although the latter is also based on the consumption of protein products).

    To understand all this, let's consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this method of nutrition.


    8 main advantages of the diet:

  1. Protein diet for weight loss – perfect way lose weight without suffering from constant feeling hunger. This is possible due to the high protein content in the foods consumed.
  2. Ideal for athletes, as it allows you to maintain and build muscle relief while getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat.
  3. There is no “sagging skin” effect.
  4. At the same time, it cleanses the body.
  5. Improves metabolic processes and speeds up metabolism.
  6. At the right approach and following all the rules gives a lasting result.
  7. Allows you to use a tasty and rich menu.
  8. Lasts only ten days.


The disadvantages of a protein diet are much less than the advantages:

  1. Most of the possible negative consequences associated with non-compliance with the rules and diet (see below).
  2. Cannot be used for a number of diseases.
  3. Calcium is washed out of the body.
  4. Lethargy and weakness may appear in the initial stages.


The protein diet has a number of contraindications:

  • kidney diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • period of lactation and pregnancy;
  • for disorders and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Basic rules and diet

A protein diet is absolutely harmless for healthy people if its duration does not exceed 10 days. Nutritionists do not recommend repeating the course earlier than after 2 months.

Observing following rules, you will not only lose extra pounds, but also build muscle mass subject to regular strength training:

  1. Drink water. A protein diet stimulates kidney function, which increases the risk of dehydration. Drink at least two liters of water throughout the day. Start your morning with a glass of water and be sure to drink the same amount half an hour before each meal. This will help the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Cellulose. High protein and low carbohydrate content reduces the volume of food, which has a bad effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal system. To avoid the consequences, if possible, take bran in the morning or several times during the day before meals.
  3. Vitamins and minerals. Like any other diet, a protein diet cannot provide the body with all the necessary substances. Take vitamin and mineral complexes, primarily calcium supplements, as it is intensively washed out of the body.
  4. Diet. It is important that meals are fractional. Food should enter the body on average every three hours. The last appointment is no later than eight in the evening.
  5. The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates. Be careful to ensure that the protein to carbohydrate ratio does not fall below 2/1, respectively.
  6. Cooking method. Allowed to pamper yourself fried fish or meat, but most foods must be cooked with a minimum of fat to be effective. Perfect option: Steaming or baking.
  7. Workout. If you are not going to exercise, the diet will be ineffective. It is advisable to establish a training regimen and only then change your diet. A protein diet for gaining muscle mass involves strength training at least three times a week and the use of sports nutrition - protein shakes and bars.

What can and cannot be eaten?

A huge advantage of a protein diet is that you don’t have to “sit” on the same type and bland dishes. However, it is worth limiting the consumption of products that contain artificial food colors, flavorings, and preservatives.

Food should be natural and healthy, and heat treatment should be minimal.

To make it easier for you to navigate, we have compiled lists of products, roughly dividing them into groups.

Authorized Products

The foods listed in the table below can be eaten in almost any quantity (first column) or in limited quantities (second column). Of course, you should not exceed your daily calorie requirement:

Authorized Products

Allowed in limited quantities

Vegetables: lettuce, Chinese cabbage, cucumbers, celery, lettuce,
radish, radish, greens, broccoli, spinach, bell pepper, unsweetened tomatoes, spices
Vegetables: zucchini, eggplant, sweet tomatoes, white cabbage
Meat: lean pork, veal, lamb, lamb,
poultry meat (without skin), so-called “soy” meat
Meat: sausages, sausages, sausages
Fruits: lemons, any citrus fruits, sour varieties apples, cranberriesFruits: nuts, sweet apples, sweet berries
Tofu cheese, low-fat fermented milk productsCheese
Fish of all types, including oily fish, seafoodWhole grain cereals
Fresh, dried and frozen mushroomsLegumes
Egg whiteFreshly squeezed fruit juices
Olive or flaxseed oil
Drinks: freshly squeezed vegetable juices, still water, any teas and coffee, but without sugar

It is permissible to eat products from the second column of the table during the diet, but their quantity should be limited. It is advisable to consume them no more than once a day and in small quantities.

Prohibited Products

Remove the following foods from your diet, preferably completely:

  • sugar;
  • honey;
  • chewing gum;
  • confectionery;
  • flour products;
  • porridge;
  • pasta;
  • canning and pickles;
  • sweet fruits;
  • sweet berries;
  • vegetables: potatoes,carrots, corn, olives and black olives
  • soft and processed cheeses;
  • crab sticks;
  • any sweet and carbonated drinks;
  • packaged juices;
  • alcohol.

Diet based on protein shakes and bars

The protein diet is primarily designed for athletes. But athletes often need not so much losing weight as cutting and gaining muscle tissue. When using a protein diet to gain weight, regular physical activity is required.

And this implies a transition to a different level of nutrition. You will need additional sources of protein, namely protein shakes and/or protein bars.

Let's talk about these products in detail.

Protein shakes

Protein shakes are rich in proteins and other useful substances depending on the brand and composition. If you have chosen this method of losing weight, be sure to take vitamin and mineral complexes and drink fiber so that the protein shake diet does not disrupt metabolic processes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The cocktails themselves can be divided into several groups and taken depending on the time of day or situation:

  1. Cocktails with calcium caseinate. Such cocktails are good because they “kill” the feeling of hunger for a long time, while simultaneously preventing muscle catabolism. Their use is simply necessary on training days.
  2. High protein shakes (up to 10 grams of protein per serving). Such cocktails are rich not only in protein, but also in carbohydrates, and can replace one full meal.
  3. Cocktails with and/or chromium picolinate. These cocktails are simply irreplaceable helpers for those who prefer frequent and high-intensity training. They replace meals, but do not contribute to the feeling of fullness.
  4. . They are good for their composition, but quickly deteriorate, so they are only suitable for home use. They are able to completely suppress the feeling of hunger and have a more pleasant taste. With them, the diet is mentally easier to endure. In addition, the fermented milk products included in their composition help to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Many people like protein bars. They are compact and have a pleasant taste, quickly fill you up and can replace up to two full meals.

However, there are some disadvantages. Giving a large number of calories and proteins per meal, they have a small volume. For this reason, a diet based on protein bars is fraught with disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, store-bought versions often contain additives, flavor enhancers and excess sugar.

Such a diet is psychologically difficult and potentially dangerous. An alternative is to either combine the bars with other foods or prepare them yourself.

Several of the most simple recipes you can find it in the recipes.

Diet menu for 10 days

The protein diet menu options for men and women are not particularly different. In fact, the whole difference lies in the amount of food consumed per day.

Calculate the quantity using the formulas:

  1. For men, the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates per kilogram of weight is 2.5 grams and 1 – 3 grams, respectively.
  2. For women, the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates per kilogram of weight is 2 grams and 0.5 - 1.5 grams, respectively.
breakfast lunch dinner afternoon tea dinner
1st day protein oatmeal (see recipe below)steamed fillet cutlet + vegetable stew with greensbaked salmon + lemon slice + green saladboiled chicken breast + cauliflower in egg (see recipe below)beef broth + soft-boiled egg + mushrooms stewed with herbs
2nd day veal + blanched spinach + cucumberwatercress cream soup (see recipe below)baked pork, pre-marinated in yogurt with spices + stewed vegetablesasparagus stewed in sour cream with herbs + a glass of low-fat kefirboiled white fish fillet with lemon juice and spices + cabbage salad with herbs and olive oil
3rd day chicken cutlet with tofu cheese, baked in the oven + a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice + green saladany grilled fish + salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage, dressed with olive oilbraised pork with celery (see recipe below)homemade protein barlow-fat cottage cheese + + greens
4th day two tablespoons of boiled brown rice + light saladcreamy mushroom soup with spinach (see recipe below)beef with artichokes (see recipe below)salmon steak + light salad dressed with lemon juice and olive oilseafood cocktail
5th day two protein brownies (see recipe below) + fresh citrus juicesalad of tomatoes, celery, avocado + boiled, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juicegrilled pork + stewed zucchini with herbs, yogurt and garlicveal + stewed broccoli and cauliflowerchicken broth + light salad
6th day omelette of whites and one yolk + green saladlow-fat cottage cheese + nuts and berriesstewed cabbage + baked turkey filletboiled beef + avocado salad with celery
7th day protein oatmeal + glass of fresh vegetable juicegrilled vegetables + boiled white fishany bird baked in foil with vegetablesbaked eggplants _ low-fat cottage cheese with herbs and garlic, seasoned with low-fat yogurtcauliflower in egg + meat broth
8th day two soft-boiled eggs + steamed turkey cutlet + greenssalad of boiled lamb meat with tomatoes, tofu cheese and herbs, dressed with olive oil and lemon juicefried without oil chicken fillet+ zucchini and lettucebaked on onion pillow salmon + green saladlow-fat cottage cheese with herbs and low-fat yogurt
9th day two tablespoons of boiled brown rice + asparagus salad with herbsprotein ice cream (see recipe below)lean steak + cucumber salad with celeryprotein shake with skim milkmussel and tomato salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice
10th day salad of eggs, herbs and low-fat yogurt + unsweetened tea or coffeepumpkin soupgrilled veal + Chinese cabbage salad with tomatoes, dressed with olive oilstewed pork with celeryGreek salad without olives

Diet recipes

We have selected for you some interesting and delicious dishes, which diversify the menu on a protein diet.

Remember: the desire to eat something “delicious” has stopped prematurely more than one attempt to lose weight. Check out the recipes and lose weight deliciously).

Recipe No. 1: watercress cream soup


  • 100 g watercress;
  • 200 g spinach;
  • two stalks of celery;
  • 1 liter of any meat broth;
  • Bay leaf;
  • thyme;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil.


  1. Wash the greens and chop.
  2. Fry celery in olive oil. Add spinach and lettuce and sauté for just a minute.
  3. Pour in the broth, add spices and salt.
  4. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and leave for five minutes.
  5. Remove thyme and bay leaf from broth.
  6. Grind in a blender until smooth.

You can serve it cold, adding sour cream and fresh herbs.

Recipe No. 2: cauliflower in egg batter


  • 1 kg cauliflower;
  • two eggs;
  • eight raw egg whites;
  • 1 onion;
  • ground black pepper;
  • olive oil;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Separate the cabbage into individual florets.
  2. Place in boiling salted water and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Drain in a colander and let the water drain.
  4. Beat eggs and whites.
  5. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Chop the onion and fry in oil.
  7. Add cauliflower.
  8. Pour in the eggs.
  9. Fry, stirring, until the whites are completely coagulated.

You can serve with low-fat yogurt sauce with garlic and herbs.

Recipe No. 3: pork with celery


  • 1 kg pork tenderloin without lard;
  • 2 kg celery stalks;
  • 1 PC. shallots (can be replaced with onions);
  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • Bay leaf.


  1. Chop the celery and chop the onion into rings.
  2. Cut the pork across the grain into small slices.
  3. Place the pork in a saucepan and simmer for 15-20 minutes, add vegetables and bay leaf.
  4. Simmer until done, then add salt and pepper.

This dish can be eaten both cold and hot. Serve with light vegetable salads.

Recipe No. 4: creamy mushroom soup with spinach


  • half a kilogram of champignons;
  • three hundred grams of spinach;
  • two onions;
  • fresh herbs to taste;
  • half a liter of chicken broth;
  • olive oil;
  • a cup of low-fat yogurt;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.


  1. Cut the champignons into cubes.
  2. Chop the onion into rings and fry in olive oil.
  3. Add mushrooms and saute until mushroom aroma develops.
  4. Chop the spinach, add to the mushrooms and onions and sauté for about a minute.
  5. Add chicken broth, salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Then cook everything for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Pour the soup into a blender, add yogurt and blend until smooth.
  7. Wash and chop the greens.

Serve the soup cold, sprinkled with herbs on top.

Recipe #5: Protein Bars with Dried Fruits


  • half a glass;
  • half a glass of bran;
  • 1 glass of powdered milk, preferably skim milk;
  • five to seven scoops of any protein;
  • a quarter cup of peeled seeds;
  • a third of a glass of chopped peanuts;
  • a quarter cup of dried apricots and;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • 2 cups peanut butter;
  • water as needed.


  1. Mix all dry ingredients until evenly distributed.
  2. Add peanut butter and vanilla.
  3. Add water as needed. The mass should be thicker than for pancakes.
  4. Pour into mold.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for several hours until hardened.
  6. Cut into portions.

Recipe #6: Orange Protein Bar


  • five scoops of protein, preferably citrus or vanilla flavored;
  • two glasses of oatmeal;
  • a glass of powdered milk;
  • two raw proteins;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • two-thirds cup maple syrup;
  • two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice, preferably with zest;
  • oil for greasing the mold if you don’t have a non-stick one.


  1. Mix dry and liquid ingredients separately.
  2. Gently mix and blend in a blender until smooth.
  3. Pour into greased pan.
  4. Place in an oven preheated to 160 degrees.
  5. Bake until brown.
  6. Let cool and cut into portions.

Recipe #7: Protein Cake


  • a quarter cup of bran (preferably oat bran);
  • a quarter cup of coconut flour;
  • scoop of vanilla protein;
  • a third of a glass of low-fat yogurt;
  • half a banana;
  • a quarter cup of paste from;
  • two tablespoons of chopped dark chocolate;
  • a third glass of almond milk without additives.


  1. Place all ingredients except almond milk and chocolate in one container.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Gently fold the almond milk into the mixture.
  4. Add chocolate.
  5. Form small balls and refrigerate for several hours.

Recipe #8: Oatmeal with Protein


  • fifty grams of oatmeal;
  • scoop vanilla or caramel protein powder;
  • a handful of chopped almonds;
  • taste.


  1. Mix all ingredients in one container.
  2. Pour in low-fat yogurt or boiling water.
  3. Let it brew for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Recipe #9: Protein Ice Cream


  • a glass of low-fat cream;
  • a glass of low-fat milk;
  • four raw yolks;
  • scoop of your favorite protein;
  • half a glass of cane sugar;
  • a packet of vanillin.


  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Beat the yolks with sugar until thick foam.
  3. Gently combine with milk.
  4. Stirring constantly, bring to thickening.
  5. Refrigerate.
  6. Whisk.
  7. Combine with cooled egg-milk mixture.
  8. Add vanilla and protein.
  9. Whisk thoroughly.
  10. Place in the freezer for an hour.
  11. Whisk again and place in the freezer until completely set.


To summarize, let's draw conclusions about the protein diet:

  1. This is a comfort diet that does not make you hungry.
  2. This diet and menu is suitable for athletes, as it allows not only to preserve existing muscles, but also to build new ones.
  3. This diet is effective for both men and girls.
  4. To obtain visible results, only ten days are enough.

If you want to lose 5-7 kg, then a protein diet for 10 days will come to the rescue. The diet of such a dietary menu is based only on protein foods, excluding carbohydrates and fats. Such a strict approach to nutrition has its drawbacks, so this weight loss regimen is not for everyone. If there are no contraindications, then it is enough to master the basic rules of this diet.

Promotes active burning of fat in the body. Due to the fact that a person consumes only proteins, the body has to spend its previously accumulated reserves. The main source of energy is carbohydrates, and there are practically none of them in the diet. This approach starts the fat burning process already in the first days of the weight loss program. On day 2-3 of the diet you can achieve minus 1-2 kg. People who have too many extra pounds lose up to 10 kg.

To achieve such results, you need to know the basic principles of the diet:

  1. The number of meals per day should not be less than 5 times. You need to eat every 3 hours, with a snack between breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  2. The size of the dishes is small so that the portion fits in the palm of your hand. The diet is fractional, but frequent.
  3. We must not forget about drinking ordinary purified water. You need to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day, not including tea, coffee, and juices.
  4. An active lifestyle, physical activity, and training in the gym do not stop during the diet. To avoid losing muscle mass, the intensity of physical exercise increases.
  5. Have dinner 3-4 hours before going to bed. If available strong feeling hunger, then 1-2 hours before bedtime it is useful to drink a glass of kefir.
  6. For the entire day, food consumption should not be less than 1200 kcal. For men, this figure increases slightly, but it is better to calculate this indicator individually.
  7. Start every morning with a glass clean water. You can drink liquid 20 minutes before meals, but not after. After eating, drinking water is allowed only 1.5-2 hours later.
  8. Food processing is carried out only by baking, stewing, boiling, but not by frying in a frying pan.
  9. It is necessary to include non-starchy vegetables with protein foods. The body must receive fiber and vitamins.
  10. 60% of the total diet during the diet consists of animal protein.

Ten simple rules when strictly followed, it allows you to forget about extra pounds for a long time, because after such nutrition the lost weight does not return.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before deciding on a protein diet, you should visit your doctor or nutritionist. Only a doctor can say how safe the selected menu is. This diet has its pros and cons, so you need to know them before you start changing your diet.

The disadvantages of a protein diet are:

  • Minimum intake of vitamins by the body. To fill this niche, it is necessary to take it during the diet. It is better to coordinate the selection of vitamins with your doctor;
  • The maximum duration of the diet is 10 days. There is no need to increase the duration of this diet so as not to harm your own health;
  • An increased amount of protein provokes an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • People with problems with the liver and kidneys have an increased risk of deterioration in health, since it is the excess of protein that directly impedes the functioning of these organs;
  • A diet that avoids carbohydrates and fats provokes an increase in blood sugar and cholesterol.

If a person who is losing weight has health problems, then any dietary intake must be discussed with doctors. Considering the advantages of a protein diet, many lovers of such a diet note the following facts:

  • By refusing fats and carbohydrates, there is no feeling of hunger for all 10 days;
  • Weight loss occurs already in the first days of the diet;
  • In 10 days you can lose up to 5-8 kg;
  • Muscle mass does not decrease, since protein is the main building element of this tissue;
  • The lost kilograms do not return after properly quitting the diet;
  • The diet of permitted foods remains rich enough to allow you to prepare a variety of dishes.

It is necessary to make the final choice with a nutritionist, who, if there are obvious contraindications to such nutrition, will be able to choose a more loyal and correct diet for reducing excess weight.

Menu - table

Protein diet for 10 days, the menu of which is developed independently, may look like this.

Day of the week Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday 2 boiled eggs, black coffee A glass of kefir Rabbit soup with vegetables Beet salad Baked red fish, vegetable salad
Tuesday Cottage cheese with herbs, tea 2 apples Vegetable stew with veal stew Curd mass with dried fruits Boiled chicken fillet with tomato sauce, 2 breads
Wednesday Omelet, cucumber 1 grapefruit Fish broth, beet salad Yogurt Roast Turkey with Broccoli Puree
Thursday Curd mass without sugar with black coffee Vegetable salad dressed with yogurt Steamed rabbit cutlets, salad 1 boiled egg, bread Boiled beef, lettuce, tomato and cucumber salad
Friday Yogurt, 2 loaves 1 orange Chicken broth soup with green beans and celery Beet salad Fish cutlets with tomato sauce, tea
Saturday Cottage cheese with herbs, 1 boiled egg Kefir Baked turkey with vegetables Seafood salad Cauliflower puree with boiled chicken fillet
Sunday Omelet, black coffee Sourdough without filler Vegetable soup on beef broth with mushrooms Beet salad Curd mass, tea

The presented menu can be changed by day. The diet of days 8, 9 and 10 is allowed to be repeated from any day of the diet. The main thing is to include beetroot salad from day 4-5, since protein foods can cause constipation.

How to cook?

Recipes for dishes for a protein diet are simple, even a novice cook can prepare them:

  • Chicken broth soup with vegetables. For the soup, take the sirloin and cut it into pieces. Drain the first broth obtained and cook only with the second one. Add finely chopped green beans, bell pepper, white cabbage. When all the ingredients are cooked, add any greens to the soup. It is better to avoid salt;
  • Baked salmon in the oven. Sprinkle fish fillet with lemon juice. Add fresh onion and celery if desired. Place vegetables on top of fish. Wrap the finished piece in foil and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes;
  • Curd. This recipe is perfect for dessert. To prepare, just mix 150g of cottage cheese with 100 ml of natural yogurt. If desired, you can add fresh berries. Before serving, the mixture can be sprinkled with grated coconut on top;
  • There is a large selection of recipes, so you just need to use your imagination.

What can you do on a diet?

The list of allowed foods is rich, so meals during the diet can be varied. What can you cook with? These products are:

  • All types of meat, but not fatty parts;
  • Sea fish;
  • Eggs;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Fermented milk products with a low fat content;
  • Non-starchy vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, peppers, cabbage of all types).

It is allowed to drink various teas and black coffee, but without sugar. It is also useful to consume natural juices.

You should not give preference to carbonated water, because it can provoke a feeling of hunger.

What can't you do on a diet?

The protein diet does not allow the consumption of the following foods:

  • All types of sweets;
  • Sugar;
  • Flour products;
  • Baking;
  • Fatty meat (pork);
  • Sausages;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Alcohol;
  • Cereals;
  • Sweet fruits (banana, grapes);
  • Starchy vegetables (legumes, potatoes);
  • Mayonnaise, any fatty sauces.

There should be no fats or carbohydrates in the diet, so this factor is important to consider first.


The protein diet has several varieties, so those losing weight can choose from the following options:

  • ;

    Side effects

    If you don't follow the rules dietary nutrition, then as side reactions you can get:

    • Headache;
    • Weakness;
    • Dizziness;
    • Nausea;
    • Decline blood pressure;
    • Constipation;
    • Flatulence;
    • Deterioration of skin color;
    • Increased irritability.

    Such changes in well-being develop first, so you should not wait for the situation to improve. At the first indisposition, it is better to abandon the diet.

    Quitting the diet

    A protein diet for 10 days, reviews of which are often positive, requires the right way out. You must remember to drink up to 2 liters of water per day, and include only 1 new product per day. You can’t splurge on sweets and bread. You need to return to your usual diet gradually. This should take up to 1 month.

    The issue of losing weight has always been relevant. Television and various magazines are full of big amount different diets, a huge number of new and miraculous dietary nutrition systems are created every year. But what diet should you choose to lose weight without harming your health?

    Nutritionists say that a proper diet should not be very strict. Diet during proper diet should be sufficiently edible and have a beneficial effect on overall health. According to nutritionists, of all the existing diets, it is the protein diet that meets all these requirements.

    The protein diet has this name because its diet focuses on the consumption of protein-containing foods, while carbohydrate-containing and fatty foods are quite limited. It is proteins that lead the body to a stressful state when it experiences a lack of energy due to a reduction in carbohydrates.

    To obtain the necessary amount of energy for normal functioning, the body starts a mechanism for removing glycogen reserves from fat deposits and muscle tissue. This is how the fat burning process occurs.

    It is important to know that very fast weight loss is initial stage diet is not due to a decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat, but only to the removal of accumulated fluid from the body. To settle water balance During a protein diet for weight loss, you need to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day. This helps the body remove protein breakdown products in a timely manner.

    A protein diet, like any other mono-diet, cannot be followed for very long. A healthy body requires proper and balanced nutrition. Nutritionists recommend sticking to this diet for no more than 3-4 weeks, and no more than once a year.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a protein diet


    • lack of hunger;
    • dynamic loss excess weight;
    • varied menu;
    • sustainable result.


  • active excretion of calcium;
  • possible dehydration.

The protein diet has only positive reviews. If followed correctly, you will not harm your health and can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight in just one week. This diet is especially popular among professional athletes, men and women who eat meat.

When following a diet, it is recommended to adhere to a regimen - each meal should occur at the same time every day, and the number of meals should be at least four. By following all these tips, you will easily achieve the desired result.

Protein Diet Options

The protein diet combines a number of different diets. But all these diets have a common feature - maximum consumption of protein foods and a reduced amount of carbohydrates and fats.

Protein-carbohydrate diet

Quite often this diet is found under the name “BUCH”, which means. The main feature of this diet is that you will never feel hungry.

You can alternate protein and carbohydrate days in different ways; there are several options for this diet. If you are new to weight loss, then your carbohydrate-protein diet plan for a week should be like this:

  • 2 days - protein days;
  • 1 day - carbohydrate day;
  • 2 days - protein days;
  • 1 day - carbohydrate day;
  • 1 day mixed day.

The main advantage of “BUCH” is moderate weight loss with a balanced diet. This diet does not have complex calorie calculations or strict restrictions on food choices. A protein-carbohydrate diet can be followed from 10 to 20 weeks, but no longer than 4 months.

Protein-vegetable diet

This diet is based on a specific nutritional method, according to which the consumption of carbohydrate-containing and protein-containing foods is carried out on different days.

An invariable requirement of a protein-vegetable diet is the consumption of large quantities of vegetables. Due to the lack of carbohydrates, the body, which is looking for auxiliary energy sources, will use up accumulated fat reserves.

Nutrition during this diet occurs according to a cyclical system. Each cycle lasts 6 days:

  • the first two days - protein food;
  • the second two days - vegetables;
  • the third two days - protein foods.

List of approved products that may be present on the menu of this diet:

  • lactic acid products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir 1% -2.5%, whey, yogurt);
  • dietary meat (fillet chicken breast, turkey, beef);
  • low-fat fish (hake, pollock, cod, tuna);
  • chicken eggs;
  • vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper, lettuce, asparagus, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes).

Malysheva's protein diet

In the popular Russian TV show “Live Healthy,” Professor medical sciences Elena Malysheva, together with competent nutritionists, spoke about effective way for losing weight in the shortest possible time.

If the basic principles are followed correctly, this diet promotes effective weight loss. The Pierre Dukan diet includes

  1. Consolidation.

These stages of the diet have their own specific requirements for food intake and.

First stage - "Attack"

At the first stage of the Dukan diet, the menu contains mainly protein foods, and the consumption of carbohydrates and fats is reduced to a minimum.

The duration of the “attack” should not exceed 7-10 days, as weakness, dizziness or nausea may appear. At this stage of the diet, you should focus on your state of health - if you feel unwell, then reduce the duration of the stage to a minimum. If your health is normal, then you can extend the duration of the “Attack”.

The second stage - “Alternation”

This stage of the diet is based on alternating protein days with vegetable days. The duration of “Alternation” can reach 50 days. There are several options for the second stage of the Dukan diet:

  • one day - proteins, the second day - vegetables + proteins;
  • two days - proteins, two days - vegetables + proteins;
  • three days - proteins, three days - vegetables + proteins;
  • four days - proteins, four days - vegetables + proteins;
  • five days - proteins, five days - vegetables + proteins.

The third stage - “Consolidation”

During the third stage, the weight that you achieved in the first two stages stabilizes. The duration of the stage can be unlimited. The Consolidation diet is close to a proper balanced diet. The only condition this stage- for seven days you need to make one day exclusively protein.

At the third stage, you are allowed to eat sweets, chocolate or pastries twice a week, but only for breakfast.

The fourth stage - “Stabilization”

This stage of the diet is fully consistent proper nutrition. Important terms successful “Stabilization” are:

  • 2-3 liters of clean water per day;
  • consumption (up to 3 tablespoons per day);
  • mandatory consumption of protein foods, vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin-protein diet

This diet is quite effective and easy to use. It is absolutely harmless and helps to get rid of 5-7 kg of excess weight in 10 days.

When following a diet, you are allowed to eat exclusively protein and vitamin foods. Fats and carbohydrates are completely excluded. There is a strict ban on various high-calorie sauces, chocolate and all kinds of baked goods.

Sample menu of a vitamin-protein diet for 10 days

The daily diet of this diet consists of protein and vitamin products, which are taken separately during different meals.

  1. Breakfast: protein product (for example, boiled egg - 2 pcs.).
  2. Snack: vitamin product (for example, grapefruit - 1 pc.).
  3. Lunch: protein product (for example, boiled chicken fillet - 200 g).
  4. Snack: vitamin product (for example, apple - 2 pcs.).
  5. Dinner: protein product (for example, boiled fillet of lean fish - 200 g).

To avoid getting bored with your diet after 10 days, dilute your daily diet with a variety of protein and vitamin foods.

  • dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses);
  • white meat chicken, chicken liver, turkey, beef;
  • seafood (squid, shrimp, tuna, salmon).
  • fruits (pineapples, oranges, kiwis, apples, pears);
  • vegetables (beets, carrots, cucumbers, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers).

Protein diet: products

Protein is the most valuable component of every person’s diet. Protein-containing food products have great biological value and help stimulate metabolism. Thanks to this, protein-rich foods help in the fight against excess weight and have a positive effect on the overall health of the body.

High protein foods:

  • chicken breast (100 g contains 24 g of protein);
  • turkey fillet (100 g contains 25 g of protein);
  • beef (100 g contains 30 g of protein);
  • cottage cheese (100 g contains from 6 to 19 g of protein);
  • canned tuna (100 g contains 25 g of protein);
  • pink salmon (100 g contains 20 g of protein);
  • chicken eggs (one egg contains about 8 g of protein);
  • shrimp (100 g contains 22 g of protein).

On a protein diet, allowed foods are:

  • lean meat;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • bird;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

Menu for a protein diet

We bring to your attention a high-protein diet for 10 days. By following such a diet, you can lose up to 5 kilograms of excess weight without any effort. special effort and without causing harm to the body.

Protein diet for weight loss: menu for 10 days

First day:

  • breakfast (three egg whites and one yolk, cucumber, green tea no sweeteners);
  • lunch (two dietary chicken chops, beet salad, tea or coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 2 (200 ml kefir 1% and any fruit);
  • dinner (200 g of boiled or baked hake fillet, boiled broccoli, tea without sweeteners);

Second day:

  • breakfast (two-egg omelet, vegetable salad, coffee without sweeteners);
  • lunch (200 g boiled fish fillet low-fat varieties, vegetable stew, tea or coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 2 (50 g low-fat cheese and tomato with herbs);
  • dinner (2-3 pieces of steamed chicken cutlets, Chinese cabbage salad, tea without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 3 (200 ml kefir 1%).

The third day:

  • breakfast (200 g cottage cheese 5%, a handful of raisins, green tea without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 1 (scrambled eggs of two eggs, cucumber, greens);
  • snack No. 2 (natural yogurt and baked apple with one teaspoon of honey);
  • dinner (200 g of boiled or baked hake fillet, cauliflower, tea without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 3 (200 ml kefir 1%).

Fourth day:

  • breakfast (two-egg omelet with tomatoes and herbs, coffee without sweeteners);
  • lunch (200 g baked hake fillet, sauerkraut, tea or coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 2 (three egg whites and one yolk, cucumber);
  • dinner (one chicken schnitzel, vegetable stew, tea without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 3 (200 ml kefir 1%).

Fifth day:

  • snack No. 1 (200 g cottage cheese 5%, a handful of berries);
  • lunch (200 g of boiled hake fillet, beet salad, tea or coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 2 (scrambled eggs, cucumber);
  • dinner (2-3 pieces of steamed chicken cutlets, vegetable stew, tea without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 3 (200 ml kefir 1%).

Sixth day:

  • breakfast (200 g cottage cheese casserole with raisins, coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 1 (three egg whites and one yolk, tomato, greens);
  • lunch (200 g of baked or boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, tea or coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 2 (200 ml 1% kefir, baked apple with one teaspoon of honey);
  • dinner (200 g of boiled turkey fillet, baked vegetables, tea without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 3 (200 ml kefir 1%).

Seventh day:

  • breakfast (three egg whites and one yolk, cucumber, greens, green tea, coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 1 (50 g low-fat cheese, tomato, greens);
  • lunch (200 g of boiled or baked hake fillet, Chinese cabbage salad, tea or coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 2 (200 g cottage cheese 5% with raisins);
  • dinner (one chicken schnitzel, boiled broccoli, tea without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 3 (200 ml kefir 1%).

Eighth day:

  • breakfast (200 g of cottage cheese casserole, a handful of berries, coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 1 (three egg whites and one yolk, cucumber, greens);
  • lunch (200 g of boiled turkey fillet, baked vegetables, tea or coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 2 (50 g low-fat cheese, apple);
  • dinner (200 g of boiled hake fillet, sauerkraut, tea without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 3 (200 ml kefir 1%).

Ninth day:

  • breakfast (two-egg omelet with tomatoes and herbs, green tea without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 1 (100 g cottage cheese 5%, a handful of berries);
  • lunch (two dietary chicken chops, vegetable salad, tea or coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 2 (natural yogurt, baked apple with one teaspoon of honey);
  • dinner (200 g of boiled or baked hake fillet, boiled cauliflower, tea without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 3 (200 ml kefir 1%).

Tenth day:

  • breakfast (two scrambled eggs, cucumber, coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 1 (50 g low-fat cheese, greens);
  • lunch (200 g of boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, tea or coffee without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 2 (a glass of kefir and an apple);
  • dinner (200 g of boiled hake fillet, vegetable salad, tea without sweeteners);
  • snack No. 3 (200 ml kefir 1%).

It is very important to drink 2-3 liters of water during the day. Fried foods are excluded and only baking, boiling and steaming are allowed. The consumption of vegetables is not limited. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.

By using this protein diet for 4 weeks, you can lose from 10 to 15 kilograms of excess weight. In this nutrition system, the emphasis is on eating protein-containing foods, and weight loss occurs not through muscle tissue, but through fat deposits, which the body uses as a source of additional energy.

Recipes for a protein diet

During any diet, it is very important to make your diet varied, as this allows you not to lapse into forbidden foods. We offer recipes to help you spice up your diet.

Cottage cheese casserole with raisins

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar or honey - 5 tbsp;
  • sour cream 15% - 2 tbsp;
  • corn starch - 2 tbsp;
  • raisin;
  • vanillin.

We prepare a dietary cottage cheese casserole without flour and semolina.

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites until stiff peaks form.
  2. Beat cottage cheese, yolks, honey, vanillin and starch using a blender.
  3. Gently fold the whipped egg whites and raisins into the curd mixture.
  4. Line a baking pan with parchment paper and pour the curd dough into it.
  5. Bake the cottage cheese casserole in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Baked chicken breast with tomatoes and cheese

To prepare a delicious and dietary treat you will need:

  • chicken fillet - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • dill and parsley;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

We are preparing a dietary dish.

  1. Wash the chicken fillet well, dry it and cut it in half lengthwise.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into slices, finely chop the greens and grate the cheese.
  3. Cover a baking sheet with foil.
  4. Sprinkle each piece of fillet with salt and pepper and place on a baking sheet.
  5. Sprinkle the meat generously with herbs, lay out the tomato slices and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  6. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Video recipe: 5 healthy salads with cottage cheese

Protein diet: results. Photo

Sasha Versailles is a sports nutritionist, blogger, fitness model, psychologist and fitness trainer.

Yulia Belova (Ulyana Gross) is a multiple winner of Russian championships in the fitness bikini category, blogger, fitness trainer and fitness model.

The protein diet is considered one of the safest and effective systems for weight loss. The basic principle of dietary nutrition is the replacement of carbohydrates with proteins. In the absence of a sufficient amount of polypeptides, the body begins to use its own fat deposits as a source of energy production. The protein diet menu for 10 days is designed in such a way as to reduce body weight by 3-5 kg ​​without strict dietary restrictions and a constant feeling of hunger. The main advantages of the method include the high stability of the result obtained.

Who is a protein diet suitable for?

This nutrition system is indicated for young people who lead an active lifestyle or play sports. Low carbs help burn fat, and protein-rich foods help build muscle during workouts.

It is not recommended for older women and men, as well as people with low physical activity, to follow such a diet. The presence of a large amount of protein food in the absence of regular muscle work leads to intense stress on the kidneys. This can cause kidney dysfunction and the development of kidney failure.

A protein diet is contraindicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs. Women should not use it during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications include renal and liver failure, high probability blood clot formation. It is also necessary to observe the recommended timing of diet correction, since an independent increase in the duration of dietary nutrition can cause undesirable consequences for the body.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The protein diet is the simplest in terms of the number of restrictions. Changing your diet does not cause body reactions such as weakness, dizziness, or increased fatigue. The result of using the system will not only be weight loss: the appearance of cellulite will be eliminated and the condition of the skin will improve. The weight comes off gradually without stressing the body, while the body weight at the end of the course is maintained for a long time.

The disadvantages of protein nutrition include the possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases and minor jumps in blood pressure. To prevent vitamin deficiency, you will need to take multivitamin complexes.

During the diet, you need to monitor your stool. In rare cases, large amounts of protein foods can cause constipation. In case of stool disorders, you should take mild laxatives based on herbal ingredients.

A protein diet for 10 days involves split meals with breaks between meals of no more than 3-4 hours.

During the entire period, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • All dishes must be prepared without fat; it is allowed to use two tablespoons of any vegetable oil as a salad dressing;
  • in the first half of the day you can eat buckwheat or oatmeal, which contain complex carbohydrates, the daily norm is no more than seven tablespoons;
  • Season foods during cooking with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar;
  • for better protein absorption, time should be allocated for physical activity in between meals;
  • You need to drink at least two liters of still water per day;
  • Dietary nutrition is not compatible with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

List of High Protein Foods

A large number of protein products makes it possible to include a wide variety of dishes on the menu and not feel discomfort from dietary restrictions.

The 10-day protein diet allows the use of:

  • chicken meat without skin and fatty layers, fillet is especially useful;
  • turkey breasts also without skin and fat;
  • beef, which is very quickly digested, saturating the body with protein;
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of less than 1%;
  • canned tuna;
  • chicken eggs.

In addition to the listed products, your diet can include vegetables with low or no starch content, fish and seafood, soy cheese, fruits (apples, oranges and grapefruits), buckwheat and oatmeal, rice. Allowed drinks are green tea, natural coffee without sugar, kefir and low-fat milk.

What to give up

A complete refusal to consume fats and carbohydrates can negatively affect metabolic processes and cause negative consequences for the body. Strict restrictions apply only to sugar, sweet and carbonated drinks, and alcohol.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet, you should minimize the consumption of bread, confectionery and sweets, vegetable oil, pasta, potatoes, and legumes. The permissible amount of salt per day is no more than 10 grams. You cannot completely stop using it.

Sample menu by day

If a protein diet for weight loss is chosen for weight loss, the menu for 10 days will be as follows:

  • You should start your morning with a cup of tea or coffee without sugar; you can supplement your breakfast with two small crackers and low-fat cottage cheese;
  • between lunch and dinner it is recommended to eat 2-3 apples, grapefruit or several oranges;
  • 1-2 hours before bedtime, you should drink a glass of kefir with 0.5% fat content, or natural yogurt.

The daily menu for lunch and dinner could be as follows:

Day 1 For lunch, boil chicken fillet and prepare a vegetable salad, seasoning it with a spoon of vegetable oil. For dinner, a piece of boiled fish or canned tuna with a side dish of stewed cabbage is suitable.
Day 2 Lunch can consist of beef broth with one boiled egg and tomato salad with the addition of small quantity mayonnaise (low fat content). You can eat it for dinner portioned piece beef with black bread.
Day 3 For lunch, boil turkey breast, oatmeal and grate fresh beets. You can season the salad with low-fat mayonnaise or a spoon of vegetable oil. For dinner, a vegetable stew made from tomatoes, carrots, cabbage and herbs is suitable.
Day 4 During the day they eat two boiled eggs with buckwheat and a portion of carrot salad dressed with vegetable oil. For dinner, vegetables and pieces of fish fillet are stewed in water with the addition of a spoon of vegetable oil. You can supplement the menu with 50 grams of soy cheese.
Day 5 For lunch, boiled beef and fresh cabbage salad seasoned with mayonnaise are used. In the evening, boil a piece of chicken breast and complement it with stewed tomatoes with a spoon of vegetable oil.
Day 6 They have lunch with chicken broth with a boiled egg and beet salad with mayonnaise dressing. You can add a piece of black bread to the broth. Dinner can consist of cottage cheese and a glass of low-fat milk.
Day 7 For a daytime meal, boiled fish with rice porridge and stewed vegetables are suitable. For the evening, prepare any vegetable salad and a steam omelette from two chicken eggs and low-fat milk.
Day 8 For lunch, prepare pureed vegetable soup in beef broth and bake one small zucchini or eggplant. Dinner consists of seafood and a stew of carrots, mushrooms and tomatoes.
Day 9 A daily meal might consist of fish baked in foil with a few drops of lemon and herbs and a stew of tomatoes, eggplant, carrots and sweet peppers. For dinner, boil chicken fillet and make a salad from fresh tomatoes, seasoned with mayonnaise.
Day 10 For lunch, bake pieces of turkey fillet and boil rice porridge; you can also include a vegetable salad with olive oil in the lunch menu. For dinner, prepare a cocktail of boiled seafood and complement it with seaweed salad.

The average serving size is from 200 to 300 g. Here is a sample menu. Dishes can be slightly modified, the main condition is to use only approved products. For anyone who finds it difficult to endure the entire period, a shortened version is recommended, in which the described nutritional scheme is applied for seven days.

Today, one of the most popular diets for weight loss is a protein-based diet. It is great for those who cannot give up meat and fish products. It is nutritious, has no side effects and can be used by almost everyone.

The menu of such a diet for 10 days is designed in such a way as to provide the body with everything it needs and at the same time force it to burn fat cells. Many people may not believe in such “miracles,” but!

Protein is a substance that is absorbed by the body 100%. But at the same time it forces the body to spend a lot of calories on its digestion.

Since the carbohydrate content in protein foods is reduced to a minimum, he simply has nowhere to get additional energy and he begins to waste his reserves.

This is how weight loss happens miraculously. A protein diet can last for two weeks, as it is completely safe.

Protein diet for 14 days

A protein diet for 14 days will allow you to lose more than 10 kg in weight. As a rule, with such a diet, weight loss occurs very quickly (almost 1 kg of weight is lost per day!). Let's look at the protein diet menu for 10 days and two weeks.

Protein diet, nutrition and weight loss in 10 days

The Dukan protein diet for weight loss will help you become slim and healthy.

The protein diet of 10 kg in 10 days has a very varied menu. You can compose it yourself from those products that are approved for consumption. And you can eat:

  • lean meats and poultry;
  • lean fish;
  • fermented milk and dairy products;
  • citrus fruit;
  • vegetables.

As for meat, it is best to give your preference to lean beef, but it is even better if you eat boiled chicken breast every day. It contains a lot of protein and is low in calories.

Protein diet rules

Meat can be eaten in any form, except fried. That is, you can stew it with vegetables, boil it, steam it or bake it in the oven. However, it should only be consumed with vegetables. Rice, buckwheat, and even more so pasta must be excluded from the diet during this period.

Fish can only be eaten with low fat content. Moreover, if you want to get the maximum result from the diet, you need to remove the skin from it before cooking, since it is under it that all the fat accumulates.

Diet menu for 14 days

You can eat according to the same principle for two weeks. A protein diet for 14 days is a good diet for. The menu looks something like this:

  • in the morning – a boiled egg and a cup of green tea;
  • in the afternoon – 100 grams of boiled chicken breast, baked vegetables;
  • evening – 100 grams of baked fish, vegetable salad.
In between meals, you can drink low-fat kefir, eat natural yoghurts and fruits (except bananas and grapes).

You can stick to a protein diet for one week. The result, of course, will be less pronounced, but you will be able to prepare your body for two weeks of nutrition according to the above scheme.

Chicken meat has a lot of protein

Protein diet rules for 7 days

The protein diet for 7 days has approximately the same menu as the diet for 10 and 14 days. The main thing is to drink plenty of fluids (up to two liters of water) and provide the body with physical activity. This is the only way you can achieve maximum results by following a protein diet.

Be sure to visit a doctor before trying to lose weight in this way to avoid possible consequences (exacerbations of chronic diseases, general deterioration in health, etc.).