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» Bronya classic thermal insulation specifications. Liquid thermal insulation armor, what it is, where it is used and methods for applying liquid thermal insulation armor. Prices and types of thermal insulation Bronya

Bronya classic thermal insulation specifications. Liquid thermal insulation armor, what it is, where it is used and methods for applying liquid thermal insulation armor. Prices and types of thermal insulation Bronya

Anecdote was completely out of place. Although, jokes can be applied as you want and to whatever you want. In general, it was during some kind of war there.

Our country supplied one of the warring countries with surface-to-air missiles. After the first use, an urgent message was received from buyers: "Thank you for the surface-to-air missiles. They hit the air perfectly. now please send the surface-to-air missiles." This is what I mean, no matter what they say, paint, this is the paint and it is, it is not mineral wool and not some kind of Ursa.Because of the effect that we get from heaters, it is naive to expect from paint.Still, not the same characteristics.But the use of such paint in its own (in this case, my household showed that she fulfilled her task and continues to fulfill it. So, I'm starting over..

It looks like a putty, well, or a paste. at first it is a paste, or cream, applied quite easily on any surface. After hardening, or drying (an amateur, how to call it) hardens. It is better to apply with a spatula or a flat scoop, a brush, it practically does not work. The minimum layer of application is six millimeters, if you can apply more, then the heat will be better preserved. The surface on which you will apply this heat-insulating paint should traditionally be prepared, that is, cleaned and degreased, then this paint will hold better and longer. As for the composition, there is a lot of everything.
The means of protection against the penetration of cold are microgranules, between which there is air, hence the heat-saving effect is achieved. And of course, this paint contains a fixative so that this, so to speak, construction does not crumble. If you believe the characteristics of the paint, described in detail in the instructions for use, then it can withstand temperatures from minus sixty to plus two hundred and sixty degrees Celsius. It can be used for both outdoor and internal works.

1) The application thickness is not more than six millimeters, it does not take up much space.

2) Easy to apply to any surface.

3) Adheres superbly and lasts a long time.

4) Serves long enough - up to fifteen years, sometimes longer.

5) For its application, it is necessary to have a minimum number of tools.

6) Fairly low consumption. (If you still use a brush or a spray gun, the consumption decreases even more).

7) Possibility of drawing at any temperature, in the range specified above.

8) Easily soluble in water (if thick, distilled water must be applied).

I know four types of such paint-armor: the classic one, that is, without any tricks there, costs about four hundred rubles per liter, the Anticorrosive word speaks for itself. The advantage is that in some cases, it can also process an uncleaned surface. Its price is about ten rubles higher than that of the classics. Paint-armor, such as Winter. This word also speaks for itself. Effectively used in the cold season. It costs more than classic. forty rubles per liter. And finally, the last type of paint-armor, Facade. It is most effective just for outdoor work and insulation of buildings. Her price, one-on-one with classic paint. Such are the things. In fairness, I can say that I used only the last type of paint in my household. It was about four years ago, I covered a makeshift hut in the country with this paint. There are no complaints.

I found three of them. The first is, of course, the price, which is somewhat high. The second is the relatively long drying time. And the third is that, no matter what is said there, it is undesirable to work at sub-zero temperatures.

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Liquid thermal insulation materials have become a new word in the construction and insulation of buildings. These materials are available on the market in a wide range of trademarks. One of them, Bronya thermal insulation, is a development of the Volgograd Innovation Center. Let's learn more about this material, its properties, features and applications.

Liquid thermal insulation: innovative technologies for insulation

Despite the fact that modern construction market offers a wide range of materials for thermal insulation various designs All of these materials have certain disadvantages. Mineral wool, for example, lags behind in terms of environmental cleanliness, is not very suitable for the role of internal insulation and requires careful waterproofing. Polyfoam is easily destroyed, foam has extremely low adhesion, and polyurethane foam is difficult to apply to vertical surface Moreover, it requires additional protection against atmospheric effect and ultraviolet. But progress does not stand still, and scientific developments make their way into our everyday life. Liquid thermal insulation is one such development. What is this material, and what features distinguish it from a series of other heaters?

  1. Ready-to-use liquid thermal insulation is a thick, viscous substance, most of which (over 80%) are ceramic microgranules. They are filled with air or inert gas and hermetically sealed. The binder, or rather, the binder, are acrylic polymers. They give thermal insulation some properties. acrylic paint- ease of application, the ability to be diluted with ordinary water, and to create a strong, waterproof film after drying.
  2. The structure of the material allows it to perform an extremely effective heat-insulating function. The heat transfer coefficient of liquid insulation is not more than 0.018 W. To date, this is a record figure among heaters. In addition, the material practically does not absorb water. The water absorption coefficient, which is calculated by completely immersing the insulator in water for a day, is 0.02 grams per cubic centimeter. Thus, liquid insulation is also an effective waterproofing agent.
  3. The material does not burn, does not form mold, fungi, mice do not spoil it. It has excellent adhesion, and is perfectly applied to any surface: wood, concrete, brick, iron, even glass. After drying, this heat insulator forms a thin film, which, nevertheless, reliably protects structures and structures from heat loss, moisture, dampness, sun rays and corrosion.
  4. Another important point for operation is that liquid thermal insulation is applied quickly and easily, using a brush, spatula, roller or spray guns, if we are talking about large volumes.

Really this species insulation devoid of flaws? Perhaps the most significant is the price, which is very high. For 1 kg of thermal insulation of a new type, you will have to pay a fairly significant amount. But when calculating costs, do not forget that the material does not require finish coat, even decorative, as it has a very attractive appearance after drying. You do not need additional waterproofing, surface protection. You will be spared from the costs of mounting fasteners, adhesives, mixtures and so on. Approximate material consumption - 1 kg per 0.8 - 1 square meter surfaces. True, you will have to apply several layers, the number of which is determined by the base material of the structure.

Thermal insulation Bronya: material characteristics

Liquid thermal insulation Bronya is produced by the Volgograd Innovation Resource Center. The material is made from imported raw materials at our own production facilities. As a result, an ultra-thin insulator is sent to consumers, which, according to appearance and consistency resembles regular paint clean white color, which acts as an effective and reliable heat insulator.

  • The material retains its properties in the temperature range from -60 to + 200 degrees, and short-term temperature exposure can be up to 260 degrees Celsius.
  • The service life of this thermal insulation is from 10 to 30 years, depending on the operating conditions. The manufacturer gives its own guarantee for the material for a period of 1 year.
  • All materials of the manufacturer have passed the necessary certification, and their properties are confirmed by scientific tests.

Thermal insulation Bronya has the following main modifications:

  1. Liquid insulator Bronya Classic is intended for a wide range applications as thermal insulation of enclosing structures, walls, roofs, balconies and loggias, as well as pipelines for various purposes and designs. The coating is weather-resistant, not affected by temperature changes, does not let steam and moisture through, contains substances that inhibit the oxidation of metals, that is, prevent corrosion. The material is produced in buckets with a capacity of 5,10,20 liters. The weight of a 20-liter container is less than 10 kilograms. The cost is from 300 rubles per 1 liter. When purchasing material in bulk, you can get a discount of 10-20%.
  2. The Bronya Anticorrosive material is designed not only for effective heat conservation at the facility or in the room, but also for stopping surface rusting. To apply the insulator, it is enough to simply clean the surface with a wire brush to remove the surface layer of rust. After that, you can apply Anticorrosive. To increase the effectiveness of the coating and to save money, you can use a primer from the Bronya series before applying the insulator. The material has a thermal conductivity of 0.012 and a density of 600 kg per cubic meter. Insulation is available in buckets that have a volume of 5 to 20 liters. The cost of 1 liter of insulation is from 350-360 rubles per liter.
  3. Liquid insulation Bronya Facade has all necessary characteristics ideal facade insulator: low thermal conductivity, high density, reliable waterproofing, elimination of condensation. In order to ensure comfort in residential premises and solve the problem of cold walls, a layer of 1-1.5 mm of insulation is sufficient. getting rid of internal condensate a layer of 2-2.5 mm will contribute. A layer of insulation of 2.5-3.5 mm will protect from freezing. The exact calculation of the layer thickness is made on the basis of the facade material and the thickness of the wall itself. So, for example, for a brick wall with a thickness of 250 mm, a layer of insulation of 2.5 mm will be required, and for a 400 mm wall of foam concrete, a layer of 1 mm will suffice. The consumption of insulation will also be different. In the examples given, it will be 2.75 and 1.1 liters per square meter, respectively. Bronya Fasad has a high density and can be applied in a layer of 1 mm in one stroke with a brush. The insulation is produced in buckets with a capacity of 5 to 20 liters, costing approximately 350 rubles per liter.
  4. The Bronya Zima material is unique in that it can be worked with even at low temperatures. Insulation can be applied at -35 degrees. But hot weather not a hindrance for this material, it can be worked with at + 30. Please note that the drying time will increase at low temperatures. If complete drying under normal conditions (+18-22 degrees) takes a day, then in frosty weather you will have to wait longer. The material is produced in buckets of 10 and 20 liters, it can be transported at sub-zero temperatures and frozen. Such a heat insulator costs from 400 rubles per 1 liter.

More about Bron

The manufacturer's range includes related materials, which further increase the efficiency of using liquid thermal insulation.

  • Heat-insulating putty Armor, which is used as a finishing coat for various surfaces, suitable for operation at temperatures from +60 to +150. The material has thermal insulation properties, however, in order to provide effective thermal insulation, it is better to use it in combination with liquid heaters.
  • The manufacturer offers a line of Bronya primers, which further improve the thermal properties of liquid insulation, unlike many other soil materials that have a high heat capacity, which negatively affects liquid thermal insulation.
  • To date, Bronya thermal insulation is sold through 4.5 hundreds of dealerships throughout the country. So you can find a heater in any region of Russia.

So if there is a heater close to ideal, then it is liquid thermal insulation. Before you decide to use it, spend all necessary calculations both engineering and financial. Comparing cost liquid insulation and more traditional types of insulation, do not forget to add savings in time, effort and cost of work, as well as take into account the long service life, which also distinguishes the material.

Technologies for energy saving and thermal insulation of residential and industrial buildings are developing rapidly, new materials are constantly appearing, which are very different in their mechanism of action from heat insulators that were used before.
One of these materials is liquid thermal insulation armor, or, as it is also called, thermal paint. In this article, we will consider the most popular brands of liquid thermal insulation: "Bronya", "Izollat", "Astratek", their characteristics and scope.

Liquid thermal insulation - what is it?

Thermal paint is newest material, which creates a very thin thermal insulation layer on the heated surface. Liquid thermal insulation has truly unique qualities, thanks to which it is possible to achieve a tangible effect in saving heat with a 1 mm thick insulator layer. Like many of latest developments, thermal paint is a product of the space industry. Having proven itself well in this industry, liquid thermal insulation began to be actively used in construction.

Application of liquid thermal insulation is carried out with a brush, roller, or by airless spraying. After the material is completely polymerized, a thermal insulation layer is formed on the insulated surface, which has excellent energy-saving characteristics. The coating works as a "thermal mirror", thus ensuring the preservation of heat inside the room.

Thermal paint consists of the following components:

Filler. It is a mixture of ceramic, glass and polymer balls, invisible to the naked eye. The balloons are filled with air inside.

Binder. Made from latex or acrylic.

Additives. The composition of the additives depends on where exactly the heat paint is supposed to be used.

Its properties, as well as the requirements for the insulated surface and, accordingly, the method of applying the material, directly depend on the composition of the thermal paint. Therefore, in order to get the desired result, before buying thermal paint, you need to pay attention to its composition and scope.

How does liquid insulation work?

Heat, as everyone knows from the school physics course, is transferred in three ways:

  • Thermal conductivity. Thermal energy transferred from a warm object to a cold one. Thermal paint contains only 20 percent of the components that can conduct heat.
  • Convection. Heat is transferred by the substance itself. Due to the fact that most of the mass of liquid thermal insulation is made up of balls, convection losses are negligible.
  • Radiation. Heat is transferred due to the internal energy of the heated substance. Thanks to the same hollow balls, thermal paint reflects and dissipates heat. Almost 90% of the heat energy is reflected and remains in the room. The principle is somewhat similar to how a thermos works.

Liquid thermal insulation for facades

Facade thermal paint can be used for insulation of both domestic and industrial facilities. The most popular brands of facade liquid thermal insulation: Astratek, Isollat, Bronya Classic, Bronya Facade, are also used for the insulation of wooden buildings.
Isollat ​​brand insulation contains special substances that provide surfaces with a self-cleaning effect - rain washes away all dirt and dust from the surface.

Purpose of facade thermal insulation:

Reducing heat loss through the facade to a minimum, saving on air conditioning during the warm period.
Insulation of internal walls.
Warming of balconies, loggias.
Insulation of floors and basements.

Applying thermal paint to the interior and exterior walls of a building helps not only to save heat and save on heating, but also prevents the appearance of fungus, mold, condensation and icing of the walls.

For buildings that need additional protection from fire, there are special modifications of thermal paint that have a flammability class "NG": "Fire protection armor" "Akterm Fireproof", "Korund Vulkan", "Akterm NG".

Before applying liquid thermal insulation, the surface must be properly prepared, otherwise the consumption of liquid thermal insulation will increase and adhesion problems may occur. Surface treatment instructions are included with the material, but in the vast majority of cases a deep penetration acrylate primer is used.

If you believe the numerous customer reviews, then it is not advisable to cover the entire facade with thermal paint. But the processing of individual sections with a heat insulator - for example, slopes and others hard-to-reach places gives excellent results.

Liquid insulation for winter work

It differs from other analogues in that it can be applied to the surface at negative temperatures. This includes brands such as Akterm Nord, Korund Zima, Bronya Zima.
Thermal paint "Akterm Nord" retains its properties at a temperature of -300C. As a solvent for this heat-insulating material, a mixture consisting of white spirit and solvent is used. Before applying Akterm Nord paint, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned and dried. When working with this material, there are restrictions on the humidity of surfaces: for plaster and brick no more than 5%, for concrete 4%. Humidity environment should not exceed 75-80%.
This thermal paint is a water-inactive system. It contains a mass of microgranules with closed pores. The microgranules are in a solution of silicone-modified resin. Various plasticizers, fungicides and biocides are used as additional components.

Application of liquid thermal insulation materials to hot pipes

For insulation of various types of pipelines, chimneys, ventilation and air ducts, the following brands of thermal paint are used: "Korund Classic", "Akterm Standard", "Keramoizol".
In order to achieve maximum results, the so-called “sandwich technology” is used for pipe insulation, according to which layers of liquid insulation alternate with layers of fiberglass having a thickness of 0.5 mm. In total, 4-5 layers are applied. To make the surface smooth, a special varnish is applied to the last layer.
If necessary, isolate polymer pipe, first carry out a clutch test. If the surface of the pipe is dry and clean, then no problems should arise.

Liquid thermal insulation "Bronya" - scope and technical characteristics

The very name of this heat-insulating material suggests that it is reliable protection. The material was developed at the Volgograd Innovation Resource Center. American developments were taken as the basis, on the basis of which it was possible to obtain an improved thermal insulation material at an affordable price for the average consumer.

Why is liquid thermal insulation armor so popular, reviews of which among buyers are currently only positive?

The manufacturer presents a wide range of its products "Bronya Classic", "Bronya Anticorrosive", "Bronya Winter", "Bronya Facade", "Bronya Light". Each type of paint has clearly defined and tested specifications. Therefore, there will be no problems with the choice of an insulator and the method of its application.
All products of the Bronya brand are environmentally friendly and safe for health. Thermal insulation armor does not burn, it is easy to apply on all types of surfaces, the service life of thermal insulation is several decades.

And if you decide to opt for this brand, then you can buy liquid thermal insulation armor much cheaper than analogues, since this insulation is produced in Russia.

thermal paint "Astratek" - main characteristics

"Astratek" is the latest heat-insulating material on water based, incorporating microscopic spheres of ceramics. Acrylic polymers are used as a binder.

This thermal paint is used in the energy sector, in construction for the insulation of walls, facades, floors, roofs, slopes, water pipes with hot and cold water, ventilation and air conditioning systems. "Astratek" creates an ultra-thin heat-insulating layer on the surface, which prevents the formation of condensate, protects the surface from corrosion, mold and fungi. The paint can be applied to concrete, polymer, brick and metal surfaces. "Astratek" withstands temperature fluctuations from -600C to +2500C.

The paint is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, absolutely does not support combustion. At temperatures above 8000C, the insulator begins to decompose into carbon monoxide and nitrogen, which significantly slow down combustion.

liquid thermal insulation "Isollat". Insulation with liquid thermal insulation of metal structures

This brand is recommended for application to the surface of prefabricated metal structures: garages, hangars, warehouses, etc. The maximum effect is achieved with two-sided surface treatment - outside and inside. Thus, the paint protects the room from the inside from heat loss, and from the outside from excessive heating in warm time of the year.

If it is necessary to apply "Isollat" on galvanized metal, the surface must first be degreased, as problems with adhesion may occur. For complete confidence, an inexpensive primer, for example, GF-1, can be applied to a galvanized surface.

"Isollat" does not adhere well to of stainless steel and aluminum due to the oxide film formed on the surface of these metals. Therefore, before applying thermal paint to these materials, it is necessary to pre-treat them with a primer.

What thermal paint to choose?

We hope that the above material to some extent will help determine the choice of a liquid heat insulator. And in order to simplify the issue of choosing a paint as much as possible, below we present approximate prices on heaters intended for walls and other structural elements of a residential building.

"Korund classic" the cost of 10 liters is 3700-4960 rubles.
Astartek Universal "cost of 1 liter - 415-450 rubles.
"Armor Classic" the cost of 1 liter is 380-415 rubles.

Modern range heat insulators are not only foam sheets or mineral wool rolls. The choice has now increased significantly, replenished with a mass of innovative materials.

An excellent example is the coating type thermal insulation called "Armor".

Product Features

Russian scientists have developed new way insulation of premises - thermal insulation Bronya. By outward signs this insulating material resembles ordinary white paint, which, after drying, forms a dense elastic polymer structure.

The composition of the product is as follows:

  • acrylic components;
  • fixatives and catalysts;
  • ceramic components-microspheres;
  • anti-corrosion and anti-fungal additives.

Filler "Armor" are glass, ceramic and polymer balls, inside of which there is air. Binder is acrylic components or latex. The composition of additives varies depending on the scope of the heat insulator: fire protection, antiseptics, and so on.

The scope of the material is the most extensive:

  • facades of buildings;
  • roof;
  • floors;
  • window slopes;
  • pipelines;
  • steam pipelines;
  • various containers, tanks;
  • metal surfaces.

The advantages of the material are the following properties:

  • high adhesion with any surface;
  • anti-corrosion protection;
  • heat blocking;
  • condensation protection;
  • quick repair in case of damage to the thermal layer;
  • protection from the sun's rays.

This material, which is called thermal paint, creates a unique thermal layer. The innovative coating ensures the preservation of the premises from the loss of thermal energy, without taking up space in space. The thickness of the insulator is no more than one millimeter!

Working temperature this material covers the range from -60 to +250 degrees. That is, this thermal coating can be applied even in frost. The strength of the material, depending on the operating conditions, is enough for a long time - from 15 years and more.

The insulator is applied using conventional painting tools - roller, brush or spray. After drying, it forms a durable elastic layer with high thermophysical characteristics.

The consumption of thermal insulation "Bronya" does not depend on the modification, but on the state of the working surface and the method of application. As a rule, with a coating of 2 mm, a liter of material per square meter is consumed. However, the material of the working surface also matters: concrete or metal.

A concrete surface of a vertical level takes 10% more than a liter, and a metal surface - 5%.

Material types

Products are divided into the following categories:

  1. "Classic".
  2. "Anticor".
  3. "Winter".
  4. "Facade".

Insulating material "Classic" (429 rubles per liter) is used as the base composition for application to any surface. "Anticor" can be safely applied to a surface covered with rust, removing the "loose" part.

In order to save money when protecting rusted pipelines, Anticorrosive is first applied, and then the Classic base composition is applied.

The composition "Winter" (480 rubles per liter) is made specifically for work in cold weather. Thermal paint withstands temperatures up to -35 degrees without losing its properties. It should be noted that other types of "Armor" are applied at temperatures up to +5 degrees.

The composition "Anticor" can be applied to any rusty surface. The price of ultra-thin thermal insulation "Bronya" with anti-corrosion properties is 392 rubles per liter. To prepare the surface, it is only necessary to remove the loose element of corrosion with a brush.

The composition "Facade" (400 rubles per liter) has unique characteristics vapor absorption. Any fumes from the living space pass through the coating and are removed to the outside. Also, the insulator prevents icing of buildings, the formation of condensate and mold.

To buy thermal insulation "Bronya" of any type means to ensure the temperature balance in the room and block heat loss.

How to choose?

If you are going to purchase Bronya thermal paint, you need to determine the scope of its application: building facades, pipelines, roofing, etc. The nuances are as follows:

  1. To cover galvanized materials, it is recommended to buy the Isollat ​​modification. This composition is able to eliminate corrosion on the rusted material itself, as well as prevent its occurrence. Before applying thermal paint, it is necessary to cover the surface with a primer layer.
  2. To work with hot pipes, the composition "Bronya classic", "Korund classic", "Keramoizol" is used. These modifications are used both for conventional coating and for the "sandwich technology" method. This method involves a four-five-layer surface coating with alternating liquid heat insulator with fiberglass.
  3. Work in winter period requires the purchase of modifications "Armor Zim", "Korund Zim" or "Akterm Nord". These compounds have performance characteristics similar to those of Bronya Classic. The only restriction in use is excess moisture air. Moisture should not exceed 80%.
  4. For thermal insulation of facades, the modifications "Armor facade", "Termolat-facade", "Korund facade" or "Akterm facade", "Isollat" are used. The composition of the composition "Isollat" includes substances that have a "washing" effect. That is, dust and dirt are washed off the facades during rain.
  5. To protect buildings from fires, the modifications "Akterm fireproof", "Akterm NG", "Korund Volcano" are used. The composition includes flame retardant components that withstand high temperatures up to +4 350 degrees.

Mikhail, 45 years old, Syzran:

Armor is a liquid heat-insulating paint Russian manufacturer, consisting of acrylic polymers, ceramic microspheres, flame retardants, fixatives, catalysts and other additives. Thanks to its microporous structure, it covers the surface of any shape and material with a thin and dense layer of 1 mm. As a result, the insulation does not create an increased load on the structure. Bronya liquid insulation can be used both outside and inside the premises, since all its components are absolutely safe. All products of this series have numerous quality certificates and guarantees.

By appointment it is divided into the following types:

  • Classic (universal);
  • Facade;
  • Anticorrosive;
  • Winter;
  • Fire protection.

1. Classic.

Paint Classic is used for coatings made of various materials(plastic, metal). Lightweight, well stretched, matte color, lays on the surface with an even film layer with a white tint. Most often, Bronya Classic brand liquid insulation is used for cooling and heating systems, walls, roofs, floors, containers (containers, tanks), trailers, water supply pipes, steam pipelines. It does not support combustion (charring occurs at +260°C), does not emit hazardous substances, is resistant to constant temperature changes, corrosion, precipitation and mechanical stress, and also does not allow air and moisture to pass through. Paint life on metal or concrete surfaces can reach 15 years, and can withstand temperatures from +200 to -60 ° C.

Facade - provides an ultra-thin coating of thermal insulation, and also has the following properties:

  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity (0.0012 W/m°C);
  • excellent waterproofing and adhesion to the surface;
  • high density;
  • vapor permeable;
  • does not draw in water;
  • viscous, uniform color;
  • prevents the appearance of condensation, the growth of mold and fungi;
  • does not slip and is quickly applied.

Used for walls both inside and outside, windows, balconies, slopes, attics, facades and much more. The manufacturer recommends using Bronya Facade paint for surfaces made of brick, wood, and concrete. For a warming effect, 1 layer 1 mm thick is enough.

3. Anticorrosive, Winter and Fire protection.

The main purpose of the ultra-thin thermal insulation Anticor Bronya is to protect the metal surface from corrosion. Moreover, you can apply directly on top of rust, most importantly, remove all exfoliating parts (with a spatula, brush). The characteristics of Antikor allow it to be used in places subject to aggressive influences, for example, acids, alkalis, salts, and the like. The surface covered heat-insulating paint Armor against corrosion, does not collapse under the influence ultraviolet rays. Use of insulation is allowed at temperatures from +150 to -60°C. Often, Classic is applied on top of it to reduce consumption.

Bronya Zima series paint is designed specifically for operation in cold conditions. Thus, the technical characteristics of thermal insulation allow it to be applied at a temperature of -35°C in the open air, unlike products of other series - only above +7°C. It is used for construction, reconstruction of buildings, fences, concrete and metal surfaces. Insulation Bronya Zima does not let water through and is resistant to alkali. Fire protection is a liquid insulating paint designed to increase the amount of time fire resistance of steel structures. Without ultrathin thermal insulation, the fire resistance limit time does not exceed 45 minutes, and with it it reaches 120.

Overview of the advantages of Fire protection paint:

  • low consumption;
  • easy and fast installation;
  • service life up to 30 years;
  • use together with other isolations of the Bronya series is possible.

Before coating any surface, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it of dirt, oil stains, repair potholes and cracks, and then wait until it dries completely. All this will significantly increase the adhesion of thermal insulation Bronya with the material. The paint is applied with a roller, brush or airless sprayer. The average drying time is 24 hours. It is recommended to apply a layer of no more than 6 mm, since large quantity will not affect the thermal insulation properties in any way. Water is added to the suspension only in extreme cases, for example, during long-term storage.

Average consumption - 1 liter of Bronya insulation per 1 m2 (with a layer 1 mm thick). The amount of insulation required will vary depending on the surface to be painted and the application density required. Judging by the reviews of experts, it is better to always calculate with a margin, for example, for metal, increase consumption by 5%, concrete - 10%. The temperature of the material to be coated must be between +150 and -35°C. Thermal insulation before application should be thoroughly mixed to the same consistency. It is recommended to store only in a hermetically sealed container in a dark room from +40 to -40°C. Transportation is allowed in any way.

User Reviews

“We decided to purchase liquid thermal insulation from the Bronya company after we got acquainted with its characteristics. At first, I didn’t really believe that due to such a small layer it was possible to achieve a good warming effect, and the price alerted me. Roof insulation used country house. It is applied easily and quickly, and what’s more good is that you don’t need to have any special skills in this work. Now we can say for sure that it has become noticeably warmer in the attic and in the house, after that all doubts were immediately dispelled and we are not sorry for the money spent.”

Oleg Podvarsky, St. Petersburg.

“I was looking for insulation for a balcony and came across this insulation. I was surprised by the excellent characteristics of the Armor, so I decided that it was better to look for reviews about it first. Found only positive, negative never got caught. Immediately decided that it is best to buy this thermal insulation. I painted completely myself, and it turned out very quickly. A year later, the thermal insulation still looks like new, and it is always warm on the balcony. In general, I am very pleased with the result."

Alexander Kotov, Rostov-on-Don.

"Insulated Armor small office. Thermal insulation was applied with a layer of 1 mm. As a result, all dampness and mold on the walls completely disappeared. After everything was dry, wallpaper was pasted. All work was carried out easily and without problems, and, importantly, the space of the room did not decrease at all in comparison with insulation with plates or rolls. In addition, the paint is fireproof and non-toxic.

Andrey, Volgograd.

“Buy liquid thermal insulation of this company was recommended by colleagues at work, and I had heard it before positive reviews about her. I covered the pipes in the boiler room with a layer of three millimeters, it took quite a lot of paint, but they are always cold, now there is practically no loss of heat.

Kirill, Moscow.


Price table for liquid thermal insulation:

Name Volume, l Price, rubles
Winter 10 4800
20 9600
Classic 5 2000
10 4000
20 7900
Facade 5 2200
10 4300
20 8600
Anticorrosive 5 2400
10 4700
20 9400
Fire protection (volume in kg) 6 2700
14 6300
25 11300

Another important advantage of Bronya is that, thanks to a thin layer, it is easy to replace the damaged part of the structure, unlike roll or tile insulation, which will take a lot of time, effort and money to dismantle and restore. To all this, she is not interested in rodents and does not require mandatory laying of a topcoat on top of her. The heat loss of any building is significantly reduced, and, accordingly, the cost of heating it. In addition, due to the uniform and inseparable layer of thermal insulation of Bronya, the possibility of the appearance of cold bridges and the penetration of moisture under it is completely excluded.