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» The best way to mulch raspberries in the spring. The most effective options for mulching raspberries - instructions for beginner gardeners. Is it possible to mulch raspberries?

The best way to mulch raspberries in the spring. The most effective options for mulching raspberries - instructions for beginner gardeners. Is it possible to mulch raspberries?

Raspberries are a common berry loved by gardeners. It is grown almost throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, where farming is possible. To reduce labor costs, mulch is used for raspberries - effective method increase productivity and protect shrubs from the cold.

The culture is quite winter-hardy, but root system is located at a depth of only 15-25 cm. Because of this, there is a high probability of freezing in particularly cold winters. The greatest danger is posed by February-March temperature fluctuations. In summer, raspberries dry out quickly and suffer from lack of moisture. This problem is relevant for people who cannot regularly visit their summer cottage.

Mulch performs important function– protects delicate roots, promotes their full development. The right coating makes caring for raspberries much easier:

  • suppresses weeds and growth;
  • maintains the proper level of soil moisture, which helps avoid frequent watering;
  • keeps the soil loose, air- and moisture-permeable;
  • prevents leaching and weathering of the fertile layer;
  • creates a suitable environment for the life of beneficial microflora;
  • prevents the proliferation of pests;
  • improves appearance plot - the plantings look much neater.

Thanks to mulch, raspberry bushes grow powerful, bear fruit abundantly, and get sick less often.

When do you start mulching raspberries?

Mulching begins immediately after planting the seedlings. A coating 10 cm thick and 70 cm wide is laid in a circle near the trunk. For the first time, organic matter is suitable - over the course of the season it will rot and nourish the soil. During the summer, the coating is periodically updated.

For your information. A first-year plant can be mulched with manure. It will provide the seedling with the nitrogen necessary for rapid growth of green mass.

In autumn they place under raspberries new material. Preliminary:

  1. remove weeds;
  2. loosen and water - wet soil freezes less than dry soil.

The mulch is laid before the first frost.

In the spring of next year, raspberries are mulched after the soil has warmed up and fertilizers have been applied. If there is a lot of snow, the procedure is postponed - the excess moisture should go away.

Mulching raspberries with organic matter: pros and cons

Organic mulch gradually rots and turns into humus, which increases soil fertility. Each material has advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account when choosing.

To quickly improve soil quality, organic mulch release earthworms (up to 100 pieces per 1 m²).

Mulching with grass clippings

The material smoothes out daily temperature changes and retains moisture well, but under a thick layer of snow it does not create a protective barrier from frost. In addition, slugs infest the grass, causing damage to the crop.

How to mulch raspberries correctly:

  1. in spring, lay 5-8 cm of dried grass;
  2. Until mid-summer, renew the coating, water it with urea solution (1 tbsp per 10 l);
  3. If winters have little snow, collect old grass clippings in the fall and lay down new ones. Otherwise, use a more frost-resistant material;
  4. In the spring, collect and burn the remains.

At the beginning of the season, the site is prepared, after which the cycle is repeated.

Plants used as mulch should not have seeds.

Mulching with manure

Saturates the soil nutrients, prevents rapid evaporation of moisture and freezing of roots. Along with manure, microorganisms enter the soil, converting beneficial compounds into an easily accessible form. The material contains a lot of nitrogen, so it is used in the spring together with straw (1 to 1). Optimal thickness– 5-8 cm.

Do not continuously use manure as mulch. If nutrients are constantly present on the surface, the roots will weaken and do not penetrate into the deeper layers of the soil. The raspberries begin to “fatten” - they devote all their energy to the development of shoots and leaves, and bear almost no berries.

To avoid burns, use a slightly rotted substrate.

Mulching with compost

Enriches the soil with organic matter, retains moisture well, and protects raspberries from the cold. Compost is rich in nitrogen, so it is laid in a small layer (3-6 cm).

Mulching with peat

Contains macro- and microelements, improves soil structure, increases moisture capacity and cohesion of sandstones, loosens clayey soils. At the same time, it kills pathogenic microorganisms, prevents the spread of diseases, and retains moisture for a long time.

This is one of the best materials for mulching raspberries. On light soils, peat is laid in a layer of 5-7 cm, on heavy soils - up to 10 cm.

Mulching with sawdust

They cake well, form a dense coating that blocks weeds, and keeps the soil moist. To reduce nitrogen losses, it is recommended to use it in composted form.

How to mulch raspberries with sawdust:

  • V summer time– layer 5 cm;
  • in winter - in piles 10-12 cm high.

Due to thaws and recurrent frosts, they are compressed, which slows down the heating of the soil. It is better to cover them with black agrofibre, which attracts Sun rays, then the mulch will melt faster.

When mulching raspberries with sawdust, the coating must be loosened before watering, otherwise water will not get to the roots.

Mulching with straw and hay

Prevents the appearance of gray rot, repels sunlight, but do not protect from frost, they quickly rot. Mulching raspberries with straw is used more often because the hay contains seeds. At favorable conditions they begin to actively germinate.

Hay and straw are usually used together with manure, peat, compost - laid on top in a thick layer (up to 10 cm).

Mulching with pine needles

They have disinfecting properties, prevent the spread of diseases, maintain an optimal level of moisture, and slowly decompose. Suitable for spring and winter soil mulching. It is preferable to use it in a slightly rotted form. Layer – up to 5 cm.

Pine needles increase soil acidity. In areas with alkaline reaction this feature is beneficial, since raspberries prefer slightly acidic soil. When the pH level is too low, you should choose a different material.

Needles, like sawdust, take nitrogen from the soil. It is mixed with manure or periodically watered with nitrogen-containing solutions.

Mulching with husks

It is better to mulch raspberries with sunflower husks. It is heavier than rice, millet, and buckwheat, so it is not carried so much by the wind. However, it takes a long time to compact, so it does not initially inhibit the growth of weeds.

Sunflower husk is used in autumn and spring - it reliably protects the roots from frost and overheating. Covering thickness – 5 cm.

Mulching raspberries with inorganic materials

Raspberries can be mulched with plastic film, agrofibre, newspapers or cardboard.

A cloth with a density of 50-60 g/m² is suitable for mulching. It is cut into strips 35-40 cm wide and laid on both sides of the raspberry tree. The edges are secured with anchor bolts or metal brackets.

There are other types of geotextiles - spanbel (white fabric), agrospan, lutrasil, which have similar properties.

Newspapers and cardboard are used whole or in crushed form. The sheets are laid in 4 layers, pressed on top with stones or metal pipes.

Many gardeners believe that printing inks are extremely harmful to plants because they contain lead. However, modern pigments are non-toxic and do not harm the environment.

In winter, combined mulch works productively:

  • bottom - any moisture- and breathable non-woven material;
  • on top (7-9 cm) – expanded clay, crushed stone, gravel, decorative stone.

With the onset of heat, the top covering is removed.

Mulching film

In terms of characteristics, P/E film is inferior to nonwoven materials:

  1. Black – does not transmit light, stops the development of weeds, accumulates heat. In hot weather it becomes very hot, which can lead to overheating of the roots.
  2. Translucent - minimizes the difference between day and night soil temperatures, but does not inhibit the growth of weeds.

It is preferable to use film in winter.

How to protect raspberries from pests by mulching?

A dense layer of mulch made from peat, sawdust or straw will not allow insects to get to the surface after wintering. In the event of a pest invasion, proceed as follows:

  1. at the end of the season, remove the mulch and upper layer soil;
  2. loosening is carried out, a new coating is not laid;
  3. in the spring, fill the soil with nitroammophoska (30 g per 1 m²);
  4. lay any of the specified materials with a thickness of 15-20 cm.

Thanks to this method, you can get a good raspberry harvest without treating with chemicals.

Common mistakes gardeners make when mulching raspberries

Mulch will not bring the expected effect if you make the following mistakes:

  • Lay sawdust without applying nitrogen-containing fertilizers - bacteria that process cellulose are removed from the soil a large number of nitrogen. If reserves are not replenished, signs of starvation will appear: yellowing and dying of leaves, inhibition of development.
  • Load mulch once a season - the coating needs to be completely renewed in spring and autumn. Each time it is removed, the soil is loosened, moistened, fertilized, and only then new material is laid.
  • Mulch wetlands - in gardens without drainage, mulch is abandoned. It prevents the evaporation of moisture, which leads to rotting of the roots.

Mulching is an effective agrotechnical technique that allows you to maintain the health of raspberries and increase productivity. In spring, the coating maintains optimal water-air conditions in the soil, and in winter it protects the roots from freezing.

Raspberries have a weak root system, which is why winter period or during spring frosts bushes may die. The roots are located only 20-30 cm from the soil surface, so in summer they can suffer from drought.
An agricultural technique such as mulching protects roots from frost, retains moisture in the soil and ensures good water-air exchange.

Why mulch raspberries?

If you want to receive annually big harvest sweet raspberries and at the same time simplify the care of the shrub, be sure to mulch the soil under the plant.

Mulching makes working with raspberries easier:

  • moisture is better retained in the soil;
  • the earth does not overheat and cools down more slowly, due to which there are no sudden temperature changes;
  • less weeds grow;
  • Raspberry shoots grow worse, thanks to this the main bushes develop more intensively;
  • mulch serves as a fertilizer for the soil, improves its structure and makes it fertile;
  • protects plants from diseases and pests;
  • the volume of harvest increases;
  • The raspberry field looks well-groomed, making it easier to harvest.

Thanks to mulching, there is no need to frequently water and treat the raspberry tree.

When to mulch raspberries?

Raspberry seedlings must be mulched immediately after planting. To do this, a 10-centimeter layer of sawdust, pine needles or straw is poured under the bushes at a distance of 70 cm.

It is better to mulch adult bushes annually, renewing the covering in spring and autumn.

Before mulching, the soil must be loosened and free from weeds and excess growth. The bushes are watered abundantly and a layer of mulch from the selected material is laid. During the season, material is added if necessary.

Mulching is carried out twice per season. First time in spring time when the night frosts stop. Repeatedly in the fall, before wintering.

On a note! In order for the raspberries to survive the winter better, the bushes need to be watered abundantly before the onset of frost.

Mulching with organic materials

Organic matter is most popular as mulch. Usually they give preference to peat, humus, manure and straw. These natural materials They cope well with the task and are most accessible to all gardeners.

Straw and hay

Mulching with straw is carried out in spring. This available material improves soil structure, protects against gray rot and provides slight protection against weeds.

Straw is a fairly loose material. To achieve a noticeable result, the straw is laid in a thick layer, at least 10 cm. It cakes quickly, so it is necessary to regularly update the mulch layer.

Hay is rarely used to mulch the soil. It rots quickly and contains many weed seeds.

To mulch raspberries, the grass is first withered, then laid in a layer of up to 8 cm. Before wintering, the old hay must be removed, the soil watered and fertilized. After this, add a layer of fresh grass.


Sawdust is still the most popular material for mulching. They help increase raspberry yield and improve the taste of the berries.

Sawdust is poured in the spring, in a layer of 5 cm. This cheap material perfectly retains moisture in the soil and prevents weeds from germinating.


A good option for mulching raspberries both in spring and autumn. Protects roots from freezing, protects from drought and fertilizes the soil.

Compost is applied in a layer of about 5 cm after feeding the bushes with mineral fertilizers.


To prevent burns, fresh manure is applied so that it does not come into contact with the roots and trunk of the plant. Most suitable option in this case - rotted or semi-rotted manure. It is also applied in a layer of about 5 cm.

Most the right time the time for applying manure occurs in late spring - early summer, when replacement shoots have reached half a meter in height.

Important! Manure should be alternated with other types of mulch. With its continuous use there is an excess nutrients. As a result, raspberries devote all their energy to the growth of leaves and shoots, the harvest weakens, and the berries become smaller.

Manure is best used in conjunction with straw.


Needles coniferous trees Excellent for mulching raspberries both in spring and before winter. They decompose slowly and have low thermal conductivity, preventing sudden temperature changes from harming the raspberry tree.

An additional advantage of pine litter is its disinfecting properties, which help prevent the spread of diseases.

Slightly rotted pine needles are poured in a 5-centimeter layer.

Using this method Monitor the acidity of the soil, as pine needles increase it. If the soil pH is low, it is better to use another material.


Raspberries are mulched with high-moor peat; it is looser than low-lying peat. In combination with straw or compost, peat saturates the soil with minerals, improves its structure and retains moisture.

This material is one of the best for mulching raspberries. If you have light soil, then a layer of up to 7 cm is sufficient. A layer of peat of 10 cm is laid on heavy soils.

Inorganic materials for mulching raspberries

In addition to organic matter, various synthetic materials are used for mulching raspberries.

Polyethylene film. Black or transparent film is used mainly to cover raspberries for the winter. This is especially true for northern regions with harsh winters. The film does not allow water and air to pass through, thereby protecting the bushes from the cold.

Using film in the spring you can speed up the warming of the soil and inhibit the growth of weeds. To do this, the film is laid along the bed and secured with heavy objects.

Spunbel. White covering material has high light transmission, prevents the soil from warming up, retains moisture and slightly protects against weeds. Used in summer to protect the soil from overheating.

Spunbond. This modern non-woven material has proven itself well for covering the soil in raspberry fields in autumn and spring.

It allows water and air to pass through well, thereby maintaining good soil aeration. Does not transmit light, which prevents weed germination.

The following materials are also used as mulch: leaf litter, tree bark and wood chips, cardboard and newspapers, agrospan, lutrasil, etc.

Features of mulching in spring and autumn

The choice of mulch and method of covering the soil largely depends on the season of work.

in spring

In the spring, mulching should be done after the warm weather and the night frosts will recede. If the weather is warm but the soil is still very wet, mulching is postponed.

After applying fertilizers, the soil is mulched with any in an accessible way. In spring it is best to lay: manure, hay, sawdust, peat and spunbond. Thanks to these materials, the condition of the soil improves, and the crop ripens faster and becomes more abundant. And they also provide good protection from weeds.

in autumn

After the harvest is harvested and the raspberry tree is preparing for winter, the soil is loosened and watered abundantly. Straw, compost, leaf litter, peat and spunbond are used as mulch. Raspberries are covered with plastic wrap to protect them from freezing.

Mulching raspberries autumn period prevents diseases from developing and pests from multiplying. It also protects against frost and improves soil structure.

Mulching as protection against pests

Mulch is a great way to protect raspberries from insect pests. Many gardeners have noticed that thanks to mulching, the number of pests is greatly reduced.

The shelter creates a protective barrier on the soil under the bushes. Through it, insects that have wintered in the ground cannot get out and die.

If there are no pests or there are few of them, then lay a 5-10 centimeter layer of peat, straw, hay or sawdust.

To combat big amount insects:

  • in the fall, remove the layer of old mulch;
  • the soil is loosened and well moistened;
  • In this case, there is no need to mulch for the winter;
  • in the spring, after the onset of heat, add nitroammophoska - 30 g per 1 m²;
  • loosen the soil well;
  • mulch with a thickness of 15-20 cm using peat, straw or sawdust.

Mulching raspberries is a good agricultural technique for protecting bushes from freezing and overheating. Mulch enriches the soil with nutrients, maintains the soil moisture necessary for raspberries, and prevents weeds and excess raspberry shoots from germinating. This technique will not only simplify caring for raspberries, but will also help increase the yield, make harvesting more convenient and protect against harmful insects and diseases.

Mulching is a very effective, popular agronomic treatment, thanks to which both vegetable and other plants on the site receive tangible benefits. Soil that has no cover and is not covered with anything is subject to rapid drying. A dense crust forms on the soil surface, which does not allow oxygen to reach the roots of the plant. Absolutely all crops, including raspberries, have difficulty surviving in such conditions. Garden raspberries respond excellently to mulching the root zone.

Mulching garden raspberries in spring and autumn

The roots of the plants are deepened by about 15 cm; during hot periods they dry out easily; in winter there is a risk of freezing. Mulch saves comfortable conditions, the optimal hydrothermal regime for the plant. Saved favorable microclimate for crop roots.

Mulching material prevents crust from forming on the soil during rainy periods or heavy watering. Mulching promotes the development of favorable microflora in the soil. As a result, the roots do not experience oxygen starvation.

If you use a thick layer of organic matter for mulching, this will significantly reduce summer watering (2-4 times). After planting in the spring, cover with organic substances to a depth of 7 centimeters. Throughout the spring - summer season The layer of organic matter is transformed into premium humus.

At the beginning of autumn (September), fertilizers (potash and phosphorus) are scattered between the rows of plants. It is recommended to mix them a little into the top layer of soil. Next, the soil is covered with a thick layer of plant organic matter (up to 10 centimeters).

The main thing is that the mulch is distributed at a distance of at least half a meter around the bush. This insulation in winter months will reliably preserve the roots from freezing; with the onset of spring, the plant will be provided with complete nutrition.

If mulching is possible with a layer of 20 centimeters, there is no need to till the soil. There is no need to loosen or dig up the soil under the raspberries, thus the root system is not injured, this indicates good things to come good harvest, which will not decrease due to root injury.

In April, fertilizing is carried out in the raspberry field and mulch from an organic substrate is again carefully applied. Thus, annual mulching creates fertile layer soil that contains neutral humus. If the rules are followed, the plant does not produce a lot of unnecessary growth, the appearance of weeds is prevented, and watering is kept to a minimum. Maintenance procedures are significantly reduced.

The most effective material for mulching raspberries

The most the best materials for mulching raspberries is hay, straw, compost, peat, humus, foliage. Some people use double mulching, which has a beneficial effect on the plants. First, scatter hay or other mulching material with a layer thickness of 10 centimeters.

Under such a pillow the soil will be loose and aerated. You can run away after spring pruning cut into pieces and throw under the bushes. Bark, sawdust, pine needles, corn or sunflower stalks can also serve as burial material.

In this case, double the dose of nitrogen fertilizer. It is better not to use such mulch in the fall to avoid attracting mice. It is necessary to ensure that weed seeds are not introduced with the mulch.

Sawdust is not a desirable material; if it is possible to replace it with another, this should be done, as they tend to caking, forming a dense crust-like layer that disrupts air and moisture exchange.

If the plant is more than two years old, it can be mulched with liquid manure. This treatment should be carried out after the onset of the first frost. You can spread fresh manure on the snow. It is believed that there is never too much raspberry organic fertilizers.

But this is not entirely correct when there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil; shoots can grow rapidly, which reduces yield. Instead of organic fertilizers, you can use dark polyethylene film.

The agrofibre is laid out, holes (cross-shaped) are made in it, into which seedlings are planted. The black film will attract the rays of the sun, the soil will heat up faster, which will speed up the ripening of the fruit for some time.

Mulch for raspberries from mowed grass can also be effective, due to the fact that when rotting, it will keep the soil moist and warm. The grass is then turned into fertilizer for plants.

In one case, the use of mulch is contraindicated if the area has high humidity, and if not drainage system to remove excess moisture.

Mulching with sawdust protects the crops in the beds from drying out in summer and freezing in winter. Mulch retains moisture, maintains temperature and inhibits weed growth. In the article we will look at how to make mulch, what advantages and disadvantages this method has.

Features of mulching with sawdust

There are a lot of organic mulching materials available. Due to development Agriculture Sawdust is more often used for mulching. Despite its cheapness, the material brings great benefits. Sawdust is used both in winter and summer. They prevent crop roots from freezing. It is enough to lay them out on the beds and compact them. To prevent sawdust from fluttering in the wind, cow manure is added to the mulch.

The soil is mulched for the winter in mid-October or early November. A layer of up to 3 cm is laid on the beds. But mulching with sawdust is not suitable for all plants and types of soil. Be careful with oak and pine sawdust! The thickness of the mulch layer is selected for different crops:

  • for tulips, garlic and onions it is 6 cm;
  • for strawberries and carrots – up to 4-5 cm.

Mulch is not removed from strawberry and wild strawberry beds all year round.

Hay and straw are similar in their characteristics to sawdust. " We present in the table the features of mulching with different organic materials.

Material Features of application
Sawdust Suitable for bulbs (flowers and vegetables), strawberries, carrots, beets and berry bushes.
Straw Like sawdust, it takes a long time to rot, so it is used for early crops. The layer reaches 10-15 cm.
Compost Suitable for everyone vegetable crops.
Grass (hay) It quickly rots and saturates the soil with nutrients. Grass or hay is laid in a layer of 4-6 cm.
Fallen leaves Suitable for cabbage and beans. Also cover flower beds for the winter.

There are several approaches to mulching the soil. Mulching according to Kuznetsov has its own characteristics:

  1. The row spaces are covered with a thick layer of sawdust to prevent the growth of weeds.
  2. Biocompost is added to the beds themselves. If the soil is clayey, then sand is added.
  3. As the crops grow, sawdust is added between the rows, the beds themselves are loosened and biocompost is regularly added.
  4. The berry fields are covered with a layer of sawdust and mulch is added regularly.
  5. Sawdust can be applied on top of the manure, which will retain moisture.

To loosen the soil, improve its structure and speed up the decomposition of organic fertilizers on the ridges, it is worth casting earthworms. Alexander Kuznetsov refutes the opinion that sawdust, like mulch, adds to the soil, because it is applied on top of the soil. It is not sawdust that acidifies the soil, but the mushrooms that destroy it.

Sawdust is placed tightly between rows in vegetable beds.

Advantages and disadvantages of mulching

Sawdust is reliable means for warming crops. Mulch protects roots from freezing in winter and rotting in autumn. In summer, sawdust is used to prevent overheating of the soil and moisture retention. The advantages of sawdust as mulch are as follows:

  1. Cheapness.
  2. As they decompose, they turn into organic fertilizers and loosen the soil.
  3. Retains moisture in the soil.
  4. They retain heat and prevent the soil from freezing, but at the same time allow air to pass through and allow crop roots to breathe.
  5. Protect crops from diseases. Sawdust, especially coniferous ones, do not allow the development of pathogenic microorganisms. They are not liked by slugs and other pests.
  6. Protect ripening berries from rotting and pests.
  7. Cure from fungal diseases.
  8. Protect roots from sudden temperature changes.
  9. Pine sawdust protects carrots from carrot flies.
  10. Hiding in the mulch beneficial insects and microorganisms live that improve the structure of the soil and loosen it.

Sawdust is a natural mulch that supports the growth and development of beneficial microorganisms to improve soil structure.

Mulching with sawdust has its disadvantages. Large sawdust rots within several years. This takes a lot of nitrogen, as a result of which the plants that grow in such beds are deficient in this nutrient. Their growth and development worsens.

Fresh sawdust increases the acidity of the soil, which affects the development of crops. Coniferous sawdust inhibits the development of pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms. The latter process organic substances that are necessary for plant nutrition.

When to use sawdust on beds

Sawdust is suitable for poor soil. They enrich the soil, activate the growth and ripening of fruits. Under a layer of mulch, the root system is protected, it receives all minerals and moisture. Mulching is carried out after the shoots have grown. As a result of this, the earth does not dry out, a crust does not appear on the surface, and the soil remains loose.

Winter mulching is necessary to protect crop roots. Mulch protects plants from temperature changes until spring. Used for bushes, trees, winter crops and berries. In dry areas, mulching with sawdust is especially important for tomatoes. To protect the roots from overheating, all that remains is to cover the soil with mulch. "

In the summer, vegetable beds with tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and beets are filled with sawdust. This prevents crops from drying out.

Mulching strawberries has many advantages:

  1. Productivity increases.
  2. The berries are protected from pests and rotting.
  3. Due to the lack of contact with the ground, the berries are clean and dry.
  4. Weed growth is stopped.

Tip #1. Mulch the potato beds. After hilling, the furrows are sprinkled. A layer of mulch retains moisture and stops weed growth. Productivity increases, the effect is especially noticeable during dry summers.

Mulching trees and shrubs

Sawdust is used to cover the roots of trees and shrubs for the winter. This type of shelter is considered the most reliable. Large sawdust as a heat-insulating material is buried in holes when planting grapes and flowering bushes. They reliably protect against frost.

A large layer of sawdust is poured around the tree trunk.

Sawdust mulching is suitable for the following garden crops:

  • fruit trees;
  • shrubs (raspberries and black currants);
  • grapes;
  • clematis.

Raspberries respond especially well to mulching. Sawdust helps increase fruiting and improves the taste characteristics of berries. With annual mulching with raspberry sawdust, the bushes can be grown without replanting for up to 10 years. In winter, the vines of grapes and climbing flowers that are on the ground are covered with sawdust along their entire length. Do it late autumn, otherwise mice will infest the mulch and damage the crop.

Tip #2. Before mulching, it is advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizers.

Sometimes an air cover is made for such crops. Boxes are made from boards and the plants are covered with them, sawdust is covered on top, covered with film and a layer of earth is poured. There is a wet cover with sawdust for the winter, when the mulch is not covered with anything. But this method is suitable for some crops, for example, roses rot under such cover.

Sawdust is one type of mulch that can be used in greenhouses. Cultures do not rot and spoil. They are used to enrich manure and plant waste. They accelerate the decomposition of organic fertilizers, the compost is loose and breathable.

Mulch is added to greenhouses in spring or autumn. It is better to apply sawdust in combination with other components. This mixture is laid in the ridges in the fall. You can make compost:

  • 200 kg of sawdust;
  • 50 kg of manure;
  • 100 kg of grass;
  • 30 kg of food waste.

For greenhouses, sawdust can be placed in ridges in combination with straw or hay.

In the spring, the soil is mulched when intensive crop growth begins. In greenhouses, during heavy watering, a crust often forms on the surface of the soil, and the soil around the roots is washed away. In this case, it is necessary to mulch the soil. In addition, mulching reduces the watering rate and prevents overheating of the root system of crops in the greenhouse.

Tip #3. A greenhouse measuring 3x6 m will require six bags. pine sawdust. The mulch is spread in a layer of 5-7 cm between the rows and around the stems of the crops.

How to mulch beds in winter

In winter, the beds are mulched with a mixture of sawdust, manure and plants. The thickness of the layer depends on the type of soil. On clay soils it reaches 5 cm, and on sandy soils – 10 cm. When mulching, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Mulch is never removed under berry bushes. The earth is loosened along with sawdust. In the absence of chemical fertilizers, mulch is mixed with manure and applied in the fall. This prevents the accumulation of nitrates in fruits.
  2. If you put a large layer of mulch on heavy soils, rotting will begin.
  3. Be sure to mulch the soil in the summer or at the end of spring after planting seedlings. The mulch is thoroughly crushed and placed around the gathering place. The results of mulching are noticeable after 3-4 years, since sawdust decomposes slowly.

Answers to frequently asked questions about mulching

Question No. 1. What sawdust is best to use for mulching?

There are sawdust different sizes and from different breeds trees. Depending on their properties, they are used in various areas gardening. Let's list them in the table.

Type of sawdust Application area
Medium-sized gray-brown semi-rotted sawdust They are the best for mulching vegetable beds.
Large sawdust Used to cover the roots of trees, strawberries and shrubs.
fine sawdust Suitable for covering young shoots with thin stems.
Fresh sawdust Suitable for mulching strawberries and wild strawberries.
Sawdust from coniferous species trees Used for carrots.

Question No. 2. For what crops is sawdust used?

Sawdust is suitable for mulching vegetable crops that grow in beds. They are used for greenhouses, and for garden plots. Mulch trees and shrubs, including roses. Strawberries and strawberries take sawdust well. "

Mulching garden strawberries with sawdust on a ridge

Question No. 3. For which crops is it better to use pine sawdust?

Coniferous sawdust contains phenolic resins that protect against diseases and pests. They are suitable for covering crops for the winter, such as garlic.

Question No. 4. Is it necessary to mulch the soil in greenhouses?

Yes. The fertility of the soil improves, the soil does not overheat, the irrigation rate decreases, and moisture evaporates more slowly. Crops are even watered cold water, while it passes through the sawdust, it will warm up. The preservation of fruits, taste qualities are improved and the ripening period is accelerated.

Question No. 5. What is the time frame for adding mulch?

Late spring or early summer is suitable for mulching, when the earth warms up and crop sprouts appear. Before mulching, the soil is fertilized, loosened and watered abundantly. A layer of mulch of at least 5 cm. In summer, mulch is added as the layer decreases.

Gardeners make mulching mistakes

We offer common mistakes that gardeners make when mulching with sawdust:

  1. It is important to choose the right size and type of sawdust. The younger the seedlings and thinner the sprouts, the smaller the chips are taken. But sawdust similar to wood flour is not used at all. It turns into a dense crust on the soil surface that does not allow water to pass through.
  2. Large sawdust rots for several years. They are not suitable for vegetable beds. Use shavings for trees and shrubs.
  3. Before applying mulch to the beds, nitrogen fertilizers must be used, otherwise the growth and development of crops will slow down.
  4. Rotted sawdust is used. Fresh ones increase the acidity of the soil, which negatively affects the development of crops.
  5. Don't rush into mulching. If you add sawdust to unheated soil, this will affect the growth and development of crops.

Mulch will help gardeners reduce labor costs. Mulching raspberries, strawberries and other berries allows you to reduce the number of waterings and tillage, delays the evaporation of moisture from the soil, and protects it from crust formation and weed growth.

The bulk of the roots of raspberries and strawberries is located at a depth of 20-30 cm. To prevent this layer of soil from drying out in the summer and freezing in the winter, plantings of strawberries and raspberries are mulched immediately after planting and in the first two years of life - in spring and autumn. When mulched, the soil cools down more slowly and does not overheat.

Mulch helps control weeds. Unlike weeding with a hoe, when the root system cultivated plants damaged, when mulching the roots are not damaged, and the yield of raspberries and strawberries increases.

When decomposed, mulch releases many nutrients needed for berry gardens and saturates the ground layer of air. carbon dioxide, necessary plants for photosynthesis.

How to mulch the soil under raspberries and strawberries

The first mulching is carried out immediately after planting. For raspberries, the root zone 70-80 cm wide is covered with mulch. In the first 2-3 years of life, raspberry bushes are mulched with sawdust, sunflower, and buckwheat husks. The optimal layer of mulch for raspberries is at least 10 cm.

For strawberries, the entire row spacing is covered with mulch. Straw, sawdust, peat, humus, and crushed bark are suitable for mulching.

If you mulch berry bushes with sawdust, then nitrogen fertilizers you will have to add more, because during the process of rotting, sawdust takes nitrogen from the soil and can cause nitrogen starvation in strawberries and raspberries. Usually dose ammonium nitrate when using sawdust increase to 30-40 g per linear meter row spacing.

Very good results mulching the rows of strawberries after flowering with straw gives the effect - the berries will be clean and there will be no gray rot.

When mulching plantings annually, gardeners save water and effort in caring for berry gardens, creating Better conditions for the growth and development of bushes.

In the fall, plantings are also mulched. First they dig up the soil and water it, and then mulch it. With annual repetition of mulching of raspberry and strawberry bushes, the raspberries will form less shoots, and the strawberries will have much less rooted tendrils, that is, it will be easier to care for them and less fertilizer will be consumed.

Strawberries respond better than other crops to mulching the soil with humus or dark compost. At the same time, its roots do not freeze in winter and do not dry out in summer.

In summer, mulch protects strawberry roots from the heat, and the heart does not die (which happens when hilling with ordinary soil). When mulching plants, berries and foliage will not suffer from diseases, because... they will have no contact with the ground. Fern leaves protect strawberries from nematodes; they are good for mulching between rows.

There are often recommendations to mulch strawberries with pine needles - this is not correct! Needles can be used to mulch plants that love acidic soils, such as hydrangea. The needles acidify the soil and this mulching often causes the strawberries to turn yellow.

How to mulch gooseberries

For gooseberries, mulching the soil helps retain moisture and reduce the number of weeds under the bushes. You need to loosen the soil under the bushes shallowly - no more than 5-10 cm. Gooseberries love mulch made from humus or peat mixed with sifted ash (2 cups of ash per bucket of peat). Freshly cut grass is not suitable for it, because even in dry weather, gooseberries (some varieties) can be affected by powdery mildew.

Mulching currants

For currants, raspberries, and young fruit trees, it is better to use freshly cut, dried grass as mulch and not to dig up the ground either in spring or autumn. And in the fall, rake up all the mulch and burn it. Shallowly loosen the soil under these plants and cover the tree trunks with a layer of 5-8 cm of freshly cut grass. In winter, this layer will protect the roots from sudden temperature fluctuations if there is no snow. Pre-winter watering is carried out directly over the grass. In spring, this mulch retains moisture well.

In mid-April, before the currant buds open, all remaining mulch should be collected and burned. Loosen the soil under the berry fields and young trees shallowly, apply fertilizer if you did not apply it in the fall, and again cover all the soil under these plants with mown growing grass.

You can add new grass all summer. But before laying a new layer, you need to water the old layer with a urea solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), since rotting grass takes nitrogen from the soil, which plants need for growth. In the second half of summer, urea should not be added, as the plants are preparing for winter. Rotting grass at this time, taking nitrogen from the ground, stops the growth of shoots.

Mulching trees

Useful in dry years, especially sandy soils, in the fall, mulch the soil under the trees with humus and peat soil in a layer of 5-8 cm.

In case of dry summer and autumn, and with the danger of “black” frosts in young gardens, especially in gardens with dwarf fruit trees, mulching tree trunk circles will help protect plants from stress.

The soil around young trees with a still shallow root system is mulched with the remains of grass after weeding, dried in the sun. Mowed lawn grass is also used.

After weeding the soil around the bushes, the seedless weeds are left in place as mulch. At the same time, using a hoe, they are lightly embedded shallowly into the soil (5 cm).

Cherry and others fruit trees after planting, water and mulch with peat, compost or cut (withered) grass.