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» How to block radiators. How to hide radiators beautifully and correctly? How to close batteries correctly - technical rules and tips

How to block radiators. How to hide radiators beautifully and correctly? How to close batteries correctly - technical rules and tips

Any communications that have been laid or are located in plain sight have always been a problem. It can be very difficult to fit them into general interior premises. But a particularly common problem is how to properly close the heating radiator in a room. After all, you need to save important condition– nothing should be an obstacle to good heat transfer.

There are many ways to close heating radiators and still provide comfortable temperature regime.

If this is not possible, then screen creation options are perfect. Namely, the design of the radiator different ways, which allow you to hide it. Several options should be highlighted:

  1. Installation of a hanging screen.
  2. Creation of a wooden – removable element.
  3. The use of plasterboard slabs is for the box.

It should be noted that the last point is the most popular at the moment. At the same time, it cannot be considered the most ideal. The fact is that creating a solid box is a rather controversial decision. After all, in case of any breakdown or leakage, you will have to disassemble it completely, which is very inconvenient.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is review heating system. Check the joints and connections, inspect the radiator for possible leaks or blockages. Only after this preventive work and replacing damaged areas, the direct installation of the structure that will cover the battery begins.

The design for hiding the radiator must meet the following parameters:

  • Streams warm air should not encounter obstacles on their way. This ensures uniform heating of the entire room.
  • All threaded connections and air and water relief valves must be easily accessible.

Attention! Very often an option is allowed, which can be found in some apartments. It lies in the fact that heating radiators are completely hidden by gypsum boards. This is unacceptable.

Battery screen

This option is the simplest and most popular. Screens can have different appearances. Often there are structures made of metal. There are two types:

  • Hangable. They are simply placed on the battery without any additional fastening. Therefore, with any contact they can fall.
  • Built-in. They are inserted into specially prepared boxes made of wood or plasterboard. Very convenient option. In addition to those made from metal, there are plastic, wooden and HDF (high-density fiberboard).

Which option to choose depends on your specific situation.

Creating a gypsum plasterboard box for a built-in screen

This option is the most common. It is quite convenient to make a box while finishing the walls with plasterboard, then you can immediately create a frame for it that will be included in the overall structure.

Stage one: preparation

Before hiding the heating radiator, it must be prepared. Very convenient when used modern batteries, but with cast iron ones you’ll have to tinker.

  1. Using an iron brush, remove the old layer of paint.
  2. The surface is degreased.
  3. Check joints, nuts and seams. If necessary, tighten or change.
  4. The surface is painted with metal paints with a high temperature threshold.

Usually, through the holes in the structure covering the battery, it is still partially visible, so the finish of the device itself cannot be ignored

Prepare the necessary tools:

  • a hammer drill with a drill or an impact drill with drills;
  • screwdriver, metal scissors or jigsaw;
  • construction knife and level;
  • sandpaper with a block;
  • hacksaw;
  • tassels;
  • container and set of trowels;
  • ruler (tape measure) and pencil.

You will need the following materials:

  1. Drywall boards.
  2. Perforated corner.
  3. Metallic profile.
  4. The mesh is serpyanka.
  5. Self-tapping screws and dowels.
  6. Primer.
  7. Putty.

On a note! Sewing a battery with plasterboard is not as easy as it seems. At least minimal experience with metal profile and gypsum boards.

Stage two: marking

Determine how the box will look - hanging in the air or standing on the floor:

  1. When the box is joined to the flooring, three main lines are immediately measured and marked - two side and the front.
  2. If it hangs, then remove the distance from the floor. Mark a line on the wall and check it for level.

Then markings are made on the walls. Do not forget that from the edge of the box being built to the edge of the radiator there must be at least ten centimeters.

The result is a rectangle that will mark the edges of the fastening of the future structure.

Stage three: creating a frame

Profile frame for the box

For this, a metal profile is used. Installation technology:

  • The profile guides are applied to the lines marked on the wall. They are pre-cut required height. Use a drill to drill several mounting holes. They do this so that marks remain on the wall.
  • Holes are drilled according to these points into which dowels are inserted.
  • The profile is placed at the fastening points and secured with screws.
  • Thus, all parts of the metal frame are installed. Do not forget to fasten them with connecting elements.

Advice! Between the metal profile and the surface, provision should be made for laying special shock-absorbing material.

It should work metal carcass, which will be securely attached to the base. It would be better to immediately close the heating pipes - for greater convenience, they are considering a removable option.

Stage four: sheathing

Further process will be completely uncomplicated when compared with the work that has already been carried out.

The sequence is:

  1. To close the heating point in the room, mark it on a sheet of drywall in advance. Using a hacksaw ( electric jigsaw) cut it into necessary elements. Small parts can be easily cut with a construction knife.
  2. The space for the screen is immediately calculated. He can be different sizes, most often they use 60*90 cm and 60*120 cm. It is better to measure the selected option using the internal frame. A couple of millimeters are removed from the obtained result.
  3. For greater convenience, each cut section is marked on the reverse side. Or they do it differently - they install them right away.
  4. The parts cover the necessary places. Self-tapping screws are used for this. They are screwed in increments of fifteen centimeters.
  5. The screws are screwed in flush with the surface.

Stage five: finishing

Begins The final stage finishing. It consists in treating the created box with putty. You need to close all the seams well. The process looks like this:

  • The seams are slightly unstitched; a construction knife is suitable for this.
  • The areas to be trimmed are primed.
  • Perforated corners are placed on the corners.
  • External seams are coated with the mixture and a sickle mesh is applied.
  • Apply to the surface finishing layer putties.

The result is a design that has a “window” into which the screen is inserted. Thus, it is possible to close any heating radiator.

On a note! Very often it is possible to create a fairly large box that can be used to store unnecessary things.

If it is more suitable for the room wooden structure, then it can be made completely removable (shown in the photo below). Thus, it is possible to close the heating radiator and not have to carry out numerous works.

They do the following:

  1. The markings are removed. Take into account the places where pipes are supplied.
  2. A wooden box is made, which is immediately equipped with an external lathing.
  3. Corner hooks are installed along the outer perimeter, the hinged part of which is screwed to the wall.

Now all that remains is to put the box in its place. It will also be easy to remove.


To close any heating element, special screens are used, which you can make yourself. The main thing is to correctly calculate the size of the structure and construct the frame.

Electrical wiring, heating, water supply and drainage systems, hoods and ventilation can ruin the interior of an apartment or house if they are not hidden from view. During construction or carrying out overhaul It is worth planning the premises in advance where you can hide numerous pipes and radiators. There are many ways to hide a radiator. In this article we will examine each of them in detail.

How to hide a radiator and maintain its heat transfer level

When choosing creative options for disguising the heating system, you need to keep in mind that it should not only be stylish and fit into the overall design project, but also fully perform its original function - to heat the room. When considering ways to decorate a radiator, pay attention to the following points.

The task of any battery is to maintain the required temperature in the room using the following methods.

First - infrared radiation , based on the transfer of heat directly to heated objects. If you get close to the battery, you will feel this thermal radiation.

The second is convection, the essence of which is to heat the room and move warm air up and cold air down. The air circulation promotes uniform heating of the room.

Therefore, it is important to consider that any way to hide the batteries completely or partially blocks the full operation of the heater. For example, a glass screen on a radiator prevents infrared radiation from acting, since glass prevents heat from penetrating beyond its boundaries. The fewer holes for air circulation there are on such a screen, the more noticeable the heat loss.

It is strictly not recommended to install airtight boxes without any gaps, because... they prevent warm air from rising. Therefore, in order for the radiator to preserve its original functions, decorate it better with panels With big amount holes, like a mesh with large cells.

The next thing you should pay attention to is maintaining access to the battery and pipes. At the most inopportune moment, they can leak (due to installation errors, manufacturing defects or other reasons). To quickly troubleshoot problems, you will need to carry out renovation work or even remove the radiator and replace it with a new one. Therefore, it is important that the screen is easy to remove.

Ideally, the battery cover should allow access to the radiator at any time without using special tools. It is recommended to at least install a “revision” (plastic door) that provides access to the junction of the pipe and the battery. Most often, problems arise in this place.

Thus, when choosing a radiator decor option, in order not to reduce its heat transfer, you need to keep in mind the following:

    Warm and cold air must circulate freely in the room. The fewer barriers, the more evenly the room warms up.

    It is necessary to ensure access to the radiator at any time. Make a special window or hinged door at the junction of the battery and the pipe.

    All adjustment elements of the heating system must be freely accessible.

How to hide radiators in the interior, taking into account the design of the room

Many of us are unhappy with the way the batteries look in the apartment. Even a varied assortment of radiators of all shapes and colors does not solve this problem. Everyone uses their own methods to hide unsightly batteries.

It is worth noting that the screen (box, panel) not only allows you to disguise the radiator in the house, but also performs a protective function - it isolates dangerous hot objects with sharp corners from small children.

The task of decorating heating appliances and pipes can be solved differently depending on what stage (major or minor repairs apartments) it arises.

If global changes (redevelopment, major repairs, etc.) are planned in the room, then this is an excellent opportunity to replace old batteries. You can install more stylish heating devices that match the new interior. In this case, you won’t even want to hide them, and the heating capabilities of the radiators will be used to the maximum. For design projects of apartments in the classic Victorian style, heavy cast iron batteries with several sections.

If changing plumbing and pipes is not part of your plans, there is different ways how to hide a heating radiator in an apartment.


The easiest and most cost-effective way to disguise a heating device is to paint it to match the interior (wall, sofa or cabinet next to which it is located). To do this, you need to use a special paint that has high heat resistance. This method is suitable for rooms in which the batteries fit organically into the overall space.

Hinged screen

One of the most common ways to hide radiators in an apartment is a screen, panel or grille.

A screen is a simple, but at the same time not the most beautiful way to hide heating appliances in the house. It does not require special installation or installation. A hanging screen can be made at home. You just need to hang it on the radiator. The disadvantage of this method is that water pipes remain visible.

The hinged panel, performing a decorative function, maintains the radiator's operating efficiency at almost the same level. Most often, panels are made from light metal alloys, so they can emit ringing sounds, if you hit them. Such panels are inexpensive and easy to install.

The grilles meet safety requirements for families with small children - they have rounded edges.

Panels, screens and gratings are divided into two types: for one-sided and two-sided pipe connections.

Glass screens

One of the current trends in interior design is the use of glass screens to disguise radiators. They are made of durable fire-resistant material. Photo printing, stained glass drawings and other images can be applied to such screens. Typically, glass screens are made to order in special workshops. Their price differs significantly from the cost of regular hanging panels and gratings. To install the screen, you need to make several holes in the wall near the radiator. Next, using screw holders with flexible rubberized gaskets, it is attached to the wall. If you have the appropriate tools (a hammer drill and a screwdriver), you can install such a screen yourself at home.

There are different ways to decorate the glass surface of the screen:

    Photo printing. This is one of the most common techniques. You can use any images you like (yours own photos or pictures found on the Internet) to print on glass.

    Glass can be painted with acrylic or any other paints designed for working on glass. An excellent alternative to expensive stained glass. It’s quite affordable, and you can do everything yourself. You will only need special paints, which can be found in any art store.

    An interesting effect can be obtained during sandblasting.

    Original version is created using fusing. This is a technique for producing an image by sintering pieces of glass in an oven.

    A screen made using cut glass. A painting is created by combining the edges into a single image.

    You can decorate a glass screen at home. On plain glass Using rhinestones of different sizes and shades and special glue you can create a unique masterpiece, which will not only disguise the radiator, but also become an independent element interior decoration.

Decorative screens for radiators

Typically, batteries in a house or apartment are located under the window. In this case, unsightly water pipes can be hidden behind decorative panels or screens. This is one of the most popular and simple ways masking heating devices. There are many options on how to do this.

The decoration of the screens can be very diverse: just a lattice, geometric or other patterns, carving, forging, etc.

In addition to their decorative function, screens also have practical benefits: they reduce infrared radiation from radiators and even increase the efficiency of heating the room. The hidden radiator hidden behind such a screen does not need to be washed every week. It is enough to periodically wipe the dust from the very decorative panel.

If you place the radiator in a niche, and above it there is a spacious window sill, this space can be used as a work desk or a place for cooking.

Frame made of wooden blocks

Wooden frames masking radiators fit harmoniously into any interior. They will look very organic in an apartment with wooden parquet and furniture. These frames are very functional. Depending on their size, they are used as a rack, table, shelf, place for sitting and relaxing. Visual execution can be completely different. If you have been thinking for a long time about the question of how to hide a heating radiator with your own hands, make such a frame yourself.

Action plan to create wooden frame For hidden radiator heating:

    Carefully measure the heating device.

    Make wooden blocks appropriate size.

    Assemble the frame from sawn blanks and check for strength.

    Weave the base of the structure with a special tape or wooden slats.

    Apply varnish to protect the surface of the frame from moisture.

Stretch fabric screen

A fabric or paper sheet is stretched over a wooden or metal frame, usually in one color scheme with a nearby wall. Then this design is installed in the same way as a regular screen.

A fireplace will add coziness to an apartment with any design.

Masking radiators with plasterboard

Sometimes there is no other option but to hide the heating radiator with plasterboard. This material makes it possible to produce the most non-standard designs. It must be taken into account that if a solid sheet of drywall is used to mask the battery, it is necessary to make holes in it to ensure air movement in the room.

Designers offer very original ways, how to hide heating radiators in a private house or apartment by fitting them into the interior: the batteries are made to order in the form of a decorative panel and mounted on the wall. Such a heating device will become an independent item interior decoration, maintaining its original functionality. It is not necessary to use the same bright options, in order to hide the heating radiator, as in the photo. You can order a more laconic model that will fit perfectly into your interior.

The kitchen design will be perfectly complemented by a minimalist radiator, made in the form of a metal board that can be hung on the wall. Using magnets, you can attach notes, a calendar, photographs and other information that you want to keep before your eyes to such a battery. This radiator is very easy to clean.

Plastic gratings

Inexpensive options for decorating heating devices that should only be used in non-residential premises. Poor quality plastic under influence high temperatures may release substances harmful to people. It is recommended to place such grilles in utility rooms (storage rooms, bathrooms, garages).

If you need to short time to hide the radiator, but you are not ready to spend too much money on it, you can sew a curtain, make a fence, or simply paint the heating device in an unusual way.

Now you know the best way to hide a radiator. And in order to install it, connect pipes to it, and in general, create a heating system, various plumbing materials are needed: pipes, fittings, tools, etc. You should only buy them from a trusted supplier. One of such suppliers is SantechStandard. By collaborating with SantekhStandard, you gain the following advantages:

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On frosty winter days like now, heating saves our houses and apartments. Therefore the presence heating radiators in homes this is undoubtedly a plus. But often batteries become a stumbling block when you want to decorate a room beautifully.

So where should we put the hated batteries? After all, no matter how modern they are, appearance rooms, alas, are still deteriorating because of them...

The problem with the design of heating radiators is especially relevant in children's rooms and rooms where children often play, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also because kids run around a lot and can hit the radiator.

If modern radiators have such an appearance that they can easily fit into a room in a high-tech or minimalist style, then Soviet cast-iron radiators look completely depressing. That's why it needs to be like this disguise the battery, so that it was not visible, but it did not stop warming us in the cold.

How to hide the battery

Editorial "So simple!" prepared for you 14 practical ways, as possible hide nondescript radiator and at the same time transform the interior. Now, looking at the radiators in the house, I get aesthetic pleasure!

  1. The easiest way is to paint the battery. For this, use special paint that is resistant to elevated temperatures. The color must be selected to match the interior of the room. This option is best applied to modern aluminum batteries. Painted cast iron items will stand out a lot.

    But if you decorate them with various designs, that’s a completely different matter! This is especially true in a children's room or kitchen. If artistic skills are completely absent, you can use special stencils.

  2. Very original idea! To implement it, you need to have several skeins of twine, 3 hours of time and perseverance.

  3. You can cover the radiator using a cotton curtain. This option is only suitable for products installed in a niche.

    You can attach the curtain to the window sill using Velcro; the fabric should match the color of the wallpaper. As an alternative, blinds can be used.

  4. And this idea is simply 2 in 1! We hide the batteries and get a new place for reading or pleasant gatherings.

  5. Or you can hide them under special grilles or perforated screens. Such devices are made from the most various materials, have a variety of shapes and designs.

  6. Thanks to the screens, the battery can be used as an additional place for rest, as a shelf or stand for decorative elements.

  7. How do you like this method?

  8. Screens made of thick glass will successfully cover the unsightly battery. Such products look beautiful and very stylish.

    However, glass screens only cover outside batteries. They are secured using screw holders with elastic protective pads.

  9. Another one interesting idea- bedside table with lattice doors. Practical and convenient, isn't it?

  10. You can hide radiators using hanging grilles. Most often, such products are used for cast iron batteries located in a niche under the window sill. And a nice bonus is that everyone can handle the installation. All that is required is to hang the structure on the heating device.

  11. Great idea for a children's room!

  12. Please note that the choice of material from which the screen will be made must be approached no less scrupulously than the design of the product itself. After all, the material must be resistant to high temperatures.

  13. Another great idea: a battery hidden in a box with a perforated panel. Stylish and tasteful!

  14. And finally decoupage. Using ordinary napkins and PVA glue, you can also decorate a heating device. This is easy to do with your own hands; special skills and expensive materials are not required.

    It is enough to choose napkins to match, cut out the necessary elements and cover the radiator with them. You can apply a special heat-resistant varnish on top.

Greetings, comrades! Today we will talk about how to decorate a heating radiator in a living room. Since your humble servant was a plumber in the recent past, any decor will be discussed from the standpoint of practicality - heat transfer heating device and its maintainability.

How does the battery heat up?

Any heating device transfers heat to the heated room in two ways simultaneously:

  • Convection. The air heats up in direct contact with the surface of the radiator and, due to the density decreasing during heating, is forced upward by colder air masses. Cooling down, it falls down again, reheats upon contact with the radiator - and so on ad infinitum;
  • Thermal radiation. IR rays spread within the line of sight and cause heating of all objects near the heating device.

The predominance of one or another method of heat transfer is determined by the configuration of the heating device and its temperature. For aluminum battery with developed fins, convection predominates, for the radiator plate - radiation.

To ensure that no obstacles interfere with convection, the radiator is placed under the window in a strictly defined manner:

  1. Distance to window sill should be equal to at least 6-12 cm. The flow of heated air should rise freely, ensuring effective and uniform heating of the entire volume of the room;
  2. Between the radiator and the wall There remains a gap of 2-3 centimeters. It ensures the movement of air heated upon contact with the back side of the sections;
  3. Between the battery and the floor clearance is also necessary (at least 8 cm): it provides a free flow of cold air, replacing heated air.

In order not to impede heat transfer due to radiation, the battery cannot be covered from the main volume of the room with furniture and thick curtains.

Malfunctions of heating devices

The idea of ​​covering the battery with a screen usually comes from owners of Soviet-style cast iron radiators. Indeed, in appearance they are quite unsightly. The initially unattractive appearance is often made worse by years of layers - unevenly applied and partially faded.

And now - the bad news. Cast iron radiators have a number of typical problems that require easy access to them.

Intersectional leaks

The essence of the problem: paronite gaskets between cast iron sections are not elastic. Over time they become more and more rigid.

When the sections are heated during the heating season, the gasket is compressed due to thermal expansion of the sections, and after cooling it does not return to its previous dimensions. The nipple connection is leaking.

Elimination: The outer sections are disconnected and both gaskets are replaced at the current nipple connection. The work requires access to the blind radiator plugs at the end of the radiator. If you cover the battery with a blank screen, much less hide it in a box, it will be simply impossible to unscrew the plugs and remove the sections.

Lock nut leaking

The essence of the problem: a burnt out or rotten organic winding under the lock nut on one of the connections no longer seals the threaded connection.

Elimination: when the heating riser is reset, the locknut is unscrewed several turns and rewound with plumber's flax or other winding. If you cover heating radiators with a screen or box, access to the connections will be extremely difficult. Turn the pipe wrench or adjustable wrench to limited space it is forbidden.

Fistula on the thread

The essence of the problem: a cast-iron radiator is connected to the supply line by a squeegee - a long thread cut on it. Steel is susceptible to corrosion. Through fistulas appear primarily in areas with the smallest wall thickness, that is, in the hollows of the threads.

Elimination: when the heating riser is dropped, the liner is cut off at the beginning of the thread, and a new riser is welded to it using electric arc or gas welding. If you cover the radiators with a non-removable screen or put them in boxes, the welder will not be able to reach the problem area of ​​the liner.

A radiator box or screen often hides the problem from the homeowner: there is a leak, but you don’t see it. You will learn about the presence of a defect in the radiator or liner from flooded neighbors or during flooding own apartment when a small fistula in a pipe turns into a source of serious leakage.


The essence of the problem: After resetting the heating circuit, air remains in the heating circuit when it is restarted. Air jams prevent circulation in risers.

Elimination: the air is vented through the so-called Mayevsky taps, installed on the top floor along each riser. The valves are most often mounted in the upper blind radiator plug. And in this case, to start the riser you need free access to the battery.

Radiator silting

The essence of the problem: silt and sand carried by the coolant gradually accumulate in the lower collector of the sections farthest from the supply line - in the area where the water movement speed is minimal. The outer sections stop heating.

Elimination: sludge is washed out of the battery through the flush tap. A hose is attached to a tap installed instead of one of the blind radiator plugs, through which water is discharged into the sewer. Both for installing the flusher and for flushing itself, you need access to the end sections.

Decor requirements

So, how to hide batteries in an apartment without compromising their functionality and maintainability?

  1. Plasterboard boxes around batteries are strictly prohibited. Such a box will sharply reduce the heat transfer of the batteries, limiting air convection. Moreover, in the absence of a heat meter, you will be in full size pay for the heat you lost;

  1. How larger area gaps in the screen - the better. Warm air and thermal radiation will pass through these gaps;
  2. A solid horizontal shelf on top is a bad idea. It will limit the movement of upward air flow;
  3. The material of the decorative screen must have maximum thermal conductivity. Once heated, it itself will become a source of heat, heating the room due to infrared radiation;

An exception is screens that are installed to protect children from burns. For obvious reasons, they front surface should not heat up.

  1. The ideal option is a screen that is transparent in the infrared spectrum. In particular, ordinary glass is permeable to infrared rays;
  2. The back surface of the screen, which is opaque to IR rays, should be as dark as possible, ideally jet black. The black surface absorbs the maximum amount of heat. White and, on the contrary, reflects radiation across the entire spectrum;
  3. Any decor should be easily dismantled. Sooner or later the battery will require maintenance or repair.


What can be made from decorative screen? I will evaluate popular materials in terms of the requirements stated above.

Image Material and its properties

Metals: metal screens(aluminum and, to a lesser extent, steel) have excellent thermal conductivity.

They are impenetrable to thermal radiation, but when heated they themselves can become a source of infrared rays.

The most advantageous design is metal grid on a light frame.

Glass: Glass screens are transparent to thermal radiation. The front surface heats up to a much lower temperature compared to the radiator, which makes the glass safe material for a family with small children.

When installing the screen, there should be gaps above and below it for air convection. The distance from the radiator is at least 2-3 cm.

In fact, we will not only talk about old cast iron batteries. It is very likely that when moving to new apartment you have discovered that batteries (even if they are white and neat) are deteriorating general form rooms. And you don't know what to do with them. We have collected five inspiring ideas for you on how to disguise an ugly radiator.

1. Paint the walls the same color or make them contrasting

Let's start with the most banal thing: paint the battery in the color of the wall with special paint (resistant to elevated temperatures). But this can only work if the radiators initially look decent - such decor will not save shabby cast-iron radiators.

Even cooler is to paint the radiator in a contrasting color - the battery will instantly turn into a stylish design detail. You just need to paint it carefully and carefully.

An even more interesting idea is to paint the radiator in ombre or different colors. Such a bright battery can no longer be called ugly.

2. Order or make a special screen

Another simple option to hide the battery is to put a special metal or wooden screen on it. You can order it in special stores, or you can make it yourself. Remember that it must have holes for heat to escape. Most often used for decoration wooden gratings: They do not obstruct the passage of warm air, they are easy to install and easy to remove.

In addition, such a screen can be used as a small shelf - place a vase of flowers or souvenirs on it.

The downside of wooden screens is that they can become deformed when exposed to high temperatures.

3. Turn the battery into a mini dresser

A more advanced way is to disguise the radiator as furniture. For example, under a chest of drawers. It is quite difficult to build such a structure yourself, but it can be ordered according to your design. Surprisingly, some chests of drawers are made in such a way that guests will not even realize that there is a battery hidden behind them.

Or you can just carefully hide the battery under the table.

4. Hide the battery in a closet

This method is similar to the chest of drawers idea, but requires even more imagination. You don't just cover the battery with a small chest of drawers - it becomes a full-fledged part large closet(for example, book).

This cabinet looks very organic: the mesh insert does not spoil its appearance at all. However, remember that in the event of a radiator failure, you must have fast access to the battery (the door must open).

5. Make a seating area above the radiator

If the battery is very large (or there are several of them), then you can turn the space above it into a bench and make it there cozy area recreation. To do this, you need to make a wooden box with bars, put a small mattress on it and decorate the bed with small pillows.