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» Scabies on the hands: what it looks like, symptoms, treatment. What your hands can tell you about your character Airy hand type

Scabies on the hands: what it looks like, symptoms, treatment. What your hands can tell you about your character Airy hand type

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the hands are an indicator by which others can judge our condition, habits and even profession. If we are shaking or sweating - we are worried, if we don’t have a manicure - we don’t take care of ourselves, calluses and noticeable veins indicate that we have a representative in front of us working profession, long nails most likely signal a lack of physical labor, and smooth and youthful skin of the hands clearly indicates that the girl is not lying about her age. Together with the Swiss cosmetics brand Mavala (Mavala) in Kursk, we talked to women whose hands do more than tap on the keyboard, count money or sort through papers on the office desk.

partnership project

Tatyana Zhukova, photographer

“There is such a star - Hasta. One astrologer told me that it is strongly manifested in my horoscope and everything I do with my hands can influence a person’s fate. I don’t know whether to believe it or not, but in my practice of photographing people, there have been different cases. Someone sent their pictures to dating sites, and then to short time got married and went to live in other countries; someone won photo competitions; someone showed their portfolio to agencies and received job offers; while others simply began to see themselves differently and gained self-confidence. Maybe it’s not in the hands at all, but every time I work with a person, I want to tell him through photography many times more than he knows about himself. Photo - good way get to know yourself better.”

Mavala recommends the Mavapen oil pencil with a felt applicator.

An ideal product for express cuticle care, it easily fits even in the smallest handbag. A healthy elastic cuticle guarantees the absence of burrs, the nail contour looks neat, and the manicure on the nails does not require adjustments longer. Bestseller.

Susanna Overchenko, florist

“Flower girls are usually compared to fairies. It’s as if we are living in a fairy tale, we are making bouquets in the garden, and the flowers are dancing and jumping into our hands to the sweet singing of the birds. To be honest, I thought so myself before. And when I came to the flower shop, the first thing they showed me was scratched, sometimes scarred, hands. For a year and a half of work, my hands managed to “live” a full life. Knives, pruning shears, thorns, treacherous fragile vases, constant contact with water. Being a florist is almost the same as being a good housewife, only in addition to making bouquets. I can't brag perfect condition hands, but I’m not at all afraid of spoiling them a little appearance. I know the results will be worth it.”

Olga Zabirova, violinist

“In order to play the violin professionally, a musician must have physiological characteristics: no tension in the shoulder girdle, free soft hands, strong fingers with developed muscles. I know a girl who has no predisposition to play an instrument - she lacks the pads on her fingers that are necessary for a violinist. Knowing that it was almost impossible to earn them, for 6 years she painfully killed her hands until they bled and played. I played and somehow still got the desired seal on my fingers. Musicians can develop a lot through long practice, but not everyone succeeds. I was luckier: I got it from birth.”

A care product to maintain the beauty and neat appearance of nails. Ideal for caring for thin cuticles. Vegetable oils and natural extracts in its composition have a softening effect and promote skin regeneration. The contour of the nail is neat and well-groomed.

Ekaterina Danilova, cook

“Among girls it’s easy to spot an experienced cook: you’ll never see a manicure on her hands. I haven't painted my nails with polish for the last 12 years. At all. Never. Even for major holidays and family celebrations.

If you work in cooking, your hands can't be perfect. With constant contact with water and food, the skin on your hands suffers first. The acid from tomatoes leaves a trace if you work for a long time without gloves. Permanent burns, scars, numerous cuts. And the endless smell in your hair: you come home without swimming, after a long and active work, and with you are the smells of the kitchen. These are small disadvantages of the profession, and unfortunately, they cannot be avoided.”

Recommended for brittle and peeling nails. Carefully and effectively file the free edge and give the nails the desired shape. Easily and effectively polish the skin around the nail (side rollers). They have two working sides: yellow and white. The yellow side has a rougher abrasiveness, while the white side has a softer abrasiveness.

Elena Gera, designer

“When I watched the film Dior and I about Raf Simons, I cried - their production is very similar to ours. A little more than a workshop, a little more than tailors. I understand how long and expensive it is to sew, how difficult it is to put your soul into a product. And how important and valuable manual labor is in a designer’s business. More than half of our couture production is handmade. We manually baste, make loops by hand, create layouts before sewing each product, and do embroidery. We have a blind stitch hemming machine, but we don’t use it because we are used to the fact that the quality of the stitching we do ourselves is several times higher than that done by machine. Everything that is created by hands carries a different energy. Any dress made according to the customer’s measurements is like a painting painted by an artist - there will never be another like it. No matter how many copies of La Gioconda Leonardo da Vinci wrote, each version retains its uniqueness. It's the same here. By creating an item based on the customer’s individual measurements, we create only for him and only for him.”

Lidia Kolomytseva, visagiste

“In the hands of a makeup artist, first of all, a careful attitude towards the client’s emotionality. I cannot invade a person's personal space. When going to a cosmetologist or dentist, you are obviously ready for the doctor’s touch. But when you go to a makeup artist, you don’t fully understand what this profession is about and what you want the end result to be. A girl puts on one make-up when she goes to apply for a job if the boss is a woman. And he places completely different accents if the meeting is led by a man (at the same time, without violating the rules of office style). The magic is hidden in the lines and nuances of light. I need a person to see himself in the mirror the way he wants to see, dreams of, or how he imagines himself today. For me, putting on beautiful makeup is only half the battle. It is important for me to bring out a person’s hidden personality. We girls have 365 different personalities, and I’ll draw her Marilyn Monroe, even if she’s not one.”

Enriched with marine collagen, specially formulated for everyday protection of sensitive hand skin. It also includes vegetable oils and allantoin - they soften dry skin, prevent the formation of cracks and redness. Thanks to complete homogenization, the cream penetrates deeply into the skin, moisturizing it and leaving a non-greasy film on it to protect it from external influences.

Elizaveta Shabanova, basketball player

“I had serious complexes right before playing basketball. I didn't know where to use my strong hands. I was involved in athletics, but I was embarrassed by my height and build. My interests and aspirations were completely different. When I was in school, I despised this sport. I looked at the girls basketball players, horrified. How do they walk? Buns on the head, no jewelry or manicure, unpainted, tortured faces. Rude girls, far from princesses, and constant injuries did not attract me at all. I couldn’t even think that this would affect me, that I could fall in love with this sport. Then I started playing basketball and got into it. Over time, I realized that this was the best thing that could happen to me in my life. When I have basketball, I get high. Even though I rarely dress up, tie my hair in a bun, don’t wear rings or earrings. But where can I find the time when I spend consistently 4 hours a day on training?”

Irina Pashkova, obstetrician-gynecologist

“In the gynecology department, pregnancy is maintained for up to 22 weeks - this is the period when all the organs, all the tissues of the unborn child are formed. Obstetricians select medications so as not to harm the baby at the moment when organogenesis occurs. As a doctor, I am responsible for my every action within the walls of the hospital. During difficult operations, I am obliged to suppress the slightest excitement if it arises. Over the years of medical practice, I have become psychologically resistant to many things. I remember how I applied the first stitch as a student, and my hands were shaking. Today, of course, this is not the case. When you are responsible for the precision of every small movement, hand tremors can become a problem.”

31820 Improving your skills 1

This article aims to help you understand the position of your hands in the photo. I believe that hands are one of the most important components in posing, especially for aspiring photographers and aspiring models. Even the smallest detail will have a significant impact on the mood or quality of the image. The position of your hands can simply ruin even the best photo.

What is the complexity of what we are accustomed to taking for granted in everyday life? The problem is that, in addition to facial expressions, twisted straps, unkempt hairstyles and “bubbles” from too tight clothes, hands frozen in the photo cannot be simply ignored. Incorrectly positioned hands will simply “kill” your photo. When hands are placed near the face, they can either emphasize or distract from a person's facial expression and mood.

We often hear the phrase “speaks with his hands.” In an image, hands usually convey feelings and emotions and serve as the main component of the pose. Unfortunately, the arms are not the most attractive parts of the human body and are often disproportionate in relation to the rest of the body. What amuses me is that most tutorials and articles on this topic suggest hiding your hands if you don't know how to pose properly. Is this serious? Some people are just weaklings! Practice makes perfect, and it all starts with detailed consideration human anatomy. There are no rules! You just have to learn to see, and not look at, what is in front of your camera lens.

Now let's look at all this in more detail. To summarize, we can say that women's hands should be graceful and elegant. Male - demonstrate strength and courage. Since I photograph predominantly women, the content of this article will focus on staging female hands. I am of the opinion that hands serve as the main purpose of the image. Hands can hold onto support, hands can frame the face, but they should create a sense of completion, directing attention and creating a harmonious contrast to the sensual curves of the female body. If you're new to this or your model is inexperienced or tense, give her something to hold or try to calm the situation psychologically to make it easier to work together.

In example photo 3, the first image on the left shows the model with an incorrect placement of her hands on her hips, which hides the natural curves of her hourglass-shaped hips. The second image shows hands on hips with relaxed finger placement and relaxed shoulders. The last two images show options for placing the hands on the hips to best perceive the model's figure. Do not distort natural curves. Another of the most common mistakes is crooked wrists. Although I still can’t understand why many girls consider this position the most comfortable and many copy it. It's important to remember that a woman's body is all about smooth, natural curves, so unless you're shooting a posed photo with hunched shoulders and a weird pose, take the time to smooth out the angles where possible. In photo 4, the image at the top left shows the crooked wrists that are often seen in the images of aspiring swimsuit and lingerie photographers.

The middle image is a little better, however, from the back, the models' hands look courageous and wide. The third photo on the right shows the fingers pointing down, the arms slightly out to the side, and the wrists slightly curved. Be careful when removing loose fingers. Frozen, straight fingers indicate that the model’s body is tense. The example of a bikini model photo 5, shown on the left, shows fingers bent and pointing inward, which instantly attracts unnecessary attention. Fists that are bent into a fist also distort the perception of an hourglass figure. The example on the right, where the hands and fingers point down, harmoniously emphasizes the model's figure. At the same time, the fingers look longer and thinner. We position our arms and hands correctly. Once again about what feels natural, but does not necessarily have a natural and attractive appearance. The most common mistake is what we see - a missing, amputated arm, as shown in the picture below on the left. If your model has her arms crossed over her chest in photo 6, it is very important to show both arms and show off their elegance.

Be sure to make sure that the model does not press her arms tightly to her body, which in turn will give her arms a flattened and flattened appearance. wide view. The middle image in the photo above shows good location hands, and you will notice that the model holds her hands a little away from her chest, and there are several folds in the clothing, while the chest is not compressed. The third image from the right shows hunched shoulders, which is common in many people who cross their arms. In this case, the hands literally cling to the hands and are overly tense, therefore less attractive. I have already mentioned that the back of the hands gives the hand a wider appearance, and if the hand is holding something, it gives it a masculine appearance. In the example image photo 7, the back of both hands is shown on the left, and the model's right wrist (left) is unnaturally curved. By turning the model's hands slightly towards the camera and slightly raising the wrists and arms, we get a more feminine and less intense look. In the example of photo 8, at the top left, you can see that the model has hidden her hands behind her body. As a result, we lose the silhouette of her figure. In the second photo on the right, her elbows are relaxed and not touching her body.

This allows us to notice all the advantages of an hourglass figure and gives a sexy and attractive look. Nails. There is nothing worse when a model places her hands near her face and shows off her unkempt nails. Remember that if you didn't provide your model with a list of necessary preparatory procedures before the shoot, it's no one's fault. Make sure your model knows that her nails should be clean, neatly filed, and free of colored polish. Transparent varnish or transparent French manicure is allowed (long French manicure has long been out of fashion). You can purchase several sets of false nails for those times when your model is not ready. It's surprising but true that a large number of my models are photographed with false nails. Most importantly, remember – don’t be afraid to experiment and try! Forget about the rules. Feel natural and grow as a photographer.

Let's now talk about the hands not pressed to the body, and then, as I promised, we will look at the basics of placing the hands near the face. One of the hardest things for a model to do is do NOTHING with her hands. It's difficult because she has to think about doing nothing.

Seriously, try it. Ask your model to relax her hands and keep them relaxed... Watch her for 30 seconds while she flexes her fingers.

The moral is that you should be fairly careful about how much time you actually discuss hands with your subject. Too much discussion and the model ends up focusing more on her hands than on her facial expression.

If you're looking to build a portfolio for yourself, consider working with dancers as much as possible. One of the components of the training process for dancers is elegant hands. If you're not lucky enough to find a dancer to work with, just tell your model that she should think like a ballerina and just hold her hands elegantly. Nine times out of ten, a girl's hand position will at least improve slightly just by trying to imitate her version of what a ballerina does.

If you're shooting a close-up portrait or beauty shot, you'll need to pay even more attention to your hands.

More often than not, the best way to get correct position hands - put them out yourself. Although this breaks the "don't touch the model" rule, it is the social equivalent of a handshake and rarely looks aggressive. Just be sure to tell your model what you want to do before you do it.

As you can see in the example above, most often you will want to position your pinky and ring finger Closer to the camera, this is the smallest and thinnest part of the hand.

There are always exceptions (so there are NO RULES!). If you have a model with long, thin fingers, a pose like the photo above will allow you to use your thumb or index finger closer to the lens.

I tell my models that they should come with well-manicured nails. A simple clear polish or French manicure would be best. Don't use colored or designer polish unless you want it to be the focal point of the photo.

In this photo, the model is wearing false nails, the kind you can buy at a beauty store for less than $7 for 2 sets of nails. If they are secured correctly, it is almost impossible to distinguish them from the real ones.

Often when we see pictures of models resting their heads on their hands, we see natural things like the picture below. The model actually rested her head on her hands and it is natural for her to show the back of her hand, which gives her a more masculine look.

As you can see below, rotating the hand so that the pinky finger is closest to the camera slightly improves the pose.

By opening the fingers and staggering the fingertips, we make the hands more elegant and the pose more interesting. As you can see, there are a LOT of variations. They are limited only by your creativity.

Add a talented makeup artist as a collaborator and try out tons of variations and you'll see that the possibilities are endless.

Hands are divided into two groups by shape: square and oblong. Looking at your hand, mentally remove all fingers, including the thumb, and then you will be able to accurately determine square hand or oblong. This is the first step towards revealing a person's character. Examine both hands. If your client is right-handed, then right hand related to his everyday life, while left hand reflects innate abilities, talents and how strongly his imagination is developed. If your client is left-handed, his left hand represents everyday real life, and the right one reflects the imaginary world.


If the hand has a square shape, we can draw the following conclusion:

The person is easy to communicate, practical, skillful and capable. He is full of energy, he is resilient and strong and needs to constantly feel busy with something. He stands firmly on his feet, tends to assess the situation realistically and does not make speculative conclusions, preferring to base his conclusions on obvious and real evidence. He is a good worker and, when the need arises, he is able to work hard and for a long time.


If the hand has an oblong shape, we can draw the following conclusion: A person often dreams, from time to time plunging into a world of fantasy. He approaches everything he does creatively, and therefore it is very important for him that the work is varied and gives rise to initiative and imagination. Otherwise, he loses interest and plunges into the illusory world of his dreams. He gives birth often brilliant ideas, but also often has difficulty implementing them in practice.

Naturally, in your practice there will be palms, looking at which you cannot say with confidence what shape they have, square or oblong. It is impossible to divide all of humanity into two groups with clear boundaries, if only because many people have hands of a shape that does not fall into either the first or second category.

A person with a square palm may approach you, but its outer edge will be convex and almost round. Such a hand should still be considered square, and we will discuss the meaning of the convex edge of the palm in one of the following chapters.

You may have read about other hand classification systems in the past. The classical system divides hands into simple (primitive), practical, philosophical, conical and psychic. This system was developed by the famous French palmist named D'Arpentigny at the end of the 18th century and was best suited to that historical period when it was much easier to classify people than it is now.

The shape of a peasant's hand, for example, was primitive, while an aristocrat would most likely boast a hand of an exquisite conical shape. Few people work in the field today, and our hands have changed accordingly to reflect this fact, rendering the D'Arpentigny classification system almost completely obsolete.

I first heard about this system as a child and still sometimes classify hands as, say, philosophical or conical, if they exactly fit these definitions.

But in most cases, I am content to determine whether a person has a square palm or an oblong one. I thought it would be useful to include this book short description D'Arpentigny classification system, since from time to time you will encounter people whose hands perfectly correspond to one or another group of this system.


A simple, or primitive, hand looks somewhat crude. It is easily recognized by its square palm and short, thick, relatively shapeless fingers. The skin is rough and rough to the touch. There are very few lines on the palm, sometimes no more than three.

People with primitive hands can be very stubborn and have little interest in anything. They find it difficult to express their thoughts and feelings in words, so from time to time, falling into despair, they become aggressive. As long as their basic needs are met, they calmly accept everything that life throws at them, without thinking about the future.


The next step after the primitive hand is occupied by the practical hand. Her palm is also square in shape, but her fingers are longer and more graceful in shape than the primitive hand. The skin is less rough and there are a large number of lines on the palm. Holders practical hands, as a rule, have many interests and can get carried away with anything - hence the name “practical”.


The conical hand has a soft, graceful shape and flowing lines. The palm is rather oblong than square; fingers, as a rule, are long, with rounded tips. The palm is soft and fleshy. People with conical hands are very aesthetic, creatively gifted and prone to daydreaming. They imagine a beautiful Magic world, where everything is perfect and harmonious. They do not accept vulgar language and any manifestations of rudeness and bad manners.


This is the same hand shape that has always attracted the attention of artists. The palm and fingers of the psychic hand are long, thin and graceful. People with psychic hands are idealistic by nature, they have heightened intuition and are extremely impractical. They spend a significant part of their time in an imaginary world invented by themselves, preferring it to the realities of life. The psychic hand form is widespread in India and the Far East, while in the West it is quite rare.


The philosophical hand is usually square in shape. The fingers are long, with clearly defined joints. People with such hands love to analyze everything without exception. To better understand the reason for this meticulousness, you can use the following analogy: imagine that thoughts originate at your fingertips.

When they reach the first knobby, bulging joint, they must first climb up and around it several times before they can continue down. The process is repeated on the second joint. As a result, by the time a thought reaches the palm, it has been replayed several times, subject to careful analysis.


In practice, you will find that most people's hands fit perfectly into one group or another of the system created by D'Arpentigny. Those same hands that do not fall under the classification he developed, D’Arpentigny classified as hands of a mixed form.

Fortunately, with its simple and convenient system, the story of which we began with square and oblong hands, can very successfully classify almost everyone. However, hand shapes represent only half of the system. In order to complete your introduction to the D’Arpentigny classification system, you need to move on to the fingers.


Once you have determined the palm shape as square or oblong, you need to move on to the fingers, which can be long or short. For someone who has just started studying palmistry, quickly and accurately determining the length of the fingers will not be easy, but you should not be upset. With a little practice, you will learn to determine the length of your fingers by eye.

Fingers are considered long if, after you bend them, the pads reach a point equal to seven-eighths total length palms. Unfortunately, there are quite a few exceptions to this rule, due to the fact that some people have flexible hands, while others have rather inflexible hands.

Moreover, a person with a long palm may have long fingers, although in this case they will only reach the middle of the palm. Having gained experience, you will be able to determine at one glance at a person’s palm whether his fingers are long or short. Problems only arise when, as a novice in palmistry, you are faced with a hand whose fingers appear neither long nor short.

There are several ways to resolve similar situation, which we will talk about below.


Long fingers. Angle greater than 45°

If a person has long fingers, he tends to pay attention to detail, and we, in turn, can draw the following conclusions:

He likes labor-intensive, painstaking work. He is patient and truly enjoys the finer points because he loves to deal with small details. Whatever he does, his work should be exciting and absorbing. If it is too simple and primitive, he will quickly lose interest in it.


If a person has short fingers, then in his case the opposite conclusions are drawn. He is more interested in “broad strokes” than all sorts of details and little things, because he does not have patience. We can draw the following conclusion: such a person is always busy. Often he starts a new business before he completes the previous one.

At times it also happens that he is absorbed in several things or projects at the same time. He wants to get everything immediately, so patience is not his strongest trait. Impulsivity can become a source of problems and troubles for him. In some sense of the word, he is a jack of all trades.


Obviously, a person whose fingers are neither long nor short falls into the middle category. The conclusion is this: at times this person can be very patient. However, it also happens that he first takes a step, and only then begins to think about the consequences of his action.
If something really interests him, he tries to get to the very essence and master everything down to the subtleties. If the interest is of a transitory nature, he is content with superficial information and does not strive to get acquainted with the details.

As a result, we get four possible combinations: square palms with short fingers, square palms with long fingers, oblong palms with short fingers and oblong palms with long fingers. This classification system is most often used by Chinese palmists.

I first read about it in Fred Getting's monumental work, The Book of the Hand. The four groups are named after the four elements, or natural elements, of the ancients: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The groups correspond to the descriptions of fire, earth, air and water astrological signs, although it does not follow from this that, for example, Sagittarius (a fire sign) necessarily has a fiery hand. In every zodiac sign there are people with hands from all four groups.


Fire is hot, energetic and in constant motion. It can spread pleasant warmth around itself, but it can also burn. It follows that fire must be handled with care. Fire hand

characterized by an oblong palm and short fingers. A person with a fire hand is usually emotional, strong, full of enthusiasm and tries to approach everything creatively. Short fingers mean a lack of interest in details, and an elongated palm means strong intuition. We can confidently say the following about a person with such a hand:

He has a sharp and lively mind, constantly generating wonderful ideas that cause bursts of enthusiasm and inspiration. This enthusiasm is often short-lived, but until it fades away, it gives an additional impetus to all a person’s actions. At times it is difficult for such a person to cope with emotions, but it is thanks to his emotionality that he lives brightly and fully, enjoying life and all its positive manifestations as much as possible.

He doesn't care about details special attention, and he is more interested in the picture as a whole than in its individual fragments. He feels happy only when he is busy, overloaded with work and in demand. Probably one of the areas of his activity is somehow connected with creativity.


Earth, or soil, makes up the dry, solid part of our planet. Everything that happens on the planet is subject to the natural cycle of “birth - growth - death - decomposition”. The earth has no age and therefore symbolizes stability and constancy. However, beneath its surface there is constant movement, constant change. At times this leads to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters.

The earthly hand is very similar to the practical hand. It is characterized by a square palm and short fingers. People with an earth type hand are reliable, constant, practical, unpretentious and easy to communicate with. They enjoy monotonous work, as well as all types of activities in which their hands are actively involved.

Such people are conservative, reserved, but jealous; they have a highly developed sense of possessiveness. They can be prone to outbursts of anger and behave quite aggressively if they are forced to do so.

We can say the following about a person with an earth type hand: he can confidently be called a good, conscientious worker. He is not afraid of hard physical work, his skillful hands “think for themselves.” Sometimes he can be stubborn; it is impossible to lead him astray once he has made his final decision.

He likes to move, he feels the rhythm well. He doesn’t know how and doesn’t like to work with details, unless, of course, he makes something with his own hands. Most likely prefers to work for fresh air. He is interested in practical areas of activity. He is reliable, honest and a little reserved.


Air is necessary for life. We take it for granted and rarely pay attention to it, except perhaps on windy days. Aerial creatures such as birds and flying insects are active and fast. air hand characterized by a square palm and long fingers.

People of this type prefer to trust logic rather than intuition. They are smart, savvy, witty and clearly express their thoughts. They love to communicate and often make brilliant careers in professions that require communication skills. Due to the fact that they tend to rely on logic, people of this type do not trust emotions - both their own and other people's. About a person with an air type hand, we can confidently say the following:

He is smart, discerning, perceptive and tends to think soberly and clearly. Relationships with other people matter to him great importance, but sometimes he allows logic to guide his feelings. Reliable, you can rely on him. Likes to do everything correctly, “as it should be.” He has a quick analytical mind, and when necessary, he can express his thoughts exceptionally clearly and competently. He is a wonderful companion, and with him life is never boring or monotonous.


And finally, water, the natural state of which as an element is complete stillness and calm. In order for this state to change and the water to move, it must be influenced external forces. Water itself is formless; it only fills the form into which it can penetrate.

The moon has a strong effect on water, causing ocean tides. The expression “there are devils in still waters” is the best way to describe the hand of water. Water hand characterized by an oblong palm and long fingers.

This type of hand is sometimes called an intuitive hand because people with such hands are incredibly sensitive, insightful, and receptive. They are also subject to rapid mood swings, emotional and impressionable. They are idealistic and have a developed and vivid imagination. About a person whose hands belong to the water type, we can say something like this: His spiritual life is incredibly rich and varied.

Due to the fact that he has a very vivid imagination, he indulges in fantasies and dreams. He is influenced by others, so he often changes his views. He has strong intuition. He's emotional.

If a person has attracted his attention, he tends to spend more time in his company, but he also needs time alone to reflect on what is happening in life. He feels happy next to a loved and understanding person whom he can rely on.


Most people believe that palmistry is the art of interpreting the lines on a person's hand. But you already know that this is only part of palmistry. Before we get into line analysis, let's take a quick look at the hand as a whole.

Now we can already determine what type - fire, water, air or earth - a person’s hands belong to, which, in turn, allows us to draw certain conclusions regarding his character and temperament. Just a quick glance at a hand can significantly add to our knowledge about a given person.


First, pay attention to whether a person’s hand is soft or hard. In some cases, the hand may feel springy to the touch, that is, neither soft nor firm. If the hand is fleshy and soft, this means that its owner loves luxury and pleasure and readily indulges his passions and desires.

If the hand has the opposite qualities, that is, it is hard to the touch, then in front of you is a strong person, steadfastly enduring all the vicissitudes of fate and not afraid of troubles. Such a person is able to resist any temptation in the name of what seems more important and significant to him at this stage of life.


Now pay attention to how your hand looks and feels: rough or smooth. Don't be fooled by calluses caused by hard physical labor. Believe me, a person who earns a living by physical labor can have smooth hands. A rough hand is primarily characterized by large skin pores. As a rule, it is more noticeable on the back of the hand.

People with very rough hands tend to have strong primitive instincts and an equal appetite. Their needs are very limited, and if they are fulfilled, people of this type feel happy and content. If given the opportunity, they are prone to abuse. People of this type are called “thick-skinned”.

People with smooth hands are much more cultured and aesthetic in everything they do. As a rule, they have a keen interest in all forms and types of creativity and strive to ensure that their homes and workplaces are as attractive and beautiful as possible.


When examining the back of your hand, pay attention to the amount of hair growing on it. A small amount of hair indicates masculinity and is a favorable sign for male hand. An abundance of hair indicates a person with great physical needs, who can only be happy when they are fully satisfied.


When a person extends his hand to you, pay attention to whether the fingers are closed or slightly apart. People who keep their fingers tightly pressed together tend to be cautious, cautious, introspective and suffer from a lack of self-confidence.

People who extend their hands with their fingers apart are much more confident and open. They are less likely to doubt own strength and abilities than people who keep their fingers closed. Sometimes people extend their hand to the palmist with their fingers apart and their palm completely open, but in the process of fortune-telling they begin to gradually close their fingers and squeeze their palm. This process of slowly clenching the hand means that they are afraid of revealing their secrets.


The palm is divided into four parts by two imaginary lines. A vertical line running along the middle finger (Saturn finger) through the entire palm to the wrist divides it into two parts, outer and inner. The outer half includes the thumb and is associated with the actions we take in the world around us.

The inner half is associated with internal thoughts and decisions known only to us. A horizontal imaginary line runs under the base of the fingers and also divides the palm into two parts, upper and lower. The half that includes the fingers is associated with activity, while the lower half is more passive and less receptive. As a result, the palm is divided into four quadrants: external active, internal active, external passive, internal passive.

When examining your hand, pay attention to which quadrant is most pronounced, most obvious. Of course, this is very relative. One of the quadrants may appear more prominent and larger because of the hills (small bumps) present on it, or simply because one part of the arm seems more important to you than the others. I’ll share a secret: in the process of fortune telling, a palmist should always listen to his intuition. It will never hurt anyone.

If no part of the hand appears dominant in relation to its other parts, this means that the person has managed to achieve balance in different areas of life.


The active outer quadrant includes the superior phalanx of the thumb, forefinger and half of the middle finger. This part of the hand symbolizes a person's ambitions and goals. If the active outer quadrant is dominant, this indicates that the person will spare no intellectual and physical effort to achieve success.


Directly below the active outer quadrant is the passive outer quadrant, which includes the lower phalanx of the thumb and the hill located lower in the palm (the hill of Venus). This quadrant is associated with physical endurance and sexual activity.

A well-developed passive outer quadrant indicates that the individual has great physical strength and endurance and no less sexual potency. If this area of ​​the arm appears to be the weakest of the four, this indicates that the person is physically passive and rarely experiences elation.


The active inner quadrant includes the ring finger, little finger, and half of the middle finger. If this quadrant is dominant, the person is more interested in science and art than in ways to achieve success and recognition.


And finally we come to the passive inner quadrant. It includes a section of the arm known as the Mount of the Moon, which we will discuss in detail a little later. The Mount of the Moon is associated with creativity and the subconscious, therefore, being dominant, the passive inner quadrant indicates that a person understands his feelings well, feels their slightest nuances and fluctuations, and has strong intuition.

This quadrant is also associated with imagination and, as a rule, is especially well developed in people who are professionally involved in creativity, such as artists, poets and musicians.

So, today you look simply irresistible: you made and put on a new skirt. On this occasion, you can add a new photo to your feed! And you know perfectly well how to present yourself in a favorable light, from what angle your face looks better, but where to put your hands in the photo - that is the question? To solve this eternal problem Most girls, we have collected several useful ones so that your pictures and poses in them always look natural and relaxed. Be sure to try it!

Pretend to straighten your hair

Place a strand of hair behind your ear, looking down or forward. This gesture will draw the beholder's attention to your face, while your hand will look very graceful. Show off your new earrings at the same time!

Pose with your friend

Friends are the ones who will help you out in any situation. Take her hand and walk with her, smiling and laughing at a joke or another funny story. You can also pretend that you are pointing to something in the distance with your hand.

Keep them busy

Take any item in one hand: clutch, phone, coffee, gloves. The second hand can remain free.

Put your hand in your pocket

You can do it completely, or you can do it so that only your thumb is visible. If you put both hands in your pockets, don’t forget to straighten your shoulders - otherwise you will look like you are very cold.

Hands in motion

Feel like a street style star - just walk down the street, forgetting about the camera lens, and your hands will take a natural position.

Throw something over your shoulders

Throw a coat, jacket or stole on top - your hands will be completely covered, and with your free hand, grab the edge as if you were straightening it.

Put the phone to your ear

A very successful and casual pose in a good way - as if you were having an enthusiastic conversation and only raised your eyes for a moment to smile at the photographer.

...or pretend to be looking for something on your phone or scrolling through your news feed.

The art of posing: where to place your hands in a photograph was last modified: October 13, 2016 by Natasha Balaeva

Upon careful examination, the structure, like any other part of our musculoskeletal system, is quite complex. It consists of three main structures: bones, muscles and ligaments that hold the bones. The hand has three sections, namely the wrist, fingers and metacarpus.

In this article we will take a closer look at the hand: the joints of the hand. Let's start with a description of the bones in its different sections.

Carpal bones

Since the hands must perform fairly precise and intricate movements, the structure of the bones of the hand is also extremely complex. There are 8 small bones in the wrist irregular shape, located in two rows. In the figure below you can see the structure of the right hand.

The proximal row forms an articular surface convex to the radius. It includes bones, counting from the fifth toe to the thumb: pisiform, triquetrum, lunate and scaphoid. The next row is distal. It connects to an irregularly shaped proximal joint. The distal row consists of four bones: trapezoid, polygonal, capitate and hamate.

Metacarpal bones

This section, consisting of 5 tubular parts, also demonstrates the intricate structure of the hand. The skeleton of these tubular bones is complex. Each of them has a body, a base and a head. The 1st finger is shorter than the others and is massive. The second metacarpal bone is the longest. The rest decrease in length as they move away from the first and approach the ulnar edge. The bases of the aforementioned metacarpal bones articulate with the bones that form the carpus. The first and fifth metacarpal bones have bases with saddle-shaped articular surfaces, the others are flat. The heads of the metacarpal bones, having an articular surface (hemispherical), articulate with the proximal digital phalanges.

Finger bones

Each finger, with the exception of the first, which consists of only two phalanges and does not have a middle one, has 3 phalanges: distal, proximal and middle (intermediate). The shortest are distal; proximal - the longest. At the distal end there is the head of the phalanx, and at the proximal end there is its base.

Sesamoid bones of the hand

In the thickness of the tendons, in addition to the indicated bones, there are sesamoids, located between the proximal phalanx of the thumb and its metacarpal bone. There are also unstable sesamoid bones. They are located between the proximal phalanges of the fifth and second fingers and their metacarpal bones. Typically, the sesamoid bones are located on the palmar surface. But sometimes they can be found on the back. The pisiform bone also belongs to the above-mentioned species. The sesamoid bones and their processes increase the leverage of the muscles attached to them.

We have examined the structure of the hand and bones of the hand, now we move on to the ligamentous apparatus.

Wrist joint

It is made up radius and bones of the proximal row of the wrist: triquetrum, lunate and scaphoid. The ulna is complemented by an articular disc and does not reach the wrist joint. The main role in the formation of the elbow joint is played by the radius. The wrist joint is elliptical in shape. It allows abduction, adduction, flexion and extension of the hand. A small passive rotational movement (10-12 degrees) is also possible in this joint, but is carried out due to the elasticity of the articular cartilage. Through soft fabrics It is easy to detect the gap of the wrist joint, which can be felt from the ulnar and radial sides. From the ulna you can feel the depression between the triquetral bone and the head of the ulna. On the radial side there is a gap between the scaphoid bone and the lateral styloid process.

The movements of the wrist joint are closely related to the work of the midcarpal joint, located between the distal and proximal rows. Its surface is complex and irregular in shape. When flexing and extending, the range of mobility reaches 85 degrees. The adduction of the hand in the above-mentioned joint reaches 40 degrees, abduction - 20. The wrist joint can perform circumduction, i.e. Roundabout Circulation.

This joint is strengthened by numerous ligaments. They are located between individual bones, as well as on the lateral, medial, dorsal and palmar surfaces of the wrist. (radial and ulnar) play the most important role. On the ulnar and radial sides, between the bony elevations, there is a flexor retinaculum - a special ligament. In fact, it does not belong to the joints of the hand, being a thickening of the fascia. The flexor retinaculum turns the carpal groove into a canal for the median nerve and digital flexor tendons. Let us continue to describe the anatomical structure of the hand.

Carpometacarpal joints

They flat shape, sedentary. The exception is the thumb joint. The range of motion of the carpometacarpal joints is no more than 5-10 degrees. They have limited mobility because the ligaments are well developed. Located on the palmar surface, they form a stable palmar ligamentous apparatus that connects the bones of the wrist and metacarpals. There are arcuate ligaments on the hand, as well as transverse and radial ones. The capitate bone is central to the ligamentous apparatus, and the ligaments are attached to it. The palmar ones are much better developed than the dorsal ones. The dorsal ligaments connect the bones of the wrist. They form thickening capsules that cover the joints located between these bones. The interosseous are located in the second row of carpal bones.

In the thumb, the carpometacarpal joint is formed by the base of the first metacarpal and polygonal bone. The articular surfaces are saddle-shaped. This joint can perform the following actions: abduction, adduction, reposition (backward movement), opposition (opposition) and circumduction (circular movement). The volume of grasping movements, due to the fact that the thumb is opposed to all the others, increases significantly. The mobility of the carpometacarpal joint of this finger during adduction and abduction is 45-60 degrees, and 35-40 during reverse movement and opposition.

Structure of the hand: metacarpophalangeal joints

These joints of the hand are formed by the heads of the metacarpal bones with the participation of the bases of the proximal phalanges of the fingers. They are spherical in shape, have 3 axes of rotation perpendicular to each other, around which extension and flexion, abduction and adduction are carried out, as well as circular movements(circumduction). Adduction and abduction are possible by 45-50 degrees, and flexion and extension by 90-100. These joints have collateral ligaments located on the sides that strengthen them. Palmar, or accessory, are located on the palmar side of the capsule. Their fibers are intertwined with the fibers of the deep transverse ligament, which prevents divergence in different sides heads of metacarpal bones.

Interphalangeal joints of the hand

They are block-shaped, and their axes of rotation run transversely. Extension and flexion are possible around these axes. The proximal interphalangeal joints have a range of flexion and extension equal to 110-120 degrees, distal ones - 80-90. The interphalangeal joints are very well strengthened thanks to the collateral ligaments.

Synovial and fibrous sheaths of the tendons of the fingers

The extensor retinaculum, like the flexor retinaculum, plays a huge role in strengthening the position of the tendons of the muscles running underneath them. This is especially true when working with the hand: when extending and bending it. Nature has conceived a very competent structure that finds support in the above-mentioned ligaments from their inner surface. Separation of tendons from bones is prevented by ties. This allows for intensive work and strong muscle contraction to withstand great pressure.

Special tendon sheaths, which are bone-fibrous or fibrous canals, help reduce friction and slip of the tendons running to the hand from the forearm. They contain synovial vaginas. The largest number of them (6-7) is located under the extensor retinaculum. The radius and ulna have grooves that correspond to the location of muscle tendons. And also the so-called fibrous bridges, which separate the canals from each other and pass to the bones from the extensor retinaculum.

Palmar synovial sheaths belong to the flexor tendons of the fingers and hands. The common synovial sheath extends to the center of the palm and reaches the distal phalanx of the fifth finger. The tendons of the superficial and deep digital flexors are located here. The thumb has a long flexor tendon, located separately in the synovial sheath and passing onto the finger along with the tendon. The synovial sheaths in the palm area lack the tendons of the muscles that go to the fourth, second and third fingers. Only the tendon of the fifth finger has a synovial sheath, which is a continuation of the common one.

Muscles of the hand

In the picture below you can see the muscles of the arm. The structure of the hand is shown here in more detail.

There are muscles in the hand only on the palmar side. They are divided into three groups: middle, thumb and small fingers.

Since finger movements require great precision, there are a significant number of short muscles in the hand, which complicate the structure of the hand. We will consider the arm muscles of each group below.

Middle muscle group

It is formed by worm-shaped muscles, starting from the tendons of the deep flexor of the fingers and attached to the proximal phalanges, or rather their bases, from the second to the fifth finger, if we consider the structure of the hand. These hand muscles also come from the dorsal and palmar interosseous muscles, located in the spaces between the bones of the metacarpus, attached to the base of the proximal phalanges. The function of this group is that these muscles are involved in flexing the proximal phalanges of the named fingers. Thanks to the palmar interosseous muscles, it is possible to bring the fingers to the middle finger of the hand. With the help of the dorsal interosseous, they are pulled apart.

Muscles of the thumb

This group forms the eminence of the thumb. These muscles begin near the nearby bones of the metacarpus and wrist. As for the thumb, its flexor brevis inserts near the sesamoid bone, which is located near the base of the proximal phalanx. The adductor pollicis muscle goes to the first bone of the metacarpus, and the adductor pollicis muscle is located on the side of the internal sesamoid bone.

Muscles of the small finger

This group of muscles forms an elevation on the inside of the palm. These include: the abductor digiti minimi, the opponens minimi, the palmaris brevis, and the flexor brevis muscle.

They originate from nearby bones in the wrist. These muscles are attached to the base of the fifth finger, more precisely its proximal phalanx, and to the fifth metacarpal bone. Their function is reflected in the name.

In the article we tried to most accurately represent the structure of the hand. Anatomy is basic science, which, of course, requires more careful study. Therefore, some questions remained unanswered. The structure of the hand and wrist is a topic that interests not only doctors. Knowledge of it is also necessary for athletes, fitness instructors, students and other categories of people. The structure of the hand, as you noticed, is quite complex, and you can study it for quite a long time, relying on various sources.