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» What you need to grow mushrooms at home. Growing porcini mushrooms at home. Mushroom growing technology How to grow mushrooms at home

What you need to grow mushrooms at home. Growing porcini mushrooms at home. Mushroom growing technology How to grow mushrooms at home

Mushrooms as a food product have been known to man for thousands of years. These organisms are nutritious, rich in protein, microelements and fiber and at the same time have low calorie content. A lot of time passed before people figured out how to grow mushrooms at home, like vegetables - at home or in their garden plots.

Growing mushrooms at home

Features of growing mushrooms at home: it should be remembered that growing mushrooms and vegetables is not the same thing . Mushroom growing at home has its own nuances:

Growing oyster mushrooms at home: mushroom cultivation technology

For the first three weeks, the substrate with mycelium must be kept in a warm and humid place. Optimum temperature +20°C - +22°C. Later, it is necessary to move the mycelium to a cool room, for example, a basement.

Choosing the right variety

Mushrooms that are least problematic to grow at home are champignons, oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms. Each of these mushrooms has its own nutrient medium: for champignons it is compost, humus, for shiitake it is sawdust, and in a straw substrate.

Having decided on the type of mushrooms, you should choose a method for breeding them.

There are two main ways to grow mushrooms at home:

How to grow mushrooms at home and which mushrooms to choose is a matter of taste for every mushroom grower. However, fans of the intensive method of mushroom cultivation should remember that mushrooms release spores into the air, which negatively affect the human respiratory system and can cause severe forms of allergies.

Therefore, premises allocated for growing mushrooms should be as far as possible from the residential area.

User reviews

Intensive method. To do this I use a small pot and humus. Of course, I add all kinds of fertilizers - without them, the rapid development of the fungus is impossible. I chose champignons because of their greater abundance and very simple care. I communicate with other mushroom growers - this is the most common type among beginners. However, I am not going to change my preferences.

Nikolay Arkhipov

All my friends advised me to start with champignons. Even best friend He proved to me all the time that this is the simplest mushroom. He said that it is better suited for beginners than others, because caring for it does not require extra funds. I tried, but I didn't succeed. I planted them in sawdust. I did everything according to the instructions, but the plant died. But there are no problems with shiitake, it is still growing. Now I know for sure that it is better to start with them, and not with champignons, and planting itself is easier.

Mushroom cultivation begins with the selection of a site or room for cultivation. After this, you need to buy or prepare mycelium, prepare the substrate and provide optimal conditions for the development of mycelium.

How to grow mushrooms in artificial conditions You will find a detailed description of the technology in this article. With its help, you can grow a rich harvest of mushrooms not only in the basement, but also in garden plot or even in a city apartment.

Growing mushrooms at home for beginners

Before starting to grow mushrooms at home, a beginner needs to decide which species is best to cultivate. Experts recommend starting with simple varieties: champignons, honey mushrooms or oyster mushrooms, since they require minimal conditions, and the purchase of mycelium and materials will not be expensive (Figure 1).

In addition, it is necessary to provide in advance the area or room where cultivation will be carried out. It is advisable to isolate it, since spores easily spread through the air and can easily infect the entire area.


There are certain conditions for successful cultivation. Firstly, you need to independently prepare or buy high-quality mycelium, since the success of the entire enterprise will depend on this.

Note: It is better to buy ready-made mycelium from trusted manufacturers, since homemade spores often do not have sufficient quality.

Secondly, you need to prepare a good substrate (compost) into which the mycelium is colonized. You can also prepare it yourself, or buy a ready-made sterile mixture from sawdust and wood scraps. This mixture is considered the best, as it allows the spores to form the so-called fungal root, which significantly increases the yield.

Figure 1. Methods of growing at home

In addition, you need to prepare suitable premises. Oyster mushrooms and honey mushrooms can also be grown in the garden on ordinary stumps, but it is still better to equip a basement and a greenhouse for this purpose. It would be better if there were no wooden structures in the room, since in conditions of high humidity and under the influence of spores they quickly collapse.

If you are interested in the practical side of the issue, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with expert advice that will help you properly organize your own small mushroom farm.

Basic tips for growing mushrooms are:(Figure 2):

  1. Equip the room in such a way that you can change the temperature depending on the phase of the growing season. To do this, you need to equip a ventilation, air humidification and heating system.
  2. As a substrate, you can use not only sawdust, but also high-quality cereal straw (rye or wheat). The straw should show no signs of mold or rot.
  3. Indoors, install racks with containers that will contain the nutrient substrate. It is better to make the racks metal, since wood quickly rots in such conditions. For oyster mushrooms and honey mushrooms, ordinary plastic bags filled with substrate are also suitable.

Figure 2. Growing conditions at home

It is also necessary to provide a room where the crop will be stored and processed. It is important that in order to maintain sterility, all rooms for preparing the substrate, infecting the blocks with mycelium and direct maturation must be located separately or separated by partitions.

Selecting a location

You can grow mushrooms almost anywhere. But there are rooms that are best suited for this purpose. For example, if you have a free basement with ventilation, cultivation can be established in it.

Also suitable for this purpose is a greenhouse or part of a garden plot, if possible, isolated from other crops. Oyster mushrooms and honey mushrooms grow best outdoors, but if the temperature and humidity conditions are maintained, champignons and porcini mushrooms can also be grown in such conditions.

An easy way to grow mushrooms

The easiest way to grow mushrooms at home is in a jar (Figure 3). Unfortunately, honey mushrooms are mainly cultivated in this way, but if the variety is not of fundamental importance to you, you can easily use this method.

A nutrient substrate is poured into a jar and the containers are boiled over low heat for two hours. When the jars have cooled, the surface of the compost is seeded with mycelium, the neck is covered with gauze and placed in a room at room temperature. Germination of the mycelium takes about 3 weeks, and during this period it is not necessary to maintain optimal lighting conditions.

Figure 3. Features of growing honey mushrooms in a jar

When the mycelium germinates, the jar is transferred to the windowsill and a little shading is done. Honey mushrooms grow very quickly, so when their caps appear above the neck, you need to wrap it with a thick strip of cardboard so that the mushroom legs do not break. In the future, the crop is simply cut off, the jars are closed again and the procedure is repeated. The second harvest can be harvested in 2 weeks.

What mushrooms can be grown at home?

You can grow almost any variety at home, but the most popular are champignons, oyster mushrooms, shiitake and honey mushrooms. They require minimal care and investment, and the yield is high enough that it can be harvested several times.

More experienced mushroom growers are also cultivating porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and other forest varieties at home, but this venture is technologically more complex and requires more careful preparation of the room and substrate. This condition also applies to truffles - expensive mushrooms that are highly valued by gourmets all over the world. Truffles grow on the roots of certain trees, and they require a variety of climate conditions to grow.

How to grow mushrooms in the garden

Growing mushrooms in your garden plot is not difficult if you choose the right ones. necessary materials and study in detail the cultivation technology.

Champignons, oyster mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms and winter honey mushrooms are best suited for growing in the country, so we will dwell in more detail on the peculiarities of cultivating these varieties.


Each variety requires compliance special conditions. Oyster mushroom is considered the most unpretentious, as it grows well on almost any substrate and does not require the purchase of expensive equipment.

Honey mushrooms are also easy to grow: all you need to do is install a few stumps in the garden, drill holes in them and place the mycelium inside. Further care consists of observing the wood and harvesting the harvest, since honey mushrooms grow in the open air almost the same as in the forest.

Figure 4. Recommendations for growing crops in the garden

If you plan to breed champignons or shiitake, you will still have to take some features into account. They require dark and enough wet room, in which you can regulate the temperature, since during the period of germination of the mycelium and the growth of the fruiting bodies themselves, it differs (Figure 4).


In order for cultivation on a garden plot to be completed successfully, you need to complete several important conditions, depending on the variety.

To grow you will need to follow these rules(Figure 5):

  • Oyster mushrooms It is better to place it in the garden or basement with little to no lighting. The substrate with mycelium is placed in large plastic bags with holes and suspended from the ceiling, and during the harvest period the fruiting bodies are simply cut off.
  • Champignon cultivated outdoors from May to September, and in a basement or greenhouse, where it is possible to maintain stable temperature and humidity - and all year round. To grow champignons, it is better to install metal racks with shelves in which the mycelium and mycelium will be placed.
  • Honey mushrooms can be grown directly in the garden by burying several logs or stumps at some distance from other trees so that honey mushroom spores do not penetrate healthy wood.
  • Shiitake grown mainly in basements and sheds, on beams or stumps of deciduous trees. Holes are made in them into which the mycelium is placed, and the room itself is maintained in high humidity and twilight.

Figure 5. Growing oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, champignons and shiitake mushrooms at home

Providing optimal conditions for all the varieties listed above is not difficult, because most often old barns and basements are used for this purpose, and cultivation equipment (for example, racks or boxes for substrate) can be made yourself.


Growing mushrooms is not a difficult task, but for its successful implementation it requires following certain recommendations.

It is also necessary to equip a separate room for storing and processing the crop, as well as disinfecting the substrate. At a distance from the mushroom growing complex there is a place for disposal of waste substrate.

The video shows how to grow porcini mushrooms on summer cottage.

Growing mushrooms in your summer cottage can be not only a way to replenish your harvest with tasty products, but also a good way to earn money if you organize production correctly.

Like the cultivation of other crops, the cultivation of mushrooms is carried out according to certain rules, which will be described in detail below.


There are several ways to grow crops in your dacha. The simplest one is to use an already developed mycelium. To do this, just go into the forest, find a place of mass growth of edible varieties, remove the mycelium from the soil and transfer it to your site.

Note: This method is simple, but it is only suitable for those who know exactly what edible varieties look like. If you are new to this business, it is better to buy mycelium.

It is important that for cultivation in the country, it will be enough to transfer only part of the mycelium in order to preserve the harvest in the forest. It must be carefully removed from the soil and, trying not to shake too much, transferred to your summer cottage and placed in the chosen place. The site must be prepared in advance and conditions suitable for the growth of fruiting bodies must be created.


The cultivation area can be anything, but it is better to place it near old trees or rotten logs. The mycelium cannot be planted directly into the ground: in order to bear fruit, it needs a nutrient substrate from which the fruiting bodies will develop. To do this, you can put straw or wet sawdust on the ground.

The mycelium can be transferred not only to the ground, but also to a piece of log or stump dug into the ground. To do this, holes are drilled in the wood with a drill and the mycelium is placed inside. It is desirable that the tree on which crops will be grown in the country be of the same species as in the forest.


Another simple growing technology is the spore method. Spores are constantly in their caps, so it is enough to collect ripe, or better yet, overripe specimens, crumble their caps and scatter them around the area.

The soil needs to be moistened, and after 3 weeks you can start harvesting. When using this technology, you must be absolutely sure that you are using edible and not poisonous species.

Mushrooms in plastic bags

Another simple one, but enough effective way Growing mushrooms in plastic bags is considered (Figure 6).

It is better to cultivate oyster mushrooms or shiitakes this way, but some mushroom growers also practice it for champignons. To begin the procedure, take large plastic bags and fill them with substrate. Small transverse cuts are made along the entire length of the bag, into which the mycelium is populated. The bags (called blocks) are then carried into the growing room, hung from the ceiling or placed on racks, and the room is maintained at a suitable temperature level.

Figure 6. Features of growing in plastic bags

Harvest in in this case very convenient: they can simply be cut along the line of the holes, and after a few weeks the crop can be harvested again, since all varieties, without exception, bear fruit in several waves.

You will find more information about growing in bags in the video.

Oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms are best suited for growing mushrooms in the basement, although champignons can also be cultivated in such rooms.

Basement is best suited for this purpose, as it usually has sufficient ventilation, moderate lighting and stable temperatures necessary for the development and growth of fruiting bodies.


The main feature of growing in the basement is that the room must be divided into two zones: for the germination of the mycelium and directly for fruiting. The fact is that these processes require different temperatures and sterility, so it is advisable that there are two separate rooms in the basement. Otherwise, you can simply create a small partition between the zones, or grow only one batch at a time.

Mushroom blocks should not be filled with substrate too tightly: the soil must be loose and breathable for the mycelium to develop normally. During the process, it is imperative to monitor the seedlings in order to detect signs of disease or pest damage in time.


There are certain rules that should be followed when growing in the basement (Figure 7). Firstly, it is better to use mushroom blocks made of plastic bags with holes on the sides: this way, the free space of the basement is used up evenly, and the harvest remains high.

Figure 8. Features of growing in the basement

Secondly, you need to constantly monitor the temperature in the room. At the stage of mycelium germination, the temperature is maintained at 22-25 degrees, and after the first shoots appear, it is reduced to 12-18.

Otherwise, the rules depend on the specific species. For example, oyster mushrooms and shiitakes require higher humidity than champignons, and for honey mushrooms it is better not to make mushroom blocks, but to install stumps or logs into which the mycelium is populated.

Mushrooms are a natural source of protein and valuable vitamins. Growing mushrooms at home for beginners is difficult, but exciting process that bears good fruit. The finished product can be consumed independently or sold.

Technology for growing mushrooms at home

Mycelium for growing mushrooms

Organizing a proper mycelium takes almost half the time it takes to grow mushrooms. Growing experts prefer mycelium of their own production. Otherwise, the abundance and speed of harvest will depend on suppliers, who do not always work perfectly. High-quality mycelium can be grown on wooden sticks or grain substrate. Each variety of mushroom requires a different approach.

Mushroom growing kit

Today there are kits on sale that allow you to grow mushrooms with absolutely no effort. Most often these are boxes with oyster mushrooms. Russian instructions are included, so you won’t get confused in the process and will definitely get a harvest. The used substrate will be used as fertilizer. According to the manufacturer's recommendation, a temperature of 14 to 22 degrees is needed. The box gives 3 harvests, and there is only a week pause between them, during which time the substrate is restored. Home care consists of regular watering. The cardboard container has dotted lines for creating slits, a linen towel, a watering device, a thermometer with a magnet, and the mushroom block itself.

Blocks for growing mushrooms

Mushroom blocks are convenient polyethylene bags. Dimensions of packages may vary. Today, packages of 900 by 350 mm are in demand. The manufacturer fills the bags with substrate. This is a highly nutritious medium for fungal growth. The package also contains mushroom seed material. If you place the block in appropriate conditions, a rich harvest of high-quality mushrooms will soon appear. Most often it is oyster mushroom. One block costs from 100 rubles.

Growing mushrooms in a greenhouse

To grow mushrooms in greenhouses, you need to choose and prepare the greenhouse design correctly. Most often, dim light and humidity up to 90% are recommended. Greenhouses consisting of 4 flanges, where there is heating - gas, stove or electric, are best suited for growing champignons. Oyster mushrooms grow well in greenhouses. For mushroom greenhouses, fog sprayers are often purchased and installed ventilation systems, manual or mechanical straw chopper.

mushrooms can be grown in suppression, greenhouse, garden, in bags

Growing champignon mushrooms

Conditions for growing mushrooms in the basement of a house

Champignons do not need light, so they can grow in a dark basement. Mushrooms require good ventilation with insect mesh, but without drafts. It is permissible to install forced fans above the drawers and cleaning filters. IN winter months turn on the heating. The humidity is monitored with a hygrometer and thermometer, the room is ventilated to reduce humidity, and the floors and shelving are irrigated to increase it. Mycelium growth occurs at a temperature of 23 degrees, fruits grow at 16-17 degrees. Thus, it is better to have 2 zones with a stable temperature - in one, incubation occurs and the mycelium grows into the substrate, and in the other, a crop is created.

How to grow mushrooms in the basement?

Champignon harvest

The optimal temperature for mycelium growth is the range of 20-27 degrees. Young mushroom threads can be seen after 10-12 days. Next, you need to pour 4 cm of soil onto the substrate (soil mixed with peat, limestone), wait another 5 days. Spray the planting with water from time to time. When the incubation phase ends, the temperature is reduced to 12-17 degrees and the growth of mushrooms begins. After 3-4 months the harvest occurs. The mushrooms are removed by twisting, without cutting, and the place of the mushroom is covered with soil. The harvest is harvested at the moment when the cap has not yet appeared white film, no brown plates. Active growth lasts 1-2 weeks, you can get 5-8 harvests. The varieties best suited for growing at home are double-ringed, double-spored, Hauser A15, meadow champignon, Somycel 512.

Equipment for mushroom cultivation

Large champignon producers use expensive equipment. For example, hot water boilers, steam generators. The work is performed by machines and mechanisms, such as conveyors, soil rippers, irrigation devices, and lifts with winches. And manufacturers are forced to buy a lot ventilation equipment, For example, centrifugal fans and heaters, heat exchangers and air purification systems.

Growing oyster mushrooms

Conditions for the growth of oyster mushrooms

If you grow oyster mushrooms in a natural environment, the harvest will only come once a year, so the intensive method of growing on a special substrate is popular. The basement for mushrooms should be clean, free of pests and mold, with good ventilation, temperature 10-20 degrees, humidity 85-95%. Typically the space must be sealed and heated. First you need to purchase mycelium and substrate - it includes hay, buckwheat husks, stems, and wood shavings. The product is sold in bags. For looseness and air saturation, the substrate is treated by dry or wet blowing with steam, boiling for 1.5 hours in hot water. You can boil the substrate in a bag with holes. Drying thoroughly for 2 days will protect against mold. Then grind the substrate and mix. Mycelium is stored for 6-9 months at a temperature of 3-4 degrees (not higher than 20 degrees).

Growing mushrooms in bags

Keep the mycelium for 1 day at room temperature. Mash directly in the package. The mycelium is planted and mushrooms are grown in different rooms or behind a partition. Open the package under sterile conditions. Mix the mycelium and substrate, there should be 1.5-3% mycelium. Pack the mixture into plastic bags, each weighing 10-15 kg. For the basement, 5 kg bags are better. You need to make holes in each bag. The cuts are made with a clean knife, at an angle of 45 degrees, 50 mm long. Place the bags in an incubation area with a temperature of 25 degrees, not higher than 30 degrees. Do not ventilate the room. The free area between the bags is at least 5 cm. The bags are not stacked on top of each other. Incubation lasts 18-25 days, then for cultivation we place the bags vertically.

Growing mushrooms as a business

If the temperature is up to 20 degrees, mushrooms with dark caps will grow, and up to 10 - with light caps. For harvest you need lighting - 5 W per 1 sq. m. Water the mushrooms with warm irrigation 1-2 times a day. To prevent spores in the air from causing allergies, you need to keep mushrooms away from your home. The harvest will appear in 1.5 months. When you collect mushrooms, the next batch will ripen in 14-21 days. To speed up the growth of the crop, you need to sort out the substrate and cut off the entire stem. At the right approach Oyster mushrooms grow for 6 months. If mold appears, remove the bag and make fertilizer out of it. For successful business Oyster mushrooms require investment, but it all pays off. 100 sq. m of plantings will bring up to 4 tons of harvest per year. A kilogram of mushrooms costs about $1.50. To grow your business, purchase a set of tools and follow the instructions. Special blocks and others for sale useful accessories, which facilitate the process and ensure a rich harvest.

Growing mushrooms on stumps

If you populate garden stumps with mycelium, you can harvest for 5 years. The stump will gradually degenerate into dust. Not only oyster mushrooms, but also honey mushrooms grow well on stumps. To saturate a stump with mycelium, you need to chop and soak mushroom caps in warm rainwater. There is also another method - remove a section of a forest stump where mushrooms grew and nail it to a garden stump. Moisten the transplantation area. To create comfort for mushroom growth, shade is needed; for this, monardas, rudbeckias and ferns are planted around the perimeter of mushroom stumps. Stump dust is a good fertilizer.

Growing Shiitake Mushrooms

Planting mycelium in logs

The basis for growing mushrooms is felled logs from oak, chestnut, beech, and hornbeam trees. The bars are selected healthy, 20 cm in diameter, 1.5 m long, with a humidity of 35-70%. The bars are suitable for sowing mycelium for 1-3 months. To do this, holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern using a sterile 8 mm drill. Lay the rows of holes 10 cm apart from each other, space the holes 20 cm apart from each other. The depth of the holes is 50 cm. The laying of the substrate mycelium occurs under wooden plugs, which are hammered in and covered with paraffin or wax. Place all the blanks in a woodpile and place it in the greenhouse. But forests, greenhouses, and hangars are also suitable for incubation.

Shiitake fruiting

Proper incubation takes place at 20-26 degrees, 6-18 months. To stimulate fruiting, moisture is necessary. Mushrooms will grow for 2-5 years; the active period may differ for bars of different sizes. In a warm environment, shiitake fruits produce fruits 2 times a year. After 2 months, the logs are soaked to rest. This technique is ideal for humid regions. The best place for organizing a plantation, it is a place protected from the sun and without drafts.

Growing shiitake in bags

The bagging technique is applicable not only to oyster mushrooms, but also to shiitake mushrooms. A normal substrate can be made from sawdust obtained from deciduous trees. An important fact is the size of the sawdust mass fractions. The fractions should not be very small, otherwise the mass will clump and there will be no full air movement. A moist and clean microclimate should be created to obtain a high-quality harvest.

Growing porcini mushrooms

What is needed to grow mushrooms in a mycelium plot?

Porcini mushrooms are successfully cultivated in natural soil. Therefore, a personal plot is the best plantation. The downside here is that you can only harvest once a year. Mycelium can be bought at the store. It is laid out in May-September under coniferous trees that are not old. You will also need properly prepared compost, leaves, moss and branches. One plot can take up to 1.5 m, the tree will be in the center.

Planting porcini mushrooms in the garden

Remove 20 cm of soil. Place a 2 cm layer of compost or soil rich in peat. The mycelium is laid out in a checkerboard pattern, at intervals of approximately 30 cm. Cover the planting with straw and water it. Optimal soil moisture is 40%. The established mycelium will produce a harvest in a year. Porcini mushrooms will grow in the country for 3-4 years. Subject to fertilization - up to 7 years.

Porcini mushrooms indoors

If porcini mushrooms are grown indoors, then it is necessary to adhere to the temperature range of 8-12 degrees. You also need enhanced ventilation, periodically turn on the lighting and keep the humidity at 90-92%.

Growing mushrooms from caps in the country

Cap technology is also available in the garden. Seed material is 10 mature mushrooms, which have 20 cm caps with greenish flesh. Soak the mushrooms for a day in a bucket of rainwater, then mash them by hand without removing them from the bucket. Using a sieve, separate the infusion with spores from the mushroom pulp. Pour the solution onto a bare piece of land, the proportions are 2 liters per square meter. m, then put the mushroom tissue, sprinkle with soil and water. In winter, cover the material. Watering once a week. When the mycelium takes root, after 1-2 years, 2-5 kg ​​of harvest will appear. Porcini mushrooms will grow for 3-4 years.

You can grow mushrooms in your garden plot different varieties if you bury mushroom caps and water them

Growing Kombucha

How to make kombucha from tea leaves?

Kombucha is grown to create a tasty and healthy drink. You only need a few items - a clean 3-liter jar, black loose leaf tea without additives and a kettle, gauze, sugar and boiling water. First, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water and 5 tablespoons of tea, then filter the infusion using gauze. Pour strong tea leaves into a jar, cover with gauze, and keep in a warm environment for 1.5 months. After a week, the infusion will smell like vinegar; after a week it will become weaker. A thin film will gradually stretch on the surface of the tea leaves - this is the rudiment of kombucha. The mushroom will grow fat throughout its existence.

Growing rosehip mushroom

To prepare a vitamin infusion, take 4 large spoons of dry or fresh rose hips and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Keep the tea covered for 5 days. Pour rosehip infusion into a jar, mixing with tea leaves - 1 spoon of black tea large leaf for 1 glass hot water. Sweeten with sugar - 5 tablespoons, mix everything, leave for a day. Then filter the liquid through cheesecloth, wash the jar and pour the infusion into it again. Cover the container with gauze and wait 1.5-2 months, a mushroom should appear.

How to properly care for kombucha?

A healthy mushroom is always on the surface. The average volume of liquid in a jar is 0.5 liters. When the mushroom grows, the volume increases to 3 liters. To add liquid, pour the brewed tea leaves - it is brewed with boiling water, cooled, sweetened with sugar and poured into a jar. The amount of sugar is 2 tablespoons per 1 liter. Tea leaves do not harm the mushroom, but the sugar must be thoroughly dissolved and the crystals should not come into contact with the homemade mushroom. Mushroom washing - once every 14-21 days. To do this, place the mushroom on a plate, filter the liquid, and pour into a fresh jar. Wash the living round substance warm water. Brown color and separation are a sign of disease. A healthy mushroom produces a tasty clear infusion.

As you can see, mushrooms are very different and cultivation technologies are different. You can produce this wonderful product for yourself or develop a good home business on this basis.

Thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts, the technology for growing mushrooms independently has been brought to perfection. Many amateurs have long become professionals and make a living from mushroom growing. If you approach the matter wisely, the resulting harvest will not only be enough for your family, but will also remain for sale. This is very profitable business, but if you are a beginner, it is worth practicing first in small areas with easy-to-cultivate species.

Growing mushrooms is possible in basements and in open ground. In both cases, vegetative material and a special substrate are used for planting, and certain climatic conditions are created.

This article gives advice to beginners on where and how to properly grow mushrooms on their own personal plot or in the cellar.

How to grow mushrooms: methods of propagation

To grow mushrooms yourself, you can use several methods of propagation: from mycelium dug in the forest, from mycelium (purchased, specially grown mycelium), from pieces of mature mushroom caps with spores.

Mycelium transplantation. With this method of growing mushrooms in open ground On the site, a mycelium is planted, dug out in the forest at a distance of 20-30 cm from healthy mushrooms, along with a layer of earth 10-15 cm thick. It is placed in a prepared place near a tree growing in the garden. The planting area should be moist and shaded. Preferably trees of the same species as in the forest. First, within a radius of 50 cm from the trunk, remove upper layer soil 30-40 cm thick. The bottom of the “bed” is covered with compost, fallen leaves and sprinkled with earth. Then a forest layer with mycelium is laid on top. It is watered and sprinkled with fallen leaves. In dry weather carry out drip irrigation"beds".

Planting mycelium. To grow mushrooms in the country using this method, you need a mixture containing mycelium, ready for planting. It is sold in packages. There are no foreign impurities or microorganisms in it, it germinates well, and grown mushrooms are less susceptible to disease. To plant mycelium, it is also necessary to prepare the place in advance. When planting in open ground, select a tree and remove the top layer of soil 50 cm thick within a radius of 50-60 cm around its trunk. The bottom of the “bed” is prepared in the same way as in the previous case, then the soil is poured in a layer of 10 cm. Mixed soil is poured on top with the remains of the mycelium soil and compact it. Cover the bed with soil, water it and sprinkle fallen leaves on top. You can pour ready-made commercial soil for growing mushrooms at the bottom.

Most gardeners, as practice shows, benefit from growing mushrooms that do not require special care (oyster mushrooms, champignons and shiitake). They grow well on a substrate with plant waste and mineral supplements, and also produce repeated harvests for a long time. IN indoors or in a greenhouse, the harvest of these mushrooms can be obtained all year round.

To grow boletus mushrooms in your summer cottage, they should be planted under trees of the same species as in the wild. If the mushrooms selected for propagation grew, for example, under an oak tree, then planting material from them under a birch or spruce will not be effective. This is due to the close interweaving of the mycelium with the roots of trees for coexistence.

It is possible to grow mushrooms in the basement of a house: for this, the mycelium is planted in plastic bags with substrate and placed in a dark, cool place, since many fruiting bodies do not need light to grow.

Planting parts of mushroom caps. The simplest method of propagation is to plant in open ground the caps of mature mushrooms containing spores, broken into pieces or minced through a meat grinder. Before growing mushrooms in a garden plot in this way, they are filled with water for a day. They dig up the soil under the tree and add soil from the forest to it. Then the bed is watered with mushroom infusion and pieces of mushrooms are laid out on it, and fallen leaves are sprinkled on top.

This video explains how you can grow mushrooms in your dacha:

Growing champignon mushrooms in a summer cottage

Mushrooms grow where the soil is rich in organic matter, so special substrates based on plant components are used to grow them.

Growing champignon mushrooms in a garden at the dacha is possible if the temperature environment has been in positive values ​​for more than six months. To protect the mycelium from freezing, shelters are used. Compost is chosen as the substrate. You can grow champignons in greenhouses located in such a way that there is protection from direct sunlight. To do this, they are adjacent to buildings on the north side. Also, champignons grow well in rooms (basements, cellars) with special equipment (seven-rack system).

To grow these mushrooms on the plot, you need to prepare special compost. For this, the following raw materials are used: 100 kg of straw from wheat or rye, 75-100 kg of manure or 35-50 kg of bird droppings, 2.5-3 kg of urea. It will not be possible to prepare compost with less raw material, since it will not warm up and begin to overheat. It is laid on concrete platform dimensions 2 x 1.5 m or 2.5 x 2 m, under a canopy. No contact allowed compost heap with soil or rainwater to protect it from spores of harmful fungi. First, the raw materials are placed on the site in layers. The straw is crushed and laid, alternating with fertilizers and manure; the top layer should also consist of straw. Then the pile is watered with water (350-450 l). After 3-5 days, when enzymatic processes have already started in it, everything is mixed. From the mentioned amount of raw materials, 200-250 kg of compost are obtained. It is enough to create a bed with an area of ​​2.5-3 m2.

The preferred natural fertilizers for making compost are cow, pig manure and bird droppings. The latter is always used in smaller quantities, since its decomposition produces a lot of heat. To reduce the acidity of the compost, lime, dolomite flour or gypsum (7-8 kg) are added to the raw materials. If used chicken droppings or pig manure, then the amount of additive is increased by 1.5-2 times.

Growing oyster mushrooms in the basement of the house and in the garden

As practice shows, oyster mushrooms can be grown both in the garden and in the basement. They grow on woody substrate different types. They are planted on tree stumps, on wood (bark, sawdust, shavings) and agricultural plant waste (sunflower husks, straw, corn stalks) in plastic bags. The substrate made from wood waste must smell like fresh wood, be light in color (white, yellow), and contain no more than 30% moisture. Sawdust from deciduous trees is more suitable for growing. Sunflower husks as a substrate must also meet certain criteria. It should smell like fresh sunflower, and the presence of foreign impurities is not allowed. Humidity should also not exceed 30%.

To fill bags measuring 35 x 75 cm, 2.5 buckets of substrate are needed. To increase its nutritional value, organic additives are used. Information about them is attached to the mycelium purchased for planting. With the help of recommended organic additives, yields increase by up to 30%, and the time to harvest is reduced. Dry fertilizers are added when preparing the substrate, and liquid fertilizers are added before sowing the mycelium.

To grow champignons, use a substrate only with a high content of organic substances, since these mushrooms practically do not absorb mineral components. Mineral raw materials are added to the substrate only to reduce acidity in order to create optimal conditions for mushroom growth and production. good harvest.

Before growing mushrooms in the basement or garden, the finished substrate after adding organic fertilizers or slaked lime in an amount of 1-2% of the total mass must be pasteurized. It is laid out in bags, which are completely filled with water heated to a temperature of 65-70°C for 3 hours. Then they are taken out of the container and left for 8-10 hours to drain the water. During this time, the temperature of the substrate drops to 20-25°C and you can begin sowing the mycelium. The prepared substrate is moistened, crumbly and does not stick to your hands.

Growing these mushrooms in a personal plot is possible on stumps and logs with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 50 cm. Before sowing with mycelium, they are drilled on the sides and moistened or soaked in water for 7 days, which is changed daily.

Watch the video “Growing oyster mushrooms in the country,” which shows all the basic agricultural techniques:

How to grow honey mushrooms in the garden

For breeding honey mushrooms, stumps, logs, tree branches, and also wood waste. Summer honey mushrooms are planted in an open area, and winter ones are grown indoors. At the site for planting mushrooms, choose a shaded place or cover the beds with hay and straw to protect from the sun.

It is best to grow these mushrooms in a summer cottage on the stumps of trees such as birch, spruce, aspen, pine, as well as pear, apple, alder, and poplar. Spruce and pine stumps are less suitable for growing these mushrooms. But even those that are more suitable must meet certain criteria. The wood must be dense, with high humidity, without signs of damage by tinder fungi. If it is wet enough, it has a dark color, and from a small part broken off for testing, the release of moisture can be detected by touch. The condition of the wood must be checked, since sometimes the humidity of the surface layers does not correspond to the humidity of the deep layers, for example, due to recent rain or the formation of condensation due to the large difference in ambient air temperature between day and night.

The mycelium grows well on wood with even moisture, so to be safe, it is watered 1-2 days before sowing. Do it in small portions, repeatedly, so that the water does not drain, but is absorbed. Blocks and scraps of wood are pre-soaked in water for 1-2 days. Stumps from recently cut trees do not require preparation for seeding with mycelium.

Growing morel mushrooms in the garden

Growing morel mushrooms in the garden is carried out using German and French technology. The German method is breeding under apple and birch trees, among the grass under the trees. The French method means cultivation in greenhouses, in beds with drainage.

In the first case, the mushroom harvest can be harvested from one place for several years. It is important to keep the planting site in the shade

In greenhouses, a mixture of 6 parts garden soil, 3 parts sawdust and 1 part ash is used as a substrate for growing morels.

When sowing mushrooms in the garden small area, under the trees and in the greenhouse you can use a mixture of 6 parts universal primer intended for growing indoor plants, 3 parts sawdust, 1 part each ash and fallen leaves.

Growing porcini and shiitake mushrooms in the garden at the dacha

To grow porcini mushrooms in a dacha garden, you need to plant mycelium under young oaks, birches, spruce and pine trees. Horse manure, oak rot (5%) and fallen oak leaves are used as a substrate, which are poured onto the prepared area in several layers 20 cm thick. Each of them is alternated with layers of manure and rot, and also watered with a 1% solution ammonium nitrate. After 7-10 days, the substrate temperature rises to 35-40°C. To obtain a homogeneous mass, it is shoveled.

This video tells you more about growing porcini mushrooms:...

Before growing shiitake mushrooms in the garden, you need to prepare tree cuttings (oak, beech, chestnut, birch, elm, willow, maple, aspen, poplar) and a substrate based on sawdust from trees of the same species. Coniferous trees are not suitable for growing this crop. Grains and cereals are added to the substrate to increase nutritional value. To grow mushrooms, the following mixtures are used: 40 kg of sawdust, 3 kg of wheat or rice bran, 1 kg of sugar; 40 kg sawdust, 1 kg rice bran.

The substrate is soaked in boiling water, and then slightly dried and treated thermally. To do this, pour boiling water into a container with a lid and cover with an insulating layer for 8-12 hours.

How to grow mushrooms in your summer cottage: proper planting

When growing mushrooms in the garden, you can use different ways landings. They vary depending on the place and method of cultivation, as well as the type of planting material.

Champignon. After pasteurization, the substrate is poured into prepared containers (boxes that are placed on shelves) in a layer of 25-30 cm (100 kg of compost per 1 m2) or 10-15 kg are poured into perforated bags, filling them to a height of 30 cm. The substrate is lightly compacted so that it is elastic when pressed. For planting, use grain mycelium or compost mycelium. The first material is stored at a temperature of 0-4°C for up to 6 months and the consumption rate per 1 m2 is 350-400 g, and the second has a lower yield, but is stored at a temperature of 0°C for up to 1 year and is consumed at 500 g per 1 m2 .

When planting, use a pointed peg to lift part of the substrate and place a handful of grain mycelium or not at the bottom of a hole 4-5 cm deep. a large number of compost mycelium (a piece the size of egg). The substrate is returned and pressed slightly with the palm of your hand. Planting material is laid in a checkerboard pattern with an interval between holes of 20-25 cm. Sometimes grain mycelium is evenly scattered over the bed, taking into account the norm, and then sprinkled with compost on top with a layer 4-5 cm thick. Cover the container or bed with moisture-absorbing material (paper, burlap) on top ) and lightly watered from a watering can. It is important to moisten the soil, but water should not be allowed to penetrate the planting material. The temperature inside the soil is maintained at 27-28°C, indoors - not lower than 20-22°C. Do not overheat the room, otherwise the substrate and mycelium will dry out. After 8-12 days, mycelium appears on the surface of the substrate in the form of white threads. It is sprinkled with earth in a layer of 3-4 cm (40-50 kg per 1 m2).

How to grow champignon mushrooms is shown in these photos:

Oyster mushrooms. To grow these mushrooms on the plot or in the basement, mycelium is used. Work with him is carried out only clean hands wearing sterile gloves. Before planting, it is placed in the refrigerator for 3.5 hours, then warmed until room temperature. It is more convenient to plant with an assistant. One holds the plastic bag, and the second pours the substrate and mycelium into it so that no voids form. For 9 kg of substrate, 190 g of mycelium is sufficient.

Then the bag is tied and kept in a pre-disinfected room for 27 hours. After this, 11 slits, 6 cm long, are made on the bag on each side. For the germs of mushrooms to appear, illumination of 100-200 lux (lux) is required for 12 hours a day. Subsequently, it is increased to 600-800 lux for the same time.

At a temperature of 16-22°C, the mycelium begins to grow and after 1.5 days white spots appear on the substrate. The temperature in the bag should not be allowed to rise to 29°C or higher. Wherever you grow these mushrooms, you need to maintain the temperature at 25°C. The room must be ventilated periodically. 14-16 days after planting, mushrooms appear from the slits in the bag. For the first 18-25 days, the room is not ventilated to increase concentration carbon dioxide and air humidity. Lighting is used with an intensity of 5 W per 1 m2….

Honey mushrooms. Planting material is collected from the forest. Caps of mature mushrooms with a diameter of 8-12 cm, after being separated from the stems, are poured with rain or warm spring water for 12-24 hours. Then they are kneaded in water by hand, and the resulting mass is filtered. On the stumps, using a chisel and a hammer, make 5-10 recesses per 4 cm with a diameter of 2 cm. They are placed on the side surface in a checkerboard pattern. The resulting liquid is poured onto the stumps from above. You can not only pour liquid with spores into the recesses (it is convenient to carry out this procedure with a rubber bulb or a large syringe), but also add the remaining mushroom mass. To grow these mushrooms in the garden, the holes on the stumps are covered with moss or moistened sawdust. His top part left open. For 1 stump, 0.5-1 liters of seed liquid are consumed. The harvest is obtained only after 2 years. Best time for planting occurs in May-August.

Boletuses. The first planting method is carried out as follows: in a specially designated place, the top layer of soil 50 cm thick is removed and the depression is filled with substrate. The central part of the bed is made elevated to prevent water stagnation. Before planting, layers of earth with mycelium are divided into 5-10 parts with a knife.

As shown in the photo, when growing these mushrooms, the resulting pieces are laid out in planting holes, which are made at intervals of 30 cm:...

The depth should be such as to cover the mycelium with a 5-7 cm layer of soil. Then the beds are watered and covered with fallen leaves and branches to keep the soil moist. Next year there will be mushrooms on it.

In the second method, the caps of mature mushrooms are poured into a bowl with cold water for 2-3 hours. Then they are crushed, 200 g of sugar are added and left for 1 hour. Then the water with the mushroom mass is poured onto the prepared soil and covered with the removed soil. The harvest will appear next year.

If the mushroom is not cut, but pulled out of the ground, then the lower part of the stem can also be planted.

Morels. With the German method of cultivation, a place for planting is first prepared, filled with substrate and watered. It is convenient to care for beds no more than 1.2 m wide. Then pieces of mushroom caps, previously filled with water, are laid out on the bed and covered with previously removed soil (1.5 cm layer). The bed is watered with the remaining water from the mushrooms and sprinkled with fallen leaves or straw. The optimal time for planting is spring, but it can also be done in summer. The harvest is received the next year.

Before growing these mushrooms at the dacha using French technology, you need to loosen and mulch the soil in the beds in the fall with waste from fruit and berry crops remaining after processing the harvest, especially apple pomace. The top is additionally covered with fallen leaves.

Shiitake. In the first planting method, the substrate is pasteurized and slightly dried. If, when clenched in a fist, water only appears from it, but does not drip, then it is ready for use. 3-7 kg of moistened substrate is placed in plastic bags. Using a stick with a diameter of 3 cm and a length of 80-100 cm, a channel is made in it, which is filled with grain mycelium with a volume of 4-5% of the total mass. With such planting, the mycelium in the substrate grows quickly. The contents of the bag are covered with cotton wool on top and tied tightly.

In the second method of cultivation, logs 1.5 m long are used with holes drilled on the side with a diameter of 2 mm and a depth of 6 cm. Grain mycelium is placed in them and then covered with garden pitch to a depth of 1 cm. Before planting, the wood is moistened and protected from drying out.

Caring for mushrooms when growing in the garden

To obtain a regular good harvest and for the growth of mushrooms, it is necessary to create certain conditions

Mushrooms are a relatively unpretentious crop, but they require watering and maintaining certain climatic conditions.

Champignon. 3-5 days after sowing, the air temperature in the room is reduced to 14-15°C. The cover soil is watered regularly a small amount water so as not to wet the substrate. The room is often ventilated to avoid drafts; a fan can be used. The boxes are placed on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern, and the bags are placed in 2 rows, with aisles. Only disinfected premises are used for growing champignons. They are whitened with lime with the addition of copper sulfate, sprayed with a 4% formaldehyde solution or fumigated with sulfur. All cracks and holes are covered with a net to protect against insects, flies are destroyed with chlorophos.

Oyster mushrooms. After sowing the mycelium, bags with substrate are placed indoors on shelves so as to provide air access from several sides. The distance between them is made at least 5 cm. The substrate is watered in the usual way or with irrigation of the caps 1-2 times a day. The room is regularly ventilated so that the caps have time to dry before the next watering.

Honey mushrooms. Dry hot weather stumps with honey mushrooms are irrigated with water 2-3 times a day or 5 minutes every hour. The optimal time for watering is 12-17 hours, so that the wood and mushroom caps dry out before nightfall. You can cover the mushrooms with breathable material (burlap, agrill) or make a canopy from boards.

Boletuses. The bed with other mushrooms is periodically watered, preventing the soil from drying out. Preparations containing beneficial microorganisms, for example, Baikal EM-1, are added to the water to improve the growth of mycelium. In winter, the bed is insulated with fallen leaves, straw, and spruce branches.

It is recommended to place rooms for growing mushrooms away from living rooms. During the fruiting period, mushrooms form a large number of spores that float in the air and can cause allergic reactions. In addition, mushrooms are grown in conditions of high humidity, which may be unfavorable for living quarters.

Morels. Mushroom beds in the garden plot are regularly watered and covered with fallen leaves and spruce branches for the winter. In the spring they are released from shelter and watered again. On summer period The beds with morels are covered again, but they continue to be watered periodically to prevent the mycelium from drying out. The soil is fertilized annually with apple waste and ash.

In greenhouses, mushrooms are watered regularly. In winter, the air temperature in them is reduced. In the spring, after the temperature outside has reached positive values, the mycelium is fed with the drug Baikal-EM1, or its analogues. After the mushrooms appear, the greenhouse is immediately shaded from the bright sun, and as soon as they grow, they begin to ventilate.

Shiitake. During the period of mycelium growth, which usually lasts 20-60 days, less often up to 120 days, the room temperature is maintained at 15-17 ° C; there is no need for lighting during this period, but regular ventilation is required. After about 2 months, as soon as the substrate turns white and then brown, it is removed from the bag in the form of blocks and placed in cold water for 2-3 days. The blocks are then placed loosely on racks to allow mushrooms to grow on all sides. The temperature in the room is maintained at 18-20°C, humidity 85-90%, good lighting (120 lux) and regular ventilation are provided to remove the gases released by the mycelium. After the germs of mushrooms appear, air humidity is reduced to 80%. If this is not done, the legs of the mushrooms will stretch out, and the caps will not develop well and will be small. The air temperature varies depending on the specific type of mushroom. Among them there are more cold-loving ones, which grow well at a temperature of 18°C, and in warmer conditions they lose their taste, become brittle, and heat-loving ones, which require a warmer environment.

In an open place, substrate blocks are installed in the shade and watered daily. Moisture is especially necessary after the germs of mushrooms appear. After 7-14 days, mushrooms grow, which after the same period are ready for harvesting.

Mushrooms on wood are grown indoors at a temperature of 13-16°C with daily watering and illumination of at least 100 lux. IN warm time years, you can grow them on the same substrate in your garden plot. Choose a place protected from the wind on three sides. The western or eastern side of the wood (stumps, logs) is usually left open. You can also plant mushrooms in an open, low-lying place with high humidity, and install a fence around it that protects from the wind, or plant small shrubs. Wood with mycelium is periodically moistened with water. When the ambient temperature rises to 25°C, the mycelium begins to actively grow, and the rudiments of fungi appear.

Harvesting mushrooms at the dacha

For getting maximum yield With best qualities mushrooms are collected at certain time intervals.

Champignon. The first harvest of these mushrooms in the country takes place 1-1.5 months after sowing, and subsequent harvests within 2-4 months. Mushrooms are collected while the protective film between the edges of the cap and the stem is intact. They are twisted out of the ground, and the resulting hole is immediately filled up. The second batch of harvest appears a week after the first harvest. You can harvest up to seven harvests per year, of which the first 2-3 mushrooms will be the largest.

Oyster mushrooms. The harvest is harvested three times, every 1.5-2 weeks. The first batch is the largest. Mushrooms are cut fused, without waiting for the small ones to grow to the largest ones. They are fragile, so it is recommended to move them as little as possible and immediately package them in packaging containers

Honey mushrooms. The harvest is harvested twice a year - in May-June and autumn. The mushrooms are cut with a knife, and the sections are sprinkled with moistened sawdust. The first two batches of the harvest are more abundant.

Boletuses. The harvest is harvested at the end of summer. The mushrooms are cut with a knife, keeping the mycelium in the ground. Under one tree you can collect up to a whole bucket of boletus mushrooms.

Morels. In the spring, the insulating layer of last year's leaves is removed from the beds and after 2-3 weeks mushrooms appear on them. When collected, they are twisted by the stem or cut with a knife. Morels are fragile, so the caps better with your hands do not touch.

Shiitake. After the fruiting bodies appear, their development into mushrooms occurs within 10-15 days. Two batches of harvest are harvested from each log with an interval of 7-14 days. Mushrooms are cut at different stages of development, but the harvest will be greater if you do this as soon as the edges of the caps are slightly curved. After the end of fruiting, the logs are placed in a woodpile and covered from light with cotton cloth or straw and polyethylene, and after 1-3 months they are soaked in water and again placed in an open place or indoors. You can get 2-3 harvests per year. Such fruiting is observed for 5 years. After each harvest, substrate blocks are soaked in water for 1-2 days and dried at a temperature of 10-16°C.

It is better to cut the mushrooms with a sharp knife in order to preserve the mycelium in the soil and to prevent fresh soil from getting into the container with the collected mushrooms, which usually remains on the stem when picking the mushrooms by hand.

Mushrooms are always popular, regardless of the time of year. Some people like to collect them in the forest on their own, others prefer to buy them in stores and markets. Growing mushrooms at home or in the country can be a very profitable business. Its profitability reaches 40%, and entering the business does not require special knowledge or large investments.

What mushrooms to grow?

First of all, you need to decide what kind of mushrooms you plan to grow. There are several cost-effective options:

  • Porcini– one of the most valuable on the mushroom market. Soups, sauces, and salads are prepared from it. In high demand. But at the same time, growing porcini mushrooms is a somewhat troublesome task, since they grow best in gardens near the roots of trees. When grown in greenhouses, they need to create conditions similar to natural ones.
  • Oyster mushrooms– the easiest type of mushroom to grow. It requires a small area for planting, and the monthly yield per square meter can reach 14 kg. The first mushrooms can be obtained within a month. Oyster mushroom is in great demand because it contains a lot nutrients, vitamins B, PP, C and H and amino acids.
  • Champignon– this type of mushroom is considered one of the most expensive. Requires compost, which is quite difficult to make at home, therefore, you will have to spend money on purchasing it.

Business registration

It is necessary to obtain a number of documents that will allow you to legally sell mushrooms:

  • Certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur. OKVED code – A.01.12.31. (growing mushrooms and mycelium). The tax regime should be the Unified Agricultural Tax.
  • Certificate of registration with the pension fund and tax service.
  • Permission and certificates from SES.
  • Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Radiology protocol.
  • Certificate of quality obtained from Rosstandart.
  • Compiled and approved rules for the storage and transportation of mushrooms and products derived from them.

Please note that laboratory certificates are only valid as long as you grow mushrooms on the same substrate. When changing the substrate, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests again.

Selecting a room

You can grow mushrooms both in your garden and indoors. The second is relevant if you plan to open a mushroom farm and receive crops constantly, and not just in the warm season. Suitable for a basement, warehouse, greenhouse, or even an ordinary one. living room.

To grow mushrooms you need dry and clean room with good ventilation. During the cold season, it is also necessary to install additional stoves or radiators to maintain thermal conditions.

It is worth paying attention to humidity, which should reach 80-90% depending on the type of mushroom being grown. To maintain it, it is necessary to install containers filled with cold water in the room.

Despite the fact that mushrooms do not like bright light, it is still necessary to provide short-term artificial lighting. It will be needed during the ripening of the crop.

It is advisable to divide the room into several zones, based on the main stages:

  1. For preparing and storing the substrate.
  2. For planting mushrooms.
  3. For germinating mycelium.
  4. For direct cultivation and collection of mushrooms.
  5. For processing and storing finished products.

The selected room must be pre-treated with a disinfectant solution and then the walls must be whitewashed.

Purchase of mycelium

Mycelium is a mycelium that looks like thin light threads 10 microns thick or less. After planting, mushroom growth begins. When choosing mycelium, you should pay attention to the variety, type and timing of ripening of mushrooms, their resistance to diseases of various kinds.

Be sure to check the expiration date of the mycelium, their color and smell. The seller must have a license for the product.

To get started, buy a small trial batch.


To properly organize a business on a mushroom farm, it is important to have the following equipment and consumables:

  • plastic bags for planting mushrooms;
  • refrigerator and cold rooms;
  • heaters;
  • humidifiers;
  • racks;
  • packaging containers;
  • boxes for harvesting.


If you have established serious production on an industrial scale, then you should acquire assistants. To operate a mushroom farm you need:

  • technologist;
  • harvester and packer;
  • handyman;
  • Sales Manager.

The number of workers depends on the size of the farm and the volume of harvest.

How to grow porcini mushroom

The technology depends on where you grow mushrooms:

In an open area

First you need to prepare a special solution according to this recipe: break the cap of an adult mushroom and soak it for a day in cold water. Then you need to remove the top layer of turf from the area directly next to the trees, and water the cleaned area with an infused solution with fungal spores.

It is worth planting mushrooms in late May - early June, if you are in the southern regions, in middle lane The landing dates fall at the end of August - beginning of September.

To speed up growth, you can buy porcini mushroom mycelium. It is planted in a small pit, about 20-30 cm deep. It is first filled with substrate. The substrate can be:

  • dry tree leaves;
  • bark;
  • various types of nutritional mixtures.

The thickness of the layer reaches 7-10 cm. Then a second layer is laid, consisting of humus or ordinary soil, the mycelium is placed on it, then another layer of the nutrient mixture 3 cm thick. Then everything is sprinkled with a layer of earth 3-5 cm thick.

In the greenhouse

Seeds must be planted in boxes and placed on shelves. For planting, special compost is used, consisting of:

  • dry chopped straw;
  • sawdust;
  • sunflower husks;
  • chalk or plaster in small quantities.

Chicken, cow or horse droppings can be used as fertilizer. The resulting mixture is poured hot water and infuses for 2-3 weeks. During this period, the compost is shaken and watered. Then mycelium is added to the compost and placed in boxes.

In the room it is necessary to arrange dim lighting, a high level of humidity and provide ventilation.

Growing oyster mushrooms

There are two options for growing these mushrooms:

First option

Involves the preparation of a substrate, which includes:

  • chopped and soaked straw;
  • sawdust;
  • fresh sunflower husk.

The mixture is crushed and poured with hot water. After cooling, it is placed in polypropylene bags. You should alternate between a substrate layer and a mycelium layer. In this case, the mycelium makes up 3-5% of the total mass of the bag. The polyethylene should have holes for ventilation, about 2 cm in diameter. It is advisable to make holes every 15 cm.

For the first month, the blanks are stored in a closed, dark room at a humidity of 90% and a temperature of about 25 degrees. After the specified period, everything moves to a cooler place with a temperature of 12-18 degrees, where the mushrooms ripen.

The first mushrooms can be obtained within a few weeks, and they grow in waves. With each new wave, the amount of harvested crop is smaller.

Second option

Involves the use of wood and stumps to grow crops:

  1. Take stumps of deciduous trees, preferably young ones that are not infected with other fungi. You can also use pre-treated tree trunk cuttings.
  2. Stumps and cuttings are infected with mycelium and kept at high humidity until they are overgrown with mycelium.
  3. They are then planted in the ground to ensure constant moisture.

This method is characterized by low productivity and is used extremely rarely.

You can learn about the real experience of growing such mushrooms from the video:

Growing champignons is considered a more complex process. Firstly, this is due to the fact that they require special compost or substrate, and secondly, the microclimate must be strictly observed.

You can prepare the substrate yourself. For him they take:

  • fresh dry straw – 12 kg;
  • fresh chicken droppings or cow or horse manure - 8 kg;
  • gypsum or chalk – 0.5-1 kg;
  • Ammonium sulfate – 200-250 g.

All this is laid out in layers, then left for a month, watering daily, shaking it once every 6-7 days. The absence of a characteristic ammonia odor will help determine whether the mixture is ready for planting. As soon as it disappears, you can sprinkle the compost with soil and plant the mycelium.

Temperature for champignons, at least 15 degrees, 20-25 is best. The humidity level is within 70-80%.

The mycelium germinates within two weeks, and the first harvest can be obtained in 2-3 months.

Sales of mushrooms

Finished products must be sold as quickly as possible or specially processed for long-term storage. Fresh mushrooms can be sold:

  • selling them to restaurants and canteens;
  • supply to markets and shops, supermarkets;
  • sell to individual customers.

Leftover products can be canned or dried.

During Lent and holidays, the cost and demand for mushrooms increases.

How much money will it take to open a business?

We present sample business plan by expenses:

  1. Rent of premises of 40-60 sq. m. – 7,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of mycelium or mycelium – 10,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of substrate or compost – 20,000 rubles.
  4. Packages of 500 pieces – 5,000 rubles.
  5. Plastic boxes, 10 pieces – 1,000 rubles.
  6. Equipment for organizing a microclimate – 15,000 rubles.
  7. Refrigerators and cold rooms – 40,000-60,000 rubles.
  8. Transport costs – 15,000.
  9. Registration and execution of all papers – 20,000 rubles.
  10. Utility bills – 30,000 rubles monthly.

To open a business, you will need on average 183,000 rubles. The exact cost item depends on the volume of production and the region.

Pros of business

The main advantages of the mushroom business include:

  • mushrooms are easy to care for and do not require constant care;
  • no special training or skills required;
  • use in the production of simple and available materials;
  • high demand and stable income.

To begin with, it is best to try growing mushrooms on a small scale, for yourself. Once you understand the growing process, you can expand your mushroom farm and enter the market.

When working with mushrooms - planting, collecting - use gauze bandages, as mushroom spores can cause allergic reactions.

Video: Mushrooms - an idea for a private business

You can learn more about growing mushrooms and organizing a mushroom business from the video below:

Growing mushrooms is a fairly profitable and simple type of business. It does not require any special knowledge. Its profitability reaches 40%, and it pays off within a year.