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» What is a lesson plan. Preparing for the lesson. lesson planning. types of plans. An example of drawing up a short outline

What is a lesson plan. Preparing for the lesson. lesson planning. types of plans. An example of drawing up a short outline

Scheme 1 (for the specialty technology and entrepreneurship)

date __________ Class_____

Lesson topic __________________________________

Lesson type

The purpose of the lesson ___________________________________


Board design sketch

lesson objectives:




Lesson methods:

Object of labor:

Interdisciplinary connections:

Material and technical equipment:

Literature for teachers:

Literature for extracurricular reading by students:

Course of the lesson (approximate stages and time):

1. Organizational part - 5 min.

2. Presentation of new material - 15 min.

3. Practical work (Introductory briefing) - 10 min.

4. Independent work (Routine instruction) – 40 min

5. Final briefing (summarizing) - 10 min.

6.Homework – 5 min.

7. Cleaning the workplace – 5 min.

Note. During the lesson they sign:

    Review questions (suggested student answers);

    Targeted walkthroughs;

    Warning typical mistakes;

The notes contain all the diagrams, tables, drawings, etc. that are proposed for the student to complete or will be used by the teacher to explain the material (for example, drawings or drawings on the board).

Scheme 2 (for the specialty of fine arts)

    Class, date, event

    General theme of the quarter.

    Lesson topic.

    Lesson type.

    Purpose and objectives of the lesson:




    Forms and methods used in the lesson.

    Equipment for the teacher.

    Equipment for students.

    Assignment for students (formulation).

    Visual, literary, musical series.

    Literature for teachers.

    Lesson plan by time.

    Sketch of board design.

    During the classes:

Appendix 3

Lesson Self-Analysis Scheme

    Topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.

    The teacher’s overall assessment of himself (satisfactory, unsatisfactory).

    Assess the goals and objectives:

    whether the goals have been achieved;

    how achieved;

    what contributed or hindered the achievement of goals.

Describe the volume of material:

  • whether there is enough material to achieve the goal or not;

    distribution of material by time (time left or not enough);

    is there any reliance on previous knowledge;

    taking into account individual characteristics (quality of learning).

Characteristics of the methods used and assessment of the effectiveness of their use:

  • voice the methods; means, techniques;

    why these particular methods were chosen;

    effective or not.

Assessment of student activity:

  • which influenced activity.

    General conclusions from the lesson:

    what would you like to do differently;

    what you liked, what you didn’t like;

    express your feelings.

Lesson - main component educational process. The educational activities of the teacher and students are largely focused on the lesson. The quality of students’ training in one or another academic discipline is largely determined
✓ level of lesson delivery;
✓ content;
✓ methodological completeness;
✓ atmosphere.
In order for this level to be high enough, it is necessary that the teacher, during the preparation of the lesson, try to make it a kind of pedagogical work with its own meaning, beginning and ending, like any work of art.



How to create a lesson plan?

Lesson - the main component of the educational process. The educational activities of the teacher and students are largely focused on the lesson. The quality of students’ preparation in a particular academic discipline is largely determined

✓ level of lesson delivery;

✓ methodological completeness;

✓ atmosphere.

In order for this level to be high enough, it is necessary that the teacher, during the preparation of the lesson, try to make it a kind of pedagogical work with its own meaning, beginning and ending, like any work of art.

1. The first thing to start preparing for the lesson:

✓ Clearly define for yourself and formulate its topic;

✓ Determine the place of the topic in training course;

✓ Identify the leading concepts on which this lesson is based;

✓ Identify for yourself that part educational material, which will be used later.

2. Determine and clearly formulate for students the target setting of the lesson - why is it needed at all?

In this regard, it is necessary to identify the teaching, developing and educating functions of the lesson. Lesson objectives should be as specific as possible.

THE GOAL OF TRAINING involves the formation in students of new concepts and methods of action, systems scientific knowledge and so on.

✓ Ensure that students master laws, signs, properties, features;

✓ Summarize and systematize knowledge about... (or on a specific topic);

✓ Practice skills (which ones?);

✓ To ensure that students master certain concepts (questions).

THE GOAL OF EDUCATION involves the formation of certain personality traits and character traits in students.

✓ education of patriotism;

✓ education of internationalism;

✓ education of humanity;

✓ education of labor motives and a conscientious attitude to work;

✓ nurturing motives for learning, a positive attitude towards knowledge;

✓ education of discipline;

✓ education of aesthetic views.

THE GOAL OF DEVELOPMENT involves mainly the development in the lesson of the mental qualities of students: intelligence (thinking, cognitive, political skills), will and independence.

DEVELOPMENT OF THINKING - the ability to highlight essential features and properties, establish single, general features and properties of the whole, draw up a plan for the material being studied, the ability to qualify facts, draw generalizing conclusions, identify general and essential features, distinguish unimportant features and distract from them, develop the ability to apply knowledge on practice.

DEVELOPMENT OF COGNITIVE SKILLS - highlight the main thing, draw up a plan, theses, take notes, observe, do experiments.

DEVELOPMENT OF STUDY WORK SKILLS - development of the ability to work at the proper pace, read, write, calculate, draw, take notes.

DEVELOPMENT OF WILL AND INDEPENDENCE - development of initiative, self-confidence, development of perseverance, ability to overcome difficulties to achieve a goal.

3. Clarification of the type of lesson.

Types of lessons

Types of lessons

1. Lesson on learning new material

1 – lesson-lecture;

2 – lesson-conversation;

3- lesson using an educational film;

4 – lesson of theoretical or practical independent work (research type);

5 – mixed lesson (combination various types lesson in one lesson)

2. Lesson on developing skills and abilities

1 – lesson of independent work (reproductive type - oral or written exercises);

2 – laboratory lesson;

3 – practical work lesson;

4 – lesson-excursion;

5 – seminar

3. Lesson of generalization and systematization

This includes the main types of all five types of lessons

4. Lessons on assessing knowledge, skills and abilities

1 – oral form of verification (frontal, individual and group questioning);

2 – written verification;

3 – test;

4 – credit practical and laboratory work;

5 – control (independent) work;

6 – mixed lesson (combination of the first three types)

5. Combined lessons

They solve several didactic problems

4. Lesson structure

Lesson structure for learning new material:

  1. Organizational moment: preparing students to perceive new knowledge, communicating the topic and goals of the lesson.
  2. Checking homework:
  • checking the completion of a written task by walking around the rows;
  • students reading solved examples and problems;
  • verification of answers to solved problems and calculations made;
  • random checking of notes;
  • checking the completion of the drafting task various schemes, production of posters, models, layouts;
  • frontal conversation to check the progress of solving the problem.
  1. Repetition of covered material.
  2. Presentation of new material according to plan.
  3. Independent acquisition of new knowledge:
  • working with a textbook;
  • watching a movie;
  • watching TV shows;
  • performing laboratory work;
  • working with visual aids;
  • work on reference notes, signals, diagrams.
  1. Consolidating new material:
  • repetition by the teacher of the most difficult, important questions;
  • repetition by students of the main provisions of the topic;
  • answers on questions;
  • performing oral and written exercises;
  • solving problems (qualitative, quantitative, cognitive, training, developmental);
  • conducting experiments.
  1. Independent work of students:
  • working with a textbook, reference books, writing abstracts, taking notes;
  • drawing diagrams, sketches, graphs;
  • written frontal work;
  • individual independent work(by cards);
  • test tasks;
  • dictations;
  • solving examples and problems;
  • formula output;
  • writing essays, creative works;
  • resolving problem situations.
  1. Summing up the lesson:
  • systematization and generalization of knowledge;
  • analysis of students’ assimilation of program material;
  • issuing and adjusting grades;
  • analysis of the work done in class;
  • behavior in class.
  1. Homework:
  • highlighting the main points in homework;
  • studying material on a new topic;
  • performing exercises on a new topic.
  1. Individual assignments for students:
  • preparation of abstracts on various topics;
  • collection of material, documentation, etc.;
  • implementation of clarity (graphic, volumetric, natural);
  • experimental work (experience, observation, making mock-ups).

Structure of lessons for developing skills and abilities:

1 – setting lesson goals,

2 – repetition of formed skills and abilities,being the support

3 – carrying out test exercises,

4 – familiarization with new skills, showing a sample of formation,

5 – exercises based on them,

6 – exercise to strengthen them,

7 – training exercises according to the model and likeness, algorithm, instructions,

8 – transference exercises to a similar situation,

9 – creative exercises,

10 – lesson summary,

11 – homework assignment.

Lesson structure for consolidating and developing knowledge, skills and abilities:

1 – communication by students of the purpose of the upcoming work;

2 – reproduction by students of the knowledge, skills and abilities that will be required to complete the proposed tasks;

3 – completion by students various tasks, tasks, exercises;

4 – checking completed work;

5 – discussion of mistakes made and their correction;

6 – homework assignment (if necessary).

Structure of a lesson on control and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities:

2 – demonstrating the use of acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities in life situations;

3 – testing knowledge of factual material, frontal conversation, individual survey;

4 – testing knowledge of basic concepts, laws and the ability to explain their essence, written work;

5 – checking the depth of understanding of knowledge and the degree of its generalization, independent comparison of generalized tables, written survey;

6 – application of knowledge by students, practical tasks;

7 – performing complex creative work;

8 – lesson summary;

9 – homework.

Structure of a knowledge test lesson:

1 – organization of the beginning of the lesson. Here it is necessary to create a calm, business-like environment. Children should not be afraid of test and tests or worry excessively, as the teacher checks the children’s readiness for further study of the material;

2 – setting lesson objectives. The teacher tells the students what material he will be testing or monitoring. Asks the children to remember the relevant rules and use them in their work. Reminds that students must check their own work;

3 – presentation of the contents of the test or test work(tasks, examples, dictation, essay or answers to questions, etc.). Assignments in volume or degree of difficulty must correspond to the program and must be feasible for each student;

4 – summing up the lesson. The teacher chooses good work students, analyzes mistakes made in other works and organizes work on mistakes (sometimes this takes the next lesson);

5 – identification of typical errors and gaps in knowledge and skills, as well as ways to eliminate them. Improving knowledge and skills.

Structure of a lesson on generalizing and systematizing knowledge:

1 – communication of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson;

2 – repetition and generalization of individual facts, events, phenomena;

3 – repetition and generalization of concepts and assimilation of the corresponding knowledge system;

4 – repetition and systematization of the main theoretical principles and leading ideas of science.

The structure of a combined lesson, which, as a rule, has two or more didactic goals:

1 – organization of the beginning of the lesson;

2 – check homework, setting lesson goals;

3 – preparing students to perceivenew educational material, i.e. updating knowledge and practical and mental skills;

4 – studying new material, including explanation;

5 – consolidation of the material learned in this lessonand previously passed, related with new;

6 – generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills, connection of new ones with previously acquired and formed ones;

7 – summarizing the results of the lesson;

8 – homework;

9 – preparation (preliminary work) necessary for students to study new topic(not always).


Verbal methodsare divided into the following types:story, explanation, conversation, discussion, lecture, work with a book.

Visual teaching methodscan be roughly divided into two large groups:illustration method And demonstration method.

Illustration methodinvolves showing students illustrative aids, posters, tables, paintings, maps, sketches on the board, flat models, etc.

Demonstration Methodusually associated with demonstration of instruments, experiments, technical installations, movies, filmstrips, etc.

The illustrative and demonstrative method throughthe use of such a visual aid aspersonal computer

Practical methodsbased on the practical activities of students. These include:

Exercises - repeated (multiple) performance of mental or practical action in order to master it or improve its quality. Exercises are used in the study of all subjects and at various stages of the educational process.

Laboratory works- this is the conduct by students, on the instructions of the teacher, of experiments using instruments, using tools and other technical devices, i.e. This is the study by students of any phenomena with the help of special equipment.

Practical workare carried out after studying large sections, the topics are general in nature. They can be carried out not only in the classroom, but also outside the school (measurements on the ground, work on the school site).

Classification of teaching methods depending on
on the nature of students’ cognitive activity

Summary method

Activities of the teacher

Student activity

1. Explanatory and illustrative method (information and receptive).The main purpose of the method is to organize the assimilation of information by students by communicating educational material to them and ensuring its successful perception.

1. Message educational information using various didactic means: words, various aids, including films and filmstrips, etc. The teacher makes extensive use of conversation, demonstration of experiments, etc.

1. The activity of students is to perceive, comprehend and remember the information communicated

2. Reproductive method.The main purpose of the method is to develop skills and abilities to use and apply the acquired knowledge

2. Development and application of various exercises and tasks, use various instructions(algorithms) and programmed training

2. The activity of students is to master the techniques of performing individual exercises in solving various types of problems, mastering the algorithm of practical actions

3. Problematic method (problematic presentation).The main purpose of the method is to reveal various problems in the educational material being studied and show ways to solve them.

3. Identification and classification of problems that can be posed to the student, formulation of hypotheses and showing ways to test them. Statement of problems in the process of conducting experiments, observations in nature, logical inference.

3. The activity of students consists not only in perceiving, comprehending and memorizing ready-made scientific conclusions, but also in following the logic of evidence, the movement of the teacher’s thoughts (problem, hypothesis, proof of the reliability or falsity of the proposals put forward, etc.)

4. Partial search method, or heuristic method.The main purpose of the method is to gradually prepare students to independently pose and solve problems

4. Leading students to posing a problem, showing them how to find evidence, draw conclusions from the given facts, build a plan for checking facts, etc. The teacher widely uses heuristic conversation, during which he poses a system of interrelated questions, each of which is a step towards solving the problem

4. The student’s activity consists of active participation in heuristic conversations, mastering techniques for analyzing educational material in order to pose a problem and find ways to solve it, etc.

5. Research method.The main content of the method is to ensure mastery of the taught methods scientific knowledge, develop and shape their traits creative activity, provide conditions for the successful formation of motives for creative activity, promote the formation of conscious, quickly and flexibly used knowledge. The essence of the method is to provide organizations with search creative activities for students to solve problems that are new to them.

5. Presenting students with problems that are new to them, setting and developing research tasks, etc.

5. The activity of students is to master the techniques of independently posing problems, finding ways to solve them, etc.

Scheme of analysis of a computer science lesson

1. General information.Date, class, school, last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher. Lesson topic.

2. Compliance with safety regulationsand sanitary and hygienic standards for working with a computer.

3. Lesson structure. The main stages of the lesson, purpose and duration. A combination of self-government and teacher management. Individual, pair, group and joint class work. Stages of repetition and consolidation of material, methods.

4. The goals that the teacher set for the lesson and their achievement.

5. Comparison of the lesson content with the material in the school textbook.

6. Evaluation of the lesson content from the point of view of general didactic principles:

  • scientific character – taking into account the latest achievements in computer science in the classroom;
  • visibility – use of computer presentations, graphic information, tables, etc.;
  • subsequence– logical orderliness of the material presented, absence of omissions in the presentation, cyclical study of complex concepts;
  • connection with practice– applied tasks, content orientation to the requirements of life in the information society.

7. Teacher’s methods of activity in the classroom.Problem-searching, verbal-visual, practical. Involving students to prepare materials for the lesson. Preparing computer technology at the beginning of the lesson (or before it). Freedom of the teacher in mastering the material. The moment of response to current issues(during the lesson or at the end). Individualization of learning - different levels of tasks, attracting strong students to help weak ones, etc. Teacher's techniques for maintaining attention, actions when an error is detected on the board, in the program, in the report.

8. Methods of forming and consolidating interest in the material being studied.Stimulation mental activity students. Source of assignments (from the textbook, additional literature). Other famous and non-standard methods teaching used in the lesson.

9. Students’ work in class.The degree of interest in the material being studied. Activity and independence of students. Consciousness in mastering the material being studied. Accessibility – standardization of terminology, taking into account the level of preparedness of the class, highlighting levels of mastery.

10. Effectiveness of training– saturation of study time, lack of extraneous material.

11. Relationship between teacher and students:authoritarian, liberal, cooperation.

12. Organized and disciplined studentsin the lesson - attitude towards computer technology, compliance with safety precautions when working with a computer. The ability of students to independently acquire knowledge with the help of reference material, computer, textbook.

13. Feedback. Student knowledge control system.Using a computer to test knowledge - monitoring programs, self-control, mutual control with a friend. Objectivity of knowledge assessment. Possibility of automation of the control system.

14. Educational effect of the lesson.Character traits and personality traits of a teacher that can serve as a guide for students. Educational methods and techniques.

15. Conclusions:

  • implementation of the lesson plan;
  • achieving lesson goals;
  • especially interesting and instructive in the lesson;
  • what made the greatest impression in the lesson;
  • what changes would be advisable to make when repeating a lesson on the same topic;
  • lesson assessment.

The lesson plan is short description educational lesson indicating its topics, goals, progress and possible forms of pedagogical control.

The lesson plan is drawn up by the teacher in advance of the lesson and can be checked by representatives of the administration of the educational institution (the director or his deputy for academic work) both immediately after the end or before the start of the lesson, and in advance. In some educational institutions, there is a practice of drawing up plans for classes conducted by the teacher for a certain period in advance (for example, for the next semester). This allows the administration and methodologists to identify vulnerabilities in the educational process in advance and point them out to the teacher so that he can work to eliminate them and, thereby, change the structure of the lesson. True, we note that in any educational institution there is a work program, and the school draws up a special calendar plan, i.e. a kind of “schedule”, which specifies in detail when, on what topic and in what quantity lessons will be taught on a given subject.

However, any teacher encounters the concept of “lesson plan” for the first time at a university, studying such disciplines as “General Pedagogy” and “Teaching Methods” (in the latter case we are talking about teaching a specific subject, for example, in English, and the structure, goals and nature of monitoring the development of skills and abilities may vary). A lesson plan, in particular, must be written by every student trainee undergoing teaching and government practice; a lesson plan is often one of the components of coursework, graduation qualifying work and even dissertations in the field of pedagogy and teaching methods.

At the same time, even some teachers themselves cannot always answer the question: “What exactly should a lesson plan be?”

The lesson plan consists of several parts:

  • Formulation of the lesson topic,
  • Lesson objectives
  • Instructions for teaching aids,
  • Progress of the lesson
  • Descriptions of homework (or other form of control and method of consolidating relevant skills and abilities).

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Lesson topic

This expression speaks for itself: the teacher as the author of the lesson (it is no coincidence that many scientist-teachers call the lesson one of the forms of pedagogical art, and such terms as “author’s methodology” and “author’s school” have successfully taken root in science) must succinctly and unambiguously indicate What exactly is the lesson about? For example, the topic of the lesson can be formulated as follows: “Degrees of comparison of adjectives.”

From this phrase it follows that the lesson will be devoted to introducing students to the grammatical features of adjectives in degrees of comparison and how these words are used in speech. The topic of the lesson must correspond work program, it is indicated not only for reporting to the school management, but is also publicly announced to students at the beginning of the lesson, and is often written on chalkboard before class. Therefore, here it is necessary to be able to clearly and extremely concisely formulate the entire essence of the lesson.

The purpose of the lesson

Classical methodological science identifies three main lesson goals:

  • Educational,
  • Developmental and
  • Educational.

Of course, the lesson as a methodological whole contains a single common goal, but it can be divided depending on what lesson is about we're talking about, what subject is taught, what is the student audience and other aspects.

So, educational purpose includes a set of those skills and abilities that must be formed or consolidated during the lesson. For example: “Formation of an idea of ​​the passive voice of a verb as a grammatical category and its use in speech.”

Developmental goal includes what should contribute to the development logical thinking, the ability to critically evaluate and compare facts, events and phenomena and form your own opinion about it. For example, the developmental goal of the lesson can be formulated as follows: “The ability to differentiate the active and passive voice and independent choice criteria for using these grammatical structures.”

Educational purpose– here everything is quite obvious: the teacher must indicate what educational load the educational material being studied includes. For example, if you are learning the polite form of a second person verb singular, we can indicate that the educational goal of the lesson is “the development of a culture of speech and respectful treatment of people around us in society.”

During the classes

The course of a lesson is the sequence of actions performed by the teacher during the lesson. Their number is not limited and depends on the nature of the activity. However, when constructing the course of a lesson, one should not forget that it is limited in time, and the teacher should limit himself to forty-five minutes. So, for example, the following lesson progression is common (using the example of a Russian language lesson):

  1. Greeting (1 minute).
  2. Speech warm-up (5 minutes).
  3. Checking the correctness of homework (6 minutes).
  4. Frontal survey (4 minutes).
  5. Explanation of new material (ten minutes).
  6. Frontal survey on new material (five minutes).
  7. Doing the exercise at the board (ten minutes).
  8. Summing up the lesson (3 minutes).
  9. Announcement of homework and explanations for it (1 minute).

However, the given example is not limited to just naming the teacher’s actions: it must briefly explain in writing what each part of the lesson includes(for example, what questions were asked to the students, what kind of exercise was performed, what material was explained, what was included speech warm-up(assuming education imperative mood suggested verbs).


Homework is one of the main forms of pedagogical control of the level of formation of relevant skills and abilities and their deeper consolidation. Therefore, homework cannot exist in isolation from the main essence of the lesson. For example, if punctuation was studied when converting direct speech into indirect speech, then the homework should be an exercise devoted to the study of this topic, or another task developed and proposed by the teacher himself (you can ask students to transform the direct speech of the characters of the work studied in literature lessons into indirect and write it down in notebooks, thereby not only the main essence of the lesson will be involved, but also interdisciplinary connections with the study of literature). However homework in size should not exceed 1/3 of the volume of material studied in class.

Above we looked at what exactly the lesson consists of. We hope that this information will help the teacher competently plan the upcoming lesson, although, in our opinion, there is not and cannot be some kind of universal “recipe”: it all depends on the considered features of the lesson, the discipline taught and... creative imagination teacher

Pedagogy and didactics

Preparation of a lesson is the development of a set of measures, the selection of such an organization of the educational process that, in given specific conditions, ensures the highest final result. The main thing that a teacher should pay attention to is the relationship between the goals and objectives of the academic subject as a whole with the goals and objectives of each educational topic, definition...

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Lesson preparationthis is the development of a set of measures, the choice of such an organization of the educational process, which in given specific conditions ensures the highest final result.

In traditional didactics, it is customary to distinguish two stages in a teacher’s preparation for a lesson: preliminary and immediate.

Preliminary stage.The result of this stage is a thematic plan.

Thematic planscientifically based distribution over time of the content of educational material on the subject. When specific dates for lessons are indicated in a thematic plan, it becomes calendar-thematic.

Stage I preparation for calendar and thematic planning study of the program.

This part of the work is performed before starting school year and every quarter. The main thing that a teacher should pay attention to is the relationship between the goals and objectives of the academic subject as a whole with the goals and objectives of each educational topic, determining the place of each lesson in the system of lessons on the topic or section.

Stage II preparation for calendar-thematic planning study methodological literature, basic textbook and teaching aids.

The teacher reviews the relevant sections of the textbook, methodological recommendations and articles in education journals and other sources.

The calendar and thematic plan indicates:

  1. topics and sections of the course in chronological order; number of teaching hours on each topic;
  2. calendar dates for the start and end of work for each section;
  3. forms of organization of educational work;
  4. the necessary equipment is provided;
  5. the nature of creative tasks.

Immediate stage. There are three stages of preparation:

  1. diagnostics;
  2. forecasting;
  3. design (planning).

Diagnostics consists of “clarifying” all the circumstances of the lesson:

  1. children's opportunities;
  2. motives for their activities and behavior;
  3. requests and inclinations;
  4. interests and abilities;
  5. required level of training;
  6. the nature of the educational material;
  7. features and practical significance of the material.

Forecastingthis is an opinion about how events will develop in the lesson, how it will proceed assessment different options conducting a future lesson and choosing the best one.

Planning this is the final stage of lesson preparation. The result is a lesson plan.

Direct preparation for the lessonconsists in concretizing the thematic plan in relation to each lesson, thinking through and developing plans for individual lessons.

The teacher’s immediate preparation for the lesson includes:

  1. choosing a rational lesson structure and determining its compositional structure;
  2. clear planning of lesson material: selection of material for one lesson, determination of the main thing in it;
  3. distribution of material from easier and simpler to more complex and difficult;
  4. determining the place and nature of demonstrations in class;
  5. distribution of tasks and exercises in order of increasing difficulty for students;
  6. planning the work of students in the lesson: choosing the most rational types of educational work for the class and individual students at the stage of mastering new material;
  7. determining the nature of the activities of different groups of students during the survey; establishing possible difficulties for students in certain types of activities (oral response, problem solving, homework, observation, etc.);
  8. increasing the degree of independence of students in academic work from one lesson to another;
  9. rational distribution of individual stages of the lesson in time.

The planning stage includes three interrelated stages:

  1. determining lesson objectives;
  2. specific development of the didactic apparatus (content of methods and tools);
  3. determining the structure of the lesson with the elaboration of educational situations.

When determining the goals of a lesson, it is necessary to provide for the unity of educational, developmental and educational tasks aimed at acquiring knowledge, developing skills and abilities, developing experience in creative activity and forming personal relationships. Objectives should be defined specifically in accordance with the topic and depending on the type of lesson, taking into account the educational goal that permeates the lesson system. After determining the general goals of the lesson, they are divided into specific ones, which means the goals of individual learning situations.

At the second stage of lesson planning, in accordance with general and specific goals, content is selected, forms and methods of work are selected, and the use of necessary funds, exercises of a creative nature are determined.

At the third stage, the structure of the lesson is finally determined and learning situations are developed:

  1. the teacher’s thinking through his actions at the stage of direct transmission of information aimed at activating the attention of students;
  2. Creation psychological mood students and conveying to them their positive attitude towards the material;
  3. stimulation of active independent thinking; explaining to students what is difficult and incomprehensible;
  4. logically correct, short and clear presentation of the material; use of educational and visual aids in the classroom.

The result preparatory work for the lesson is its plan. In contrast to the thematic (calendar-thematic) it is called working or lesson. Its form and volume are not strictly regulated, but depending on the experience of the teacher and the specifics of the topic, a short plan can develop into an outline plan with a detailed indication of each pedagogical action of the teacher and student. Beginning teachers need to write detailed lesson plans. This requirement is derived from practice: no one has ever managed to become a master without thinking through the details of the organization of the future lesson. Only when most of the actions become habitual can you reduce the plan. A detailed plan indicates that the future lesson has been thought out in detail.

Beginner teacher plan:

  1. date of the lesson and its number according to the thematic plan;
  2. the name of the topic of the lesson and the class in which it is taught;
  3. goals and objectives of training, education, development of schoolchildren;
  4. the structure of the lesson indicating the sequence of its stages and the approximate distribution of time for these stages;
  5. content of educational material; teaching methods and techniques in each part of the lesson;
  6. educational equipment,
  7. necessary for conducting the lesson;
  8. homework assignment.

The written presentation of the lesson should not be cumbersome. However, it is advisable for a novice teacher to write detailed plan, and on complex and difficult topics short lesson notes. The main points of work in the lesson should be highlighted separately. A teacher masters pedagogical skills when the lesson is logically thought out, competently constructed, and its plan is drawn up in accordance with didactic principles and rules, and then carried out as intended and the goals set were achieved.


  1. Beam, I.L. Theory and practice of teaching German language V high school/ I.L.Bim. M.: Education, 1988. 96 p.
  2. Galskova N.D. Modern teaching methods foreign languages. Manual for teachers [Text] / N.D. Galskova M.: Moscow ARKTI, 2004.

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It would seem that what could be simpler than writing a lesson summary, which the teacher compiles day after day, year after year. I sat down and wrote down on paper what you were going to talk about!

But not everything is so simple! Times change, and so do the requirements for creating a lesson plan. Innovations come to school every day, use and project activities became a necessity in the classroom.

So, lesson notes- This is a clearly structured plan for conducting a training session. Writing a lesson summary can be called preparatory stage teacher's work. Young teachers take it as a principle to write detailed lesson plans for every day, creating their own teaching system. Experienced teachers can get by with just a lesson plan, since the methodology is already “in their head” and is outlined minute by minute in every detail, taking into account the specifics of the class. Open lessons from any teacher require writing notes and careful preparation, thinking through its details.

Of course, there is a lot of methodological literature, but this is just a guide to conducting a lesson, no one in the book takes into account individual characteristics students, methods and methods that are right for you and your children. And the administration of many schools requires handwritten lesson plans, and is in a hurry to punish for their absence, reflecting this in the documentation.

Even if a lesson is written and thought out on paper, it may not always work out. Sometimes the actual implementation of a lesson is very different from the paper version. This begs the question: “What got in the way? Poor preparation for the lesson or lack of experience?

Since all teachers are different, therefore, the approach to writing notes should be different, regardless of work experience. One teacher will rely on the lesson plan in the form of abstracts, the other will describe in detail all the questions and assignments, and review a lot of literature.

It should be remembered that a teacher is a creative person, he is both an actor and a director, and creativity is an unpredictable, living process. And yet, you need to plan the lesson in advance, try to “live” it on paper, pass it through your heart and mind in order to avoid lengthy pauses and vague explanations.

Any lesson plan includes :

Topic according to the thematic plan of the curriculum;

Determining the type of lesson (reinforcement of the material covered; familiarization with new information; repeating and generalizing lesson; combined lesson; control, practical);

Designation of the purpose (educational, developmental, educational) and tasks that follow from the purpose of the lesson;

Equipment or logistics,

Description of the activities of the teacher and students,

Sample lesson analysis (evaluation of your work, if required)

Naturally, the content of the material will depend on the subject being taught, but the basic principles of compiling lesson notes will be the same for everyone.

Each subsequent lesson must be a continuation of the previous one, the relationship between the stages must be clearly monitored, and the methods and forms of work must intensify the activities of students, achieving their goals and objectives.

Lesson structure conducted in any class depends on the characteristics and creativity of the teacher, as well as on the type of lesson, and will be something like this:

  1. Organizational stage
  2. Learning new concepts and ways of doing things
  3. Formation of skills and abilities
  4. Consolidation, application, systematization of knowledge
  5. Assessment of knowledge. Information about homework.
  6. Summing up the lesson. Reflection

It's no secret that lessons in primary school include game moments, and lessons in high school are aimed at preparing for upcoming exams.

Whether or not to write a lesson summary is up to you, dear teachers, the main thing is that the lesson works out. And the children’s lit-up eyes will tell you about this!

But, if you are still not sure how to correctly compile a lesson summary, in this case you can use our collection of materials for school. After reviewing the examples, and, you can easily create a lesson plan that suits you, and conduct it with success. However, do not forget that you can send any educational and methodological material that is copyrighted to our website for publication and receive it.