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» What is a tomato tree? Tomato tree: how to grow, care, conditions, fertilizing. General description of the variety

What is a tomato tree? Tomato tree: how to grow, care, conditions, fertilizing. General description of the variety

Tomatoes on their own suburban areas grown by all summer residents without exception. There are many varieties of these plants. At the same time, one of the most unusual is Octopus F1, or Caring for tomatoes of this variety is not difficult. However, they are still grown using a slightly different technology than ordinary tomatoes. Further in the article we will look in detail at what the unusual Octopus F1 tomato actually is - photos, reviews from gardeners, care features will be presented in our review.

General description of the variety

The Octopus F1 tomato is called a tree because it is grown over two seasons and reaches a very large size. The trunk of such a perennial tomato becomes woody, and the shoots form a spreading crown, the area of ​​which can reach 40-50 m2. From one such tree alone you can collect up to 1500 kg of fruit. This variety has no restrictions in growth. At the same time, it constantly produces new shoots. Therefore, when growing it in a greenhouse, a special frame is built.

The fruits of such a plant as the Octopus F1 tomato tree, reviews of which are also good for this reason, are simply distinguished by excellent taste characteristics. This variety is also praised for the fact that its fruits have an even, close to round shape and not too much big sizes. One bunch can contain up to 6-7 tomatoes. The color of the fruits of this tomato is red. The brushes themselves grow every 3-4 leaves.

Another reason for the extraordinary popularity of this variety and good reviews about it is that its fruits are characterized by increased shelf life. Some summer residents manage to store Octopus F1 tomatoes until the New Year.

Features of care

How is this original tomato, Octopus F1, grown? Photos and reviews from summer residents and gardeners allow us to judge it as a truly very original and at the same time productive plant. However, you can, of course, get a lot of tomatoes from this variety only with proper care. In addition to the unusual appearance and size, Sprut F1 tomatoes differ from other varieties and cultivation technology. They are planted exclusively in greenhouses big size, necessarily heated. After all, as already mentioned, one bush can be grown for two seasons. IN warm time of the year optimal temperature for these tomatoes it is considered 24-26 degrees, in winter - at least 19 degrees.

Many gardeners grow these tomatoes and simply open ground or an unheated greenhouse - for one season. In this case, the tree, of course, does not grow. But even when planted outside, tomatoes of this variety reach quite impressive sizes (even larger than De Barao).

When growing Sprut F1 tomatoes in soil, the same fertilizers are used as for conventional varieties. These can be either organic or mineral compounds. But more often these tomatoes are grown using a special technology - hydroponics. This allows you to completely control the plant’s consumption process. nutrients and promotes the supply of maximum oxygen to the roots.

Growing hydroponically

So, we have given a detailed description of such a plant as the Octopus F1 tomato. Reviews about it are simply excellent, especially when using hydroponic growing technology. IN in this case professional farmers, and sometimes just summer residents, use special plugs made of a material that absorbs water well. The seeds are planted in them. A week later, each such plug is placed on its side and several pieces are combined on a tray. As a result, the tomato stems bend and become stronger. The cubes themselves are thoroughly soaked in water.

The seedlings are transferred to special containers filled with perlite and connected to drainage pipes. When watering rock collects a nutrient solution, the remainder of which flows into special tanks. They plant Octopus F1 tomatoes even if they don’t want to get trees, considerable distance from each other (1-1.5 m).

Sometimes, instead of containers with perlite, special slabs (for example, “Argo”) are used for plants. Nutrient solutions for watering they are prepared according to special recipe tables. In this case, a variety of fertilizers and microelements are used. When growing a tree, these tomatoes are not allowed to bear fruit for the first 7-8 months. At this time, plants are actively forming root system and the crown itself.

The seedlings of these tomatoes should be illuminated in the evening. If you plan to grow tomatoes using conventional technology, in the ground, the seeds are planted not in boxes, but in larger containers. Many gardeners sow them in plastic bags filled with soil mixture (several pieces). When transferring seedlings into the ground, the main root of tomatoes of this variety must be cut off. This promotes rapid development of the root system. Trellis are also a must when growing these plants. After all, large size is what distinguishes the Octopus F1 tomato. Reviews (photos presented on the page clearly show the size of the bushes) about these tomatoes are good mainly from those gardeners who did not violate any recommendations or technologies in the process of growing them.

For example, Octopus tomatoes should never be pinched. An attempt to artificially form the crown of tomatoes of this variety can lead to a significant reduction in yield. The gardener only needs to ensure that no yellowed leaves remain on the bushes or trees. When growing in soil, fertilizing is applied at the root.

Types of tomatoes Octopus F1

Tomato Octopus F1 (photos, reviews from gardeners allow us to judge it as one of the most productive and unpretentious varieties), thus, can be grown as a “tree” for two seasons. In addition to its main variety (F1 itself), there are also F1 Slivka tomatoes. This variety is also positioned by breeders as a tomato tree.

The tomato Sprut Slivka F1, which also has good reviews, differs from the main variety of tomatoes primarily in the shape of the fruit. The tomatoes of this variety are not round, but oval, but also have a red color. At the same time, they have dense and quite juicy and tender flesh. This variety is named cream precisely for the slightly oblong shape of the fruit. They, like the tomatoes of the main variety, are not too large in size and are collected in clusters of 6-7 pieces.

The excellent taste of the fruit is also what earned this Octopus F1 tomato good reviews. In open ground or an unheated greenhouse, these tomatoes can reach a height of more than 1.5 meters (up to 2.2 m). The fruits of tomatoes Sprut F1 Cream ripen on the 101-110th day after planting. Just like the fruits of the main variety, Slivka can be stored for a very long time. Even under normal conditions, ripe tomatoes do not rot for almost 1.5 months.

Advantages of Octopus F1 tomatoes

In addition to tasty fruits and intensive development, the advantages of this variety include:

    Good branching.

    Fruiting from July to September.

    Uniform distribution of fruits according to taste. Tomatoes collected at the top of the bush are no different from tomatoes picked at the bottom.

    Adaptability to high humidity, cold and heat.

Tomatoes Octopus F1: reviews from gardeners

As already mentioned, gardeners have a wonderful opinion about these tomatoes. Of course, only rare exotic lovers grow tomato trees on their plots. Basically, gardeners plant tomatoes of this variety in ordinary unheated greenhouses or in open ground. At the same time, many gardeners believe that in this case, you can simply get from the bushes excellent harvest. Up to 10 kg of fruits usually ripen on one plant per season. This variety is popular among owners of summer cottages in almost all regions of our country.

In addition to productivity and relative ease of care, Octopus F1 has earned reviews from gardeners for its resistance to disease. For example, these tomatoes are practically not afraid of aphids and cicadas. In addition, the variety is resistant to such common tomato diseases as

Cyphomandra is a shrubby tree belonging to the nightshade family. Otherwise it is called tomato or tammarillo. Attracts with its tart taste.

Description of the variety

The fruits have a red-orange hue and a hard peel that is unsuitable for food. Black varieties are available. The pulp itself is very juicy. The leaves reach 35 cm in length and have a pointed five-pointed shape. In Russia, tammarillo is most often planted in greenhouse conditions or in tubs.

Color and taste depend on the variety. Red and purple fruits are similar in taste, the rest have a sweet taste. They grow in clusters. There are up to 15 pieces on each of them.

Growing Digital Mandra

Growing a tomato tree in open ground is possible through the seed method and cuttings. The methods for growing the Cyfomandra tomato tree differ from each other, but do not pose any difficulties even for novice gardeners.

The seed method involves proper preparation seeds They are removed from the pulp, thoroughly washed, dried and stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment for a day.

Ready seeds are planted in the ground at a distance of 60 cm from each other. With this method, the first shoots will appear in a week. The temperature in the room where the seedlings are located must be at least 28 °C. The most the right time for preparing seedlings - mid-February.

The cutting method involves rooting the cuttings. The most suitable annual or biennial plants. To do this, take water and an earthen substrate, where they are placed. The signal for planting is the appearance of a bulge and the formation of callus.

Another method of propagation is to collect shoots with three buds. They are placed in a glass container with soil, watered and covered with transparent material.

Sprouts are planted in open ground in May, at which time their length should be 1 meter.

Key Features

Before sowing a tree in open ground, the soil is dug up with. Secondary fertilizer is given from mineral mixtures. The difference in days between feeding should be at least two weeks.

For a tree to bear fruit well, the soil must be loose. Therefore, constant drainage is necessary. It must be done with great care so as not to affect the rhizomes.

The plant loves water, so it should be regular, but not abundant. If there is too much water, it will die.

A prerequisite for caring for Digitalis is that it will protect the earth from possible cold weather and improve its composition.

Fertilizing is suitable and the more often the better. It should be added only at the root. Every two weeks, mineral and organic fertilizers. A mixture of infusions of grass, ash and manure will also be an excellent recharge. To do this, take 2 kg of grass, 1.5 kg of manure and 300 grams of ash per bucket of water. The mixture is infused in a warm place for 48 hours.

When planting it in the ground, you should take care of support. It is advisable to take longer sticks, at least two meters.

Bad sheets must be constantly removed to allow air to flow into others. This procedure should be started after the first appearance of the color of the fruit.

tomato tree needs constant lighting. In its absence, there will be much fewer ovaries or there may be none at all. In addition, it does not tolerate cold weather; the temperature must be at least 15°

If a tree is moved from open ground to home conditions, it is necessary to cut off the tops. Its residual height should be no more than 20 cm.

Planting and caring for the Cyfomandra tomato tree

When planting Cyphomandra in tubs or boxes, you should use sheet foam. This will protect useful material from overheating. You can purchase the item in specialized stores in the city.

Some varieties are grown on. This method protects the soil from disease and drying out. The solution is made in the warm season at a temperature of at least 25 °C for open ground and at least 17 °C at home for greenhouse cultivation.

For a hydroponic solution, the following components are mixed (numbers are in grams):

  • ammonium nitrate (200);
  • magnesium (300);
  • potassium (500);
  • boric acid (0.3);
  • manganese sulfate (0.2);
  • superphosphate (550);
  • lemon iron (0.9).

Everything is mixed and when added to the soil, 1 liter of this mixture is diluted with 100 liters of water.

The process of tree formation lasts about a year. During this period, fruiting should not be allowed, otherwise it will decrease in subsequent years. The lifespan of the bush is about 7 years.

Productivity depends on the selected variety. On average, one bush produces about 10 kg of fruit.

Caring for Cyphomandra is no different from caring for any tomatoes. For those who have already planted them, it will not be difficult to grow this variety, and novice gardeners will easily understand the technology of growing it.

VIDEO: how to grow a tomato tree at home?

You can learn more about growing the Cyphomandra tomato tree at home from this video:

In 1985, at the international exhibition of achievements in various areas industry, science and culture (EXPO), held in Japan, a tomato bush the size of a tree was presented in the central foyer - the result breeding work Nozawa Shigeo. Over a year and a half of exposure, about 13 thousand tomato fruits were obtained from one seed. Since then, the miracle variety called Octopus F1 has haunted many vegetable growers.

The photographs that have spread across the Internet, taken in the Japanese city of Tsukuba, also cause mixed feelings. They depict tomato trees much taller than human height, hung with clusters of red-fiery fruits with a crown reaching ten meters in width. What is this: a product of unprecedented technology, an advertising gimmick of breeders, or a pipe dream of an ordinary amateur gardener?

Is there a result!

Back at the turn of the 90s, Soviet biologist T.A. Protopopov, in the laboratory of the Institute of Plant Protection in the city of Pushkin, Leningrad Region, spent three years breeding amazing hybrids of a popular vegetable. When certain results were achieved, a domestic analogue from the “Podarok” variety was selected when stimulated with a drug invented by the same team of scientists. A harvest of 12.5 thousand tomatoes was recorded from one tomato tree. Nowadays, extensive experience has been accumulated in growing multi-yielding varieties.

Reviews from vegetable growers about ripe tomatoes are very different: enthusiastic from people who are very pleased with the taste of the fruit, their weight - up to 160 grams each, the volume of the harvest, the entire aesthetic appearance of a large plant, and absolutely disappointed and even angry. It all depends on the conditions in which the tomato tree grew. Now grow it on your own personal plot Anyone can perform such a miracle. To do this, you definitely need to get acquainted with the characteristics of an indeterminate tomato variety (unlimited in growth) and the techniques for the serious work ahead.

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Double Harvest

Important agrotechnical points

The main approach to growing Octopus F1 is to use the hydroponics method.

Its essence is the minimal use of the soil layer, which has long become infertile, special access to oxygen, as well as the complete exclusion of the use of fertilizers of inorganic origin, which is a relevant and environmentally correct solution today.

Technically used in the laboratory modern direction hydroponics - hyponics using a computer that effectively monitors the level, composition of microorganisms, microelements and other parameters in water and soil mixture.

f1 grows up to one and a half years under the following conditions:

  1. good air ventilation;
  2. without sudden temperature changes;
  3. with intense lighting and constant feeding with compost with effective microorganisms.

It takes more than six months to form a bush, which must be carefully monitored to prevent it from flowering ahead of time. Therefore, it is believed that in areas with risky farming due to climatic conditions, it is possible to grow high-yielding tomatoes only in greenhouse premises equipped with everything necessary. For giant tomatoes, which have an appropriate name, the greenhouse must be of appropriate size with designated personal spaces: at least three by three meters for one, subsequently highly branching tree.

Conditions for growing Octopus in open ground

Purchased Octopus f1 seeds first undergo traditional preparation. To disinfect, they are placed for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Seed material, as usual, is planted in a container for seedlings at the end of February, at the latest in early March, maintaining the temperature environment not lower than 25 degrees. When the sprouted stem reaches a length of one meter, it is transplanted into a larger form. It could be a barrel without a bottom or old bath with holes made in it for the free outflow of excess liquid. 2/3 of the volume of the prepared container is filled layer by layer organic compost and fertile land, preferably purchased at special crop sales points. You can prepare compost yourself; it consists of rotted remains of tree leaves, plant stems, bird droppings, manure, and peat.

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Time until the beginning of June is allotted for the formation of a strong root system of the bush. To do this, remove the stepsons, buds, damaged and diseased leaves. This plant is no longer afraid of cold weather and disease. Then, over the course of six weeks, a large number of tufts are allowed to form: up to 30 ovaries on each branch, on average about 12. As you look at it, a growing and heavy tree needs not only good strengthening, tying and establishing supports, but also a sufficient amount of water and nutrients . Soil humidity should always be at least 60%. The tree is fed regularly at this time: every two days it is watered with compost dissolved in water. If necessary, if leaching has occurred, add soil mixture to the container.

Advantages of Octopus

The periods for active fruiting of tomatoes of this variety grown in open ground in temperate climate zones are as follows: from mid-July to early (mid) September until frost. Moreover, the upper fruits are in no way inferior in quality to the lower ones, dense in consistency and universal in use. Suitable for both food and pickling.

It's amazing what if you don't comply special conditions vital activity for a unique tomato tree, grown as usual, the plant will not differ from its nightshade counterparts that once arrived from South America. Painstaking work on growing the Sprut F1 variety, which bears fruit for a couple of months in open ground or all year round in greenhouse conditions, it will more than reward beginners and experienced farmers with an unprecedented harvest of sweet tomatoes - to the surprise and envy of all neighbors and competitors.

Tomato tree - “Cyphomandra” belongs to the nightshade family, like the familiar tomato, eggplant, potato or pepper. Why "tomato"?

Apparently, because its fruits look like small tomatoes, although the question is still controversial: “Who does the fruit look more like, a tomato or a fruit?”

general information

“Tsifomandra” or “tamarillo” belongs to the nightshade genus and has absorbed all the properties of this species. It grows quickly, taking on the appearance of a spreading tree, the leaves are large, up to 30 cm, slightly elongated, thin and unlike tomato leaves, most likely similar to an elongated heart.

Tamarillo flowers are exactly like eggplant and potato flowers: with five sharp petals ranging from soft pink to lilac shade, and collected in small inflorescences.

The plant is subtropical, heat-loving, and does not tolerate even light frosts. It can grow both in open ground and in greenhouses. “Cyphomandra” is an evergreen perennial that grows and bears fruit in warm climates for a long time, up to 6–8 years.

A tree grown from seeds begins to bear fruit only from the second year, so for planting in open ground in middle lane not very suitable, because it will have to be dug up for the winter.

Fruits of unusual taste, varied in color outside and inside. The taste of the fruit depends on the variety: it can be sour or sweet.

The harvest is good, can reach up to 30 kg per tree, no less than three years, but the return is gradual.

A tomato tree lives up to eight years and reproduces well by cuttings and seeds.

This exotic tree practically does not get sick, it is not afraid of even late blight, but in greenhouses it can become infected with whiteflies or thrips.

Characteristics and description

Description of the bush

The tomato tree "Cyphomandra" exactly lives up to its name.

  • It looks like a tree: at first the trunk grows quickly, becomes woody below, and a crown of shoots forms at the top. It is formed in the same way as in real trees.
  • The trunk of an adult tree reaches a diameter of five to eight centimeters, and branches - up to 3 cm.
  • The tree looks impressive: it decorates any garden, greenhouse, veranda and apartment where it grows in large containers.
  • The tomato tree is decorated with large beautiful leaves and bright fruits.
  • It is afraid of low temperatures: even with a short-term drop to +2 °C, it sheds its leaves and young shoots die, but after the temperature rises, it gains strength again, so it is recommended to grow in heated greenhouses or only until autumn.
  • Loves sunny side, does not develop in the shade and does not reach large sizes.

Description of fruits

The fruits of the “Tsifomandra” variety bear little resemblance to tomatoes. They most likely resemble exotic fruits.

  • They have an unusual flesh color. It can be dark, bluish with a red skin, or yellow with an orange top.
  • The fruits themselves are distinguished by a variety of colors: pink-raspberry, red, yellow, olive, lemon and beet-like. There are so many varieties, so many colors.
  • The pulp is juicy, has an interesting exotic taste, but pleasant, with hints of fruit: passion fruit, lemon, strawberry and tomato.
  • The fruits look like large plums or an egg, hanging on a long stalk. They grow from several to twenty pieces in a cluster. Their size is approximately 5 cm wide and up to 10 cm long. The weight of one fruit is from 30 to 50 g.
  • The skin of the fruit is hard, tasteless, and bitter.

Advice! They only eat the pulp, as the skin is bitter! Therefore, this fact must be taken into account when preparing dishes. How to eat fruit correctly? Cut it in half and eat the soft core with a spoon.

And in order to use the whole fruit for food, it is necessary to remove the skin from it. To do this, the fruits are scalded with boiling water, kept in it for about a minute, after which the skin can be easily removed.

  • Peeled fruits are widely used in cooking. They are used to prepare salads, purees, mousses, everything that is made from real tomatoes, as well as sweet desserts: jams, marmalade, decorating sponge cakes and ice cream. You can marinate like regular tomatoes.
  • Stores well frozen, preserving everything beneficial features and vitamins, which are abundant in this fruit: B vitamins, vitamins A and C, PP, potassium, magnesium and other microelements.

Advantages and disadvantages

You found out what kind of fruit this “tsifomandra” tomato is, its characteristics and description of the variety, now let’s look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this plant.

Let's consider the advantages of the tomato tree.

  • High-yielding, from one tree you can collect from 20 to 30 kg of fruit in a season that lasts seven months.
  • Exotic fruits of unusual taste, good for health: there are no contraindications, as they have low calorie content, without fats and carbohydrates. Unlike other fruits, they can be consumed even by people with diabetes.
  • The plant looks decorative and is a decoration for any greenhouse and garden.
  • Propagates well by seeds and cuttings.
  • Can be grown at home, on the loggia and in winter garden all year round.
  • Almost never gets sick.
  • It can grow on a glassed-in loggia in a pot if it faces south.

What can be attributed to the disadvantages of the tsifomandra tomato, guided by the description of the variety.

  • If you mark it big harvest, then you should not forget about the area this tomato tree occupies, and, recalculating it in square meters, you can doubt the yield.
  • It bears fruit only in the second year: this means that it is relatively suitable for our gardeners. The tree will have to be moved indoors for the winter, if there is no heated greenhouse, it will have to be looked after all winter and taken out to the site in the spring.
  • When transplanting or transporting home from open ground for the winter, you don’t have to expect a high yield. It should be treated simply as an exotic plant.
  • The fruits fall off when ripe, so it is important to remove them from the tree in time.
  • Fruits cannot be stored: maximum two weeks if refrigerated.
  • Wood is demanding temperature conditions: at low temperatures sheds leaves and flowers, so in winter greenhouses and on the loggias the temperature must be maintained at least 10–15 °C.
  • As it turned out, the digital tomato still has more disadvantages, although its reviews and photos are very attractive and tempting for people.

Features of growing the variety

How to grow a tomato tree?

It is not difficult to grow it, the main thing is to determine where it will grow in the future. Since “cyfomandra” belongs to the nightshade crops, it should be grown according to the same principles.

Take light but fertile soil for sowing: 2 parts humus, one part sand and peat. If you can’t do it yourself, buy ready-made soil for vegetables.

Before sowing, place the seeds in the refrigerator for a day to harden. Then pickle them in a solution of potassium permanganate for 1 hour.

Seeds can be germinated at any time of the year, but as gardeners recommend, best time- it's early spring. Then the seedlings will not need additional lighting. Plant them in a small container to a depth of 1 cm, 5 cm between seeds, cover with glass or film and place in a warm place, not necessarily light.

But as soon as the seedlings appear in a week or two, the tray with the seedlings is immediately moved to the light. The temperature should be 20–22 °C during the day and 16 °C at night so that the sprouts do not stretch. After two leaves appear, the seedlings dive, transplanting them into separate pots very carefully, since the roots are very delicate.

After picking, water frequently, but the water should not stagnate, so be sure to make a hole in the cups.

The seedlings grow very quickly and actively; they require fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

The first fertilizing should be done no earlier than two weeks after picking; subsequently, water with fertilizers, alternating every 15 days: phosphorus and potassium.

  • Superphosphate: 3 g per liter;
  • Potassium nitrate: 3 g per liter of warm water. Or use complex ready-made fertilizers.

Plant in a pot or soil when 7–8 leaves appear. The first year, if flowers appear, they should be cut off to form a strong tree.

In open ground, it needs excellent support, preferably a trellis. Plant in light soil, make a hole at least 25 cm deep. Pour a liter of humus, a liter of peat, a liter of ash onto the bottom, mix and pour warm water and cover with mulch after planting.

Mulch prevents moisture from evaporating and crusts from appearing after watering, which improves air exchange for the roots. Keeps you warm when temperatures drop at night.

tomato tree or tree tomato Sprut F1 - a hybrid variety of raceme tomatoes bred several years ago, which has aroused great interest among farmers, gardeners and summer residents who like various innovations and wonders. Unusual plant is indeterminate, i.e. having no restrictions in growth, a hybrid with a well-developed ability to intensively form shoots. Its height can reach 4 meters or even more, and its crown area can be 40-50 square meters. meters. The annual harvest of Sprut F1 is simply fantastic - about 14 thousand tomatoes, the total weight of which is 1.5 tons.

The miracle tomato got its name for a reason - the tomato tree, like an octopus, entwines itself with the entire frame of the greenhouse built for it. The main features of this variety of tomatoes are enormous growth energy, power, productivity and disease resistance. It is genetically endowed with a powerful root system and a well-developed surface leaf apparatus.

The brush of the hybrid Sprut F1 is laid after two or three leaves. Each of them produces 5-6 fruits with an average weight of 100-160 grams. Tomatoes are round in shape, fleshy, juicy, with excellent taste.

The growth process of a tomato tree lasts on average 1-1.5 years, so climatic conditions In Russia, productive cultivation is possible only in year-round heated and illuminated greenhouses. The first 7-8 months need to focus on the formation of the tree, not allowing it to bear fruit. There is no need to carry out pinching in the crown - all shoots should bloom and produce a harvest. Further, when the crown has already formed, a period of fruit formation and active fruiting begins.

Tomatoes of the Sprut F1 variety can be planted in both professional and amateur greenhouses. When grown in a regular greenhouse for three summer months beginner gardenercan get a fairly tall plant that will bear about 10 kg of fruit per season. But intensive mineral nutrition in addition to the maximum favorable conditions(enough warmth and light) will allow you to grow huge tree with good yield.

When growing a tomato tree in a professional greenhouse, you should abandon soil and soil - potential breeding grounds and reservoirs of pests and diseases. Despite the good disease resistance of Octopus F1, it is advisable to exclude unfavorable factors that can harm the plant. For this indeterminate tomato, the hydroponic method is best suited, i.e. method of growing without soil on an artificial nutrient medium. It will provide good air permeability to the roots of the plant, which will prevent the entry of too much large quantity moisture and drying out. The tree will receive nutrition and moisture in doses. Glass wool cubes can be used as a substratum (solid soil substitute). For the full development of Octopus F1 Special attention should be given fertilizing with mineral salts.

It is also permissible to grow a tomato tree in open ground, but in this case the height and yield of the plant will be much more modest.

The tomato tree Sprut F1 is a miracle of selection that absolutely anyone can grow if desired. A little patience, enthusiasm and love for your work - and your greenhouse will be decorated with a luxurious plant, and your table will be decorated with juicy and tasty tomatoes.