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» Dicentra or broken heart - growing in a personal plot. Dicentra flower (broken heart): varieties, cultivation and propagation How to plant a broken heart flower

Dicentra or broken heart - growing in a personal plot. Dicentra flower (broken heart): varieties, cultivation and propagation How to plant a broken heart flower

Dicentra, or Broken heart- the plant is both annual and perennial, belongs to the smoke family. Dicentra (Greek “dis” - twice and “kentron” - spur), which means two spurs. Spurs are located on both sides of the corolla petals. You can also find the names “Jeannette’s heart”, “heart flower”, “locks and keys”. Rezhedeliktra or bull's head.

The plant resembles drooping hearts with bright colors and attracts attention to itself so much that in almost every country there is a legend about it. So, in the French version, the girl Jeanette fell in love with a young man who, while hunting, saw her and helped her find her way home. After some time, she saw her savior, but he was hugging another. Jeannette’s grief was so great that her heart could not stand it and broke, and in the place of the fallen fragments a crimson-red flower grew.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Family: Dymyankovye.

Motherland: East Asia, North America, Far East.

Bloom: May – June 30–35 days, some species bloom later.

Height: from 15 cm to 1 m.

Light: Grows in both sun and shade.

Temperature: frost-resistant.

Humidity: air: moderate watering.

Top dressing: during the growing season, complex mineral fertilizer is applied 1-2 times.

Reproduction: dividing the bush with cutting off the rhizome, cuttings, less often with seeds.

Broken Heart blooms early and is quite unpretentious. The plants grown by gardeners are herbaceous perennials. Height from 15 cm to 1 m, the stem is thick and straight. The root is fleshy and poisonous. The leaves are petiolate, pinnate, dissected into two or three parts, green or blue-green, even gray, and quite tender. The flower itself is slightly flattened on both sides and resembles a broken heart, the outer petals of a darker color are slightly open, and behind them the inner, much larger ones are visible. lighter tone or a different color altogether.

Flower bush broken heart

The outer petals of the flower end in hollow spurs where nectar collects. The diameter of the inflorescence is up to three centimeters. The inflorescences bloom on a drooping raceme with thin petioles curved down to one side. Flowering branches rise above the bush. After flowering, a seed capsule with oblong, shiny black peas is formed.

Broken Heart is considered an early bloomer, but there are varieties that bloom in September. By selecting certain types of Dicentra, you can achieve flowering of hearts from May to September, right up to the onset of cold weather, while caring for the plant is minimal, and growing it is a pleasure.


There are 20 plant species, of which only Dicentraperegrina is considered wild in Russia. ) .

Let's look at the most commonly grown species:

Dicentra is magnificent or Broken heart- D. Spectabilis.

The perennial plant reaches a height of up to 1 m. It does not require special care. It is a lush and tall plant, hence the name. The leaves are large, mostly basal, pinnately dissected, green at the base and more bluish towards the edge. Flowers are heart-shaped, flat, rich Pink colour up to 3 cm, bloom on inflorescences-tassels, the length of which reaches up to 20 cm. Broken heart of the Alba variety with flowers white slightly lower, up to 70 cm.

GoldHut(GoldHeart) The variety, bred by breeders in 2004, blooms pink and the leaves have a yellow-golden hue.

Variety GoldHat dicenters

Dicentra is beautiful(D. formosa) with ort of medium height with light green leaves. The graceful flowers are small, white, and vary in shades of cream to purple. The flowering period is from June to September.

Dicentra exceptional or excellent(D. eximia), only 25 cm in height, with faded gray-green leaves, similar to a fern. Color from dark pink to white. Flowering continues for 2 months.

Dicentra nobulosa(D. cucullaria), measuring 15 cm in height. The root is tuberous, the flowers are white or pinkish; the upper part of the heart is elongated. The leaves are poisonous, but they are used for medicine.

Dicentra climbing(D. scandens), grown in the Himalayas. Unlike its fellows, it is not a bush, but a vine up to 2 m long; it begins flowering in July with white-pink or yellowish inflorescences. Mostly annual. Does not tolerate cold and prefers more warm temperatures. Variety "Golden Tears" is frost-resistant, with yellow flower, turning into a rich pink shade on the spurs.

Dicentra vagabond(D. Peregrina). Grows on Far East Russia. The plant is small, no more than 15 cm. The leaves are bluish, strongly dissected, the roots are short. The flowers, although rare, are large, rich purple or white. Perfect option for an alpine hill, where caring for it will consist of watering and removing dried branches. Blooms from July to September. Prefers a temperate climate, quite frost-resistant. Loves rocky sandy soil and drier soil.

Variety Dicentra stray

Dicentra is an amazing flower that is suitable for single plantings and for decorating flower beds. A selection of low grades suitable for use on lawns, alpine roller coaster, large varieties are used to create lush multi-level flower beds or look great as a single bush.


The plant is unpretentious, and planting is suitable in both shaded and sunny areas. At the same time, in sunny places flowering begins earlier, but growing in the shade will give more abundant and longer flowering. Prefers slightly acidic, nutritious, moist soil. But it does not tolerate dampness. It is better to prepare the place for replanting in the fall by digging up the ground with humus (5 kg per 1 m2) and mineralized fertilizers (20 g per 1 m2). For heavy soil, mix sand or leaf soil into the soil. If planting is in autumn, then after preparing the soil, it is postponed for 2-3 weeks, or until spring.

We choose the place of the plant in the flower garden based on its variety. The tall, magnificent Dicentra looks good in the central part of the flowerbed

The plant does not require special care; you can feed it a couple of times with mineral fertilizers and remove weeds, loosening the soil. It is worth watering during dry periods. If you promptly remove dried, faded brushes while caring for the bush, you can achieve prolongation of flowering or re-blooming towards the end of the season. May suffer from frost as the leaves are quite tender. In this case, if the prognosis is unpleasant, the bush should be covered with non-woven material such as acrylic at night. In autumn, the yellowed ground part is removed, leaving 3-5 cm.


The plant grows in a permanent place for no more than 5-8 years. The bush is renewed, divided, cared for and replanted. Planting is best in spring (April-May) or autumn (September). The rhizome, although large, is very fragile. When digging and dividing it must be handled very carefully. For planting, use a sharp knife to prepare pieces of root 8-10 cm long, with 3-4 shoots, and immediately plant them in the main place. When planting a plant alone, it is worth placing 2-3 separated roots 30 cm apart from each other in the prepared hole. This method will allow you to get a luxuriantly flowering bush in the first year.

Landing dicenters

Planting by cuttings. Layings are taken from Dicentra the Magnificent (broken heart) in April, and from Dicentra the Beautiful - in summer period. Growing and caring for cuttings is carried out in loosened, moistened soil, preferably in a greenhouse; they are driven to a depth of 10 cm. The humidity level is monitored, and after a month roots and sprouts sprout. The cuttings are planted in the main place next spring.

Propagation by seeds is quite difficult and is generally not used.

Dicentra is a perennial and belongs to the smoke family. The plant forms a bush 15 cm-3 m high - depending on the species. IN wildlife lives in North America And East Asia. The broken heart flower is easy to care for and is suitable for growing in shady corners of the garden where other crops cannot survive. The flowering period begins at the end of May and lasts for 30–45 days, but some species bloom again.

The plant forms an erect, branched stem that has a dense, fleshy structure. Carved pinnately dissected leaves of a soft green color with a bluish tint are attached to it. On thin arched shoots there are heart-shaped buds, which are collected in 8–15 pieces. After the flowering period, fruit boxes are formed in which the seeds ripen. Dicentra has a fleshy taproot that goes deep into the soil.

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    Types and varieties

    There are about 20 species of dicentra in nature, but only a few of them have received wide recognition among gardeners. Among them you can find both tall and short specimens.

    The most popular types:

    Image Name Description
    Dicentra magnificent, or spectabilisThis species can most often be found in gardens. The height of the bushes reaches 100 cm. The leaves consist of several elongated or wedge-shaped segments. The surface of the leaf plate has a rich green color, and with reverse side takes on a bluish tint. It forms a rare raceme-like inflorescence, on which pink or pale red buds with a white tongue are located. Their diameter is about 3 cm. Flowering occurs in the middle May - early June and continues for 30 days. At the end of July, the growing season of the plant stops. As a result, the above-ground part dies and a period of dormancy begins.

    Dicentra beautiful, or FormosaA low-growing type of crop, the height of the bushes is no more than 40 cm. The carved feathery leaves have a light green color with a bluish tint. The flowering period begins in mid-June and continues until the end of summer.

    Dicentra exceptional or excellentThis species is distinguished by carved leaves that resemble a fern. Abundant flowering occurs in May and continues until August. Forms low-growing bushes up to 25 cm high. The color of the flowers can be white, soft pink and dark purple. The difference between the species is that it forms a lush basal rosette of leaves

    Dicentra skandens, or climbingThis species is a liana, the length of its shoots is about 2–3 m. Flowering occurs in mid-summer and continues until the first autumn frosts. Often grown as annual crop. Popular variety is the Golden Vine, which is propagated by seed. The flowers come in white, pink and yellow shades. Breeders developed a frost-resistant variety, Golden Tears, which is distinguished by its yellow-pink bud color. For successful wintering the plant needs good shelter until 3 years of age

    Dicentra capulataThe height of bushes of this species is no more than 15 cm. It forms small trifoliate leaves. The flowers reach a diameter of about 2 cm and are white or light pink. This species is used in the production of medicines. Flowering is coming in early spring, after which the aboveground part dies off completely. The rhizome consists of small size tubers. The stems of the plant are poisonous

    Dicentra vagabondVery rare view culture. The height of the bushes does not exceed 15 cm. It is distinguished by large flowers of pink-violet or white shade. Forms leaves on a thin stem of green color with bluish pollination. Flowering begins in July and continues until September. It is resistant to temperature changes and is undemanding to soil composition. Feels great on slopes and embankments made of sand and gravel

    Dicentra Hybrid - Burning HeartsA spectacular species obtained by crossing a stray and a superior plant. The flowers have a bright red hue with a wide white border, which look contrasting against the background of bluish foliage. It is popular among gardeners because of its decorative properties. The height of the bush reaches 30 cm, so it is recommended to grow it not only in open ground, but also in pots. The flowering period begins in May-June and lasts for 30 days

    Common varieties of dicentra:

    Image Description and titlevarieties

    The Alba variety stands out for its white buds, which are collected in arched inflorescences 20 cm long. The height of the bushes reaches 80 cm. It does not tolerate either drought or stagnation of moisture in the soil. Frost-resistant species, but in spring young leaves need shelter from late frosts

    Variety Gold Hut, which means Golden Heart. New for 2004. Stands out as unusual yellow tint foliage, against which bright pink heart buds look impressive. Flowering occurs in May-June. The height of the bushes reaches 60 cm

    The Valentina variety is distinguished by bright red flowers with a contrasting white tongue. The shoots and main stem are dark brown. The variety can be grown both in the shade and in a lighted place. Flowering occurs at the end of May and lasts 40 days

    The beautiful dicentra variety Aurora is distinguished by snow-white flowers. Forms bushes 30 cm high with a basal rosette of leaves. Flowering begins in May and continues until autumn. The leaf blades have a rich green color on top and a bluish coating on the bottom.

    The Adrian Bloom variety is distinguished by a soft pink hue of flowers. Forms a bush 40 cm high. Flowering occurs at the end of May and continues until September

    The variety Bacchanal (Bacchanal) has a beautiful dicentra and stands out for its purple hue of flowers. The height of the bush reaches 35–40 cm. The leaves have a rich green color. The variety blooms throughout the summer

    The variety of climbing dicentra Zolotaya Loza is propagated by seed. The length of the shoots reaches 2.5 m. It is distinguished by a rich yellow hue of buds, which have a diameter of 2–2.5 cm. Flowering begins in June and continues until the first autumn frosts. Needs additional shelter for the winter

    The variety Golden Tears of climbing dicentra is distinguished by a yellow-red hue of flowers. The length of the shoots reaches 3 m. It has high frost resistance. Flowering occurs at the age of 3 years. Forms numerous buds

    Ideal neighbors for dicentra in the garden are ferns, hosts, astilbes, bitter weed and primrose.

    Landing Features

    Dicentra is an undemanding crop, but when planting it is recommended to take into account the preferences of the plant, then it will develop and bloom profusely. It is also necessary to first familiarize yourself with some important points, ignoring which can lead to the death of the bush.

    All work with dicentra should be carried out with protective gloves, as its juice can cause skin irritation and allergic reaction due to the high content of alkaloids.

    Timing for planting in open ground

    The plant must be planted in the spring in well-warmed soil, when the air temperature is not below +10...+15 degrees, regardless of the time of day. This is usually the end of April - mid-May - depending on the climate of the region. This procedure can also be carried out in the fall at the end of September, which will allow the plant to fully take root before the onset of the first frost.

    Failure to comply with planting deadlines can lead to long-term adaptation of the crop in a new place, which will significantly weaken the immune system, and in some cases can cause death.

    Selecting a location

    Dicentra can be planted in a secluded part of the garden under the shade of trees, but it can also grow in a well-lit area. In the first case, the flowering period will begin a little later, but its duration will increase significantly. The shade of the buds will be rich and bright. In the second case, the dicentra will bloom earlier, but under the influence of direct sun rays this period will not be so long, and the flowers will gradually fade.

    When choosing a location, there are several important details to consider:

    • the plant is perennial and will grow and increase in volume over time, so it must be located at a distance of 50–70 cm from neighboring crops;
    • it is necessary to avoid stagnation of moisture in the selected place, groundwater must be located at a depth of at least 1 m;
    • The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral.

    Site preparation

    Dicentra responds well to a nutritious light substrate rich in organic fertilizers. Therefore, soil preparation should be carried out in advance: when planting in spring, in autumn and vice versa. First, the area must be dug up to the depth of a shovel and organic matter must be added at the rate of 5 kg of humus, 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate per 1 sq. m. m. In case of landing large quantity Bushes at the same time, it is recommended to pour fertilizer directly into the hole. This will provide the plant necessary nutrition for full development.

    How to plant

    Planting holes for dicentra must be made at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Moreover, their diameter should be 30 cm and depth 40 cm. Before the procedure, the roots of the plant should be soaked in water for at least 2 hours, which activates biological processes.

    IN further landing carried out in this order:

    • lay a layer of broken brick or crushed stone at the bottom of the pit;
    • pour on top nutritious soil with fertilizers, if they were not added during site preparation;
    • water generously and wait until the water is absorbed;
    • straighten the roots of the seedling and place it in the middle of the recess so that the root collar is at soil level;
    • sprinkle with soil, shaking the plant periodically to fill all the voids;
    • compact the soil from above and water generously (5 liters per 1 specimen).

    The dicentra can grow in one place for 6–7 years, after which the bush must be divided and moved to a new area.

    Further care

    If the planting was carried out taking into account the recommendations, then in the future the dicentra will require a minimum of care from the grower. The main condition for its growth is watering, but neither drought nor stagnation of moisture should be allowed. In the absence of rain, the crop must be moistened once a week by pouring 5 liters of water under the bush.

    In early spring, when dicentra begins its growing season, there is a threat of late frosts, so the plant needs shelter. This will help protect young shoots from freezing. It is also necessary to loosen the soil at the base of the bush and lay a 3-5 cm layer of peat or straw mulch on top, which will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture from the ground.

    Fertilizing should be applied from the second year after planting. They are recommended to be carried out in 3 stages: during the growing season, during the formation of inflorescences and during flowering. The first time you need to use nitrogen fertilizers - ammonium nitrate, urea or calcium nitrate, at the rate of 30 g of any product per bucket of water. If desired, they can be replaced with organic matter - mullein 1:10 or chicken droppings 1:20.

    The second time, it is recommended to reduce the amount of nitrogen, but increase the content of phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, fertilizing should be carried out in the following proportion: 10 g of urea or calcium nitrate, 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water. This composition will help stimulate the abundant formation of inflorescences. At the third stage, it is necessary to completely eliminate nitrogen, as it provokes the growth of shoots to the detriment of preparation for the coming winter. Fertilizer should be used at the following rate: 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water. Fertilizers need to be applied at a rate of 2 liters of solution per bush.

    To prolong the flowering of dicentra, it is necessary to remove withered buds and yellowed leaves in a timely manner.

    Preparing for winter

    When the leaves and shoots of the plant begin to fade, they must be cut off at a height of 10 cm above the soil. In October (before the onset of frost), the ground at the base of the bush must be covered with a layer of pine needles or rotted compost 7–9 cm thick. This procedure will help avoid freezing of the root system.

    When growing dicentra in the southern regions, mulching should not be carried out, as this can lead to damping off of the bush.

    Possible difficulties

    Dicentra is highly resistant to pests and diseases. But if the rules of care are not followed, it can be exposed to viruses such as tobacco mosaic and ring spot. This is expressed in the appearance on the leaves and stems of the plant of characteristic spots, stripes and rings of a light shade, which gradually increase in diameter.

    Dicentra is also susceptible to microplasma disease, which negatively affects growth and causes curvature of shoots. All these diseases cannot be treated, so the main methods of combating them are preventive measures. A month before planting dicentras, it is necessary to spill the area with a 5% formaldehyde solution, but at the same time you must strictly adhere to the waiting period. Old mulch and weeds must be removed in time near the center. Sometimes pests (aphids) are carriers of diseases, so at the first signs of their occurrence, the foliage should be sprayed twice with Actellik or Liber at intervals of 7–10 days.

    Reproduction methods

    Dicentra can be propagated by seeds, dividing bushes and by cuttings. The first option is only suitable when growing a climbing variety, which is cultivated as an annual. It is recommended to purchase seed material from trusted manufacturers.

    Seeds should be planted in mid-to-late February, as the first shoots will appear after 30 days. The soil for this should consist of the following components: 30% sand, 30% peat or leaf soil and 40% turf soil. The planting depth is 1 cm. The temperature of young seedlings should not fall below +18...+20 degrees. When the plants get stronger, they should be transplanted to a permanent place.

    Dividing the dicentra bush into segments

    The optimal method of propagation is dividing the bush. It must be carried out once every 3-4 years, since over time the roots grow significantly and begin to inhibit each other. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the spring when young shoots appear or in the fall. The root must be carefully dug up and allowed to dry out a little. This will help reduce the fragility of the lateral processes. Division should be carried out with a disinfected knife to avoid infection. Each segment should have a full root and 3-4 growth points. After this, fresh wounds must be sprinkled with wood ash or “Fundazol” and placed on a permanent place on the specimen. To make the bush decorative in the first year, divisions can be made 2-3 pieces per hole.

    Cuttings with a “heel”

    The dicentra cutting method is recommended to be used in the spring, when young shoots reach a height of 10–15 cm. They should be broken off from the mother bush with a “heel” at the bottom, planted in a moistened substrate consisting of peat and sand in equal quantities, and watered with a solution of “Kornevin” or "Heteroauxin", which stimulates root development. The top of the cuttings should be covered with a transparent cap, which will provide the necessary humidity. Rooting occurs within 30 days. Plants can be planted in a permanent place only next spring.

Heavy soil is diluted with coarse sand or peat. The ground is moist but not soggy. Dicentra does not tolerate swamps. Treats feeding well. The crop is often planted along borders or in flower beds. Dicentra will grow in almost any area of ​​the garden, the main thing is to give it a bright, moist and slightly shaded place.

Planting dates will depend on the region where the shrub is planned to be grown. In the northern regions, dicentra is planted in spring or early June. In the south - in September. The fact is that the crop tolerates winters well in the South, but in Siberia or the Urals it will simply freeze when planted in the fall, no matter how much it is covered. That's why better landing spend in the spring.

The site for the bush is prepared in advance, in autumn or spring:

  • The earth is dug up to a depth of 40-50 cm, 3 kg per 1 m2 of humus and a mineral fertilizer complex are added. The dug up and enriched soil is left until spring.
  • On time, seedlings are planted in holes measuring 30x40 cm at a distance of 30 cm from each other.
  • When planting, the soil should be moist and warm. Don't forget that clay soils diluted with sand or peat.
  • Drainage is required condition growing dicentra. You can lay a layer of broken bricks or expanded clay at the bottom of the holes if you are not sure that the ground allows moisture and air to pass through well.

After planting, the crop must be looked after, especially in the first year of development. Watch for the appearance of or.

Since dicentra loves moisture- and breathable soil, the soil around the plant is constantly loosened so that a crust does not form. When loosening, be careful not to damage the upper roots of the crop.

To retain moisture, lay a layer of mulch from humus or mown grass 5-7 cm thick. Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries. You can’t over-water the bush or create dampness. Otherwise root system will begin to rot. Remove dried flowers and branches. This prolongs flowering.

Weeding is a mandatory step in caring for dicentra.

During the entire growing season, the plant is fed with nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Before flowering, superphosphate is added, after which phosphorus-potassium complexes are added. In total, they feed from 3 to 5 times during the season until August.

In autumn, the bush is pruned, leaving about 5 cm in height of the stems. Cover with a thick layer of mulch and spruce branches - 15-20 cm. If the region is not very cold, the layer height may be less; spruce branches are not needed. Dicentra Magnificent can withstand frosts down to -35°. Proper care is the key to a profusely flowering shrub, and touching hearts will delight with rich, bright colors.

The most common and dangerous diseases are:

  • Ring spot
  • Microplasma disease
  • Root rot
  • Stem rot

The most unpleasant and frequent guests are ring spot viruses and microplasma disease. The first disease can be recognized by spots and stripes on greenery in the form of oak leaves or rings. Microplasma disease manifests itself in the form of greening of flowers, later the leaves lighten, change shape, the crop ceases to form inflorescences and often dies. Dicentra cannot be cured in these cases. But you can prevent the appearance of viruses. The soil must be treated with formaldehyde a month before planting.

Disinfection is the only salvation from these diseases.

Rot appears due to waterlogged soil, thickened plantings, frequent rains, and sudden changes. Only proper care and planting can save the plant. That is, do not create thickets, the crop must be ventilated. Water regularly and moderately.

More information can be found in the video:

Troubles in the form of diseases or pests are rare, since the plant is resistant to almost all fungal and viral diseases. But don't forget about proper care and soil treatment before planting. As a result, the gardener will be able to grow beautiful, healthy ornamental shrub with inimitable inflorescences in the shape of a broken heart!

Dicentra is interesting and unusual herbaceous plant in the form of a small bush. It is very popular among gardeners, and is sometimes called “broken heart” or “hearts”. It received this name because of the heart-shaped shape of its flowers. They look very cute and beautiful, and the different shades make them different from each other. From Latin the name translates as “two spurs.”

Botanical description and plant species

Broken Heart - Perennial Flower, the height of which depends on the variety and can reach from fifteen centimeters to three meters. Belongs to the smoke family. Its homeland is Asia and North America.

The root system is taproot type. The roots are fleshy and go deep into the ground. The stem is erect, branched. The leaf has petioles, has a pinnate appearance and dissected ends.

Flowers are collected in racemes, can be different shades and are shaped like small hearts. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a seed capsule filled with small seeds. Able to reproduce by seeds (extremely rarely), by dividing the bush or by cuttings.

The flowering period depends on the variety. Some varieties can bloom throughout the summer, and some fade within a month.

There are not so many plant species. About 20 plants are known in nature, of which no more than 10 are cultivated. The following can be distinguished from them:

In the wild, the dicentra splendid plant grows on the rocky slopes of the Far East. It does not tolerate dry air well. However, her American relatives are not so capricious. But despite this, no matter what type is chosen, exist general rules regarding planting crops:

Flower care rules

When the flower is planted correctly and the place is well suited for it, growing the plant and caring for it does not cause much trouble. Regular watering is especially important. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, but waterlogging can also be harmful.

They begin to care for the flower from the beginning of spring, when the leaves appear from the ground. During this period, the soil near the plant is loosened and mulched. If frosts occur at night at this time, it is better to cover the dicentra, because they can destroy young shoots.

To ensure flowering lasts longer, faded flowers must be removed. After the end of the flowering period, leaves that fade must be cut off completely, leaving only small stumps.

For the winter, the plant must be covered so that it does not die. As a shelter, you can use peat, which is covered with a layer of 5-8 centimeters. This is done only in the northern regions; in more southern regions this is usually not required, because the flower can be prohibited.

In spring it is recommended to apply fertilizer. Superphosphate is great for this. After flowering begins, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied to the bushes. This may help prolong this period. In the fall, humus should be added to each plant and watered with manure solution. With proper care, a large and fluffy bush with numerous flowers is formed.

Reproduction methods

Dicentra propagates mainly by dividing the bush or cuttings. The seed propagation method rarely brings any results. Shoots practically do not appear, and if they suddenly appear, the plant begins to bloom only after three years.

Experts recommend dividing bushes every three or four years. Due to the fact that the root system grows too much during this period, the roots may begin to rot. Dividing is best done in early spring, before the period of active growth begins. It is also possible to resort to similar propagation in the fall, after all the flowers have faded.

The root system of the plant should be dug up and carefully divided into several parts using a knife. Each division should have 3 or 4 good shoots. The cuttings can be planted immediately permanent places, having previously prepared holes for them.

Young shoots and shoots of the root system up to 15 centimeters are suitable for cuttings. It is better to first plant the cuttings in a greenhouse. You can plant them immediately in open ground, you just need to make sure that it is always moisturized. The cuttings should take root by next spring and then they can be transplanted to a permanent location.

Diseases and pests

Dicentra has excellent immunity, so it is extremely rarely affected by diseases. However, this possibility should not be completely ruled out. In addition, in some cases it is attacked by insect pests. Among the diseases to which she is most susceptible are:

  • tobacco mosaic;
  • ring spot.

These diseases can be easily identified by the way the foliage looks. Young leaves develop spots and stripes, while more mature foliage begins to resemble oak foliage.

There is also a small chance of contracting microplasma disease. In this case, the flowers begin to turn yellow or green appears on them and they stop growing. To prevent disease, you can do the following:

  • Before planting a flower, treat the soil with a 5% formaldehyde solution about a month before;
  • Regularly treat planted bushes against aphids - they are carriers of diseases;
  • promptly and regularly remove weeds around the bushes.

Thus, caring for the dicentra is not particularly difficult, and if everything is done correctly, the bush will be lush and will delight the gardener abundant flowering for a long time. Dicentra can become a decoration for any area.

Dicentra is a flower from the herbaceous family. Belongs to the Poppy family, subfamily – Dymyankovye. The plant can be annual or perennial. Many gardeners fell in love with it for its cute heart-shaped flowers. Many gardeners call the flower Broken Heart. They are different colors: from red-pink to yellow and white.

Behind unusual shape The French called the flower dicentra the heart of Jeannette. They still believe in the legend that she grew up where the poor girl's heart broke. Here she learned that her hero-savior was marrying someone else. For the British, the flower evokes other associations. They nicknamed him "the lady in the bathtub." If you translate the Latin name, it means “flower with two spurs.”

The homeland of the plant is Japan. From there it came to Europe in early XIX century. Over time, interest in him disappeared. But today “Zhanetta’s heart” began to beat with new strength. In gardens and parks you can often see arrows with original inflorescences hanging in droplets.

Botanical description of dicentra

The genus Dicentra consists of 20 species. IN natural conditions it is found in the Far East, eastern China, and also in North America. Externally, the plant looks very beautiful:

  • Height – from 30 cm to 1 m.
  • The flowers are heart-shaped, with two spurs. Their diameter is 2 cm. The shape is slightly flattened, the tones are different. They are located in the form of inflorescences-tassels on a long stem.
  • The leaves are green, with a slight blue-gray tint.
  • The root is powerful and grows deep.
  • The fruit is a small capsule, 3.5 cm long. It contains from 2 to 8 oblong black seeds. They are suitable for planting for 2 years. But it is quite difficult to germinate.

Planting dicentra in the garden - terms and rules

Dicentra is planted in the garden in spring or autumn. If it is planted with the arrival of spring, then it is better to do it in last days April – first week of May. September - optimal time For autumn planting. The main condition is that the seedling must take root and take root before the first serious frost.

Dicentra is not too demanding on the site. It will grow even on infertile lands. Will not die in the shadows. But it is better to follow a few rules. Then she will definitely delight you with lush inflorescences.

  1. It is better to plant in an area with good sunlight. The plant thrives in shaded flower beds. But in the sun it will bloom much faster.
  2. It is advisable to select soil that is nutritious and light. The undemanding flower grows in areas with different soils. Loose, not too heavy soil is an ideal condition for lush flowering. The soil must be saturated with useful elements. This will also improve the formation of buds.
  3. Well-drained area too important condition. Where water stagnates, healthy and beautiful flowers You can't wait.

How to prepare the soil for planting a broken heart flower?

The flower should not go straight into the ground. Prepare the soil before planting. If a spring transplant is planned, then the soil is prepared in the fall. If you have chosen the autumn planting option, prepare the site in the spring. What needs to be done for this?

  1. The earth is carefully dug up. Depth - bayonet of a shovel.
  2. When digging they add organic fertilizers- humus (3-4 kg per 1m2).
  3. Then the earth is flooded with water mineral supplements(20 g/10 l of water).

Rules for planting seedlings of the broken heart flower

If the soil is ready for planting, you need to make holes. Their depth and diameter are the same - 40 cm. A distance of about 0.5 m is left between them. After this, drainage is laid out at the bottom of the hole. It could be a pebble broken brick, small stones, crushed stone or expanded clay. A layer of earth is sprinkled on top - garden soil mixed with compost. Then a seedling is placed in the hole. You need to make sure that the roots do not get crushed. They should be evenly distributed throughout the hole. Garden soil and compost are again poured on top.

Advice. If the soil is too heavy, regular sand will help loosen it. It is advisable to take river, coarse-grained. Just add it to the soil and mix well. You can dilute the soil with limestone chips. It will help improve chemical composition soil, and will also provide additional drainage.

How to care for dicentra

– not complicated, does not require a “special approach”. But knowing about its features means getting beautiful plant in your flowerbed. To do this, you must follow three main rules for caring for a heart flower.

  • Watering should be moderate. Flooding of roots can cause rot. The plant may die.
  • The soil must be constantly loosened, while removing weeds. Good air exchange is the key to the health and beauty of a flower.
  • Spring shelter. IN spring days The threat of frost remains. At this time, tender shoots need heat protection. It is better to cover them at night. The ideal option is non-woven materials.
  • Water for irrigation should be soft. It is pre-defended. If the summer is too hot, then you need to water more often than usual. It is important to ensure that excessive moisture does not destroy the roots.

How to feed the dicentra

A little attention - and the plant will give you luxurious long-lasting flowering and lush green leaves:

  • At the beginning of spring, nitrogen fertilizing is carried out.
  • During flowering, superphosphate “nutrition” is required.
  • In autumn, in preparation for winter, fermented cow manure diluted in water 1:20 is used. They water the plant around the root and then cover it with mulch.

Pruning or how to enhance flowering

Another important point– you always need corollas that have already bloomed. This way you can make flowering not only more attractive, but also longer.

When and how to plant a broken heart flower?

This plant is propagated in several ways:

  • root division;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

The first of them has already been discussed in the previous section. But there is another option -. This technique is more complex. Requires skill and experience. It is not popular among amateurs. Such breeding can be done by professional gardeners. But if you wish, you can master this breeding technique.

Growing dicentra from seeds

Growing seedlings begins at the end of February. Even a lazy gardener can master dicentra propagation by seeds:

  1. Seeds are planted one at a time in cups, watered and covered with film. Shoots appear only after a month. At the same time, it is important to support constant temperature– 18-20°C.
  2. You can also sow in a common container, maintaining a distance of 2-3 cm between seedlings.
  3. After two true leaves appear on the stems, the seedlings will need to be planted into separate containers.
  4. Caring for growing seedlings is simple: you need moderate regular watering and good lighting.

In late autumn, the seedlings are covered for the winter. For these purposes, a piece of polyethylene is used.

Seedlings grow from seeds for a very long time. The plant will bloom its first buds only in the third year.

Propagation of dicentra by cuttings

Cuttings are another method of propagation. Held in early spring. Cuttings 15 cm long are cut. Young shoots are selected for this. Old or damaged branches will not work. Then the cuttings are dipped into a container with a root formation stimulator. Good growth accelerators:

  • "Kornerost".
  • "Zircon".
  • "Kornevin".
  • "Heteroauxin".

Advice. It is a good idea to add vitamin C or vitamin B1 to the root growth accelerator solution. Then the plant will sprout roots and shoots faster.

The cuttings are left in the solution for 24 hours. Then they are planted in flower pots. Cover the top with a jar and remove it after a couple of weeks. But rooted cuttings can be transplanted into the garden no sooner than after a year.

How to treat dicentra? Diseases and pests

Dicentra rarely gets sick, since by nature it is endowed with resistance to viruses. But she also has several enemies:

  • Ring spot. Light green spots or rings begin to appear on the leaves.
  • Tobacco mosaic. “Colors” the leaves with light spots.
  • Mycoplasma disease. This disease deforms the shoots with buds, reduces the growth rate of the flower, and colors the flowers yellow or green.

Prevention will help you avoid such troubles. The flower needs to be watered correctly. Overwatering reduces the plant’s immunity, making it vulnerable to disease. A wonderful remedy for the “seven ailments” of the flower is formaldehyde. With its help, the area should be treated a month before planting. The concentration of the solution is 5%.

Pests also rarely attack this flower. But no one is safe from aphid invasion. If this happens, then it’s easy to overcome them with Biotlin and Antitlin.

Caring for a broken heart flower after blooming

After mass flowering, seeds appear in place of the flowers. There is no need to collect them. They germinate very poorly. – the process is complex and unproductive. For middle zone This method of propagation is most often generally unsuitable due to poor seed ripening. It is better to use root division for propagation. But if you decide to try collecting the seeds, wait until the pods turn brown and only then remove them from the bush. The pods are peeled, the seeds are separated and dried in the shade for several days. Before sowing, they will need stratification to increase germination.

Preparing dicentra for winter

  • The first step is to cut top part– stems. Almost the entire stem is cut off. Only small columns, 3-5 cm long, are left.
  • The second step is to mulch the ground around. Dicentra is a cold-resistant plant, but without mulch it can disappear in severe cold. There is no need to make a layer more than 5-8 cm. The roots may be damaged if sawdust or leaves begin to rot.

Varieties and types of dicentra with photos and descriptions

There are 8 known plant species in the world. The most popular varieties:

Dicentra magnificent Dicentra Spectabilis

Tall, up to 50-60 cm in height, spreading bushes of the plant have many shoots with large dissected leaves. The peduncles are long, deflected down, crowned with a row of large flowers hanging from the inflorescence like fairy-tale lanterns.

Dicentra excellent or exceptional Dicentra eximia

It was brought to us from North American latitudes. perennial flower with thickened, long stems. Their height reaches 20 cm. There are no leaves on the shoots themselves; they grow in a rosette at the root. The inflorescences are formed from pink flowers. Each of them is 2.5 cm in diameter. They are collected in brushes in the shape of an arc. They reach a length of 15 cm. The flowering period is late May - August. It tolerates even the most severe frosts - down to -35°C, but needs to be covered with mulch.

Dicentra beautiful Dicentra formosa

Her homeland is British Columbia. The height of the plant is 30 cm. It forms leaves in a “bunch” near the root. The leaves are pinnate, carved, located on high petioles. Their color is green, the lower part has a bluish coating. The arrow forms long (15 cm) inflorescences. The flowers are violet-pink, their diameter is 2 cm. Flowering is long-lasting (last days of May - end of August).

This species includes many different varieties. Most of all, flower growers liked two of them:

  • King of Hearts - the flowers are bright pink, the petals are curved outward, like a bell. The leaves are feathery, bluish-green.
  • Aurora - its flowers are painted in two tones: white at the bottom, creamy pink at the top, near the peduncle.

Dicentra cuccularia

Her natural environment Habitats: Oregon and Washington. The plant reaches a height of 30 cm. The flowers are white, with elongated spurs. The leaf rosette is lush, dark green, with a gray tint. This type of flower is often grown as a potted plant.

This species includes the Pittsburgh variety. Its flowers are pink, with long spurs. Their shape resembles a bunny's ears.

Dicentra chrysantha

Found in natural environment in Mexico and in the Californian hills. It differs from previous varieties in its high “growth” - from 45 cm to 1.5 m. Its flowers are golden yellow. Two petals are curved outward. At home, the plant is capricious and requires careful care. In his native places he likes to settle on lands damaged by fires.

Dicentra uniflora

This species does not have lush inflorescences. Only individual pale pink flowers on stems. This is also an alien from North American lands. In its homeland, the flower was nicknamed “ox’s head” because of its shape. The two curved petals resemble the ears of a bull, and the flower itself resembles its head. Flowering begins in February and ends in July. His originality requires sacrifice - this is very complex look for growing.

Dicentra peregrina

Small dissected leaves, reminiscent of wormwood, with the same bluish-gray tint, are collected in a lush basal rosette. The plant is low-growing, up to 15-20 cm in height. On tall bare peduncles there are paniculate inflorescences with 5-7 flowers resembling hearts. The petals are voluminous at the top, narrowed at the bottom and twisted outward.

Dicentra canadensis

Dicentra canadiana pleases with delicate inflorescences of pure white color; they look very noble, adding special romance to any composition in garden design.

The species is distinguished by dense massive inflorescences with many elongated flowers. The white petals have a dirty yellow tint and are slightly tinged with purple at the edges.

Dicentra pauciflora

The low-growing bushes of the few-flowered dicentra are very elegant: delicate inflorescences of voluminous flowers, painted in light pink with a crimson tint, seem to float above the sparse openwork leaves.