Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Pancake house design. We decide on the concept of the establishment. Assortment and pricing policy

Pancake house design. We decide on the concept of the establishment. Assortment and pricing policy

Pancakes are a national dish, they are so loved by our citizens and so easy to prepare that they quickly gained popularity as an easy way to snack. Today there are quite a lot of pancake stalls on our streets. Let's talk about how profitable it is to open such a business and how it is done.

Market analysis

The state of affairs on the Russian market today is as follows: a large share is occupied by chains of pancake shops, including those operating as stationary kiosks. It is with them that a newcomer will have to compete. By being located in crowded places, they will take over the bulk of the profits.

Nobody wants to be content with little, so before you finally decide on opening a pancake kiosk, you need to:

  • study the competitive environment of your city;
  • find a suitable location for the future kiosk;
  • evaluate the possibility of creating a network.

Only a network business of this kind can count on lightning-fast payback. Opening pancake stalls only at first glance seems like a simple matter; it is a rather complex business that requires a competent approach and responsibility.

From the point of view of attractiveness for the client, the good thing about pancakes is that the Russian person knows very well the basis on which they are prepared and treats them with confidence. The kiosk also involves cooking food in front of the consumer, which is also a positive factor. Pancake establishments are divided into two types:

  • kiosks;
  • small cafes.

As for kiosks, opening them involves less financial investment. What does that require? First of all, register.

Registration and organization of business

In order to register a business, you need to contact the tax office at your place of residence and select the type of registration: individual entrepreneur or LLC. Most often they choose the first option, it is cheaper and simpler. OKVED for such a business is chosen as “activities of restaurants and cafes.”

Since the pancake shop belongs to the sphere Catering, you will need to obtain the necessary permits. You won't be able to work without them.

Required Documentation

It is not enough to have tax registration documents in hand; you need to prove that:

  1. The kiosk is suitable for such a business.
  2. The location has been agreed upon.
  3. The recipe for the dishes is not harmful to city residents.

You will need to contact:

  1. Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.
  3. Ministry of Emergency Situations (fire inspection).

For those who are poorly versed in legal intricacies, this matter can be entrusted to a good lawyer. However, not everything is as complicated as it might seem. The fact is that all organizations check businesses for compliance with certain standards, which will be provided to you for review.

To obtain permission you will need:

  1. Hire employees (they must have valid health records).
  2. Purchase a kiosk and decide on its location.

Where should the kiosk be located?

The most important question always concerns the location of the business. In the catering industry, this gives at least 50% success. This issue needs to be taken seriously. Some entrepreneurs, wanting to open a pancake shop, initially proceed from the fact that they like some place in the city where there are no competitors nearby.

Of course, the choice involves not only the problem of competition, but also the need for the place to be sufficiently crowded. Good for this:

  • residential areas in the city center;
  • places where many organizations are located;
  • close shopping centers and cinemas;
  • places near transport interchanges, metro stations and universities.

Also important appearance kiosk. Many people really like mobile vans, they are mobile. Stationary ones are for sale various types, including in the form of trailers. In this regard, it is more advisable to choose a ready-made option. It will cost more, but it will be made in accordance with sanitary and fire safety requirements.

The area of ​​the minimum kiosk will be 4-5 square meters, but some entrepreneurs rely on space - 10-12 square meters. It all depends on ambitions and ideas. Ready-made kiosks are also good because they contain some equipment. It also makes sense to talk about it in more detail, since your staff will have to work with it and monitor the quality of the products.


Equipment is another significant expense item when opening a pancake kiosk. Let’s skip the topic of a turnkey kiosk, since some entrepreneurs want to purchase it themselves. To open a pancake shop you will need:

  • pancake makers (plates for pancakes);
  • fridge;
  • counter;
  • furniture;
  • mixer;
  • dishes and kitchen utensils.

Depending on the traffic of the place, the number of sellers and goods, it is determined how much equipment to purchase. For one kiosk, 2-4 pancake makers are purchased. As for the refrigerator, it must be large and meet the standards of the commercial neighborhood. For example, it is not allowed to store fish together with meat, and both of these products will be used at the kiosk as a filling.

Assortment and pricing policy

The number of products produced and its range directly depend on the needs of the buyer. The filling itself is prepared in advance; it makes sense to hire a separate cook for this. As its quantity decreases, the supply of filling increases. The second employee is only involved in dough and baking pancakes.

It's good when your pancakes are different from those sold at another point:

  • the taste of the dough;
  • variety of fillings.

For small towns, it is not advisable to use expensive fillings and a huge assortment. For example, pancakes with black caviar are a luxury even for metropolitan residents. It is also not appropriate to reduce quality for the sake of reducing costs. If there is not enough profit, it is better to invest and make a profit from a network business than to save on products.

Don't forget about related products:

  • seasonal drinks (smoothies, juices, soda);
  • pancake-style drinks (tea with and without additives, fruit drinks and compotes);
  • ice cream;
  • pies and pancakes;
  • pies;
  • salads.

All this is discussed in advance with the cook, the recipe is agreed upon, and approved by the SES. It is important that you have signed contracts with product suppliers in advance. Its assortment is quite large. This is taken into account at the stage of purchasing a kiosk, where there should be storage space:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • blanks;
  • flour;
  • oils;
  • cheese and other things.


Cooks at the kiosk do not necessarily have to have a higher education. An excellent specialist will ask for a large salary, but for a small pancake shop this is not profitable. Anyone can learn how to bake pancakes if they have the desire.

Do not forget that everyone should have a health book in their hands. This requirement is important for SES.

Also discuss the staff's work schedule. Some stalls operate in shifts and around the clock. If this is important, you will have to coordinate this with the staff. If there is no interest in working around the clock, then two pairs of employees are usually required on a set schedule (for example, two days after two).


The kiosk itself should be attractive to the buyer. Pay attention to:

  • choosing a name (short but catchy);
  • design (in traditional Russian style, in the form of a mill, and so on);
  • appearance of employees (a uniform must be present).

Additionally, not much money is spent on marketing. It will be possible to distribute flyers for several days and post posters in public places. However, spending money on more expensive advertising (for example, advertising on the Internet or on billboards) only makes sense when opening a network.

Network of three kiosks good quality will cost approximately three million rubles in the capital region.

Financial component of business

Opening a pancake kiosk is an inexpensive type of business; it does not require the purchase of expensive equipment, and its payback will depend on the correctly chosen strategy and location of the kiosk.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The main expense items will be:

  • purchase of a kiosk (200-350 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of equipment (about 100 thousand rubles);
  • employee salaries (60-80 thousand rubles);
  • communal payments;
  • expenses for purchasing products.

In the most modest case, it will be possible to open a business with 500 thousand rubles in hand. However, take into account an additional 15-20% for risks and include the costs of maintaining the business. At the discovery stage, this is very important. In general, you shouldn’t take risks with the opening if you don’t have 800 thousand rubles on hand.

Amount of future income

With a moderate pricing policy, profits should gradually increase. For a small street establishment, it will be necessary to sell about 60 pancakes per day. Some pancake shops reach this target in the first month. However, if customers have the opportunity to purchase the same product elsewhere, rapid development should not be expected.

It takes up to 3-4 months to start. The monthly income is 200-300 thousand rubles, of which approximately half will be spent on maintenance. Please note that in the first three months no more than 50 thousand rubles can fall into the entrepreneur’s pocket.

Payback period

If no problems arise on initial stage, profitability will be high. It’s rare that the payback period for a pancake kiosk exceeds 10-12 months. This is very short term, which is why it is more advisable to think in advance about business development and opening additional points. Pay attention to the places where students are concentrated. They are the main clients of such fast food.

According to the most pessimistic scenario, the payback will be 14-18 months.

A catering chain is always challenging and interesting. Adults who have experience working in the kitchen often enter this business. Knowledge of the specifics of the business will greatly help at the first stage. In any case, opening such a kiosk is worth considering as one of the business investment options. Often you can also evaluate offers to sign a franchise agreement.

What dishes of Russian national cuisine can you name right away? I think that more than half will name pancakes one of the first. And they will be absolutely right, because pancakes, along with kvass and okroshka, are considered original Russian dishes. Despite the “dominance” of foreign dishes, Russian cuisine is finally beginning to enjoy wide popularity among its own people, and therefore the question: how to open a pancake shop from scratch is becoming extremely relevant for beginning businessmen.

It’s probably impossible to count how many points are open in Russia fast food, selling dishes from a wide variety of world cuisines: Eastern - shawarma, pasties, samsa; Western - pizza, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sandwiches, and other “derivatives” of McDonald's. All this, of course, can be very tasty (often at the expense of the quality and healthiness of the food) and inexpensive. Many businessmen acquire franchises of foreign fast food establishments, open cafes with an “eastern twist,” completely forgetting that our country has long had its own traditional, and no less tasty (and healthier) food.

Pies with any filling, kulebyaki, pies, and, of course, pancakes. Russian pancake houses were very popular in the old days, and it seems that people's interest in the national cuisine is beginning to revive. Therefore, anyone who is just starting to think about what kind of business to organize, or how to expand an existing business, should think about how to open a pancake shop.

By the way, foreigners coming to Russia are more likely to visit pancake shops rather than McDonald's, which abroad have already quite often come under attack from various interested organizations because negative quality food sold at McDonald's. Pancake shops, as fast food businesses, have enormous potential for development, and I think that soon (especially in light of recent political events) they will begin to create great “inconvenience” for their foreign competitors. Moreover, the count literally took months: whoever succeeds first will last longer in this business.

Register and formalize your business

What package of necessary documents will be needed in order to open a pancake shop from scratch can be read in the publication “How to open a children's cafe”; the set of permitting papers is practically no different.

We are looking for premises to open a pancake shop

An option for opening a pancake house would be the idea of ​​a drive-thru cafe, however, this will create certain difficulties in attracting regular customers and in communicating with the sanitary and epidemiological service. Most practical choice- stationary premises.

I think it’s not even worth mentioning that the pancake house to be opened should be located in a busy, crowded place. This could be a large intersection, the lower floors of the first line of houses in the business district of the city, a room in a shopping and entertainment center, or next to such buildings, near educational institutions, at train stations, bus stops, or near metro stations.

It would be good if there was a park or square nearby. This will have a good impact on the summer income of your pancake shop, however, it is simply impossible to take into account all the criteria, so it will be great if at least two or three of the above factors coincide.

In search suitable premises Factors to consider include:

  • Availability good ventilation, water supply, sanitary facilities, or the possibility of its equipment.
  • The premises must have several rooms for the kitchen, food storage warehouse, staff room, hall for visitors.
  • Presence there are competitive points near your pancake shop, not necessarily your profile, but just fast food points.

By the way, the kitchen space can be significantly reduced if you purchase special pancake machines for preparing pancakes, which will facilitate human labor and reduce it to a minimum.

Once a room that meets all the necessary requirements has been found, it needs to undergo appropriate repairs and finishing. The interior decoration must meet the specifics of the establishment, be in tune with the spirit of a real Russian pancake house. Its attendance largely depends on the attractiveness of the establishment, so this point in your plan for how to open a pancake shop from scratch needs to be given close attention.

Making a menu

How many types of pancakes can you list without thinking? Try it, and then test yourself with me: sweet and salty, fresh and yeast, custard and buckwheat, thick pancakes and thin pancakes. What about the filling? Meat, fish, cottage cheese, honey, condensed milk, fruits, berries, mushrooms, caviar - you’ll just get tired of listing everything from which you can make a filling for pancakes. In addition, you can come up with your own filling and surprise your visitors with the unusual taste of a traditional dish.

In addition to pancakes, of course, you can organize the production of other Russian dishes. I am sure that all the dishes that I have already listed above will go well: kulebyaki, pies, pies, pancakes. You can also add the famous okroshka to the menu.

Although pancakes should be eaten hot, provision should be made for them to be sold “to-go”. That is, purchase special plastic containers, plates, napkins, etc. Of course, there should also be drinks “in keeping with the theme” of the establishment: Russian kvass, jelly, sbiten, herbal teas, fruit drinks, etc., also with the possibility of taking them out of the pancake house.

We purchase the necessary equipment

Except kitchen appliances and inventory, you will need furniture and interior items for the hall. It is also necessary to provide places where visitors can hang their outerwear. Here everything is limited only by your imagination. The room can be furnished with traditional tables and chairs, you can purchase high tables, or make long counters around the perimeter and in the center of the room, or equip something else.

In addition to the already mentioned pancake machines, you definitely need equipment for “manually” making pancakes:

  • electric stove (or even several),
  • frying pans,
  • pots,
  • ovens,
  • and other equipment intended not only for baking pancakes, but also for preparing other dishes from the offered range.

We are recruiting staff

The final number of employees will depend on the area of ​​the pancake house and its attendance. But even at the initial stage, when your establishment has not yet gained momentum, you will need at least two cooks and two waiters, a cleaning lady, and a dishwasher.

You can handle the responsibilities of an accountant, manager, and administrator yourself. However, if financial capabilities allow, then experienced specialists can be hired for these positions. Personnel working directly with visitors should be sociable, friendly, and attractive in appearance. By the way, all employees of the pancake house can be dressed in a uniform, again corresponding to the theme of the establishment.

We advertise our establishment

If you are determined to open a pancake shop, and are sure that the upcoming difficulties will not stop you, then it is better to start an advertising campaign long before the opening of your establishment. It could be something like: “Traditional Russian pancakes. The pancake house will open soon” with the obligatory indication of the location of your food outlet.

The Pancake Cafe is opening for quick service to visitors. Not all housewives, given the modern pace of life, can spend a lot of time pampering their loved ones. Therefore, the products must be tasty and of high quality, as close as possible to homemade baked goods.

Fast food cafe

Before opening a pancake shop, you need to select a room, decide on the assortment, find out who will visit it more often, think over the interior and draw up documents.

The location, taking into account competitors, is preferable on central streets or near a large educational institution. In the first case, the rent is too high. In the second, most likely, repairs will be required, which must be done before opening the pancake house.

A nearby canteen will not become a competitor if its menu does not have similar products. And with fast service and take-out trade, students, schoolchildren, teachers and residents of nearby houses will give their preference to the cafe.

Before opening a pancake shop, you will need to purchase equipment: dishes, furniture, refrigeration cabinets, air conditioning, and a computer. The main thing in the kitchen will be Tefal pancake makers, 5 of them to start with. No need for production premises big square. 20 sq.m. is enough. m. Shopping room should occupy an area of ​​50 sq. m. The room must be equipped with a bathroom.

Before opening a pancake shop, all documents must be completed, contracts agreed upon and signed, suppliers identified, advertising given, staff hired and sanitary standards complied with.

Cafe equipment

At the initial stage, the dough will be kneaded with a mixer. Subsequently, with an increase in production, a dough mixing machine will be needed. In addition, the necessary and auxiliary equipment for a pancake shop includes the following:

  • Two refrigerators – 100,000 rubles.
  • Air conditioning – 30,000 rub.
  • Five pancake makers – 15,000 rubles.
  • Two mixers – 4000 rub.
  • Kettle – 1000 rub.
  • Microwave oven – 3000 rub.
  • Stove – 20,000 rub.
  • Laptop – 30,000 rub.
  • Bar counter – 40,000 rubles.
  • Furniture – 40,000 rub.
  • Music center (TV) – 10,000 rubles.

Total: 293,000 rub.

Production capacity depends on both the production plan and the efficiency of the cook. Taking into account the volume of sales at the initial stage, equipment for the pancake shop will be required in slightly smaller quantities.

Production plan

The first thing you need to think about is the sale of fresh and high-quality products self-made and related products. The initial production volume will be small. As consumer demand increases, the range and quantity of products will expand. In the future, we plan to deliver orders placed by phone and online.

In addition to the main area of ​​public catering, it is planned to hold banquets, anniversaries and funeral dinners. Therefore, the cafe menu will include snacks (cold, hot) and main courses.

Business plan

In the future, you can create a network of pancake shops around the city with a wide range of dishes and services.

The business plan of the Blinnaya cafe involves the production of products from yeast and choux pastry without preservatives or concentrates. The price at the first stage should be lower than that of the main competitors - pizzerias and bars, but higher than the cost.

The opening hours (from 8.00 to 22.00) will allow students to have breakfast before lectures, and in the evening have time to have a hot dinner so as not to cook on the stove themselves in the dormitory.

Pancakes should become quite popular, since this is the original Russian dish will remind visitors of home cooking. Moreover, everyone is already tired of pizza and fatty pies with minimal filling. Therefore, the business plan for the Pancake Cafe will be implemented, and the founders will receive considerable profit.

Production technology

The baking process consists of several operations - receiving an order, kneading the dough, quality control, direct preparation of pancakes, placing and submitting an order. One product takes 1.5-2 minutes, depending on the recipe and quantity ordered.

Before opening your own pancake shop, you need to decide on suppliers of raw materials and select recipes and items that will be presented on the menu. For example, at the first stage you can consider four types of goods: “Royally”, “Ukrainian”, “Russian” and so on.

Prices for main products from the supplier in rubles:

  • Flour – 8.
  • Milk – 9.
  • Sour cream – 20.
  • Cream – 16.
  • Butter – 55.
  • Vegetable oil – 30.
  • Meat – 150.
  • Egg – 22.
  • Yeast – 35.
  • Onion – 15.
  • Sugar – 18.
  • Salt – 3.

The suppliers are the Dairy Plant, the Bakery Plant (flour), and the Agro Complex (sugar). And one or two IP (meat, vegetable oil, tea).

Some products may be purchased at markets.

Planned output per day

If we assume that “Royal” pancakes will be sold in 20 servings (two pieces each), “Ukrainian” - 30, and “Russian” - 80, then a total of 260 products will be needed. Taking into account the costs of raw materials, electricity, wages, fuel, rent and unforeseen expenses, the cost can be calculated.

It will be 17.96 rubles for “Royally” pancakes. per serving (2 pcs.), “Ukrainian” – 19.02 rubles, “Russian” – 17.6 rubles.

Thus, 20% of the total production will remain for “other”. Consequently, pancake products must be sold per day in the amount of at least 5,000 rubles. The bar will add 15% of this.

The selling price of pancakes is calculated as follows:


  • Cost – 17.96 rubles.
  • Markup – 20%.
  • Price excluding VAT – 21.23 rubles.
  • VAT – 18%.
  • Total: 25 rub.


  • Cost – 19.02 rubles.
  • Markup – 20%.
  • Price excluding VAT – 22.8 rubles.
  • VAT – 18%.
  • Total: 27 rub.


  • Cost – 17.6 rubles.
  • Markup – 20%.
  • Price excluding VAT – 21.12 rubles.
  • VAT – 18%.
  • Total: 25 rub.

Depending on inflation, product prices may change.

Cafe organization

The business plan for “Opening a pancake shop” includes the choice of legal status, personnel issues and documentation. The cafe will be a limited liability company. Authorized capital 210,000 rubles. The founders, represented by the director, accountant and technologist, have equal shares. Private form property.

To open a pancake shop, you must have your own capital in the amount of 210 thousand rubles and borrowed capital in the form of leasing - 293 thousand rubles. These funds will be used to purchase equipment. The annual leasing payment will be 15% of the initial cost of equipment, that is, 43,950 rubles. The contract period is five years. Marketing funding is planned to be provided from the development fund - 30,000 rubles annually.


In order for a pancake shop to develop as a business and generate good income, you need to obtain permission from RosPotrebNadzor (SES) and GosFireNadzor. For an LLC you will need the following documents:

  1. Notification of the start of business activity.
  2. Production control program.
  3. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
  4. Calculation of disinfectants.
  5. Conclusion of the State Fire Supervision Service (EMERCOM).

Personnel issue

At the initial stage, there will be one cook and one staff per shift.

The responsibilities of the director include organizing all the work of the enterprise, concluding contracts, searching for suppliers and sales. In addition, he bears full responsibility for the condition of the cafe and the team, manages the property, represents the pancake shop in all organizations and institutions, opens bank accounts, issues orders, hires and fires workers.

The technologist is responsible for product quality and expansion of the range, controls production and finished products, draws up a work schedule, checks incoming raw materials and eliminates reasons that interfere with normal operation.

The accountant, who is also the deputy director for economic issues, is engaged in planning, identifying the enterprise's reserves, drawing up reports and calculating wages. It also pays off with suppliers and customers, receives bank loans, and makes timely contributions to the state budget and pension fund.

Two cooks, a waiter and bartender, a driver and a cleaner will be hired. Their average age will be 30 years. The workers' salaries will directly depend on the cafe's profits. At the end of the month, if profits increase, bonuses are provided.

Taking into account the Labor Code, the working hours of cooks, bartenders and waiters will be two to two, from 7.30 to 22.30. Administrative and managerial staff from 10.00 to 18.00 with lunch break. The driver will work 5 days a week from 8.00 to 20.00 with a lunch break. Cleaning lady - before the opening and after closing of the cafe.

With good throughput, business profitability will be ensured. But it is impossible to develop consumer loyalty to only one product, even a favorite one. Therefore, we need to think about additional assortment. For example, soft drinks, ice cream, especially in summer time when most of the students go home. Of the proposed initial positions, you need to leave the most in demand and constantly add something new.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

500,000 ₽

Starting investments

225,000 - 450,000 ₽

60,000 - 120,000 ₽

Net profit

7-10 months

Payback period

A pancake kiosk is a catering format that is accessible even to novice entrepreneurs. The technology is simple, the investment is about 500 thousand rubles, and the net profit can be 120 thousand rubles.

For many entrepreneurs, the catering industry is a “tidbit” because it is a very profitable business. To open your own establishment, you don’t have to invest millions. You can choose a budget fast food format and stay within the budget of 500 thousand rubles.

Fast food establishments can be divided into two groups. The first is represented by small kiosks or pavilions that sell hot dogs, shawarma, pies, etc. The second group is fast food restaurants that offer hamburgers, pizza, etc. But pancakes, despite the fact that they are a traditional product, are underestimated by many. Usually pancakes appear on the menu as one of the additional dishes, although they can become excellent option fast food.

IN last years There is an increase in the popularity of pancake kiosks and cafes. At the same time, the niche is quite free. If you wish, you can open your own pancake kiosk and develop your business into a whole network. Let's figure out how to open a pancake kiosk from scratch.

Local market analysis

Today, pancake chains, including stationary kiosks, occupy a large share of the domestic market. It is with them that the newcomer will have to compete. To prepare to fight for your client, you will have to collect as much information as possible about the market situation.

    study the competitive environment of your city: how many pancake shops operate in the local market, where they are located. To do this, use services like 2GIS, Google Maps etc.;

    pick up suitable places to place a kiosk and evaluate each option according to the following criteria: pedestrian traffic, availability target audience, distance to competitors;

    familiarize yourself with competitors’ offers, menus, prices, business features;

Opening a pancake kiosk is a rather complicated business, like any catering establishment. To succeed in the market, you need to carefully plan all stages. Therefore, it is recommended to draw up a business plan based on the information collected. He must answer the following questions:

    How much money does it take to open a pancake kiosk?

    What documents will be required?

    What equipment do you need to purchase?

    How many employees will need to be hired?

    What items will be on the menu?

    How long will it take to open a business?

    How much can you earn?

The business plan must contain a calculation of initial investments, income and expenses, payback period, as well as time frames preparatory stage, rough plan sales



    relatively small investments when compared to the catering industry;

    high demand for fast food;

    simple technological process;

    no professional chefs required. It’s easy to master the cooking technology, which minimizes problems with staff;

    low level of competition in this segment;

    fast food with a national flavor that inspires confidence;

    at the kiosk, food is prepared in front of the consumer, which also inspires trust;

    hearty pancakes will become a healthier alternative to the usual fast food;

    hot pancakes are in demand in any season;

    quickly served to the client;

    cheap in cost and profitable to sell (margin up to 300%);

    pancake kiosk can be opened as in big city, and in a small

    the need to obtain permits and strict requirements for catering establishments;

    regular inspections by regulatory authorities;

    competition in the public catering market;

    The space for preparing food is limited, which means it is impossible to offer a very wide menu

We counted more advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, we can move from theory to practice. Opening a business should begin with its registration.

Business registration

Catering is one of the most difficult types of business in terms of collecting permits. Therefore, you should stock up on patience, strength and money. Even for such a small establishment as a pancake kiosk, you will have to register full package documents. This will cost about 15 thousand rubles.

First you need to register your business. You can choose individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is more profitable to form an individual entrepreneur if you plan to open only one kiosk, and it is more rational to use an LLC for a chain of pancake shops. The following can be specified as a type of activity according to the OKVED-2 classification:

    10.56.24 - Activities of market kiosks and food preparation stalls (if you are planning a stationary kiosk).

    56.10.22 - Activities of mobile food stalls for the preparation and/or sale of ready-to-eat food (if you are planning a mobile kiosk)

You should also choose a taxation system. The simplified tax system at a rate of 6% (of income) is suitable. If you have employees working for you, then you need to register with the extra-budgetary funds of the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund as an employer. You will also have to issue work books for your employees.

The most important and difficult stage is obtaining all permits. To open a pancake kiosk, approvals from the SES, fire inspectorate, and city administration are required. The issue of permitting documentation is covered in more detail.

Pancake kiosk location

In parallel with registering a business, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the location of the kiosk. The key to success is a favorable location for a retail outlet. In the catering industry, this ensures 50% success.

When choosing a location, you should understand who your target audience is. It is not enough to open a kiosk in a crowded place; you need to have many of your potential consumers among pedestrians. Who will it be? Street food is popular among people who are in a hurry and looking for a quick, inexpensive snack. The main clients of the street pancake shop will be office workers, students, visitors.

Ready ideas for your business

Please note that you will most likely have to conclude a lease agreement with the city administration. Since in this case you will not be renting premises, but land plot, where the kiosk will be located. The rental cost may vary - it all depends on the city and the specific area where the kiosk will be installed. The estimated rental cost is 15 thousand rubles.

For a small pancake kiosk, 8-10 square meters will be enough. m. average cost such a kiosk costs 160 thousand rubles. There are many offers on the market with different configurations and prices. You can even find a “turnkey pancake kiosk” service - this will be more expensive, but easier from an organizational point of view. Ready options usually equipped with the basic equipment needed to run a business. High-quality equipment is one of the factors of a tasty product, so it is necessary to consider this issue in more detail.

Pancake kiosk equipment

To prepare pancakes at the kiosk you will need the following equipment:

    Pancake maker for two working surfaces. This is a professional pancake maker that allows you to cook two pancakes at the same time. One pancake is fried for 2 minutes. Those. Using this pancake maker you can cook 2 pancakes in 2 minutes. This is a fairly quick order fulfillment.

    Mixer for kneading liquid dough. To make pancakes you need batter. It can be made in a dough mixer or using a regular mixer.

    Tabletop refrigerated display case. Used to store ingredients while preparing pancakes.

    Fridge. All ingredients for pancakes are stored here: containers with batter, plastic containers with fillings.

    Coffee machine. Coffee or tea is often ordered with pancakes, so it makes sense to install a coffee machine.

    Water dispenser. It is necessary to install a compact sink so that the seller can wash his hands and equipment. This mandatory requirement SES.

In total, you will have to spend about 120 thousand rubles on equipment.

Assortment of pancake stalls

There is no point in selling regular pancakes without filling. The buyer loves when there is a choice. In addition, pancakes with hearty fillings can replace a full snack. Therefore, when planning a menu, it is worth including pancakes with different fillings, including pancakes with meat, poultry, mushrooms, vegetables, etc., as well as sweet options. Offer a few familiar flavors as well as some creative offerings to diversify the menu and create a unique product. The final list of toppings will be formed later, when you identify the most popular and unpopular items based on sales. Also, do not forget that from time to time the menu needs to be supplemented with new items so that the dishes do not become boring to regular customers.

For drinks, include coffee, tea, hot chocolate, juices and a variety of sodas. When you decide on the menu, you will have to solve the problem with suppliers.

Product suppliers

Before opening a pancake kiosk, it is necessary to establish a supply. The main requirement for food and beverage suppliers is timely delivery of high-quality and fresh products. All products must have quality certificates and comply with GOST requirements.

To calculate the required quantity of products, you should compile technological maps for each dish and sales forecast. You will not receive exact calculations, but the optimal purchase volume can only be determined during the work process.

To begin with, carefully study the offers of different suppliers, check the availability of quality certificates, discuss all the terms of cooperation, and only then enter into an agreement and arrange the supply of products. A monthly supply of products will cost approximately 80 thousand rubles.

You can find one-stop suppliers who will supply all the products you need. Such suppliers guarantee fast deliveries and provide discounts. But the downside is that a complex supplier usually works with large customers and is less loyal to its customers. But small suppliers are ready to take into account the needs of each client and monitor the quality of the goods more seriously.

Ready ideas for your business

Which supplier to choose is up to you. But before you make a decision, analyze the proposals. Make your first purchase of products minimal, order small quantities from different suppliers to compare quality and choose suitable option. In the future, make frequent purchases in small quantities. This will maintain the freshness of food and simplify food storage, which is especially important for a small kiosk.

Pancake kiosk staff

At the start, one employee is enough for a pancake kiosk. It is better that the entrepreneur himself becomes this employee. First, you'll save on wages until profits stabilize. Secondly, you will be able to study your business from the inside in more detail. Thirdly, you will be able to control the entire technological process and will be responsible for quality.

At the initial stage, one worker will be enough, but if there are a lot of visitors, then you will need an assistant. Then there will be two people working in the pancake shop: one takes orders, the other prepares pancakes.

So don't rush to hire employees. Cooking pancakes is not a difficult process, almost anyone can handle it. It is enough to spend a little industrial training and instruction. So finding an assistant will not be difficult. The assistant's salary will be 20-25 thousand rubles. We remind you that each employee must have a health certificate.

Pancake kiosk advertising

In order for as many people as possible to know about the new pancake shop, it is necessary to use advertising. If a novice entrepreneur does not notify potential customers about a new outlet, then this business will be exposed to risks and losses.

Experienced marketers advise starting advertising before the start. Then, by the time you open, you will already have interested consumers. Before planning a marketing strategy, it is recommended to develop a menu. Based on this proposal, advertising will take place.

Can be used for promotion different kinds advertising. Outdoor advertising in the form of a bright sign, outdoor pillar, banners, etc. Advertising in in social networks, which consists of creating accounts, holding promotions, sweepstakes, etc. At the moment, social networks are considered the most effective type of advertising. With their help, you can inform your customers about your location, prices, promotions, menus, new products in the range, etc.

For the opening day, you can make a promotion and offer customers a free tasting of the products. Total advertising costs will be about 20 thousand rubles.

Profitability of pancake trade

Before calculating profitability, you need to determine the expenditure and revenue parts of the project. Expenses are the initial investment and monthly costs of running the business. The initial investment will be about 420 thousand rubles. Also take into account an additional 15-20% for risks and include the costs of maintaining the business. Thus, it is rational to open a pancake kiosk, having about 500 thousand rubles on hand.

Monthly expenses average 164 thousand rubles and consist of the following items:

    Costs for ingredients – 80 thousand rubles

    Rent – ​​15 thousand rubles

    Public utilities(garbage removal) – 10 thousand rubles

    Wage staff – 25 thousand rubles

    Other expenses – 10 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate the income part. To do this, we will determine the cost and markup. The cost of ingredients for one pancake averages 30-40 rubles, and the cost of preparing it does not exceed 10 rubles. Total - 50 rubles.

    the cost of the pancake is 50 rubles

    The markup on products is 100-400%.

    The average bill is 150 rubles.

Let's move on to the main question: how much can you earn at a pancake kiosk? In a crowded area, a kiosk can serve 50-100 people per day. At daily work It will be possible to complete 1,500 orders in a month. Then the revenue will be 225-450 thousand rubles. This is an optimistic forecast, which is unlikely to be achieved in the first months of work. It is possible to reach such a sales volume in about the 3rd month of work.

If you subtract all the expenses that arise in the process of activity, you will be left with a net profit of 60-120 thousand rubles. With these indicators, the payback period will be: 420,000 / 60,000 = 7. It will take 7-10 months to recoup the initial investment. This is a normal indicator for catering establishments.

The success factors for this business will be:

    favorable location;

    quality equipment;

    thoughtful recipe and menu;

    reliable product suppliers;

    bona fide sellers;

    competent marketing designed for the average consumer.

If these factors combine in your business, then success will definitely come.

Risks of a pancake kiosk

Catering as a business contains many risks that greatly affect the activities of the establishment. But if you predict them in advance and take preventive measures, you can avoid adverse consequences.

Risks specific to a pancake kiosk:

    Competition. There are a huge number of offers on the catering market. Build your competitive advantages, follow updates from other pancake shops;

    Unscrupulous staff. This risk is associated with poor service, theft of products, etc. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully select employees and, if possible, personally supervise the production process. No one is more interested in growing your business than you.

    Errors when choosing a location. For a pancake kiosk, a continuous flow of sales is the key to success. Therefore, before deciding on a retail outlet, analyze the pedestrian traffic, check the presence of the target audience and competitors nearby;

    Errors in planning the volume of purchases, which can lead to product damage. To avoid this, you can organize promotions and sell products at a discount. But it is better to plan the volume of purchases in advance, focusing on sales of previous months;

    Risk of damage to the pancake maker and other equipment. To avoid such a problem, you need to buy equipment from trusted suppliers and monitor its serviceability.

In custody

A pancake kiosk is a great idea for a budding entrepreneur who wants to work in the catering industry. By market standards, opening costs are small - 500 thousand rubles will be enough. It is possible to recoup the initial investment in 7-10 months, receiving 60-120 thousand rubles of net profit per month.

Any catering establishment, even a small kiosk, requires a lot of time, attention and money. To succeed, you need to understand the specifics of the business and follow the basic rules of good catering. With proper distribution of all resources, you can open a profitable business.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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♦ Capital investments – RUB 1,100,000.
♦ Payback – 1–1.5 years

Pancakes are one of the symbols of Russian cuisine.

This delicacy, adored by many, is easy to prepare both at home and in industrial conditions, never gets boring thanks to the abundance of fillings and is suitable for preparing both as a snack that you can take with you, and for a magnificent banquet.

Pancakes are also a great way to make money, so if you are looking for a startup related to the food industry, then delve into the nuances of how to open a pancake shop.

This is a really simple business that does not require large capital investments and that even a beginner can handle.

Features of a pancake shop as a business

If you decide to open a pancake shop, then be sure to take an interest in all the features of your new business, so as not to suffer losses later.

Fortunately, owning a pancake shop is not a particularly difficult activity, so big problems You shouldn’t have any problems with launching a startup.

There are several types of pancakes:

  1. Full restaurants with tables and cozy interior, where you can taste not only pancakes with a variety of starts, but also other traditional Russian delicacies.
  2. , where they mainly prepare takeaway pancakes with fillings.
    You need to open such a pancake shop in crowded places: in squares, in parks, near markets.
    If the area allows, then you can put several plastic tables and purchase disposable tableware so that your customers can enjoy pancakes piping hot.
  3. Stalls that buy ready-made pancakes and fillings, and then just assemble the dish and heat it up.

All three business options have their own characteristics and require different amounts to open.

Based on the amount you have to open a pancake shop, draw up a business plan, taking into account the characteristics of the region in which you live.

5 reasons to open a pancake shop

  1. Interest in Russian cuisine continues to revive.
    Pancakes are an excellent alternative to hot dogs, hamburgers and other fast food.
    It's delicious and nutritious dish which allows you to show your patriotism.
  2. You have the opportunity to form a client base not only from compatriots, but also from foreigners, because tourists are very willing to feast on traditional dishes countries being visited.
    And if not everyone may like cabbage soup or pickled mushrooms, then pancakes are no option.
  3. Depending on the amount you are willing to invest in starting a business, you can open an establishment different types.
    If you have more money– open a cafe, or less – a mobile stall.
  4. Pancakes are an easy-to-prepare dish that even not very handy housewives can handle, and they definitely won’t create problems for a cook with minimal experience.
    You don't have to pawn in start-up capital a huge amount for a chef’s salary, you can safely hire even a recent graduate of a food industry school or a cook working in a canteen.
  5. A pancake shop as a business is suitable even for people with a small fortune, because it does not require huge investments in equipment, interior or rent, especially if you decide to limit yourself to a stall.

How to open a pancake shop: advertising campaign

Interesting fact:
In Russia there is a belief: the more pancakes you eat on Maslenitsa, the luckier and more profitable the year will be.

Any business related to the food industry requires a creative and effective advertising campaign, because how quickly you build your customer base determines how quickly your pancake shop will become self-sustaining.

If you decide to open a pancake shop in the form of a stall with minimal investment, then you can get by with:

  • distributing leaflets in the area where your pancake shop is opening;
  • painting your stall with bright colors and decorating it with drawings so that your establishment catches the eye from afar;
  • communicating with potential clients on social networks and on the city forum.

If you are thinking about how to open a pancake house that can pass for a full-fledged one with a beautiful interior, tables and a varied menu, then you need to involve the city media in the advertising campaign.

So, in one day many people will know about your pancake shop.

If you decide to open a pancake shop, then do not forget to take care of competitive advantages

Today there are not many catering establishments on the market that would specifically prepare pancakes, so it’s time to find your niche.

Still, the competition in the food industry is quite high, so you should take care of creating a competitive advantage immediately after you decide to open a pancake shop.

It could be:

  1. Loyalty program for customers who eat at your place regularly.
  2. Convenient location of your pancake shop: in maximum proximity to potential customers and away from direct competitors.
  3. Delicious pancakes at low prices.
  4. Varied menu. For example, you offer pancakes not only with traditional fillings (meat, caviar, mushrooms, cottage cheese), but also with more exotic ones: seafood, beans, smoked meats, berries, etc.
  5. Friendly staff who are ready to be attentive to the wishes of customers, know the menu impeccably and serve quickly.

How to open a pancake shop: calendar plan

After with specific calculations, you need to draw up calendar plan, to know how long it will take to implement a particular stage.

This work is especially relevant for those who are thinking about how to open a pancake shop from scratch and do not have much experience in business.

Because the we're talking about about opening a catering establishment, you will have to obtain many permits, first of all from the SES, and also go through the registration procedure.

All this will take about two to three months.

The duration of the remaining stages of opening a pancake shop: premises, equipment, personnel, etc. depends on how serious a business you decide to open: launching a pancake restaurant requires at least six months, while a stall selling pancakes can open a business in 3-4 months after the idea was born.

The approximate calendar plan for opening a pancake shop looks like this:

Registration and permission
Rental and renovation
Purchase of equipment

How to open a pancake shop: business plan with calculations

In order for you to understand how much money you need to have to launch a startup and what the stage-by-stage implementation of the idea consists of, we offer you a business plan for an imaginary pancake shop.

Let's assume that we decide to open a small (5-7 tables) pancake shop in one of the developed regional centers, for example in:

  • Kirov, Kaluga region (population – 31,000 people);
  • Rostov Yaroslavl region(population – almost 32,000 people);
  • Alekseevka, Belgorod region (population - over 38,000 people) and the like.

In addition to pancakes with 15 types of fillings (sweet and savory), our menu will include traditional Russian snacks (pickles, salads) and non-alcoholic drinks (fruit juice, compote, kvass, tea, coffee, juices).

We will not sell alcohol so as not to waste time and money on obtaining a license and not to delay the opening of a business.

Registering a pancake shop as a business

We select one of the proposed registration forms: LLC or Individual Entrepreneur.

It's better to register as individual entrepreneur because it's easier and cheaper. The form of taxation in this case is UTII.

In addition to registration and registration with the Pension Fund, you need to bring the premises chosen for opening a pancake house into compliance with the standards of the SES and the Fire Service and obtain permission from them to open.

Choosing an opening room for a pancake shop

Remember that successful and profitable short terms a catering establishment can only become one if you choose the right place to open it in close proximity to your potential customers.

The main clients of the pancake shop are working people and students who want to have a snack at lunch, so you need to open a business near educational institutions, office buildings, large government organizations etc.

We will choose a premises to open our pancake shop with total area 50 square meters where there was previously a store. We allocate 30 square meters for the main hall, 10 for the kitchen, and the rest for the bathroom and change room.

We will make the interior of the dining room in the form of a Russian people's hut: a lot of wood, ethnographic elements, towels, etc.

Furniture – rough-hewn small wooden tables and chairs.

Let’s assume that our premises are in good condition, so we will spend no more than 100,000 rubles on its renovation.

We buy equipment for opening a pancake shop

If you have not previously been involved in a similar business, then you will have to purchase equipment from scratch.

Since the menu of our pancake house is very modest, we do not have main and first courses that are difficult to prepare, we just need to purchase:

Expense itemQtyPriceAmount (in rub.)
Total: 350,000 rub.
1 40 000 40 000
Pancake maker
2 20 000 40 000
Food processor
1 30 000 30 000
Coffee machine
1 20 000 20 000
Refrigerator for the kitchen
1 40 000 40 000
Refrigerator in the hall
1 30 000 30 000
Cash machine
1 10 000 10 000
Kitchen utensils (knives, cutting boards, bowls, etc.)
40 000 40 000
Air conditioner
1 30 000 30 000
1 20 000 20 000
Other 50 000

As for the furniture needed to open a pancake shop from scratch, you need to order:

Expense itemQtyPriceAmount (in rub.)
Total: 200,000 rub.
9 5 000 30 000
15 2 000 30 000
Bar counter
1 30 000 30 000
Kitchen surfaces
20 000
Shelving for the kitchen, bartender's workplace and change room
4 10 000 40 000
Other 50 000

In addition, to open a pancake shop from scratch, you need to allocate 200,000 rubles. on the:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:200,000 rub.
Ventilation system
100 000
Lighting system
50 000
Bathroom arrangement
20 000
Other30 000

That is, to fully equip our pancake shop you need to have at least 750,000 rubles. If the specified amount is too large for you, then you should think about how to open a pancake shop in the form of a stall for selling pancakes.

In this case, the specified amount will decrease by three times.

The staff without whom you can’t open a pancake shop

Catering establishments must operate seven days a week, so immediately create 2 shifts of employees.

One shift should consist of a cook, his assistant, a waiter, a bartender-cashier and a cleaning lady.

Since there is no need for your pancake shop to be open late (you can easily close it at 21.00-22.00), you won’t have to worry about transporting people.

But it’s better to open the pancake shop early, for example, at 8.00, so that customers can have breakfast with you.

The salary costs for pancake shop staff will be as follows:

QtySalary (in rub.)Total (in rub.)
Total: 142,000 rub.
Bartender2 12 000 24 000
Cook2 25 000 50 000
Chef's assistant2 15 000 30 000
Waiter2 10 000 20 000
Cleaning woman2 9 000 18 000

Bartenders and waiters don’t have to pay much because tips will be a decent addition to their salary.

If you understand accounting and administrative issues, you can not hire an accountant or a manager, but take over their functions.

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop?

Despite the fact that we are opening a small pancake shop with a very modest menu, in order to open a business we will need about 1 million rubles, which we will spend on:

We invite you to watch the video

about running a pancake shop, and how to make it successful:

Pancake shop as a business: possible profit

The pancake shop’s earnings depend not only on the number of customers, but also on the markup you put on your products.

Think carefully about the pricing policy of your establishment, because it’s too low prices can ruin you, and too high ones can scare away clients.

NameCost (in rub.)Markup (in%)Sales price (in rub.)
Other drinks10 200 30
Pancakes with meat25 300 100
Pancakes with lightly salted fish and caviar40 300 160
Pancakes with cottage cheese20 300 80
Pancakes with mushrooms20 300 80
Pancakes with berries20 300 80
Pancakes with exotic fruits30 300 120
Salads20-40 300 80-160
Pickles10-20 300 40-80
Coffee20 200 60
Tea10 200 30
Packaged juices10 200 30

Now let’s imagine that we have already managed to promote the business and acquire regular customers, so in a day in our pancake shop the following is realized:

Expense itemNumber of servingsPriceAmount (in rub.)
Total: RUB 12,360
Pancakes with meat20 100 2 000
Pancakes with mushrooms20 80 1 600
Blini with caviar and lightly salted salmon8 160 1 200
Pancakes with cottage cheese and berries25 80 2 000
Pancakes with exotic fruits8 120 960
Pickles and salads*30 100 3 000
Drinks*40 40 1 600

*we take the average selling price.

We see that our pancake shop makes a profit of at least 12,000 rubles per day.

With such indicators, the monthly income of our business will be about 370,000 rubles.

About 250–270,000 rubles of this amount will be spent on renting premises, staff salaries, taxes and the purchase of products, but 100–120,000 will be your monthly profit.

It is quite possible to reach this level after six months of quality work.

Capital investments will pay off in a maximum of one and a half years after the launch of the startup.

Now you know for sure how to open a pancake shop and what needs to be done to make it profitable.

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