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» What is this table for? How to choose a coffee table: current tips. Differences in the design of kitchen dining tables

What is this table for? How to choose a coffee table: current tips. Differences in the design of kitchen dining tables

What piece of furniture has its place in almost every room of the house? Of course the table! It is at the table that we have lunch, dinner, receive guests, work at the computer, draw, read...

The table has long become a symbol of a hospitable home; without it it is almost impossible to imagine a kitchen, a living room, or an office. It is quite difficult to replace this piece of furniture; neither a bar counter nor an ottoman in the living room, which today is often covered with a tabletop and becomes a coffee table, will be able to fully perform all of the above functions.

What types of tables are there? What should you pay attention to when choosing this important part of room furnishing?

Even if in the living room the functions of a coffee table were taken over by such an ottoman with a tabletop made of glass or wood, or even without it, then in the kitchen, and even more so in the dining room, you cannot do without a real table


So, the tables that most often take their place in our apartments are of the following types.


The largest, most spacious tables, the main purpose of which is to receive a group of guests and serve as a gathering place for the whole family for breakfast or dinner. Their only drawback is their substantial size. Even a relatively small table, at which, if it is pushed against the wall or standing in a corner, only four people can sit, has standard sizes 80 by 120 centimeters. If the table is round or oval, then it will have to be installed in the center of the room and, in fact, in addition to a set of dining furniture, the room will only fit a china cabinet against the wall.

In this regard, dining tables have become the prerogative of large apartments and private houses, and in an ordinary “two-room apartment” in a typical kitchen the size is six, maximum nine square meters, their place is increasingly being taken by much more compact transforming tables.

A round table always looks incredibly attractive. the main problem— it won’t look against the wall, its place is in the center of the room. That is, the room should be quite spacious, because chairs will also take their place around a table with a diameter of at least a meter

Transformable tables

Folding tables allow you to save space in the room, so they are deservedly popular. IN assembled form, for example, a table-book, takes up a space of only 85 centimeters wide and 24 centimeters deep. And when disassembled, such a table turns into an ordinary dining table, with a tabletop up to 150 centimeters long, which can easily accommodate eight to ten guests.

When assembled, the book-table is a closed cabinet, inside of which there are shelves for all sorts of little things that belong in the kitchen. It is inconvenient to dine at such a table, so most often one “half” of the table is used, and it itself takes up space against the wall in the kitchen

Today there are many options for transformable tables, from ordinary books with rising sides to real masterpieces of furniture craftsmanship: with rising tabletops, reliable fastenings and original design.

The most fragile part of folding tables are the fasteners that will support parts of the tabletop when unfolded. You should evaluate the reliability of the fittings in the store - imagine, these fasteners will have to withstand not only the weight of the table top, but also plates with hot dishes. What if the guest also leans on the table? Will the stand withstand such a load?

In this case, transforming tables with retractable legs, which will provide a strong support for the tabletop, look more reliable. Metal mechanism, which fixes the table in the desired position, may become loose over time.

When assembled, such a transforming table takes up very little space and serves as an ordinary coffee table. But if guests come, it can easily turn into a real dining table. His weak point is metal fastenings, which will have to support a massive tabletop, so the quality of the fittings should be given special attention

Coffee tables

The main feature of such tables is their height. According to the classification, which was adopted by the famous constructivist Le Corbusier, the dining table has standard height 70-75 centimeters. At such a table it will be comfortable to sit on a chair 47-52 centimeters high.

Thus, typical coffee table usually has a height of up to 60 centimeters, although there are models that barely rise above the floor. According to accepted standards, the lower the coffee table, the longer its tabletop. These tables are more like benches and look great in or in a room. oriental style, next to round low cushions used as a seat.

And vice versa - the higher the coffee table, the smaller area its tabletops. IN in this case the choice will depend only on general style room design - the table simply must fit harmoniously into the interior, as it usually occupies a place in the center of the living room, somewhere between an armchair and a sofa, or simply in front of a corner sofa.

It is interesting that the design of a coffee table can be very different - from unusual chests in the colonial style, in which the table is difficult to discern, to high-tech structures made of steel and glass. If a dining table usually looks traditional - four legs and a tabletop of round, oval, square and rectangular shape, then a coffee table may not have legs at all.

An unusual multi-level table, which, thanks to its wheels, can be easily moved throughout the living room, depending on where exactly the owners wanted to read or drink coffee

One of the types of coffee tables are coffee tables. They most often differ from ordinary ones in their countertops. round shape, but otherwise they also have a height of no more than 60 centimeters and most often take their place in the living room or in the recreation area on the balcony or loggia

Desk or computer desk

And finally, the last, fairly common type is computer or desks. A computer desk usually differs from a writing desk in the presence of additional parts such as a sliding shelf for the keyboard and stands for disks. Although in Lately Compact laptops are increasingly taking the place of desktop computers, so the presence of such stands is no longer playing such an important role.

IN typical apartment There is very rarely space for both a desk and a computer desk, so both of these functions are most often performed by the same piece of furniture. At the same time, you can’t do without a desk either in a student’s room or in an office.

A simple and quite functional computer desk, with a separate place for the system unit and a sliding shelf for the keyboard. If a laptop has already taken the place of a desktop computer in your apartment, it is better to purchase a regular one. desk with drawers for stationery and notebooks - it will be much more convenient for the child to do homework at such a table

A respectable desk with drawers that will fit everything you need for work

Material of manufacture

A traditional table consists of two parts - the base and the tabletop. Until recently, the most common material for making tables was wood: oak, ash, beech and birch. However, a table whose top is made entirely of solid wood will be too expensive. In addition, the countertops are made of natural wood It is not recommended to use in the kitchen - they quickly absorb odors and can easily be damaged with a knife.

Therefore, today you can increasingly find combined options, when the base and legs are made of reliable and durable wood, and the tabletop is made of MDF or chipboard, covered with a thin layer natural veneer or laminated.

Tables with glass tops, made of tempered, fairly durable glass, are very popular. The underframe can remain wooden or made of metal. The combination of glass and steel looks very stylish and modern, but classic interior it will look out of place.

The metal legs of this table are equipped with a special mechanism that allows you to adjust the height and set the surface perfectly flat, and the laconic glass tabletop looks quite reliable and beautiful. But this option is not suitable for every kitchen - in this case, kitchen set should also look ultra-modern, in high-tech style

By the way, the designers claim that glass tables are perfect choice For small room, since they do not visually clutter up the space.

A separate type of table is wicker furniture. The base of such products can be made of rattan, but for the tabletop you have to choose smoother materials, for example, glass.

Even plastic wicker furniture looks beautiful and elegant. But you can’t place a cup on a wicker tabletop - it’s too uneven, so most often, in order not to hide the beauty of the wicker tabletop, tempered glass is used

A wooden base can slightly smooth out the coldness and laconicism of a glass tabletop. This table looks very beautiful and unusual


Of course, first of all, the style of the table depends on the material of manufacture. Even the most trendy wooden table will still look more solid than traditionally shaped furniture made of steel and glass.

The main thing is not to forget that the table must be harmoniously combined with other pieces of furniture and the overall style of the room. By the way, designers recommend in some cases not to adhere to strict combination colors, but to experiment, deviating from the accepted canons.

Of course, if you have facades kitchen cabinets the color of bleached oak, then it would be logical to choose a table with the same tabletop. But you can also play in contrast - a table of saturated dark color Wenge will look no worse against the background of whitish facades.

Wallpaper in retro style obliged the owners to choose a table in similar design. Remember how popular lacquered countertops like this were just twenty years ago? Yes, now they have been replaced by laminated or veneered MDF and chipboard, but if your apartment has a lot of antique items, then the table should match

Strict table from dark wood goes perfectly with the same chairs. An excellent option for almost any interior style - from classic to modern

Do you want to decorate your kitchen in a country style or turn your cottage into a real “ hunting lodge"? How do you like this “uncouth” set of dining room furniture?

And remember, the main thing is that you like the table! Let it be the simplest and most ordinary, but if you like its flat and smooth tabletop and unusual soft beige shade - take it, you won’t regret it! After all, it is in your kitchen, living room, office or nursery that this table will spend more than one year, serving faithfully.

A table is a piece of furniture that is found in almost every home and has certain functions. They are used as a surface for cooking and dining, as well as for work or simply an elegant addition to the interior. In addition, they differ in the materials from which they are made and the type of construction.

Types of tables

In furniture showrooms today you can see a wide variety of this item. They differ not only in design and materials, but also in functionality, type of finish, purpose and other features. Each person can choose from a huge number of models what suits his taste.

Considered popular the following types tables:

  • dining;
  • serving;
  • dining room;
  • writing;
  • magazine;
  • toilet;
  • computer and others.

IMPORTANT. In addition to those widely used, there are also special products for tennis, billiards, and models for telephones, TVs or computers. All of them help organize space and save space in the room.


This species is large in size. Designed to gather guests or the whole family for lunches and dinners, as well as various holidays and events. Typically, standard models of kitchen tables are 80x120 centimeters; it can be moved against the wall, thereby saving space in the kitchen. However, if the product is round or oval in shape, you will have to install it in the middle of the kitchen, which will lead to a reduction usable area. That is why such dining products have become increasingly installed in private houses or apartments with a large area. In typical apartment buildings where kitchens are not large in size, modern transformers are more suitable.

Transformable tables

Folding kitchen furniture models are a compact product that can significantly save space in the kitchen. When assembled, they usually measure 85 cm wide and 24 cm deep. When the table is disassembled, it turns into a full-fledged dining room that can accommodate up to 10 guests. Today designers offer a huge number modern models, which are distinguished by the convenience of the mechanism, the reliability of fastening and the speed of installation. Also on sale are the familiar “books,” the tabletops of which fold out to the sides. They are not original and are already quite outdated.

IMPORTANT. The most vulnerable point of “transformers” is considered to be the fastenings. Their strength and reliability should be assessed in the store at the selection stage. You should calculate the expected load, taking into account what the guests will lean on the table.

Experts recognize the most reliable models with retractable metal legs. But even such products can become loose over time and become unusable for their intended purpose.

Coffee tables

The main difference between this species and others is their height. They are below the standard value. Exist generally accepted sizes, according to which the coffee table is made up to 60 cm high, it is convenient to sit at it only on a small pouf or in a low chair, up to 42 cm high.

In addition to standard small models of such products, there are also very low tables, slightly raised above the floor. By standard, they have a long tabletop. Such tables are suitable for interiors designed in oriental style. Low cushions are used for seating. Coffee table should fit harmoniously into the existing living room interior. It is the central piece of furniture that is always paid attention to first. Therefore, the concept of the overall style of the room should be consistent in this interior detail.

Desk or computer desk

A computer desk is usually distinguished by the presence of a special shelf for the system unit, a retractable table top for placing a keyboard, and holders for disks. Although this design is becoming less popular today, since compact laptops have almost replaced desktop computers.

As a rule, in small apartments oh there is only room for one of the tables. But in a schoolchild’s room or in the office of the father of the family, one cannot do without this piece of furniture.

Table size

For comfort and ease of use of the table, its certain dimensions must be maintained:

  • for the convenience of sitting at the dining table, its height is made 72–78 cm;
  • comfortable stay for computer desk reaches a height of 75 cm;
  • a desk requires sitting at it for a long time; it is most convenient to do this at a height of 70–80 cm;
  • The kitchen table is also designed for a comfortable position during lunch; a height of 75–76 cm will help ensure comfort.

The tabletop can have different dimensions. It all depends on the quantity free space and preferences of home owners. The main thing is that there is enough space to carry out your plans.


Depending on the size of the room and the purpose of the table, choose the shape for the piece of furniture. It can be round or oval, square or rectangular. Last option occurs most often. Its laconic forms allow it to be installed along the wall, saving space in the room.

Square shaped tables are designed for small apartments and small quantity people sitting behind him. So, only 4 people can sit at a standard square-shaped table. Round and oval shapes also do not imply a large influx of guests. It is best to install them in large rooms.


Stylistic and design solutions There are a huge number of them in salons today. All of them are made from different materials, and carry various functions. Experts insist that general concept The design of the room was respected in this piece of furniture.

Material of manufacture

Similar to styles, stores offer a wide selection of models that differ in the quality of the material. The following types of tables are distinguished:

  • made of chipboard (the most affordable type, but it is too fragile and has a short service life);
  • made of fiberboard (more expensive than the first type, characterized by increased moisture resistance and resistance to damage);
  • made of solid wood (expensive, but beautiful and durable products that can complement any apartment design);
  • glass (visually they help expand the space, so they fit well into small kitchens);
  • made of stone (high density and durability, made from materials of natural or artificial origin).

A wide variety of models allows you to choose exactly the option that, in terms of functionality and stylistic features, is suitable for a specific room. They choose a table based on the personal preferences of the apartment owners and financial capabilities.

Tables are a piece of furniture that is a surface raised above floor level and designed to perform various works or the arrangement of objects.

Today there are quite a few, among which are large and small tables, oval, round, rectangular, wooden, metal and glass, as well as many others.

Main types and models of tables. In general, it can be noted that there are several classification features:

  1. By size;
  2. According to the form;
  3. According to production material;
  4. According to the functions performed and purpose and according to some other parameters.

The following types are also distinguished:

  • Dining;
  • The serving table is a mobile tray table;
  • Written – intended for performing various written works;
  • Magazine. This is a low table designed for relaxation;
  • Dressing room - has a mirror, as well as sections for storing various toilet items;
  • TV stand table;
  • Computer;
  • Billiards, tennis;
  • Meeting table
  • A side table is a table that is additional to the main one;
  • Table-pedestal (or “table-book”), which when folded is similar to a book, hence the name;
  • Kitchen;
  • Coffee;
  • Bar;
  • Telephone;
  • Card table. This is a special table designed for card game called "ombre". Currently - for preference.
  • Interactive table. This type appeared relatively recently. This is a table with a touch screen built into the tabletop, connected to a computer. Thanks to this, you can solve many various tasks right on the table itself.

Today, folding models are becoming quite popular due to their practicality and functionality, as well as varied design. They will perfectly save space in an apartment or house. This one is especially good furniture where free space is limited.

For example, when the need arises, such a table can be expanded and it will fully perform all its functions. And then the table folds easily and takes up very little space. For apartments with a relatively small area, excellent option There will also be built-in furniture. It will save free space in the apartment.

Nowadays glass coffee tables are also in demand. This piece of furniture goes well with almost any interior design, it adds style and sophistication to any room. It should also be noted that tables need to be selected based on the interior design. For example, if you have a country style, then just ideal option there will be wicker furniture.

We can conclude that currently there are many types of different furniture models. The choice of one model or another should be made depending on the interior style and personal preferences. If you want to see different collections of furniture with photos, you can do this on online store websites. We wish you a successful choice!

Video: Dining tables, 56 varieties

No home can do without a table. Home dinners, business meetings take place at the table, people work and relax at it. It is very important that the material from which the table is made is pleasant to the touch and look, because a person spends quite a lot of time at the table.

Materials vary in color, texture, density and durability. Therefore, it is important to decide which of the listed parameters will come first.


Wood is the most popular material from which tables are made. Among its advantages, we can highlight, first of all, the naturalness of the material; it is pleasant to the touch and appearance. Mahogany tables are renowned for their durability. However, such tables also have disadvantages, such as instability with respect to water and high temperature changes. When wood gets wet, it absorbs moisture and expands, and when temperature changes, the wood can dry out. In the first and second cases, the defects will be noticeable. The type of wood is important when choosing a table. Oak, beech and walnut are considered the best.

Chipboard and MDF

These materials are inferior in quality to natural wood, since chipboard and MDF are made from wood chips and sawdust, but their cost is several times lower. These tables are quite strong and stable. Unlike wood, some types of chipboard are waterproof. Chipboard and MDF are covered with a laminate on top, which is easy to clean from dirt and is heat-resistant.

Fake diamond

Basis in production artificial stone is a mineral filler. Unlike natural stone artificial crumbles less and cracks appear on it less frequently, it is much lighter than its natural counterpart and is easy to restore. Although it is already clear from the name that the material is not natural, it is completely harmless. Due to the fact that artificial stone is easy to process, many different models of tables are made from it.


Glass is a fairly durable and hygienic material. Dirt is easily removed from it, and it can suit any interior. Glass, due to its transparency, visually enlarges the room. Glass can be different in texture and color. Matte, unlike smooth, has a pleasant roughness and white tint. In addition, glass tables can be tinted and multi-colored.


Metal is now not as popular in the manufacture of tables as other materials. However, in apartment design, the high-tech style is now increasingly gaining popularity, where metal is the main material. The only drawback of such a table is that it can become rusty, but proper care and restoration the table will look like new. Especially in order to metal tables preserved their properties for as long as possible, manufacturers are experimenting with alloys.

Made from any materials, different high quality, due to which it enjoys great success in the market.

The dining table is an important piece of furniture for any home. Behind it you will gather guests and all household members. Therefore, you need to approach the choice carefully.

Types of dining tables

Conditionally classified according to several parameters.

By resizing:

  • folding;
  • not folding.

The first type is designed in such a way that, if necessary, it is possible to change the size of the working surface. The second type is with a solid tabletop. To the group folding tables This also includes transformers that turn from magazine-style to dining-room.

They are popular among owners of small apartments. They are also preferred for use in offices with a small staff.

By geometric shape:

  • round;
  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • oval;
  • non-standard type, made to order.

According to the materials used:

  • wooden;
  • glass;
  • laminated chipboard;
  • plastic;
  • rattan;
  • stone;
  • ceramics.

Such a variety of materials complicates the task for the buyer. When purchasing, both the interior design and the conditions in which it is intended to be used are taken into account.

This can be furniture for use indoors or outdoors, for every day or only for special occasions.

Types of dining tables

If non-folding furniture has a constant size, then products with the possibility of increasing the tabletop have the following transformation options:

  • book;
  • sliding;
  • with retractable sections;
  • transformer.

The first two are familiar to buyers. Classic book and sliding with inserts. The “book” when folded is used as a stand. If necessary, one or both folded parts are lifted and placed on retractable supports.

The sliding version can be round, oval or rectangular shape. The symmetrical halves move apart and additional inserts located under the tabletop are installed between them, increasing the working surface.

The number of inserts, depending on the model, varies from 1 to 4. The standard package includes additional sections with a width of 35–45 cm in the amount of one or two pieces.

Another type of transformation of furniture for dining areas is additional sections that extend from the end part. The mechanism is used on wooden and glass furniture. Sections are provided on one or both sides of the product.

A coffee table that turns into a dining table is a solution for small apartments and offices.

Its base is made of metal with the ability to adjust the height, or from chipboard, MDF, wood. In the first case, the supports are arranged crosswise, like an ironing board. If necessary, the tabletop rotates 90 degrees and unfolds. This doubles the surface area.

In the second, from under the tabletop, which subsequently doubles in size, an additional support extends and rises.

Both versions of transformers are produced mainly with wheels for the ability to easily move this structure.


Made from a variety of materials.

Under the concept wooden furniture dining groups with tabletops from:

  • plywood;
  • array.

Tables made of plywood and MDF are decorated with natural veneer or painted. The most commonly used veneers are cherry, cherry, hevea, and oak. Standard thickness table tops are 25–35 cm.

Solid wood products are not produced in large quantities due to the availability of alternative materials such as MDF. They are often made to order. For production they use solid oak, pine, larch.

Dining tables made of pine and larch are designed for outdoor use as they are not exposed to changes in temperature and humidity.

Glass tables are made of tempered glass or triplex glass. The thickness of the glass should not be less than 1 cm. Strained glass obtained by heating to high temperatures followed by slow cooling.

This material is durable: it is not afraid of impacts and can withstand heavy weight. But it still breaks if you drop a heavy object from a height onto the tabletop more than a meter. In this case, the glass breaks into small rounded fragments.

The fragments do not fly apart long distance, unlike non-tempered glass, and do not pose a danger to others, thanks to the rounded edges.

Triplex - glass sheets glued together using resin.

This type of glass is more expensive than tempered glass. Even with strong impacts, it does not break, but becomes covered with cracks. But due to the difficulties associated with processing the edges of triplex, it is used less frequently than tempered glass.

Products made from artificial stone have a non-folding monolithic work surface.

For their manufacture use:

  • acrylic polymer;
  • quartz agglomerate.

They are durable and resistant to mechanical impact. Manufacturers of artificial stone furniture provide customers with the opportunity to choose a design and place an order according to the color of the artificial stone kitchen counter.

Plastic coated molds are suitable for interior decoration in modern style. They are lightweight compared to products made from other materials. Plastic coating does not require the use of special surface care products.

Dining tables using natural stone are made from:

  • marble;
  • granite

Such surfaces do not absorb foreign odors and are little susceptible to mechanical and chemical attack.

The standard height from the floor to the top surface of the tabletop is 75 cm. It is considered comfortable for seating. But considering individual characteristics and customer wishes, some manufacturers produce furniture with a height of 70 and 85 cm.

Furniture supports can be of several types:

  • four standard supports made of wood or metal;
  • one support in the center. She is massive in appearance. She bears the entire burden. Such supports are used in the manufacture of small-sized tables with a diameter or length, depending on the geometry of the tabletop, no more than 1.2 meters;
  • two or three supports located perpendicular to the length of the tabletop. Such supports allow you to comfortably sit during a meal with a surface length of over 1.2 m.

Inserts of folding products are placed under the tabletop when folded. If the number of additional inserts is more than two, then they cannot be stacked in this way and require additional space. Such furniture forms are rare.

Some models are equipped with side drawers for storing equipment.

Chairs should be selected according to appearance furniture. On small kitchens It is more convenient to use stools. When using a tablecloth, it is matched to the tone of the fabric on the chairs or textiles on the windows.

To prevent damage to the surface when serving, it is recommended to use napkins.

Pros of dining tables

Dining tables made of laminated chipboard have a number of positive properties:

  • Availability of the material.
  • Easy to care for. Simply wipe with a slightly damp cloth.
  • The shapes and sizes of laminated chipboard countertops are varied, so it can easily fit into a room of any size.

Distinctive features dining tables made of wood and covered with natural veneer:

  • Use in kitchens and living rooms due to its appearance.
  • Environmental friendliness of materials.
  • Safety.
  • Durability.

Pros of glass dining tables:

  • They don’t look bulky even in a small room.
  • They look stylish.
  • Suitable for any interior.
  • High temperature resistance.
  • Can be used in surface care as special means, as well as regular glass cleaners.
  • Glass does not absorb odors.
  • Acceptable use in conditions high humidity.
  • There are no harmful or dangerous substances in the composition.
  • Hypoallergenic.

Dining tables with plastic cover:

  • Suitable for modern interiors, including high-tech.
  • Variety of shapes and sizes.
  • Not susceptible to contamination. To maintain cleanliness, simply wipe with a damp cloth.
  • Not affected by humidity.
  • Withstand high temperatures.
  • They are light in weight, so moving them around won't require much effort. One adult can handle this.
  • Affordable price.

Dining tables with artificial stone countertops:

  • Not affected by fat. Any trapped fat is removed with a damp cloth.
  • Possibility to place an order for production of any shape and size.
  • The surface without seams looks aesthetically attractive.

Natural stone tables:

  • They are not afraid of exposure to temperatures up to 800 C.
  • Frost-resistant.
  • If necessary, subject to restoration.
  • The service life is more than 10 years.
  • Do not change appearance under the influence of fat and household chemicals.

Dining table problems

Before purchasing dining furniture made from laminated chipboard, you need to familiarize yourself with possible problems when using them:

  • When used in conditions of high humidity, the tabletop swells and becomes deformed.
  • Artificial turf cannot withstand high temperatures. Traces from hot pans remain on the surface.
  • The composition of laminated chipboards contains formaldehyde, which can cause allergic reactions. In some cases, it contributes to the development of cancer.

Furniture made of solid wood and covered with natural veneer:

  • At insufficient humidity indoors the wood dries out. Cracks appear. Unfolding becomes problematic.
  • At excess humidity deformation of the wood occurs, which makes further use of the furniture impossible.
  • To care for veneered and solid wood furniture, you should not use polishes; this can ruin the appearance of the product.

  • Numerous marks and stains remain. Requires thorough cleaning.
  • When serving, when dishes and cutlery come into contact with the work surface, loud sounds are heard. So use napkins.
  • Glass quickly scratches and loses its original appearance. It is not possible to polish such a surface.
  • Despite the apparent external elegance, glass furniture is heavy. Rearrange or move it without outside help Not sure it's going to happen.
  • If there are corners at such a table, you need to be careful and careful to avoid injuries.

Artificial stone tables:

  • High cost compared to tables made of chipboard, plywood, MDF.
  • In order to place hot food on acrylic, you must use a special stand.
  • Subject to mechanical damage. Scratches appear that can only be removed with the help of a restorer.
  • If quartz agglomerate was used for manufacturing, you can safely put it hot. Such tables are not afraid of scratches. However, it is worth considering that they are more difficult to restore than acrylic tables.

Natural stone tables:

  • They are practically unliftable. In order to rearrange the furniture, the efforts of several people will be required.
  • Products made of granite and marble create background radiation, so it is better to avoid using them in residential areas.

Fundamental factors when choosing furniture for the dining area:

  • size;
  • form;
  • the material from which the furniture is made;
  • price.

The choice of size is dictated by:

  • the size of the room;
  • the number of people who can sit at this table at the same time.

To arrange a dining area in small spaces, it is better to choose round tables small diameter or square. Looks great in this case glass products, visually lightening the space.

In case you need to place large quantity people (during celebrations, for example), it is worth purchasing a folding version of this type of furniture. In a house where there are small children, it is better to avoid sharp corners in the interior. Preference should be given to round and oval shapes.

Massive tables of rectangular or oval shape are appropriate in the dining room. In this case, the choice of material depends only on general interior premises.

The most economical, but not long-lasting options are products made from chipboard, and the most expensive ones are made from natural stone.

If we put aside the issue of cost, then furniture should have the following qualities:

  • safety;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • reliability;
  • ease of care;
  • beautiful appearance.

The chosen option should be designed for both everyday use and festive feasts. Therefore, folding models are preferable.

To use in the kitchen you need a table that is easy to clean, easy to move, and safe. Oval, round, rectangular with rounded corners models with plastic coating have these qualities.

If the furniture is installed in the living room, then the appearance plays no less important role than the quantity seats and safety. In this case it will do wooden table covered with natural veneer or with a tabletop made of painted MDF.


  • Avoid mechanical damage that can cause dents and chips on the working surface.
  • Do not use products intended for indoor use only outdoors.
  • Avoid direct contact sun rays over time to prevent the countertop from fading.
  • Do not expose parts made using natural wood materials to excessive moisture.
  • Do not use polishes on surfaces made of natural wood, laminate, or melamine to avoid the formation of greasy, difficult-to-remove stains.
  • Do not use abrasives, hard brushes, sponges with a rough surface, or metal sponges to clean dirt from the surface of dining room furniture. This leads to damage to the coating.
  • It is advisable to avoid direct contact of the working surface with objects whose temperature exceeds 50 C and use stands. This applies to laminated chipboard, natural veneer and wood, varnished and acrylic countertops.
  • Polished countertops require regular maintenance using special wipes and polishes.
  • Try not to exceed the permissible load on the table surface of 50–60 kg. This applies primarily to wooden tables.
  • To avoid deformation wooden parts, tables should be at least 1 meter away from appliances that emit heat.
  • To avoid loosening of fasteners, they should be tightened once a year.

  • Do not use table sets made from wood and varnish near open fire.
  • Do not drop sharp objects onto the glass table.
  • Do not stand on tables to avoid breakage and falling from a height.
  • Keep small children away from installing or removing optional table inserts to avoid injury to them.
  • At self-assembly Do not over-tighten fasteners.
  • Do not use tables with sharp corners in a house where children live.
  • Avoid contact with active chemical liquids (gasoline, acetone, alcohol) on surfaces made of natural wood, glass, plastic and artificial stone.

Malfunctions and repairs

The parts that fail first are:

  • countertops;
  • legs;
  • retractable mechanisms.

Scuffs and scratches on wood or acrylic can be corrected with the help of a restorer. If a piece made of chipboard or glass has become unusable, you will have to replace it or buy new furniture.

You can cover the scratched surface with a tablecloth and it will continue to serve. It’s more difficult when the supports break. If the supports are standard metal, then you can easily buy them in construction stores or organizations specializing in furniture fittings.

Replacement is carried out independently or with the help of professionals. It is more difficult to replace supports if they are not produced in large quantities and are not sold in specialized stores.

Then you should contact the company where the product was purchased with a request for a replacement, if this is a warranty case, or to purchase a new part.

The retractable mechanisms of folding models fail for two reasons:

  • they are clogged;
  • bent or broken.

In the first case, it is enough to clean the mechanism from accumulated dirt, then lubricate the parts with wax or paraffin. In the second case, replacement of failed guides will be required. They can be replaced either independently or with the help of a specialist.

Dining table manufacturers

Diversity lunch items furniture is large, so it is not possible to single out a single leader among manufacturers.

Rather, this is a group of countries represented on the furniture market:

  • Italy;
  • Spain;
  • China;
  • Russia;
  • Malaysia;
  • Germany.

Chinese ones are popular among buyers due to their low price compared to products from European manufacturers. Sometimes quality suffers.

Chinese manufacturers skillfully copy new products from the most famous European factories. In pursuit of appearance, buyers forget to consider how long this or that item will last. This does not mean that you should avoid buying furniture accessories made in China.

Many Chinese factories produce durable furniture. Malaysian-made models are also sold at reasonable prices. To avoid making a mistake with your choice, use the available customer reviews posted on the Internet.

Italian factories are opening production facilities in China. At the same time, strict quality control of products is carried out.

German factories offer laconic options with an appropriate level of quality. Only people with above-average income can afford such furniture.

Russian manufacturers are trying to keep up with furniture fashion. Therefore, stores offer models using both wood and glass. The advantage of Russian products is fast delivery times compared to imported tables sold to order.