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» It is possible to build a garage. How to build a garage on your own: main steps and tips. Photo gallery: types of flooring

It is possible to build a garage. How to build a garage on your own: main steps and tips. Photo gallery: types of flooring

A garage made of wood in many regions of our country is the most optimal construction option, due to the affordable cost of materials, ease of installation and beautiful appearance. finished design. In this article we will tell you how to do wooden garage with your own hands, what materials to build it from, and also show diagrams, photos and video instructions.

Selection of construction technology

The main thing is to choose the optimal construction technology and complete all stages in strict accordance with the chosen type of construction.

The most common two technologies for constructing garages made of wood: frame technology and from rounded logs.

It is necessary to give preference to the construction of a box for a car using log technology if the main building, house or cottage, is built from similar material. A frame structure will cost less, it is easier to select materials for it, and the construction time will be significantly reduced. In addition, the outside of a wooden frame garage can be decorated with any style suitable country house facade materials immediately after the construction of the building or after some period of time.

Preparatory work

Maximum speed and ease of work are the main advantages of frame technology. But, despite its simplicity, the construction of a frame garage requires preliminary preparation and the development of a project, with the help of which it will be possible to calculate the required amount of materials and components. The project is calculated independently, with the involvement of experienced specialists, or downloaded from specialized Internet resources. The dimensions of the building should take into account the number of cars, the presence of an open shed for summer storage of cars and attic floor, which many car enthusiasts install above the garage.

On preparatory stage The location of the future garage and the type of building are established: detached, attached to the main building, type of gate opening and combination with the general entrance area to the site. The selected site is thoroughly cleaned, leveled and, if necessary, compacted.

Foundation work

A high-quality and reliable foundation is the basis of any structure. The choice of technology for constructing a foundation depends on many different factors: the design of the structure, the characteristics of the soil, the financial capabilities of the owner, etc.

Basically, for the construction of a garage, the base is a concrete slab poured using monolithic technology.

The concrete slab will serve as a subfloor, which can then be lined with any finishing materials. Being a type of “floating” foundation, a concrete slab absorbs evenly high loads, helping to avoid deformation of the structure during its operation.

For arrangement monolithic foundation A shallow trench is dug along the perimeter of the planned development and formwork is installed. First, make a cushion of sand and gravel and compact it. Then the base is reinforced with two meshes of metal rods, preparing the site, and it is filled with concrete. After this, the foundation must be allowed to stand for about 3 weeks.

Assembling a frame from boards and timber

The bottom trim is made of a 100x50 mm wooden board, pre-treated with an antiseptic. For racks in the corners of the garage and in the gate leaves, 100x100 mm timber is used, for other parts of the building - rafters and floor blocks - 100x50 mm. In the lower trim between the posts, a pitch of no more than 1200 mm is maintained.

To give the frame greater strength, struts should be installed in the corners of the building.

If the garage is planned to be more than 4 m wide, ceiling beams it is better to make it from more durable and reliable board 50x100 mm. The longitudinal elements are made of timber no less than 50x50 mm.

Roof and walls

To equip the roof, a 100x25 mm board is used, which is sheathed with a pre-selected roofing material. Metal tiles or slate can be attached directly to a wooden sheathing, not forgetting to equip a hydro- and vapor barrier system to organize a comfortable microclimate in the garage.

Outside by roofing system be sure to install a spillway, which you can make yourself from plastic pipe, cut in two.

For cladding the outside of the building, you can use a special facade lining or a solid wooden board, pre-treated with impregnation to protect it from moisture. The inside of the garage is insulated with mineral wool, always laid with a layer of vapor barrier and covered with clapboard.

Wooden garage 6x4

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the principle of constructing a garage, the size of which is 6x4 m with a ceiling height of 3 m. It will have a gate of 2.8x2.5 m in size, the foundation is made of reinforced concrete slabs, and the frame is made of wooden beams 100x100 mm. Concerning exterior finishing, then it will be made of corrugated board or other similar material.

The first thing you need to do is clean construction site. At the site of the future structure, remove soil up to 10 cm deep. The bottom of the pit is filled with sand, leveled and compacted.

Lay formwork boards 1.5×0.5 cm around the perimeter and 15 cm in height. The base is reinforced with Ø 12 mm wire. The cells must be made 20x20 cm. The resulting mesh should be in the middle of the formwork. After this, concrete is poured. Although such a foundation may seem unreliable, it is important not to forget that the weight frame structure a 6x4 m garage is relatively small.

The principle of frame construction has already been described in this article. The difference here is that it is important to respect the dimensions of the garage. So, a frame is erected from beams 3 m long. Assembly starts with lower crown. You attach the corner drains to it and the upper crown is already on them.

In order for the racks to have a reliable fixation, they should be temporarily fixed using slats or boards.

The resulting structure will be quite strong. If necessary, the frame is reinforced with jumpers for greater rigidity. As for the opening, a beam is laid horizontally on top of the racks. It must also be securely fastened.

In our case, we will build a gable roof for the garage. The ridge beam will be attached to two supports, the cross-section of which is 10x10 cm. These supports will rest on the gables. For the manufacture of rafters and ridge, a 40x100 mm board is used.

The rafters are installed close to each other. This will allow the roof to remain stable under strong wind loads. They are pulled together with puffs. This technology will relieve the load on the horse. The boards themselves should be secured not to the crossbar with an overlap, but under the ridge on top of the tie-rods. Finally, the structure is sheathed with USB or plywood.

The floor in the garage can be made using different technologies. For example, you can make it wooden, concrete, or use self-leveling floor technology. The walls can be treated with construction paper, and hardboard is attached on top of it. But other finishing materials can also be used. As stated at the beginning of this description, we propose installing corrugated sheeting on the façade outside. To do this, you need to make a small sheathing of 40x40 mm timber. The ceiling can be hemmed with wooden boards.

To prevent the roof from sagging under the weight of snow, it is recommended to attach fillets to the rafters from the walls. This will also allow you to make the cornice trim and roof overhang more attractive.

For wall cladding, it is better to use 3 m sheets. Thus, the structure will be airtight without unnecessary joints. Finally, all that remains is to make a metal gate.

Following this simple technology, you can make a garage out of wood measuring 6x4 m.


The process of building a frame garage in video format:


In the provided photo gallery, you can see various options for constructing a wooden garage:

Schemes and drawings

If you decide to build a wooden garage yourself, then first study the diagrams and drawings:

A garage is a necessary purchase for every car owner. It allows you to park your car in optimal conditions, provides protection from negative influences of all kinds, and allows you to carry out maintenance and repairs in comfortable and convenient conditions. Only by leaving your car in the garage, you don’t have to worry about the fact that it can be stolen, damaged, opened and valuables stolen, etc. No one will argue that having a garage is convenient, practical and pleasant. But in modern economic conditions, not all car owners can buy a garage.

In such a situation, you can try to build a garage yourself. But not all materials and types of construction provide truly significant savings. Capital construction in any case, it will not be cheap, since the materials themselves and the technologies used require significant investments. But among modern building materials and available technologies you can choose those that will make construction inexpensive and practical garage possible. Many craftsmen have been using such buildings for many years. In this article we will tell you how to build a garage cheaply and quickly with your own hands, what materials to choose for this and what technology to use. Choose what is right for you and build a modern and inexpensive garage for your car!

The widest range of modern construction market allows you to select the optimal type of materials for any type of construction. You can choose among traditional options, for example, brick or wood, and among relatively new proposals, for example, corrugated sheets, sip panels, etc. We invite you to consider the materials that are best suited for the construction of an inexpensive, aesthetic and practical garage.

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to material for building a garage is brick. Indeed, most often permanent garages are built from this material. Of course, the properties of this material are excellent: it is strong and beautiful, reliable and durable, and allows you to create high-quality, worthy buildings. But allow yourself brick garage not everyone can, since its construction costs a decent amount. And the construction itself takes a lot of time. Therefore, if you want to build a garage quickly and without extra costs, then pay attention to more available materials:

  • Tree. This is one of the most traditional materials for the construction of buildings for various purposes. Wood construction technologies have been honed and improved over centuries, and today they have reached the highest level development. Among the excellent properties of this material are environmental friendliness, reliability, durability, ample opportunities for implementing architectural ideas, etc. In rooms built from wood, a special atmosphere reigns and is preserved pleasant microclimate, optimal humidity is maintained. Build from modern wooden materials- pure pleasure! You can order a ready-made set of wooden elements according to your project with ready-made fastenings and connections at the manufacturer’s factory. All you have to do is put the parts together to get a beautiful, reliable and high-quality garage. In some respects, wood is even superior to brick, and first of all, in terms of construction cost. Wood provides ample opportunities for the construction of cheap and high-quality buildings;
  • Cinder blocks. This material has gained wide popularity relatively recently. The main advantage of cinder blocks is their low cost and ease of use. Perhaps this material is not capable of providing sufficient quality for the construction of a residential building, but its properties are optimal for a garage. Among the strengths of cinder blocks are a long service life and a high degree of reliability. And for a garage these properties are the most important. Therefore, you can safely choose this material for constructing a garage;
  • Corrugated sheet. Universal option, which has found wide application in solving various problems. They cover roofs with it, use it to build fences and fences, and also erect commercial buildings, including garages. You can build a garage from corrugated sheets on a finished foundation in a matter of days without outside help. The construction turns out to be neat, neat, reliable and practical.

These materials can be called the most suitable for independent budget construction of a garage. Next, we will talk about how to build a garage cheaply and quickly with your own hands; video instructions will help you understand the basic principles of working with each of these materials.

By choosing wood as the main material for constructing a garage, you are making a choice in favor of an aesthetic appearance, absolute safety for humans and environment, affordable cost, ease of processing and use. Wood makes excellent garages, but when planning such construction, you should also be aware of the special nuances that distinguish working with wood.

For the construction of a garage, two modern technologies wood construction. In the first case, an affordable rounded log is used, and in the second, frame technology is used. Buildings made from rounded logs are distinguished by a high degree of reliability. They are strong and beautiful. But construction using frame technology is more affordable. In this situation, you need to correlate your preferences, goals and objectives with the characteristics and features of a particular technology. This will help you choose the best option that suits you.

Features of constructing a garage made of wood

Construction work always begins with the preparatory stage. It is very important to analyze your capabilities and requirements, choose the right place for construction, and think through the design of the future construction. You also need to decide whether your garage will stand alone or be attached to the house, whether it will have an inspection hole, a cellar and other elements. You also need to immediately decide on the type of gate and think through all other aspects down to the smallest detail. This is necessary so that future work can be carried out according to a clear, well-thought-out plan quickly and efficiently.

Once you have drawn up a project and thought through the order of work, you need to prepare the selected area for construction work. It needs to be leveled and the soil compacted. The evenness of the site affects the quality of the future structure.

On the prepared site, a strong and high-quality foundation for the garage is created. You will need to prepare trenches around the perimeter of the planned building, form the formwork, fill and compact a bed of gravel and sand.

The most important stage is strengthening the base. For this, metal rods are used, which are laid on top of a sand and gravel cushion. After this, the base can be filled with solution. The foundation gains strength in about three weeks. After this period, you can proceed to other work. The first thing that needs to be built is a lower reinforcing belt made of 50x100 mm timber.

Keep in mind that untreated wood has no protection against moisture, fungus and pests. Therefore, before construction, all wooden elements must be treated with antiseptic compounds.

To construct the frame, you will need timber, which is convenient for making gate posts and leaves, as well as 50x100 mm boards, suitable for all other parts of the building. On the bottom harness, the step should be no more than 120 cm.

Corner struts that will support the harness will help to further strengthen and strengthen the structure. As a result, the foundation of the building will be strong, stable, and reliable. It is important to carry out all work as accurately as possible from the very beginning, since mistakes at the initial stages will certainly make themselves felt later.

In wood construction technology, the most costly and complex stages are the installation of the foundation and the creation of the frame. The frame requires higher quality material, more time and maximum precision. And you can even make the cladding from ordinary boards or lining. It won't take much time and won't require any special skills from you. Finishing a wooden garage can be done using almost any materials. Do not forget about the need for high-quality hydro- and vapor barrier. For this you can use polypropylene or polyethylene film.

There is nothing complicated about building a wooden garage. You will need a little patience and basic knowledge in the field of construction.

Cinder block garages are quite common these days. If you decide to build such a garage, then you need to know that cinder blocks are different:

  • Blast furnace cinder block. It has good properties and a long service life;
  • From brick battle;
  • Shell rock.

Sometimes cinder blocks are made with the addition of polystyrene, perlite and other components that can improve the performance properties of this material.

For the construction of a garage, cinder blocks could be called an excellent material, if not for one of its drawbacks - moisture absorption. Due to the penetration of water into the material, it quickly deteriorates and loses its properties. Therefore, it is best to choose cinder blocks for construction on dry ground. In such conditions, buildings made of cinder blocks can last up to 50 years, maintaining their properties. If underground water is found on the territory of future construction, then it is better to refuse to use cinder blocks, since there is no treatment or other reliable way prevent water penetration.

Don’t forget to also take into account the classification of cinder blocks by configuration. They are full-bodied and hollow. The first type is intended for the construction of walls. The second can be used to construct foundations. If you use blocks for other purposes, your construction may turn out to be of poor quality and unreliable.

Features of construction from cinder blocks

Just as in the case of constructing a wooden garage, construction from cinder blocks begins with preparation: the area is cleared, leveled, compacted, and a project is developed and detailed plan works

A wooden building requires a poured foundation, while cinder blocks do not need such a solid foundation. For a garage made of cinder blocks, the best option would be. To install it, it is necessary to remove the top layers of soil and prepare a trench. Its depth should reach 50 cm and width - 45 cm. After this, a layer of sand and broken brick is laid at the bottom of the trench. After this, the foundation is filled with mortar.

There is another way to construct a strip foundation. After preparing the trench, it is lined with a layer of moistened sand. This layer makes the base stronger and more resistant to temperature changes, moisture and other negative influences. Then it strengthens the structure and fills it.

It takes about a month for the strip base to gain strength. After this, you can proceed to the construction of walls. But there is another way to make a strip foundation. This is the most simple technology, which differs in that instead of sand the trench is lined with rubble stone and immediately after that it is filled with mortar, grade 150 m higher.

When the base is ready, it is necessary to place hydro- and vapor barrier materials. The optimal choice for solving this problem is roofing felt, an affordable and time-tested material.

After this, work is carried out in the following order:

  • Construction of walls;
  • Floor installation;
  • Roof installation;
  • Gate installation.

Cinder blocks must be laid according to the same principle as brick. But in this case, the work will be done much faster and easier. There are two types of masonry - the spoon method, half a stone, and the butt method, one stone. They use masonry of two and one and a half stones. You should focus on your own skills and capabilities when choosing one or another type of masonry. Do not forget that the features of the masonry are reflected in the characteristics of the finished structure, its strength, resistance to negative factors, durability. For example, a garage built in one stone will freeze at low temperatures, even if it is heated from the inside with several heaters. And the structure, laid in one and a half stones, will turn out to be quite warm and comfortable.

Laying walls starts from the corners. After this, a string is stretched between them, and the masonry continues along its level.

The final work during the construction of a garage made of cinder blocks is the installation of the necessary communications and finishing of the building from the inside.

Corrugated sheeting - practical universal material. Fences and various outbuildings are often erected from it. Garages made from corrugated sheets are strong and reliable, have a pleasant appearance and good characteristics. But when planning the construction of garages from corrugated sheets, it is important to choose the material correctly. Do you want to build an inexpensive but reliable garage? Then choose corrugated sheeting, grade C or PS.

In order to do right choice, you need to understand the labeling of the material. It is performed using alphabetic and numerical designations. The material marked with the letter “C” is intended for walls. The number indicated on the material indicates its hardness. The higher the number, the higher the rigidity of the sheet. To build a garage, we recommend that you use material marked “C-20”.

Some sellers may recommend that you replace the C-20 with C-10 or C-8. We do not recommend making such a choice, because a garage made of this material, although it will be cheaper, will be short-lived and unreliable. In winter, thin sheets will quickly freeze, and it will be quite difficult to warm them up. This material also does not cope well with wind loads. These are all unsuitable properties for a good garage. Therefore, for construction you only need to take twenty. As for the thickness of the sheet, then optimal choice– 0.5 mm.

Features of building a garage from corrugated sheets

To build such a garage you need to purchase:

  • Concrete for the base and reinforcement to strengthen it;
  • Frame parts: timber, metal rods, corner;
  • Elements for gate installation;
  • Fasteners

As for the tools, for construction from corrugated sheets you will need:

  • Welding machine;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Jigsaw.

The first stage of construction of a garage from corrugated sheets is the installation of a foundation. For such a construction, the best solution would be to make a monolithic foundation. To do this, the upper layers of the earth are removed. Moistened sand is poured into the resulting pit. For the frame racks, it is necessary to provide special wells, which will also play the role of foundation racks. The wells must be driven into the ground to a depth of half a meter.

Thanks to these elements, the foundation will be stronger and more durable. It will cope well with ground movements.

After this, work is carried out according to standard scheme. Formwork is installed along the perimeter of the pit, reinforcing rods connected to each other with wire are attached to it. After this, frame racks are installed in the prepared wells.

Before this, the lower parts of the racks are treated with bitumen to prevent moisture penetration and reduce other harmful effects.

During the installation of racks, you must carefully monitor their level. They must stand strictly vertically. This needs to be checked regularly with a building level. After installing the racks, the base is poured with M300 concrete. For the construction of a garage from corrugated sheets, this choice will be optimal.

It is recommended to allow the foundation to gain strength in within three weeks Although some craftsmen believe that it is possible to proceed to further work within a couple of days after pouring the base. But such a rush can lead to cracking of the foundation, which will completely disable it. So it’s better not to rush and wait the allotted time so as not to nullify all your efforts.

After the foundation gains strength, the metal frame can be installed. First you need to prepare the pipes in sizes appropriate to the project. They can be cut with a grinder or jigsaw, and joined by welding. If you have previously had experience with welding, then to install the frame you will need less three days. If you are just learning this equipment, you can assemble the frame in a week. Be sure to check the dimensions of the material with the project to avoid annoying mistakes.

Horizontal elements are welded to the installed racks. Welding is carried out at three points. If you are planning to make wooden frame, then special fasteners must be welded to the racks. The beams are fastened together with self-tapping screws.

Sheets of corrugated sheets are also attached to self-tapping screws with a special rubber gasket. You can cut the material with a jigsaw. For this stage of work, it is advisable to enlist the help of two or three people. It is much easier to carry out sheathing with corrugated sheets as a team.

After assembling the frame, you need to think about installing the gate. This part of the construction is very important, since any inaccuracy can lead to the fact that the garage doors simply will not open. You can weld the gate frame from metal corners, and use corrugated sheets as cladding.

The optimal roofing option for an inexpensive garage is a shed roof. The material for the frame will be crossbars made of wood or metal, and lining will be suitable for the sheathing. When choosing roofing materials, be sure to consider the climate in your region. For southern places, you can use light sheathing. For colder areas, more careful attention must be paid to the construction of the roof because it must be designed to withstand strong wind, precipitation, snow, etc.

Now you have an idea of ​​how to quickly and inexpensively build a garage. Choose the option that suits you and get started! We wish you good luck!

Construction of a garage

The car needs a well-maintained garage that ensures safety. Construction of a garage space for storing a vehicle is a serious task for which it is necessary to carefully prepare. Construction is not limited to obtaining a permit, developing a building design, and choosing building materials. It is important to figure out where to start construction, calculate the need, and know how to build a garage.

How to build a garage with your own hands

Construction involves the following stages:

  • Development of a building project.
  • Site selection.

Choosing a location for a garage is not an easy task.

  • Purchase of materials.
  • Preparing the necessary tools.
  • Site marking.
  • Construction of the foundation.
  • Construction of frame or walls (depending on design features).
  • Gate installation.
  • Arrangement of the roof of the building.
  • Concreting the garage floor.
  • Finishing.
  • Ventilation device.

Let's dwell on the features of the work.

How to start building a car room correctly? Select the type of building, determine design features, dimensions and develop a plan. How quickly the walls will be erected and the roof installed will depend on careful consideration of the nuances. At the design stage, it is important to choose a design option:

  • framed. Is simple design, which is sheathed with corrugated sheets, metal profiles, boards, sandwich panels or metal. It can be assembled in a limited time, does not require a foundation or significant expenses;

Standing separately. This option is chosen if the house has already been built and/or the shape of the plot is such that the driveways take up too much space

  • capital. A building made of concrete blocks or bricks may have a second floor, a basement, or a large two-car garage. Represents a reliable structure on a foundation;
  • underground. It is located below the base of the building, requires reliable waterproofing, installation of ventilation communications, and allows for rational use of the area.

It is important to choose the right location for the site. Please note the following points:

  • the location should not impede movement when the gate is open;
  • the distance to buildings should be more than 9 m;
  • the distance from the windows of buildings should be more than 10 m;
  • the location of the site on a slope will make it difficult to enter the garage;
  • access roads must provide the possibility of free access.

Materials must be purchased in quantities that meet the project requirements. To build you will need:

  • Concrete for pouring the foundation.
  • Reinforcement cage to strengthen the foundation.

First you need to decide for what purposes the garage will be used.

  • Material for walls.
  • Metal profiles and wooden beams for frame, construction truss structure roofs.
  • Ready-made gates or blanks for their manufacture.
  • Wood for constructing formwork and roof sheathing.
  • Fastening elements.

Attention! Depending on the design features, the list requires clarification.

To perform the work you will need tools and equipment:

  • welding machine;
  • concrete mixer;
  • shovels, buckets;
  • electric tool;
  • building level, tape measure;
  • hammer;

Site preparation involves marking and removing soil for the foundation.

The foundation for a garage without a pit can be anything, be it strip or pile-grillage

The options are different:

  • tape Poured into a pit. A trench is prepared, a crushed stone cushion is formed, formwork is assembled, a reinforcement cage is installed, and the foundation is concreted. Inexpensive tape base provides stability on problematic soils;
  • monolithic. Filled foundation is an expensive foundation option used on heaving soils. Guarantees the integrity of capital buildings. It is constructed by digging a pit, filling the pit with sand, laying waterproofing, reinforcing and pouring concrete;
  • columnar. A reliable base in areas with soil prone to heaving. It is made by pouring concrete supports at intervals of 1.5–3 m. The design is calculated depending on the mass of the structure.

Attention! When we build a garage, it is necessary to carry out a soil study on the site, calculate the mass of the structure, and choose the right foundation design. Remember that the construction of walls begins after the concrete has hardened and acquired strength. Roofing material should be laid on the surface of the foundation to waterproof the walls.

When constructing a building, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Laying blocks starts from the corner.
  2. The blocks must be thoroughly coated with the solution.
  3. The blocks should be mixed when laying.
  4. Reinforcement is done in 3–4 rows.
  5. An armored belt along the contour of the walls is necessary to distribute the loads from the roof.
  6. The height of the walls should ensure comfortable movement around the garage and be 2.5–3 m.

Most often, the walls in the garage are made from building blocks.

Attention! Masonry based on bricks should be 1–1.5 times the thickness of the brick to ensure strength.

Various door design options are possible:

  • swing;
  • roller shutters;
  • lift-and-swivel;
  • sectional.

Attention! You should carefully consider the design of the gate, ensuring ease of entry, and first apply a primer to the metal surface. The embedded elements attached to the gates will ensure their fixation during laying.

The following types of roofs can be installed inexpensively:

  1. Single-pitched. A budget option for roof construction that allows the use of any materials.
  2. Flat. The basis of the roof is the floor panels.
  3. Gable. Installed on rafters with sheathing.

The floor is poured onto a compacted base with a sand-cement pad 10 cm thick. Observe the following requirements:

  • pour a screed 10–15 cm thick onto the waterproofing;

It’s easier to make a monolithic reinforced slab right away and not make the foundation first and then the floor

  • provide a slope of 3–4 degrees towards the entrance;
  • use reinforcement to strengthen the base;
  • apply concrete mortar brand M300.

Attention! Applied to concrete base The tiles will prevent the formation of dust and make it difficult for cracks to occur.

Finishing is carried out depending on available building materials and financial capabilities. It is important to ensure reliable protection walls from moisture penetration and create a marketable appearance of the building.

Attention! Supply air installation exhaust ventilation will maintain a comfortable level of humidity.

Where to start building a garage

It is better to start building a garage with design. The developed project will allow you to avoid unexpected errors, since the document contains the necessary information:

  • type of garage (individual or attached to a building);
  • purpose and number of vehicles in the premises;
  • dimensions;
  • characteristics of the floor - roof design features, slope, area, construction nuances;
  • base design - solid, strip or columnar;
  • construction features and box material - concrete blocks, brick, wood, metal, corrugated sheets;
  • diagram broken down into functional areas, including basement, inspection hole.

The interior arrangement of the garage, decoration of walls, floors, lighting, heating depends on the wishes of the owner

It is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • the results of soil research necessary to determine the type of foundation - the nature of the soil, the level groundwater, freezing depth;
  • proximity of power supply lines and water supply networks, allowing for quick connection to the necessary utility lines;
  • the location of the building on the site, the distance from the entrance gate to the territory, which determines the convenience of access;
  • the volume of cost estimates for the construction of a building, allowing the implementation of the plans.

Attention! It is not necessary to order a project from a specialized organization. You can design it yourself or use a standard drawing.

Garage construction calculator - calculation of materials

Using an online calculator, it is easy to calculate the need for building materials and determine the total volume of the construction estimate. To construct a building, the program performs calculations based on the following data:

  • overall dimensions;
  • depth, width, type of foundation;
  • wall material;
  • entrance gate size;
  • roof structures.

When developing a project, you can use two options: order technical documentation from specialists, or make a plan yourself

Management of a pre-designed project, it is easy to independently calculate the quantity necessary materials. To calculate, you need to determine:

  1. The length of the walls.
  2. Height of the garage space.
  3. Wall thickness.
  4. Dimensions of openings.
  5. Dimensions of the material used.

Methodology self-calculation no problem:

  1. Calculate the amount of building material for the construction of one square meter of wall surface.
  2. Calculate the area of ​​the walls excluding openings.
  3. Multiply the flow rate by the surface area.
  4. Multiply the result by a safety factor of 1.1.

Attention! Knowing the need for roofing material per square meter roof, having decided on the design, you can quickly calculate the consumption of building materials for the manufacture of the roof using the given method.

Obtaining permission to build a garage

According to current regulations, a stationary garage is a permanent structure, the owners of which pay taxes in accordance with the provisions of the law. Therefore, for construction, it is imperative to obtain an official document - a special construction permit.

What material to choose is your personal desire

The specified requirements apply to all types of structures intended for storing vehicles, which are located:

  • in the territories of summer cottages;
  • on the lands of garage cooperatives.

Attention! The list of documents to be submitted differs in different regions. It is important to clarify the procedure for processing documents in local authorities.

It is unlikely that the building erected on its site will be demolished, but it is quite possible that the question of paying a fine will arise. In any case, during the sale there will be a need to provide documents.

The procedure for preparing documents for the construction of a garage on the site

According to the registration procedure and general rules, the following documents are required to be submitted:

  • application requesting permission for construction;
  • documents confirming land ownership;
  • a photocopy of the previously developed project;
  • license of the company that carried out the design and developed the plan;
  • an extract from the cadastre confirming the allocation of a plot of land and containing information about the location.

To begin, you must submit an application to your local architecture department

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Attention! You can find out how to obtain permits for building a garage on your plot of land from local authorities, a garage or dacha cooperative, where you can familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents.

To obtain a permit, you must additionally complete:

  • documents on inspection of the construction site;
  • passport for the building being built.

Important! Coordination of the construction plan with the fire authorities will help avoid unforeseen situations. When deciding where to build, it is important to comply fire safety standards, ensure a setback from the border of the neighboring plot of at least 3 m. Current standards do not prohibit the construction of a building close to the street. This allows rational use of the allocated area on the site.

There may be situations when documents are not required:

  • during the construction of a temporary (not permanent) structure;
  • if the garage building is equated to an auxiliary building.

Attention! Professional advice from a specialist who will provide full information about the mechanism for obtaining permission, will allow you to avoid problematic situations with documents.

Even if you refuse, you will have a written explanation. And if you eliminate the shortcomings, then you can safely apply a second time

What to build a garage from inexpensively - choice of material

Choosing materials for building a garage is a serious task. In order to reduce costs, one has to decide how inexpensively and efficiently construction can be carried out. The building materials used can be divided into types:

  • concrete blocks, slabs, bricks. Requires the construction of a massive foundation. Used for permanent buildings;
  • corrugated sheets, metal profiles, boards. They are in demand in the construction of light frame structures;
  • sandwich panels, concrete with thermal insulation characteristics. Warm material allows you to ensure a comfortable temperature.

Important! Carefully study the features of various building materials. Then decide which one is better and more profitable to carry out construction.

Construction of a garage from metal profiles

Using a metal profile sheet, you can quickly secure the walls and roof to a metal frame structure.

A metal garage is a convenient design, if only because it can be easily transported from place to place

Metal construction has a number of advantages:

  • easy to transport;
  • has high strength;
  • used for a long time.

Weak sides:

  • the formation of condensation inside the garage when the temperature changes;
  • metal susceptibility to corrosion in the absence of a protective coating;
  • sharp fluctuations in indoor temperature during the day.

Important! The use of thermal insulation fixed with inside walls, allows you to stabilize temperature changes and reduce the formation of condensation.

Using blocks

Used for construction different kinds concrete blocks:

  1. Expanded clay concrete.
  2. Gas silicate.
  3. Slag.
  4. Foam concrete.

Gas silicate blocks are an order of magnitude larger than regular bricks, so building a garage will take a little time

Using blocks, you can carry out construction yourself in a short time. Thanks to the increased dimensions of concrete blocks, masonry is carried out quickly, with minimal costs binder composition.

Advantages of concrete blocks:

  • affordable price;
  • increased volume;
  • light weight;
  • high strength;
  • ease of masonry;
  • sound insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • heat preservation.

Attention! It is necessary to ensure air circulation. Supply and exhaust ventilation will reduce moisture concentration and prevent the formation of condensation.

We are building a wooden garage

Using wood, you can quickly build a garage. Advantages of the building:

  • light weight;
  • reduced installation time;

Building a wooden garage with your own hands is simple and short-lived

  • possibility of disassembly;
  • low cost;
  • environmental cleanliness.

The weaknesses of wood are susceptibility to fungus, damage by insects, and the possibility of fire in an emergency situation.

Important! The use of protective compounds for wood processing provides reliable protection against destruction, increases fire resistance and service life.

Construction from timber

The construction of a garage from timber is popular. It represents a set of fitted and dried boards impregnated with protective compounds. Advantages of the building:

  1. Increased thermal insulation characteristics.
  2. Ability to pass vapors and neutralize odors.
  3. Harmonious combination with the exterior of the site.

The disadvantages of wood are that it can easily catch fire in case of an emergency, it is affected by fungus, and damaged by insects

Attention! The use of wood treatment preparations can increase the resistance of boards to fire.

Application of corrugated sheets

The use of a corrugated sheet, fixed to a supporting frame made of corrugated pipe, allows you to quickly build a lightweight portable structure, which allows you to quickly solve the parking problem. The speed of construction and low cost contribute to the popularity of construction from corrugated sheets. A metal structure made of corrugated pipe reliably fixes the casing made of corrugated sheets.

Using bricks

The brick version is a classic of the genre with many advantages:

  1. Durability.
  2. Durability.
  3. Fire safety.


  • increased level of costs;
  • complexity of masonry.

A brick garage looks special, it will last for centuries if the masonry technology is followed, it is not afraid of fire and pests

Slab construction

Concrete slabs are widely used in garage cooperatives; they allow you to quickly construct a building from monolithic elements. Increased weight concrete slabs requires a reinforced foundation and the construction of an armored belt around the perimeter of the walls.

Sandwich panel option

Sandwich panels are a multilayer structure consisting of sheathing and insulation. The panels allow you to quickly build a modern version of the structure, characterized by:

  1. Increased thermal insulation.
  2. Durability.
  3. A variety of colors.
  4. Speed ​​of assembly.

This material belongs to the category of prefabricated materials, which makes the material attractive for purchase.

Aerated concrete building

The use of aerated concrete blocks is widespread.


  • Heat retention.
  • Light weight with increased dimensions.
  • Resistance of concrete blocks to fire.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Simple laying of concrete blocks.
  • Easy to process.

Disadvantages of concrete blocks:

  • hygroscopicity;
  • reduced load-bearing capacity;
  • shrinkage of the material.

Important! The installation of reinforcement belts increases the strength of the structure.

Construction made from sleepers

Rarely used sleepers are used, which differ:

  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • short assembly times;
  • low cost;
  • installation speed.

Important! When deciding to use sleepers for a garage, carefully weigh all the factors - after all, the unpleasant odor characteristic of sleepers will always be present in the room.

Information about advantages and disadvantages various materials, recommendations for construction and obtaining the necessary permits will help car owners in construction. It is important to properly develop a project that will avoid mistakes. Doing the work yourself will save money.

For a true car enthusiast, a car is not only a means of transportation and a fascinating “constructor”, but in addition it is also a friend and reliable ally. The car requires constant care - it needs to change the oil, filters, spark plugs. But the most important thing a car enthusiast can do for his car is to build a garage with his own hands. As a rule, such a design turns out to be very reliable, since only the car owner knows what kind of “dwelling” his “iron friend” needs in order for him to feel comfortable in it. In addition, this allows you to save money on the family budget, since expensive services will not be used and unnecessary materials will not be purchased.


A garage built with one’s own hands on a plot of land not intended for construction is considered a self-construction from the point of view of legislation. This also includes the situation when the construction of a garage is carried out on land that does not belong to the owner of the car.

It is not necessary to obtain permits only in the following cases:

  • the garage is an auxiliary structure;
  • the garage is being built on a garden or summer cottage not for commercial purposes;
  • the garage is not permanent (frame or metal).

All other unauthorized buildings are subject to legalization. It is also necessary to register a plot of land, if this procedure has not been carried out previously.

When choosing a particular garage design, it is important to know its real cost. Interesting fact is that the cost can vary within very wide limits. It is determined big amount various factors. This includes the cost of materials, construction and finishing work. The choice of equipment for utility networks, dimensions building structure garage and other factors.

It is not difficult to calculate the approximate cost of building a garage, but it is important to take into account the variation in price depending on the listed factors.

Let's give this example: to build a one-story standard garage 4x7m and 3m high, you need to lay a foundation, a basement, build walls, make a roof, lay a floor and install it. In addition, also produce external and interior decoration premises. Additional expenses may arise if you need to purchase a plot of land for a garage, draw up documentation for the acquisition of land ownership, or join a garage cooperative.

Here is the approximate cost of each stage of construction work:

This calculation does not include the cost of heating, ventilation and electricity.

You can invest in this amount if you build a garage yourself, but if you invite specialists to carry out the construction, it will cost much more. For example, the services of one mason are $700, but in addition to him you will also need a roofer, installer and plasterer. Therefore, the most economical option is to build a garage with your own hands. But on the other hand, by paying for the work of specialists, you can count on qualified and high-quality work that will be done in a short time. After all, you don’t have to study and master the features of bricklaying and mix the mortar yourself.

The table shows the cost of relatively inexpensive materials. Namely, roofing material is used for the roof, unedged board and asbestos-cement slate. But you can use modern materials for the roof, for example bitumen shingles or metal tiles, corrugated sheets. In this case, the cost of the material will increase several times.

If you decide, you will see how exciting and creative the process is. You will receive great pleasure not only from the result of the work, but also from the construction process itself.

When a garage is planned to be installed in a house, it is also not difficult to calculate its cost, but it will include design costs, and the costs of the foundation and construction of walls will be included in the construction of the house, which will create additional cost savings.

Very often, building a garage with your own hands becomes the determining principle for choosing a construction method. This is an interesting and creative process that brings joy from a satisfactory result.

There are different ways to build a car shelter. It all depends on your financial capabilities, the available building plot and personal preferences. A garage can be attached to the end of a residential building or cottage, at the back, or even built under the house itself. In addition, you can find prefabricated structures on sale or simply arrange a canopy, which has the lowest cost and ease of construction, but at the same time this option is the least reliable.

The most popular option is a detached garage, which must be located as close as possible to the entrance to the site so that you do not have to waste precious square meters by laying access paths across the entire territory. The best option would be to locate the garage directly on the building line of the site, since in this case the garage door will face the street. Such garages can be a prefabricated metal structure, permanent structure with flat or gable roof, as well as a certain part of the utility block.

Now you can proceed directly to building a garage, which, like any other business, will give you a lot of trouble, but at the same time you will also receive a huge amount of positive emotions. Also, when self-construction, you can save a lot. Immediately after viewing the photographs illustrating the construction process, your hands will itch and you will want to begin construction as soon as possible, and upon completion of construction, the result will delight you!

Any construction must begin with drawing up a project for the future facility. In this case, it is not at all necessary to make a large number of drawings, but if you want to achieve an excellent result, do not be lazy to describe and draw your future garage in all details in advance.

To begin with, even at the design stage, you need to decide on the following:

  1. Tasks that will face the garage. Here you need to decide whether the work will be carried out in the garage renovation work or it will be used only for parking the car. Will you need an inspection hole? All requirements must be written down on paper.
  2. Required garage height. This parameter should be selected based on the tasks that will be assigned to the garage, as well as the size and characteristics of the site on which construction will take place.

If you want to build a garage just for parking a car, then a garage whose dimensions are 3x6 meters (if your car is a standard size) is quite suitable for you. Such a garage can easily accommodate a car up to 4.5 meters long and up to 2 meters wide, and there will be 50 cm left on the sides, which will be used to open the doors and then exit the car.

The height of the garage must be such that it is sufficient for a car to enter. Most often it is 1.5-2 meters, but it will be better if you tie it to the size of the gate, the height of which is 2-2.5 meters. If you have a prestigious foreign car, the width of which exceeds 1.9 meters and the length of 5 meters, then you should build a larger garage.

If you plan to place a workbench or cellar in your garage, then you will have to increase it a little more. IN large garage it is very convenient to maintain and repair a car, and on the shelves and racks you can store seasonal tires, utility utensils and various tools. If you build, then you will need to leave an additional distance between them equal to 70 centimeters.

Selecting a location

Before choosing a place for your future garage, you need to make general plan site, placing all existing buildings on it, taking into account sanitary, hygienic and fire safety standards. It is also necessary to take into account the convenience of access to the garage, as well as its location relative to the house and the boundaries of your land plot.

The garage can be placed either deep in the plot or on the building line, if the gate, when open, will not interfere with cars passing by. In addition, the garage should be located one meter from the neighboring plot, if water flowing from its roof will not reach the neighbors. According to sanitary standards, from the entrance to the garage to the windows of the neighbors should not be less than ten meters.

In addition, fire safety standards also dictate their requirements. According to them, it is not recommended to place a detached garage closer than 15 meters from buildings that are finished polymer materials, and closer than 9 meters from the house itself.

Once you have made sketches on paper, you can try to transfer them to the area, for which you will need several pegs, a nylon cord, a long tape measure and a heavy hammer. In order to tie the location of the future garage to the area, it is necessary to determine the location of one of the corners of the garage, and then, based on it, mark the rest.

Construction materials

You can build your own garage using a wide variety of materials:

  • the most common and familiar material is brick, from which you can build a fairly reliable garage;
  • a reliable garage can also be built from reinforced concrete, and it will be collapsible, that is, you can dismantle this structure at any time;
  • If you build a garage from cinder concrete, it will cost you less than a brick one, but you will have to spend more effort on its construction. The security of such a garage is somewhat lower;
  • You can quickly build a garage from metal, and its cost will be within reasonable limits, since such a garage does not require a foundation;
  • wood is extremely rarely used to build a garage, since such a garage requires constant maintenance and is considered the most unreliable.

Foundation and earthworks

Excavation work during the construction of a garage must be done manually. The minimum width of the trench for a monolithic foundation should be 40 centimeters, and the depth is selected depending on the level of soil freezing. Most often, the depth is in the range of 0.6-1.2 meters, but a meter depth may well be enough for you.

To ensure that the bottom of the trench is not loose, it is necessary to select soil up to a layer that has a natural density. The walls of the trench need to be processed with a shovel so that they become smooth and vertical. To build a garage, you can use a wide variety of foundation types. But this article will consider a rubble concrete foundation, which is considered relatively inexpensive and quite simple.

Making a rubble concrete foundation is very simple: first you need to lay rubble stone in rows in a trench, pouring cement mortar on each row as much as is necessary to fill the trench to the very top. The grade of solution used for these purposes must be at least 150. To obtain a solution of this grade, you need to mix 2.5 buckets of sand with one bucket of Portland cement grade 400, and then add the amount of water needed to obtain a solution of the required mobility.

To build a base, it is necessary to install around the perimeter of the trench wooden formwork from boards whose width should be approximately 10 centimeters. Be sure to level the formwork. If the site is uneven, the highest place should be taken as a basis, to which you need to add ten centimeters to the base, and then measure the horizon from it.

Horizontal waterproofing, made of several layers of roofing material, must be installed along the base, laying it dry. Waterproofing plays a very important role here - it will not allow the garage walls to absorb capillary moisture from the ground.

Before you begin building your garage walls, you should first install the garage doors, as they will gradually be secured into the masonry as the wall is built.

Must be easy to use and reliable. They can be lift-and-turn, roller shutter, sectional or swing, and open mechanically or automatically. It's best to choose automatic gates, since in this case you can open them without leaving the car using the remote control. But there must also be a manual control mode in case the power goes out.

The frame of the doors can be made from wooden blocks 50 mm thick and 90-100 mm wide. After this you need to paint outer side frame and nail 6 mm thick plywood directly onto the paint. Then the frame needs to be turned over and all the free space between the bars filled with insulation, also laying it on fresh paint, which will help prevent the insulation from slipping in the future. After this, the frame must be painted on the other side, and then painted hardboard or plywood must be nailed so that you get a warm sandwich of hardboard, insulation and plywood.

In order to increase the strength of the connection between the gate frame and the wall, it is necessary to weld the frame to the embedded parts, for which round rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm can be used. These rods must be embedded in the seams during laying. The gate should be installed strictly vertically, carefully checking the installation with a level or plumb line. You can level the gate using a small crowbar and flat stones that need to be placed at the corners.

After the gate is installed, you can begin laying the walls. With a wall width of 20 cm, bricks, foam blocks or cinder blocks must be laid “brickwise”, that is, ordinary chain laying, where each next row must overlap the seams of the previous one. Laying should begin from the corners. Next, you need to pull between the corners thin cord, along which the remaining blocks will be laid. Then you will again need to raise the corners and continue laying.

During the laying process, be sure to check the verticality of the walls using a plumb line, turning Special attention on the verticality of the corners, as this is very important. The horizontality of the rows must be checked using a level, not forgetting the necessary slope, thanks to which rainwater will drain. For the same reason, it is necessary to make the end walls of the garage different heights, that is, the top edge of both side walls should be sloped. The slope must be made in such a way that it takes into account the length of the garage, that is, 5 centimeters of slope for every meter of garage length. For example, if your garage is 6 meters long, then the height difference should be 30 cm. To get an even slope, you should pull the cord and navigate along it.

In addition, it is necessary to take care of the scaffolding in advance. They are needed if the wall masonry exceeds 1.5 meters. You can use anything as a material for making scaffolding - old door leaves or boards that must support the weight of a person, several building blocks and several buckets of mortar, that is, approximately 200 kg.

The mortar that will be used for laying walls must be mixed in the following proportion - 4.5 buckets of sand to 1 bucket of cement, grade 400. Do not make it too liquid; its consistency should resemble thick sour cream. In order for the solution not to delaminate and to be more plastic, you need to add half a bucket of lime dough or ordinary clay to it.

It is best to make the wall on the side of the gate 2.5 meters high, and the wall facing the slope - 2 meters. If there is such a need, then the height of the walls can be easily increased to 3-4 meters, but in this case it is necessary to reinforce every 4-5 rows with metal mesh.

Roof and ceiling

The garage floor can be made of metal beams with plank lining. For this purpose, you will need steel beams with a height of 100-120 mm, which are perfect for constructing a garage floor that is 6 meters long. The length of the beams should be chosen 20-25 cm longer than the width of the garage, this is necessary so that at least 10 cm of their length extends into the wall.

The beams must be laid across the garage every 80 cm, parallel to the short wall. It is recommended to first lay the beams and embed them in the long walls, and only then repeat their slope. Then you can begin to sew up the ceiling, for which you need to lay 40 mm thick boards along the lower flanges of the beams, moving them as tightly as possible. After this, you need to place roofing felt on top of the boards. The roll must be rolled out across the garage so that the edges are bent upward by about 10 cm. Next, a semi-rigid mineral slab, expanded clay or slag should be laid on the roofing felt.

In order to protect the walls from moisture, the roof should extend approximately 20 cm in front and behind the garage. Such canopies can be made from boards that run under the top flange of the beams.

It is necessary to make a cement screed on top of the slag, using the same cement mortar as for masonry. The screed should have a thickness of about 20 mm, but if its thickness is 30-35 mm, then it will be ideal option. When screeding, try to avoid the formation of depressions and strong bumps, otherwise the roof will constantly absorb moisture, which will lead to leakage. To prevent this from happening, the roof should be covered with a waterproof material, which can be roofing material or its modifications - rubemast, aquaizol, bicrost, etc., which can be glued to the roof using two methods - by fusing or using bitumen mastics.

Before laying roofing felt on the roof, it is advisable to treat the cement screed with a primer or bitumen primer so that the roofing felt sticks well to it. You can prepare the primer yourself using diesel fuel and molten bitumen, or waste oil and bitumen in a 3:1 ratio. Remember that you need to pour bitumen into diesel fuel or oil, and not vice versa. It is best to do the laying of roofing felt together. You should start from a low part of the roof, moving up the slope and gluing strips of roofing felt with an overlap of 10 cm across the garage. The roofing material at the beginning and end of the roof must be overlapped onto the end boards of the canopy. Before installation, all beams should be painted twice, and the boards must be treated with an antiseptic and painted.

Blind area and floors

It is customary to arrange it at the base level. Considering the fact that a car will drive into the garage, the highest demands must be placed on the strength of the floor. The best material for flooring is concrete, the layer thickness of which should be about 8-10 cm. Before laying concrete, the earthen base must be leveled and thoroughly cleaned.

If bedding is needed, you can use sand or small crushed stone, which must be compacted thoroughly. Concrete for the floor can be used ready-made, grade M200, or you can prepare it yourself, taking the components in the following proportion: two buckets of sand, three buckets fine crushed stone and one bucket of cement.

In order to ultimately get a flat floor, you should set beacons made level from a profile pipe, or tighten the laces. Try to lay concrete in portions, but so that the process goes on without stopping. After finishing laying the concrete, it should be rubbed down as thoroughly as possible, and if necessary, then reinforced.

Outside around the garage it is necessary, the width of which should be about 50 cm. The work should be done in the same way as it was with the floor - first a base is made of crushed stone, and then concrete is laid on top. For a blind area, the thickness of the concrete should be approximately 4-5 cm, and it itself should have a slight slope directed away from the garage, because the blind area serves to drain rain and melt water from the walls of the garage.

Heating and finishing

The garage does not need any special finishing; it will be enough to rub the walls with cement mortar or simply plaster them and whitewash them.

As for heating, this issue is much more important. Remember that no amount of garage insulation will save your car in winter if you do not use optional equipment for heating. Insulation of the garage can be done using semi-rigid mineral wool slabs or 5 cm thick foam plastic slabs.

Built-in and attached garages are most often warm, as they are heated using a home boiler. Garage heating can be either electric or water. In addition, you can install infrared heaters and oil convectors. It doesn’t matter how the garage is heated, the main thing is that the temperature in it in winter is at least 5-6 degrees above zero.

Remember that too warm rooms are harmful to cars, as high temperatures Condensation forms on the body, and corrosion forms on parts, which reduces the service life of the car.

Be sure to make sure your garage has good supply and exhaust ventilation, with the help of which exhaust gases will be removed from the garage, as well as the smell of gasoline and hot oil, which will have a positive effect on drying the car and create acceptable air exchange, which for one car is 180 cubic meters per hour.

With effective ventilation, 5-10 times air exchange should be provided. To obtain such values, three ventilation modes can be used: natural, mechanical and combined. The simplest and most inexpensive mode is natural air exchange. To organize this mode, it is necessary to install supply grilles at the bottom of the gate. Air will be removed from the garage through a deflector, which is a special exhaust device located at the very end of the exhaust duct.

In a garage, the air duct should be located near the wall farthest from the door. In this scheme, heavy Fresh air will enter the garage through the supply grilles, and the exhaust less dense air will be displaced. For effective air exchange, the cross-section of the exhaust ventilation system channels should be two times smaller than the cross-section of the supply channels. But the natural mode also has disadvantages, since it is quite dependent on a variety of external factors, such as pressure, the presence of wind and the difference between external and internal temperatures.

If you install an exhaust fan in the garage, you will have a combined system. Exhaust fan must be mounted in a wall or in an exhaust duct on the roof. Among the disadvantages combined system One can highlight the lack of heating and filtration of air coming from the street, as well as permanent job fan

Mechanical ventilation does not have all the disadvantages listed above, since special supply and exhaust ventilation devices are responsible for both the air flow and its removal. The supply ventilation includes a heater, fan and filter. The air in such a system, entering through ventilation duct, first heats up, then is filtered and only after that it enters the garage through the air distributor. Exhaust air is removed using an exhaust fan.

The inspection pit is a fairly important part of the garage, since from time to time any modern car needs to be inspected, repaired and serviced. Maintenance. But some car owners see the inspection hole as more of a tribute to habit and fashion, rather than a necessary part of the garage.

But if you decide to do it, you should start the work by marking it on the garage site. It is recommended to make an inspection hole with a slight offset (10-20 cm) from the central axis in order to leave more free space on the left for setting up a workbench and driver passage.

The inspection hole must have a length equal to the length car excluding bumpers. This is necessary so as not to accidentally fall into an open hole with your foot. To repair the front or rear of the car, it must be moved backwards or forwards.

It is better not to equip the entrance to the pit with a ladder, as this may increase the risk of injury. In addition, there is always high humidity in the inspection hole, which is why wooden staircase can rot very quickly. It is better to make several steps, 30-35 cm wide, instead of stairs. It is best to fill the walls of the pit and steps with concrete.

During repairs, the surface of the steps can be used for storing tools. It is advisable to frame the upper borders with a corner so that they do not collapse. The corners must be reinforced, that is, metal rods or bolts must be welded to their sides in order to firmly secure them in the concrete.

It is imperative to install limiting bars along the edges of the pit contour, making an oval on the outside so that the car pushes away from the pit if it suddenly runs into it with a wheel.

To cover the pit, you can use various lid options. The covers and framing contour of the pit can be assembled from wooden panels assembled from boards 40 mm thick. To make the shields move faster, balls with a diameter of 15-20 mm can be inserted into the lower part.

The design documentation must include the road to the garage. On the one hand, the type of coating must correspond to the style of the garage, and on the other hand, it is necessary to take into account the geology of the site, the level of groundwater and the characteristics of the soil. Some solutions may involve the usual backfilling with crushed stone or sand with drainage, while others are tiles or bricks held together with mortar.

In addition, the access road must be in harmony with garden paths and take into account all the preferences of the owners.

The driveway that leads to the garage must be level and solid; it can be made of asphalt, curly paving or concrete. When building a driveway, try to follow the construction technology so that in the spring the path does not swell and the tiles do not move apart.

Now you know how to build a garage with your own hands. After reading this instruction and purchasing the necessary materials and tools, you will not have any difficulties in carrying out the work.

This article is a detailed instruction on how to build an unheated capital garage for 1 parking space. Construction will conditionally be carried out next to the cottage, in a fenced area.

To save costs as wall material We will choose reinforced sand-lime brick with a thickness of 250 mm.

Choosing the size of the future garage

When starting to build a garage with your own hands, you should decide on the size of the future building. Usually the footage is determined in relation to the dimensions of the standard passenger car- 1.7-2 m by 3-4 m. At the same time, you should also take into account the reserve of space so that you can easily walk around the car from all sides, and the footage should allow the arrangement of racks on which spare parts, wheels and cans will be stored. That is, taking into account the listed needs, the optimal size of the garage will be 4x6 meters, and its height will be 2.5 m. The project takes into account the possibility of changing a car without rebuilding the garage for this. We will design two windows in one of the side walls meter width, to provide natural light.

Schematically, a self-built garage will look like this:

Determining the location for construction

When choosing the place where your future garage will be located, you should pay attention to some important points that will help simplify operation and protect you from problems with entering and leaving the car, opening garage doors etc.

The location must be chosen as close to the yard gate as possible. At the same time, try to leave 4-5 meters of distance between the garage and the gate, so that the car can simply be left in the yard, and so that the opening of the gate is not blocked upon arrival;

The path from the entrance gate to the garage should be straight, without turns. This will make it easier to park in the yard and enter the car into the garage;

The distance from the garage to the home should ideally be 5-7 meters so that you can quickly get to the porch of the house during rain or snowfall;

When planning to build a garage with your own hands, and when choosing a place for it, make sure that the future building is not located in a low area, otherwise it will drain rainwater, which will lead to dampness and corrosion on the metal parts of the car;

House communications (electricity networks, sewerage, gas pipelines) should not pass under the garage.

We present to your attention a general plan of the site with the optimal placement of the garage relative to the entrance gate to the yard and the cottage:

Garage foundation

Before you build a garage, you need to lay quality foundation for him. In our case, we will consider a strip foundation with a strip width of 300 mm. Since the garage will be low, the load of the walls transferred to the foundation will also be small (about 1.5 tons per 1 linear meter). In order to economize Consumables, you can equip a shallow foundation (depth - 60 cm) on a sand and gravel cushion 30 cm thick. A cushion under the foundation is necessary to properly distribute the pressure of the garage on the ground and prevent swelling of the floor in cold weather.

This is what our foundation will look like in section:

The finished foundation should be 100 mm higher than the ground level, for which board formwork is laid. The sequence of work on arranging the foundation for a garage built by yourself is as follows:

The selected area is cleared of bushes, debris and other foreign objects;

The future garage is measured according to the site, and its axes are taken to scale;

Digging a trench with smooth walls, 300 mm wide (further this soil will be used as the formwork of the future foundation). A plastic film is fixed along the garage walls to prevent water from leaking out of the concrete solution;

The sand and gravel preparation is laid in layers: every 100 mm is compacted and watered;

The foundation is concreted. For this purpose, concrete of classes B15-B20 is used, which should be compacted by vibration;

When the concrete strength reaches 70%, waterproofing can be laid, consisting of 2 layers of roofing material (the entire perimeter of the foundation is covered).

Laying garage walls

If you decide to build a permanent garage with your own hands, take especially seriously the laying of walls, which is the most important stage construction. As already mentioned, the walls of our garage are built from reinforced sand-lime brick 250 mm thick (one brick masonry). We will choose the brand of brick M-100, and we will lay it on a cement-sand mortar M-75.

To reinforce the walls we use wire mesh of class VR-1, with a diameter of 3-5 mm (cell 50x50 mm). Reinforcement is necessary not only to give strength to the brickwork, but also to protect the garage from burglars.

It is better to lay out the first 4-5 rows of masonry from clay bricks, thus creating a reliable and durable base for the future garage. One square meter of a wall one brick thick will require 100 bricks and 75 liters of mortar.

Experts recommend inviting a professional mason for this stage of work, if you have such an opportunity. Professional masonry guarantees that no cracks will appear inside it in the future, and the walls themselves will be strictly vertical and laid in accordance with the dimensions of the garage according to the project.

If you still decide to completely build a garage yourself, be sure to use these tips:

The seams of the masonry must be tied, for which the brick will need to be cut in half in some places;

Keep the joint width to 10-12 mm;

When the foundation is ready, a leveling layer of mortar will need to be laid around its perimeter so that the brick can be easily laid vertically. First, to do this, you should strengthen the slats on both sides of the foundation in a strictly horizontal position - these slats will serve as formwork. The horizontal position of the slats is checked using a level. Then the solution is poured between the slats and carefully leveled.

After this, in each of the four corners of the garage you need to install the so-called “orders” - vertical wooden slats with divisions marked every 77 mm, showing the height of each row of bricks. A thread is stretched between the rows, which serves to check the horizontalness of the brickwork.

The laying itself must begin from the corners of the garage, lining up 10 corners - thus, at each of the corners you will receive a “beacon” that will be easier to navigate.

Each brick must be moistened with water before laying, which will ensure better adhesion of the brick to the mortar;

Try to pay attention to the external beauty and neatness of the external seams facing the facade - it is better to lay masonry here with jointing;

The top of the side walls assumes a slope (along facade B in the figure), so that as a result the roof is located under the slope, from which rainwater will easily drain. The difference between the extreme points is 300 mm;

You should also leave nests for laying roof beams. The size of these nests should be 200x200x150 mm, and their pitch should be 1 meter;

To cover window and entrance bays, you need to use a factory-made reinforced concrete lintel or metal jumper from two corners measuring 100x100x7 mm;

To check the verticality and horizontality of the walls, use a level and plumb line;

Create a hole in the back wall of the garage for natural ventilation. The hole should be covered with a louvered grille, and its size should be about 200x200 mm.

Garage floor and blind area

Every car owner who has asked the question “how to build a garage” should take care of the quality of the building’s floor. The garage floor must easily withstand the load from the wheels of the car, without settling or cracking. As mentioned above, the floor level should be 100 mm above ground level. Most often, the floor in garages is made of cement or concrete. We will consider installing a floor made of B-15 concrete with fine aggregate, 150 mm thick. Concrete is reinforced with A-1 reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm; reinforcement pitch - 200x200 mm. The garage floor should slope slightly towards the door to allow water to drain away.

Before pouring the floor, you should compact the soil and lay a 200 mm thick crushed stone cushion over it, the bottom layer of which is best compacted into the soil. To ensure that the floor is separated from the walls and lies freely on the ground, foam plastic 50 mm thick is laid around the perimeter of the walls. Then a polyethylene film is laid, and a reinforcing mesh is placed on it with a preserved protective layer of at least 40 mm. After this, concrete is placed on the grid and vibrated. After 5-7 days, when the concrete has set, it is necessary to cement-sand screed 50 mm thick to level the floor surface.

Along the entire perimeter of the garage outside a concrete blind area is made so that rainwater does not spoil the foundation. Sufficient width of the blind area is 500-700 mm. It is made of B-7.5 concrete laid on a sand bed. A ramp is equipped on the facade with a gate - an inclined platform for convenient entry into the garage of cars, wheelchairs and baby strollers. The width of the ramp, depending on the general terrain, can range from 500 to 1200 mm.

We install a garage roof

The most economical option for arranging the roof will be wooden beams section 150x100 mm (beam pitch - 1 meter) and profiled sheet. Common beam materials are spruce, pine or larch, and a garage beam roof looks like this:

Beams 4.3 meters long are laid in nests left in advance during laying. All beams rest on the walls 150 mm at each end.

The ends of the beams are wrapped with roofing felt or roofing felt so that moisture from the brickwork does not spoil the beam and cause rotting. The beam ends are not covered with roofing paper. After installation, the distance between the wall and the beam is sealed with a cement mortar with fine crushed stone. It is necessary to leave a space of about 50 mm between the ends of the beams and the walls.

Roofing felt is laid along the slope of the garage roof (the slope, as mentioned above, is arranged using different levels of masonry with a difference of 4 rows of bricks). Sheets of roofing felt are fused one on top of the other using a burner (the overlap of the sheets is 10-20 cm). Steel profiled sheets are laid on top, and the direction of the “waves” should go along the longer wall of the garage. The sheets are nailed down, and in the places where they are joined, an overlap of 2-3 “waves” in width must be made.

At the end of the work, make canopies (outlets) from corrugated sheeting that extend beyond the plane of the wall by 20-30 cm, which will help protect the garage walls from precipitation.

Window units and garage doors

To equip window and door openings with high-quality windows and gates, it is better to contact the appropriate companies. Measure your openings and contact several garage door and window installation companies in your area to compare rates. Be sure to discuss with the contractor the technology for installing garage doors - whether you will need to leave the mortgages, or whether they will be fastened in place. In addition, get advice on choosing a lock - mortise, overhead or padlock.

Garage finishing and finishing touches

In order for a brick wall to be better protected, it is necessary to carry out Finishing work. The garage walls are plastered along a notch or chain-link mesh with cement-sand mortar. Plaster will level the surface of the walls and protect the brick from destructive mechanical influences.

As for the racks and shelves that you will need to store canisters, spare parts and wheels, you can buy them at a hardware store or make them yourself from wood, having previously taken the necessary measurements. Of course, these works are not mandatory, but in the future convenient shelves and shelving will make your work in the garage much easier.

Power for various appliances and lighting is usually routed into the garage from the residence.

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