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» Shell house: construction features, pros and cons of the material. Building a house from shell rock: Crimean experience Shell rock blocks advantages and disadvantages

Shell house: construction features, pros and cons of the material. Building a house from shell rock: Crimean experience Shell rock blocks advantages and disadvantages

Shell house - pros and cons

The use of shell rock in construction made it possible to build environmentally friendly and warm houses, characterized by low cost. Shell rock is just an excellent building material in this regard: it does not burn, is endowed with antiseptic properties and retains heat well inside itself.

Therefore, it is not surprising that where shell rock is mined, houses are built from it. But, like any other material, shell rock also has a number of disadvantages. And let them be much less than advantages, alas, they are still there.

About the pros and cons of houses made of shell rock and is its construction so profitable, as this is increasingly being discussed in Lately, you will learn from this article.

About that, or a shell rock, was described in more detail in a previous article on the site site. Shell rock is a type of rock with a large percentage of limestone. After the extraction and processing of the rock, shell rock blocks are the finished building material, the dimensions of which are most often 180x180x380 mm.

shell rock, like construction material, has been used for a relatively long time for:

  1. construction of fences;
  2. Construction of internal partitions;
  3. As the main material for the walls of the house;
  4. With internal and external insulation;
  5. creations decorative elements landscape design.

This material has a large number of benefits. Well, for example, quite simply, it is warm, which allows you to completely abandon the insulation of the house and is absolutely harmless to humans.

Shell house - pros and cons

As for specifically the pros and cons of shell houses, then, perhaps, you need to start, of course, with the advantages. The main advantages of shell houses are durability, strength and environmental safety.

Due to the presence of natural minerals in the composition of the shell rock, building materials from it are not only distinguished by their harmlessness, but also by the ability to retain harmful substances from the outside. In simple words, the walls of the shell house will become an insurmountable barrier to harmful substances and organisms.

The high thermal conductivity of the shell rock deserves no less attention. Due to its highly porous structure, a large amount of air accumulates inside the material, which has a positive effect on the preservation of heat in the house if its walls are lined with shell rock.

To that undeniable dignity, should also be attributed to the excellent soundproofing of the walls. According to many reviews of the owners of shell houses, the sounds of passing cars and various other noises are almost inaudible from the street.

And, perhaps, the last advantage of the shell rock from the main ones will, of course, be its affordable cost. The prices for shell rock are not too high, which makes it possible for most people to build houses from it with two or more floors.

If we are already talking about the advantages of a shell rock, then we should definitely mention its few disadvantages. And they, these very shortcomings, as it turns out, the shell rock also has.

The first, and its very significant minus, should include high hygroscopicity, due to the porous structure. Shell rock does not retain moisture well, and this is a fact. That is why houses made of it will require better and more reliable waterproofing. But besides this, the lack of shell rock is also its low bearing capacity.

However, this does not mean at all that it is impossible to build houses with two or more floors from shell rock. Just a technology for erecting multi-storey buildings from this natural material, is somewhat different from the one where brick, cinder block or concrete blocks are used.

Building houses is always a difficult topic. Along with the usual materials, shell rock is very popular. Most often, buildings from it are erected where there are its deposits. However, no one forbids ordering it remotely either. And if you have a desire to make a house out of shell rock, you can easily do it. Let's talk in more detail about the advantages of the material and its features.

Advantages and disadvantages of shell houses

Any building material has its own advantages and disadvantages when building a house. So let's look at its positive and negative sides.

  • The shell rock has a low thermal conductivity, which provides good thermal insulation. Such a house can be built even in a cold climate, and it will be warm in it.

  • Shell rock is environmentally friendly pure material. Thanks to this, inside the house will be formed pleasant microclimate. When building walls from this material, it is not required to use any harmful substances and connections.
  • Shell rock is a porous material and allows the house to “breathe”. There will always be good air exchange in the room.

  • The shell rock has good sound insulation. Both in one direction and in the other. Therefore, you can not worry about additional soundproofing of the walls.

Such pluses make blocks of this type very attractive in order to build a house. But let's talk about the disadvantages that also need to be taken into account in order to objectively assess how good the shell rock is. Here is what we write in the cons of the material:

  • Not very presentable appearance. Not everyone likes beige color, and even having the texture of shells, shells and other remains marine life. For this reason, care must be taken quality finish external and internal walls.
  • Shell rock is a reliable and durable material, but frequent and large temperature changes can quickly destroy it. The porous structure indicates that moisture will collect inside the blocks. At low temperatures, it will freeze and expand. Because of this, cracks may appear, which will significantly reduce the life of the built house.
  • Due to the fact that moisture is easily collected in the blocks, the shell rock is highly susceptible to the formation of mold, which negatively affects the climate in the house and also the condition of the walls and the building itself. You can fight this by treating the stone with an antiseptic, but in this case, the ecological qualities of the shell rock will seriously deteriorate.

Projects of shell houses

Shell rock is easy to process. For this reason, there is a wide variety of different design solutions that will make your home unique and different from others.

The shell rock makes it possible to build different houses. From it you can make one-story buildings, or you can equip entire mansions. It all depends on which brand of material is selected. What density does it have, and what loads can it withstand.

By itself, the shell is not a heavy stone. In this regard, it can be compared with foam or aerated concrete, for which it is not necessary to install a capital foundation.

As the most used materials for exterior finish shell houses, wood or PVC is used. The cladding technology is the same as for the installation of ventilated facades. First you need to make a frame. Then panels are placed on top of it. If desired, plaster can be used for cladding, but this will degrade the quality of the material and make it less environmentally friendly.

What exactly can be done from the material?

shell rock unusual material, but almost any part of the capital structure can be made from it, and used in different areas:

  • internal partition walls;
  • bearing walls;
  • walls of the attic floor;
  • insulation of brick walls;
  • if you have shell rock tiles, it can be used for exterior cladding of the house;
  • fences, retaining walls, flower beds, etc.

The shell rock allows not only to build a house, but also to ennoble it externally and equip the surrounding area. This versatile material, which can be applied to different jobs.


Building a house from shell rock requires a special approach. But if you live in a warm climate and you have the opportunity to order this material, you can safely start building. Now many companies offer turnkey construction services for shell rock houses. So there are really a lot of options. The main thing is to approach the matter with intelligence and knowledge of the matter.

Have you decided to build a house, but have not decided on the material that will be its basis? Do you want a safe, environmentally friendly, high-performance housing? The company "InnovaStroy" is ready to provide you with options, among which you are sure to find suitable for your needs and financial opportunities.

Among you, there will definitely be those who seek to ensure complete safety for their families, taking care of the environmental friendliness and harmlessness of the materials used in the process of building a house. How do you like shellfish?

The actual question is whether to build a house from shell rock?

Today, many people have heard about this material, especially in the maritime regions where construction of shell houses. If aerated concrete and brick have long been known for their excellent characteristics (good air permeability, thermal insulation, strength), today shell rock is becoming a worthy alternative.

What does he represent?

Over time, many shellfish, lime, sand, minerals were compressed, compacted and formed a material that has a porous structure and is completely environmentally friendly (does not accumulate radiation, contains iodine and salt). Isn't this confirmed by the fact that sometimes birds peck out holes in the outer untreated walls of structures and build cozy nests in them? Here, and without expertise, everything is clear.

Shell rock began to attract special attention due to its thermal conductivity and high strength. It is convenient for builders to work with the material - it is easy to saw, process, grind and even form incredibly beautiful facing plates of warm colors. Rakushnyak - the same perfect option when in a house built from it it will be cool in the heat and warm in the cold.

Let us consider in more detail the features of shell houses

Some doubt whether given material become a worthy alternative to aerated concrete, brick, foam concrete and other materials. What does the practice of professionals say? Sometimes the shell rock even surpasses in its qualities - the load-bearing walls are strong, durable, reliable. For example, the density of the M2 block (equal to 38-40 cm) is greater than that of a foam block and even a brick. The shell rock is perfect for laying metal, reinforced concrete floors.

5 main reasons why you should start building a house from shell rock?

  • Thanks to environmental properties This material will provide an optimal microclimate in your home.
  • The best heat and sound insulation properties - then even a shell rock 20 cm thick will surpass a 50 cm brick wall in quality.
  • Processing is simple - the material does not crumble, so there is practically no waste.
  • After high-quality grinding, the surface acquires an interesting appearance - ideal for original finish facade.
  • Construction of shell houses accessible to everyone, because the material used is the average price category.

InnovaStroy advises using the services of professionals when choosing a material, because without understanding construction industry, the likelihood of acquiring low-quality or defective goods increases. It is worth giving the opportunity to specialists to do this - then effective construction will be ensured. We take into account that the shell rock can have a heterogeneous structure, therefore, due to the high porosity and low density, the thermal insulation properties are significantly reduced. It is necessary to control this moment when choosing.

A feature of houses made of shell rock is that during the construction it will take more cement mortar(approximately 8 times more than glue for aerated concrete). What else do we consider as masters of our craft?

  • Shell rock is effective only for low-rise construction.
  • Construction must be carried out in the summer, before severe frosts, since otherwise water will accumulate and freeze in the open cavities of the material, which will further lead to the destruction of the walls.
  • Without lining, the reliability and durability of the building will be guaranteed only in a temperate climate. Otherwise, you need to take care of high-quality insulation and protecting the walls, because as a result of freezing, mold may appear.

Deciding whether to build a house from shell rock? Then pay attention to a few points that will help you decide:

  • Are you planning to build a house in a warm climate? Then insulation may not be needed, it will be profitable to build an ecological house.
  • If you plan to build a house in an area with harsh winters, the material will have to be transported from afar. Plus, it is necessary to provide high-quality insulation - then it is unprofitable to use shell rock. Unless, under any conditions, you want to have housing from this material.

To make a really worthwhile, cost-effective decision, you need to consult with professionals who know a lot about the construction business. After the specialists of InnovaStroy listen to your wishes, take into account the budget allocated for construction, they will definitely begin to study the site allotted for construction. The first and fundamental stage will depend on the information received - determining the type of foundation (it depends on the characteristics of the soil, the proximity of water, the depth of soil freezing, etc.). Next, we will offer interesting options from finished projects of houses and cottages . In our catalog already now you can see various options:

  • one-, two-storey buildings;
  • houses with an area of ​​150 sq.m. on different amount Human;
  • with an attic;
  • made in modern style;
  • luxury houses;
  • structures for various sizes and shapes of plots, etc.

If necessary, adjustments will be made to the selected project for free. Do you want to organize personal development? Then we can order individual design of houses and cottages. You will receive a cost-effective solution at the price of ready-made developments. The best engineers, architects, constructors, designers will work with you, who will control the fulfillment of all construction conditions (design supervision is provided). We will take into account not only your voiced wishes, but also study the field of activity, the tastes of the household and their individual wishes, we will look at everything from the point of view of their understanding of beauty and comfort.

Is it advisable to build a house from shell rock? Discuss the issue with InnovaStroy professionals. With us, it is easy to weigh all the pros and cons, and accept profitable solution- elementary.

We talked about modern construction realities in the Crimea. Namely: about local priorities in choosing wall material, its properties and qualities; about the technology of building a house, prices for wood, aerated concrete, limestone, shell rock and sand. We also considered the question of what is better to build stone house: from aerated concrete or outlandish for Moscow, but popular on the Crimean peninsula "shells". We continue the topic we started and, based on the experience of the portal member with the nickname huntdogs, consider a house made of shell rock and answer the following questions:

  • Should the two be linked? different foundations.
  • How to build a strip foundation with a height difference on the site.
  • How much does it cost to build a foundation in Crimea.
  • How to pour seismic columns in a house made of shell rock.

How to build a shell house on two different foundations

Although construction huntdogs- in full swing, and there is still a lot to be built, the shell rock house has already found its “face”.

We previously wrote that huntdogs reworked the original project, because changed his mind about building a one-and-a-half-story building with an attic and preferred classic version- full two-story house With gable roof. But due to lack of funds, it is planned to stretch the construction of the cottage over time, and then attach an additional one with a terrace and a veranda to the main “box”.

sample house

At this stage, huntdogs the question arose whether it is possible to make an extension on separate foundation right next to the main house and whether it should be connected to the main tape house. The following responses from portal users followed.

BurivesNIK Member of FORUMHOUSE

I already have a negative experience of tying a secondary one to the main strip foundation - a slab foundation for a garage. Result: two seasons passed, and everything moved away. The foundations each live their own “life”, and now relatives regularly have to deal with plastering and foaming the vertical and horizontal cracks that have appeared. I think that in the case of huntdogs, it is best to make an extension on an independent foundation, but then the problem of waterproofing the junction appears, because. water can flow into the gap between the two foundations.

To get away from this, the user suggested pouring under the annex pile foundation with "heels" with a hanging grillage, having previously laid mortgages for the supporting columns of the veranda. Then, during the construction of the veranda, the terrace cover is dismantled, columns are placed, and the second floor is erected.

Eric Nord FORUMHOUSE member

My godfather filled in two unrelated strip foundations, and then this amazing person I mounted FBS blocks with dressing on them. Subsequently, cracks appeared on the plastered walls. Two unrelated foundations, each "lives" in its own way.

huntdogs FORUMHOUSE user

Judging by the experience of those who have already lined up, it is impossible to connect two different foundations - they will break. If you build, then 2 separate and independent from each other. I will think about how best to build the foundation for the extension. In my opinion, using piles with a grillage is a good idea.

In order not to guess how the foundation will behave in a few years, it must be calculated for a specific building. Mandatory - taking into account the data of the geology of the soil on the site, its bearing capacity and collecting loads from the future home.

The construction of a strip foundation with a height difference on the site

huntdogs under the house from the shell rock, I decided to fill in the classic strip foundation for the Crimea. Foundation dimensions:

  • length - 10200 mm;
  • width - 6900 mm.

To do this, they dug a trench (removing a layer of black soil to dense clay) with a depth of 1000 mm and a width of 450 mm.

A “pillow” of ASG, about 30 cm, is poured into the bottom, and carefully rammed.

Our article talks about how it can harm.


They decided to take PGS, since it is cheaper than sand. Compare: sand in the Crimea costs 2 thousand rubles. per 1 ton, and ASG with a small admixture of sea pebbles - 1200 rubles. for 1 ton. Prices are high, but you need to build. We ordered 5 tons.

PGS was poured into buckets and poured out of them into a narrow trench.

About prices: the cost of renting a vibrating leg (a vibrating plate will not fit in a trench) is 1200 rubles per day + a deposit of 10 thousand rubles.

We add that the height difference on the site in the foundation construction spot is 1200 mm (from the highest to the lowest point). Based on this, and also to save concrete, the user decided to pour the foundation in two stages. First, the underground part is erected, mortgages (reinforcement) are released, and then the above-ground part of the foundation is poured. Moreover, in order to reduce costs, the top of the tape is made into steps, which are then filled with shells, and the plane is brought “to zero” before further laying of the walls.

The process of building the foundation was divided into a number of successive steps:

1. A fixed formwork made of sheets was installed in the trench flat slate. According to the user, at first he thought of pouring the solution directly into the ground, covering the trench with polyethylene, but in the end the trench, especially the corners, began to crumble.

Slate bought second-hand for 100 rubles. for a sheet measuring 0.9x1.4 m. The sheets were sawn in half. The new same slate costs 500 rubles. for 1 sheet.

Total for slate formwork huntdogs spent 10 thousand rubles.

2. Reinforcement strip foundation. Reinforcement "tens", laid three rods from below, two rods in the middle of the tape and three rods - in the upper part of the foundation, not forgetting to leave mortgages - releases of reinforcement under the "base".

Clamps were made from reinforcement "six".

3. Filling the underground part of the foundation.


The foundation was poured with a concrete pump. The thing is comfortable, but expensive. In total, 15 cubic meters of concrete were poured. 1 cube of concrete costs differently, but on average they ask from 4500 to 5200 rubles. Concrete pump rental - 8 thousand rubles for 1 hour.

When pouring the foundation, you need to remember about the need to vibrate the concrete.

4. Assembling the formwork of the above-ground part of the strip foundation.

The base part of the "tape" comes with two ledges.

The most difficult thing is to level the formwork, doing it alone.

1 cube of boards cost almost 10 thousand rubles.

After assembly, the formwork was covered with a polyethylene film with a density of 200 microns.

Life hack from FORUMHOUSE: huntdogs, having beaten off the hydro level “zero” along the entire perimeter of the formwork, he took advantage of the proposal of the portal users, how to control the horizon when pouring concrete. To do this, they take an ordinary plaster "beacon" of 10 mm and attach it with screws to the walls of the formwork along the marks left from the hydraulic level.

In addition to a clear visual guide, which, unlike stretched fishing lines or steel cables, will not go astray, an additional bonus of the method is that internal guides are obtained, along which it is convenient to pull concrete mix wide spatula to achieve a flat top of the foundation.

There is material on the portal where they are given, which will not be torn apart when pouring concrete.

5. Reinforcing the corners of the strip foundation and pouring concrete.

In addition, the user made a tray for feeding concrete into the formwork.


Concrete was poured using a 9-meter hydro-chute. It is convenient to apply the mixture to the far corners of the foundation. At the same time, I tested plaster "beacons" to control the level of the horizon. The idea works 100%!

This is what the user ended up with after demoulding.

Estimate for the construction of a strip foundation in the Crimea

Interesting costs for the construction of the foundation:

  • Dig a trench 1 meter deep, 0.45 m wide, 50 running meters, only about 22.5 cubic meters of land - 10 thousand rubles. This is budgetary, with an average Crimean price of 800 rubles. for digging 1 cube of earth.
  • Flat used slate ( fixed formwork) - 100 sheets of 100 rubles. for 1 sheet - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Formwork boards 3 cubes - 35 thousand rubles.
  • Polyethylene - more than 3 thousand rubles.
  • Reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm, only 300 m - 10 thousand rubles.
  • 24 cubes of concrete at a price of 4700 rubles. for 1 cubic meter - 112,800 rubles.
  • Expenditure (self-tapping screws, knitting wire) - was not considered.

Total: without taking into account the work on the foundation, about 200 thousand rubles were spent. (If you add small things and additional costs).


I did everything that was possible on my own - I knitted reinforcing cages, put up formwork, poured concrete, etc. All critical work - the construction of foundations, ceilings, reinforcement, etc. did it on my own too. The "mercenaries" worked only under vigilant supervision on my part. You build something for yourself.

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