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» English style house: following traditions and modern features. English houses: photo, project. Facades and interiors of English houses. Build an English house Layout of 19th century English village houses

English style house: following traditions and modern features. English houses: photo, project. Facades and interiors of English houses. Build an English house Layout of 19th century English village houses

English houses are in great demand all over the world. Their designs are conservative, practical and sophisticated at the same time. At first glance, these features are completely incompatible, but visual designs of buildings prove the opposite.

England is a country with special climatic conditions. It was this factor that left a big imprint on the formation of the architectural style. All houses have a very low foundation, but you rarely see such a house with one floor; as a rule, preference is given to two or three. English house facades are most often plastered or bricked, and only classic masonry is used. Due to frequent rains, it became a tradition to build canopies around the entire perimeter. The roofs in such houses also have their own peculiarity, for example, a small angle of inclination, and this gives them additional height. Attic spaces It is not customary to use it functionally; attics are completely absent. Windows can be given special attention. Their frame consists of several sashes, which gives the building a medieval touch, and there are also dormer openings.

Highlights of English style houses

English houses are quite expressive; if you build such a structure on a hill, it will become a universal attraction. Their appearance massive, which will add a special sophistication to the building. The low set complements this feeling.

Taking into account, we must remember that they treat others with respect, are quite cultured and polite, but at the same time they try to be alone, they are characterized by restraint and even detachment. Based on this, prerequisite will be the construction of a fence. The best option - hedge. It will not only decorate the surrounding area, but also hide behind dense foliage personal life of the owners. You can also plant a small garden in the yard, install a gazebo and have a tea party. This place will become the most beloved for all connoisseurs of English culture.

Standard English house design

Currently, there are projects of English houses built from different materials. The most common are brick ones. Such buildings have many advantages. First of all, they are very warm, strong, with good sound insulation. If English technology was followed exactly during construction, then such houses will have high level resistance to temperature and humidity fluctuations.

Roofs are worth talking about separately. Studying the projects, you can see the special features and shapes that are created using a complex roof configuration. The attic is not used in such houses, so the geometry can be very diverse: bevels, sharp corners and etc.

A striking feature of English architecture is the special location of the entrance. A place is allocated for it clearly in the center of the house. Of course, the doors must also fully correspond to the chosen style; it is better if they are massive and made in dark shades.

Sometimes they meet wooden houses with an English theme. Such housing is considered elite, and therefore is not widely found. Its appearance is quite strict, but all its features betray luxury and wealth.

Exterior of English houses

IN country houses, unlike standard high-rise buildings, due attention is paid to the exterior. For this purpose, certain details are used, for example panels, forged objects, pilasters. Natural stone is also quite relevant. With its help you can not only place accents, but also add originality. Real flowers hanging from the walls will come in handy. Entrance staircase can be made of metal or stone. In the first case, preference is given to chased work, in the second - to balusters of a strict square shape.

English houses (photos presented in this article) may differ depending on the chosen era:

  • Medieval-style buildings look like castles. Their facades are lined with stone, always with an untreated surface. The color is closer to natural gray shades. The roofs are decorated with towers; as a rule, there are at least four of them, and most often there are many more.
  • The conservative direction is distinguished by luxurious decor and pomp. There are many columns and other preference given to dark colors: gray, asphalt, marsh.

Country house interior: English traditions

The interior of English houses must fully correspond to the era in which the entire space was decorated. The living room deserves special attention. It is considered the most important room among the British. It needs to be arranged in the center of the house, since this is where the owners will receive distinguished guests. This space deserves special attention to all the details. First of all, it's a choice finishing materials, furniture, textiles. Ideally, the size of the living room should be very large, so placing antiques in it will not be difficult.

When decorating rooms, it is very important to remember that the British prefer rigor, restraint and comfort.

The main symbol of England is the fireplace

Frequent rains and dampness marked the beginning of a wonderful tradition. Fireplace is a symbol that represents english house. It can be built either at the very beginning of the construction of the building or later. However, it must be real: laid out of brick with natural stone trim and openwork Electric models or false panels are not suitable for this interior. The peculiarity of an English fireplace is that guests and owners can enjoy a live fire and crackling wood. Such an atmosphere has a positive effect on a person’s psychological state, relaxing him and allowing him to restore spent energy.

IN modern houses fireplaces have not been used as the main heating for a long time, but it is a kind of calling card of the English living room.

Tudor style

English houses of the 16th century resemble fairy tales. In the 1500s, Italian architecture persistently penetrated into Britain, but this did not influence the Tudor style. Surprisingly, the medieval design, brutality, and rustic notes appealed to the British.

Main features of the Tudor style:

  • The entrance to the house was located clearly in the middle, framed with natural stone and quite often could have an arched shape.
  • The Tudor style is characterized by asymmetricity. It manifests itself in the appearance of the building: pediments and towers of different levels.
  • The predominance of small dormer windows.
  • The gables are very high, the roof is broken with a slight angle of inclination.

Georgian style

In the 18th century, democratic sentiments were often observed in England. It was they who fully influenced the creation of the Palladian style in a new presentation. Such houses are widely represented in London. Our compatriots liked this direction, so most often, when mentioning a house in english style, they mean exactly this design.

Main features of the Georgian style:

  • symmetry of windows;
  • clear proportionality;
  • compliance with geometry;
  • roof height is average;
  • gables are minimal;
  • lack of decor on the facade of the house.

Victorian English houses

In the 19th century, the government stopped regulating the development of architecture. Young masters could boldly introduce various innovations. It was in the 1800s that people gradually began to realize that the appearance of a building matters little. But the interior decoration, on the contrary, from that time began to be put in the foreground. The basis was the convenience of planning.

Key points:

  • complexity of forms, often asymmetrical;
  • steep roofs with towers;
  • facing facades with stone, siding and other materials;
  • large verandas;
  • thematic patterns.

An English-style house is not a dream, but a reality. However, such a desire must be fueled by a sufficient amount of money, since only natural materials must be used for furnishing.

We are often contacted by clients who are interested in English-style house designs made of brick and more modern materials- from foam blocks or aerated concrete. Upon discussion, it turns out that they mean completely different buildings, and there is an objective reason for this. The architecture of England took shape over several centuries, and three periods are distinguished: XV-XVI, XVII-XVIII, XVIII-XIX centuries.

Substyles of English architecture

  • acute-angled multi-pitched roofs covered with red tiles;
  • big brick pipes;
  • high gables with small dormers;
  • arched windows with frequent glazing, stone facing of the base.

Projects of houses in the English Tudor style: No. 33-03 (one-story townhouse), No. 51-34 (classic cottage with attic).

  • rectangular shape, symmetry;
  • walls without decoration;
  • simple roofs medium height;
  • doors framed by a portal.

Typical examples in the catalog: No. 58-66 or a more modern interpretation No. 32-11.

  • decoration facing stone, using half-timbered or siding techniques;
  • the roofs take on a complex shape and are complemented by towers;
  • distribution of bay windows, verandas, terraces;
  • high pediment above the central entrance.

An example would be a photo of a 2-story house in the English Victorian style No. 34-67, or a project with a terrace (No. 40-56).

Composition of project documentation

The Cottage Projects company develops ready-made solutions for 15 years already. Every finished project contains full package documentation necessary for construction.

  1. Detailed description of all structures: foundation, walls, ceilings.
  2. Floor plans with a breakdown for each room: area, purpose.
  3. Specification building materials, options for their replacement are indicated.

The project includes a set of working drawings: sections, masonry plans, floor explication, filling scheme window openings. Separate standard solutions include projects engineering communications. In most cases, water supply and electrification systems are developed individually. For example, when a customer requires a house with a second light (No. 35-12, 375 m2). Additionally, an architectural passport of the object is prepared.

English architecture is different unusual combination rigor and sophistication. Houses decorated in the English style have always been valued not only for their appearance, but also for their reliability and durability. Typically, a house of this style can be briefly described as a stone structure with a wide facade, decorated with plaster or brick. The design of such buildings looks luxurious and elegant.

In the photos of English-style houses you can see their main features.

Front side of the house in the English style, as a rule, is distinguished by the following elements:

  • the walls are made of natural stone or brick
  • no carvings or designs
  • the exterior is asymmetrical
  • there are columns
  • spectrum of applied color range quite narrow
  • the roof has a round slope
  • there is vegetation near the house

Types of English houses

In this type of architecture, there are three main directions, applicable to suburban and urban buildings. Each of them has its own characteristics and distinctive features.

Tudor style house

This building looks like village house from a fairy tale, although it has a rather rough appearance. The main features of such houses:

Georgian type of architecture

In modern England, Georgian style is the most popular urban style. This style may look magnificently and solemnly, but at the same time it is quite simple. Features of the direction:

  • symmetry and right angles
  • windows of equal size, evenly spaced
  • lack of decoration
  • the presence of five windows on the main facade
  • low entry location
  • paired pipes
  • the roof with a low slope is located almost level with the walls
  • on the side of the doors there are pilasters and semi-columns

Victorian type of architecture

Victorian style involves decorative cladding and contrasting color combinations in finishing. Style Features:

Features of English house projects

A house in true English style should be built of red brick. This material ensures a long service life. Another advantage is good sound insulation in interior spaces. In addition, brick buildings are resistant to temperature changes and humid environments.

The design of such a house involves presence of two floors, sometimes it may also have an attic. It is customary to place under the roof utility room, for example, it could be a closet. Mainly creating a garden in the nearby area.

A typical English house design has an entrance in the middle of the building. The building, the facade of which is made in the traditional English style, looks massive.

Example of a house in English style photo:

An English-style building is characterized by a low foundation. The floor in it is almost level with the surface of the earth. There are usually no basements, but there may be a storage room or shallow cellar. The façade of an English house looks austere; decorations are allowed only in rare cases. His do not paint or veneer.

The windows on the first floor are low. The shape of windows is usually rectangular or square. The roof is high and sharp, covered with red tiles. IN Lately Roofs made of reeds or thatch are often seen.

A porch is rare in English houses. It is built only if the site with the house is on a slope. But there may be awnings over the entrance doors or windows. Ivy wrapped around a canopy will look luxurious.

Internal layout

The main room on the first floor is the living room. According to the rules, it should be combined with a dining room, corridor, and hall. The area should be bright - there should be a large number of windows. There may also be a study area on the ground floor.

The second floor is the sleeping area. There can be three bedrooms here, and one of them should have a bathroom and wardrobe. This English style house project is ideal.

Traditional interior

Comfortable and cozy environment - important conditions to create an internal atmosphere characteristic of the interior of an English-style house. The main room here is the living room. It creates all the conditions so that guests can stay comfortably. At the same time, already at the stage of drawing up the project, the design style is strictly maintained.

Used for finishing natural wood , the floor has parquet flooring. It is preferable that the living room has enough big sizes. However, by resorting to the help of designers, you can get a project of an impressively decorated house and a small size.

Project interior decoration A house in the English style requires the presence of a fireplace, which is the center of the composition in the interior of the living room. Its lining can be made of different materials(marble, wood, lime panel). On the mantelpiece, as a rule, a mantel clock, small bronze sculptures, porcelain figurines, vases with flowers, as well as snuff boxes and cigarette cases.


Choosing an architectural project in the English style will not only be a beautiful and elegant solution for country house, but it will become both comfortable and cozy place for life in it. small house in the English style, surrounded by greenery, will remind you of centuries-old English traditions, including a relaxing holiday away from civilization. The interior and exterior, unusual for our places, will delight its owner every day. Well, green spaces, as part of a house of English architecture, will allow the owners and guests to always be in a good mood.

Our clients constantly talk about “English style” houses. And each of them means something different. It's time to deal with English houses. Let's clarify.

Let's get rid of excessive detailing of styles and historical vicissitudes. Let's cut off the majestic castles and huge residences. Fortunately, everything fits into a simple scheme. In the “classical” suburban private architecture of England, three periods can be distinguished, in which three images of residential buildings emerged. If we hear about an English-style house, most likely we're talking about about one of these three images.

It should be noted here that all these once established styles are readily repeated. modern generation architects and are readily purchased by homeowners. They do not mix, because each has its own canons, which cannot be crossed without leaving the boundaries of style - English styles are very different.

Tudor style (1500-1600)

A rustic medieval English house from fairy tales. The style turned out to be persistent, despite the order architecture of the Italians, which penetrated everywhere into Britain.

Features of the English Tudor style are a brutal look. Very high gables on the main façade, often different sizes. A huge pipe, next to the front door on the main facade or on the side. Arched entrance. Little ones dormer windows. Sometimes imitation thatched roof. In new versions of buildings, large bay windows are installed on the facades.

Features of the Tudor style

  • Very high gables
  • A steep roof, often with a broken edge.
  • Dedicated pipe, often on the main façade
  • Windows with small glazing
  • Asymmetrical plan and general form
  • Small dormers
  • The main entrance is often paved

Classicism of English style for decoration country houses attracts both designers and ordinary people with its functionality, rigor and ability to well demonstrate the taste and character of its guests. Photos of English-style houses demonstrate the external roughness of unlined facades with low window openings and a bright red tiled roof.

Distinctive elements outside English apartments are considered:

  • wall surfaces made of natural stone elements or bricks;
  • lack of carved parts;
  • asymmetry in the location of the exterior composition;
  • presence of columns;
  • narrow color palette;
  • gable roof;
  • The area near the house is planted with a garden and flowers.

Types of English country buildings

The architecture of English buildings is recognizable all over the world. There are three main architectural and construction trends with their own characteristics and features.

Tudor house style. Visually, such buildings resemble fairy tales village houses. However, the appearance is a little rough.

The main architectural features of this type are:

  • the presence of high pediments on the main façade;
  • roof with steep slope and uneven edges;
  • large chimney and miniature dormer windows;
  • the general outlines of the building are asymmetrical;
  • the entrance has an arched design.

Georgian architectural style. For the modern English built world this direction is the most popular. Georgian buildings look magnificent and simple at the same time.

The direction is characterized by the following features:

  • symmetry;
  • window openings of the same size, which have the same location;
  • lack of various kinds of decorations;
  • the main facade of the building is decorated with five windows;
  • the entrance door is located very low;
  • low roof.

Victorian direction. Is different decorative cladding and contrasting color combinations.

Its features:

  • asymmetrical arrangement;
  • overall veranda area;
  • decorative finishing of wall surfaces with stone or siding;
  • ornamental and stucco elements.

The main feature of houses made in the English style is the construction of the building from red brick. Thanks to this material, which has a very reasonable cost, the life of the house increases.

Another advantage is high sound insulation qualities indoors.

An English apartment project is characterized by the presence of two full floors and, in some cases, an attic. The entrance to the room is located in the middle.

Architectural features

The foundation of a typical English residential building is very low, so the floor surface practically coincides with the ground plane. You won’t be able to find the usual basements and garages in the house, since the English style does not imply this.

Sometimes owners can equip a small cellar or storage room in their home. The external façade is not decorated or clad in any way, so it looks rather rough.

Window openings of rectangular or square shape of the first level are located low. The roof of the house is covered with red tiles, its shape is sharp, and the structure is very high. IN last years The roofs of English houses are made of straw or reeds.

A porch is attached to a house only if the building is located on a site with a slope. And here entrance doors and the windows are often framed by awnings.

The ivy climbing along the canopy brings special luxury to the design of an English-style house. It is customary to plant next to an English residential building small gardens and design picturesque flower beds.

Layout inside the house

The main living area of ​​the first floor is represented by a spacious living room, which, as a rule, is combined with a dining room, corridor areas and a hall. The guest room must be made light, since there are many window openings in the room. Another room on the first level is a study.

The second floor is considered the sleeping area. There are three bedrooms in total, one of which has a bathroom and wardrobe.

Interior composition of the house

The main conditions for creating internal English interior for a private home are comfort and coziness. The living room is arranged in such a way that it is comfortable for all guests and household members to be here.

Natural wood is chosen as finishing materials typical for working in the English style. Floor surfaces covered with a noble parquet covering.

The chosen direction is characterized by large spacious areas for the living room, however, with the help design techniques and in small rooms It is possible to create a project that is distinguished by its effectiveness and style.

A mandatory element of interior decoration, characteristic of the English style, is a fireplace. It acts as the center of the entire interior composition in the guest area.

You can cover the fireplace various materials in the form of marble, wood or lime panels. On the shelf above the fireplace it is customary to display clocks, bronze sculptures, flowerpots with flowers and snuff boxes with cigarette cases.

English stylistic direction Perfect for decorating a private country residence.

Photos of English style houses