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» Home business: growing and selling violets. Making money at home by growing violets Is it possible to get rich from violets?

Home business: growing and selling violets. Making money at home by growing violets Is it possible to get rich from violets?

For such a business, you will need a separate room or basement - that’s where you will start growing flowers. On initial stage you can get by with the area of ​​free window sills. Uzambara violets do not require special care; they are extremely unpretentious. The main and only thing required condition- water three times a week.


Of course, you shouldn’t immediately rush to grow flowers in the hope that they will bring you millions. Are there many flower growers in your city? You can go to flower shops and find out by chance how many violets they sell per month. It is sometimes difficult to sell more than fifteen flowers in a month. It is easy to calculate that the revenue will be only a couple of thousand per month, because you will sell them for two hundred rubles.

Even in a big city it will be difficult to make a profit, because the most profitable places there have long been occupied. But you shouldn’t get upset ahead of time - you can make money on violets, many have proven this from their own experience. You only need to purchase once, and then grow flowers yourself. But the main rule is impressive volumes and an abundance of sales channels. Without this make out flower business a successful business will not work out.


Flower growers make the soil for growing Uzambara violets themselves. For it, buy a bag of soil, a glass of washed sand, a glass of sphagnum moss, a glass of polystyrene foam. You will also need a spoon charcoal, dolomite flour.

For planting, take plastic pots. Do not compact the soil too much - it should absorb moisture well. It is better to choose Gerbasmin from fertilizers. But remember about fungal diseases of violets. Water the flowers with a foundation solution twice a month.

Plant the “baby” cuttings when they reach a height of five centimeters. Pull out the cutting directly with the ground, separate the “babies”.


It is advisable to take cuttings from breeders. Let's calculate expenses and profits. The first batch will cost you about two hundred dollars. Lamps for light can be taken second-hand, and shelving is easy to make from boards yourself. The seedlings will bloom after a month and a half. The plucked leaves bloom after four to five months, giving you three to six “babies.” With directed light, violets will bloom earlier. On the eve of the holidays you can sell very a large number of violets Example: you sell a flower for five dollars. On the eve of March 8, you manage to sell up to a thousand pieces. As you can see, the profit will be quite noticeable.

Sales locations

You can sell violets online. To do this, it is better to create your own website. You can try selling plants in flower shops. Or you can open a small store in the city. By the way, you can open a sales point on the market. And someone sells violets from the highway - and the profit is very good.

And if things go well, you can start growing other flowers. After all, buyers are attracted by a large assortment. Sell ​​plants in beautiful pots - this will also increase demand. Don’t be upset if things don’t work out right away - study the market and people’s psychology. then you will be able to earn money house plant good money!

Breeding Uzambara violets (Saintpaulias) is not only beautiful, but also great idea For home business. This type plants have long been of great interest to gardeners.

If you go to a flower shop, you will notice that the price of flowering potted plants is quite high, in addition, most of them are stuffed with various chemicals, as a result, after flowering the plant simply dies.

Therefore, Uzambara violet is one of the few plants that does not require much trouble.

Let's look at all the advantages of this unpretentious indoor plant:

1. Beautiful flowers, characterized by a variety of shapes and shades. The size of the flowers varies from 8 to 10 cm.
2. Bouquet flowering – perfect solution for a gift.
3. They bloom for a month or throughout the year, depending on the variety.
4. They bloom at any time of the year.
5. Quite unpretentious in care.
6. Speed ​​and ease of propagation (6 months from cutting to flower).
7. Often acts as a collector's item.
8. Varieties are constantly updated.

Thus, violet is ideal for business.

You can see all the variety of varieties in special catalogs of breeders and collectors. There you can order the first batch for breeding or find a private collector in your city.

The cost of purchasing the first batch will be about $200 at the rate of $1.5 per piece. You can use used lamps, and make shelves from scrap materials.

The process of breeding Uzambara violets:

1. Transplant the babies into larger pots.

2. Tear off the petals from them within 2 months (violet propagates by cuttings) and plant them in a new place.
The seedlings you purchased will flower in about 1.5-2 months and can be sold, and with the proceeds you can purchase pots, soil and moss, the cost of which will be less than $1.

The torn leaves will bloom in 4-5 months and produce 3-6 babies each. Young plants can be made to bloom faster if they are exposed to light (1-2 months). By March 8, it is quite possible to grow and sell more than 1000 pieces, the cost of each plant is $5. Total: profit from the sale is $5,000 and this is only during the holidays.

It is best to organize sales of goods to flower shops in your city; they are happy to buy plants, especially on the eve of the holidays. Usambara violets bloom much longer than Dutch violets. Therefore, there should be no problems with implementation.

At first, farming can be done at home, having allocated a separate room for growing violets; later, you can rent a small basement room.

As already mentioned, violets do not require labor-intensive care (planting - 1 day a month, watering - 3 hours a week), moreover, the energy and time expended are more than compensated by contemplating the fruits of your labor.

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Firstly, it’s worth thinking about – who actually needs these violets, given the huge number of different exotic flowers? Just go shopping and, introducing yourself, for example, as a journalist, ask around how many they sell per month.

Usually, from one small store, it is rarely possible to sell 10-15 flowers per month. Considering that they rent them there for about 100-120 rubles, it’s not that much money to spend several months suffering over it, burning electricity, watering, replanting and fertilizing the flowers.

Secondly, find even in major cities points of implementation, oh how difficult it is, because large breeders, who have been doing this for a long time and professionally, have long taken all the profitable places.

However, a violet business can be successful. This is proven by the experience of many people. Cost of one flower if you use energy-saving lamps daylight, soil from the nearest forest and plastic pots, the price of which when purchased in bulk is 7-10 rubles, is very small.

A violet cutting costs 30-100 rubles, and the purchase of cuttings is a one-time purchase; then you can pinch them off yourself. Since the soil from the forest has different acidity, you will need fertilizers, which are also relatively cheap, or you can even use natural ingredients.

In general, the margin turns out to be quite solid, and with a developed sales network, as well as good breeding volumes, you can even feed yourself well on such earnings. You can also again collect a collection of varieties and sell the same cuttings.

The most popular ones are a simple inability to sell. You need to think about the method of selling in advance, and it is better to make some acquaintances from this business. Many people sell violets on their own, for example, together with seedlings, standing somewhere on the main dacha route.

The money is quite good. Presentation also plays a huge role. Most violets are sold in unattractive brown plastic pots, the look of which is already boring and all the beauty of this delicate flower.

If you use a more elegant plastic dishes, which can be borrowed, for example, from the food sector, and even decorated with gold and other beauties, the violet can be sold at a higher price and make it a more liquid product.

Also, in addition to violets, it is worth trying to plant a few more flowers, because a good assortment has a better chance of finding a seller.

Well, as a last resort, if you can’t sell the flowers, you can decorate your house with them, give them to friends and just enjoy growing, which is a very interesting and exciting activity...

The first condition for those who really want to get rich is to engage in real business. One of them is such a business as growing violets at home. First you need to figure out who might need them when there is such a variety on the market exotic plants. The business idea of ​​growing violets at home is ideal for those who want to work for themselves, but do not forget that now the market is bursting at the seams with an abundance of goods. To investigate the situation, you can, for example, go through all the cities and, posing as a correspondent, find out how big the demand for violets is.

An average store can sell no more than 15 flowerpots of violets in a month. Considering that the store buys these for about 120 rubles per piece, the money is not very big. Despite the fact that the flower grows for about 2-3 months and requires serious care. Even if you manage to grow a flower, it will be difficult to find a store where you can sell it, because... almost everyone has their own large wholesale supplier.

But, even taking into account all the difficulties, many people have learned from experience that growing violets can bring money. If violets are grown on forest soil and there are economical light bulbs in the house, then the cost of one flower can be increased to 7-10 rubles when the violet stalk itself is already standing 30-100 rubles. Further cultivation violets occur with the help of living flower leaves. The fertilizers needed for them don't cost much.

The difference between the cost price and the cost of a flower on the market, when growing violets at home, can reach up to 1000%, so with a good network of buyers and large volumes of cultivation business on violets will bring you decent money. You can collect a collection of species of this plant and sell them as cuttings.

The most the hard part- sale. First of all, you need to learn how to sell a product, and think through exactly how this will be done from the very beginning. For many of those who grow violets as their main source of income, their favorite place to sell is the road leading to their dacha.

One of the decisive factors in on violets- her external condition. Instead of an eternal and dull gray pot, you can sell violets in bright flowerpots decorated, for example, with shiny paper. And if you use your imagination and make an unusual flowerpot with a special design, such violets can be sold much more expensive and faster.

Business on violets It will be more profitable if you purchase flowerpots and decorations for them from folk craftsmen in villages, villages, giving your flowers uniqueness and exclusivity, because folk crafts are now very popular.

By expanding your business you can plant a lot different types flowers, increasing your assortment. Growing violets at home- is not an expensive business at all, and even if some of your products are not sold, you can always decorate your home with them, or give them as a gift to family, relatives, friends and colleagues who will be very grateful to you for your attention. growing violets at home

It is difficult to imagine any apartment without at least one plant. Of course, not every housewife will make mini gardens with her own hands, but everyone wants to admire the lush blooming of indoor flowers.

This leads us to the possibility of making money by selling Saintpaulias (Usambara violets), because it is impossible to imagine a more rewarding flower for cultivation.

The fact is that Saintpaulia can be propagated by a leaf cutting, a part of it, a stepson, or even a peduncle ( this method used for breeding real rarities - chimeras)!

It should also be noted that any person will find something of their own among the lovely violets: someone likes lush flowering and huge petals of standard varieties selected by Korshunova and Repkina, while others admire the modest beauty of mini violets.

And what colors are there in the range of colors: white, pink, purple, and blue. There are even yellow-flowered varieties (Warm Sunshine, Moon Gold) and green-flowered varieties (Emerald Love, Green Gragon)!

In addition, you can see that with proper care, Saintpaulia can be classified as unpretentious plants.

And to grow children and adult Saintpaulias, you don’t need very much: you just need to purchase a peat substrate, some kind of baking powder (you can use vermiculite, or you can use perlite), disposable plastic cups and pots (for growing miniature Saintpaulias, their diameter should be 5- 6 cm, for growing standards 9-10 cm).

By the way, not only adults can be sold flowering plants, starters are suitable for sale - almost adult rosettes that are preparing for their first flowering, as well as leaf cuttings.

For each variety of green material, it is necessary to master the intricacies of pre-sale packaging.

For example, you need to take a cutting cut at an oblique angle with a fairly long length stalk, wrap it in moistened cotton wool, wrap the cotton wool in a layer of foil on top, and pack the stalk itself in a plastic bag with a snap.

Now all that remains is to put the cuttings packaged in this way in a box and you can even send them by mail, even in a few days nothing will happen to them.

And finally a few useful tips that will allow you to establish sales:

1. Blooming Uzambara violets can be sold to flower shops and stalls, but it is still better to focus on sales via the Internet. Place sales announcements on social networks and on thematic forums.

2. Be sure to create a colorful catalog that will contain photographs of your plants, as well as all the information on caring for violets. You can create your own blog, or you can try your hand at being the founder of a group in some social network.

3. Be willing to answer all questions potential buyers When selling, don’t forget to give nice gifts in the form of bonus cuttings and babies - by doing this you will help create a large audience of regular customers.

The Money for Lady website wishes you the pleasure of earning money from your favorite hobby!